85-1443 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL F E NO. ��7 7� FINAL ORDER 1 ' � � By File No. s3 — �. �. �3 Voting In the Matter of ��;�� ��tr�ti�, �tat1=� tOi asiYt�� i !�!!t�? Ward !�� �DCt (aoi sll ietiieatal � tbas�to) er�r�ez ,a�ei�sen stmt Z ' �s#�a t1M �rt�rs�tiowa t6�rwitl� �t i�st lonrtit Str�t awd isst tfltL ftrt�t b�r tb� �sprts�as ot lLmtie� aud i�w�ie �e*rlo�sat; said s�qws7 �sd�stri� bri�d�e to �t te �lia�t+on t��et�s ��tillias a� t� �sse sih ot �adcson �tr�et o� �s �� �p tarti� str�et�r au� t� .esc •ide of .iacieton �trsst. � � x � � � ��� =, .�� ,� f '� ��� �a `?+: under Preliminary Order approved �� , � The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve- ment and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. COUNCIL PERSON Adopted by the Council: Date a CT ? 9 19A5 Yeas � Nays � Certified P ed b Council Sec eta �eYeiD�l � In Favor y _�� � Against YiliM Mayor •ico.s. �CT � � ���5 Pl��������D �:a��,� �> i985 . • � /�f� `L,�,� ,x �`* o ���'� �+ �� CITY OF SAINT P�.UL �.A� i� �'�� - ��� OI�`FICIC OF Z'FIP: CITY COIINCIL ���, _ •:3: N L\6tBeYY t•� i!�11BN6Y�B "� � ''��' �.$�- fi''� Dote ; October 16, 1985 -,� f{ ;;;,- ,�. , COMMITT � E RE PORT � TO = Sa�nt Pau I City Councii FROM � Committee oh PUBLIC WORKS CHAIR , CHRIS NICOSIA (� The Public Works Committee at its meeting of October 16, 1985 took the following action: Hearin4 Date 1 . 10/22/85 FINAL ORDER: Construction and/or installation of bus shelters with advertisement, on the public rights-of-ways in St. Paul at certain locations. Site numbers 592, 593. 611 , 614, 615, 616 and 632 were deleted. Site numbers 571 , 591 , 612, 613, 631 , 653, 666A, 671 and 675 were approved. Sites 617 and 672 were referred to City Council without recommendation. 2. FINAL ORDER: ( laid over from Council 9/24/85) lnstallation of a bus shelter at East Seventh and Johnson Parkway (southwest corner) . Referred to City Council without recommendation. � �;��4�°���q���'�' s , Erect 9 ng, construct i ng, ope�at i ng and maintaining a Skyway Pedestrian Bridge (and all incidental work thereto) over Jackson Street between the intersections therewith of E.Fourth Street and E.Fifth Street by the Department of Planning 8 Economic Development; said pedestrian bridge to connect to Burlington Center Building on the east side of Jackson Street to the Jackson Ramp Parking Structure on the west side of Jackson Street. Recommended approval . , 4. 10/29/85 FINAL ORDER: Canstructing curb and gutter on the south side of Idaho Avenue from Duluth Avenue to Atlantic Street and the west side of Atlantic Street to approximately 135 feet south of Atlantic Street. Recomrnended approval . 5. 10/29/85 FINAL ORDER: Constructing a sanitary sewer in Winona Street E. from 100 feet east of Harvard Street to Woodbury Street and in Woodbury Street from Winona Street E. to Curtice Street E. Also sanitary sewer connections. Recommended approval by amending Final Order to read: Constructing a sanitary sewer in Woodbury Street from Winona Street to Curtice Street E. 6. RESOLUTION: requesting variance from MSA standards for construction of CRETIN AVENUE from Dayton Avenue to . lglehart Avenue. Recomnended approval . f� .. . . , . . ���. � . . . . ,.� .. . ... � . . . . ' ,.'�. . , . . . . . ' . . � / � � . .``ci T r,.�q��� . �-`',t.� °�a /� � , a � � ��-�1"��� �o � . ; � SAIM'f PAUL CITY COUNCIL � ������►���� � ���. � 3 �� mt tun ^ a �,r�� �� PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE . �� ie�� � PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT CONSTRUCTION City Council District # 2• District Planning Council # 17 � Fi 1 e No. $5—s.B. 4�3 To decide on whether to proceed with erecting, constructing, PURPOSE operating and maintaining a SKYWAY PEDESTRIAN BRIDGE (and all incidental work thereto) over Jackson Street between the AND intersections therewith of East Fourth Street and East Fifth Street by the Department of Planning and Economic Development; LOCATION said skyway pedestrian bridge to connect to Burlington Center Building on the east side of Jackson Street to the Jackson . Ramp Parking Structure on the west side of Jackson Street. HEARING Tuesday, October 29, 1985; at 10:00 A.M. City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall - Court House FINANCING If the Council approves this pro,ject, the estimated construction costs and financing for this project are as follows: INFORMATION TOTAL ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COSTS $300,000 ESTIMATED FZNANCING: Proposed Funding Sources: City's 50% share from 1986 annual bond sale $150,000 Private funds 150,000 TOTAL ESTIMATED FINANCING $300,000 NO ASSESSMENTS QUESTIONS , Construction: 292- 1577, ext. 352 Also, City staff will be available to answer any last minute questions on this project in Room 218 City Hall from 9:30 - 10:00 A.M. the same day as the hearing. MAP Notice sent: October 11, 1985 �;;,�;, �...�.: " �,,:• .w�...,.�. by the Va 1 uati on and " .o;;, 85 �s 85 �s ,ob �YINMC\'� � t �r�m Assessment Division, ,� .'..•� ° •�, �.........,.<. Dept. of Fi nance & ��� � ., ��.••�� '°"w°• �M„� � .�,�, .��.L ��.,,��+r`�- e.,. Management Servi ces "°"" """' Room 218 Court House se ,;,,, 7e .,�. ee St. Paul , MN 55102 `�"<��"' � . WM�,...,... �M�� � � farm Cr�I��. ,N• •�..ii1 Ilon�l Y�1�IC�� � <CSM P� H . r....�.r....�� � S7 B7 Finp�r�tl�Ja N W��•� �1��� W� I�O�r�11� � �4� `� � " M�1 YIO+r��l J�t�• L »> � n�l 110� 1 11iT� � �IM�� �10 � � ��i Iw� ���• . .ro�.., ` �e a p SkYWAY BRrpGa...«.. � ; • �. se SirE �.ocnTioN ' ...�.« . ar sw,.. ,�� i 0 . R ne� su�• � rwc� IMIM DqN�Mo . - �,�- y,.5-_��i�3 . , �►as�it�cs�� .a . .. , ;, � � � .. � ���i �r�.: �'� � `Cou�F�tle No.j,8�i331--�y C��,��T�cc�sia`.:.. r '.�n i�=-t Ifilt t�e Mat�er'o��ed�ct�n�, co�truet�n�', op�1'ati� snd . �_ . , • S�YR/AY PED�TFtSA.N HRIDGE-(and �1� al'W orlr�'-�to��nw��7'� � Jac�Qn�itnp�;�tv�►e�p,�;��terse�n$;t�e��t�o �st�,�,����C 1 F..ast-�iflh 5fi?e�Y4t4�'t�e•�ePart�e�t of� .�Deve�ment; �, said sk7�vaY l�ed�t�,an:t�rii�ge.to�onx►ect xo Burli�sgt�:�+a�tte�^Bailding bzt t1�e � east side, t Jac,k�,axt S �, to the Jacksbn Rat�R�'ar�Ci��$tn�ture on the w�t � side of J�1�on Stie�''m�oting`Ward 2. , , T�e;Caux�cil of�h�.G�ity fli S�int Paul ha��n8 re�v.ecbthe repart of tbe ffiayDr upon �,.�t�aYe �1�RV�e�nt, au�d havin�. cc��side�ed �said report, here�'►y. , rgsolV�s''... .r . ; ,- ; L 'f'bat�he said report and��be�e i��i6r�bYnpg�o�ed�rith no alter�8t�ives, ' ; and t t�g�tamste�l t, bereAf i�S�00�00Q.. by Private funds�Tb0.Q4� and�ty'�JO°��&arn:���'988 a�a�bond;�0A0. _ 2;;�'lsat a:pubiio,hesring�'�d on sstid��it�grov�nent on the da of � $5 at 10:Q0+o'c�ock;,.�.,:��ci1 G'hambe�s of tlre City and ' ourt House w � 't�r oi, t Paul. , 3. �'Isat.notice o# �� �,t1� ��nE be 8iven to the persons and in the manner pravided by'the C�►�rte,r,ststi»g t�e,time and place of hearing,the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. File Na 85-S.8.#�3 Adopted by the Couneil October 1,1985. Approved October 3, 1985. (October 12. 1985)