D002616CI'ilf �F SAIIRl�L iR�CE�F'I��YN iu���nsrunrE�e�a No: � D D a -Cp /(ri Date: �7—D(/I ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, BE IT ORDERED, that the proper City officials are hereby authorized and directed to execute Lease Agreement NHPI/01 Addendum IV with Hillcrest Shopping Center LLC, formerly 5005 Properties Inc., to provide 5,339 square feet of office space on a month-to-month lease for the Office of Neighborhood Housing and Property Improvement at 1612 White Bear Avenue, APPROVED AS TO FORM � ^ !/-1�-� A tant City Attorney Date ��n �� �V� `'��/ t-.: .� �. �a��-�i� Addendum IV to Lease Agreement NHP1/01 WHEREAS, Lease Agreement NHPI/01 was entered into by and between Hiilcrest Shopping center LLC, formerly 5005 Properties, Inc., hereinafter called the "LESSOR", and the City of Saint Paul, hereinafter called the "LESSEE", on October 1, 2001 for 5,339 square feet of office space; and WHEREAS, the said Amended Lease Agreement NHPI/01 will expired on September 30, 2006; and WHEREAS, the parties thereto have agreed to renew the said Lease Agreement NHPI on a month to month basis; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that Paragraph [2] and Paragraph [4]of the said Lease Agreement NHPI/01 shall be amended to read: [2] Term of Lease. This Iease shall be in effect for a term commencing and ending on the dates indicated below, unless terminated earlier as provided herein. Term (Months/Years) Month to Month [4] Rent. Commencing Date December 1, 2006 a) Basic Rent. LESSEE shail pay all rents in advance, on the first day of the term of the lease and on the first day of each payment period thereafter as indicated in the Payment Schedule below: Total Rent Durinq Lease Term $84,000 annually (or $15.73 s� Schedule Ending Date (Period Commencinq Date $ per Period) monthlV December 1, 2006 $7,000.00 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that all other terms and conditions of said Lease Agreement NHPU01 shall remain in full force and effect. I�DOa-(�/� , IN WITNESS THEREOF, the parties hereto have set their hands and seals the day and yeaz in this Lease first above written. N/A Mayor N/A City Clerk Director of Financial Seroices �rl��� Depaztment Director � �fia�XG�x�ll� LL�clrcr� ul�'Src � �cYl��ai�Z�u/ �U/� I�I(u.G�rZ��Pd�/�(� L'l�a/1ZY� C!L? / BY `l�cn3�t-� Its Ul� �i/lEE-5/i�cMT �o� a-�l� CITY OF SAWT PAUL (� OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER No: OD�S%5' Date: �.1� -37 � ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, BE IT ORDERED, that the proper City officials are hereby authorized and directed to execute Lease Agreement NHPI/Ot Addendum III with Hilicrest Shopping Center LLC, formerly 5005 Properties Inc., to provide 5,339 square feet of office space for one year for the Office of Neighborhood Housing and Property Improvement at 1612 White Bear Avenue. Date > ������ �-o. •� j � � �l�Y �,; .... „ . � � C��o�-��� Addendum 111 to Lease Agreement NHPI/01 WHEREAS, Lease Agreement NHPI/01 was entered into by and between Hiilcrest Shopping center LLC, formerly 5005 Properties, Inc., hereinafter called the "LESSOR°, and the City of Saint Paul, hereinafter called the "LESSEE", on October 1, 2001 for 5,339 square feet of office space; and WHEREAS, the said Lease Agreement NHPU01 will expire on September 30, 2005; and WHEREAS, the parties thereto have agreed to renew the said Lease Agreement NHPI for another year at the same rental rate; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that Paragraph [2] and Paragraph [4]of the said Lease Agreement NHPI/01 shall be amended to read: [2] Term of Lease. This lease shall be in effect for a term commencing and ending on the dates indicated below, unless terminated earlier as provided herein. Term (Months/Years) 1 year Commencing Date October 1, 2005 Ending Date September 30, 2006 [4] Rent. a) Basic Rent. LESSEE shall pay all rents in advance, on the first day of the term of the lease and on the first day of each payment period thereafter as indicated in the Payment Schedule below: Total Rent Schedule i i i $78,750.25 monthly October 1, 2005 $6,562.52 �U �� BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that all other terms and conditions of said Lease Agreement NHPI/01 shall remain in full force and effect. Page 1 of 2 (�oo��/� IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have set their hands and seals the day and year in this Lease first above written. N/A Mayor N/A City orney (Form Approvai) Its v ( � �'/�//✓C� City Clerk Director of Financial Services �a�Z7� G�v 1-op�5l `, f -�S �S Depa ent Director Page 2 of 2 �lJa�lo/Co CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER No: �ea�ad Date: � ��'V j ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, BE IT ORDERED, that the proper City officials aze hereby authorized and directed to execute Lease Agreement NHPI/O1 Addendum II with Hillcrest Shopping Center LLC, formerly 5005 Properties Inc., to provide 5,339 squaze feet of office space for one year for the Office of Neighborhood Housing and Property Improvement at 1612 White Bear Avenue. APPROVED AS / �-��-o� Date Department Administrative Jaa �-�i� TO LEASE AGREEMENT NHPI/O1 WHEREAS, Lease Agreement NHPU01 was entered into by and between Hillcrest Shopping center LLC, formerly 5005 Properties, Inc., hereinafter called the "LESSOR", and the City of Saint Paul, hereinafter called the "LESSEE", on October 1, 2001 for 5,339 squaze feet of office space; and WHEREAS, the said Lease A�reement �IHPU01 will expire on September 30, 2004; and WHEREAS, the parties thereto have agreed to renew the said Lease Agreement NIIPI for another year at the same rental rate; g\�c� � THEItEFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that Paragraph [2] of the said Lease Agreement NFIPI/Ol {, � shall be amended to read: � bti": J �� ADDENDUMII (2] Term of Lease. This lease shall be in effect for a term commencing and ending on the dates indicated below, unless terminated earlier as provided herein. Term (Months/Years) Commencing Date Ending Date 1 year October 1, 2004 September 30, 2005 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that all other terms and conditions of said Lease Agreement NHPU01 shall remain in full force and effect. Page 1 of 2 l� o� a.� i� In witness whereof, the parties hereto have set their hands and seals the day and year in this L,ease first above written. N/A Mayor N!A City Clerk � 4 � 2ctor ofFinancial Services //�� D r artment Director City Attorney (Form Approval) N ���e�,c-�; s I�EoPP��vG ��t� �c� �I� / us v�� P�t 5���— Page 2 of 2 Do e ��i� i CITY OF SAINT PAUL _� _� OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER 1vo: DO � f Date: O �'03 AD��tISTRATIVE ORDER, BE IT ORDEI2ED, that the proper City officials are hereby authorized and d'uected to execute Addendum I to Lease Agreement NHPU01 with 5005 Properties, Inc. to provide 5,339 square feet of office space for one more year for the Office of Neighborhood Housing and Property Improvement at 1612 White Bear Avenue. / �� _ �� i � -��PROVED AS TO FORM Assista City Attorney ��z��� �2 �` J , 2 Department Head / J Date Administrative Assistant to Mayor � (�Ob�L�/� ADDENDUMI TO LEASE AGREEMENT NHPI/O'I l�izcek�sT �t�?r�,b Qun.it L�' WHEREAS, Lease Agreement NHPU01 was entered into by and between 399-5-�ege,�ies, Iae., hereinafter called the "LESSOR", and the City of Saint Paul, hereinafter called the "LESSEE", on October 1, 2001 for 5,339 square feet of office space; and WFIEREAS, the said Lease Agreement NHPI/Ol will e�cpire on September 30, 2003; and WHEREAS, the parties thereto have agreed to renew the said Lease Agreement NHPI for another yeaz at the same rental rate; THEREFORE BE TT RESOLVED, that Paragraph [2] of the said Lease Agreement NHPU01 shall be axnended to read: [2� Term of Lease. This lease shall be in effect for a term commencing and ending on the dates indicated below, unless terminated earlier as provided herein. Term (Months/Years) 1 year Coxnmencing Date October 1, 2003 Ending Date September 30, 2004 �.ut L (YlC.62. ' � \ �9 � BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the following pazagraph sha11 be inserted as Pazagraph [8] of the said Lease Agreement NHPI/Ol : ; � �. �� , ����: - - :� .. ., - - - -s- .... -.- .. . " -- - - -- •.-. -� BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that all other terms and conditions of said Lease Agreement NHPI/Oi shall remain in full force and effect. �� L � / Page 1 of 2 1Joa��/C In witness whereof, the parties hereto have set their hands and seals the day and yeaz in this Lease first above written. Cil:1 Mayor N/A City Clerk r ,��Director ofFinancial Services ��-{ �dn��� City A o ey (Form Approval l /$� �%� J ' Dep ent Director ,���� !-��e���� S t�n�� �a',rm �C.(! - ,�� `t�C`SL [.Cli11t�� Its UlC� %/�'���� Page 2 of 2 (�'1 i) Revised 8!7l02 Authority (C_F or A.O-) LEASE NO. TMS DEPT. LEASE NO. NHPI 1 DA`i`E- August 7 2002 LESSOR: 5005 Prooeriies Inc. 5005 Old Cedar Lake Road Sk Louis Park MN SSA16 LESSEE: CITY OF SAINT PAUL O�ce o�Nei�hborhood Housinp and Propertv fmprovement I�DD �-�/� CITX OF SAIPiT PAUL STAPTDARD LEASE AGREEMENT �i) I ease Premises. The LES30R, in consideration of the payment of the Bazic Rent and Additional Rcnt hereinafter specified to be paid by the LESSEE, and the covenants and agreements here;n contained, does hereby lease, demise and Iet unto LESSEE the prcmises hcreinafter refened to as the "I.eased Premises," whose address is: _ White Beaz Ave. Saint PauI Mn 55119 and which is legallydescribed as: togetherwith anybuildings, fixiures in such buildings, improvements and structuzes, if any, located thereon; See Exhibit "A", plan or map of leased area'which is incorporated herein by tIus reference. [2] Term of Y,ease. This leasc shall be in effect for a temi commencing and ending on the dates indicaYed below, unless tcxminatcd eaz]ier by the LESSOR as provided herein. Tetm (Months/Years) Commencing Date Ending Date 1 yeac `October -1., 2002 .. Se,ptember_ 30, 2003 j3] Use ofPremises. The LESSEE shall use and occupy the I,easeci Premises for the foilowiagpurpose: O�ceSpace 5,33°l �- and for no other purpose without ihe prior written consent of LESSOR. Puge -1- rj D� a-LPt(� (4) Rent (A) Basic Rent. I.ESSEE shall pay all ronts in advance, on che first day of the term of the Sease and on the first day of each payment period thereafter as indicated in the Payment Schedule below: Total Rent Scfiedule $74,746.00 month $6,228.83. .��s�u!rs.*iv�t. � .:. .: • ° .. . . n.�c u v m. : �. .� i � • �w.. i: i :r 1 � �� •. �• O u ��• ' �• .� •. � •' •1 .A � � �� �•�� I • . � � .� 1 • f.l • •�� ' I�• Y • N �n n� • �w � : • • �� � � . . • ♦ .1 • • • � � �� �� • .�• � � � I' q{.y.1�1�IR1�l'1�f1O1rD111�� .� t�li��}�P\�l♦ l�(��I�T1M� �♦ I ♦ �Y �� � � � .1� �� �l�M�. 1� � !�l �.l Z � ' •� O w � �� 1 -� • • � � � w t �� - � 4 .� � • •�� � � � • �� �� Page -2- AUG-20-2002 15�20 P.16i17 D D b a-(�/� .. - � - . . ,� . ., - .. _, .. ,., : - ,r„ ,. .. ...._. ,. J� r T ♦ • � 1 T .\ ' \ • • f .t q. • �11 � � . - Y.�� .\ 1� :f .�� f • �1 � I . � . - � � � � \ � � - � � � � � � �� .�� � � � � � � � � � - 1 . - � \ . � � � 1'.�� .I i 1 � � �. � �1 •� [Sj Tases. LESSOR shall be responsible for and pay all taxes and assessments against the Leased Premises. [6J Ripht ofEntrv At all times duringthc terni ofthis lease, the LESSOR shall have the right, by iuelf, its ag�ts and employees, to enter into and upon ihe T,eased Premises during reasonable busincss hours to eatamine and inspect the same, provided that such entry does not interfere with the conduct ofo�ciai business or compromise securiry ofthe team stazion. [7] Insuranca (A) LESSOR`S Insurance. The LESSOR shall acquire and keep in effect during the term ofthis ageemem the foiiowing covereges: (1} FIREANDALLRISKINSLJRANCE,includingfire,cxtendedcoverageandali-risk insurance covering the Leased Premises and all property located therein belonging to LESSOR, in an amount equal to 40 percent ofthe full replacement and recanshuc- tian cost of the progarty. Page -3- (J b b a-(.� lCv for common areas only (2) COMMERCIAL GENEttAL LIABILITY II3SURANCEItineluding blanket contractual liabilitycoverage andpersonal injury liabilitycoveragewith a combined smglelimit ofnot lessihan$1,004,OOOperoccurrence. Suchinsurance shall (a}iramc , ro�be�,����to�ss��s insurance or self-insurance; (c) contain a standard cross liability enflorsement; (d) contain no aggtegate policy limit. (3 , , , , . - ororaed-aa[emobi4es: (4) WORKERS'COMPENSATIONII�ISURAI�TCEwithnotlessthacistatuterym:nim�ym limits; and EMPL(3YERS' LIABILITY INSURANCE with minimum limits of at least $100,00Q per accident and with an all states endorsement. (5) The LESSOR shaU supply to LESSEE ciuzent insurance certificates for policies required in Pazagraph (8). The said certificatcs shall ccrtify whether or not the agent has errors and omissions insurance coverage. (� The limits cited under each insurance requirement above establish minimums; and it is the sole responsibility of the LESSOR to purchase and maintain additional insurance thai may be necessary in relation to this lease. (� I3othing in this coni�act shall constituta a waiver by the LESSEE of any statutory limits or exceprions on liability. (8}—�SS9It - , (B) LESSEE'SIusnrance.TheLESSEEshallacquireduringtheteimofthisleasethefollowing coverage: (1) T'he LESSEE shall be responsible fox the self insurance of, or the acquisition of Commercial Property insurancc an, its personai properry. (2) The LESSEE is self-insured under the laws of the State of Minnesota foz the purposcs of tort claims against the LESSEE. (C} Waiv r of Subxoeation. LESSOR waives its right of subrogauon for damage to thc Building, contents therein, loss of use thereo$ and! or ioss of income, . LESSEE waives its right o�subrosation for damage to property in the Leased Premises, loss ofuse thereof, loss ofincome and/ot accounts receivable, ttgto dtc ' . The parties sbail notify their respectiveinsurance companies, in wtating, ofthe provisions ofthispazagraph; and, ifeither Page -4- RUG-20-2002 15�19 P.14/17 baea��� cannot waive its subrogation rights, such paxty shaii ixnmediately notify the other pazty, in writing- .�, . _ :.. ...�.�� � -„ .. - �.., . :�� . _ .� .� .. . .� .. : � .. .� .. . .,, _ n.., [9) Notice. All nolices hecein provided to be given, or that may be given by either pazty to the other, shall be deemed to have been fully given when served personally on LESSOR or LESSBE, or when madeinwritinganddepositedinthe UnitedStatesMail, certi5eflandpostageprepaid, andaddressed to the LE$SOR at the address stated on page (] ) and to the T.ESSEE at the Division of valuations, Real Estate Seetion,140 Ltity Hall, Sairn Paul, Minnesota 55102. The adckess to which the notice shall be mailed maybe changed by written notice given by either party to the other. Nothing herein shall pteclude ffie giving of sueh address change notice by personal service. [IOJ Assignment and Snblettin� LESSEE shall not assign or sublet this Lease without the written consent of the LESSOR, wbich consent must be obtained prior to the execuaon of aay ageement to sublease the Leased Premises. [llj Maintenance and Reaairs. LESSOR shali, at its own cost and e�cpense, be responsibie for ati repairs, maintenance and upkeep of the 7.cased Premises, including but not limited to emergency repairs of anyland; routine maintenance and repair w keep the Leased Premises in good repair, safe and in compliance with applicablc fire, heahh, bui�ding and other life-safety codes; and all repai� and maintenance needed to keep the buildings or structures on the Leased Premises in good condi- tion, including (a) the exterior (including doors, except glass breakage, and windows, but not including signs erected by the LESSEE) and interfor s�ucturc ofthe buiidings nr structures, {b) the mof or roofs, (c) the heating, ventilating and air conditioning systems therein, (d) all electrical, plumbing, lighting, mechamcal systems, fire supQression equipment i.e. fire sprinkler system; and (e) all gcounds, farces and roads withiit the Leased Premises. Tn addition, the Lessor shall keep the sidewalks bordcring on said Leased Premises at all times free from ice and snow, and shall remove ice and snow from the roof of the Leasad Premises when necessary. The foregoing obligations shall bind the LESSOR regardless of the cause of the damage or condition neccssitating the repair or maintenance, uniess it was caused by the LESSEE. The LESSEE shall have the right to contract for Janitorial Secvices of the office space azea. The LESSOA shatl either reimburse tfie LESSEE for those cost or permit the LESSEE to take it as a credit to the rent paid the to LESSOR. (12j Surrender of Premises. The LESSEE, at the expiration of said term, or any sooner ternvnarion of Page -5- AUG-20-2002 15�19 P.13i17 � DO a-La l L� tlus lease, shall quit peacefully and suxreader possess�on of said property and its appurtenances to LESSOR in as good arder and candition as the property was delivered to the LESSEE. [13] Indemniri:TheLESSORagreesfoindemnify,defend,saveandboIdfiaimlesstfieCityofSaintPaul and any agents, officers and employees thereof&om all claims, demaads, actions or causes ofaction of whatsoever nature or ch�acter, arising out of orby reason of the conditioa of the premises. The LESSEE agrees to indemnifj; defend, save aad hold harmless the LESSOR and aay agents, offtcers and empIoyees ihereof from ail claims, demands, actions or causes of action ofwhatsoever naturc or chatacter, arisiag out of br by reason of the condition of the premises_ ji4) Holdover. .Any holdover atter the expiration of the term of this I.ease shall be allowed only afier receiving the wtitten consent of the LESSOft. Said tenancy shall be dee�ed to be a tenancy only fxom month-to-month. All other terms and conditions of this Lease shall be applicabie. .,.:. j16) CantroElin¢ Lease. 7n the event ffiere is any prior existing lease or rental agreement between T AC SEE aud LESSOR (or its predecessor in interest) covering the subject property, it is agreed and w►derstood that this Lease shall cancel and terminate any prior leases orrentai agreeinents as of the effective date of this lease. (2� Destruction. ln the event of damage to or destruction of the Leased Premiscs or in the eveat the psemises becomes untenantable or unfit for occupaney due to such damage during the term of this I.ease, LESSOR may ai its option: (A) teaninate the lease upon fifteen (15} days' written notice to T,ESS�E; or (B) within fifteen (15) days agree to restore the premises within a reasonable time period following the casualty. The Basic Rents to be paid during the restoration period shall be abated in proportion to the percentageofloss and impairment ofthe use ofthe Leased Premises as determinedbytheproportion ofsaidT.easedPrennisesthat arein suitablecondirion foroccupancy and aze actuailyoccupiedbyihe LESSEE. Page -6- AUG-20-2002 15�18 P.12/17 1��6 �-�/� [lSJ DefanitRemedies.IntheeventtheLESSORorLESSEEfailstoobserveandgerfomianycovenant or condition ofagreement on its part to be observed or performed as requ�red by this i.ease aad this failure peisists for 30 days, the LESSOR or LESSEE may, at iu election: (A) send notice w LESSOR or LESSEE that self help measures wiIl be taken by LESSOR or LESSEE and chazged to LESSOR or LESSEE, such charges to be deducted or added from snbsequ�t payments of Basic and Additional Rent beginnmg with the rent next due and continuing, shouldtherentnext duebeiasufficienttoreimbursetheLESSEE'S expendetvres, until such time as LbSSEE has been fully reimbutsed for said erzpenditures and reasoaable accrued iMemst, or (F3) terminate this Lease by g�eing not less than thirty days' written notice to LESSOR or LESSEE, provided that, should the I.ESSOR or LESSEE rectify its failure tn observe or perfoim as required within the said thirty day period or by a mutualiy agreed upon date, said wtitten notice shall be withdrawn_ Teimination, as provided in this parsgraph shall reIease the LESSEE of any further obligation to pay Base Rent ar Additiona! Rent, as defined in Pazagraph (4), to i,ESSOR or to LENDER. Any monies paid in advance for remai of the I.eased Premises subsequent to the date of termination shall be refimdable to the LESSEE and shall bc due on the date of termination. [19] Comnliaace with Laws. The propercy described herein may be used for only thc putposes stated herein. It is the sole and exclusive zesponsibility ofthe LESSEE in the use ofthe propertyto comply with all laws, rules, regulations orordinances unposed byanyjurisdiction affectingthcusew which the pmperty is proposed to be put The LESSOR shall comply with all laws, rules, regulations or ardinances imposed by any jurisdic6on affecting conduct on the property, and shall ailow no violation of such laws, rules, regulations or ordinances by its agents or employees or by other tenants. (201 Liens. Neither the LESSOR nor the LESSEE shall permit mechanic's liens or other lieas to be filed or established ar to remain against the Leased Premises for labor, materials or services fumished in connectionwith anyadditions,modifications,improvpnents, repairs, renewals ozreplacementsmadc to the I,eased Premises, or for any other reason. The LESSOR aad the LESSBE shalI iademnify, de£end, save and hold hasmtess the other from all claims, demands, acrions or causes of action of whatsoevernature orcharacterarisingtherefrom. in addition, LESSOR agrees to indemmfy, defend save and hold hazmless the LESSEE &om all claims, demands, actions or causes of action of wbat- socver nature or charactes ar�sing out ofor from any activities of LESSOR or persons or wmpanies under its control and supervision. [21] Eminent Domain. In the evem the entire Leased Premises are taken by eminent domain, or such portionihereofis sotaken thatinthe LESSEE'S rcasonablejudgementit is uneconomic orotherwise Page -7- AUG-20-�92 15�17 P.Sli17 (� bo a�i� impractical thereaftec to restore the Leas� Premises and proceetl undtx the teans and provisions of t�is lease, LESSEE may terminate this Lease by giving w the LESSOR thirry days' written notice oftermination, effective as of the date oa wkich the condemning authority acquires legal title to or physicai possession ofthe Leased Premises. The LESSEE shall be entitted to its leasehold inierest in all economic damages in ihe condemnation awazd. LESSEE may, to the e�enf otherwise permitted in the eminent domain pzoceeding, remove its own trade Sxtvres at its own expense. [22) LESSEE'S Oblig ha • OpS• The LFSSEE will keep the Leased Premises clean and wiIl not aIlow any condition to exist that would create a nuisance or fire hazard, or that wonld increase the rate af insurance on thc Leased Premises. LESSBE shall:notwaste ormisusewater, gas, steam oranyother utilities fiunishedbytheLESSOR. LESSfiE shalt not, in anymanner, deface or injure, orpeimit the defaeing or in}ury af, said Lease� Premises or any part ihereo� or overload tfie floors. LESSEE shall, at its ownexpense, repairany injuryto theLeasedPtrmises, otherthare ozdinazyweaz and tear, that has oceurred during the term of the lease. [23� Non-ll3sturbance m the Event of Chan�e of OwnershiQ In the event of the sale of the I.eased Premises or fareclosuxe ofthemoitgage or any changeofownerslup by othermeans, the instrument of transfer shall bind the succeeding owner, as a disect lcase bctween the succeeding owner and the LESSEE, to it►e covenants and obligations ofLESSOR as descn'bed in this Lease Agreement for the ba2ance ofthe tetm ofsaid lease_ The holders ofanymortgages that predate tiris 1 ease, upon s�xcceeding the LESSOR as ou�ers ofthe Leas�i Premises, shall be bound as by a direct lease with the LESSEE to the covenants and obligations of LESSORS as described in this lease agreemeni. Upon assumption by the succeedang owner of said covenaau and obligations, the I.ESSOR shali be relieved therefrom, provided, however, that the LESSOR shall not be reteased from any ciaim resulting from a default of the LESSOR occurring prior to the date of such sale. I.ESSEE shall accept the succeeding owner as LESSOR and shalt adhere to all ternzs and conditions of the LESSEE as described in this I.ease Agrecment for the balance of the term of said IeasE. (24J Alterations. The I.ESSEE will not make any alterations to the premises without the wntten consent of the LESSdR, such consem not to be unreasonably withheld. if the LESSEE desires to make any suehalterations, an accuratedescriptionshatt firstbesubmittedto and approved bytheLESSORand such aherarions shall be done by the LESS$E at its own e�cpense. All such work shsli be perfozmed under the LESSOR'S supetvlsion and any improvements made to ffie I.eased Premises ai the 1,ESSEE'S expense shall become the pmperty of the LESSOR at the end of the Lease periaL LESSEE agrees that all atterations will be done in a workmaniike manner and in conformance with applicable building codes, that the structural integrity and building systems of the building will not be impaired, azid that no liens will attach to the premises by reason thaeof. Page -8- RUG-20-2002 15�17 P.10/17 I�OD 2��/� [25] T.ESSEE'S Sigas. LESS�E may etect at iis own cost and expense to provide and instalI an exterior sign; provided, however, that the size, design aud manner ofinstallation ofsaid sign shall be subject to the written approval of the LBSSOR LESSEE agreed to conform to the signage standards ofthe Shopping Center. [z6j LESSEE'SPersonalPropertvLESSORshallhavenoobligationtorepairormaintainanypersonal pmpeaty or equipment brougfit into the F,eased Premises or installed thereia by LESSEE for LB.SSEE'S purposes, and LESSEE shall be permitted to remove said personal pmperty upon the tennination of this Lease. LFSSEE shall, at ifs own expensc repair any damage to the Leased Premises caused or created by the installation or removal of said personal property. (l7] Amended. tlaythiag hetein contained to the contxary nohvithstanding, this Lease may be temninated, and the provisions of this I.ease may be, in writing, amended by mutual consent of the parties heteto. [28) . Baildout The LESSOTt, as part of the coasideration, shall buildout the space as shown on E�chibit A, with a dmp ceiling, lighting,FNAC, cacpetandpowereffectivelytohandlethe intendedpucposes by the I.ESSEE. The LESSEE sha11 be responsible for tho cost of the demising walls and doors within tl�e space and the coffee bar. The LESSOR shall provide the LESSEE in advance to ex�uting the lease a final cost of thc tenant improvemenis and the associated cost. "£he LESSEE reserves the ri�t to pay for the cost of the tenant improvcmenu eitirer in a up froni payment or to be spread over the term of the lease. The LESSBE sha11 be responsibte for the installation of the modulaz fumishitigs. [29] Par '. The LESSOR shalI provide parking for up to 37 velucfes. The pazking spaces after working hour will be located to the north end of the Shopping Center. Page -9- AUG-20-2002 15�17 P.09i17 I�aaa���o IN WITNESS WHEI�O$ the pa:ties fiereto have set their hands and seals thc day and yeaz in this Lease fi�[ above-written. N/A Mayos 1ViA Ciry Clerk � � , rl/����i - i �.i. . �.� .- � � � � ��� �,. � . .��! - , � . �"' v �,.i �, / I � . �� . � � . . . LESSOR t �-�St �HflPP�p�e'i �'� c It5 (�cNju'l� �f/��G Vte� NLGS.�> � �f�s� a,— sc,br' �rk,�vcn� .�r+-c- Its Its Page -10- RUG-20-2002 15�16 � !s Ii i�. , tr �� � Itt ��) It 1 � O_' X 0 3 4 V 'a 0 U a � � 0 o :. N m , ti �< s � � � t � � �O� P.08/17 rj ba 2-c� /� � i I i i �. � . �' � ■;� —! e � \7 .� I � � � � ; I ' ���i��� � � � i � � � a B V L d U 6 V b � u '� Ji� r � � � � � � � u� n � � oF , A1�-20-2002 15=16 ��air �B° BUtlDOUT SPEC{FIGATtONS P.07/17 � D 0 a-/�/Cn The LFSSOR, at its own cost and expense, shall build out leased premises according to the concems expressed herein, a� to the space pians wlrich shall be prepared by Aug��t 15. 2002 or sooner. Constiuction shait begin ASAP of the time I.ESSOR receives sigaed and �proved documents (speci5cafions and p2aas.) COMMON AREA BUI�r1iNG IMPROVEMENTS Prior to commencement of thc lease, LFSSOR shall provide, at its own cost and expense, the followimg building improvements: (1} Access to the leased premises (corridors, foyers, etc.) shall be clean, as direct as possible for safe simple traffic flow aad fully handicap accessible. (2) Comxnon Area rest rooms shall be ugdated ADA guidelines and be clean attracrive. (3) Signage to the leased premises shall be displayed in such mann�r as to clearly indicate the location of the L�SSEE'S offices. (4) Access to the leased area must be controlled for security reasons. Access to stairwells and elevators must be limited after business hours. However, the building must also be accessible to selected staff 24 hours a day, 7 days a wesk. (5) There must be adequate provisions to puk vehicles white transparting materials and equipment to or from the leased premises_ Vendors must be able to delirer large items easily. LEASED PREMISES BTJILDOI3T IMPROVEMENTS PRELIMI1�fARY SCOPE OF WORK Tn additionto the schematic design,the followingbuildnutrequirements shouldbereflecEedintheplans and specifications of the contraci documents: IiYAC I'he LESSOR must design and instaII an HVAC system capable nf providiug a temperature range of 68 to 78 degees in spite of adverse condirions. Ccrtain azeas of thc premises will have a concentration ofmachines that both produce high heat leveis, and at the same time aze sensitive to that heat. Additionally, where there are lugh coacentrations of elecuical equipmen� adequate ventilation (ait exchange) is required. The HVAC shall comply with the ASF�LAE standazd 62.93 bench mark. AUG-20-2002 15�16 EXHIBIT "B" BUIlDOUT SPECIFICATIONS r.eb�i� D ooar��� T,TGHTING To acconsmodate the use ofcoatputeis �d to avoid eye strainbycomputerusers, it is essential that the space be eq�ripped with nongiaze, energy efficient Iighting throughouf. CABLE DTtflPS FOR VIDEO AND DATA EQUIPMENT Closety monitored by the LESSEE and IS staff, the I,ESSEE shall at its own cost and expense install the following types of low voltage wiring: (I) thin eiheraet v✓iring Srom each office to central points of scrvice; (2) RS-232 wiring from certain locations on each floorto ceniral points of service; (3) 3-pair teIephone wiTe (6 tatal wires) from the Point of Presence on each flnoz to each office tecminaring in (RJl l) telephone jacks; (4) three co�cial cable installations to be installed by ATT Broadband at the cost of the LESSEE and eoordinated by the LBSSEE'S general contractor. (A) the Insdtuaonat Network (video and data}; (B) the CityLink Nerivork (principally data); (C) the Subscribet Network (vid� only). T'he scope o£ atl work shall be reviewed and approved by the Division Manager of Infaxmatian Services. TELEPHONE LESSEE shall install the proper conduit, wiring and closet for phone service to the leased ptemises. The telephone in the Leased Premises wi31 interface with the PBX system being installed iu the City HalUCourt House. ELECTR3CAL CIRCUITRY In addition to normal electrical circuitry for lighring, separate eizcuits shal] be installed forcomputers. AnUnimemiptihiePowec SuppIy,maybepurchasedhytheLBSSEEforinstalla- tion by the LESSOR, wiihout additional charge to LESSEE and eonnected to cvmputers and peripheral equipmeat by electrica! sirips. WALL CONSTRiJGTTON 5/8"sheetrock shail be used on all hazd wall conshvction to supportwall tracks for the installation ofIierman-Miiler or such like Workstation fumis}ungs. CEII.INGHEIGHT REQUIREMENTS Ceilings shall be finished at a height ofl 0' 0" whereverpossibie; and, if necessary, at an absolute minimum of 9' 0". CARPETING LESSOR shati instail anti-static cupeting to the LESSEE's specifications. SHELVING, SERVICE COUNTER AND OTIiER SPECIAL B(JII.DOUT FEATURES The LESSEE bOC�a Pertormance Schedule Paragraph 28, $uildont outiines the scope of work. In order to accomplish tlie conshuction and move in by the comm.encement date of the Iease, the partics agreed to the following schedule: The Date of Delivery of a Final Plan by the LESSEE to the LESSOR shall be AuEUSt 15 Z002 2002 The space shail be competeby'.Se�tsmbet° 23. .to allow for the installa6on of the LESSEE Futnishings, Fixtures and Equipment. The Iast day ofthe Buildout Period shatl be ; teptember_ •23, 2002 This $ui�dout Scl�cdule sUall be completed on the Date of Aelivery, and sLull bc signcd by representatives of both parttes at that Ume. For the �or the LESSEE: Date Real Estate Managcr Date �_ Z(.�-� O�i-- 88114t2002 23:15 6514507923 THOMAS ALLEN INC PAGE 01 Thomas Allen, Inc. August 19, 2002 Aave Nelson Real Estate D'zvision 140 City Hall 55102 Dear Mr. Nelson: ►`� 1550 Humbo2dt Avenue WESt St, Paul, MN $$118 651.450.1802 Fax: 651.450.7923 www.Yhomasallen.org i have figured a cost estimate for the cleaning of the Saint �'aul Hillcrest Office space. The folJowing wst estimate is based on 5,000 square feet of office space, cleaning performed weeknights 5 times per week, with 90'/o carpeted floors, .A,II services to be pXOVided five times per week: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. S. Sweep ail tile flooi areas. Damp mop all fi1e floar areas. Empty ail trash receptacles and repIace liners as needed. Empty aIl recycle receptacles, Vacuum aii caxpeteri aze2s. Spot clean emry door glass, Spot clean carpet as �reeded, General office dusting one time per week. Cu,stomer to furnish aU trash can liners, large trash bags and equip�ent storage space. 1'homas Ailen wi11 furnish a]1 equipment, oleaning supplies, labor, worker's aompensation, general liability, property damage insurance and job site supervis+on. Total monthly cost estimate: $866.67 '�'hank you £or the opportuauty to provide an estimate for this facility. Please keep in mind, this estimate can be custom tailored to your tenants specifio needs, Sincerely, �� �� • Committed to the Arovision o£ QuaIity Servpces for Individua7s with, Special Needs Statewide • I�60 �--C�/(� • An Equa1 Opporiuniry/ Affirmative Action Employer • RUG-20-2002 15�25 EXHIBiT "C" MAlNTENANCE SCHEDULE Thc foBowiag maiateaance operatioas shall be performed week}y: (2) Machine gotish (spraY b� all resilient tiled 400rs; (2) 'Wash e�rance door glass on bcxh sides; (3) Dust geneial and executive office fitrmshings and horizontal surfaces. Y.Y).5�1"t b o� �-�/� The foUowing maintenance operations sf►alt be performed monffi1y_ (1} Spot clean walls aud doors in genexal and exacuave off ce areas; (Spot cleaning is generaIly, but not exetusively, confined to ateas around door lmobs, light switches, push plates, etc.); (2) Wash ail partition glass; (3) Vacuum vents ia lavatories; (4) Scrub lavatory IIoors; {5) Vacuwn clea�n upholstered fistniUUe. The following maiatenance operations shaii be performed qnarterlp: (1) Vacuum ceiting vents in otFice arcas; (2) Dust office paneling (3) Wash aA ceramic wa]ls and metal paztitions. The foIIowing maintenaace operations shaii be performed semi-annnaliy; (1) Cazpets shalt be tiiorougttiy cleaned and all stains removed. GF,NERAI. CLEANING A1VD MAIN't'�NAIYCE: (i ) LESSOR shall provide janito�'s closets and maintain them in a neat and orderly Condifion at ao cost to the LESSEE; (2) Po(ice common areas and building sidewalks for debris; (3} Empty wasfe recegtacles in &ei�ht elevator area nigjrtly, Monday fhrough Saturday, (4} $poc ctean cazpeting as needed to remove smali soiled azeas; (5) Clean cazpet aanually; (6) Keep fire access exits clean and maiatained; {7) Clean exterior windo�w giass. RUG-2H-2002 15�25 P.@4i17 n 6aar��� G/1f7��� nna� V MAINTENANC£ SCHEDULE Aress of Service in General: Bntraaces, Iobby, coaidors, rest rooms, and all occupied tenant spaces. �SSOR`S DUTIES ANl? RESPONSIBILITIES: Tfie foliowmg mainten�ce operations shali be perfo:med 5 rimes a week, Sunday through Thursday after 4:3fl P.M.: Geueral t;leatting: t�) t2) (3) ld) (5) �� �� ($) (9) �ia� (ii} Empty wasie recepiacles and replace liaers; all waste to be moved ta designaYed area; no waste to be thrown away imless ciearly marked as such or ptaced on top of waste receptacles; Dust desk tops. Papers, yersonal betongings oroffice equipment wi11 not be moved. Ifpapets aze IeR on the desk top, desk top wiIl be feather dusted onty; Empty and damp wipe ashtrays; Dust telephones, file cabipets, window sills, etc; Ciean and sanitize drinking fonatains; Spot clean partition glass, Spot clean enfrance door giass to remove 5ngeiprints; Dust atl building surfaces within reach (ledges, gartitions, etc); Properly a�range fumiture in offices upon completion of work; Water p2ants in maiu �ryr, as necded; Clean aR sinks and minozs in Leased Premises_ Floor Care: (1} Vacuntn ali catpeted azeas; {2) Pust mop or sweep aIl hard surface floors; (3) Damp mop all hazd surface floozs, as needed; {4j Vacuum mau. Lavatory Ciesning; tt) �2) (3) (4) (5} �� �7) Emgty waste reeeptaeles; Clean sinks �d chromc fittings with non-abrasive cleansers; Spot cIean metal paztitians aad watis around siuks and under towel cabinets; Ctean and refili non-vending dispensers; Clean miztors• Clean and sanitize wilets, seats and urinals; Wet mop tavatory floors with a germicidal cIeaner. t�be �-�t� 0 W , ,,.., \ U ' �, � � 0 Q _I �� �� (�1 1�= � 1 �r ' �C1 �I � O O � N 0 Y " � O � � �� I �u ��� z � �a � 4. w � ¢ ��:, � f O ��� >� �� � W U I �y o � O � 1�1 w iL I rjll w J � m p N � W � �.' RUG-20-2002 15�15 EJCHfBIT `B" BUILDOUT SPECIFICATI4NS P. 05i1'7 1�D��-t�/� shall provide sfielviag aad counter specifications to the LES30R dising the Constniction Documeat phase of plan preparetion. NOTE= None to be included in tke contract rent WTNDOW COVERINGS LESSOR shali, as i�s own cost and expense, purchase and install `4nini-biinds' on atl windows. SIGNAGE Within the Leased Premises L�SSOR shall provide, at i�s own wst �d eacpense, signage providiag directions to offices and to emergency evacuation routes. LEA.SED PREMISES shall contain open workstation azeas. � Green Sheef Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � �ODa-�vl� Pw -runa� woac� Contad Persan 8 Phone: Jean B for Date Nelson 2C Must Be on Council Agen� Doc. Type: OTHER ADMINISTRAl1VE OR[ EDowment Required: N DxumentContact: ConNaet Pbone: [�x�, r•��r� � Assign Number For Routing Order Green Sheet NO: 3034271 0 �PubHc Works S'�k)l. �.UZ$Z ,•- '_ {� t�-��l lOb ( 1 a t ' 2' e a a I-! -o' 3 �ac 1 'c e 4 " Cek 5 li Wo en Toial # of SignaW re Pages ��,[, (Cfip AI! Locations for Signature) Action Requestetl: Authorization to execute an Addendum N to Lease NHPUOIto extend on a month-by-month basis the NHPI lease at ] 612 White Bear Aveaue. Mations: Approte (A) w Reject Planning Contntissim CIB Committee Citii SeMce Commission 4uestions: 1. Has this persoNfirtn eeer wwketl under a coMract for this department? Yes No 2. Has this personlflrtn e�es been a city emproyee? . Yes No 3. Does this persoNfirtn possess a skill nM nortnally possessed by any cuRent cftY �P�� Yes No Explain all yes answ¢rs on separate sheet arW attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, iss�ex Opportuniiy (Who, What, When, Where, Why}: Ctiunnt lease expired 10l1/06. Advanfa9es IfApProved: iVHPI can stay at their current location Disadvantages NApproved: None foreseen Disadvantages KNotApproved: NHPI wouid have to find new office space. �op�qmoutrcot 7 � Transactinn: Funding Source: CostlRevenue Budgeted: Financial Infortnation: $7000 a month or $15.73 per sf (E�cplainj nctivity Number. ppT-pp256-D2$2 d1C VCtVC6/ Nav � 7 zoos II Ilmh'r l � �QO& 2.49 PM Page 1 ����� � �