D002619C I T Y O F S A T N T P A U L OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINiSTRATIVE ORDER: BUDGET REVISION �DD�� ��1 No: 3034911 Date: � a-� p�p ADMINISTRATNE ORDER, Consistent with the authority granted in Secfion 57.09 of the CiTy Administrative Code aud based on the request of the staff of the Budget Sectiou to amend the 2006 Capital Maintenauce program of the Capital Improvement Budget in the following ma�ner: Current Amended Budeet Chanee Budeet SPENDING PLAN 2006 Capita] Maintenance Program Parks (93003) C06-9T036-0279-93003/P7-925-90106-0565-70103 SPENDING PLAN 2006 Capita( Maintenance Program Emergency Contingency (00000) C06-9T036-0518-00000/P7-925-90106-0565-70100 � /J�z ,�.�'c-r� /l -� d -D (� Prepared by: Date 574,080.00 32,66730 606,74730 574,080.00 32,66730 606,74730 32,667.30 (32,66730) 0.00 32,667.30 (32,66730) 0.00 � ��� Gl�3o/�/� Approved by: OFS mector Date G:\Shared�Budget�DEPTS\CIB\Capital maintenance\2006process�Pazks maintenance request for So St Anthony floor repairr.xls � p�jo a-� I � � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Gresn Sheet Green Shest. � DepartmanUofficeJcounciL Fs F���� s�� Contact Person 8. Phone: Dede Demko &8545 on Council Agenda by (Date): �awos � Assign Number Por Routing Order Green Sheet NQ: 3a349'1 � �epartrnenf Sent Fo Person � InifiaRDate 0 i 'n c' e'ces '' ana er or D Jt ,� 2 ' a ial ervic e rtmentDire tar �� � 3 i a cial Se ' ffi e' a c' ervi � 4 i le e Totai # of Signature Pages _(Clip All Locations for Signature) Action Requested: . .. . .... _.--------------------------------------- Use 2006 CTB Capital Maintenance Emergency Contingency funds for the puipose of covering costs for abatement and xeplacement of tha �n floor at South St. Anthony Recreafion Center. , Recommendafions: Approve (A) or R Planning Commission Ci6 Committee Civil Service Commission Nersona� servrce 1. Has this personffirm ever worked under a co�tract for this department? Yes No 2. Has this personlfirm ever been a city empioyee? Yes No 3_ Does this personlfirm possess a skill nof normally possessed by any current city employee? Yes No Expiain aN yes answers on separate sheet aod attach to green sheet I�itiating Problem, issues, Qpportuniry (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Advanta,qes If Approved: OisadvanWges If Approved: DisadvanWges If Not Approved: �mmn�uouacu� 3?�667.� Transaction: Fundinp Source: 2006 CIB BOndS Cost7Revenue Budgeted: �' Activity Number: 1 � �' 11 � Financial tnfotmaGOn: � ceXpia�°� �iT`f CLER{i