D002580Approved Copies to: ADMINISTRATNE ORDER: No: p � ���60 - City Clerk (Original) BUDGET REVISION Date: ��-Q(p - Finance Dept's Accounting Division - Requesting Dept. ADMIVISTRATIVE ORDER, Consistent with the authority granted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the CiTy Charter and based on request of the Chief of the Department of Fixe & Safely Services to amend the 2005 budget of the General Rund, the Director of the Office of Financial Services is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner: From: 001 . • General Fund 05001 - Fire Administration 0111 - Full Time Permanent 0439 - Fringe Benefits 0511 - Settlements 0518 - Mayor's Contingency 0813 - Duplicating Machines 05002 - Data Processing 0256 - Registration Fees - Local 0276 - Off Eqmt & Furniture Repair 0393 - PC Software 05110 - Code Enforcement 0111 - Full Time Permanent 0117 - Trades w/o City Benefits 0439 - Fringe Benefits 05100 - Fire Plans and Training 0219 - Fees-Other Professional Services 0251 - Transportation 0518 - Mayor's Contingency 05101 - Emergency Medical Serv: Fire 0111 - Full Time Permanent 0439 - Fringe Benefits 0842 - Medical and Dental Equipment 05120 - Fire Fighting & Paramedics 0439 - Fringe Beneflts 0822 - Trucks & Vans 05122 - Hazardous Materials Response 0141 - Overtime 0439 - Fringe Benefits 0848 - Capitalized Equipment 05004 - Health & Safety - Fire 0215 - Fees - Medical 05050 - Fire Station Maint 0111 - Full Time Permanent 0117 - Trades w/o City Benefits 0439 - Fringe Benefits 0822 - Trucks & Vans 0892 - Architect Fee Cptlzd - Bldg 0898 - Building Improvements 0505D - Fire Training Facility 0217 - Fees - Engineers 0892 - Architect Fee Cptlzd - Bldg 05102 - Phys Fitness Program - Fire 0848 - Capitalized Equipment 05121 - Emergency Management - Fire 0227 - Telephone - Mo Non Voice 0355 - Fire Fighting Supplies 0367 - Training/Instrctnl Supplies 05140 - Fire Communications 0851 - Radio Equipment Current Approved Amended Budget Changes Budget 309,741 193,375 17,000 25,000 16,955 1,244 4,405 3,060 1,144,254 342,641 459,406 57,880 5,457 92,150 48,333 12,836 37,586 7,496,291 795,463 12,500 11,389 15,300 31,482 186,875 153,326 104,993 17,723 1,660 64,538 3,110 3,125 3,554 9,282 11,690 5,863 (9,917) (2,748) (6,916) (25,000) (7,197) (1,244) (3,112) (1,421) (26,770) (60,462) (13,69�) (34,882) (3,529) (g2,150) (13,141) (1,367) (22,440) (348,905) (177,808) (12,092) (1,259) (7,871) (32,102) (23,725) (14,389) (16,007) (226) (1,660) (37,237) (3,110) (3,125) (3,554) (2,301) (11,690) (3,584) 299,824 190,627 10,084 9,758 1,293 1,639 1,117,484 282,179 445,716 22,998 1,928 35,192 11,469 15,146 7,147,386 617,655 408 10,130 7,429 (620) 163,150 135,937 88,986 17,497 27,301 6,981 2,279 24,924 (1,733) 23,191 11,221,296 (1,028,364) 10,205,597 �Approved Copies to: ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER: No: - City Clerk (Original) BUDGET REVISION Date: - Finance Dept.'s Accounting Division - Requesting Dept. p ooa�� �IST'RATIVE ORDER, Consistent with the authority granted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on request of the ChieF oF the Department of Fire & Safety Services to amend the 2005 budget of the General Fund, the Director of the Office of Financial Services is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner: Curtent Approved Amended Budget Changes Budget �.A �� 001 - General Fund 05001 - Fire Administration 0368 - O�ce Supplies - Master Contract 05110 - Code Enforcement 0242 - Printing - River Print 0370 - Computer Equipment and Supplies 05100 - Fire Plans and Training 0132 - Not Certified - Temp/Seasonal 0141 - Overtime 0142 - Mandatory Overtime - Full Time 0439 - Fringe Benefits 05101 - Emergency Mediral Serv: Fire 0215 - Fees - Medical 0346 - Accessories for Vehicles 0352 - Medical Supplies 05120 - Fire Fighting and Paramedics 0141 - Overtime 0280 - Computer Hdwr/Softwr Mtce 0341 - Motor Fuel 0344 - Parts for Vehicles 05122 - Hazardous Materials Response 0215 - Fees - Medical 0356 - Safety Supplies 05050 - Fire Station Maint 0371 - Electricity 0373 - Gas Incl Bottle 0376 - Water Incl Bottle 05121 - Emergency Management - Fire 0111 - Full Time Permanent 0142 - Mandatory Overtime - Full Time 0439 - Fringe Benefits 0848 - Capitalized Equipment , ,j �� � ��� � .-.:��, r, .-:. - �. - . :.. 10,200 60,700 4,000 70,292 261,120 12,403 215,985 25,000 103,067 188,767 10,047 11,947 84,970 125,938 7,140 57 10,257 1,998 1,998 2,690 63,390 46,427 11,741 3,284 845 7,386 27,372 7,441 729,601 43,067 35,237 35,126 5,711 1,451 3,078 31,903 14,569 46,427 15,741 3,284 71,137 268,506 39,775 223,426 754,601 43,067 138,304 223,893 15,758 13,398 88,048 157,841 21,709 114,914 2,189 117,103 - 4,333 4,333 34,508 3,219 37,727 - 9,639 9,639 1,195,806 1,028,364 2,157,128 � �/v��.� Financial Services Director ate � • � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet �00�5"cS'd DepartmenHOfficelcouncil: Date Ini[iated: �FR — Fire I 18-APR-06 Green Sheet NO: 3030450 "Con}act Person & Phone: Chief Douglas A. Holton 222-0477 Must Be on Council qqenda by (Date): � ueaartment sent �o rerson ��i_m � 0 �Fire � Assign 1 ire ActiviN Mana er or D Number Z ire De artment Director For Routing 3 mancial Services Of(ice Ftinancial Servi Order 4 itv Ierk Ci Clerk Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip All Lowtions for Signature) Action Requested: Approval of the attached Administrarive Order Budget Revision adjusting the 2005 yeaz-end Deparhnent of Fue and Safety Services' General Fund Activiries. itlations: Approve (A) or R Planning Commission CIB Committee Civil Service Commission Personal Service Contrects Must Answer the Following Questions: �. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this departmenY? Yes No 2. Has this personffirm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current ciry employee? Yes No . Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sfieet Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Authorization is needed to revise the 2005 General Fund budgets in order to close out year-end. Advantages If Approved: All General Fund Acrivity accounts will be fully funded. DisadvantageslfApproved: None. Disadvantages If Not Approved: General Fund Activity accounts will not comply with fhe requirements to be fully funded. Transaction: Fundinp source: General Fund Information: (Explain) CosURevenue Budgeted: ActivityNumber: V8fi0US . ...,.. .._+. I�. ' 11� ! . -