85-1416 �NH17E - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT PA U L Council ///yyy /// CANARV - DEPARTMENT {�'r `[//� BLUE - MAVOR v J /7 , File N . ouncil Resolution Presented By �eferred To �/ /�/� C�� Committee: Date ������ Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, The Mayor , pursuant to Section 10 .07. 1 of the City Charter recommends the following changes to the 1985 budget: FINANCING PLAN 001 General Fund 1/1/85 Fund Balance : Unreserved, Undesignated $ 853, 993.00 $10, 912.00 $ 864, 905.00 All Other Finaneing 105, 847, 375.00 00 105,847, 375.00 $106, 701, 368.00 $10, 912. 00 $106, 712, 280.00 SPENDING PLAN 001 General Fund Executive Administration 00150 Civil Rights Regulations/Enforcement 00150-537 Operating Transfer-Out $ 00 $10, 912.00 $ 10, 912.00 00150-A11 Other Spending 317, 898. 00 OU 317, 898. 00 All Other General Fund Spending $106, 383, 470.00 00 106, 383,470.00 $106, 701, 368. 00 $10, 912.00 $106, 712, 280.00 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Ci.ty Council adopts these changes to the 1985 Budget . Financing is Available : Approval Reeommended : !l : Director o Finance _p,� Budge rector .9'�,. COUfVCILIVjEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas S�`�^/�� Nays �� Mayor's Office Drew In Favor Masanz Nicosia �s�E � __ Against BY Tedesco Wilson �CT Z � 1g85 Form Approv y City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Y-s•ed b Council Se r BY By t\pproved by Mavor. D l�'` 'a-`���� C I z 1` Appr Mayor for Submis i n t Council B �-.�� Y �f° � ' �. �f�� Human:-.Rights DEPARTMENT t�ti��/�%�q,o 452 ' 1V � Johannes Huyen ` - ; CON1`ACT 298-4288� PHONE September 10, 1985 DATE ree� e e ASSIGN NUMBER FOR ROUTING ORDER (Clip All Locations for Signature) : 1 De�artment Director 5 Director of Management/Mayor 2.:�-_��� ��m Se.�ti.ces Director 7 City Clerk E±n�nrc an�ana t -or 6 Chair,Finance,Management & P��S�nel � City Attorney 8 i n il 9 Ch e Accoun�ant, F & MS WHAT WILL BE ACHIEVED BY TAKING ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ Rationale) : This will enable the transfer of Grant Funds from the General Fund, where they were depo�ited, to the Special Revenue Fund, where the use of the Grant is being accounted for. / C� ��1� �� �� ,..�..�..._. COST/BENEFIT, BUOGETARY AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: _ RECEIVED _,,,_ Nor�e StP 19 1985 OFFICE OF THE DIRECtOR DEPARTMENT OF FNANCE AND MANAGEIV�iENT SERVlCES FINANCING SOURCE AND BUDGET ACTIVITY NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- ture not re- Total Amount of Transaction: $10,912,00 quired if under $10,00Q) Funding Source: General Fund Balance Activity Number: 00150 Civil Rights Regulation/Enforcement for transfer to 30150 Housing Discrimination Com laints ATTACHMENTS (List and Number All Attachments�: Council Resolution ' .� RECEIVED , �'�:�-;;"�E � 1985 �; ; OFFIC PT [�It�€��t�1�3 bEP MENT �i�vAr��, � MANAG�[�IEN S�f�Y1�:ES DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW �Yes No Council Resolution Required? Resolution Required? �Yes No Yes �No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No N� Yes No Insurance Attached: NA (SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/84 : _ _ .__. ._._._.._ _ ... .. . ._.. _. .. . . ... . . . .. .. .. r�_- .;.�......_, . ., . :.��� ';,,,:�-�`'�.y� � .f`iI��Y O�' .SA.zNT �11rJ� . y�•y� �� �1� ' f'�^.!' ��••.'-�� �� O�+'��ICI� OIs" '1`F1T CITY CQII\-CFL � F!'�D °;;l�� s.�,:;.�:;: .,.� �`.'�{ . �`y.� -'- ��>~� D O t e:_:G° O:�toher�:15�,� Al-�9$5 �:::;�';=.�:'== � . "..'"�.. - � � . .,;,� "_:�lC� . COfVli� I�"T' � E F� EPO �T' � � . ' '.:. i O = SQjn� P�ut Ci�� Co►�n�ii . � � � . �p � �'� ' �+d��1 t��� Q� FINANCE, MANAGEMENT $ PERSONNEL � ' ' C�A! P. James Scheibel . � COtiIlNITTEE-OF-'fEtE-wHOLE: � Resolution approving the aapaintment of Rafael Viscasillas � as Personnel Director of the City of St. Paul for a term • ' of 6 years commencing October 28, 1985. At1a��V� • REGIJL�tR C01�lIT'I�E: • . � I. Approval of minntes ,from meeting held October 10.. 1985. a��� � . . . 2, Resolution amending the 1985 budget•by adding $4 800 to tke Finaitci.ng and Spending � Plan for POlice I.D. Card Deposit. (Police) �1�� � 3. • Resolution amending the 1985 budget by adding $23,81I to the Finaiecing and Spendin � ._ . _ Plan for-?olice-SQeical Revenue Fand-Crime Laboratory Equinment Fund. (Fo�ice) ��� ' 4. Resolution amending the 1985 budget by adding $32,912.00 to the Financing and - • Spending Plan for Special-Project-Gen. Govt. Housin�Discrimzna=ion ComplainLS. (Human Rights) • �(�D�Q ' - . � �: Resolutio� ,�Fte I985 6a�3�,at by addisg $20;912.Otf to the Financing and • - Spendin Platt `�er c. Administration-Civi1 &i�hts Regulat�asts{Enzarcemeat. . (xu�� �'�'►� � . . ' 6. Resolution amending the I985 budget by adding �2,221.5� to the Financing and ��� Spending Plan for Special. Project-General Govt.-the Rand Study. (Budget Dirsctar 7. Resolution amendi.ng the 1985 budget by adding $225,629 to the Finanring arcd �,��p ' Spending Plazt for General 6ovt. Accounts-Bldg. I`rades Fringe Beaefits. (Finance) /T-����� 8. Resolution amending the I985 budget by decreasing $40,000 from Finaztcing Pla.n ' and adding $8,600 to the Spending Plan for Alarm License Activities 6 Penalties. • (Finance Dept.) (,A�t f� ��j� '�"b 10-31-�s � 9. Resolution amending the 1985 budget by transferring $3,000 from Contingent Reserve � ' to PED-Citizen Participation. (PED-Commtmity �evelopment) •�1��� 10: Resolution supporting an effort to develop a consortium of ci.ties to intervene in - ' .• the NSP electric rate case and resolving that the City will contribute a pro�P���� • . rata amount of money to help defray aosts af intervention by the consartium. � ' II: Resolution transforring $388,000 fro ark Nurse Tax Iacrement District to ' . . • Edgcurnoe Colmnunity Recreation Center��•►:�� ��VS. � ��'4�� ��3�µ���� • . - . . . � : _�- . . CITY HALL �y�'�;FLOOF. . , , SAINT PetUL,111I�tiESOTot SSI02 ' �r��