85-1393 ' '� L��� GLERK . PINK - FINqNCE COLLIlClI �/ /� CANARY -DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAITL� y �( '3LVE -MAVOR . � File � NO. �/ � .-/��.J , � . { , . ' ' a • OY�GLZ�ZL�yZCP. Ordinance NO. ����� Presented By ' Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Page 4. Section 5. This ordina.nce is deemed a part of the St. Paui Legislative Code and shall be incorporated therein and given an appropriate chapter and/or section number at the time of the next revision of said Legislative Code. , Section 6. This ordira nce shall take effe and be in force 30 days after its passage, approval an publi ation. � COUNCILhiF,N Yeas Nays � Requested by Department of: �cSonnez�--- o►�--^ In Favor '�Masanz � �i�°S�_ Against BY �Tedesco �Wilson Adopted by Council: Date ��v � 5 �g8� Form A oved b 't om c Certified Pas e b nc 1 S� r ta By F3y Approved by h'fayor at ,_ Approved by Mayor Eor Submission to Council BY— By WHITE - CITV fLERK � � /��� / P�NK - FINANCE � 1 � � CANARV -'OEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL COURCII IJ/+�j BLUE -� M,qVOR ' F11E � NO. ~ /lI I../ , � 1 y � . , Ordinc�n e rdinance N0. �/r d'f' 4 � PreseRted B ' �C�! S C_l�TI ° f�( ' Referred To �'`T-�--,-�r '�`"�-' _.�""^"', Committee: Date �°'3/--�P-_i Out of Committee By Date An ordinance pertaining to permit and registra- tion requirements for alarm dev'ces; amending Cha.pter 329 of the St. Paul LegislativefiCode. ` THE COUNCII, OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOE ORDAIN: Section 1. That Section 32 .05, Subd'vision 1, of e St. Pau1 Legis- lative Code is amend d by �dele 'ng arag a (1) , defining "alarm permit." Secti 2. That S�.ction 329. 5, Subdivi on , of the St. Paul Legislative Code, pertaining to the alarm syst u er's permit, is repealed. Section . That Section 29.05, Sub ' isi n 3, of the St. Paul Legislative _ . _. Code is ,amended by eletin pa r h (2) , pertaining to___additianal -_ fees and cause for evocati n e alarm system user's permit. g� � � � - I�'���,,v I ► ���� ; COUNCILMFN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: �'K��eK ' o►� In Favor Masanz Scheibel Against BY Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved by City Attorney Certified Passed by Council Secretary By By - Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Counci2 By gy wHITE - C1TV fLERK n ,�, /V' �/JL' OINK - FINANCE GITY OF �SAINT PAIT�L Council�" � CANARY =DEPARTMENT 1 BLUE - M,AVOR ' F11C �O. . • ' • r . • F . , 4rdinc�n "P. rdinance N0. d � Presented B � ~ � t�CG-! S [.-l�TI ° l�( � �>�-,-, .r-, . _./1,..�,�-- �- 3/-aP-.� Referred To T-+—r—Ta �? Committee: Date �° ` Out of Committee By Date An ordinance pertaining to permit and registra- tion requirements for alarm devices; amending Chapter " 329 of the St. Paul Legislative Code. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY Or SAINT PAUL DOES 0 AIN. Section 1. That Section 329.05, Subdivision 1, o St. Paul Legis- lative Code is am nded by deleting paragra hO , defining "alarm permit." Sec io 2. That S�ction 29.05, Subdi sion , of the St. Paul Legislative Code, pertaining to the alarm s tem r's permit, is repealed. Sec io 3. That Section 329 O5, Subdivis ' 3, of the St. Paul Legislative Code is amended by del ting paragr ph (2), pertaining to additional - fees ax�d cause ,for revo ation f t e alarm system user's permit. ',. COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays �K�6Pis� ��eW In Favor Masanz Nlcosia B Scheibel A gai nS t Y Tedeaco Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date - Certified Passed by Council Secretaty BY BY Approved by Mayor Date Approved by Mapot fa� Submissio�ta�QUn�il. By By , . . , : ' . ' ���`S/-.�A3 ' � ' r7.3a 7 . ' Page 2. Section 4. That Section 329'.05 is further amended by adding the tollowings Subd. 4. /�IOLATI�N, PENAI,TY_7 (1) An erson found to be in viol 'on of subdivision c ause a or is o a et mis- emeanor unis a e a ine o in t e amount o . 1 (2) An erson found to be in v ol ti of subdivision 3, c ause is ui o a e mis�.T"emeanor un- is a e ine on a o ows : For the 'rst viola ' n a for each violation u to ou a se al s a ine of 0. or the fi th viol ti a d for each false a rm er er a 1 0 . . (3)_ _ In add tion to he a en of a fine a-: erson found _ _ o e i vio a n o u vision c ause c s a e re uire to n�. t e icense ins ec�or wi a i o nam a e e one num ers o t ose ers ns wno ave e a ilit to control t e alarm s ste to vi or - ours-a-da avail- a i �. y. Subd. 5. /RESPONSE TO ALA ; POLICE PRIORITY^7" After t�ie—'t-hird �alse ala from n location the olice c �,ief ma deterziine to redu e ala calls to a Priorit 3 or 4 an ace em in a ca �e or o inci en s a rea occu�red. Subd. 6. /�'ALARM SYSTEY�I ST ERS; REGISTRATION.7 All ersons en a ed in the bus ness �f installin alarn s s ems in e ci o ain are re uire o re ister wit t e ci icense ins ec r ever new ins a a ioa o an a arm s stem wit in t e t . e re istratlon . s a e in suc orm as e inspector reguires an s all inclu e e o owin�in orna ion: (l�e_.�lace where the alarm s,�stem is installed and main�aine . . . . . - • . , • � ��=��-��g3 . , . � ' i�.3a� Page 3. 2 A list of the names and tele hone num�ers of thos� Qrsons wno ave t e a i it to contro tne a arm �s em, o �rovi e or - ours-a- ay avai a i i y. ` (3)__A declaration that the alarm s stem does not utilize an au om�'a�"ic!'a.ia.I"in aevice ro ramme to re ues po ice assistance. Subd. 7. �W!VER, ETC. , I�,.AY REGISTER INSTALLATION_7 An owner or other erson in control of a buildina 9 s ructure ro er or an ar ereo o��a e in t e cit w o as ease �urc ase o� ot erw se ossesses an a arm s s em or use o� an re tses ma re is er e installation with th� license ins e tor. The re istration shall be in s ch form and conta' in or�►atio� as escribed in su ivisio . \ _ . � � ,\ � �� � ,,,` �� , � � � � / � ��, ' �'� , �,. � ���