85-1414 WNITE - sITV CLERK PIfS}C - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL Council ��/1I[� CANARY - DEPARTMENT File NO. Vv /�/� BLUE - MAVOR � ouncil Resolution Presented By . � r/ Referred To �'�� �-t Committee: Date �� � �c' �' �� Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, The Mayor, pursuant to Section 10.07. 1 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, does certify that there are available for appropriation total revenues in escess of those estimated in the 1985 budget ; and WHEBEAS, Council File 277510, adopted October 1 , 1981 , did establish certain Special Fund Policies ; and WHEBEAS, The Mayor recommend� that the following additions be made to the 1985 budget : Current Amended FINANCING PLAN Budget Changes Budget 050 Special Pro�ect - General Government Housing Discrimination Complaints Other Federal Direct Grants■In�Afd 30150-3099 $0 $22,000.00 $22,000.00 Transfer fro� General Fund 30150�7299 0 10, 912.00 10, 912.00 $0 $32, 912.00 $32, 912.00 SPENDING PLAN 050 Specfal Project General Government Housing Discrimination Complaints 30150-132 Temporary-Not Certified $0 $ 3,000. 00 $ 3,000.00 30150-241 Printing�Uutside 0 2, 000. 00 2, 000. 00 30150-251 Transporation 0 6, 814.00 6, 814.00 30150�252 Lodging/Mesls 0 7, 672.00 - 7, 672.00 30150-253 Registration 0 2, 600. 00 2, 600.00 30150-275 Office Eqpt & Maint Cont 0 500.00 500.00 COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: gum8n Bights Yeas Nays Fletcher °r81N In Favor Masanz Nicosia Scheibel __ Against BY Tedesco hannes R. Huyen, Dir to Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY Bl' � t#pproved by Ylavor. Date _ Appro by Mayor for Submi on t Council By _ WHITE -�'.ITV CLERK PIA7( - FINANCE G I TY � OF SA I NT PA U L Council � �,1�[,� BLUERV - MAVORTMENT File NO• � 7 / 1 Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Page 2 Current Amended Budget Changes Budget 30150-815 Desks ,Chairs ,Tables 0 2, 432.00 2, 432.00 30150�856 Data Processing Software 0 650.00 650.00 30150-857 Data Processing Hardware 0 7, 244. 00 7, 244.00 $0 $32, 912.OU $32, 912.00 NOW, THE�EFORE, BE IT RESOLV&D, That the City Council adopts the above additions to the 1985 Budget. Approved as to funding: Approval Recomnended : F nance Dfr ctor �(�, Budget Dlrector COU=�EN Requested by Department of: Yeas �l//� Nays � fluffi8II Rlghts °re1N In Favor Masanz NiCOSia ('y- estieibsF _ Against BY Tedesco • � Wilson OCT 2 2 1985 Form Approved Cit ttorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Ya•s d Council Se ta BY By ���i.��til U� � t�pproved by Mavor: at ` �'`� —��CT 2 �t B�PPr d by Mayoc for Submi n to Caµncil By�_ � By p ���w��i��,� r ���5 Y"�L:.?����Pl.0 ,.� . l-� , � • Human Ri ghts DE PARTMENT l,ryZ�� �������� 4�,� Johannes Huven �ONTACT � � 298-4288 PHONE September 5, 1985 DATE �Q,/�✓� e e � ASSI NUMBER EOR ROUTING ORDER Cli All Locations for Si nature : epartment Director � Director of Management/Mayor inance and Management Services Director 7 City Clerk udget Director ���f�1�'� 6 Chair,Finance,Mgmt & Personnel Comm City Attorney a�7s 8 City Council �9 Chief Accountant, F & MS WHAT WILL BE ACHIEVED BY TAKING ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ Rational e) : The Department of Human Rights will be able to utilize a HUD grant to investigate housing complaints referred by HUD and filed directly with the Human Rights Department; to engage in education and informational activities designed to promote fair housing in the community; and to provide training for all investigators through professional human rights organizations. COST/BENEFIT, BUDGETARY AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: The funding will allow the Department of Human Rights to purchase computer software and hardware, to maintain records and prepare reports on complaints and communicate this information to HUD via the computer, to hire part-ti� clerical and to allow all of the investigative staff to attend training sessions. FINANCING SOURCE AND BUDGET ACTIVITY NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- ture not re- Total Amount of Transaction: $32,912.00 quired if under $10,00Q) Funding Source: HUD Grant HA-13161 Activity Number: 30150 Housing Discrimination Complaints �. RECEIVED ATTACHMENTS (List and Number Al l Attachments.) : SEP 19 1985 1 . Counci 1 Resol uti on OFFI�E OF THE DIRECTt�� DEPARTMENT OF �►NqNC� 2. HUD Award _ AND MANAGEIVIENT SERVICES ,..,._. . ,; ,: ��� ... ,�_ ; DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW � Yes No Council Resolution Required? Resolution Required? �Yes No Yes X No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No NA Yes No Insurance Attached: NA (SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/84 - _____ ._._ ..._ .._....__.,_....,, � -. � `, ASStS1ANCE AWARD/AMENDMENI �C�\j f�/y '. '�� i. ASSISTANCE INSTRUMENT - , � • 2. TYPFOF ACTION . ' � Cooperative Agreement 0 Grem [� Award D Amendment 3. INSTRUMENT NUMBER I. AMENDMENT NUMBER 6. EFFEC7IVE dATE OF THIS . CONTROL , ACTION 9�Z2�g4 � }ip- 13167 gt,-1170 i .. , 7. NAME AND ADDRESS OF RECIPIENT 8. HUD ADMINISTERING OFF�CE Offioe oi ProcursmnM�nd Contncn ' St. Yaul �)eParCment of Human Rights �5�-7cns��t,s.w. Room 5256 . 515 City Hall and Courthouse Weshinpton,n.c. 2oato-3500 St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 " • • NAME OF ADMINISTRATOR. TELEPNONE NUMBER • Ms. Annette Ilancock �202) 755-5585 10. RECIPIENT PROJECT MANAGER 8. 11UD GOVERNMENT T CIINICAL iiEPRESENTATIVE llr. Johannes lluye❑ (612)298-4288 GTR-George Wilson GTM-Keg. Dir of FHEO . • 451-7tb St. , W, W. 300 Sa. Wacker Drive 11. ASSiSTANCEARRANGEMENT 12. TAYMENTMETHOD WeS��. � D.C. 20410 Ct�icago, I111nO�s 60606 ,� � , � Cost Reimbursement � Treesury Check �3. HUD PAYMENT OFFIC _ •- D}IUD, Uffice of Finance b Accounting • Cl CostSharing Reimbursement General Acc�unting Operations Division _ (g7 Fixed Prioe � Advance Check � S1 Zth Stre t S. ' g0 272 O Other O Letter oi Credit i�as}�ington, f. 'C. �04I[1-��+0� 14. ASSISTANCE AMOUNT 15. HUD ACCOUNTING AND Af'FROPFilAT10N DATA Previous HUD Amount S APPROPRIATION NUMBER RESERVATION NUMBER HUD Amount This Action 5�,��3 $ SU144 FIIEO-84-30 ` Total HUD Amount S � , Amounts P�eviously Ubligated � Recipient Amount S Obli�ation By This Action �, , � Total Instrument Amount � 2i 000 Total Obligation $ 22 000 16. DESCRIFTION COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT FOR TYPE I FAIR HOUSING ASSISTANCE PROGRAM (FF1AP) CUNTRIBUTIONS, TRAINING b CHRS (IF APPLICABLE) This agreement consists of the following, which is incor�orated herein and made a par[ hereof: 1. COVER PAGE HUD-1044, (12/78) (1 page) 2. SCHEDULE OF ARTiCLES 3. STATEMENT OF�iTURK 4. GENERAL PROVISiONS FOR COOPEiZATIVE AGREEtiENTS QRDE{t OF PRf:CEDENCE: Notwithstanding any provisions of this agreement to the contrary, in the event of a conflict among any of the documents pertaining to the duties and resPonsibilites of the parties, the 5chedu�e vill take precedence over the General Provisions. � 17. � Recipient is required to sign snd retum three(3)eopies o1 this. �g, �Recipient it not►equired to sipn thie document documem to HUD dministering ONice 1 RECIPIENT fBy1 � 20. HUD/Byl Ma or ,�''�,`'��� . �. NAME N L UATE NAME ANDTITIE OATE - VITO VOLLEItO . Director, Finance & M t. Servi es CUOPEFtATIVE AGREEMI:NT UFFICE _ lV}.� � y� PPR D 4fi0 F �M: HUD•1044112-78 'rector Ue �t. of flui i n iR' ht � �' ~ � ,� , � 9 S .. �. . 1 w �>— , �� \ - �si�an = �i y t�or en y� . _ _ : .. .__.. ._._ _. _ _ _ .. ... _. .. . .. _ . . _ l�`,4 -1 -_. .�......__� . . . ., . .. �: _�. :1`�,.��'f� �ITY O�' .SAZNT �.4.rJL � >`,,,,. �� •=.� {`�:yf r.�;;;��� �1 OI`l�ICI; pIr Z•�I, CITY COII\C.LL � F!��D ��,`.., �. �-�..:�� -.:► ����� � . ��,=�.\\ � rr�' � � D Q t e �_;u 1 D.�t�U.e�..��6yi .rt7'OS �:�� ,'/ • • . . . ,_ . '-r-�' .- - (�� . �.i : Y ,- `�._�`,'.��.... � CONl � f�`�" EE F� EPO �T - ... TO = Sasn� P�uI �i►y Co� n��i � � � F P, � i��I % C t��`�'j�j'���a„� Q� FINANCE; MANAGEMENT � PERSONNEL . � � C}-�A t P James Scheibel . C0�4IITTEE-OF-'fHE-wHOLE:� Resolution approving the anpoint�aent of Rafael Viscasillas . � as Personnel Director of the City of St. Paul for a term - ' of 6 years commencing Octo6er 28, 1985. AA�PleO1�iT,Q - REGULAR COhIl�tIT"fEE: • � � . � 1. Approval of minutes .from meeting held October 10,. 2985. A��V� . , � 2. Resclution amending the I985 budget•by adding �S4,t�8,0�0,�to the Financing �d Speading � Plan for POlice I.D. Card Oeposit. (Polica) ��il�� ' � � 3. . Resolution amending the 1985 budget by adding $23,81I to the Finait�ag �d Spendin � ._ . _ Plan for-Police-Speical Revenue Fund-Crime La6oratory Equinment Fund. (Police) p Q�� __ , , . ----- . ' 4• AM�rt'I�t�pr�r���l► ��'��t �' adding ��,9i3.fltt to''�he Financing and • � �����, � .�pjsot-Gen. Govt. E�nnsiAg Di�ation Complaints. (t'�naaa�t�igit�s�, . . - � S. Resolution amending the I985 budget by addi.ng $I0;9I2.00 to the Financing and . • SQeading Plan for Exec. Administration-Civil Rights Regulatiens/En=orcement. . (Humaa Rights) �Q'�idlt.d , . ' 6. Reso2ution amending the I985 budget by adding $2,ZZI.SZ to the Financiag aad �1�d/� Spending Plan for Special Project-General Govt.-the Rand Study. (Budget Director'j � - - 7. Resolution amending the I985 budget by adding $Z25.629 to the Financing and �,p�p,� ' Spending Plazt for Generai 6ovt. Accounts-Bldg. 'IYades Fringe Benefits. (Finaace) T"�",�V� 8. Resolution amending the 1985 budget by decreasing $40,000 from Financing Plan ' ared adding $8,600 to the Spending Plan for Alarm License Activities �, Penalties. • (Finance Dept.) (�f i� Q�j� "t'0 t�'3l''� . 9. Resolution amendi.ng the I985 budget by transferring $3,000 from Coatingent Reserve � ' to PED-Citizen Participation. (PED-Co�ntimity �evelogmeatJ -�P�'� 10: Resolution supporting an effort to develop a consortiwa of cities to intervene in • ' . the NSP electric rate case and resolving that the City will contribute a gro�PR��� • rata amount of money to help defray costs of intervention by the consortium. ' 11: Resolutioa transferring $388,000 fro �a�rk,�N�urse 'fax Increment Distrs��K���� .� . • Edgcumbe Community Recreation Center�"T'a.�Gi� �NT. ' �C�� - . • - , . _ . _ i•. . - CITY HALL SL•'�IENTFI FLOOR � . � SAINT PAUL,�T1I�\ESOT�t 5520? ' �"��,