D002660C I T Y O F S A I N T P A U L OFFICE OF THE MAYOR Approved Copies to: ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER: - City Clerk (Original) BUDGET REVISION - �inancial Services - Accounting - Requesting Dept. CiJRRENT BUDGET ADD4IlVISTRATIVE ORDER, Consistent with the authority granted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of the Director of the Office of Technology to amend the 2006 Budget of the General Fund, the Director of the Office of Rinancial Services is authorized to amend said budget as follows: AEPARTMENT & DIVISION: FUND , ACTIVITY AND OBJECT: Office of Technology Spending: Administrarion GL 001- 01001-0439 GL 001- 01001-0299 Fringe Benefits Other Misc Services 79,417 18,112 334,632 2,962 82,379 (2,962) 15,150 All other Activity Spending Financing: Admutistration GL 001- 01001-6999 GL 001- 01001-7499 Other Misc Revenue Intra Fund Transfer In 3d��� l3 No: DDD 2-(� l�/� Date: � � _p � APPROVED AMENDED CIIANGES BUDGET 334,632 432,161 0 432,161 0 36,000 36,000 (36,000) (1,546,392) 893,620 652,772 36,000 0 Citywide Information Services GL 001- 01115-4301 GL 001- 01115-7303 GL Qal- 01115-7305 Normal Activity Services Transfer from Intemal Service Tzansfer from Special Revenue 1,546,392 0 52,407 Technology Initiarives Recumng Cost GL 001- 01119-6999 GL 001- 01119-7499 0 893,620 705,179 Other Misc Revenue 0 I50,000 150,000 Infra Fund Transfer In 150,000 (I50,000) 0 1,784,799 0 1,784,799 � �R� ���/�7 — repa d by countant Date / �/Y�� � Requested by: epartment Director Date Approved by: Dir ctor of Financial Services �OD�l�l�0 � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � --�-._..._..__...-----.._... . TE —TechnologyandManagementSrn 04-MAY-07 Green Sheet NO: 3039413 Contad Person & Phone: Lori Lee 266-8822 39ust Se on Council Agen Doc.Type: BUDGETAMENDMENTADMI E-DOCUment Required: N Document ConWct: ConWct Phone: � Assign Number For Routing Order FoWi # of Signature Pages _(Clip All Locations for Signature) 0 echnolo and Mana ement S 1 inancial Services Financial Services 2 i Clerk CiN Clerk , v,c�wn rtequesiea: ! Approval of budget revision to kansfer 2006 General Fund budget authority within Office of Technology to cover 2006 yeaz end i variances. ; Recommendations: Approve (A} or R i ; Planning Commissio� � �� C!B Committee � Civil Service Commission 1. Has this person/firtn ever worketl under a contract for this department? Yes No 2. Has this persoNfirm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this personlfrm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet ?:�iYiating Problem, lssues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): ,CdvanWges If Approved: � Genetal Fund actidtties will be in accordance with the adtninishative level of control policy. i � , i i�isadvanWgeslfApproved: ;�one � � =. � �isadvanWges If Not Approved: _'vctivities will reflect a negaUve variance for the year ending 2006. . ; e l:l�l�! '�" � otai simouni or x �,� k �,�� x �� k � Transaction: Funding Source: F i nancial Information: (Explain) Activity Number: 01001, 01115, 01119 Cost/Revenue Budgeted: Y �` May 4, 200712:05 PM Page 1