D002615CITY OF SAINT PAUL _ �G� t� / � i � ��-�i �/-�, Dl��°�-� Contract Change Order No. � Department: PUBLIC WORKS (BRIDGES) Department Project #: P-1234 Date Initiated: 7/27/06 Lump Sum Lump Sum Lump Sum Lump Sum Lump Sum Lump Sum Each Each Lump Sum Lump Sum Lump Sum Lump Sum Lump Sum TOTAL: The following changes are authorized for Activity No. co� 2PO�o o�sa o000o for project: Trunk Hwy 5(Gateway - W. 7th) Bridge Improvements between the City of Saint Paul and Progressive Contractors, Inc. Provide all labor and materials necessary and incidental to: Work Order #1 - Navigation Lights Work Order #2 - Cover Plates Work Order #3 - Curb & Rail Modifications Work Order #4 - Repaint Median Barrier Work Order #5 - Guard Rail Work Order #6 - Change Planting Beds �Vork Order #7 - Rock Anchorages 1 Work Order #7 - Rock Anchorages 2 Work Order #8 - Replace Conduit for Overhead Signs Work Order #9 - Additional Traffic Control Prime Contractor Allowance for Work Order #1 Supplemental Agreement #1 Supplemental Agreement #2 ' Deducts and Reductions of Quantities Net Change to Contract AS TO Office�ncial Se ices �� � Project Manager �� ���o�, Activity Manager (if different than Project Manager) Department of Human Rights (if over �50,000) � . (�ODa- �/S ll- q �Co � SGra� c/a�.c'zl:� � $40,307.47 $1,159.20 $9,463.63 $1,895.19 $2,970.00 $666.68 $3,800.00 $9,900.00 $2,160.63 828.85 $4,030.75 $265,293.94 $64.116.00 $406,592.34 $413,689.56 ($7,097.22) Progressive ontractors, Inc. Contractor t � By Budget Cade: DISTRIBUTION ( ) Contractor ( ) Finance Accounting ( ) Depar[ment Accounting ( ) Contract File � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � ���K�� -r�ts� wo� Contact Person 8 Phone: Ke�,in Nelson � W C E¢ i} 266-6152 Must Be on Council Agenda by (Dat Doc.Type: O'fHERADMINISiRAiPlE OW E-0ocumentRequired: N DocumentContact ContactPhone: Date Nitiated: is-ocT-os � Assign Number For Routing Order 0 1 2 3 4 5 Green Sheet NO: 3033707 Depastment SentToPerson (nitia a li W e o"n r �'� f �i 'c untant RV /ld Q� t ' r 1 �; lerk Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip NI Locations for Signature) Action Requested: Administrative Order for Approval of Con4act Change Order No. 1 Trunk Hwy 5(Gateway W. 7th) Bridge Improvements - City Project No. P-1234 Contractor: Progressive Conhactors, Inc. Recommendations: Appro�e (k) or R Planning Commission CIB Committee CiNI Service Commission Service � ���r`°� �-;- �'���i��'� 1. Has this person/firtn e�er worked under a contract tor this department? Yes No 2. Has this persoNfirtn e�er been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not nortnally possessed by any curtent city employee? � Yes No Explain all yes answers on separete sheet and altach to green sheet � Initiating Pro6lem, lssues, Opportunity (INho, What, When, Where, Why): The Conh�actor was directed to perform extra work that was not included in the original contract. In addition, there was a sudden and unanticipated increase in material prices, pi�imarily shuctural steel. Aowever, there were deducts and reduc6ons in quantities that reduced the contract cost by more than the extra costs. Advantages H Approved: The Ciry saves money by paying a reduced amount to the Contractor. DisadvanWges IFApproved: None. ° DisadvanWges HNotApproved: Increased cost to the City. Total Amount of Trensaction: -709�'z2 Pundinp Source: MnDOT, Fed Financial Information: , (Explain) October 18, 2006 1:53 PM CosflRevenue Budgeted: y Aetivity Number. C01 2P010 0784 00000 ��CElitED NOV 0 9 2006 �a!' ° �L�R� Page 1