85-1398 WMITE - G7V CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT PA LT L Council (/ CANARV - DEPARTMENT File NO. ��'�� ��+ BLUE - MAYOR , Co n il. Resolution 9 Presented By Referre o _� _Y� Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that the proper City officials are hereby author- ized and directed to execute an agreement with Independent School District No. 625 ; said agreement providing for the District ' s use of portions of the City' s Daytons Bluff Recreation Center, subject to the terms and conditions of said agreement, a copy of which is to be kept on file and of record in the Department of Finance and Management Services. COUIVC[LMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Drew � nnasanz [n Favor t�icosia Sche�bei _ � __ Against BY ' Sonnen Tedesco W�ISOn DCI + 5 1985 Form proved C'ty Att ney Adopted by Council: Date � Certified Ya s d b Council S . tary BY By, �,'`�. I�ppro by Mavoc Da uCT � � ���� Approved by May r for ub ' sion to Council � BY — Q „�,f.nF.,:� ���T �' ^ 1�85 �"4s�dE3t's•_ l. ± i� COM�ltINITY SERVICES ,�1�PARTMENT (i1`'"a��.�4�N� 2 4 2 Parks & Recreation - Lois ' CONTACT 292-7447 PHONE � �t�r , � 1985 DATE ree ee ASSIGN NUMBER FOR ROUTING ORDER Cli All Locations for Si nature : epartment Director Director of Management/Mayor Finance and Management Services Director ity Clerk Budget Director Parks & Recreation � City Attorney WHAT WILL BE ACHIEVED BY TAKING ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ Rationa]e) • The lease of portions of the Daytons Bluff Recreation Center to RECEIVED the Ind�endent School District ; �,�a OCT 3 i985 ;;;;�; . '� ���. CITY ATTORNEY COST/BENEFIT, BUDGETARY AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: $2,532.00 to be paid by District #625 for the use of this facility frc�n Septer�er 3, 1985 thraugh June 30, 1986 FINANCING SOURCE AND BUDGET ACTIVITY NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- ture not re- Total Amount of Transaction: quired if under $10,000) Funding Source: Activity Number: ATTACHMENTS (List and Number All Attachments) : - R F���� n n r7 1985 3 agree.�r�e.nts �F �� 7H� F/-1�i�1^.i�^J I� (;F 'rt;r. � D MANAGEI��� S�:�;1�,�$ c�d T DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW / Yes x No Council Resolution Required? . Resolution Required? Yes j�No Yes X No Insurance Requ�i�red? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No �,� Yes x No Insurance Attached: (SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/84 � G�����3�� A G R E E M E N T This Agreement , dated this day of , 1985, by and between the City of Saint Paul , hereinafter referred to as "City" , and Independent School District #625 , hereinafter referred to as District" , for the lease of portions of the City ' s Daytons Bluff Recreation Center , 790 Conway, St . Paul , Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as "Facility" ; WITNESSETH : It is mutually agreed by and between the City and District as follows : , 1 . In consideration of Twenty Five Hundred & Thirty Two Dollars ($2 , 532 . 00 ) to be paid by District , the City hereby leases to District those portions of its Facility for the dates and time set forth below. The sum payable by the District to the City shall be remitted in two (2 ) equal payments of $1 , 266. 00 with the first payment to be made on / September 3 , 1985 and the final payment to be made on June 30, 1986 . 2 . During the dates between September 3, 1985 through June 30 , 1986, the District shall have the exclusive use of the meeting room, kitchen , and the back rest rooms of the Facility, Monday through Friday, from 6 a . m. to 6_ p . m. The. District will also use the gym for three hours per day between 6 a .m. and 3 p .m. 3 . Above spaces must be accessible for recreation programs after contract hours . In addition above spaces may be needed for additional hours for special recreation events/activities . If needed, a written notice will be given at least seven (7 ) days prior to such needs by Recreation Center Director to Extended Day Head Teacher . 4. Any alternations to the portions of the Facility granted to District hereunder shall only be done with the prior approval of the City ' s Superintendent of Parks and Recreation and performed under his direction and control . 5 . District ' s use hereunder is for the purpose of conducting a school age day care program for which District shall make a reasonable charge herefore to members of the public . 6 . District will indemnify and hold the City harmless from any and all claims of whatever kind that may arise from the District ' s use of the Facility. C�- d�`�� �o , -� 7 . Except as qualified above, it is contemplated that this Agreement shall commence September 3 , 1985 and that either party may terminate the Agreement without cause upon thirty ( 30 ) days written notice of one party to the other . IN WITNESS WHEREOF , the parties have set their f�ands in agreement hereto . APPR S T,p F RM CITY OF SAINT PAUL ., � - --- =��- - -- ----------- ------------- Assistant City Attorney� Director, Finance & Mgmt � Services ------------------------------ --`�2����1��-G-=)---------- � Attorney, School District #625 Director, Department of Community Services INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT #625 - - - ., � � Chairman Superintendent of Parks and Recreation -------------------------------- Glerk � � , ir or of Community Education ���kr���9 i��' �o��� � �1 ���� _ ; - � -. �-=- .---; . _ _ _ �__.,__ _ __ _ _._.__._ _______._ ___._..___,�.�....�a,p,P,. � �d'..5-/39d' ` " S�Ir1� �7UL PUb�IC SCr'100�5 OFF CE OF THE BOAI�D ATTOI�NEY 360 Co/borne Street St.Paul.Minnesota 55102 Telephone (6121 293-7833 SEP 2 7 1985 ��,�, �C� - ��a� �" September 1� , 1985 � ��-., ��✓al'`�'"'"' `�/V'iN . ��—'x'..� �v ��r✓� Ms. Kathy Stack, Dir. � U Community Services Dept. � 545 City Hall St. Paul, P�IN 55102 ; Dear Ms. Stack: Enclosed herewith please find the original and three copies of the Agreement with the School District. Please sign and return all copies and we will forward you an executed copy for yaur file. Very truly yours, . � � //�;�� Richard J. Battis Board Attorney RJB/ls Enclosure