D002617CITY OF SAINT PAUL {�d��� ���� /��,I� r � (J Gi Contract Change Order No. � � ao a��� il-3� o Department: PUBLIC WORKS (BRIDGES) Department Project #: B-1181 Date Initiated: 10/03/06 Coi-a5��F3-��8�f-a3o3� � The following changes are authorized for Activity No. - for project: Westm J Bridge #62598 between the City of Saint Paul and Lunda Construction Company Provide all labor and matenals necessary and incidental to: See attached documentation and break down of costs Construction overruns/underruns and extras; • APr^i�GV�C AS TO FGRi�R e Offce of Financial ervices � ��� Project Manager � ActiVic� �� ifferent than Project Manager) � �artment o Human Rights (if over �50,000) Railroad Flagging: Invoice Total: $84,612.50 $472,825.49 $557,437.99 Funding: Federal Funds: $445,950.�ff 3 �' Municipal State Aid: $111,487,54'c J G�+ d Lunda Construction Company Contractor B �... � .��PP�. BudgetCode: DISTRIBUTION ( ) Contractor ( ) Finance Accounting ( ) Department Accounting ( ) Contract File baaac��� CHANGE ORDER No. l CITY PROJECT B-7181 , S.P. 164288-03 • • Total Change OrderAmount $ 557,437.99 � Note 1 Subtotal for Construction Extras: $ 216,900.28 Note 2 Subtotal for Railroad Flagging: $ 472,825.49 Undemm of Original Contract Items: $ (132,287.78) pooa�� Westminster Tunetion Bridge #b2598 • City Project B-1181 S.P.164-288-03 Change Order #1 Sustification Item # 1 Manholes located too near the construcrion azea and could not be maintained during conshuction. Engineer authorized, with approval from facility owners, to remove and reconsU one manhole and abandon the second. Items #2-5 Item #6 No provisions were made in the contract for erosion control. Engineer ordered the placement of erosion control blankets and/or hydro mulch seeding where necessary. No provision in the contract for the removal of a lazge pile of concrete rubble on the site. - Could not determine who placed the rubble on site but it had been there £or many years. Item #7 Because of a delay in the award ofthe contract, construction began later than originally anticipated. This would have meant that the deck could not have been built before winter thus requiring the project to be shut down until spring. It was determined by the administration that every effort should be made to open the road according to the original schedule. This required overtime and the use of specialized equipment in order to perform the work in addition to extra work in the spring of the following yeaz. Item #8 • Item #9 � Item #10 Item #11 Item # 12 Ttem #13 Item #14 It was determined after construction that the end of the wall at the south east end of the bridge constituted a traffic hazard and was therefore replaced with a different desigu. No provisions were made in the contract to furnish the intetpretative signs on the bridge. Plan Enor. The ]ight standards shown in the plan were too short. Plan Error. The Engineer ordered a temporary security fence to be installed azound the field office to help deter break-ins. Contractor agreed to furnish fence if the City paid for the gate. Traffic Control for Item #10. Engineer neglected to include this cost with Item #10 Plan Error. Item # I S Railroad Flagging. There was no bid item in the Contract to reimburse that Contractor for these expenses. The Contract did however state that the Contractor would be reimbursed for all required flagging expenses at the invoice aznount plus 5 percent. Flagging was required at two different BNSF locations and one Union Pacific track. • �OD� � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � — PubGc wo�6s Contad Person & Phone: Ketin Nelsan 266-6'I82 Must Be on Council Agenda 6y (Dale): Doc. Type: OlHER ADMINISiRATNE OR[ E-DocumentRequired: N Document Contact Contact Phone: Uate In"fiaf [� a�i�YE47 �► Assign Number For Routing Order Green Sheet NO: 3034323 Departrnent SentToPerson InitiallDate 0 lic W "d e'' n �'r9i �l 6 /�' 3 'c W r e e t nnis � G � � /� 2 blic De e t ir r ! C� 3 i �� 4 ancia rvic Ftinancial ervi 5 Total#ofSignaturePages_(CIipNlLOwtionsforSignature) � Action Requested: Admiuisttafive Order for Approval of Conhact Change Order No. 1 -- Westminster Junction Bridge #62598 Ciry Project No. B-1181 Conh�actor: Lunda Construction Company Recommendations: Appm�e {A) or Reject (R): Personal Service Contracts MustMswerthe Following Questions: Planning Commission 1. Has this persoNfirtn e�erworked under a cont2ct forthis department? CIB Committee Yes No Citil Service Commission 2. Has this personlfirtn e�er been a city employee? Yes No , 3. Does this personlfirm possess a skill not nwmally possessed by arry cu�nt cily employee? � Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheetand attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): The Conhactor was directed to perform exha work that was not included in the original contract. The coniract also specified that the costs for raikoad fl,agging were to be re'vnbursed to the Confractor by the City but there is no pay item in the conhact for such reixnbursement. � AdvanpgeslfApproved: The Contractor will be compensated for exka work performed at the direction of the Engineer. Disadvantages IfApproved: None Disadvanqqes B NotApproved: Difficulty compensating Contractor for wotk already performed at the direction of the Engineer. TotalAmountof 557437.99 CostlRevenueBudgeted: y Trensaction: Fundins�source: Fed.Funds445,950.39/ A�tivitvNumber. C01-2S143-0784-23031 Pinancial lnformation: MSA 111,487.60 � (Explain) , NOY 14 20uti �� NQV30 Novembe� 6, 2006 12:47 PM Page 1 � �ODa-Cal � � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet — Public Works Datelnitial O6-NOV-06 Green Sheet NO: 3034323 Contact Person & Phone: KeHn Nelson 2666782 Must Be on Council Aaen Doc. Type: OiHER ADMINISTRAiNE ORf E-Document Required: N Document Contact: Conpct Phone: � Assign Number For Routing Order Departrnent SentTO Person 0 lic W r 'd e Divi i n 1 lic W r e artment Accounfa 2 u lic W r e arhoent Director 3 i Att rne 4 'nancial ervices ffi i ancial e' 5 i lerk Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip NI Location for Signature) Action Requested: Administra[ive Order for Approval of Contract Change Order No. 1 Wes[minster Junction Bridge #62598 City Project No. B-1181 Con[ractor: Lunda Consh Company or Contracts Questions: Planning Commission 1. Has this person/firtn e�er worked under a contract for this department? CIB Committee Yes No Ciul Service Commission 2. Has this persoNfirtn e�er been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this persoNfirm possess a skill not nortnally possessed by any cunent city employee? Yes No Explain ail yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): The Contractor was directed to perfonn extra work that was not included in the original contract. The contract also specified that [he costs for railroad flagging were to be reimbursed to the Contractor by the City bu[ there is no pay item in the contrac[ for such reimbursement. AdvanWgeslfApproved: The Conhac[or will be compensated for extra work performed at the direction of the Engineer. Disadvantages If Approved: None UNiT ureau Division Asst. Dir. Director Disadvanta5les If NotMproved: C}gri�3E Difficulty compensating Conhactor for work akeady performed at the direction of the Engineer. Total Amount of � 7437 99 CostlRevenue Budgeted: y 7rensaction: Fundinq Source: Fed. Funds 445,950.39 / Activity Number: C01-2S143-0784-23031 Financial Information: MSA 111,487.60 � (Explain) /�:Y�tlii j'c:�tit.�LiliiHiL � i ���,.oC, November 6, 2006 12:47 PM Page 1