D002674C I T Y O F S A I N T P A U L O�'�ICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER BUDGET REVISION APProvetl Copiesto: '(� (L � - Cily Clsrk (Original) NO: V ( �O ��c l - Fna�e Dept's Accounting Oivision �'dt0: y-J� 5_ b� � - Police Dept, Accounting UnH ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Consistent with the authority granted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the CiTy CLarter and based on the request of the Chief of tLe St Paul Police Department to amend the 2007 budget of the General Fund (001), the Director of the Office of Financiai Services is authorized to amend said budget in t6e fol3owing manner: Ci1RRENT APPROVED AMENDED FROM: BUDGET CI�ANGES BUDGET 001 - General Fund 04107 - Fleet 0218 - Fees- Attorney 0220 - Fees- CollecHon 0260 - HR-PR-BA - Allocarion 0274- Self Propelled 0277- Other- Equipment 0279- Other- Repairs 0283- Other- Rental- Vehicle 0299 - Other Miscellaneous 0341 - Motor Fuel 0342 - Tires( Tubes 0349 - Other- Eqmt-Parts 0359 - Other-Spec-Materials 0821 - Cars & Motor Cycles TO: 001 - General Fund 04307 - Motor Fleet 0218 - Fees- Attorney 0220 - Fees- CoRection 0260 - HR-PR-BA - Allocation 0274- Self PropeRed 0277- Other- Equipment 0279- Other- Repairs 0283- Other- Rental- Vehicle 0299 - Other PVIiscellaneous 0341- Motor Fuel 03A4 - Parts of Vehicles 0349 - Other- Eqmt-Parts 0359 - Other-Speo-Materials 0821 - Cars & Motor C3�cles 1,500 500 63 570,000 1,200 62,000 17,000 15,606 773,500 270,000 70,000 1,200 524,241 (1,SOQ) (500) (63) (570,000) (1,200) (62,000) (17,000) (15,606) (773,500) (27�,000) (70,000) (1,200) (524,241) (2,306,810) CURRENT APPROVED AMENDED BUDGET CHANGE5 BUDGET 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,500 500 63 570,000 1,200 62,000 17,000 is,6o6 773,5�0 270,000 70,000 1,200 524,241 1,500 500 63 570,000 1,200 b2,000 17,000 15,606 773,500 270,000 70,000 1,200 524,241 � Q:\FiscaMO&CR�2007�Reorganization 2007 AO FLEET.xIs Page 1 � , 2,306,810 � Green Sheet Green Sheet ! Pp - Po]iceDeparhnent CoMaet Person & Phone: Chief John Harrington 266-5588 Must Be on Council Aaen '� Doc. Type: OTHER ADMINISTRATIVE OF E-DocumeM Required: N Document CoMact: Amy Brown Contact Phone: TMai # of Signature Pages �OD�-�7�f 2�.,��-0��� ! Green Sheet NO: 3042236 ■�► Assign Number For Routing Ord� Lxations for Signature) `� 0 � diceDepariment , PdiceDeoar�ent 1 olice Depxr�ent I Police Depzrlment I 2 �ity Attorney Citv Attorne5 I� 3 ancial Servicec D'aector, FSnancial Servid �1.5 � �ty Clerk City Clerk 5 i�olice Deparlment Police DeOartment Signatures on the attached adminisiretive order which will transfer budget money to the appropriate division and line items in the Saint Paul Police DepartmenYs 2007 General Fund Budget in associarion with the reorganization of the departrneut. ioanons: qpprove (A) or rt Plannirvg Cortxnission CIB Committee Civil Service Commission Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet 1. Has this person/firtn ever wo�ked under a contract for this department? Yes No 2. Has this persoNfirm ever besn a city employee? Yes No 3. Dces this personlfirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? Yes No F�cplain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet InRiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): To align ihe Police DepartmenYs 2007 General Fund Budget to reflect spending in associa[ion with the depar[ment reorganiza6on. Ativantages If Approved: � .� � The Police DepartmenPs 2007 General Fimd Budget (001) will correctly reflect the department's reorga�i� ����'� �� DisadvanWges if Approvetl: None. '���� �������� DisativaMages H Not Approved: The Saint Paul police DepartmenYs 2007 General Fund Budget (001) will not reflect the departmenPs spending due [o the departrnent reoiganization. Tra�sactio�_ � Funtling Source: Genef8l Fund (001) Financial Information: (Explain) Activity Number: RECEIVED AUG I 5 2007 CiTY ClERK Cost/Revenue Budgetetl: July 27, 2007 10:45 AM Page 1