D002623Retum Copy to: (jmb� Room 1000 CHA ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, C{TY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER rra: b v a(� �� Date: 1 a-- a-7 O CD The City of Saint Paul, Department of Public Works, is hereby authorized and directed to use the following property for sewer easement purposes: See Exhibit "A"; further The Deparhnent of Public Works is hereby authorized ingress and egress rights to the above mentioned proper[y for sewer maintenance purposes. This property, located on the Jimmy I,ee Recrea6on Center site and is cunently under the jurisdiction of the Department of Parks and Recreation and is needed for consh�uction and maintenance of said sewer. APPROVED AS TO FORM , JV !� ssistant City Attomey Date / �� - — pirector Department of Public Works ���? ���?� ��4f i f '`'"`r��irector Deparhnent of Parks and Recreation �`G�f Adminisirative Assistant to Mayor � � � o �s p ao 2-cr�a�� � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sfieet Green Sheet 6reen Sfieet � pyy - PubL'c works Contact Person & Phone: Jean Borgen 266-8866 Must Be on Council Acen Doc. Type: OTHER ADMINISTRATNE OF E-0ocument Required: N Doeument CoMaet Contad Phone: „-0E� I Green Sheet NO: 3035294 y Assign Number For Routing Order TMaI # of Signature Page�� (Clip NI Locations for SignaWre) 0 I 2 �arks and Recreadon I Bob Biersheid � 3 ' Atrorn Jnd Hanson 4 'nancial Servicev Matt Smith 5 omcil CONSENT AGENDA. Approve by Adwinistrative Order the acceptance of a sewer easement on the Jimmy Lee Rec Center site, authorized by CF 06-277. iaanons: t�pprove (n) Of n Planning Commission CIB Commitkee Civil Service Commission 1. Has tivs personlfirm ever worked under a contrad for this departrnent? Yas No 2. Has fhis person/firm ever been a ciry employee? Yes No 3. Does this person/firtn possess a skill not nortnally possessed by any current cily employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach W green sheet Initiating Prnblem, Isyues, OppoAunity (VNho, What, When, Where, Why): New building on site necessitated re-routiag sewer easement. Advantages H Approved: City has necessary access to maintain sewer line as authorized by resolution. „ � .. L � ���i� 1 ,�9@�P ��� .!� Disadvanfages IfApproved: Access to new sewer line not specifically authorized. Disadvantages If NM Approved: None foreseen. Transadion: Funding Source: CostlRevenue Budgeted: Aetivity Number: Financial Information: (Explain) e � 'r � n �.� � �•p i�fi.e t 4'�[�e�i..:....a•, ` n � � r �, ;; 1��, _,: � F�,-���tf :��, � � � : ;'� *" yl �t:.., �: �v, - HVSCSev�s�� a�.'�^��'`..^viP('� {,�S�aY Y December 12, 2006 9:30 AM Page 1 � ��,a� EXHIBIT "A" 1 of 2 Sewer Easement PROPOSED SEWER EASEMENT DESCRIPTION A 30.00 foot easement over, under r�nd across that part of Block 2, A. B. WILGUS ADD{T40N TO THE CITY OF ST. PAUL, according to the recorded plat thereof, Ramsey County, Minnesota, and the vacated alley in said Block 2 and that part of vacated Iglehart Avenue lying between �exington Parkway ond Oxford Street lying 15.00 feet on each side of a center(ine described as beginning at the intersection of the centerline of vacated lglehart Avenue and the west line of Oxford Street; thence South 89 degrees 49 minutes 35 seconds West, assumed bearing, along said centerli�e of vacated Iglehart Avenue, o distance of 294.17 feet; thence South 00 degrees 05 minutes 50 seconds West a distance of 253.66 feet to a line parallel with and distant 15.00 feet north of the north right of way line of Marshall Avenue; thence South 89 degrees 55 minutes 28 seconds West, along said parallel line, a distance of 233.41 feet to a line 15.00 feet east of a�d parallel with the east line of Lexington Porkway, thence North 00 degrees 05 minutes 42 seconds West, along said last described parallel line, a distance of 269.Q0 feet and said centerline there terminating. The sidelines of said easement are to be prolonged or shortened to terminate at said west line of Oxford Street. l] I LiVG..<. �.0 ry//lvlf�./Li//YJ VV/ ( }� LV/ � I i.vi (3 ". I i � 8I €i I i I I_ O x � ��a _ :.i c� 3 p v . ' i l a ( LL I � 1 i � '� 1 � I � I � � s 1 t I �� � �aaVrn 6 ra sw �ia tYXC1�m.MrtGEv EXHIBIT "A" 2 of 2 Sewer Easement p ae �-r�a� , � � V.Y. Li/lv /Y �I � I � ����������M�����°�Y���� �����►�>>-��►�� " ( � � � � `JJ\` � ' � �i � � � a o- � � " __' __ _ _'�dL'.d r�n �:� _G`d 1_xxab awn � � � • � ) I Q I ( I Q I L � .,r � J' ��. � �v'tc �� . � .,,�., .;yC:u vi; b o� h. h �r� I r`� F� F. F� 4� I L. F� F. 4� C� � p� O� C� 4 q I q I q I C) — � / /'l v���V . I�Y.: V , ,/ t 2 li.t/�ATr/� /l�/[ 1T ___v_rivniCU n��_�f7�fii d�i�nu�r .� /1✓LIVVL � � /"l.l �: / J •- � I I O� p I C+ � C� � h I p I � � � � � ���I� b n� p •- c� c� � c� c� p q O � O I �' i R 1 1 I [� ! I � v��.t. -_'�iiv�L _'____ � � �+Raosn um� umn`r / Ws�-um m rt� R� W i � � � �I � � � � Ilfiq. I/lAl $ 1 [//VJ IV/V 9 I y ( U I J O I C I C] I C) I q I q I b � I i L I€ VlA/i /1_ / r r ..t �f ( AAt � � I vi v� vi <. i � � v t.c. �i v I I Q� I Cl I �. h lfi I �; �7 c� ., I q C� q C] OI C]I q QI C�I q1 C� I � ! +sss. � yR� i�yl �p �J'A/�/ IIAIAI�V/1� ��'� � flV[. /V// V/V V !l �6�_� 5.��� A Il�tr//lA� I� /9f/ //V/V q � C I � � C� ( ) A//� �I� � ,,....� � T � �� �r� �� C� �� I �� -�� . i� >� C� C� � �� �� I �� - M/'��1J/�JMLL. SA'SiYlY 6YH T - // /I _ _ __ _ _ �r /LI - �RM IME pF d( }y 1/4 4' $G 15 �� I T:. ' : /: ����� : : :: j . � t�- MJ I ` I� I I 1 q I p I I I NI ' � �� � W T � c+ I ' � .� � �� � �� � ` 4 ��, ' I ? �.� $ I I �._____,� � Oanotea Prq�ow6 Wotn £aaan: I�bO �-lo � 3 Reftu copy to: (jauj Pob�ic Works Teclz Srvcs. 1(100 Cify HaIl Aunes RESOLU310N C�TY O� SA1N3 PAUL, MiNNESOTA r ,-�;. Referred To 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 i0 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 I9 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 3D 31 32 33 34 y7. Commi�ee: ➢afe BE IT RFSOLVID, tlrat, upon the petition of the Ciry of St. Paul, as d�cutnented in Real Estate I3ivision File Number 19-20Q4, the public propetties hereinafter described are hereby vacated and discontinued as street rig�Y-o#-way: 1) Camat�Avenue from Lexington Parkway as �videened, ta I74` eus� 2} IglehartAverzue from Lexington P¢�kway as widened, to Oxford S�eeZ 3) Subjectfo Porkway, the arley in Bdock 2, A.B. R'Zi gus Addition. BE TP ItiJR1`HER ItESOLVED, that, subject to the herein stated exceptio�ts and with the accompanying ITtilify Easement Certifzcates of Intended Non-Use, fi2ed voluntazily an behalf of, DisCeict Energy St Pavl, Ine., Dishrict Cooling St Paul, Iuc. and Comcast of S� Paul, made a part hereo£by tlus reference aud filed in the office of the City Clerk of St_ Pau2, the City of St. Paul> for itself and on behalf of these corporations, waives the righi to the utility easements in the vacated azeas described above. Tf►is vacarion shall tk, snbject to the t.erms and condifion of Chapter 130, codified March I, 1481, nf the Saint Paul Legislative Code as amended, and to the following conditions: That easements shall be retained in Cau�olI and xglehart Avenues on behalf of 7�ce1 Energy Gas T?ivision for access and maiabenance of its exisring facilifies. Easement releases can be conszdered once e�sting facilities are relocated or abandoned to the satisfaction of Xcel. Titaz easements shall be retained on behaif of Xce] Electric to maintain its existing facilities in Czaoll Avenne an@ the snbject alley. Easemem releases can be considered once the removals of the overhezd electric distribution facifities are completed� That easemenfs shall be retained on behaif of St Paul Regionaf Water Ssrviees (3PRWS} ta access and maintain its existing water main facilities, conciitions of the easement are ont3ined in the SPWRS standard easement provisions datecl 2/8l2Qp2. Couucil Fiie # ,� �a' � ('TreEII S�l� � 302987I - .�► (� DD a-C� �� z �^ t�- 2 That an easement shall be rexained ia lglehait Avenue on befialf of the City of St Pau1, 3 Beparhnent of Pubtic Works for access and maintenance af its existing sewer facilities. At 4 such time that t[�e sewer is re-routeci tp the satisfactiort of Public Works, only thea will 5 PnbIic Works consider the refease of its easemeni interest. [� � That an easemeat for sewer purposes shalt be dedicated by the petitioner, its successors or $ assigns, io the City of ST. Paut, as described in Exhibit "B". 9 10 11 i2 I3 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 � 28 29 30 32 That an easemenT for sewer purposes shall be dedicated by the petiboner, its successo� ar assigns, to the Saint Paut 12egionaI Water Services, as described in Fxhibit "C"_ That, at the direcdon of the City of St Paul, Deputment of Public Works, the peritioneis, their successors and assigns shaiF be respansible for all cosLs and expenses incused by said Public Works for the removat of the three street lights vn Iglehart, tlte reloca6on of the wood Iighfmg pole on �azroii and reiocation of the existing eIectrical feeQ point Iocated in the subject alley (which services lighting on Lexingfon}. Contact the General Foreman for Pnblie Works Lighiing and Signa�/Lighting Maintenance when the subject rights-of-way aie vacated. That the owner af tfie north ha3f of I.ots 1 and 2, Block Z, t1.B. Wiigus Addition u•ill convey any interest it has in Igiehart Avenue to the City of Saint PauI and the Ciiy of St. Paul witl accept ttris conveyance. Iu return, the CYty oP St. Paul will grant easements for ingresslegress purposes and vehicular parking puzpuses_ ThaY the petitioners, their successoFS and assigns shall, within 60 days of the affecfive date of this �solution, file with the C�ty Clerk an acceptance in writing of the conditions of this resolution and shail, witl�in the period(s} specified in the terms and condztions of this �soTutioa, comply in a[I respects with these terms and conditions. Requested by Department of: •..�-�. . �.- /..._ _�� � �,... . � . - �/ . � ��> � ,. . -. . �r. �. - _ �� i � .��/ . � . , : � �� � � - . � �� •.� � -� . • . .- i // 1 :.r..�.�.,�-�i� �.�.� . . ,��- . � . . _ ;1�..�..! �