85-1381 WHITE - C�TV CLERK _ PINK � - FINANCE C I TY OF SA I NT PALT L Council �CANIZ'ZZV -�D�ARTMENT �'�J^ BLUE - MAVOR File NO. ° /�� � Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date d. Eliminate policies that make distinctions between the South African nationality of Blacks and Whites. e. Eliminate the policy of removing Black populations from certain locations for reason invoiving race or ethnic origin. f. Eliminate all residence restrictions based on race or ethnic origin. BE IT FINALLY R,ESOLVED, the Mayor shall file semi-annuai report� a�suring comptia�ce with the provisions herein. CgUNCILMEN Yeas onnen Nays Requested by Department of: �3I6�R4@ACX � Drew In Favor Masanz Nicosia Schetbel � __ Against BY Tedesco Wilson �CT a 0 1985 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Yas b uncil Se e r BY By A►pproved by Ylavor: Date �O -' � o —`�S'��� � �4 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council �,�p y gyC��� � �.... � �,,,,-; By PUB�ISHED 0 C T 19 19$5 : _ . _ . _ _ � •_ _ . .�r::���1 ��� . CI'��" OI+' ►�AINT �.E1UL (.� (�✓� /J��I tr' ' �t i j'�j; ' ��,^ :-., �� +�-� orz,rcr o�, ��xr crTY c rrnT _ rr��:::��5-.�:,-1 �; 1 - o c�L �L�• t ;:�.:�:�iva�-- `' � f"�1 ?�I.i3l�f"•^ •� �,4. \? ` -= -"�"f`� D d f e : September 27, 1 g85 v'"�`�., f�.a • �'���,.-�.... �.--: � "''"�:... CO (VIMITT' � E � E PORT T� = Sa�nt Pau ! City Cou�cit . � . ��OIV� = C�nI1 ICT1Ir'�QQ QP'1 �INANCE, MANAGEMENT � PERSONNEL � C N A 1 R James .Sche i be l � - .� . . _ 1. Approval of mi_nutes from meeting held September 26, 1985. 2. Resolution amending the 1985 budget by adding $8, 187 to the Financing - Plan and to the Spending Plan for PED Operations Fund-Minnesota Historical Society Grant. (PED) - �PKOV�p - 3• Resotution amending the 1985 budget by adding $42,300 to the Financing ' Plan .and to the Spending Plan foC JTPA Tit1e IV-C Veteran Employment Di rect Grant, Federal.. (PED/Job Creation) �PPR(�VF.f� 4. Resolution authorizing an agreement wi.th the State Dept. of Education for _ fhe :establishment of�a lending library relationship. (Comm. .Services) APPROU� 5• Resolution authorizing_ application of Federal Emergency Management Assistance� . grant for City's Qept. of Fire � Safety Services' Emergency Preparedness P rog ram. (F i re Dep t, ) 1°t�Pl�t�1'E.� COMMITTEE OF TH� WHOLE ' l�a�#�io��tt'h�rri��ing 'a�ti=ap�►°�theid-:s�enct�grrs :against South Africa. ��E1.1. BROUGHT UP UNDER SUSPENSION OF.THE RULES � l . Resolution amending .the budget by $168,800 to pay existing settlements and judgements through� the� end of 1985 and to hire an attorney during a staff member's maternity leave. (City Attorney) ��IQt�VE�. . 2. Resolution amending the budget� to hire outside counsel to defend the City and the Human Rights Director in the suites brought against the City. (City AXtorney) ���OrGt7. . CI:"Y HALL SEVENTH FLOOR . SAINT PAUL� �f II�NESOTA 5510Z .�t» . � . � � : j �D� � � ! I �''� M�HITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO. � Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of C mittee By Date institutid�i which mal;Kes loans to the Republic of South Africa, or to a nat i on� 1 corporat i on of the Repub 1 i c of South Afr i ca (or to a subsidiary o� affiliate of a United States Company operating in the Repub 1 i c f 5outh Afr i ca) or i n the stocks, secur i t i es, or other obligati s of any (business entity) United States Company doing business in the Republic of South Africa or whose subs i d i ary or af '�1 i ate does bus i ness i n the Repub 1 i c of South Africa. ( b ) ( Business ntities ) United States Companies , subs i d i ar i es and aff i 1 ' ates do i ng bus i ness i n the Repub 1 i c of South Africa shall be id tified by reference to the most recent annual report of the Amer an Consulate Generai of Johanesburg, entitled "American Firms, ubdivisions and Affiliates - South Afri ca. (c) The divestiture requi ed by this resolution shali be completed within two years of fin 1 approval of this resolution. During that two year, period, the 'ty shall make regular reports to the City Council !concerning the rogress of divestiture. If, pr i or to exp i rat i on !of the two year i me 1 i m i t for d i vest i ture, the City determines �hat completion o divestiture within the two year t i me 1 i m i t w i 1 1 necess i tate sub tant i a 1 1 osses, then the City shall request from City Council an extension of time within which to complete di�estiture. (d) 7his resolution shall take effect 'mmediately upon final approval . COUNCILMEN Requested by Departmen of: Yeas �� Nays - °reN' In Favor Masanz Nicosia '', scnetbe� __ Against BY Tedesco Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By t#pproved by Nlavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By _ By r - � ` ~ J ���'.�� 2-j 1 . �. � • v -- .—��.— —_" _ — _____- ". _ .___— . . ._ _ ... ��✓ � WHITE - CITV CLERK I PINK - FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT PA IT L Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT 1 BLUE -�MAVOR � Flle NO• � . . ncil Resolution , �/3/��_ Presented By �eferred o �/ N�' 1��--� Committee: Date �^������ Out of Comm�ee By , Date WHEREAS;. the preservation of rinci al and the maxi P p mizat�on of income are underlying criteria for the selection and retention of investments by fiduciaries; and, WHEREAS, a t�isiness which operates in a foreign country which is governed in a manner seriously inconsistent with the human r i ghts of�l 1 or some of that country's c i t i zens jeopardizes its inve' ments in that country as well as any funds invested in that busin ss, directly or indirectly; and, WHEREAS, the govern nt of South Afr i ca has i nst i tuted and maintained a policy of Ap rtheid, citizens' rights according to race, for over thirty years and WHEREAS, Aparth�id has c sed the institutional subjugation of and hardship to over eigh percent of the people of South Africa simply because they are n n-white; and, WHEREAS, the c i ty of St. Pau 1 hou 1 d not support the po 1 i cy of Apartheid by investing in or aintaining investments in companies doing business in South Af ica directly or indirectly; and WHEREAS, maintenance of the polic of Apartheid in 5outh Africa casts doubt on the safety and sta ' lity of investments in companies doing business directly or indir ctly in South Africa; NOW, THEREFORE BE I T RESOL VED, that th C i ty Counc i 1 of St. Paul hereby determin�s: (a) No mon i es or funds he 1 d under any of i t prov i s i on sha 1 1 remain invested or hereinafter be invested � the stocks , securities, or other obligations of any ban or financiai COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas �Qn(]Q�j Nays J�Y[opbr� o'e`" In Favor Masanz Nicosia scnelbet __ Against BY � Tedesco �, Wilson ' �,* Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved by City Attorney °, Certified Yassed by Counc.il Secretary BY By. Approved by Mavor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By _ _ By