D002572City of Saint Paui OFFICE OF THE MAYOR Date:�� Q (o • ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER No: .DOD a-57a BUDGET REVISION ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Consistent with the authority granted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of the Director of Libraries to amend the 2005 budget of the Librarv Aqencv Fund, the Director of the Department of Financial Services is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner: • Library Agency Fund - 349 33400-0370 Computer equipment 33400-0381 Books, periodicals 33400-0857 Computer equipment 33450-0111 Full time permanent 33450-0219 Fees, other profess 33450-0222 Telephone service 33450-0369 Other supplies 33451-0111 Full time permanent 33451-0439 Fringe benefits 33451-0443 Medical expenses 33451-0557 Transfer to General Fund 33452-0111 Full time permanent 33452-0276 Office equip. repair 33452-0439 Fringe benefits 33454-0219 Fees-otherprofess 33454-0270 Elevator maintenance 33454-0271 Building repair 33454-0277 Other equip. repair 33454-0279 Other - repair & maint 33454-0315 Supplies-janitorial 33454-0349 Other - eqmt-parts 33454-0371 Electricity 33454-0373 Gas 33454-0374 District Cooling 33454-0377 District Heating 33454-0389 Other - misc. supplies 33454-0445 Supplementary 33454-0549 Other - misc. assess 33460-0219 Fees - other profess 33460-0297 Data processing 33460-0381 Books - periodicals 33462-0111 Full time permanent 33462-0121 Part time certified 33462-0219 Fees - other profess 33462-0369 Other - office supplies 33464-0256 Registration fees 33466-0111 Full time permanent 33466-0439 Fringe benefits All others Current Budqet Chanqe Amended Budqet 71,679 209,100 -0- 209,370 45,000 38,081 15,300 673,332 230,791 -0- -0- 3,754,741 604 1,662,936 49,505 20,400 28,560 3,181 14,761 5,009 4,042 217,369 65,344 39,516 40,077 5,698 -0- -0- -0- 41,197 30,053 48,183 49,039 58,000 10,000 3,143 27,081 13,363 6,896,649 (71,679) 8,182 71,679 (25,000) 30,000 6,000 7,400 9,800 3,231 14,955 2,250 (222,438) 4,680 (29,927) 8,700 11,000 9,200 7,000 7,200 4,800 8, 700 29,379 15,000 16,363 19,659 6,180 22,608 4,000 23,400 (41,197) 29,000 (30,350) (17,000) 10,450 36,900 5,238 18,000 (13,363) -0- 14,581,404 red by: Activity Manager Reques�partment D r ctor � -0- 217,282 71,679 184,370 75,000 44,081 22,700 683,132 234,022 14,955 2,250 3,532,303 5,284 1,633,009 58,205 31,400 37,760 10,181 21,961 9,809 12,742 246,748 80,344 56,179 59,736 11,878 22,608 4,000 23,400 -0- 59,053 17,833 32,039 68,450 46,900 8,381 45,081 -0- 6,896,649 14,581,404 � \ Approved by: Offi e of Financial Services � /7 0� Date > Green Sheet Green Sheet 6reen Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet LI —tib�;� Contact Person & Phone: Susan Cantu 26Cr7076 Must Be on Council Aaem Contract Type: AB�UDGETAMENDMENT ADMINISTRAiNE ORDER oa� mrt� i4-nnnR-os DOb��� � Green Sheet NO: 3030059 � -' Departrnent � SentToPerson InitiallDate 0 brariee �aJ� 1 braries ' Mana er or D ��' Number Z �p�� DeoartinentD' ec[o i -/3 For Routing 3 n cial 'ces Ftinan ' Se ' Order 4 erk �.k Tofal # of SignaW re Pages _(Clip All Locations for SignaW re) Approval of Administrative Order revising the 2005 Library Agency Budget . �uaoons: Nppip� (q) or Reject (R): Planning Commission CIB Committce Citil Sen.ice Commission rersona� aervice contracts MustMswerthe Following Questions: 7. Has this person/fimi e�er worked under a contract for this department? Yes No 2. Has this person/firtn e�er 6een a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this persoNfirtn possess a skill not normally possessetl by any current city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach W green sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, Whaf, When, Where, Why): Adjustments aze needed to co�rect negative balances in majoi ob}ect codes within the 2005 Library Agency Fund 349. AavanWge5lfApproved: � There wiil be sufficient funds at the major object levels and the Library Agency will be in compliance with the City's budget policies. , u�saWanfages MApproved: None. � uisativanWges If Not Approved: The Library's budget wili show negative balances at some major object levels. MAR 2 2 200& � Trensaction: Funding Source: c Financial InformaGOn: (Explain) $o CosURevenue Budgeted: Activity Number. 33450�g666 Maich 14, 2006 8:43 AM Page 1