85-1467 WHITE - C�TV CLERK P,aK �1FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council q��.� /,/��r CANARV - DEPARTMENT a �r BLUE =MAVOR Flle NO. � `. ♦ � 4 Co nc 'l Resolution � Presented By . Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date BE TT RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby certifies and approves the ac-tion of the City of Saint Paul Board of Appeals and Review pertaining to the following listed property and as shown by the Excerpted Minutes of said Board of Appeals and Revieur, aated October 8, 1985 and marked EXFiIBIT A, and G�-cached 'nere�o and made a part hereof by reference: DATE OF BOARD MINUTES CASE NO. PROPERTY APPELLANT 10-8-85 52-85-H 797 E. Rose Ave. Kei�h Allen Stevenson i BOARD ACTION: Tally i.he registration fee and waive the penalty on condition the fee be paid at such time that the insurance company pays, and the appellant comes in to get a building permit. Property Description: Oak Ville Park Lot 14 Blk 13 -------------------- 10-8-85 55-85-H 1817 Ashland Ave. Josie Riley BOARD ACTION: Grant a variance if the door measures 1 5/8" thicic all over, edges and center; if noi., the appellant will have to cover the door to comply with the Fire Code. Property D2scription: Egbert G. I3andy' s Addition to the City of St. Paul Ex E 6 F't the S 104 F�t of Lot 15 Blk 3 -------------------- COUNCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Drew �nasanz In Favor Nicosia Scheibel Sonnen __ Ag8lnst BY Tedesco W i Ison Adopted by Council: Date Form Appr ved by City Attorn� Certified Yassed by Council Secretary By � �° 2� (� By A►pproved by Mavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By WHITE - CITV CLERK V'�TF1K ' = FINANCE (jITy OF SAINT PAUL Council CANARV - OEPARTMENT �"/j BLUE �MAVOR Flle NO. �-/ • � � � Council Resolution Presented By Referced To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date 10-8-85 56-85-H 468 Beaumont Ave. Ed F. Wi�ttenberg BOARD ACTION:Grant a variance on the passage wqy and that there be no lock put on the door. (Sleeping Room) Property Description: Irvines Addition of Out Lots to the Town of St. Paul Beg 65 Ft E of NW Cor of Lot 11 Th S 58 Ft Th W 3 Ft Th S 44 Ft Th E 43 Ft Th N 102 Ft Th W 40 Ft to Beg Being Part of Lot 11 --------------------------------- and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that upon passage of this resolution, the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to transmit a copy of this resolu�ion for recording to the Ramsey County Office of the Register of Deeds. 2 . COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Drew � Masanz in Favor Nicosia Scheibel Sonnen � _ Against BY Tedesco W i Ison Adopted by Council: Date NOV - 5 1g85 Form Approved by City Attorney Certified Pas e b uncil Sec ary By ��C � l�/�� By A►pprov y lVlavor: Date N V - � 1985 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY pUgtISHED �ov 16 �9a5 - , � C��� -i�� 7 SAINT PAUL BOARD OF APPEALS AND REVIEW 705 A City Hall St. Paul , Minnesota 55102 Minutes. Meeting of October S, 1985 MEMBERS PRESENT: Ron Giassman, Chairman Wiltiam Hite Glen Gausman William Tilton Rudolph Sawyer ABSENT WERE: Rosann Bostrom Harold Knutson OTHERS PRESENT: Molly 0'Rourke, Aide to Kiki Sonnen Pat Fish, St. Paul Fire Dept. Charles Votel , St. Paul Housing Code John Betz, St. Paul Housing Code Steve Zaccard, St. Paul Fire Dept. Eiteen Weida Kevin Johnson Eliz. �eaKyne Linda Jean E. F. Wittenberg John Loban Josie Riley Kenneth Rosie Judy Peterson Sharyn Sunde STAFF: Josephine Palermo, Secretary Chairman Glassman called the meeting to order at 1 :35 p.m. on October S, 1985. The minutes of the August 13, 1985 meeting were approved as submitted in writing. Chairman Glassman welcomed the appellants and explained the procedures and goals of the board. The Chairman then proceeded with the agenda as follows: CASE NO. PROPERTY APPEALED APPELLANT •52�85,H 79i E Roge Ave. Keith Allen Stev'enso� SUBJECT Request a variance from requirement for registration fee for vacant building because of financial hardship. APPEARANCE Keith Alien Stevenson PROCEEDINGS Fire in building Aprii 14, 1985. Shortly thereafter the appellant received a notice from Housing and Building Code regarding vacant building registration fees. Appellants are waiting for insurance company to pay off before they will be able to fix up the house. House payments continue and no rent is coming in so they have a financial hardship. i � , � �- ��-��� 7 BOARD ACTION Bill Hite made a motion to tally the registration fee and waive the penalty on condition the fee be paid at such time that the insurance company pays, aiso they must come in to get a building permit then pay up the registration fee. Glenn Gausmann seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ------------------------------------- 53-85-H 1764 Marshall Ave. Elizabeth R. DeaKyne SUBJECT Request extensio� of time, because of financial hardship to repair eaves, soffit, wood trim and siding of house and painting. Repair roofing on house and garage, also replace garage door. APPEARANCE Elizabeth R. Deakyne and Linda Jean Ramsey County Human Services Dept. PROCEEDINGS Appellant is presently unemployed and is on General Assistance. Arrangements have been made prior to getting this letter with a carpenter who would be doing some of the work that is needed to be done on a part-time basis. Son in Indiana is paying for the repairs. The garage roof has been repaired and it has a coat of primer paint on it, the garage doors are ready to be installed. Time is needed to finish depending on the weather and the carpenter. Most supplies have been bought and paid for. John Betz, Housing Code Dept. the reason for the letter is complaints from the neighbors. He says its ok to give her an extension of time as the work is being completed. BOARD ACTION Rudolph Sawyer moved to grant an extension of time till May 1 , 1986. Glenn Gausman seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ----------------------------------- 51-85-H 838 Laurel Ave. Sharyn Sunda SUBJECT Request an extension of time to do the necessary repairs because of financial hardship. - APPEARANCE Sharyn Sunda PROCEEDINGS Owes Federal taxes therefore is unable to get a home loan to finish this work. Charles Votel , of Housing Code office is concerned about her renting the property again, she presently lives alone. He wants the board to make sure the property is not to be occupied by anyone except Miss Sunda. 2 � � (�J--- �'.�=i y� � BOARD ACTION Motion by Tilton to repair third floor, secure windows so as not to allow birds to enter. Repair chimney, needs tuckpointing. In addition to Bill Tiltons motion Rudolph Sawyer amends the motion to include, appeilant fix the items mentioned and then return to the board in two months with a definite plan as to time needed to fix and also have a plan for financing these repairs to bring the house up to code. Glenn Gausmann seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ------------------------------------------------- 46-85-H 8l9 Portland Ave. John M. Loban SUBJECT Appealing the section of the fire code requiring manual pulls by each exit; smoke detectors in each hallway; heat detectors in furnace, laundry, and storage areas; audible alarms on each floor. APPEARANCE John M. Loban PROCEEDINGS Appetlant bought this rooming house three years ago. It had 25 or more violations, he had the place inspected and got a license for the place. 1983 the house was rewired, asked the electrician about wiring for fire alarms, he checked with the city and at that time Jan, 1984, all things seemed to be in good shape. After several i�spections, April , 1985 fire dept. came out and requested several things, fire extinguishers, put in door enclosures. Rooming house with no kitchens in the apartments. BOARD ACTION Pat Fish says it is a Fire Safety Code adopted in April of 1983. Bill Hite made a motion to deny that section of the fire code requiring manual pulls, but give an extension of time (90 days) to install Manual pulls to comply with Fire Code if it stays as a rooming house. Bili Tilton seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. -------------------------------------------- 54-85-H 723 Edmund Ave. Cora Cotton This case was withdrawn. Court case pending. -------------------------------------------- : , 55-85-H 1817 Ash 1 and Avrt Ji��f�� �F�"��� Georg i iin� `1�IaCey SUBJECT Request a variance of St. Paul Legislative Code pertaining to putting a metal fire panel on the inside of the door, because it would destroy some aesthetic value. APPEARANCE Josie Riley 3 � � - .C�,,,��.s=1�� 7 PROCEEDINGS Door is solid core doors, very ornate, doors must be 1 5/8 thick. Too beautiful to cover. BOARD ACTION Bill Tilton moved to grant a variance if it measures 1 5/8 " thick all over, edges and center. If not they will have to be covered to comply with Fire Code Laws, they will be allowed a month to have this checked out. Rudolph Sawyer seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. --------------------------------------------- 56-85-H 466 Beaumont Ave. ' Ed. F. Wittenberg SUBJECT Request an extension of time to make the necessary repairs to bring the building up to Housing and Building Code Requirements. APPEARNACE Ed F. Wittenberg PROCEEDINGS Stated he wouid like to make an appeal on sleeping room No.2 this serves as an access to another sleeping room. BOARD ACTIONS Rudolph Sawyer made a motion to grant a variance on the passage way and never be a lock put on the door and give appellant an extension of 60 days to complete the remaining work. ------------------------------------------------------ 58-85-H 602-604 Mendota St. Ed. F. Wittenberg SUBJECT Request an extension of time to make the necessary repairs to bring the building up to Housing 8� Building Code requirements. APPEARANCE Ed. F. Wittenberg PROCEEDINGS Central bedroom has no escape window. There is no ventilation or natural lighting in this room. BOARD ACTION Bill Tilton moved to deny the variance pertaining to the center sleeping, this cannot be a sleeping room and grant an extension of 60 days to complete the remaining work to bring it up to Housing and Building Code. Rudolph Sawyer seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ----------------------------------------------- 57-85-H 846 Lincoln Ave. Deryl Case or Marianne Case SUBJECTRequest an extension of time to make the necessary repairs to avoid a financial hardship. d . . � ��_/��� BOARD ACTION Bill Tilton rnoved to deny the variance for an extension of time and the appellant did not show. Rudolph Sawyer seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ---------------------------------------------------- 59-85-H 2400 Myrtle Ave. Claire Associates Robert Rowe SUBJECTRequest a variance in the requirement for a Certificate of Occupancy pertaining to approved fire alarm systems, because the building is a concrete structure. All units are or soon will be equipped with smoke detectors and fire extinquishers. PROCEEDINGS Some of the items are finished, except for a few, these are the ones that Appeliant needs an extension of time for. He is appealing the fire alarm system. BOARD ACTION Bill Tilton moved to grant an extension of time 60 days to complete all items except #2. Rudolph Sawyer seconded this motion. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Item #2 Fire Alarm Systems - Pat Fish says Uniform Fire Code requires Fire Alarm Systems in a building with three or more floors above ground. Bitl Tilton moved to deny the varia�ce on #2 be denied. Rudolph Sawyer seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. There being no further business the Chairman adjourned the meeting at 3:05 p.m. • . 5 _. , • . � ����- /�t�� � ;� �� � Ga �: �� STATE OF MINNESOTA ) County of Ramsey ) ss. CZTY OF S?,I�IT PAUL ) Albert B. Olson I. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .City Clerk of the Cit� of Saint Paul, Minnesota, do hereby certify that I have 85-1467 conipared the a*tached copy of �ouncil Fi1e No. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . as a{]opted by t:he City Council. . , . ,November.5: . . _ . _ . . . , . .ig.85 . . . and a.pproved by the Mayor. . . . . . . . , ,November,6� . . . . . . . . . . . �9 85 � . . . ao � � with the vriginal thereof on file in my off�ce. c�. t�y � � T furtner certify that said copy is a true and correct co�y N � oE sa�� original and the whole thereof. W Q WITNESS my hand and the seal of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota this . , , , ,?5th. . . _ , day of , , , ,November. . . _ . .�,D. 1,� 85 . r 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .�G�a���:'y.��.�.`:�. . . . . City C.lerk. .�;° M ;!, 4.1et p , ��' . 4 _ .."�,:`s¢' �.� `r ' j.:'� y b���"` .;'13dY �. C�'� .... �_i ..� � � tj :r�, � i.? y' �-.:. �'� } f �.`31uP s,�d,t�` rr�� �� �� . _. C. ._ ��, 7 � � ! $ l Q.OG -- =� ._�.�� ,..}� ; , +�H17E �- CITV CIERK � �. �K �FINANCE GITX O� SAINT �ALTL Council ��._1���r CaNARY - UEVARTMENT B�:JE. -MAVOR . Flte �O. 1 ` � 4 Co nc 'l Resolution � Presented By ...�-c.�-s��� Referred To Committee: Date , Out of Committee By - ---- - -- ----- Date BE IT RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby � certifies and approves the ac-tion of the City of Saint Paul Baard of � Appeals and Review pertaining to the following listed property and c� as shown by the Excerpted Minutes of said Board of Appeals and Review, � aated October 8, 1985 and marked EXHIBIT A, and G�-cached hereto and � made a part hereof by reference: � � DATE OF BOARD MINUTES CASE NO. PROPERTY AFgELLANT 10-8-85 52-85-H 797 E. Rose Ave. Kei�h Allen Stevenson BOARD ACTION: Tally i.he registration fee and waive the penalty on � condi�tion the fee be paid at such tine that the insurance company pays, and the appellant comes in �o get a building �ermit. Property Description: Oak Ville Park Lot 14 Blk l3 10-3-85 55-85-H 1817 Ashland Ave. Josie �iley BOARD ACTION: Grant a variance if the door measures 1 5/8°' �chic;c all over, edges and center; if not, the ap�ellant will have to cover the door to co�nply with the Fire Code. Property D2scription: Egbert G. ;3andy' s Addition to the Ci�y of St. Paul Ex E 6 Ft the S 104 F-� of Lot 15 Blk 3 COUNCILMEN 1'eas p�� Nays Requested by Department of: Masanz I[1 Favor Nicosia Scheibet Sannan A gainst BY reaes�o 1Nilson Form Appr ved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date �..-^-X C:.•riified Aassed by Council Secretary BY � , �° /`� t� , B;� Approved by Mavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Cauecil By' BY � wH17E — C�7V CLERK � P:NK �� FIMAN.CE GIT�' � O�. SA�INT PAITL ��} :AfaARY �-,!�EPARTMENT COUIICII �'^ BL'JE'+'— MAVOR � � Fll@ NO. �`� '��� - � Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date 10-8-85 56-85-H 468 Beaumont Ave. - Ed F. Wittenberg � BOARD ACTIONcGrant a variance on 'the passage wa,y and that there be � no lock put on the door. (Sleeping Room) � Property Description: Irvines Addition of Out Lots � �� � to the Town of St. Paul C� Beg 65 F� E of NW Cor of Lot 11 Th S 58 Ft Th W 3 Ft Th S 44 Ft Th E 43 Ft Th N 102 Ft Th W 40 Ft to Beg Being Part of Lot 11 and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that upon passage of this resolution, the City Clerk. is hereby authorized and directed to transmit a copy of this resolution for recording to the Ramsey County Office of the Register of Deeds. � -� 2. COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Drew Nays Masanz � Nicosia [n Favor Scheibel sonner, d Against B5+ Todesco Wiison Rdopted by Council• Date Np�' � � ���5 Form Approved by City Attorney • -`\���c� ����-�� Certified Pas•e b uncil Sec ary By �y� , ,approv y Mavor• Date . ��v �' E �g$5 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Councit . sy By pUB�IS��4 �`�OV 161985 �.� , W 7. � Ad � -1 • Q , _�. � - � „ � ,� a�,� � �'L� r' � „ - . •» � u's � � .= � \ � y _` � �" y o a -. � . � -, u, � c r.: c� :n 3 ;� » �, � �v� C� � 1i� �o � ,� r;� � -. c� e � c� C � o � ^) � � � -� � � �'O j � •" � �'c� c � � =j7' N '; iT! a9 \ � � � Q C O�j :1 � a' +N i,: � �v t� � 'P'�-. � A " � 7 � `� � � � p � ��' � � �! � a � 1� � A� C � d � ? � � ra � � � � � �m �• � �� � � �, . � � � � � * � � � � � � �(� Q- �Q �_ � � � � o . � ~ I � � � � � � (jic ��`-/��� STAT�MENT Or CHARGES November 26� 19 85 -- Please record the following document and send statement to: CITY CLEEtK � CITY OF SAINT PAUL � 386 CITY HALL Contact Person Trudy Phone: 4231 Number Instrument Description Fees ?' L� � �"'� 2 Resolution M.�l�.��.�,� r %��-��-i�ti� C.F. 85-1471 - Resolution correcting l�nd description for the �� i vacation of Walriu� Stree�, etc. � � l� C.F. 85-1467''- Board of Appeals and Review resolution. . ( •�� � � � � � � � E _ _ _. �.. _ _ _ _ .___� _ _ _ __ I �d ' 1 RAMSEY COUNTY REODRDER By