D002576CITY OF SA1NT PAUL OFFICE OF 7"HE MAYOR � ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER From: 860 - Parks and RttreaHon - Granis/Aid 33185 - Youth Job Co�p 0299 - O[her - Misc. Serv�ces 33186 - Twins 0121 - Part Time Cert�fied 0219 - Fees - Other Profess�onal Sernces 0299-OtherMisc Services 0321 - Horticulturnl 0439 - Fringe Benefits 33190 - Arfs and Commumty Gardenmg Grants 0219 - Fees - Other Professional Sernces 0299 - Other - M�sc. Services 0439 - Fnnge Benefits 33191 - Environmental Pro�ect Donation 0321 - HorticW[ural 33193 - Regional Park Mamcenance 0131 - Cert�fied Temporary 0389 - O[her M�scellaneous Supphe5 0883 - Archrtect Fee 33194 - Night Moves . 0219 - Fees - Other Pmfessiooal Services 0357 - Athletic/RecreaLOn 33196 - Envimnmental Pertnits & Pla�ning Oi I I- Full T�me Permanent 0439 - Fnnge Benefits • CURnErv'r APPROVED A�1ENDED ADMM[S77LATIVE ORDE$ consistent v.7th the authoriry granted to ffie Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the C�ry Charter and bued on the request of the Direccor of the Drvision of Pazks and Rureation to amend the 2005 budgec of the SpeciaV ftevenue Fund, Park and Recreation -Granu/Aids (860), the Director ofthe O�ce ofFinancial Servicu is authonzed to aznend sa�d budget in the follovring manner. To: 860 - Parks and Recreation - Grants/Aid 33185 - You[h Job Corp 0132 - No[ Certified 0439 - Fnnge BenefiCs 33186 - Twins 0843 - Playground & Recreanon 33190 - Arts and Commumry Gardenmg Grants 0121 - Part Time Certified 0321 - Horticultural 33191 - Environmental Pro�ect Donation 011 I - Full 'i�me Permanent 0439 - Fnnge Benefiu 33193 - Reg�onal Park Mamtenance 0211 - Fees - Arch�rec[ 0299 - Other - Misa Semces 0435 - Fringe Benefi[s 33194 - N�ght Moves Ol I 1- Full T�me Pertnanent 0439 - Frmge Benefits 33196 - Environmental Pertnits & Piannmg 0299-OthervM�sc Semces 0389 - Otk�er Miscellaneous Suppl�es S6DGEi CHANGES BlSDGET 24,153 (14,380) 3,947 (3,947) 30,000 (30,000) 22,747 (9,534) 13,000 (4,286) 1,215 Q,2U) 4,884 3,000 11,648 6,945 93,615 6,680 81,020 54,190 7,656 �o Q�_ ��Lfi DATE ' _ (4,844) (2,997) (1,305) (4,005) (7,528) (5,513) (32,560) (13,442) (701) 9,773 13,213 8,7I4 40 3 10,343 2,940 86,090 1',167 48,460 40,748 6,955 92,944 Q5,425) 77,519 31,318 (4,866) 26,452 488,965 (156 548) 332,417 24,184 18,622 2,329 2,808 9,729 I2,544 2,823 48,983 8,914 10,219 3,055 452 19,658 10,140 8,384 IQS84 3,260 12,544 27,007 48,983 8,914 28,841 3,055 952 21,987 12,948 18,113 1 Q8S4 3,260 750 15,917 16,667 1,50� SIS 2,315 59,922 156,548 216,470 05A0860 xls � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet DepartmenUOffice/eouncil: Datelnitiated: � � / � ,PR — pa*�andRecreabon 03-APR-06 Green Sheet NO: 3030244 Confac[ Person 8 Phone: Jill Cremers 2666435 Must Be on Council qqen �/ Assign Number For Routing Order DenartmeM Sent To Person 0 arkc and R eation 1 arks and Recreation Activltv Mana er or D 3 mancial Services Office FSnanci 1 Servi 4 i erk Citv Ie k Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip All Lowtions for Signature) � Action Requested: � Appzoval of the attached Adminis4ative Order which will hansfer budget authority to provide sufFicient fixnding at the budgetary control level of the Parks and Recrearion GrauUAids Special Revenue Fund 860. Approve (A) or Reject (R): Planning Commission CIB Committee Civil Service Commission � � Questions: 1. Has this person/firtn ever worked under a contract for this department? Yes No 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this person/firtn passess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? Yes No Esplain all yes answers on separete sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Wh»: To provide adequate funding at the budgetary conh�ol level of the Pazks and Recrearion GrranUAids Special Revenue Fund 860 AdvanWpes If Approved: The Pazks and Recreation 2005 Grants/Aids Special Revenue Fund 860 will have adequate fuuding at the budgetary conuol levels. Disadvanpges If Approved: None Disadvantages If Not Approved: The Parks and Recreation 2005 Grants/Aids Special Revenue Fund 860 will be overspent at the budgetary control levels. 7otal Amount of 156548 Transaction: wnainA source: Grant/Aids Special �cia� �nPormation: Revenue Fund 860 (Explain) � �._ Service Contrects Must CosURevenue Budgeted: ActiviN Number: vB�ioUS REGEIV�D APR y 7 2006 �ITY CLERK