85-1450 �WHITE - UTV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAITL Council 6�/ � � CANARV - DEPARTMENT�� Flle NO. "� — /��� BLUE -MAVOR • Or in�cnce Ordinance N�. /� ��_ Presented By n .-- Referred To C- IZ`� 17�EL� 0'1'1�� ( Committee: Date ��' 3/�-� Out of Committee By Date Rn Ordinance amending Chapter 326 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to the licensing of Building Contractors. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1 . That section 326.02(1 ) of the Saint Paul Legislative Code be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows : (1 ) "Building contracting business" means the construction, including excavation, of a new home, building or work done by a building contractor in compliance with a guarantee or completion of a new building project, or the repair, replacement, remodeling, painting or re- decorating, alteration, conversion, modernization, improvement or addition to any land or building, including excavation, or that portion thereof which is used or designed to be used as a residence building containing not more than four dwelling units and shall include but not be limited to the installation, con- struction, replacement or improvement of driveways (concrete or blacktop) , swimming pools , porches , garages, fallout shelters , central heating or air conditioning systems, central vacuum cleaning systems , storm windows , awnings or fire or burglar alarms and other improvements to structures or upon land which is adjacent to a dwelling house. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days from and after its passage, approval and publication. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � 'Flsle Drew [n Favor Masanz Schebel —�-- Against BY T�s4o W Ilson DEC 2 � 1985 Form Approv d Cit ttorn Adopted by Council: Date Certified Pa s ou cil re BY By Appr by Mayor: Dat E� 2 �l 19�5 Appro d Mayor for S ission to Council By By P�iJ�l�fl�iJ �:;�i� � I.7 V V_ - _ � . � . , . � ��= i�s� �/�` �. � i73i7 ,.. � GITY OF' S3I�'T P3.�L = o�zc� o� z� crrs- cotr�vczz. .......::::::.. ��....�.., •;.o.- ' O a�� : December 2, 1985 . C4MM (TTEE RE PORT TO = Saint Pau 1 City ; Councii � F� Q M : C o m m i��e� a n C i ty Deve 1 opment and Transportat i on C��t I R Act i ng Cha i r, Counc i 1 man John Orew 1 . Letter of the County Attorney s office requesting that the City quitclaim to Ramsey County any interest it may have , � in the Ramsey County Nursing Home Residence and requesting that the matter be referred to appropriate Councii Committee for study and recommendation. This item is no longer rele- vant and is to be removed from the Committee Referrat list . 2. Resolution approving amendments as to committee mandates for the Smatl Business Subcommittee. ' The provisions of this resolutfon were in effect until June l , 1985, - to be removed from Committee Referral list ' 3. ;f3��k�►ar�� �ft^�g` �hapt�r 326 of the St. ` R�� 7�:l.�gis`1�t3v�e . . , CcxiQ. .-�a�"`��a f t�` � �o t#�e 1 i cen�i ng of - bu fi l'd i ng con�rae�ors. tC.c�t`#ttee=���t�at� �ova t ) ' 4. Ordinance amertding Chapter 160 of the LegisTative Code entitled "Parking Meter Zones" pertaining to haurs of parking � meter enforcement. (Committee recommends approval ) To be � scheduted on Cauncil agenda December 12. 5. Interim ordinance restricting certain forms of remodeling and development along Summit Avenue pending completion of studies of possible amenciments to the City's Comprehensive Plan and zoning � regutations adopted pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Section 462.355 Subd. 4. Committee recommends approval with the following amendments: . At the e�d of Section 4 "unless the site plan application was received prior to the effective date of this ordinance" shouid be added. In Sections 3, 4, and 5., "not to exceed 150 days" should be amended to "not to exceed 120 days". 6. Ordinance amending Section 409.06 Subd. 5 of the Legislative Code pertaining to intoxicating liquor and �outside areas of • service. (Committee recommends approval ) ��`I'I' SEVEN'I'K FLOOR SAIIVT PAUL,bi1NNE5QTs�SSIQ2