85-1391 WHITE - CITV CI.ERK PfiJK -FINANCE CITY OF SAINT PALTL Council � CANARV - DEPARTMENT .y�{A BLUE -MAYOR File NO. �✓ / � • Or indnce Ordinance N 0. �7��� Presented ' , Y Referred To ��l.��r'`� Committee: Date � � �� '"�� Out of Committee By Date A��. Urdinance amending Chapter 85, as amended, of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, pertaining to the regulation of rates in the City of Saint Paul . THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1 . That Section 85.02 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended by dele�ing therefrom the existing payment schedule and inserting in lieu thereof the following: RETAIL RATES GENIAidU CHARGE: Inside City Ou�tside Ci�y 3/4" i�eter � Smaller . . . . . :u :�.20 j�er c;uar�cer :� 3.84 per quarter 1" Meter . . . . . . . . . . 6.05 per Cuar�er 7.26 per quarter 14" Meter . . . . . . . . . . 1G.5G per quar�cer 12.60 per quarter 12" Meter . . . . . . . . . . 5.40 per month 6.48 per month 2" f�leter . . . . . . . . . . 10.10 per month 12.12 per month 3" f�leter . . . . . . . . . . 27.50 per month 33.00 per month 4" Mei�er . . . . . . . . . . 46.50 per month 55.80 per month 6" Meter . . . . . . . . . . 94.70 per month 113.b4 per month 8" Meter . . . . . . . . . . 172.40 per month 206.88 per month 10" P�leter . . . . . . . . . . 275.00 per month 330.00 per month 12" Meter . . . . . . . . . . 379.50 per month 455.40 per month • Section 2. That Section 85.03 of the Saint Paul Legisla�tive Code hereby is amended by deleting the existing consumption rate schedule therein contained and inserting in lieu thereof the following: _ � _ COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Fletcher Water ti 1 i 1;y p�eW In Favor Masenz Nicosta A gai ns t BY s�nei�i ueneral �yianager Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: Date Form Approve b y ttorn Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved y M or for Submission to Council By BY WHITE -�CITV CLERK t PFNK - FINANCE COl1I1C11 CANARV -OEPARTMENT CITY OF SAINT PAUL BIUE - MAVOR File �O. �� /��/ • J 0/ in�nce Ordinance N 0. l�cJ�/ Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RETAIL RATES CONSUMPTION CHARGE: Inside City Outside City For first 50,000 cu. ft. per month 83� per 100 cu.ft. $1 .00 per 100 cu.ft. Next 450,000 cu. ft. per month 81¢ per 100 cu.ft. 97¢ per 100 cu.ft. All over 500,000 cu. f;:. per month 79Q per 100 cu.ft. 95� per 100 cu.f t. Section 3. That Section 85.05 is revised as follows: Section 85.05 Outside Master Meter Rates The outside the City rates charged to the City of Roseville under the provisions of a master meter contract with the Board shall be as follows: Step A First 1 ,000,000 cu. ft. per month 100% of 83� (lst Step Rate Inside City) = 83Q per 100 cu. ft. Step B Next 3,500,000 cu. ft. per month 90% of 83� (Step A above) = 74.7� per 100 cu. ft. _ 2 _ . COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Fletcher o�ew In Favor Masanz Ntcos�a Against By Scheibel Tedesco Wflson Form Approved by C ty At y Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved b ayor o Submission to Council By BY WMITE -yCITV CLERK � P1NK- — FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL Council /y/ CANARV — DEPARTMENT File NO. a�/ ��/f BLUE —MAVOR Ordindnce Ordinance N 0. ��J�� Presented By �- Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Step C Next 5,500,000 cu. ft. per month 75% of 83� (Step A above) = 62.3¢ per 100 cu. ft. Step D All over 10,000,000 cu. ft. per month 57.2% of 83Q (Step A above) = 47.5¢ per 100 cu. ft. The outside the City rates charged to the City of Little Canada under the provisions of a master meter contract with the Board shall be as follows: Scep A First 2,000,000 cu. ft. per month 110% of 83� (lst Step Rate Inside City) = 91 .3� per 100 cu. ft. Step B Next 4,500,000 cu. ft. per month 85% of 91 .3¢ (Step A above) = 77.6¢ per 100 cu. ft. Step C Next 5,500,000 cu. ft. per month 69% of 91 .3� (Step A above) = 63.OQ per 100 cu. ft. - 3 - COUNCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � Fletcher Drew [n Favor Masanz J Nicosfa A gai n s t BY Schelbel Tedesco Wilson Form Approved y Cit tt rney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By i Approved by Mayor: Date Approved�Mayor for Submission to Council By BY WHITE � CITY CLERK COIIIICII �.r P4NK' ' FINANCE CANARV -DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL Ph BLUE - MAYOR File NO. C,-/ + / ��j O/ ftiZ nce Ordinance N�. ���f� 1� ` E Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date S�ep D Ali over 12,000,000 cu. fL. per month 52% of 91 .3� (Step A above) = 47.5¢ per 100 cu. ft. Sec�i on 4. The ra��es est`abl i shed by ��.hi s ordi nance shal l be effec i,i ve January 1 , 1986, and all billings rendered on and af�er January 1 , 1986 shall be computed on the basis of the above ra�es. Sec�ion 5. This ordinance shall ��,ake effecc and be in force 30 days after i��,s passage, approval and publication. - 4 - COUNCILMEN Yeas �� Nays Requested by Department of: Fa�,e. b GU ' Drew In Favor Masanz N�costa � Against By Scheibel Tedesco Wilson oEC � � 1985 Form Approve b City Attorn Adopted by Council: Date Certified Pa s ' Council S eta BY By Approve y ayor: Date �Gy � 6 �5 Approv d Mayor for ubmission to Council By BY p�gl��}{�p L E C �. �. 1985 Water Utilit • � DEPARTMENT �� �`3�� y � • � � `l�° 966 . Thomas U. Mogren • CON�ACT ' ���/� 298-4100 PHONE September 16, 1985 DATE �Q/�� e Q ASSIGN NUMBER FOR ROUTING ORDER (Clip All Locations for Signature) : � Department Director S�-�''' Director of Management/Mayor � Finance and Management Services Director �¢.C� City Clerk Budget Director yT Board of Water Corr�nissioners v�" City Attorney WHAT WILL BE ACHIEVED BY TAKING ACT�ON ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/� Rationale) : Nfter due consideration and study �of the financial condition of the Saint Paul Water Utility and projection of expenses in the future, the Board of Water Commissioners has determined that the present rate structure is inadequate to continue operations without a rate adjustment. The attached ordinance will provicYe for a new schedule of water rates for the Water Utility. COST/BENEFIT, BUDGETARY AND PERSONN�L IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: The rate adjustment proposed will result in an overall increase of approximately five percent in average water billings for 1986. Water Utility operations will be financed by a balanced budget. FINANCING SOURCE AND BUDGET ACTIVITY! NUN�ER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- ture not re- Total Amount of Transaction: quired if under • $10,000) Funding Source: Activity Number: 28000-5313 ATTACHMENTS (List and Number All Attachments) : Board of Water Commissioners Resolution #3595 Proposed Ordinance DEPARTMENT REVIEW Ordinance CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW X Yes No Council ��X�i�4 Re�uired? Ordinance 1������i�3��if Required? X Yes No Yes X No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No Yes X No Insurance Atta.ched: ' (SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/84 . r" � � • . � . ����39/ -„�;,� � CITY OF ST. PAUL �73/�,,,;,�,.K,�, ' � OFFICE OF THE 60ARC OF WATER COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Na�- �'� coMn�issEC�N�� � oATR At�ts� a1� 1985 WNEREAS, After due consideration and study of the financial condition of the Water Utility and the pro�ectian of the �xpenses in the future� the Board has det�ra►ined that the present rate structure is inadequate to continue operations without an adjustment; now, therefore. be it RESOLVED, That the Board of Water Comnissioners ha�s hsreby determined thdt the rate structure should be adjusted and that all bill�ngs rendered on and after January 1, 19�36 shal l be i n accordance w9 th the fol 1 owi ng schedul e: RETAIL RATES CUNSUP�PTION CHARGE: Inside City Outslde City For first 50,000 cu. ft. per month 83� per 100 cu.ft. 51.00 per 100 cu.ft. Next 450,000 cu. ft. per rnonth 81� per 100 cu.ft. 97� per �00 cu.f t. All over 500,000 cu. ft. per month 79a per 100 cu.ft. 95` per 1q0 cu.ft, t7ENWND CHAFtGE: Inside City Outside City 3/4" Meter & Smaller . . . . . � 3.20 per quarter � 3.84 per quarter 1" Meter . . . . . . . . . . 6.05 per quarter 1.26 per quarter 1�" Meter . , . . . . . . . . 10.50 per qunrter 12.60 per quarter 1�" Meter . . . . . . . . . . 5.40 per month 6.48 per month 2" Meter . . . . . . . . . . lO.IU per month 12.12 per �aonth 3" Meter . . . . . . . . . . 27.50 per month 33.00 per month 4" Meter . . . . . . . . . . 46.50 per month 55.80 per month 6" Meter . . . . . . . . . . 9�.70 per month 113.64 per month 8" Meter . . . . . . . . . . 172.�0 per month 206.88 per month 10" Meter . . . . . . . . . . 275.00 per month 330.00 per month 12" Meter . . . . . . . . . . 379.50 per month 455.40 per month Water Commissioners Adopted by the Board of Water Commissioners Yeas Nays 19_ In favor Opposed .—. sccr. ... . . . . � � � � �.�i3�r " • ' ` , CITY OF ST. PAUL /7�/j' � OFFICE OF THE BOARC OF WATER COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM No� COMINISSIONER DATE ROStYILLE MASTER METER RATE 5tep A r i rst 1.000,0�70 cu. f fi:. per month 100� of 83� (lst Step Rate Inside City) = 83� per 100 cu. ft. Step B Next 3,500,OOU cu. ft. per r�onth 90� of 83¢ (Step A above) � 74.1� per 104 cu. ft. Step C Next 5,500.U00 cu. ft. per month 75x of 83� (Step A abov�) � 62.3� per 100 cu. ft. Step � All ov�r 10,000,000 cu. ft. per month 57.2� of 83a (Step A above) � 47.5� per 100 cu. ft. LITTLE GANADA MASTER METER RATE Step A First 'L,OU0.000 cu. f t. per month li0% of 83¢ �lst Si:ep Rate Inside City) a 91.3Q per 1a0 cu. ft. STEP B Next 4,5i�.0�0 cu.ft. per month 85� of 91.3� (Step A above) = 71.6a p�r 100 cu. ft. STEP C , �ext 5,500,000 cu. ft. per month 69� of 91.3Q (Step A above) = 63.Oa per 100 cu. ft. Water Commisaionera Adopted by► the Board of Water Commisaionera Yeaa Nays 19_ In iavor Oppos�l — sECr. - ° • ' ' ,,c�,5'-�3 9/ , • . , ',�� ` , . . 'cmr oF sT. P�►u� ' ' OFFICE OF THE BOARG OF WATER COMMISSIONERS �7��/ RESOLUTION—6ENERAL FORM Now COMMISSIONER DATF 1.ITTLE CANApA MAS'tER METER RATE (Continued) Step U All over 12,OUO.�UO cu. ft. per month S�� of �1.3e iStep A above) R 47.5� per i00 cu. ft. naw� therefore, be it RES�LYE�. That the C1ty Council is request�d to hertby cflncur and adopt an Ordinance putting inLo eff�ct these ad�uated rate schedulea. water Commiasionera Adopted by the Board of Water Commiasioners Yesa Nays � 91as Fr�oidsnt Baobrach ��t 21 19� Pr�ride�t Niaosia In favor_�— Opposed � `��'� sECr. �,, . . ��-- ,��, , . �73// CITY OF SA.INT PAUL OFFIC� OF THE CZTY COIINCZL «.�,..:::::::� �"���` 0 a f e : November 14, 1985 COMM (TTEE RE PORT TO = Satnt PQU 1 Cit�r Council F R O M � C O Pfl(il l�'t$2 O n ENERGY, UTILITIES AI�1D ENVIROi�VT' C k� A I R Councilmember Kiki Sonnen ��� (C:F. �°���1) �" y ' Chap:��, 8S of..t�h�e L�gislative Code ���`te�'°the,. � o�° ..ra^�es in ���t� a£. S�►,ut Paul. At its meeting of November 13, 1985, the Energy, Utilities : � and Environment Corrunittee rec.����,of the ' above ordinance. CTTY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAIN'T PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 ��j u WHITE - CITV CLERK 1 PINK - FINANCE COIlI1C11 J CANARY - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO. �� /� / / BLUE -MAVOR � Ordin�nce Ordinance r10. ��, . Presented By� ,�(,� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Step D All over 12,000,000 cu. ft. per month 52% of 91 . � (Step A above) = 7.5¢ per 100 cu. ft. Section 4. This ordinanc shall take effect and be ' force frorn and after January 1�, 1986, and all billing rendered on and after anuary 1 , 1986 shall be com- puted on the basis of the above r tes. - 4 - COUNCI EN , Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Fletcher Water ti 1 i ty Drew In Favor Masanz Nicosia g scneibe� Against Y General Mana er redesco g Wilson Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved y ity t rney Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by yo or Submission to C ncil By By ' � ' - ,�� �i 1 s t /D �/�5= �-5 ?r�d � "3" --:� ;"l�J�J . .. � ; 3rd � -, , ,�� � Adopted /:i�//�' �>- /�e/�v Nays ��� DRL'td � . .} #' ��— �:,`� '`"/.�I/ a `,' � � � ;�1SANZ � !` ;�, { � ��-, �� 1f4 �� �= � . '�`��' r `� .. NICOS IA � �- .; • _�� �;�� - J SCH�IBEL �-� � .. =.:;.:�i��'���. S ONN�iV A. �dILSON y ;iR. PRESIDENT TEDESCQ �. .-�.R.�.,t,�,,.,.::-- 1� � _� #�'� � y���"���, ������. : . , r. , ��;. ?•���::�4 �31��,�� , <<, �. 4'.._A._