00-102�'t�IV�G�c�,e...� - a.' I G �oo
Presented By
Referred To
Committee: Date
1 Resolution Authorizing the Mayor to Execute a Joint Powers Agreement with Ramsey
2 County to Consolidate the City and County Workforce Programs
4 WFIEREAS,Minn.Stat.471.59permitsgovernmentalunitstojointlyexercisepowersthateachmay
sepazately exercise; and
WIIEREAS, the City of Saint Paul and Raxnsey County are governmental units as defined in Minn.
Stat. 471.59; and
WHEREAS, The City of Saint Paul and the Saint Paul Workforce Development Council (SPWDC)
are operating the Saint Paul Workfarce Development Program under the JTPA, and other laws; and
WHEREAS, Ramsey County and its Workforce Council are currently operating the Ramsey County
Job Training Program under the Job Training Partnership Act (JTPA) and other laws ("Couniy Job
Training Program"), and the County is operating the Minnesota Family Investment Program—
Employment Services ("MFIP-ES"); and
WHEREAS, Congress enacted the 1998 Workforce Investment Act("WIA"), which will become
effective and replace the JTPA no later than July 1, 2000; and
WI-IEREAS, The County Job Training Program and the City Program have each applied for
temporary designation as Workforce Service Areas under the WIA; and
WHEREAS, The Ramsey County Board of Commissioners and the Saint Paul City Council
authorized the creation of a Policy Working Board to study and make a recommendation regarding
the consolidation of the County Job Training Program and the City Program; and
WHEREAS, On December 16, 1998, the Policy Working Board adopted a report ("Report") that
recornmended the consolidation of the County Job Training Program and the City Program under
the direction and management of the County; and
WHEREAS, The Report was submitted to and approved by the Ramsey County Board of
Commissioners, the Saint Paul City Council, the Mayor of Saint Paul, the Council, and the SPWDC;
WHEREAS, The County's MFIP-ES provides services that aze legislatively directed to reform the
welfare system, including placing job seekers into employment; and
Council File # � � � ��.
Green Sheet # � b � � �O'
1 WHEREAS, Further City and County policy discussions yielded a recommendarion to also
2 consolidate the Courny's MFIP-ES with the County Job Training Program and the City Program into � 0-1 o a-
3 a new County department; and
5 WHEREAS, Consolidarion ofthe County 7ob Training Program and the CityProgram will serve the
6 shazed County and City interests regarding community development; and
7 **Insert two pa'ragraphs on next page (Amendment made on 2/16/00)
8 WHEREAS, The City and County desire to effectuate the consolidarion of the County 7ob Training
9 Program, the County MFIP-ES and the City Program into a new County department; and
WHEREAS, the Mayor has recommended that the City Council approve the attached 7oint Powers
Agreement that will accomplish the desired consolidarion;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the City Council hereby approves the 7oint Powers
Agreement in substantiallythe form submittedforthe consolidated Ramsey County-City ofSaint Paul
Worl�'orce Programs; and Be It Further
RESOLVED, The City Council authorizes the Mayor, City Clerk, and Director, Offrce ofFinancial
Services ("Authorized Officers") to execute the Joint Powers Agreement; and Be It Further
RESOLVED, Any other documents and certificates necessaryto thetransaction described above sha11
be executed by the Authorized Officers; and Be It Further
RESOLVED, The approval hereby given to the 7oint Powers Agreement includes approval of such
additional details therein as may be necessary and appropriate and such modificarions thereof,
delerions therefrom and additions thereto as may be necessary and appropriate and approved by the
Mayor and the City Attorney, and the Authorized Officers aze hereby authorized to approve said
changes on behalf of the City.
FINALLY RESOLVED, That two years from the
the Saint Paul City Council shall evaluat
County-City of Saint Paul Workforce Progr
and redevelonment obiectives and in servi
to the Citv of Saint Paul if deemed necessarv and
of the Joint Powers
in mee[ing tne �icy�s ec
Saint Paul �rivate sector
Requested by Department of:
By: �__ a. i� � 9.�....�,
Approved by Mayor: Date F'{� °�( ��/
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Form Appr v d y Ci A orney
Approve � Mayor for ubmission to Council
By: �
Adopted by Council: Date F,}, ��Q
Adoption Certified by Council Secretary
d p��o�"
�rc�c�►rrncr'� -�or
Page 2, insert at Line 8:
��e WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul's worl�orce development programs aze an essential tool to
the city's economic development and redevelopment objectives, including providing a trained
workforce to businesses which are attracted to Saint Paul to redevelop brownfieids and
underutilized sites and to expand the city's tax base, and
WI-IEREAS, the City of Saint Paul requires that the Consolidated Ramsey County-City of Saint
Paul Work force Programs continue to serve the city's economic development and
redevelopment objectives as well as the needs of private sector employers in Saint Paul who are
facing an extensively documented statewide labor shortage, and
DepaMientloffice/council: Date Initiated Green Sheet No. 100261 0� — �O �—
Technology & Management Services 01/26/2000
Contact Person � Phone: i�rt�aua�e , / InitWl/tlate
Peter Hames, 266-8797 � oepartment �ic / Z�o/Z�ouncii
Must Be on Council Agenda by (Date) Assign _ Ciry Attomey � _ City Clerk
Number Fnancial Serv Dir. Financial Serv/axt.
Por �Yw (Or Asst.) _ Civil Service Commission
Totai # of Signature Pages _(Clip All Locations for Signature)
Action Requested:
Approval of the attached joint powers agreement, between the City and the County, that will consolidate the respective
workforce investment programs; authorize the Mayor, City Clerk and Director of Financial Services to execute the joint
powers agreement; authorize the execution of other appropriate documents, as necessary, to effectuate the program
Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R) Personal Service Contrects Must Answer the Foilowing (luestions:
7. Has this persoNfirm ever worked under a contract for this departmenY?
Planning Commission Yes No
CIB Committee 2. Has this persoNfirm ever been a city employee?
Civil Service Commission Yes No
3. Dces this persoNfirm possess a skill not normalty possessed by any cunent city
employee? Yes No
Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet
Initiating Probiem, issue, Opportunky (Who, What, When, Where, Why):
The Workforce Investment Act, August, 1998, envisions a new approach to job training and job placement. This new law is
an opportunity to combine the City and County programs into a more effective program.
Advantages If Approved:
Two similar programs can consolidate their activities; there will be a greater emphasis upon serving the job needs of
employers as well as job seekers; consistent with WIA, there will be a new vision developed for the Workforce Investment
Board (WIB)-
Disadvantages If Approved:
Disadvantages If Not Approved:
The City and County would lose an opportunity to have their workforce programs become more effective and e�cient, over
the long terrn, and would continue to go their separate ways instead of creating a more competitive approach to East Metro
workforce development.
Total Amount of Transaction: $6.2 M(City) +$10.8 M(County) Cost/Revenue Budgeted:
=$17.0 M
Funding Source: Activity Number:
Fi nan cial I nformation:
G:\SHAREDWdmin\Work Force Consolidation\Green Sheet-JPA.WPD
Ciry of Saint Paul
Noim Co(emm,. Mayor
January 28, 2000
Council President Bostrom and City Councilmembers
300 City FIall
15 West Kellogg Boulevard
Saint Paul, MN 55102
Department of Technotogy and
Management Services
Peter Hames, Director � Q_�� a
2A0 �ry Halt 7'e7ephorse: 651-26G-8797
ISW.Ke!(oggBou[evasd Facsimi(e: 651-266-89I9
Saint Paui, Mim�esora 55102
Subject: Revised Joint Powers Agreement to Consolidate the City and County Workforce
Dear Councilmembers:
We presented the January 20, 2000 proposed joint powers agreement (JPA) to the Ramsey
County Boazd on January 25. The Board asked a number of questions regarding the contents of
the JPA and requested that several clarifications be made to the document. The attached copies
reflect those changes. One copy is a red-lined version, showing the changes made to the January
20 version. The other copy is a clean version of the JPA This final version is dated February 1,
2000. In my opurion, the changes that we have made reflect clarifications to the document and do
not represern policy changes from the JPA you received eazlier this week.
I look forwazd to presenting the revised 7PA to you on February 2. In the meantime, if you have
any questions about the 7PA, please contact me,
� ,:
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GDistribution list on page two>
vQ ,��a-
Joint Powers Agreement
January 28, 200d
Page two
cc: Mayor Norm Coleman
Ramsey County Board of Commissioners
Commissioner Earl Wilson
Asst. Commissioner Tim Korkki
Nancy Anderson
Gail Blackstone
Craig Blakely
Steve Cvinar
Ginnee Engberg
Tom Fashingbauer
Amy Filice
Readus Fletcher
Till Goski
Terry Haltiner
John Hamikon
7ean Hammink
John Johnson
Mary Karcz
Kathy Megazry
Susan Kimberly
Paul Kirkwold
Karen Kushner
Monty Martin
Pete McCall
Connie Peikert
Terry Speiker
Gerry Strathman
Ellen Watters
City-County Working Policy Board
Saint Paul Worl�'orce Development Council
City Worl�orce Development Staff
City Employee Bazgaining Representatives
City Workforce Vendors
Ramsey County Workforce Council
County Job Training Staff
County Employee Bargaining Representatives
County 7ob Trainu►g Vendors
G:VSFfAREDWdmin\WmlcFarce Consolidation�lPA\CwvLetter.tvpd
�� _ �02-
Joint Powers Agreement
For the Consolidated Ramsey County-City of Saint Paul
Workforce Investment Program
February 1, 2000
Table of Contents
Putpose..-�-� .................................................. 4
Definirions...................................................... 4
Term.......................................................... 5
County-City Worl�orce Investment Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
IvHssion and Goals ................................................ 5
Transition....................................................... 6
VII. New Counry Department ........................................... 7
VIII. Consolidated Program Worl�orceInvestmentBoazd ...................... 8
IX. ChiefElected Official and Administration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
X. City's Grants, Subgrants, Agreements, Contracts and Payment of Rent ........ 9
XI. Levelof Services ................................................ 11
Personnel...................................................... 11
Program Costand Funding ......................................... 12
Indemnification, Liability and Insurance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Ternrinarion .................................................... 13
Notice........................................................ 13
ContractProvisions .............................................. 14
Assets........................................................ 14
Entire Agreement and Amendments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Toint Powers Agreement
For The Consolidated Ramsey County-City of Saint Paul
World'orce Investment Program
This Joint Powers Agreement ("AgreemenY') is made by and between Ramsey County ("County")
and the City of Saint Paul ("Cit�'), with the approval of the Ramsey County Wori�orce Council
("Council") and the Saint Paul Workforce Development Council, Inc. ("SPWDC").
WHEREAS, IvTinn. Stat. §471.59 permits governmental units to jointly exercise powers that each
may separately exercise; and
WHEREAS, County and City are governmental units as defined in 1vTinn. Stat. §471.59; and
WI3EREAS, County and Council are currently operating the Ramsey County 7ob Training
Program under the Job Training Partnership Act (7TPA) and other laws ("County Job Tra'n'ng
Program"), and the County is operating the M'innesota Family Investment Program-Employment
Services ("MFIP-ES") with the funding sources described in E�ibit A attached hereto
(collectively the "County Program"); and
Wf�REAS, City and SPWDC are operating the Saint Paul Worl�orce Development Program
under JTPA, and other laws, with the funding sources described in Eachibit A("City Program");
WHEREAS, Congress enacted the 1998 Worl�'orce Investment Act (Public Law 105-220)
("WIA"), which will become effective and replace the JTPA no later than July 1, 2000; and
WHEREAS, the County Job Training Program and the City Program have each applied for
temporary designation as Worl�orce Service Areas under WIA; and
WHEREAS, the Ramsey County Board of Commissioners and the Saint Paul City Council
authorized the creation of a Policy Working Boazd to study and make a recommendarion
regazding the consolidation of the County Job Training Program and City Program; and
WHEREAS, on December 16, 1998, the Policy Working Board adopted a report ("Report") that
recommended the consolidation of the County Job Training Program and City Program under the
direcrion and management of the County; and
WHEREAS, the Report was submitted to and approved by the Ramsey County Board of
Commissioners, the Saint Paul City Council, the Mayor of Saint Paul, the Council, and the
SPWDC; and
�p — tc�'3—
WHEREAS, the County's MFIP-ES provides services that are legislatively directed to reform the
weifare system, including placing job seekers into employment; and
WHEREtLS, further policy discussion yielded a recommendarion to also consolidate the County's
MFIP-ES with the City Program and the County Job Training Program into a new Counry
department; and
WHEREAS, consolidation of the County Program and City Program will serve the shared City
and County interests regarding community development; and
WHEREAS, the parties to this Agreement desire to effectuate the consolidation of the County
and City Programs into a new County department according to the terms and conditions of this
NOW, THEREFORE, in considerarion of the Recitals and mutual undertakings and agreements
hereinafter set forth, the parties agree as follows:
Article L
1.1 The purpose of this Agreement is to set forth the terms and conditions relative to the
creatioq organization, and operation, within a new County department, of a consolidated
County-City workforce investment program.
Article II.
2.1 The following terms shall haue the indicated meanings as those terms are used throughout
this Agreement:
a. "City's Chief Elected Official" means the Mayor.
b. "City Council" means the Saint Paul City Council.
c. "County Boazd" means the Board of Ramsey County Commissioners.
d. "County's Chief Elected Official" means the County Board.
e. "Director" means the person or persons who serve in the top leadership position for
the County Program.
f. "TfPA" or "Job Training Partnership AcY' means Public Law, 97-300, as amended
from time to time, and the implementing regulations, as issued from time to time.
g. "Leased Premises" means 24,720 square feet of space being used as an employment
training center by the City at the time of execution, at a building located at 215 East
Nmth Street, Saint Paul.
Db -lo�
h. "Mayor" means the elected Mayor of the City of Saint Paul.
i. "Program Manage�' means the person who serves in the top leadership position for
the City Program. _
j. "Transirion" means the change from two separate programs, the County Program and
the City Program, to the Consolidated Program.
k. "WIA" or "Worl�orce Investment AcP' means Public Law, 105-220, as amended from
time to time, and the implementing regulations, as issued from time to time.
Article III.
3.1 The initial term of this Agreement shall be five yeazs from the date of complete execution
of the Ageement. This Agreement will automarically renew for additional ten year terms,
unless written norice of intent not to renew is provided by either party to the other, at least
one (1) year prior to the end of the term then in effect. In such a case, this Agreement
shall expire at midnight on the last day of the term then in effect.
Article IV.
County-City Workforce Investment Program
4.1 The County-City workforce investment program ("Consolidated Program") is hereby
created by consolidating the City and County Programs in accordance with the terms of
this Agreement.
4.2 The County shall operate the Consolidated Program on behalf of both the County and the
City to serve the needs of employers and eligible job seekers.
43 On 7uly 1, 2000 the County 7ob Training Program and City Program shall cease
operations and the Consolidated Program shall commence operations
4.4 As of July 1, 2000, the SPWDC and the Council shall cease to perform their
responsibilities, except for such activities as are necessary to cease operations and
dissolve. The parties shall execute any legal documents necessary to effect such
ternvnation of business.
Article V.
Mission and Goals
5.1 M'ission
The mission of the Consolidated Program is to be a national leader in effectively moving
people into employment by managing a County-City worl�orce system that is responsive
to job seeker and employer needs.
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5.2 Goals
The foAowing Consolidated Program goals aze hereby established:
a. Develop and implement a single, integrated worl�orce system by combining similaz
and related programs, including County's MFIP-ES, and developing effective
public-private partnerships in a subregional economy and labor market.
b. Establish the Consolidated Program Worl�orce Investment Board (WIB) as a
broad policy body for all Ramsey County worl�orce activities.
c. Provide better service to two customers by improving the world'orce system's
response to employer and job seeker needs.
d. Improve the cost effectiveness of eacisting programs by eliminating program
duplication and achieving economies of scale through administrarion of one
e. Leverage new financial resources by becoming more entrepreneurial and
f. Conform with federal and state reforms by actively responding to the state and
federal integration of programs, larger service delivery azeas, and universal service
g. Promote the City and County's interests in worl�orce development: by ensuring
that the operation of the consolidated worl�orce system serves the needs of all
County residents and businesses.
h. Develop enhanced East Metro worl�orce policies and partnerships by providing
leadership in policy setting, identifying and addressing labor market issues in
Ramsey County and the East Metro area, developing a vision for public worl�orce
programs, growing partnerships among the required partners in the lvfinnesota
Worl�'orce Center System and other regional partners.
i. Engage employers by coordinating the local worl�orce investment activities with
local economic development strategies; developing other employer linkages,
through intermediaries such as the local one-stop operator, or through other
organizations; and assisting such employers in meeting hiring needs.
j. Improve access by refining one-stop facilities and information networks, such as
the Community Employment Partnership and the Suburban Ramsey Family
k. Prepare youth for jobs by providing specialized youth-focused programs and
employer partnerships.
Article VL
6.1 In order to ensure a smooth and orderly transition from the separate County and City
Programs to the Consolidated Program within a new County department, and to ensure
that there aze no gaps in services to clients as a result of the consolidation, the County
Manager, or his/her designee, will manage transition activities as defined in this
6.2 From and after execution of tlus Agreement, the Director of the County Program and the
Program Manager of the City's Program shall report to the County Manager, or his/her
designee, in relarion to all transirion activities. This reporting relationship shall continue
until the hiring of the director of the new County department, who shall then assume all
management responsibilities, including transition activiries.
63 Transition activities will include, but are not limited to, the following:
a. Development of the County's new department.
b. Development and implementation of the work plan for the County's new
department, including the integration of strategies and programs to provide
uninterrupted services.
c. Development of a transirion plan, including a visioning process; analysis of
organizational functions and structure; analysis of staff slalls and interests; analysis
of training and hiring needs; and analysis of the role of vendors.
d. Training of employees and recruitment of addirional sta� as necessary.
e. Development, preparation and management of the new County departmenYs
f. Bazgaining the effects of this 7PA with employee representatives.
6.4 Staff from the County Manager's Office, and other County and City staff as necessary and
appropriate, will assist the County Manager in transition activities.
Article VII.
New County Department
7.1 By July 1, 2000, the County will create a new department ("DepartmenY'), pursuant to the
County Charter and Administrative Code, that will manage the Consolidated Program in
accordance with the mission and goals set forth in Article V above, in compliance with
WIA and all applicable federal and state laws and regulations.
7.2 The director of the Department shall be appointed by the County Manager at a department
director level, following County's normal selection process.
7.3 The Department shall annually report to the County Board, the Mayor and City Council
regarding the accomplishments of the Consolidated Program. The reporting shall include
the results of job placements and customer satisfaction.
7.4 Nothing herein shall prevent the County from including other programs within the
Department as deemed appropriate by the County, so long as the Consolidated Program
will not be adversely affected.
CO - \o�
Article VIII.
Consolidated Program Workforce Investment Board
8.1 The Consolidated Program Worl�orce Investment Board ("WIB") is hereby created for
the purpose of performing all of the responsibilities of a local Worl�orce Investment
Board and shall commence its activiries on 7uly 1, 2000. The W� shall comply with WIA
and all applicable state and federal laws and regulations. Additionally, the WIB shall:
a. In partnership with the County Boazd, produce a strategic plan, identifying trends,
emerging issues, and appropriate strategies, that integates the Deparnnent's
programs; and
b. Assist the Department in implementation of the strategic plan; and
c. In partnership with the County Boazd, seek out and apply for other funds that will
leverage private and public worl�'orce investments; and
d. In partnership with the County Board, develop enuepreneurial strategies for
financing the provision of worl�orce services and implement those strategies.
8.2 The WIB will have an advisory role only with respect to MFII'-ES.
83 The members of the WIB shall be appointed as follows: 50 percent of each category of
members shall be appointed by the Mayor, according to the City's Policy Concerning
Citizen Committees; and the other 50 percent shall be appointed by the County's Chief
Elected Official, according to its Policy on Advisory Committees and Boazds.
The members of the WIB shall elect the Chair of the WIB, in accordance with WIA_
8.4 The WIB shall always contain an even number of inembers and an even number of
members in each category as specified in WIA, state statute, and/or by the WIB itself.
8.5 In order to ensure an effective transition from the County and City Programs to the
Consolidated Program and to use the accumulated skill, knowledge and eacpertise of the
members of the e�risting Council and SPWDC, the members of the first WIB shall be
appointed &om a pool of candidates, including the members of the existing County and
City worl�'orce councils, and in compliance with the WIA requirements for the
recruitment and selection of inembers.
8.6 In order to stagger member terms, the term of one-half of the initial WIB membership will
be one yeaz and the other one-half will be two years, and thereafter all terms will be two
8.7 In its first yeaz, the WIB shall adopt bylaws that shall comply with all County policies, and
all state and federat laws and regulations. The bylaws shall include, without limitation, the
a. A conflict of interest clause.
b. Membership requirements that WIB members reside in Ramsey County, be
employed by a Ramsey County employer, or provide services in Ramsey County.
c. Consideration of removal of inembers for cause or nonattendance.
�a - 1oa
8.8 The WIB shall annually report to the County Board and the Mayor and City Council
regarding its accomplishments, including the accomplishments of the Consolidated
Program with respect to the mission and goals specified in Article V above.
Article IX.
Chief Elected Official and Administration
9.1 The City hereby appoints and designates the County as its agent with respect to the
operation and management of the Consolidated Program. Upon the Department
director's request, the City will execute all grant applications and other necessary
documents for the Consolidated Program.
9.2 The County's Chief Elected Official shall serve as the Chief Elected Official for the
Consolidated Program, and shall perfonn all duries as required by WIA and federal and
state laws and regularions.
93 The Chief Elected Official shall negotiate a partnership agreement with the WIB according
to WIA requirements.
9.4 County is designated as the local fiscal agent for the Consolidated Program.
9.5 The County is responsible for the application, planning, implementation, administration,
and reporting of grants assigned to it by the City under this Agreement and those future
grants that could become part of the Consolidated Program in accord with all applicable
state and federal laws and regulations.
Article X.
City's Grants, Subgrants, Agreements, Contracts aad Payment of Rent
10.1 If allowable by the granting agency, the City will assign to the County, effective July 1,
2000, its interests in and obligations under each grant, agreement, and contract for the
funding sources identified in E�chibit A. The City is responsible for obtaining a11 necessary
approvals for the assignments. All funds from the assigned grants, agreements, and
contracts in the possession of the City on 7uly 1, 2000 for services to be provided on or
after July 1, 2000 shall be transferred to the County on that date or as soon thereafter as
may reasonably be done. In the event that a grant, agreement, or contract can not be
assigned to the County, the County will provide the services that are reimbursable under
the grant, agreement, and/or contract on the City's behalf. The City will compensate the
County for all services provided by the County under the grant, agreement and/or contract
to the extent that the services provided by the County are allowed as reimbursements
under the grant, agreement and/or contract. If additional funding sources other than
those listed in Exhibit A become available to the City for services the parties mutually
�O— I�a—
agree are to be provided by the Consolidated Progran�, such additional funding sources
shall become subject to the terms of this paragraph as if originally included in E�chibit A
10.2 The City will assign to the County, effective July 1, Z000, its interests in and obligations
under each grant, agreement, and contract identified in E�chibit B. The City is responsible
for obtaining all necessary approvals for the assignments from the granting agency. Any
money owed to the City for services performed prior to July 1, 2000 under the subgrants,
agreements, and contracts will not be uansferred to the County. If additional grants,
agreements, or contracts other than those listed in Elchibit B are identified that the parties
agree relate to services to be provided by the Consolidated Program, such grants,
agreements, or contracts shall become subject to the terms ofthis paragraph as if
originally included in Exhibit B.
103 The County is responsible for the application, planning, implementation, administration,
and reporting of grants assigned to it by the City under this Agreement and of future
grants that may become available to the Consolidated Program, in accordance with all
applicable state and federal laws and regulations.
10.4 In consideration of the payment by the County to the City of the following rent, and
subject to the rights of the existing tenants, the County is entitled to use and occupy the
Leased Premises for the term commencing July 1, 2000 and ending September 30, 2002
on the same terms and conditions as the existing tenants occupying the Leased Premises:
Due Date
December 31, 2000
7une 30, 2001
December 31, 2001
June 30, 2002
September 30, 2002
Period Covered
July 1, 2000-December 31, 2000
January 1, 2001-June 30, 2001
7uly 1, 2001-December 31, 2001
7anuary 1, 2002-7une 30, 2002
7uly 1, 2002-September 30, 2002
After September 30, 2002 rent payments will be negotiated by the City and County for the
use of the Leased Premises. The rental rate incSudes payment for debt service and �istmg
tenant improvement on the building in which the Leased Premises are located, use of
common space, building management, and building operating and maintenance costs.
If, at any time during the period from execution of this Agreement through September 30,
2002, the right of the County to use and occupy the Leased Premises is terminated by the
City, the County shall be relieved of any liability for payment of rent from the date of said
termination. The City shall give the County not less than 120 days' advance written notice
of said ternunation.
� � _ �c7�
Article XI.
Level of Services
11.1 The parties acknowledge that provision of services at current levels will depend upon
continued state and federal funding levels, and continuing authority under applicable state
and/or federal law subject to the provisions of Article XIII. If funding or authority
changes during the term of the Agreement, the City and County agree to incorporate such
changes, as aze necessary, into their respective purchase and sale of service budget and
Consolidated Program budget, as applicable.
11.2 The adoption of the Consolidated Program budget is subject to the County's annual
budget process.
11.3 The County will annually submit the Consolidated Program proposed budget to the Mayor
and City Council for review and comment regarding the proposed level of services, no
later than August 1 of the year preceding the term of the budget year. Each may submit
comments, within thirty (30) days of the receipt of the proposed budget, to the County.
Article �iIII.
12.1 No current City or County employee who is perforniing workforc�ob training services on
the effective date of this Agreement shall be discharged or laid off as a direct result of this
consolidation. Personnel actions affecting the Consolidated Program may be taken
through the annual budgeting processes, or at such time as revenue circumstances dictate.
12.2 The Consolidated Program will be staffed by County employees, and by City employees
who shall provide services as described in this Agreement, in such capacities as the
Department director shall determine.
123 City employees working for the City Program on June 30, 2000 will continue as City
employees after July 1, 2000, but will provide services to the Consolidated Program under
the following terms:
a. At such time as a City incumbent covered by this. Agreement terminates
employment with the City, any replacement personnel shall be hired as a County
b. City employees covered by this Agreement who provide services for the
Consolidated Program as City employees shall be subject to the provisions of
applicable union agreements between the City and unions representing City
employees, and applicable City policy.
c. Any new positions authorized for the Department shall be County positions.
d. The County shall pay the City for the services provided by the City's employees to
the Consolidated Program, effective July 1, 2000. The amount to be paid will be
the City's costs as defined in E�ibit C.
aa -�a�
e. This agreement to purchase City service shall expire when the last City incumbent
te[minates employment or ceases to provide services to the Consolidated Program,
whichever occurs Srst.
Article �IIII.
Program Cost And Funding
13.1 The cost of operations of the Consolidated Program shaA be funded through federal and
state grants, private donations, and other sources, including County tax levy funds if such
funding is granted by the County Boazd of Commissioners. The City shall have no
obligation to contribute any tax levy money to the Consolidated Program.
13.2 If funding is inadequate to cover the costs of operation of the Consolidated Program,
County may elect to allocate County tax levy money to the Consolidated Program, and/or
increase other revenues, and/or reduce Consolidated Program costs and/or reduce
Article XIV.
Indemnification, Liability, and Insurance
14.1 Each party shall remain liable for any damages, loss, liability, claims, causes of actioq
judgments, or eacpenses resulting directly or indirectly from any act or omission of the
party, its employees, elected officials, or agents, in relation to that party's program
operations prior to the effective date of the Consolidated Program.
142 Effective July 1, 2000, the County will be responsible for its own acts and omissions and
the acts and omissions of its employees, elected officials and agents, and for the acts and
omissions of City employees while perfornvng services for the Consolidated Program as
they relate to this Agreement and for any liability resulting therefrom, to the extent
authorized by law.
14.3 Consistent with the provisions of sections 14.1 and 14.2 herein, each party agrees to
defend, indemnify and hold harmless the other party, its employees, elected officials, and
agents from any liability, claims, causes of action, judgments, damages, losses, costs or
expenses resulting directly or indirectly from any act or omission of the indemnifying
party, its employees, elected officials, or agents.
14.4 Each party warrants that it is able to comply with the aforementioned indemnity
requirements through commercial insurance or a self-funding program.
14.5 All insurance policies or self-insurance certificates shall be open to inspection by each
party and copies of the policies or certificates of self-insurance shall be submitted to a
parry upon written request.
po -loa_
14.6 Each pazty's liability shall be governed and limited by the Municipal Tort Claims Act,
Minn. Stat. Chapter 466, common law immunities, and other applicable law.
Article XV.
15.1 This Agreement shall terminate:
a. upon the consent of the parties as evidenced by a written resolution of the
goveming body of each party; or
b. when necessitated by operation of law; or
c. as a result of a decision by a court of competent jurisdiction.
15.2 Either party may terminate this Agreement without cause upon one year's prior written
notice to the other party. During the one year notice period, the City and the County shall
take all reasonable steps, including petitioning the State for redesignation, to provide
continuity of services and ongoing funding after the termination date.
153 Teimination shall not discharge any liability incuned by the parties during the term of this
Agreement prior to the effective date of termination.
15.4 The provisions of Articles XIV of this Agreement shall survive temunarion of this
15.5 Upon temvnation of this Agreement, the Consolidated Program shall cease to exist, and
the assignment of the City's grants to the County shall cease and tern�inate.
Artide XVL
16.1 All notices, written requests, or demands given or made by a pariy under the terms of this
Agreement or any statute or ordinance shall be in writing and shall be sent registered or
certified mail.
162 All notices, written requests, or demands shall be sent to the following addresses:
Ramsey County:
Ramsey County Manager
Room 250
15 W. Kellogg Blvd.
Saint Paul, MN 55102
C7 c`7 —1�a
City of Saint Paui:
City of Saint Paul
Room 390
15 W. Kellogg Blvd.
Saint Paul, MN 55102
Saint Paul City Attomey
Room 400
15 W. Kellogg Blvd.
Saint Paul, MN 55102
Article XVII.
Contract Provisions
17.1 The matters set forth in the Recitals aze incorporated into and made part of this
Agreement as though fully set forth as terms herein.
Article XVIII.
18.1 As and for partial consideration of the duties and responsibilities undertaken by the
County under this Agreement, the City shall conditionally transfer certain personal
property pwchased by the City Program to the County. Within sixty (60) days of
execution of this Agreement, the City will provide an inventory of the personal property to
be transferred to the County, and will deliver possession thereof to the Coanty. I� upon
termination of tlris Agreement, the City will be providing wod�orce services, then the
County shall return to the City such personal property, or any replacement of such
personai property which was purchased with Consolidated Program funding during the
term of the Agreement.
Articte XIX.
Entire Agreement and Amendments
19.1 It is understood and agreed that the entire agreement between the parties is contained
herein and that this Agreement supersedes all oral agreements and negotiations between
the parties relating to the subject matter hereof. All terms referred to in this Agreement
aze incorporated or attached and aze deemed to be part of this Agreement.
19.2 Any alterations, variations, modifications, or waivers of provisions of this Agreement shall
only be valid when they have been reduced to writing as an amendment to this Agreement
signed by the parties hereto.
Wherefore, the parties have executed this Agreement the last date set forth below.
County of Ramsey
Rafael Ortega, Chair
Board of Commissioners
Bonnie Jackelen, Chief Clerk
Board of Commissioners
City of Saint Paul
Norm Coleman, Mayor
Fred Owusu, City Clerk
Approval Recommended:
Ramsey County Worl�orce Council
Approved as to form:
Assistant County Attorney
Insurance Approved:
Risk Manager
Funds Available:
Fund #
5aint Paui Worl�orce Development Council,
Approved as to form:
Assistant City Attomey
Funds Available:
Fund #
By: By.
Budgeting and Accounting
G:VSHAREDWdmin\Wmk Force ConsolidationUPA�Final-JPA-012800-IOOO.wpd
Director of Financial Services
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Exhibit C
Costs to be Reimbursed by the County for City Services
c�a _ l��
This exhibit describes the method for calculating the costs to be paid by the County to the City for
services provided by City employees for the Consolidated Program.
Costs for First Year
The costs will be calculated using the following:
• Base rate: the City's cost for an employee that can be billed to a specific Consolidated Program
• Indirect rate: the City's PED indirect cost, including but not limited to costs for the employee's
sick time and vacation time, and costs at the City Hall Annex including rent, utilities, phones,
computers, office supplies and other costs. The projected indirect rate is 0.80.
• Fringe rate: the City's cost for employee fringe benefits, including but not limited to health
insutance, FICA, Workers' Compensation, and pensions. The predicted fringe rate is 0.28.
• Any direct unemployment costs incurred for City employees covered by this Exhibit.
• Employee mileage charges.
Costs for Second and Future Years
The costs will be calculated using the following:
• The City's direct payroll chazge for the employee.
• The fringe rate, as defined above.
• Other indirect costs amibutable to this staff, as may be negoriated beriveen the parties.
• Employee mileage charges.
• Any direct unemployment costs incurred for Ciry employees covered by this E�ibit.
Joint Powers Agreement
For the Consolidated Ramsey County-City of Saint Paul
Workforce Investment Program
(Red-lined Version)
�a�aa�-�Februarv 1. 2000
Table of Contents
I . Purpose ........................................................ 4
II. De&nitions ...................................................... 4
III Term .......................................................... 5
IV. County-City Workforce Investment Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
V. M'ission and Croals ................................................ 5
Transition ...................................................... �6
New Counry Department ........................................... 7
Consolidated Program Workforce Investment Boazd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
ChiefElected Official and Administrarion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
City's Grants, Subgrants, Agreements, Contracts and Payment ofRent ........ 9
Levelof Services ............................................... 1B1
Personnel ...................................................... 11
Program Costand Funding ........................................ 1�2
Indemnification, Liability and Insurance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Temunation ................................................... 1�3
Notice ........................................................ 13
ContractProvisions ............................................. 134
Assets ........................................................ 14
Entire Agreement and Amendments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
��- i�-
Joint Powers Agreement
For The Consolidated Ramsey County-City of Saint Paul
Worldorce Investment Program
This 7oint Powers Agreement ("AgreemenP') is made by and between Ramsey County ("Count}�')
and the City of Saint Paul ("Cit}��, with the approval of the Ramsey County Worl�'orce Council
("Council") and the Saint Paul Worl�orce Development Council, Ina ("SPWDC").
Wf3EREAS,1�Tinn. Stat. §471.59 permits governmental units to jointly exercise powers that each
may separately exercise; and
WI�REAS, County and City aze govemmental units as deSned in Mmn. Stat. §471.59; and
VVI�REAS, County and Council are cusendy operating the Ramsey County 7ob Training
Program under the 7ob Training Partnership Act (TTPA) and other laws ("County Job Training
Program"), and the County is operating the Minnesota Family Investment Program-Employment
Services ("MFIP-ES") with the funding sources described in E�ibit A attached hereto
(collecrively the "County Program"); and
VV�IEREAS, City and SPWDC are operating the Saint Paul Worl�orce Development Program
under TTPA, and other laws, with the funding sources described in E�chibit A("City Program");
Wf3EREAS, Congress enacted the 1998 Worl�orce Investment Act (Public Law 105-229)
("WIA"), which will become effective and replace the JTPA no later than July 1, 2000; and
WHEREAS, the County 7ob Training Program and the City Program have each applied for
temporary designarion as Workforce Service Areas under WIA; and
WHEREAS, the Ramsey Counry Board of Commissioners and the Saint Paul City Council
authorized the creation of a Policy Working Board to study and make a recommendation
regazding the consolidation of the County Job Training Program and City Program; and
WI�REAS, on December 16, 1998, the Policy Working Boazd adopted a report ("Report") that
recommended the consolidation of the County 7ob Training Program and City Program under the
direction and management of the County; and
WI�REAS, the Report was submitted to and approved by the Ramsey County Board of
Commissioners, the Saint Paul City Council, the Mayor of Saint Paul, the Council, and the
SPWDC; and
WHEREAS, the County's MFIP-ES provides services that are legislatively directed to reform the
wetfare system, including placing job seekers into employment; and
Wf�REAS, further policy discussion yielded a recommendation to also consolidate the County's
MFIP-ES with the City Program and the County Job Training Program into a new County
department; and
WHEREAS, consolidarion of the Counry Program and City Program will serve the shared City
and County interests regarding community development; and
WHEREAS, the parties to this Agreement desire to effectuate the consolidation of the County
and City Programs into a new County department according to the terms and conditions of this
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the Recitals and mutual undertakings and agreements
hereinafter set forth, the parties agree as follows:
Article L
1.1 The purpose of this Agreement is to set forth the terms and conditions relative to the
creation, organization, and operation, within a new County department, of a consolidated
County-City workforce investment program.
Article II.
2.1 The following terms shall have the indicated meanings as those terms are used throughout
this Agreement:
a. "City's Chief Elected Official" means the Mayor.
b. "City Council" means the Saint Paul City Council.
c. "County Board" means the Boazd of Ramsey County Comxnissioners.
d. "County's ChiefElected OfficiaP' means the CountyBoard.
e. "Directo�" means the person or persons who serve in the top leadership position for
the County Program.
f. "7TPA" or "Job Training Partnership Act" means Public Law, 97-300, as amended
from time to time, and the implementing regulations, as issued from time to time.
g. "Leased Premises" means 24,720 square feet of space,being used as an employment
training center by the City at the time of executioa at-a building located at 215 East
Nnth Street, Saint Paul.
Q� _�o�
h. "Mayo�' means the elected Mayor of the City of Saint Paul.
i. "Program Manage�" means the person who serves in the top leadership position for
the City Program.
j. "Transition" means the change from two sepazate programs, the County Program and
the City Program, to the Consolidated Program.
k. "WIA" or "Worl�orce Investment AcP' means Public Law, 105-220, as amended from
time to time, and the implementing regulations, as issued from time to tune.
ARicle IIL
3.1 The initial term of this Agreement shall be five years from the date of complete execution
of the Agreement. This Agreement will automatically renew for additional ten year terms,
unless written notice of intent not to renew is provided by either party to the other, at least
one (1) year prior to the end of the term then in effect. In such a case, this Agreement
shall eacpire at midnight on the last day of the term then in effect.
Article IV.
County-City Workforce Investment Program
41 The County-City worl�orce investment program ("Consolidated Program") is hereby
created by consolidating the City and County Programs in accordance with the terms of
this Agreement.
42 The County shall operate the Consolidated Program on behalf of both the County and the
City to serve the needs of employers and eligible job seekers.
4.3 On July 1, 2000 the County Job Training Program and City Program shall cease
operations and the Consolidated Program shall commence operations.
4.4 As of July 1, 2000, the SPWDC and the Council shalt cease to perform their
responsibiliries, except for such acrivities as are necessary to cease operations and
dissolve. The parties shall �ecute any legal documents necessary to effect such
teimination ofbusiness.
Article V.
Mission and Goals
5.1 M'ission
The mission of the Consolidated Program is to be a national leader in effectively moving
people into employment by managing a County-City workforce system that is responsive
to job seeker and employer needs.
, � •,
52 Goals
The following Consolidated Program goals are hereby established:
a. Develop and implement a singie, integrated worl�orce system by combining similaz
and related programs, including County's MFIP-ES, and developing effective
publio-private partnerships in a subregional economy and labor mazket.
b. Establish the Consolidated Program Worl�orce Investment Board (VJIB) as a
broad policy body for all Ramsey Counry worl�orce activities.
c. Provide better service to two customers by improving the workforce system's
response to employer and job seeker needs.
d. Improve the cost effectiveness of existing programs by e]iminating program
duplication and achieving economies of scale through administration of one
e. Leverage new financial resources by becoming more entrepreneurial and
f. Conform with federal and state reforms by actively responding to the state and
federai integration of programs, larger service delivery areas, and universal service
g. Promote the City and County's interests in worl�orce development: by ensuring
that the operation of the consolidated workforce system serves the needs of all
County residents and businesses.
h. Develop enhanced East Metro worl�orce policies and partnerships by providing
leadership in policy setting, identifying and addressing labor mazket issues in
Ramsey County and the East Metro area, developing a vision for public worl�orce
programs, growing partnerships among the required partners in the Minnesota
Worl�orce Center System and other regional parmers.
i. Engage employers by coordinating the local workforce investment activities with
local economic development strategies; developing other employer linkages,
through intermediaries such as the local one-stop operator, or through other
organizations; and assisting such employers in meeting hiring needs.
j. Improve access by refining one-stop facilities and information networks, such as
the Community Employment Partnership and the Suburban Ramsey Family
k. Prepare youth for jobs by providing specialized youth-focused programs and
employer partnerships.
Article VL
6.1 In order to ensure a smooth and orderly transition from the separate County and City
Programs to the Consolidated Program within a new County department, and to ensure
that there are no gaps in services to clients as a result of the consolidation, the County
Manager, or his/her designee, will manage transition activiries as defined in this
�o _ l�a_
6.2 From and after execution of this Agreement, the Director of the County Program and the
Program Manager of the City's Program shall report to the County Manager, or his/her
designee, in relation to all transition activities. This reporting relarionship shall continue
until the hiring of the director of the new County department, who shall then assume all
management responsibilities, including transition acrivities.
6.3 Transirion activiries will include, but are not limited to, the following:
a. Development of the County's new department.
b. Development and implementation of the work plan for the County's new
department, including the integration of strategies and programs to provide
uninterrupted services.
c. Development of a transition plan, including a visioning process; analysis of
organizarional functions and structure; analysis of staff sidlls and interests; analysis
of trainuig and hiring needs; and analysis of the role of vendors.
d. Training of employees and recruitment of additionai staff, as necessary.
e. Development, prepazation and management of the new County department's
f. Bazeainingthe effects ofthis JPA with emplovee representatives.
6.4 Staff from the County Manager's Office, and other County and City staff as necessary and
appropriate, will assist the County Manager in uansition activities.
Article VII.
New County Department
7.1 By July 1, 2000, the County will create a new department ("Department"), pursuant to the
County Charter and Administrative Code, that will manage the Consolidated Program in
accordance with the mission and goals set forth in Article V above, in compliance with
WIA and all applicable federal and state laws and regulations.
7.2 The director of the Department shall be appointed by the County Manager at a department
director level, following County's normal selection process.
73 The Department shall annually report to the County Boazd, the Mayor and City Council
regazding the accomplishments of the Consolidated Program. The reporting shall include
the results of job piacements and customer satisfaction.
7.4 Nothing herein shall prevent the County from including other programs within the
Department as deemed appropriate by the County, so long as the Consolidated Program
will not be adversely affected.
8 0 —10 a--
Article VIII.
Consolidated Program Workforce Investment Board
8.1 The Consolidated Program Wori�orce Im�estment Board ("VJID") is hereby created for
the purpose of performing all of the responsibilities of a local Worl�orce Investment
Board and shall commence its ac[ivities on July 1, 2000. The WIB shall comply with WIA
and ali applicable state and federal laws and regulations. Addirionally, the WIB shall:
a In partnership with the County Board, produce a strategic plan, identifying trends,
emerging issues, and appropriate strategies, that integrates the Department's
programs; and
b. Assist the Department in implementation of the strategic plan; and
c. In partnershig with the County Boazd, seek out and apply for other funds that will
leverage private and public worl�orce investments; and
d. In partnership with the County Board, develop entrepreneurial strategies for
financing the provision of worl�'orce services and implement those strategies.
8.2 The WIB will have an advisory role only with respect to MFIP-ES.
8.3 The members of the WIB shall be appointed as follows: 50 percent of each category of
members shall be appointed by the Mayor, according to the City's Policy Concerning
Citizen Committees; and the other 50 percent shall be appointed by the County's Chief
Elected Official, according to its Policy on Advisory Committees and Boazds.
The members of the WIB shall elect the Chair of the WIB, in accordance with WIA.
8.4 The WIB shall always contain an even number of inembers and an even number of
members in each category as specified in WIA, state statute, and/or by the WIB itself.
8.5 In order to ensure an effective transition from the Coumy and City Programs to the
Consolidated Program and to use the accumulated skill, knowledge and eapertise of the
members of the existing Council and SPWDC, the members of the first WIB shall be
appointed from a pool of candidates, including the members of the existing County and
City workforce councils, and in compliance with the WIA requirements for the
recnutment and selection ofinembers.
8.6 In order to stagger member terms, the term of one-half of the initial WIB membership will
be one year and the other one-half will he two years, and thereafter all terms will be two
8.7 In its first year, the WIB shall adopt bylaws that shall comply with all County policies, and
all state and federal laws and regulations. The bylaws shall include, without limitation, the
a. A conflict of interest clause.
b. Membership requirements that WIB members reside in Ramsey County, be
employed by a Ramsey County employer, or provide services in Ramsey County.
Oo —1�3—
c. Consideration of removal of inembers for cause or nonattendance.
8.8 The WIB shall annually report to the County Boazd and the Mayor and City Council
regarding its accomplishments, including the accomplishments of the Consolidated
Program with respect to the mission and goals specified in Article V above.
Articie IX.
Chief Elected Official and Administration
9.1 The City hereby appoints and designates the County as its agem with respect to the
operation and management of the Consolidated Program. Upon the Department
director's request, the City will execute all grant applicarions and other necessary
documents for the Consolidated Program.
9.2 The County's Chief Elected Official shall serve as the Chief Elected O�cial for the
Consolidated Program, and shall perform all duties as required by WIA and federal and
state laws and regulations,
43 The Chief Elected Official shall negotiate a partnership agreement with the WIB according
to WIA requirements.
9.4 County is designated as the local fiscal agent for the Consolidated Program.
9.5 The County is responsible for the application, planning, implementation, administration,
and reporting of grants assigned to it by the City under this Agreement and those future
grants that could become part of the Consolidated Program in accord with all applicable
state and federal laws and regulations.
Article X.
City's Grants, Subgrants, Agreements, Contracts and Payment of Rent
10.1 If allowable by the granting agency, the City will assign to the County, effective July 1,
2000, its interests in and obligations under each grant, agreement, and contract for the
funding sources identified in Ea�hibit A The City is responsible for obtaining all necessary
approvals for the assignments. All funds from the assigned grants, agreements, and
contracts in the possession of the City on July 1, 2000 for services to be provided on or
after 7uly 1, 2000 shall be transferred to the County on that date or as soon thereafter as
may reasonably be done. In the event that a grant, agreement, or contract can not be
assigned to the County, the Coumy will provide the services that are reimbursable under
the grant, agreement, and/or contract on the City's behalf. The City will compensate the
County for all services provided by the County under the grant, agreement andlor contract
to the extent that the services provided by the County aze allowed as reimbursements
under the grant, agreement and/or contract. ;'If additional funding sources other than
�O - t�2-
those listed in Eachibit A become available to the Citv for services the parties mutuaily
agree are to be provided bv the Consolidated Pro¢ram such additional funding sources
shall become subject to the terms of this �araEravh as if ori�nallv included in Exhibit A
10.2 The City will assign to the County, effective July 1, 2000, its interests in and obligations
under each grant, agreement, and contract identified in E�ibit B. The Ciry is responsible
for obtaining all necessary approvals for the assignments from the granting agency. Any
onev owed to the City for services performed prior
to July 1, 2000 under the subgrants, agreements, and contracts will not be transferred to
the County.��f additional g.rants. agseements. or contracts other than those listed in
Exhibit B aze identified that the parties aeree relate to services to be vrovided by the
Consolidated Program such grants. agceements. or contracts shall become subject to the
terms of this paraetaph as if orieinallv included in E�ibit B.
10.3 The County is responsible for the application, planning, implementation, administration,
and reporting of grants assigned to it by the City under this Agreement and of future
grants that may become available to the Consolidated Program, in accordance with all
applicable state and federal laws and regulations.
10.4 In consideration of the payment by the zCounty to the City of the following rent, and
subject to the rights of the ea�sting tenants, the County is enritled to use and occupy the
Leased Premises for the term commencing July 1, 2000 and ending September 30, 2002
on the same terms and condirions as the e�sting tenants occupying the Leased Premises:
Amount Due Date
$98,880.0 "�cember 31 2000
$103,824.063nxr��F;s�-; %'", ,, nk7une 30. 2001
$103,824.00Bcccmbe�3ecember 31. 2001
$109,015.203une`�%�;;;;�,;�'<June 30_ 2002
$54,507.6 '"" ember 30 2002
Period Covered
7ulv 1. 2000-December 31, Z000
Januarv 1. 2001-7une 30, 2001
7ulv 1. 2001-December 31, 2001
Januarv 1. 2002-7une 30, 2002
7ulv 1. 2002-September 30, 2002
After Sentember 30 2002 rent pavments will be neeotiated by the Citv and Countv for the
use of the Leased Premises. The rental rate includes payment for debt service and existine
tenant improvement on the buildine in which the Leased Premises are located, use of
common space. buildin�mana�ement. and building oneratin�and maintenance costs.
if at anv time durine the period from execution of this Aereement throu¢h Sentember 30
2002_ the rieht of the Countv to use and occup,v the Leased Premises is terminated bythe
City the Countv shall be relieved of any liabilitv for pavment of rent from the date of said
ternvnation The Citv shall give the Count�not ]ess than 120 days' advance written notice
of said ternunation.
Article XI.
Level of Services
11.1 The parties acknowledge that provision of services at current levels will depend upon
continued state and federal funding levels, and continuing authority under applicable state
and/or federal law<sub�ect to the provisions of Article XIII. If funding or authority
changes during the term of the Agreement, the City and County agree to incorporate such
changes, as are necessary, into their respective purchase and sale of service budget and
Consolidated Program budget, as applicable.
11.2 The adoption ofthe Consolidated Program budget is subject to the Countv's annual
budeet process.
11.33�; The County will annually submit the Consolidated Program proposed budget to the Mayor
and City Council for review and comment regarding the proposed levei of services, no
later than August 15 of the year preceding the term of the budget year. Each may submit
comments, within thirty (30) days of the receipt of the proposed budget, to the County.
Article XII.
12.1 No current City or County employee who is perfornung worl�'orc�ob trainuig services on
the effective date of this Agreement shall be discharged or laid off as a direct result of this
consolidation. Personnel actions affecting the Consolidated Program may be taken
through the annual budgeting processes, or at such time as revenue circumstances dictate.
12.2 The Consolidated Program will be staffed by County employees, and by City employees
who shall provide services as described in this Agreement, in such capacities as the
Department director shall deternrine.
12.3 City employees cnnremip-working for the City Prograirron June 30. 2000 will continue as
City employees after 3uly 1, 2000, but will provide services to the Consolidated Program
under the following terms:
a. At such time as a City incumbent covered by this Agreement tenninates
employment with the City, any replacement personnel shall be hired as a County
b. City employees �covered bYthis Aereement
who provides services for the Consolidated Program as City employees shall be
subject to the provisions of applicable union agreements between the City and
unions representing City employees, and applicable City policy.
c. Any new positions authorized for the Department shall be County positions.
d. The County shall pay the City for the services provided by the City's employees to
the Consolidated Program, effective 7uly 1, 2000. The amount to be paid will be
the City's actna�-dircctcosts as defined in Exhibit C.
� � - �o�—
e. This agreement to purchase City service shall expire when the last City incumbent
temunates employment or ceases to provide services to the Consolidated Program,
whichever occurs first.
Article �
Program Cost And Funding
13.1 The cost of operations of the Consolidated Program sha(1 be funded through federal and
state grants, private donations, and other sources, including County tax levy funds if such
funding is granted by the County Boazd of Commissioners. The City shall have no
obligation to contribute any taaf levy money to the Consolidated Progam.
13.2 If funding is inadequate to cover the costs of operarion of the Consolidated Program,
County may eiect to allocate County tax levy money to the Consolidated Program, andior
increase other revenues, and/or reduce Consolidated Program costs and/or reduce
Article XIV.
Indemnification, Liability, and Tnsurance
14.1 Each party shall remain liable for any damages, loss, liability, claims, causes of action,
judgments, or eacpenses resulting directly or indirectly from any act or omission of the
party, its employees, elected officials, or agents, in relation to that party's program
operations prior to the effective date of the Consolidated Program.
14.2 Effective 7uly 1, 2000, the County will be responsible for its own acts and omissions and
the acts and omissions of its employees, elected officials and agents, and for the acts and
omissions of City employees while perfornung services for the Consolidated Program as
they relate to this Agreement and for any liability resulting therefrom, to the extent
authorized by law.
143 Consistent with the provisions of sections 14.1 and 14.2 herein, each pazty agrees to
defend, indemnify and hold hazmless the other parry, its employees, elected officials, and
agents from any liability, claims, causes of action, judgments, damages, losses, costs or
expenses resulting directly or indirectly from any act or omission of the indemnifying
party, its employees, elected officials, or agents.
14.4 Each pariy warrants that it is able to comply with the aforementioned indemnity
requirements through commercial insurance or a self-funding program.
14.5 All insurance policies or self-insurance certificates shall be open to inspection by each
party and copies of the policies or certificates of self-insurance shall be submitted to a
party upon written request.
14.6 Each party's liability shall be governed and limited by the Municipal Tort Claims Act,
Minn. Stat. Chapter 466, common ]aw immunities, and other applicable law.
Article XV.
15.1 This Agreement shall termiriate:
a. upon the consent of the parties as evidenced by a written resolution of the governing
body of each party; or
b. when necessitated by operation of law; or
c. as a result of a decision by a court of competent jurisdiction.
152 Either party may terminate tivs Agreement without cause upon one year's prior written
notice to the other party. During the one year notice period, the City and the County shall
take all reasonable steps. including petitionine the State for redesignarion to provide
continuity of services and ongoing funding after the termination date.
15.3 Termination shall not discharge any liability incurred by the parties during the term of this
Agreement prior to the effective date of terntination.
15.4 The provisions of Articles XIV ofthis Agreement shall survive temvnation oFthis
15.5 Upon termination of this Agreement, the Consolidated Program shall cease to exist, and
the assignment of the City's grants to the County shall cease and ternunate.
Article X'VI.
16.1 All notices, written requests, or demands given or made by a party under the terms of tlris
Agreement or any statute or ordinance shall be in wtiting and shall be sent registered or
certified mail.
16.2 All notices, written requests, or demands shall be sent to the following addresses:
Ramsey County:
Ramsey Counry Manager
Room Z50
15 W. Kellogg Blvd.
Saint Paul, MN 55102
�o - lo�-
City of Saint Paul:
Ciry of Saint Paul
Room 390
15 W. Kellogg Blvd.
5aintPaul,MN 55102
Saint Paul City Attorney
Room 400
1 S W. Kellogg Blvd.
Saint Paul, MN 55102
Article XVII,
Contract Provisions
17.1 The matters set forth in the Recitals aze incorporated into and made part of this
Agreement as though fully set forth as terms herein.
Article XVIII,
18.1 As and for partial consideration of the duties and responsibilities undertaken by the
County -under this Agreement, the City shall condirionally transfer certain personal
property purchased by the City Program to the County. �thin s'vrty (60) days of
execution of this Agreement, the City will provide an inventory of the personal property to
be transferred to the County, and will deliver possession thereof to the County. u on
termination of this Agreement„3he City will be providing�workforce services. then the
County shall return to the City such personal property, or any replacement of such
personal properry which was purchased with Consolidated Program funding during the
term of the Agreement.
Article XIX.
Entire Agreement and Amendments
19.1 It is understood and agreed that the entire ageement between the parties is contained
herein and that this Agreement supersedes all oral agreements and negotiations between
the parties relating to the subject matter hereof. All terms refened to in this Agreement
are incorporated or attached and are deemed to be part of this Agreement.
19.2 Any alterations, variations, modifications, or waivers of provisions of this Agreement shall
only be valid when they have been reduced to writing as an amendment to this Agreement
signed by the parties hereto.
Wherefore, the parties have executed this Agreement the last date set forth below.
p O — to2--
County of Ramsey
Rafael Ortega, Chair
Board of Commissioners
Bonnie Jackelen, ChiefClerk
Board of Commissioners
Approval Recommended:
Ramsey County Workforce Council
Approved as to form:
Assistant County Attorney
Insurance Approved:
Risk Manager
Funds Available:
Fund #
Budgeting and Accounting
G:VSHARED4ldmin\Wmk Force Con.solidationVPA�Final-IPA-012800-redline.wod
City of Saint Paul
Nortn Coleman, Mayor
Fred Owusu, City Clerk
Saint Paul Workforce Development Council,
Approved as to form:
Assistant City Attorney
Funds Available:
Fund #
Director ofFinancial Services
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Eahibit C
osts to be Reimbursed by the County
This e�chibit describes the method for calculatine the wsts to be paid by the County to the Citv for
services provided bv Citv employees for the Consolidated Proeram.
Costs for First Year
The costs will be calculated usine the following
! Base rate: the Cit� cost for an em�loyee that can be billed to a specific Consolidated Pro�grant.
! Indirect rate: the Citds PED indirect cos� includine but not limited to costs for the emplovee's sick
time and vacarion tinne. and costs at the Citv Hall Annex including rent. utiliries. phones. computers.
office supplies and other costs. The grojected indirect rate is Q.80.
! Fringe rate: the City's cost for emnlovee frin¢e benefits. including but not limited to health insurance.
FICA Workers' Comvensation. and pensions. The nredicted frinee rate is 0.28.
! Anv direct unemplovment costs incnrred for Citv em�loyees covered by this Eachibit.
! Emvlovee mileage chazees.
Costs for Second and Future Years
The costs will be calculated using the followin�:
! The Citv's direct payroll charge for the employee.
• The frinae rate, as defined above.
� Other indirect costs attributable to this staff. as mav be neeotiated between the �arties.
� Emplovee mileage chazees.
� Anv direct unem l�ovment costs incurred for Citv emplovees covered bv this Exhibit.
Department of Technology and �� —�o�
Management Services
Peur Hames, Direcmr
City af Saint Paul
Nome Cokmm�, bayor
290 C5ry Aa(t
IS W. Keflogg Bouleva�d
Saint Paul, Minnesam SSIO2
Te(ephane: 651-266-8797
Facsimile: 65l -266-8979
Ianuary 24, 2000
Council President Bostrom and City Councilmembers
300 City Hall
15 West Kellogg Boulevazd
Saint Paul, MN 55102
Subject: Joint Powers Agreement to Consolidate the City and County Workforoe Programs
Dear Councilmembers:
Attached is the joint powers agreement (JPA) that we will ask you to approve at your February 2,
2000 meeting. The Ramsey County Board of Commissioners will consider the JPA ai their January
25 policy session and take final action at their February I, 2000 meeting. Approval by the two
policy bodies wil] cap the past three years' work by a number of advisory groups and people
representing the interests of the numerous workforce stakeholders.
1. Overview. As an overview, you may recall that in my November, 1999 report, I reported that
the County has agreed that its welfare training program and funding, the Minnesota Family
Investment Program-Empioyment Services (IvIFIP-ES) will be included in the consolidated
workforce agency. ln addition, a new County department will be created out of the
consolidation. As in the City-County Pubiic Health consolidation, the JPA guarantees no
employee job loss as a result of the consolidation. Finally, the Mayor of Saint Paul will
appoint, with confirmation by the City Councii, one-half of the members of the new
Workforce Investment Board. The County will appoint the other WIB members. We want to
have the new tVIB in place by July 1, 2000, the effective date of the JPA.
2. Employee Relations. State statute provides that when we make a policy decision that affects
the terms and conditions of our employees' empioyment, we must negotiate the impacts of
those decisions with our their representatives. We have had periodic meetings with the City
and County employee representatives, and bargaining representatives/unions Group (a.k.a. the
Blackbear Crossings Group). Members of this group did participate in the City-County Policy
Working Board until it disbanded in December, 1998. The Blackbear Crossings Group was
established as a follow-up to ensure that employee issues were addressed in the follow-up
work on the December 16, 1998 ceport.
City Councilmembers
January 24, 2000
Page 2
Following the direction of that report, we have used the City-County Public Health IPA as the
model for the Worl�'orce 7PA. We have met with the Crroup four times, the most recent
meeting was January 10, 2000, where we shared the then-current JPA draR with them. It was
the consensus of the Group that there is no ]onger a naed for them to meet because of the
expectation that the JPA will be approved by the policy-making bodies.
The next step, for them, will be to enter into formal negotiations with City and County
representatives to prepare a memorandum of understanding with respect to the JPA's impacts.
J�hn 7ohnson, County Personnel, wili take the lead and will initiate the negotiation process the
first week in February. Again, this approach mirrors the labor relations approach that was
taken in the City-County Public Health Department consolidation.
,3. Transition Planning. Staff from the City Human Resources Office and County's Personnel
Department are working on the development and implementation of a transition plan for the
new department. A draft plan should be ready by the end of January. Implementation will
begin before the July 1, 2000 project deadline and will continue on after that deadline.
4. SPlection of the New County Department Director. The December 16, 1998 report called
tor the recruitment and selection of a new director to lead and manage the consolidated
agency. To create a new County department, the County Board will have to adopt an
ordinance. In addition to preparing that ordinance, I understand that Paul Kirkwold will
recommend to the Board that as soon as they approve the JPA, on February 2, he will begin
the process of filling the director's position. The expectation is that a new director will be on
board by the July 1 launch date. In the meantime, the JPA calls for the County Manager, or
his designee, to manage the transition.
5. yelection of New Workforce Investment Board (WIB) Members. Membership
requirements under the Workforce Investment Act (WIA) changed the nature ofthe citizen
advisory group. The proposed JPA calls for appointing some members of the current City and
C�unty Workforce Councils, for the purpose of a smooth transition, to the new WIB. All
WiB members must, however, meet the requirements of the new federal legislation. The new
WIB must be in place by duly 1, 200� and meeting this deadline will require cooperative effort
between the City and the County, the e�sting Workforce Councils and other groups (e.g., the
Capital City Partnership).
6. Petition to the State for the City-County Service Area Consolidation. An admnustrative
petition needs to be filed with the State Department of Employment Security, one of our
workforce partners and a major stakeholder, by February 5. This is an administrative matter
and will combine the currently-separate City and County service areas into a unified County
service area. This is a step in having the State sanction the consolidation of the City and
County workforce programs.
City Councilmembers
January 24, 2000
Page 3
If you have any questions about the JPA, piease call me at 266-8796. Otherwise, I look forward to
appearing before you on February 2, 2000.
C � Peter Hames ����
Mayor Norm Coleman
Ramsey �ounty Board of Commis-
Commissioner EarS Wilson
Asst. Commissioner Jim Korkki
Gail Blackstone
Craig Btakely
Steve Cvinar
Ginnee Eugberg
Tom Fashingbauer
Amy Filice
Readus Fletcher
Jill Goski
Terry Haltiner
John Hamilton
Jean Hammink
7ohn ;,o,�nson
Ma�y ttarcz
Kath, Megarry
Susan Kimberly
Paul Kirkwold
Karen Kushner
Terry Lindeke
Monty Martin
Pete McCal]
Connie Peikert
Jacqui Shoholm
Gerry Strathman
Ellen Watters
City-County Working Policy Board
Saint Paui Workforce Development Counci]
City Workforce Development Staff
City Employee Bargaining Representatives
City Workforce Vendors
Ramsey County Worl�'orce Council
County Job Training Staff
County Employee Bargaining Representative
County Job Training Vendors
G:\SFIAREDWdmin\Work Force CoMOiidafionl5tatus Reports�24 Jan DO.wpd
00 - toa-
Table of Contents
Purpose.................................................j. ... 4
Definitians ............................................ ......... 4
Term.......................................................... 5
County-City Workforce Investment Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Mission and Goals ................................................ 5
Transition ............................... ....................... 7
New County Department ................ .......................... 7
Consolidated Program Workforce Investm t Board . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Chief Elected Official and Administra,!i � . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
City's Grants, Subgrants, Agreeme s, Contracts and Payment ofRent ........ 9
LevelofServices ................................................ 10
Personnel...................................................... 11
Program Costand Fun ng ......................................... 11
Indemnification, Li ility and Ins; rance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Ternunation.. .......... ....... .............................. 12
Notice... .................................................... 13
Contract rovisions .............................................. 13
Asset........................................................ 14
E ire Agreement and Amendments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
00 -io2-
Joint Powers Agreement
For The Consolidated Ramsey County-City oi' Saint Paul
Workforce Investment Program
This Joint Powers Agreement ("Agreement") is made by and between Ramsey County (" ount}�';
and the City of Saint Paul ("Cit}�'), with the approval of the Ramsey County Wor}�'or Council
("Council") and the Saint Paul Workforce Development Council, Inc. ("SPWDC").
WHEREAS,1vTinn. Stat. §471.59 pernuts governmental units to jointly e ercise powers that each
may separately exercise; and
WHEREAS, County and City are govemmental units as defined i�lViinn. Stat. §471.59; and
WHEREAS, County and Council are currently operating the amsey County Job Training
Program under the 7ob Training Partnership Act (JTPA) a ather laws ("County Job Training
Program"), and the County is operating the Minnesota F mily Investment Program-Employment
Services ("MFIP-ES") with the funding sources descr' ed in Exhibit A attached hereto
(collectively the "County Program"); and
WHEREAS, City and SPWDC are operating
under JT'I'A, and other laws, with the fundin�
and /
Saint Paul Workforce Development Program
irces described in Exhibit A("City Program");
WHEREAS, Congress enacted the 19 Workforce Investment Act (Public Law 105-220)
("WIA"), which will become effecti and replace the JTPA no later than July 1, 2000; and
WHEREAS, the County Job Tr ning Program and the City Program have each applied for
temporary designation as Wo orce Service Areas under WIA; and
WHEREAS, the Ramsey ounty Board of Commissioners u.�u we Saint Paul City Council
authorized the creatio f a Policy Working Board to stuc�y and make a recommendation
regarding the consol' ation of the County Job Training Pro and City Program; and
WHEREAS, on ecember 16, 1998, the Policy Workir:g Board adopted a report ("Report") that
recommende he consolidation of the County Job Training Program and City Program under the
direction management ofthe County; and
�S, the Report was submitted to and approved by the Ramsey County Board of
oners, the Saint Paul City Council, the Mayor of Saint Paul, the Council, and the
00 -to�
VVf�REAS, the County's MFIP-ES provides services that are legislatively directed to re rm the
we3fare system, including placing job seekers into employment; and
WFIEREAS, further policy discussion yielded a recommendation to also consolida the County's
MFIP-ES with the City Program and the County Job Training Program into a ne�i County
department; and
WHEREAS, consolidation of the County Program and City Program will�`erve the shared City
and County interests regarding community development; and �
WF�REAS, the parties to this Agreement desire to effectuate the c'onsolidation of the County
and City Programs into a new County department according to t}�e terms and conditions of this
Agreement; �
NOW, TBEREFORE, in consideration of the Recitals and �xiutua] undertakings and agreements
hereinafter set forth, the parties agree as follows: /
1.1 The purpose of this Agreement is to
creation, organization, and operatioi
County-City workforce investment,�
the terms and conditions relative to the
a new County depan�:�n , of a consolidated
Article II.
2.1 The following terms sha have the indicated meanings as those terms are used throughout
this Agreement:
a. "City's ChiefE cted Official" means the Mayor.
b. "City Counc' ' means the Saint Pau( City Council.
c. "County B rd" means the Board of Ramsey County Co. missione. :.
d. "County' hief Elected OfficiaP' means the County Board.
e. "Direct " means the person or persons who serve in the top leadership position for
the C aty Program.
"JTP " or "Job Training Partnership Act" means Public Law, 97-300, as amended
fro time to time, and the implementing regulations, as issued from time to time.
" eased Premises" means 24,720 square feet of space being used as an employment
raining center by the City at a building located at 215 East Ninth Street, Saint Paul.
"Mayor" means the elected Mayor of the City of Saint Paul.
Do -to a-
i. "Program Manage�" means the person who serves in the top leadership position for,
the City Program.
j. "Transition" means the change from two separate programs, the County Pro am and
the City Progam, to the Consolidated Program.
k. "WIA" or "Worl�'orce Investment Act" means Public Law, 105-220, as ended from
time to time, and the implementing regulations, as issued from time t time.
Article III.
3.1 The initial term of this Agreement shall be five years from t date of complete execution
of the Agreement. This Agreement will automatically ren for additional ten year terms,
unless written notice of intent not to renew is provided either party to the other, at least
this Agreement.
one (1) year prior to the end of the term then in effect In such a case, this Agreement
shall expire at midnight on the last day of the terrn t en in effect.
Article I .
County-City Workforce nvestment Program
The County-City workforce investmen program ("Consolidated Program") is hereby
created by consolidating the City and ounty Programs in accordance with the �c.�nr+.> of
4.2 The County shall operate the C nsolidated Frogram on behalf of both the County and the
City to serve the needs of em oyers and eligible job seekers.
4.3 On July 1, 2000 the Cou y 7ob Training Program and City Progam shall cease
operations and the Con olidated Program shal] commence operations.
4.4 As of 7uly 1, 2C
dissolve. The�
termination oft
e SPWDC and the Council shall cease to pesform their
t for such activiTies as are necessary to cease operation� 3nd
shall execute any legal documents necessary to effect such
Articie V.
Mission and Goals
�'he mission of the Consolidated Program is to be a national leader in effectively moving
people into employment by managing a County-City workforce system that is responsive
to job seeker and employer needs.
52 Goals
The following Consolidated Program goals are hereby estabiished:
Develop and implement a single, integrated workforce system by combining similar
and related programs, including County's MFIP-ES, and developing effective
public-private partnerships in a subregional economy and labor market. �
Establish the Consolidated Program Workforce Investment Board (WIB� as a
broad policy body for all Ramsey County worl�orce activities.
Provide better service to two customers by improving the workfo e system's
response to employer and job seeker needs.
Improve the cost effectiveness of existing programs by elimin ing program
duplication and achieving economies of scale through ad 'm�fistration of one
e. Leverage new financial resources by becoming more
Conform with federal and state reforms by active responding to the state and
federal integration of programs, larger service livery areas, and universal service
Promote the City and County's interests i orkforce development: by ensuring
that the operation ofthe consolidated w kforce system serves the needs of all
County residents and businesses.
Develop enhanced East Metro wor orce policies and partnerships by providing
leadership in policy setting, identi ing and addressing tabor market issues in
Ramsey County and the East tro area, developing a vision for public workforce
s among the required partners in the Minnesota
other regional partners.
ting the local workforce investment activities with
programs, growing partnersh'
Workforce Center System d
Engage employers by co dina
iocal economic develo ent strategies; developing other employer linkages,
through intermediari s such as the locai one-stop operator, or through other
organizations; and ssisting such employers in meeting hiring needs.
j. Improve access refining one-stop facilities and information networks, such as
Partnership and the Suburban Ramsey Family
k. Prepare Y9fith for jobs by providing specialized youth-focused programs and
_ �o�-
Article VI.
6.1 In order to ensure a smooth and orderly transition from the separate
Programs to the Consolidated Program within a new County departi
that there are no gaps in services to clients as a result of the consolii
Manager, or his/her designee, will manage transition activities as de�
Agreement. �
nt,yrand City
�and to ensure
�, the County
in this
6.2 From and after execution of this Agreement, the Director of3h'e County Program and the
Program Manager of the City's Program sha]] report to the ounty Manager, or hisiher
designee, in relation to all transition activities. This repo mg relationship shall continue
until the luring of the director of the new County depa ent, who shall then assume all
management responsibilities, including transition acti� ties.
6.3 Transition activities will include, but are not limit to, the following:
a. Development of the County's new depa ment.
b. Development and implementation oft e work plan for the County's new
department, including the integratio of strategies and programs to provide
uninterrupted services.
c. Development of a transition pla inciuding a visioning process; analysis of
organizational functions and st cture; analysis of staff skills and interests; analysis
oftraining and hiring needs; d analysis ofthe role ofvendors.
d. Training of employees
e. Development, prepara�
Staff from the County
appropriate, will assist
,fecruitment ofadditiona] staff, as necessary.
and management of the new County departmenYs
s Office, and other County and City staff as necessary and
Manager in transition activities.
Article VII.
New County Department
7.1 By 7uly 1, 20 , the County will create a new department ("DepartmenP'), pursuant to the
County Ch er and Administrative Code, that will manage the Consolidated Program in
accordanc with the mission and goals set forth in Article V above, in compliance with
WIA an all applicable federal and state laws and regulations.
7.2 The irector of the Department shall be appointed by the County Manager at a department
di ctor level, following County's normal selection process.
7.3 / The Department shail annually report to the Coumy Board, the Mayor and City Council
j regarding the accomplishments of the Consolidated Program. The reporting shall include
/ the results of job placements and customer satisfaction.
o -�oa-
7.4 Nothing herein shall prevent the Counry from including other programs within
Department as deemed appropriate by the County, so long as the Consolidate5
will not be adversely affected. �
Article VIII.
Consolidated Program Workforce Investment
8.1 The Consolidated Program Workforce Investment Boazd (" ") is hereby created for
the purpose of performing all of the responsibilities of a loc Workforce Investment
Boazd and shall commence its activities on July 1, 2000. e WIB shall comply with WIA
and ali applicable state and federal laws and regulations. Additionally, the WIB shall:
a. In partnership with the County Board, produc a strategic plan, identifying trends,
emerging issues, and appropriate strategies, at integrates the Department's
programs; and
b. Assist the Department in imple
c. In partnership with the County
leverage private and public wo
d. In partnership with the County
financing the provision of wor�
The Vl� will have an advisory role
the strategic plan; and
I„a`eek out and apply for other funds that will
�mvestments; and
f, develop entrepreneurial strategies for
services and implement those strategies.
with respect to MFII'-ES.
83 The members of the WIB shall b appointed as follows: 50 percent of each category of
members shall be appointed by e Mayor, according to the City's Policy Concerning
Citizen Committees; and the ther 50 percent shall be appointed by the County's Chief
Elected Officiai, accordin o its Policy on Advisory Committees and Boards.
The members of the
shall elect the Chair of the WIB, in accordance with WIA.
contain an even number of inembers and an even number of
ory as specified in WIA, state statute, and/or by the WIB itself.
The WIB shall a]
members in each
8.5 In order to ure an effective transition from the County and City Programs to the
Consolidate Program and to use the accumulated sP<ill, knowledge and expertise of the
members the e�sting Council and SPWDC, the members of the first WIB shall be
appoint from a pooi of candidates, including the members of the e�cisting County and
City rkforce councils, and in compliance with the WIA requirements for the
and selection ofinembers.
8.6 order to stagger member terms, the term of one-half of the initial4V� membership will
be one year and the other one-half wiil be two years, and thereafter all terms will be two
a _loa-
8.'7 In its first year, the WIB shall adopt bylaws that shall comply with all County
all state and federal laws and regulations. The bylaws shall include, without F
following: /
a. A conflict of interest clause.
b. Membership requirements that WIB members reside in Ramsey unty, be
employed by a Ramsey County employer, or provide services i Ramsey County.
c. Consideration of removal of inembers for cause or nonatten nce.
8.8 The WIB shall annually report to the County Board and the Ma or and City Council
regazding its accomplishments, including the accomplishment of the Consolidated
Program with respect to the mission and goals specified in icle V above.
Article IX.
Chief Elected Official and
9.1 The City hereby appoints and designates the C nty as its agent with respect to the
operation and management of the Consolidat Pro�ram. Upon the Department
director's request, the City will execute all rant appiications and other necessary
documents for the Consolidated Program
9.2 The County's Chief Elected Officiai s all serve as the Chief Elected Official for the
Consolidated Program, and shall pe orm all duties as required by WIA and federal and
state laws and regulations.
The ChiefElected Official
to WIA requirements.
County is designated as
negotiate a partnership agreement with the WIB according
local fiscal agent for the Consolidated Program.
9.5 The County is respo `ible for the application, planning, implementation, administration,
and reporting of gr ts assigned to it by the City under this Agreement and those future
grants that could ecome part of the Consolidated Program in accord with all applicable
state and federa aws and regulations.
Articte X.
Grants, 5ubgrants, Agreements, Contracts and Payment of Rent
10.1 If a owable by the granting agency, the City wiil assign to the County, effective July l,
20 0, its interests in and ohligations under each grant, agreement, and contract for the
nding sources identified in E�ibit A. The City is responsible for obtaining all necessary
approvals for the assignments. All funds from the assigned grants, agreements, and
contracts in the possession of the City on July 1, 2000 for services to be provided on or
�o -lo�
after July 1, 2000 shall be transferred to the County on that date or as soon thereafter as
may reasonably be done. In the event that a grant, agreement, or contract can not be
assigned to the County, the County will provide the services that are reimbursable under
the grant, agreement, andlor contract on the City's behaif. The City will compensate the
County for all services provided by the County under the grant, agreement and/or contra�
to the ea�tent that the services provided by the County aze aliowed as reimbursemen� �
under the grant, agreement and/or contract.
10.2 The City will assign to the County, effective July I, 2000, its interests in and "ligations
under each grant, agreement, and contract identified in Exhibit B. The Ci , is responsible
for obtaining all necessary approvals for the assignments from the granti " agency. Any
funds encumbered by or receivables owed to the City for services pe rmed prior to 7uly
1, 2000 under the subgants, agreements, and contracts will not beyfansferred to the
County. �°
10.3 The County is responsible for the application, planning
and reporting of grants assigned to it by the City under
grants that may become available to the Consolidated P
applicable state and federal laws and regulations. �
Agreement and of future
�am, in accordance with all
10.4 In consideration of the payment by the county to e City of the following rent, and
subject to the rights ofthe existing tenants, the ounty is entitled to use and occupy the
Leased Premises for the term commencing J 1, 2000 and ending September 30, 2002
on the same terms and conditions as the ex� ting tenants occupying the Leased Premises:
December 31, 2000
June 30, 2001
December 31, 2001
3une 30, 2002
September 30, 2002
Articte XI.
Level of Services
1 l.l The parti acknowledge that provision of services at current levels will depend upon
continu d state and federal funding levets, and continuing authority under applicable state
andfo federal ]aw. If funding or authority changes during the term of the Agreement, the
Ci and County agree to incorporate such changes, as are necessary, into their respective
rchase and sale of service budget and Consolidated Program budget, as applicable.
o O-loa-
I 1.2 The County will annually submit the Consolidated Program proposed budget to the Mayor
and City Council for review and comment regazding the proposed level of services, no
later than August 15 of the year preceding the term of the budget year. Each may sub t
comments, within thiriy (30) days of the receipt of the proposed budget, to the Co ty.
Article XII.
12.1 No current City or County employee who is perforrning workf
the effective date of this Agreement shall be discharged or laid
consolidation. Personnel actions affecting the Consolidated P�
through the annual budgeting processes, or at such time as reu,
� training services on
s a direct result ofthis
n may be taken
circumstances dictate.
12.2 The Consolidated Program will be staffed by County emp yees, and by City employees
who shall provide services as described in this Agreeme , in such capacities as the
L�epartment director shall deterntine.
123 City employees currently working for the City Pr ram will continue as City employees
after 7uly 1, 2000, but wiil provide services to t Consolidated Program under the
following terms:
a. At such time as a City incumbent co ered by this Agreement terminates
employment with the City, any rep cement personnel shall be hired as a County
b. City employees cuttently wor ' g for the City Program who provides services for
the Consolidated Program a City employees shail be subject to the provisions of
applicable union agreeme between the City and unions representing City
employees, and applicab City policy.
c. Any new positions aut orized for the Department shall be County positions.
d. The County shall pa the City for the services provided by the City's employees to
the Consolidated P ogram, effective July I, 2000. The amount to be paid will be
the City's actual irect costs as defined in Exhibit C.
e. This agreeme to purchase City service shall expire when the last City incumbent
terminates e ployment or ceases to provide services to the Consolidated Program,
whichever ccurs first.
Article XIII.
Program Cost And Funding
13.1 The c st of operations of the Consolidated Program shall be funded through federal and
stat grants, private donations, and other sources, including County tax levy funds if such
fu ding is granted by the County Board of Commissioners. The City shall have no
ligation ta contribute any tax levy money to the Consolidated Program.
13.2 If funding is inadequate to cover the costs of operation of the Consolidated Program,
County may elect to allocate County ta�c levy money to the Consolidated Program,
increase other revenues, andlor reduce Consolidated Program costs and/or redu�
services. /
Article XIV.
Indemnification, Liability, and Insurance
14.1 Each party shall remain liable for any damages, loss, liability,
judgments, or expenses resulting directiy or indirect]y from a
party, its employees, elected officials, or agents, in relation t
operations prior to the effective date of the Consolidated P�
s, causes of actioq
or omission of the
party's program
14.2 Effective July 1, 2000, the County will be responsible r its own acts and omissions and
the acts aud omissions of its employees, elected offi 'als and agents, and for the acts and
omissions of City employees while performing se ces for the Consolidated Program as
they relate to this Agreement and for any liabilit resulting therefrom, to the extent
authorized by law.
14.3 Consistent with the provisions of sections 4.l and 14.2 herein, each party agrees to
defend, indemnify and hold harmless the ther party, its employees, elected officials, and
agents fron� :iabitity, claims, cause of action, judgments, damages, losses, costs or
expenses resulting directly or indirec y from any act or omission of the indemnifying
party, its employees, elected offici s, or agents.
14.4 Each party warrants that it is a e to comply with the aforementioned indemnity
requirements through comm cial insurance or a self-funding program.
14.5 All insurance policies or If-insurance certificates shall be open to inspection by each
party and con��� of the olicies or certificates of self-insurance shall be submitted to a
party upon •.,ritten re uest.
14.6 Each party's liabi ' shall be governed and limited by the Municipal Tort Claims Act,
Minn. �tat. Ch � �r 466, common law immunities, and other applicable law.
Article XV.
shall terminate:
a. � upon the consent ofthe parties as evidenced by a written resolution ofthe
� goveming body of each party; or
when necessitated by operation of law; or
c. as a result of a decision by a court of competent jurisdiction.
b b - lo�-
15.2 Either party may terminate this Agreement without cause upon one year's prior written
notice to the other party. During the one year notice period, the City and the County st
take ail reasonable steps to provide continuity of services and ongoing funding after th�
termination date. /
15.3 Termination shall not discharge any liability incurred by the parties during the erm of this
Agreement prior to the effective date of termination.
15.4 The provisions of Articles XIV of this Agreement shall survive ternv tion of this
15.5 Upon temrination of this Agreement, the Consolidated Progra shall cease to exist, and
the assignment of the City's grants to the County shall cease d temrinate.
16.1 Al] notices, written requests, or demands
Agreement or any statute or ordinance st
certified mail.
16.2 All notices, written requests, or
Ramsey County:
Ramsey County Manager
Room 250
15 W. Kellogg Blvd.
Saint Paul, MN 55102
City of Saint Paul:
City of Saint Paul
Room 390
15 W. Kellogg vc'
Saint Paul, 55102
or made by a party under the terms of this
in writing and shall be sent registered or
shall be sent to the following addresses:
Saint Paul City Attorney
Room 400
15 W. Keliogg Blvd.
Saint Paul, MN 55102
Article XV1I.
Contract Provisions
17.1 T matters set forth in the Recitals are incorporated into and made part ofthis
greement as though fully set forth as terms herein.
Article XVIII.
18.1 As and for partial consideration ofthe duties and responsibilities undertaken b the
County under this Agreement, the City shall conditionaliy transfer certain p sonal
property purchaed by the City Program to the County. Within sia�ty (60) ays of
execution of this Ageement, the City will provide an inventory of the p rsonal property to
be transferred to the County, and will deliver possession thereof to t County. Upon
ternrination of this Agreement, the County shall return to the City s ch personal property,
or any replacement of such personal property which was purchas d with Consolidated
Program funding during the term of the Agreement.
Article XIX.
Entire Agreement and A
19.1 It is understood and agreed that the entire agreeme between the parties is contained
herein and tha.t this Agreement supersedes all oral greements and negotiations between
the parties relating to the subject matter hereof. All terms referred to in this Agreement
are incorporated or attached and are deemed be part of this Agreement.
19.2 Any alterations, variations, modific
only be valid when they have been
signed by the parties hereto.
lr waivers of provisions of this Agreement shall
2o writing as an amendment to this Agreement
Wherefore, the parties have execut,�d this Agreement the last date set forth below.
oo- te�
County of Ramsey
Rafael Ortega, Chair
Board of Commissioners
Bonnie Jackelen, Chief Clerk
Board of Commissioners
Approval Recommended:
Ramsey County Workforce Councit
Approved as to form:
Assistant County Attorney
Insurance Approved:
Risk Manager �
Funds Available:
Fund #
and Accounting
City of Saint Paul
Norm Coleman, Mayor
Funds Avail. Sle:
Fund #
Fred Owusu,
Saint Paul
Development Council,
Approved as to form:
Assistant City Attomey
Director of Financial Services
b a -1��
Exhibit A
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, Exhibit B
Subgrants, Agreements, and Contracts to be assigned to the County
for the Consotidated Program
Workforce Merger
Purchase of Service Vendor Worksheet
Saint Pau/ Workforce Development Progiam
' Vendor Service(s) Contract Cortract CoMca Eaccnt2ets Other
� Name Provided Amount Begin Date End D te ending after Comments
(see item t.t
Of instructions)
- EmpbymeM AcGon CeMer St. PaW Co. OW 352,500 12lOtl99 72t31l00 0: Prog. Ends
Labor Studies 8 Resource St. Paul Co. DW 352,500 72/0 9 1?131/00 D: Prog. Ends
^ Merrick Community ServiGes Enterprise 2one State 246,362 Ot /Oil00 12l31lO7 D: Prog. Entls
Saint Paul Public Schools NaPIC WtW 15 ,500 07f01/98 11/30/W D: Prog. Ends
Saint Paul Technical College � NaPIC WtW S� 157,500 � 07/Di/98 � 71/30/00 � D: Prog. Ends
b o -�oa-
Exhibit C
Draft {t�lovember 1,1999) 0� 1oe—
For discussion purposes only: not for citntion or attribution.
The Enhnnced City-County Workforce Agency Consolidntion O rview
VII. Bnckground and Introduction
Three yeazs ago, a public-private group, from Ramsey County, beg preparing for the end
ofwelfaze. Two yeazs ago, another group started designing a jo' powers agreement that
would merge the City and County's workforce development ag cies. One year ago, the US
congress passed the Workforce Investment Act (WIA) of 199 to replace the Job Training
and Partnership Act. We are at a point where bold and cre ve leadership can cause a
confluence of these three actions. Unlike the Mississippi d Minnesota rivers, however,
this confluence will not happen naturally.
To move toward confluence, on September 22 Sus Kimberly presented a list of City
interests (see II below), regarding the creation of inerged City and County warkforce
agency that would include the Minnesota Fami Inveshnent Program (MFIP), to County
At the end of that meeting, Ms. Kin
proposal is responsive to the City's
more detail.
In order to stay on track with
(JPA), the August 6, 1999 dr.
points: ' ,
;d for more detail on how the consolidation
This overview answers the request to present
[evelopment of a new City-County joint powers agreement
'A will need to be modified to contain the following
• The creation of a ew County deparhnent, containing at least the City and County
(1�IP). P
agency's r
• There
es and the County's Minnesota Family Inveshnent Program
is a$10 million program that doubles the size of the merged
be no joint powers board, which was proposed in the December 16, 1998
ping the lines of authority and accountability simple.
• Tky61oca1 elected official(LEO) functions will be performed by the Ramsey County
�oazd of Commissioners, again, keeping the lines of authority and accountability
• The new Workforce Investment Board (WIB), will be created in the manner defined
in the WIA and will report to the Ramsey County Board of Commissioners.
• The Mayor of Saint Paul will appoint, with confimiation by the Sa3nt Paul City
Council, one-half of the new WIB members. The County Board will appoint the
other one-half of the new WIB members.
• New leadership will be found to manage the new County department.
Page 4
Draft (November 1, 1999) 00 —�oa—
For discussion purposes only: not for citation or nttribution. �
II. City Interests
The City's interests (not listed in priority order) in the proposed merger of City d County
Workforce agencies are:
1. Serving e�sting and future businesses.
2. Serving our business customers within the subregion; that i the Saint Paul-East
Metro subregional area.
3. Retaining, growing and attracting businesses that ma' tain and expand our t�
4. Placing Saint Paul residents on jobs in Saint P ar elsewhere. Placing job
seekers in Saint Paul jobs.
Supporting and providing a steady suppl of trained workers that match the skill
needs of our businesses and industries. the event of economic downturns or
business reversais, assisting in retrai �ng and dislocated worker efforts.
Preparing youth for jobs.
Having an integrated workfo e investment strategy that includes public (e.g.,
Workforce Investment Act, elfare-to-Work, ISD No. 625, etc.), private and
foundation funding.
8. Having the "new" wot'kforce agency provide better services than the currently-
sepazate City and C�unty agencies.
9. Hauing Workfo ce Investment Board (WIB) members who are at a high level, see
the Saint Pa ast Metro labor market's "big picture" (e.g., who aze aware of the
sector job s 11 shortages and the need for filling those shortages), and can identify
jobs outs' e of Saint Paul.
nni versal employment services and customized training as well as
reforxn services.
one-stop access through the state/federally-required workforce center
Having WIB boazd members who reflect and advocate the City's interests.
13. Having a reporting system that shows results in matching employer needs with job
seeker availability.
14. Focusing on job placement results, measuring performance based upon job
placement results, and using feedback loops that continuously monitor employer
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Draft (November 1,1999) Da'�
For discussion purposes only: not for citation or attribution.
and job seeker customer satisfaction.
III. County Interests
County staff and Workforce Council members have reviewed these materials and believe
these interests are in line with the actions of the Policy Working Board, which approved the
merger on December 16, 1998, and are consistent with County interests.
Also, the sections below are taken from Ramsey County Stf-ategic Planning Guide for
Econoxnic Development. Note the congruence between the County's intended economic
development results and the City's interests. Clearly, the City and County share similar
interests and these shazed interests can form the foundation of a successful City-County
Workforce Development agency consolidation.
As a result...By the 21n Century, Ramsey County will increase its ability to ath'act, retain and
expand businesses, as well as build a friendly and atisactive business climate. The resulting
economic growth and condirion will position the County as a nafional leader in providing an
increasing number of enhy level and living wage jobs, expanding our tas base, and diversifying our
economy. The County's vision focuses on establishing a stable economy that reflects and
conhibutes to the County's overall qualiry of life.
As a result...Educarional institutions (K-12 and technology post secondary) will adjust to meet the
chanaing demands of indushy as the County's population diversifies and our economy moves
further into a global azena requiring higher skills. Colleges and universities, particulazly in the
public sector, will become better prepazed to train and retrain workers. The County govemment
will facilitate regional public and private partnerships among colleges, universiries and reseazch
institutions to tum this educational concentration into a world class engine for enterprise
development. Our educarional inslitutions will continue to educate, train and develop new
generations of leaders.
As a result...The County government will foster regional partnerships involving public, private, and
nonprofit organizations, as well as the County's citizens. These parhierships will support business
crearion, retention and expansion through a comprehensive system of access to fmancing,
technology transfer, technical support and export assistance. These partnerships will provide a
mechanism for expanding jobs and ownerslup opporfuniries for the economically disadvantaged,
recognizing the increasing racial and ethnic diversity of our population. The County govemment, in
partnership with other regional units, will have a central role in marketing our local assets, including
our qualiry of life, qualified workforce, diverse cultural assets, and attractive neighborhoods to
existing and prospecrive businesses.
As a resu[t...The County government will take a regional approach to economic development. It
will encourage systexnatic development of commercial, indushial, residential, and agricukural zones
to reverse the wasteful trend toward urban sprawl. County partners will build a sustainable
economic development infrastructure, recognizing the value of our attractive neighborhoods, the
importance of reinvesting in the urban core, the key role of downtown azeas, and the unique asset
represented by the Mississippi River. T'he County govemment will rehabilitate indush sites,
generate new business areas and spur development in new residenfial azeas. These businesses will
be accessible through a comprehensive and integrated transportation system that serves both people
and products. This approach will support the varied local economies of our distincrive and diverse
communities. The County will increase the number of jobs available, raise the qualiry of these
posirions and reduce pover[y, especially in communiries of color."
Page 6
�raft (November 1, 1999) O'0 �1��
For discussion purposes only: not for citation or attribution.
IV. Additional Attnchments
To provide additional detail, the following documents are aitached:
A. New City-County Workforce Agency Organization Chart
Based upon discussions to date, the relationslup of the consolidated agency to its
intemal and extemal components is illustrated.
B. City-County Workforce Agency Mission and Goals
Based upon the December 16 1998 report and subsequent discussions, a mission
and goals statement for the consolidated agency is described
C. City-County Workforce Investment Board Proposal
Based upon the WIA requirements and the vision of the community forum, a
proposal for the new WIB is described.
H:\USERSV�iANCYA�24 San OO.wpd
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Draft (November 1,1999)
For discussion purposes only: not for citation or nttribution.
Attachment A
New City-County Workfarce Agency
Organizational Chart
Board of Commissioners
50% of WIB Membership
County Manager
Workforce Agency
• Workforce Centers
Job Seekers �� �� Employers
G:SHARED�.4dmin\Work Force ConsolidaAOn\Org-chart.wpd
Mayor Appoints and
City Council Confirms
50% of WIB Membership
Workforce Investment Boaxd
(Community Collaboration
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braft (November 1, 1999)
For discussion purposes only: not for citation or attribution.
Attachment B
City-County Workforce Agency Mission and Goals
3.1 Mission
As part of a business retention and growth strategy, to be a narional leader in effectively moving
people into employment through an integrated, public-private, subregional City-County-East Metro
workforce system providing universal employment services, customized training and welfare
reform services—that is responsive to the current and future needs of employers and job seekers, its
two primary customers.
3.2 Goals
The following consolidated City-County workforce program goals will achieve the mission:
a. Establish the City-County Workforce Investment Board (WIB) as a broad policy body:
by setting and monitoring intea ative policies for pubic-private workforce-preparation
programs within local economic development, education (including secondary and post
secondary institutions), welfare and job-training programs, and funding sources.
b. Provide better service to two customers: by 'vnproving the workforce system's response to
employer needs, and to job seeker needs.
c. Improve the cost effectiveness of egisting programs: by eliminating program duplication
and achieving economies of scale by administering one system instead of two and repork�ng the
results of job placement and customer satisfaction..
d. Develop a single integrated system: by combing similar and related programs, and
developing effective public-private partnerships in a subregional economy and labor mazket.
e. Leverage new tinancial resoixrces: by becoming more entrepreneurial and comperitive, the
consolidated agency will generate new resources for workforce development including
Minnesota Family Inveshnent Program funds.
f. Conform with federal and state reforms: by actively responding to the state and federal
integration of programs, larger service delivery areas, and universal service requirements.
g. Preserve the City and County's interests in workforce development: by ensuring that the
operarion of the consolidated workforce system serves the needs of all residents and
businesses, wherever they are located or reside.
h. Develop subregional workforce policies and partnerships: by providing leadership in
policy setting; idenrifying and addressing labor market issues in Ramsey County; developing a
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Draft (November 1, 1999)
For discussion purposes on1y: not for citntion or nttribution.
vision for public workforce programs; developing partrierships among the required partners in
the Minuesota workforce center system and other regional partners; designating the local
Minuesota workforce center system operator(s).
i. Engage employers: by coordinating the local workforce investment activities with local
economic development stzategies; developing other employer linkages, through intermediaries
such as the local one-stop operator, or through other organizations; assisting such employers in
meeting hiring needs.
j. Improve access: by use of one-stop facilities and information networks.
k. Prepare youth for jobs: by providing special youth-focused programs and through youth-
focused partnerships.
Create a new model for workforce policy setting: by appointing public and private leaders
to the new Workforce Investment Board.
G:�SHARED�Admin\Work Force ConsolidaSonVPAV�lission and goals 100599.wpd
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Drnft (November 1,1999)
For discussion purposes only: not for citation or attribution.
Attachment C
City-County Workforce Investment Board Proposal
It is possible to blend a key piece from the East Metro community collaboration forum, which looks
broadly at an integrated workforce investment strategy, with a consolidarion of City programs into the
L The County would merge its MFIP job training program and funds into the new County
department, exposing MFIl' to the policy influence of the Workforce Investment Board (WIB).
The County Board will retain program oversight, including budget responsibility. The County
might, at some point, bring other programs (e.g., CDBG, economic development) to the new
agency if it fits with their strategic vision (see Ramsey County Strategic Planning Guide). Thi;
could also foster new relationships with the City's economic development agencies.
II. The consolidated department would staff Stakeholder Roundtables (employers, educational
organizarions, labor unions, economic development agencies, government agencies, foundations,
and community-based organizarions) to nominate a pool of candidates from which the Mayor and
County Board could draw to appoint members to the Workforce Inveshnent Board.
TII. The consolidated depar(ment would host an annual Comxnunity Collaboration Forum, co-chaired
by the Mayor of Saint Paul and the Chair of the Board of Commissioners, to recommend, at a broad
policy level, what an integrated Workfarce Investment Strategy would be.
IV To ensure that the City's interests and the County's interests are both fulfilled, and after broad
consultation with interested parties, the Mayor would appoint 50% of the WIB (from those
nominated by the Stakeholder Roundtables) and the Chair of the County Board would appoint the
other 50% (from those nominated by the Stakeholder Roundtables) of the WIB members. The
Mayor's appointees will be confirmed by the City Council.
V. The Chair of the WIB would be a business representative selected by the Chair of the county Board
in consultation with the Mayor of Saint Paul.
VI. The WIB itself would be a high-level group (e.g., CEOs of 3M; Minnesota Life; the Saint Paul
Companies, Inc.; the Archbishop of the Saint Paul Arch Diocese; the President of the University of
Minnesota; ISD 625 Superintendent; the Mayor, Chair of the County Board, etc.) as envisioned by
the WIA of 1998. Its members will include both employers, including small businesses and job
seekers. The WIB will meet twice a year to set broad policy and elect a small Executive Committee
that would meet monthly to oversee the operational details of policy unplementarion.
VIL The WIB will annually report to the County Board and the Saint Paul Mayor and City Council
regazding its accomplishments and the accomplishments of the consolidated agency with respect to
its mission and goals.
Page 11
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0 0 -toa—
Drnft (November 1, 1999)
For discussion purposes only: not for citntion or nttribution.
Attachment E
Ramsey County Strategic Planning Guide for Economic Development
I. Vision
By the 21� Cenhuy, Ramsey County will have an economy, built on its sh�engths, that achieves a world class status:
Zt will have built on its tradiKOn of regional cooperation, a structure of intergovemmental and public-private cooperafion
that provides a seamless system of support for economic development.
It wiZl have built on its traditinn of high quality workers, a workforce with the advanced technical skills and strong work
ethic capable of acting as one of the region's dominant competirive advantages.
It will have bui[t oa its tradiHon of a diverse economy, an economy imxnune to cyclical economic downtums.
It will kave bui[t on its tradition of innovaflon, an entrepreneurial culture that embraces excellence and innovarion at every
level, from the smallest business to the lazgest corporation.
It will have bui[t on its tradi&on of a high quality of life, a sustainable economy which prevents pollution, provides fanrily-
supporting employment, and preserves resources for generations yet to come.
As a result...By the 21 Cenhuy, Rainsey County will increase its ability to attract, retain and expand businesses, as well as
buIld a friendly and attractive business climate. The resulting economic growth and condition will position the County as a
national leader in providing an increasing number of entry level and living wage j obs, expanding our tas base, and
diversifying our economy. The County's vision focuses on establishing a stable economy that reflects and conhibutes to
the County's overall quality of life.
As a result...Educational institutions (K-12 and technology post secondary) will adjust to meet the changing demands of
industry as the County's popularion diversifies and our economy moves further into a global arena requiring higber skills.
Colleges and universities, particulazly in the public sector, will become better prepazed to train and retrain workers. The
County government will facilitate regional public and private parfnerships among colleges, universiries and reseazch
institu6ons to turn this educarional concentration into a warld class engine for enterprise development. Our educarional
institutions will continue to educate, hain and develop new generations of leaders.
As a result...The County govemment will foster regional partnerships involving public, private, and nonprofit
organizations, as well as the County's citizens. These partnerships will support business crearion, retention and expansion
through a comprehensive system of access to fmancing, technology transfer, technical support and export assistance. These
partnerships will provide a mechanism for expanding jobs and ownership opportunities for the economically
disadvantaged, recognizing the increasing racial and ethnic diversity of our populafion. The County government, in
partnership with other regional units, will have a central role in marketing our local assets, including our quality of life,
qualified workforce, diverse cultural assets, and attracrive neighborhoods to e�sting and prospective businesses.
As a result...The County government will take a regional approach to economic development. It will encourage systematic
development of commercial, industdal, residenrial, and agriculhual zones to reverse the wasteful trend towazd urban
sprawl. County partners will build a sustainable economic development infrastruchue, recognizing the value of our
attractive neighborhoods, the importance of reinvesting in the urban core, the key role of downtown areas, and the unique
asset represented by the Mississippi River. The County government will rehabilitate indushial sites, generate new business
azeas and spur development in new residential areas. These businesses will be accessible through a comprehensive and
integrated transportarion system that serves both people and products. This approach will support the varied local
economies of our distinctive and diverse communiries. The County will increase the number of jobs available, raise the
quality of these positions and reduce poverry, especially in communiUes of color.
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Drnft (November 1,1999)
For discussion purposes only: not for citation or attribution.
As a resuU...The County govemment will improve the delivery of its own services, increase its own efficiency, decrease its
own costs, reduce burdensome regularion and consolidate redundant govemment programs and services. The County
goverument's economic development plan will serve as a model for the type of economic development progcam being
sought by other public sector, private sector, and nonprofit entities tUroughout the nation.
Fiaally...By the 21�` cenhuy, the County will have increased its economic efficiency, engaged citizens in the sharing of
decisions and responsibiliries, supported and challenged our educational systems, and built a sense of community and civic
pride among all County iesidents.
II. Critical Issues and Strategies
A. Share area facilifies. The County could lead the effort to encourage schools, pazks and recrearion departments,
businesses, nonprofit agencies, and post secondary institurions to share facilifies in an effort to increase afrer school
activifies. Funding might come from County govemment, school districts, and businesses.
jIn 1996, Ramsey Counry initiated a community-based approach to welfare reform, called the Ramsey County
Community Parhzership for Welfare Reform. In 1997, the Partnership evoZved into the Community Employment
Parmership (CEP) with the following goal: "To Foster ecoraomic stability and growth by investing in Ramsey Couniy's
workforce and by linking and supporring job seekers and employers. " The Partnership has included over 1, 000
individuals making contributions.
The CEP is in the process of creating 10 community-based Work Resource Hubs where job seekers (welfare recipients
and others) can access a variety of employment, financial, and support resources. The CEP is also developing
Centralized Support Services for job seekers and employers, which includes a single point of contact for employers,
redesign of workforce prepararion strategies, and pilot projects to further job seeker/empdoyer contact in specialized
B. Reducing poverty through economic development strategies.
• Educate the workforce. School districts could iniriate this strategy. 5chools and businesses together could work
to educate the workforce and invest in human potenrial Financial support might come from school districts and
County and city governments. Other support might come from schools, businesses, and post secondary
(Ramsey County is implementing a new welfare system, replacing the old entitlement program that had few
ecpectations ofrecipients to a temporary assistance program with work expectations for recipients. The new
statewide weZfare-to-work program, caZZed the Minnesota Family Investment Program, has as its goal the
movement of welfare families into the workforce and out ofpoverty. The Community Employment Partnership is
an integral part of this new, multifaceted welfare strategy.J
(Ramsey County Jab Training operates youth programs and is involved in the School to Work Initiative, which are
all directed at working on educating the workforce in Ramsey County.J
C. Increasing job opportunities.
• Increase availability of loans and technical assistance to small and micro businesses. The County and ciries
could take the lead. Nonprofits could work to increase the amount of loans and technical assistance available to
small businesses. Funding might come from foundations, govemments, and banks. Support may be offered by
nonpiofit organizazions, banks, community development agencies, and coxporarions.
[The Service Corp ofRetired Executives (SCORE) provides volunteer services from refired executives who help
struggling businesses.J
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Draft (November 1, 1999)
For discussion purposes only: not for citntion or nttribution.
• Identify resources for product development This strategy could be initiated by State government and would
involve utiliziug the resources of post secondary institurions for product development and support. Development
would not be limited to high-tech products. Funding may perhaps come from State government and the private
D. Developing partnerships to create and implement an educarional, training, or retraining system that would
equip workers with the skills needed to acquire jobs in an advancing, changing, and diversifying work industry.
• Develop partnerships between post secondary institurions and schools to foster skills educarion and vocational
training. City and County job training programs could lead trris effort. Post secondary insritutions and schools
may wish to establish a partnership to offer skills educarion and vocarional training. 5upport could come from
businesses and schools, and possible sources of funding aze schools and State government.
[Ramsey County Job Training operates a Dislocated Worker Program thatprovides training to a segment of the
E. Eliminating business opportunity barriers.
• Set appropriate repayment periods on deferred loans available to small businesses for infrastructure
improvements. City and County goveminents could lead this strategy. City, County, and community
development corporations may wish to increase the time small businesses have to repay loans. Support might be
received from businesses, and Federal and State governments could supply funding.
• Develop cooperative networks for businesses. Local chambers of commerce could lead and monitor this
shategy. Nonprofit organizations may wish to establish networks to give support (e.g., mazketing, mentoring) for
local businesses. Funding might be donated by the private sector and State and Federal govenune�ts. The County,
cities, and area businesses may wish to support this strategy.
[The Metro East Development Partnership is a nonprofit regional economic development partnership that helps
new or ecisting businesses relocate to the metropolitan area or find new sites for expansion. Its service area
includes Ramsey, Dakota, and Washington Counries.
The Ramsey County Community Employment Partnership operates a JobConnect pilot project.J
F. Having strategies that address all economic development critical issues.
• Focus education on what it has to provide to meet the needs of a world class economy. This strategy could be
coordinated by a coalirion of leaders from business, County government, nonpxofit, and Mgher education
institutions. These four sectars may wish to work together to focus education on economic needs and monitor the
results. Funding from existing educafion sources might be used in this process. Support could come from
businesses, the County, educators, and nonprofit agencies.
• Identify and review current ecanomic development incentives on an ongoing basis to meet the needs of the
time. This strategy could be initiated by post secondary institutions, businesses, the County, and chambers of
commerce. Post secondary insfiturions could be responsible for evaluating economic development incentives. If
the incenrives do not meet needs, the post secondary insritutions could redesign them. Funding for this shategy
might come from existing resources and tas increment financing.
G:VSHARED�ldmin\Work Force ConsolidarionViC Econ Dev
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Draft (November 1,1999)
For discussion purposes only: not for citntion or attribution.
atta�hment F
JPA Outline
Following is a secrion-by-secrion review of the August 6, 1999 draft JPA with the changes to be made to reflect the discussions with
Commissioner Ortega.
No change.
II. Term.
The initial term is five yeazs. The JPA will automatically renew itself for ten-yeaz terms thereafter. The JPA can be
canceled with one yeaz's written notice.
III. Mission and Goals.
Changed to reflect the above points and the Zist of City interests.
IV. Definitions.
The section will be updated to xeflect current definirions.
V. City of Saint Paul-Ramsey County Workforce Investraent Program.
No change.
VI. TransitionPeriod.
Fill in the modified dates Taken from the merger work program.
VII. Joint Powers Boazd.
Delete references to the.7oint Powers Board. Instead, modify to reflecz the Ramsey County Board of Commissioners' role
as the local elected official (LEO).
VIII. WoxkforceInvestmentBoazd.
The section will be modified to make it cdear that the N'orkforce Investment Board (GVIB) is ultimately advisory to the
Ramsey County Board of Commissioners. The section wi11 also provide for appointment of 50% YPIB members by the
Mayor of Saint Paul. A decision needs to be made as to whether or not the N'IB wi11 reflect the membership proposed in
the August 6 draft JPA or the membership proposed by Mr. Middleton or some combinafion.
IX. Program Operations and Aduvnis4ation.
The section will be modified to reflect the absence of the Joint Powers Board, the Board of Commissioners as the local
elected offzcial and the relatzonship between the LEO and WIB.
X. Budget and Levei of Services.
No changes.
XI. Personnel.
Modify to reflect that the.7oint Powers Agreement is the purchase ofservice agreement.
XII. Program Cost and Funding.
No changes.
XIII. Indemnificarion, Liability and Insurance.
Boilerplate: no change.
XIV. Ternvnation.
Section needs to be updated to reflect the absence of a Joint Powers Boazd.
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Draft (November 1,1999) ��� � u �
For discussion purposes only: nofi for cifiafiion or afifiribution.
XV. Norice.
Section needs to be completed
XVI. Con4act Provisions.
No change.
XVII. Contract for Services.
Add a description of the services that the City will provide to the County, under the conso2idated agency and the services
that the County will provide to the City, under the consolidated agency. This will include the Minnesota Family Inveshnent
Program (MFIP) services.
XVIII. Assets.
Boilerplate needs to be inserted, using the City-County Public Health Joint Powers Agreement. In that JPA, all City assets
were turned over to the County.
XIX. Entire Agreement and Alterarions.
No change.
G:\SHARED�P.dmin\Work Force ConsolidationVPAUPA Outline.wpd
Page 17
Febmary 22, 2000
�Nr �AVL � ���1 President Dan Bostrom
CHAMSbR OP COMMERCE S�tPaul City Counci]
15 West Kellogg Boulevazd
320 B-City Hall
Saint Paul, MN 55102
� Dear Coiutcil President Bostrom,
Firs� Narional Bank Building. N-20S
032 Minncwca S�r«�
Sain� I'�W. Minncson 55101
Phonr. 651.223.5000
Pax: GS 1.223.5119
t,1G �c�.� .�yyJ 1• Vl�� vV
MIDWAY �° -r ��
We write as business advocates for the east metro area in support of
consolidating the Ramsey County and City of Saint Paut Workforce Investment
Programs. Employers t�ave long teken the position that consolidafion will
• A focus on results with business as a primary wstomer
• A commihnent to systemic change
• System performance measured on specific and measurable outcomes
• Market-8tiven vision end leadersMp
Employers are confusad by rivo sepazate enYities that provide similar services. A
consolidation of Ramsey County and Saint Paul eliminates at least one of the
entities that an employer needs to understand in order to become engaged. The
engagement of private sector employers is crrticul to sustain the robust economy
of the region with a competent and producdve workforce.
The employets on the Saint Paul Workforce Council appmve the consolidation,
and fiut[�er recommend that the Coune7 becomes a hve Board that fnnctions as
an inciusive focum for business, govemment, and other organiza6ons within the
&amework of the existing nonprofit cocpoiallon [SOi(c)(3jj. This represents a
more entrepreneurial approach W providing workforce and economic
development leadership to �spond to the neerls of the rnsrket place. The way to
maintain employer interest is to be more than a superficial advisory group. Staff
dedicated to the work of the board wouid then implement the plan for a market-
driven vision.
It is the position of the 5aint Pau1 Area and Midway Chambers of Commerce that
a consolidation, with an engaged private sector, is the way to ensure that both the
zmployer and the job seeker customers are served. �
♦ r�t re��. �-rr
i Sinc ]y,
Larry Dowell
Saint Paul Area Chamber of Commerce
�E ''"`.�'v r.v�.�.Q.�
tlen Watters
Midway Chamber of Commerez
TOTfaL P.08
�'t�IV�G�c�,e...� - a.' I G �oo
Presented By
Referred To
Committee: Date
1 Resolution Authorizing the Mayor to Execute a Joint Powers Agreement with Ramsey
2 County to Consolidate the City and County Workforce Programs
4 WFIEREAS,Minn.Stat.471.59permitsgovernmentalunitstojointlyexercisepowersthateachmay
sepazately exercise; and
WIIEREAS, the City of Saint Paul and Raxnsey County are governmental units as defined in Minn.
Stat. 471.59; and
WHEREAS, The City of Saint Paul and the Saint Paul Workforce Development Council (SPWDC)
are operating the Saint Paul Workfarce Development Program under the JTPA, and other laws; and
WHEREAS, Ramsey County and its Workforce Council are currently operating the Ramsey County
Job Training Program under the Job Training Partnership Act (JTPA) and other laws ("Couniy Job
Training Program"), and the County is operating the Minnesota Family Investment Program—
Employment Services ("MFIP-ES"); and
WHEREAS, Congress enacted the 1998 Workforce Investment Act("WIA"), which will become
effective and replace the JTPA no later than July 1, 2000; and
WI-IEREAS, The County Job Training Program and the City Program have each applied for
temporary designation as Workforce Service Areas under the WIA; and
WHEREAS, The Ramsey County Board of Commissioners and the Saint Paul City Council
authorized the creation of a Policy Working Board to study and make a recommendation regarding
the consolidation of the County Job Training Program and the City Program; and
WHEREAS, On December 16, 1998, the Policy Working Board adopted a report ("Report") that
recornmended the consolidation of the County Job Training Program and the City Program under
the direction and management of the County; and
WHEREAS, The Report was submitted to and approved by the Ramsey County Board of
Commissioners, the Saint Paul City Council, the Mayor of Saint Paul, the Council, and the SPWDC;
WHEREAS, The County's MFIP-ES provides services that aze legislatively directed to reform the
welfare system, including placing job seekers into employment; and
Council File # � � � ��.
Green Sheet # � b � � �O'
1 WHEREAS, Further City and County policy discussions yielded a recommendarion to also
2 consolidate the Courny's MFIP-ES with the County Job Training Program and the City Program into � 0-1 o a-
3 a new County department; and
5 WHEREAS, Consolidarion ofthe County 7ob Training Program and the CityProgram will serve the
6 shazed County and City interests regarding community development; and
7 **Insert two pa'ragraphs on next page (Amendment made on 2/16/00)
8 WHEREAS, The City and County desire to effectuate the consolidarion of the County 7ob Training
9 Program, the County MFIP-ES and the City Program into a new County department; and
WHEREAS, the Mayor has recommended that the City Council approve the attached 7oint Powers
Agreement that will accomplish the desired consolidarion;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the City Council hereby approves the 7oint Powers
Agreement in substantiallythe form submittedforthe consolidated Ramsey County-City ofSaint Paul
Worl�'orce Programs; and Be It Further
RESOLVED, The City Council authorizes the Mayor, City Clerk, and Director, Offrce ofFinancial
Services ("Authorized Officers") to execute the Joint Powers Agreement; and Be It Further
RESOLVED, Any other documents and certificates necessaryto thetransaction described above sha11
be executed by the Authorized Officers; and Be It Further
RESOLVED, The approval hereby given to the 7oint Powers Agreement includes approval of such
additional details therein as may be necessary and appropriate and such modificarions thereof,
delerions therefrom and additions thereto as may be necessary and appropriate and approved by the
Mayor and the City Attorney, and the Authorized Officers aze hereby authorized to approve said
changes on behalf of the City.
FINALLY RESOLVED, That two years from the
the Saint Paul City Council shall evaluat
County-City of Saint Paul Workforce Progr
and redevelonment obiectives and in servi
to the Citv of Saint Paul if deemed necessarv and
of the Joint Powers
in mee[ing tne �icy�s ec
Saint Paul �rivate sector
Requested by Department of:
By: �__ a. i� � 9.�....�,
Approved by Mayor: Date F'{� °�( ��/
i i
= �� i!� `
Form Appr v d y Ci A orney
Approve � Mayor for ubmission to Council
By: �
Adopted by Council: Date F,}, ��pQ
Adoption Certified by Council Secretary
d p��o�"
�rc�c�►rrncr'� -�or
Page 2, insert at Line 8:
��e WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul's worl�orce development programs aze an essential tool to
the city's economic development and redevelopment objectives, including providing a trained
workforce to businesses which are attracted to Saint Paul to redevelop brownfieids and
underutilized sites and to expand the city's tax base, and
WI-IEREAS, the City of Saint Paul requires that the Consolidated Ramsey County-City of Saint
Paul Work force Programs continue to serve the city's economic development and
redevelopment objectives as well as the needs of private sector employers in Saint Paul who are
facing an extensively documented statewide labor shortage, and
DepaMientloffice/council: Date Initiated Green Sheet No. 100261 0� — �O �—
Technology & Management Services 01/26/2000
Contact Person � Phone: i�rt�aua�e , / InitWl/tlate
Peter Hames, 266-8797 � oepartment �ic / Z�o/Z�ouncii
Must Be on Council Agenda by (Date) Assign _ Ciry Attomey � _ City Clerk
Number Fnancial Serv Dir. Financial Serv/axt.
Por �Yw (Or Asst.) _ Civil Service Commission
Totai # of Signature Pages _(Clip All Locations for Signature)
Action Requested:
Approval of the attached joint powers agreement, between the City and the County, that will consolidate the respective
workforce investment programs; authorize the Mayor, City Clerk and Director of Financial Services to execute the joint
powers agreement; authorize the execution of other appropriate documents, as necessary, to effectuate the program
Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R) Personal Service Contrects Must Answer the Foilowing (luestions:
7. Has this persoNfirm ever worked under a contract for this departmenY?
Planning Commission Yes No
CIB Committee 2. Has this persoNfirm ever been a city employee?
Civil Service Commission Yes No
3. Dces this persoNfirm possess a skill not normalty possessed by any cunent city
employee? Yes No
Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet
Initiating Probiem, issue, Opportunky (Who, What, When, Where, Why):
The Workforce Investment Act, August, 1998, envisions a new approach to job training and job placement. This new law is
an opportunity to combine the City and County programs into a more effective program.
Advantages If Approved:
Two similar programs can consolidate their activities; there will be a greater emphasis upon serving the job needs of
employers as well as job seekers; consistent with WIA, there will be a new vision developed for the Workforce Investment
Board (WIB)-
Disadvantages If Approved:
Disadvantages If Not Approved:
The City and County would lose an opportunity to have their workforce programs become more effective and e�cient, over
the long terrn, and would continue to go their separate ways instead of creating a more competitive approach to East Metro
workforce development.
Total Amount of Transaction: $6.2 M(City) +$10.8 M(County) Cost/Revenue Budgeted:
=$17.0 M
Funding Source: Activity Number:
Fi nan cial I nformation:
G:\SHAREDWdmin\Work Force Consolidation\Green Sheet-JPA.WPD
Ciry of Saint Paul
Noim Co(emm,. Mayor
January 28, 2000
Council President Bostrom and City Councilmembers
300 City FIall
15 West Kellogg Boulevard
Saint Paul, MN 55102
Department of Technotogy and
Management Services
Peter Hames, Director � Q_�� a
2A0 �ry Halt 7'e7ephorse: 651-26G-8797
ISW.Ke!(oggBou[evasd Facsimi(e: 651-266-89I9
Saint Paui, Mim�esora 55102
Subject: Revised Joint Powers Agreement to Consolidate the City and County Workforce
Dear Councilmembers:
We presented the January 20, 2000 proposed joint powers agreement (JPA) to the Ramsey
County Boazd on January 25. The Board asked a number of questions regarding the contents of
the JPA and requested that several clarifications be made to the document. The attached copies
reflect those changes. One copy is a red-lined version, showing the changes made to the January
20 version. The other copy is a clean version of the JPA This final version is dated February 1,
2000. In my opurion, the changes that we have made reflect clarifications to the document and do
not represern policy changes from the JPA you received eazlier this week.
I look forwazd to presenting the revised 7PA to you on February 2. In the meantime, if you have
any questions about the 7PA, please contact me,
� ,:
� �r � �, /
� -K�
GDistribution list on page two>
vQ ,��a-
Joint Powers Agreement
January 28, 200d
Page two
cc: Mayor Norm Coleman
Ramsey County Board of Commissioners
Commissioner Earl Wilson
Asst. Commissioner Tim Korkki
Nancy Anderson
Gail Blackstone
Craig Blakely
Steve Cvinar
Ginnee Engberg
Tom Fashingbauer
Amy Filice
Readus Fletcher
Till Goski
Terry Haltiner
John Hamikon
7ean Hammink
John Johnson
Mary Karcz
Kathy Megazry
Susan Kimberly
Paul Kirkwold
Karen Kushner
Monty Martin
Pete McCall
Connie Peikert
Terry Speiker
Gerry Strathman
Ellen Watters
City-County Working Policy Board
Saint Paul Worl�'orce Development Council
City Worl�orce Development Staff
City Employee Bazgaining Representatives
City Workforce Vendors
Ramsey County Workforce Council
County Job Training Staff
County Employee Bargaining Representatives
County 7ob Trainu►g Vendors
G:VSFfAREDWdmin\WmlcFarce Consolidation�lPA\CwvLetter.tvpd
�� _ �02-
Joint Powers Agreement
For the Consolidated Ramsey County-City of Saint Paul
Workforce Investment Program
February 1, 2000
Table of Contents
Putpose..-�-� .................................................. 4
Definirions...................................................... 4
Term.......................................................... 5
County-City Worl�orce Investment Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
IvHssion and Goals ................................................ 5
Transition....................................................... 6
VII. New Counry Department ........................................... 7
VIII. Consolidated Program Worl�orceInvestmentBoazd ...................... 8
IX. ChiefElected Official and Administration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
X. City's Grants, Subgrants, Agreements, Contracts and Payment of Rent ........ 9
XI. Levelof Services ................................................ 11
Personnel...................................................... 11
Program Costand Funding ......................................... 12
Indemnification, Liability and Insurance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Ternrinarion .................................................... 13
Notice........................................................ 13
ContractProvisions .............................................. 14
Assets........................................................ 14
Entire Agreement and Amendments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Toint Powers Agreement
For The Consolidated Ramsey County-City of Saint Paul
World'orce Investment Program
This Joint Powers Agreement ("AgreemenY') is made by and between Ramsey County ("County")
and the City of Saint Paul ("Cit�'), with the approval of the Ramsey County Wori�orce Council
("Council") and the Saint Paul Workforce Development Council, Inc. ("SPWDC").
WHEREAS, IvTinn. Stat. §471.59 permits governmental units to jointly exercise powers that each
may separately exercise; and
WHEREAS, County and City are governmental units as defined in 1vTinn. Stat. §471.59; and
WI3EREAS, County and Council are currently operating the Ramsey County 7ob Training
Program under the Job Training Partnership Act (7TPA) and other laws ("County Job Tra'n'ng
Program"), and the County is operating the M'innesota Family Investment Program-Employment
Services ("MFIP-ES") with the funding sources described in E�ibit A attached hereto
(collectively the "County Program"); and
Wf�REAS, City and SPWDC are operating the Saint Paul Worl�orce Development Program
under JTPA, and other laws, with the funding sources described in Eachibit A("City Program");
WHEREAS, Congress enacted the 1998 Worl�'orce Investment Act (Public Law 105-220)
("WIA"), which will become effective and replace the JTPA no later than July 1, 2000; and
WHEREAS, the County Job Training Program and the City Program have each applied for
temporary designation as Worl�orce Service Areas under WIA; and
WHEREAS, the Ramsey County Board of Commissioners and the Saint Paul City Council
authorized the creation of a Policy Working Boazd to study and make a recommendarion
regazding the consolidation of the County Job Training Program and City Program; and
WHEREAS, on December 16, 1998, the Policy Working Board adopted a report ("Report") that
recommended the consolidation of the County Job Training Program and City Program under the
direcrion and management of the County; and
WHEREAS, the Report was submitted to and approved by the Ramsey County Board of
Commissioners, the Saint Paul City Council, the Mayor of Saint Paul, the Council, and the
SPWDC; and
�p — tc�'3—
WHEREAS, the County's MFIP-ES provides services that are legislatively directed to reform the
weifare system, including placing job seekers into employment; and
WHEREtLS, further policy discussion yielded a recommendarion to also consolidate the County's
MFIP-ES with the City Program and the County Job Training Program into a new Counry
department; and
WHEREAS, consolidation of the County Program and City Program will serve the shared City
and County interests regarding community development; and
WHEREAS, the parties to this Agreement desire to effectuate the consolidation of the County
and City Programs into a new County department according to the terms and conditions of this
NOW, THEREFORE, in considerarion of the Recitals and mutual undertakings and agreements
hereinafter set forth, the parties agree as follows:
Article L
1.1 The purpose of this Agreement is to set forth the terms and conditions relative to the
creatioq organization, and operation, within a new County department, of a consolidated
County-City workforce investment program.
Article II.
2.1 The following terms shall haue the indicated meanings as those terms are used throughout
this Agreement:
a. "City's Chief Elected Official" means the Mayor.
b. "City Council" means the Saint Paul City Council.
c. "County Boazd" means the Board of Ramsey County Commissioners.
d. "County's Chief Elected Official" means the County Board.
e. "Director" means the person or persons who serve in the top leadership position for
the County Program.
f. "TfPA" or "Job Training Partnership AcY' means Public Law, 97-300, as amended
from time to time, and the implementing regulations, as issued from time to time.
g. "Leased Premises" means 24,720 square feet of space being used as an employment
training center by the City at the time of execution, at a building located at 215 East
Nmth Street, Saint Paul.
Db -lo�
h. "Mayor" means the elected Mayor of the City of Saint Paul.
i. "Program Manage�' means the person who serves in the top leadership position for
the City Program. _
j. "Transirion" means the change from two separate programs, the County Program and
the City Program, to the Consolidated Program.
k. "WIA" or "Worl�orce Investment AcP' means Public Law, 105-220, as amended from
time to time, and the implementing regulations, as issued from time to time.
Article III.
3.1 The initial term of this Agreement shall be five yeazs from the date of complete execution
of the Ageement. This Agreement will automarically renew for additional ten year terms,
unless written norice of intent not to renew is provided by either party to the other, at least
one (1) year prior to the end of the term then in effect. In such a case, this Agreement
shall expire at midnight on the last day of the term then in effect.
Article IV.
County-City Workforce Investment Program
4.1 The County-City workforce investment program ("Consolidated Program") is hereby
created by consolidating the City and County Programs in accordance with the terms of
this Agreement.
4.2 The County shall operate the Consolidated Program on behalf of both the County and the
City to serve the needs of employers and eligible job seekers.
43 On 7uly 1, 2000 the County 7ob Training Program and City Program shall cease
operations and the Consolidated Program shall commence operations
4.4 As of July 1, 2000, the SPWDC and the Council shall cease to perform their
responsibilities, except for such activities as are necessary to cease operations and
dissolve. The parties shall execute any legal documents necessary to effect such
ternvnation of business.
Article V.
Mission and Goals
5.1 M'ission
The mission of the Consolidated Program is to be a national leader in effectively moving
people into employment by managing a County-City worl�orce system that is responsive
to job seeker and employer needs.
� � _ l� a
5.2 Goals
The foAowing Consolidated Program goals aze hereby established:
a. Develop and implement a single, integrated worl�orce system by combining similaz
and related programs, including County's MFIP-ES, and developing effective
public-private partnerships in a subregional economy and labor market.
b. Establish the Consolidated Program Worl�orce Investment Board (WIB) as a
broad policy body for all Ramsey County worl�orce activities.
c. Provide better service to two customers by improving the world'orce system's
response to employer and job seeker needs.
d. Improve the cost effectiveness of eacisting programs by eliminating program
duplication and achieving economies of scale through administrarion of one
e. Leverage new financial resources by becoming more entrepreneurial and
f. Conform with federal and state reforms by actively responding to the state and
federal integration of programs, larger service delivery azeas, and universal service
g. Promote the City and County's interests in worl�orce development: by ensuring
that the operation of the consolidated worl�orce system serves the needs of all
County residents and businesses.
h. Develop enhanced East Metro worl�orce policies and partnerships by providing
leadership in policy setting, identifying and addressing labor market issues in
Ramsey County and the East Metro area, developing a vision for public worl�orce
programs, growing partnerships among the required partners in the lvfinnesota
Worl�'orce Center System and other regional partners.
i. Engage employers by coordinating the local worl�orce investment activities with
local economic development strategies; developing other employer linkages,
through intermediaries such as the local one-stop operator, or through other
organizations; and assisting such employers in meeting hiring needs.
j. Improve access by refining one-stop facilities and information networks, such as
the Community Employment Partnership and the Suburban Ramsey Family
k. Prepare youth for jobs by providing specialized youth-focused programs and
employer partnerships.
Article VL
6.1 In order to ensure a smooth and orderly transition from the separate County and City
Programs to the Consolidated Program within a new County department, and to ensure
that there aze no gaps in services to clients as a result of the consolidation, the County
Manager, or his/her designee, will manage transition activities as defined in this
6.2 From and after execution of tlus Agreement, the Director of the County Program and the
Program Manager of the City's Program shall report to the County Manager, or his/her
designee, in relarion to all transirion activities. This reporting relationship shall continue
until the hiring of the director of the new County department, who shall then assume all
management responsibilities, including transition activiries.
63 Transition activities will include, but are not limited to, the following:
a. Development of the County's new department.
b. Development and implementation of the work plan for the County's new
department, including the integration of strategies and programs to provide
uninterrupted services.
c. Development of a transirion plan, including a visioning process; analysis of
organizational functions and structure; analysis of staff slalls and interests; analysis
of training and hiring needs; and analysis of the role of vendors.
d. Training of employees and recruitment of addirional sta� as necessary.
e. Development, preparation and management of the new County departmenYs
f. Bazgaining the effects of this 7PA with employee representatives.
6.4 Staff from the County Manager's Office, and other County and City staff as necessary and
appropriate, will assist the County Manager in transition activities.
Article VII.
New County Department
7.1 By July 1, 2000, the County will create a new department ("DepartmenY'), pursuant to the
County Charter and Administrative Code, that will manage the Consolidated Program in
accordance with the mission and goals set forth in Article V above, in compliance with
WIA and all applicable federal and state laws and regulations.
7.2 The director of the Department shall be appointed by the County Manager at a department
director level, following County's normal selection process.
7.3 The Department shall annually report to the County Board, the Mayor and City Council
regarding the accomplishments of the Consolidated Program. The reporting shall include
the results of job placements and customer satisfaction.
7.4 Nothing herein shall prevent the County from including other programs within the
Department as deemed appropriate by the County, so long as the Consolidated Program
will not be adversely affected.
CO - \o�
Article VIII.
Consolidated Program Workforce Investment Board
8.1 The Consolidated Program Worl�orce Investment Board ("WIB") is hereby created for
the purpose of performing all of the responsibilities of a local Worl�orce Investment
Board and shall commence its activiries on 7uly 1, 2000. The W� shall comply with WIA
and all applicable state and federal laws and regulations. Additionally, the WIB shall:
a. In partnership with the County Boazd, produce a strategic plan, identifying trends,
emerging issues, and appropriate strategies, that integates the Deparnnent's
programs; and
b. Assist the Department in implementation of the strategic plan; and
c. In partnership with the County Boazd, seek out and apply for other funds that will
leverage private and public worl�'orce investments; and
d. In partnership with the County Board, develop enuepreneurial strategies for
financing the provision of worl�orce services and implement those strategies.
8.2 The WIB will have an advisory role only with respect to MFII'-ES.
83 The members of the WIB shall be appointed as follows: 50 percent of each category of
members shall be appointed by the Mayor, according to the City's Policy Concerning
Citizen Committees; and the other 50 percent shall be appointed by the County's Chief
Elected Official, according to its Policy on Advisory Committees and Boazds.
The members of the WIB shall elect the Chair of the WIB, in accordance with WIA_
8.4 The WIB shall always contain an even number of inembers and an even number of
members in each category as specified in WIA, state statute, and/or by the WIB itself.
8.5 In order to ensure an effective transition from the County and City Programs to the
Consolidated Program and to use the accumulated skill, knowledge and eacpertise of the
members of the e�risting Council and SPWDC, the members of the first WIB shall be
appointed &om a pool of candidates, including the members of the existing County and
City worl�'orce councils, and in compliance with the WIA requirements for the
recruitment and selection of inembers.
8.6 In order to stagger member terms, the term of one-half of the initial WIB membership will
be one yeaz and the other one-half will be two years, and thereafter all terms will be two
8.7 In its first yeaz, the WIB shall adopt bylaws that shall comply with all County policies, and
all state and federat laws and regulations. The bylaws shall include, without limitation, the
a. A conflict of interest clause.
b. Membership requirements that WIB members reside in Ramsey County, be
employed by a Ramsey County employer, or provide services in Ramsey County.
c. Consideration of removal of inembers for cause or nonattendance.
�a - 1oa
8.8 The WIB shall annually report to the County Board and the Mayor and City Council
regarding its accomplishments, including the accomplishments of the Consolidated
Program with respect to the mission and goals specified in Article V above.
Article IX.
Chief Elected Official and Administration
9.1 The City hereby appoints and designates the County as its agent with respect to the
operation and management of the Consolidated Program. Upon the Department
director's request, the City will execute all grant applications and other necessary
documents for the Consolidated Program.
9.2 The County's Chief Elected Official shall serve as the Chief Elected Official for the
Consolidated Program, and shall perfonn all duries as required by WIA and federal and
state laws and regularions.
93 The Chief Elected Official shall negotiate a partnership agreement with the WIB according
to WIA requirements.
9.4 County is designated as the local fiscal agent for the Consolidated Program.
9.5 The County is responsible for the application, planning, implementation, administration,
and reporting of grants assigned to it by the City under this Agreement and those future
grants that could become part of the Consolidated Program in accord with all applicable
state and federal laws and regulations.
Article X.
City's Grants, Subgrants, Agreements, Contracts aad Payment of Rent
10.1 If allowable by the granting agency, the City will assign to the County, effective July 1,
2000, its interests in and obligations under each grant, agreement, and contract for the
funding sources identified in E�chibit A. The City is responsible for obtaining a11 necessary
approvals for the assignments. All funds from the assigned grants, agreements, and
contracts in the possession of the City on 7uly 1, 2000 for services to be provided on or
after July 1, 2000 shall be transferred to the County on that date or as soon thereafter as
may reasonably be done. In the event that a grant, agreement, or contract can not be
assigned to the County, the County will provide the services that are reimbursable under
the grant, agreement, and/or contract on the City's behalf. The City will compensate the
County for all services provided by the County under the grant, agreement and/or contract
to the extent that the services provided by the County are allowed as reimbursements
under the grant, agreement and/or contract. If additional funding sources other than
those listed in Exhibit A become available to the City for services the parties mutually
�O— I�a—
agree are to be provided by the Consolidated Progran�, such additional funding sources
shall become subject to the terms of this paragraph as if originally included in E�chibit A
10.2 The City will assign to the County, effective July 1, Z000, its interests in and obligations
under each grant, agreement, and contract identified in E�chibit B. The City is responsible
for obtaining all necessary approvals for the assignments from the granting agency. Any
money owed to the City for services performed prior to July 1, 2000 under the subgrants,
agreements, and contracts will not be uansferred to the County. If additional grants,
agreements, or contracts other than those listed in Elchibit B are identified that the parties
agree relate to services to be provided by the Consolidated Program, such grants,
agreements, or contracts shall become subject to the terms ofthis paragraph as if
originally included in Exhibit B.
103 The County is responsible for the application, planning, implementation, administration,
and reporting of grants assigned to it by the City under this Agreement and of future
grants that may become available to the Consolidated Program, in accordance with all
applicable state and federal laws and regulations.
10.4 In consideration of the payment by the County to the City of the following rent, and
subject to the rights of the existing tenants, the County is entitled to use and occupy the
Leased Premises for the term commencing July 1, 2000 and ending September 30, 2002
on the same terms and conditions as the existing tenants occupying the Leased Premises:
Due Date
December 31, 2000
7une 30, 2001
December 31, 2001
June 30, 2002
September 30, 2002
Period Covered
July 1, 2000-December 31, 2000
January 1, 2001-June 30, 2001
7uly 1, 2001-December 31, 2001
7anuary 1, 2002-7une 30, 2002
7uly 1, 2002-September 30, 2002
After September 30, 2002 rent payments will be negotiated by the City and County for the
use of the Leased Premises. The rental rate incSudes payment for debt service and �istmg
tenant improvement on the building in which the Leased Premises are located, use of
common space, building management, and building operating and maintenance costs.
If, at any time during the period from execution of this Agreement through September 30,
2002, the right of the County to use and occupy the Leased Premises is terminated by the
City, the County shall be relieved of any liability for payment of rent from the date of said
termination. The City shall give the County not less than 120 days' advance written notice
of said ternunation.
� � _ �c7�
Article XI.
Level of Services
11.1 The parties acknowledge that provision of services at current levels will depend upon
continued state and federal funding levels, and continuing authority under applicable state
and/or federal law subject to the provisions of Article XIII. If funding or authority
changes during the term of the Agreement, the City and County agree to incorporate such
changes, as aze necessary, into their respective purchase and sale of service budget and
Consolidated Program budget, as applicable.
11.2 The adoption of the Consolidated Program budget is subject to the County's annual
budget process.
11.3 The County will annually submit the Consolidated Program proposed budget to the Mayor
and City Council for review and comment regarding the proposed level of services, no
later than August 1 of the year preceding the term of the budget year. Each may submit
comments, within thirty (30) days of the receipt of the proposed budget, to the County.
Article �iIII.
12.1 No current City or County employee who is perforniing workforc�ob training services on
the effective date of this Agreement shall be discharged or laid off as a direct result of this
consolidation. Personnel actions affecting the Consolidated Program may be taken
through the annual budgeting processes, or at such time as revenue circumstances dictate.
12.2 The Consolidated Program will be staffed by County employees, and by City employees
who shall provide services as described in this Agreement, in such capacities as the
Department director shall determine.
123 City employees working for the City Program on June 30, 2000 will continue as City
employees after July 1, 2000, but will provide services to the Consolidated Program under
the following terms:
a. At such time as a City incumbent covered by this. Agreement terminates
employment with the City, any replacement personnel shall be hired as a County
b. City employees covered by this Agreement who provide services for the
Consolidated Program as City employees shall be subject to the provisions of
applicable union agreements between the City and unions representing City
employees, and applicable City policy.
c. Any new positions authorized for the Department shall be County positions.
d. The County shall pay the City for the services provided by the City's employees to
the Consolidated Program, effective July 1, 2000. The amount to be paid will be
the City's costs as defined in E�ibit C.
aa -�a�
e. This agreement to purchase City service shall expire when the last City incumbent
te[minates employment or ceases to provide services to the Consolidated Program,
whichever occurs Srst.
Article �IIII.
Program Cost And Funding
13.1 The cost of operations of the Consolidated Program shaA be funded through federal and
state grants, private donations, and other sources, including County tax levy funds if such
funding is granted by the County Boazd of Commissioners. The City shall have no
obligation to contribute any tax levy money to the Consolidated Program.
13.2 If funding is inadequate to cover the costs of operation of the Consolidated Program,
County may elect to allocate County tax levy money to the Consolidated Program, and/or
increase other revenues, and/or reduce Consolidated Program costs and/or reduce
Article XIV.
Indemnification, Liability, and Insurance
14.1 Each party shall remain liable for any damages, loss, liability, claims, causes of actioq
judgments, or eacpenses resulting directly or indirectly from any act or omission of the
party, its employees, elected officials, or agents, in relation to that party's program
operations prior to the effective date of the Consolidated Program.
142 Effective July 1, 2000, the County will be responsible for its own acts and omissions and
the acts and omissions of its employees, elected officials and agents, and for the acts and
omissions of City employees while perfornvng services for the Consolidated Program as
they relate to this Agreement and for any liability resulting therefrom, to the extent
authorized by law.
14.3 Consistent with the provisions of sections 14.1 and 14.2 herein, each party agrees to
defend, indemnify and hold harmless the other party, its employees, elected officials, and
agents from any liability, claims, causes of action, judgments, damages, losses, costs or
expenses resulting directly or indirectly from any act or omission of the indemnifying
party, its employees, elected officials, or agents.
14.4 Each party warrants that it is able to comply with the aforementioned indemnity
requirements through commercial insurance or a self-funding program.
14.5 All insurance policies or self-insurance certificates shall be open to inspection by each
party and copies of the policies or certificates of self-insurance shall be submitted to a
parry upon written request.
po -loa_
14.6 Each pazty's liability shall be governed and limited by the Municipal Tort Claims Act,
Minn. Stat. Chapter 466, common law immunities, and other applicable law.
Article XV.
15.1 This Agreement shall terminate:
a. upon the consent of the parties as evidenced by a written resolution of the
goveming body of each party; or
b. when necessitated by operation of law; or
c. as a result of a decision by a court of competent jurisdiction.
15.2 Either party may terminate this Agreement without cause upon one year's prior written
notice to the other party. During the one year notice period, the City and the County shall
take all reasonable steps, including petitioning the State for redesignation, to provide
continuity of services and ongoing funding after the termination date.
153 Teimination shall not discharge any liability incuned by the parties during the term of this
Agreement prior to the effective date of termination.
15.4 The provisions of Articles XIV of this Agreement shall survive temunarion of this
15.5 Upon temvnation of this Agreement, the Consolidated Program shall cease to exist, and
the assignment of the City's grants to the County shall cease and tern�inate.
Artide XVL
16.1 All notices, written requests, or demands given or made by a pariy under the terms of this
Agreement or any statute or ordinance shall be in writing and shall be sent registered or
certified mail.
162 All notices, written requests, or demands shall be sent to the following addresses:
Ramsey County:
Ramsey County Manager
Room 250
15 W. Kellogg Blvd.
Saint Paul, MN 55102
C7 c`7 —1�a
City of Saint Paui:
City of Saint Paul
Room 390
15 W. Kellogg Blvd.
Saint Paul, MN 55102
Saint Paul City Attomey
Room 400
15 W. Kellogg Blvd.
Saint Paul, MN 55102
Article XVII.
Contract Provisions
17.1 The matters set forth in the Recitals aze incorporated into and made part of this
Agreement as though fully set forth as terms herein.
Article XVIII.
18.1 As and for partial consideration of the duties and responsibilities undertaken by the
County under this Agreement, the City shall conditionally transfer certain personal
property pwchased by the City Program to the County. Within sixty (60) days of
execution of this Agreement, the City will provide an inventory of the personal property to
be transferred to the County, and will deliver possession thereof to the Coanty. I� upon
termination of tlris Agreement, the City will be providing wod�orce services, then the
County shall return to the City such personal property, or any replacement of such
personai property which was purchased with Consolidated Program funding during the
term of the Agreement.
Articte XIX.
Entire Agreement and Amendments
19.1 It is understood and agreed that the entire agreement between the parties is contained
herein and that this Agreement supersedes all oral agreements and negotiations between
the parties relating to the subject matter hereof. All terms referred to in this Agreement
aze incorporated or attached and aze deemed to be part of this Agreement.
19.2 Any alterations, variations, modifications, or waivers of provisions of this Agreement shall
only be valid when they have been reduced to writing as an amendment to this Agreement
signed by the parties hereto.
Wherefore, the parties have executed this Agreement the last date set forth below.
County of Ramsey
Rafael Ortega, Chair
Board of Commissioners
Bonnie Jackelen, Chief Clerk
Board of Commissioners
City of Saint Paul
Norm Coleman, Mayor
Fred Owusu, City Clerk
Approval Recommended:
Ramsey County Worl�orce Council
Approved as to form:
Assistant County Attorney
Insurance Approved:
Risk Manager
Funds Available:
Fund #
5aint Paui Worl�orce Development Council,
Approved as to form:
Assistant City Attomey
Funds Available:
Fund #
By: By.
Budgeting and Accounting
G:VSHAREDWdmin\Wmk Force ConsolidationUPA�Final-JPA-012800-IOOO.wpd
Director of Financial Services
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Exhibit C
Costs to be Reimbursed by the County for City Services
c�a _ l��
This exhibit describes the method for calculating the costs to be paid by the County to the City for
services provided by City employees for the Consolidated Program.
Costs for First Year
The costs will be calculated using the following:
• Base rate: the City's cost for an employee that can be billed to a specific Consolidated Program
• Indirect rate: the City's PED indirect cost, including but not limited to costs for the employee's
sick time and vacation time, and costs at the City Hall Annex including rent, utilities, phones,
computers, office supplies and other costs. The projected indirect rate is 0.80.
• Fringe rate: the City's cost for employee fringe benefits, including but not limited to health
insutance, FICA, Workers' Compensation, and pensions. The predicted fringe rate is 0.28.
• Any direct unemployment costs incurred for City employees covered by this Exhibit.
• Employee mileage charges.
Costs for Second and Future Years
The costs will be calculated using the following:
• The City's direct payroll chazge for the employee.
• The fringe rate, as defined above.
• Other indirect costs amibutable to this staff, as may be negoriated beriveen the parties.
• Employee mileage charges.
• Any direct unemployment costs incurred for Ciry employees covered by this E�ibit.
Joint Powers Agreement
For the Consolidated Ramsey County-City of Saint Paul
Workforce Investment Program
(Red-lined Version)
�a�aa�-�Februarv 1. 2000
Table of Contents
I . Purpose ........................................................ 4
II. De&nitions ...................................................... 4
III Term .......................................................... 5
IV. County-City Workforce Investment Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
V. M'ission and Croals ................................................ 5
Transition ...................................................... �6
New Counry Department ........................................... 7
Consolidated Program Workforce Investment Boazd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
ChiefElected Official and Administrarion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
City's Grants, Subgrants, Agreements, Contracts and Payment ofRent ........ 9
Levelof Services ............................................... 1B1
Personnel ...................................................... 11
Program Costand Funding ........................................ 1�2
Indemnification, Liability and Insurance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Temunation ................................................... 1�3
Notice ........................................................ 13
ContractProvisions ............................................. 134
Assets ........................................................ 14
Entire Agreement and Amendments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
��- i�-
Joint Powers Agreement
For The Consolidated Ramsey County-City of Saint Paul
Worldorce Investment Program
This 7oint Powers Agreement ("AgreemenP') is made by and between Ramsey County ("Count}�')
and the City of Saint Paul ("Cit}��, with the approval of the Ramsey County Worl�'orce Council
("Council") and the Saint Paul Worl�orce Development Council, Ina ("SPWDC").
Wf3EREAS,1�Tinn. Stat. §471.59 permits governmental units to jointly exercise powers that each
may separately exercise; and
WI�REAS, County and City aze govemmental units as deSned in Mmn. Stat. §471.59; and
VVI�REAS, County and Council are cusendy operating the Ramsey County 7ob Training
Program under the 7ob Training Partnership Act (TTPA) and other laws ("County Job Training
Program"), and the County is operating the Minnesota Family Investment Program-Employment
Services ("MFIP-ES") with the funding sources described in E�ibit A attached hereto
(collecrively the "County Program"); and
VV�IEREAS, City and SPWDC are operating the Saint Paul Worl�orce Development Program
under TTPA, and other laws, with the funding sources described in E�chibit A("City Program");
Wf3EREAS, Congress enacted the 1998 Worl�orce Investment Act (Public Law 105-229)
("WIA"), which will become effective and replace the JTPA no later than July 1, 2000; and
WHEREAS, the County 7ob Training Program and the City Program have each applied for
temporary designarion as Workforce Service Areas under WIA; and
WHEREAS, the Ramsey Counry Board of Commissioners and the Saint Paul City Council
authorized the creation of a Policy Working Board to study and make a recommendation
regazding the consolidation of the County Job Training Program and City Program; and
WI�REAS, on December 16, 1998, the Policy Working Boazd adopted a report ("Report") that
recommended the consolidation of the County 7ob Training Program and City Program under the
direction and management of the County; and
WI�REAS, the Report was submitted to and approved by the Ramsey County Board of
Commissioners, the Saint Paul City Council, the Mayor of Saint Paul, the Council, and the
SPWDC; and
WHEREAS, the County's MFIP-ES provides services that are legislatively directed to reform the
wetfare system, including placing job seekers into employment; and
Wf�REAS, further policy discussion yielded a recommendation to also consolidate the County's
MFIP-ES with the City Program and the County Job Training Program into a new County
department; and
WHEREAS, consolidarion of the Counry Program and City Program will serve the shared City
and County interests regarding community development; and
WHEREAS, the parties to this Agreement desire to effectuate the consolidation of the County
and City Programs into a new County department according to the terms and conditions of this
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the Recitals and mutual undertakings and agreements
hereinafter set forth, the parties agree as follows:
Article L
1.1 The purpose of this Agreement is to set forth the terms and conditions relative to the
creation, organization, and operation, within a new County department, of a consolidated
County-City workforce investment program.
Article II.
2.1 The following terms shall have the indicated meanings as those terms are used throughout
this Agreement:
a. "City's Chief Elected Official" means the Mayor.
b. "City Council" means the Saint Paul City Council.
c. "County Board" means the Boazd of Ramsey County Comxnissioners.
d. "County's ChiefElected OfficiaP' means the CountyBoard.
e. "Directo�" means the person or persons who serve in the top leadership position for
the County Program.
f. "7TPA" or "Job Training Partnership Act" means Public Law, 97-300, as amended
from time to time, and the implementing regulations, as issued from time to time.
g. "Leased Premises" means 24,720 square feet of space,being used as an employment
training center by the City at the time of executioa at-a building located at 215 East
Nnth Street, Saint Paul.
Q� _�o�
h. "Mayo�' means the elected Mayor of the City of Saint Paul.
i. "Program Manage�" means the person who serves in the top leadership position for
the City Program.
j. "Transition" means the change from two sepazate programs, the County Program and
the City Program, to the Consolidated Program.
k. "WIA" or "Worl�orce Investment AcP' means Public Law, 105-220, as amended from
time to time, and the implementing regulations, as issued from time to tune.
ARicle IIL
3.1 The initial term of this Agreement shall be five years from the date of complete execution
of the Agreement. This Agreement will automatically renew for additional ten year terms,
unless written notice of intent not to renew is provided by either party to the other, at least
one (1) year prior to the end of the term then in effect. In such a case, this Agreement
shall eacpire at midnight on the last day of the term then in effect.
Article IV.
County-City Workforce Investment Program
41 The County-City worl�orce investment program ("Consolidated Program") is hereby
created by consolidating the City and County Programs in accordance with the terms of
this Agreement.
42 The County shall operate the Consolidated Program on behalf of both the County and the
City to serve the needs of employers and eligible job seekers.
4.3 On July 1, 2000 the County Job Training Program and City Program shall cease
operations and the Consolidated Program shall commence operations.
4.4 As of July 1, 2000, the SPWDC and the Council shalt cease to perform their
responsibiliries, except for such acrivities as are necessary to cease operations and
dissolve. The parties shall �ecute any legal documents necessary to effect such
teimination ofbusiness.
Article V.
Mission and Goals
5.1 M'ission
The mission of the Consolidated Program is to be a national leader in effectively moving
people into employment by managing a County-City workforce system that is responsive
to job seeker and employer needs.
, � •,
52 Goals
The following Consolidated Program goals are hereby established:
a. Develop and implement a singie, integrated worl�orce system by combining similaz
and related programs, including County's MFIP-ES, and developing effective
publio-private partnerships in a subregional economy and labor mazket.
b. Establish the Consolidated Program Worl�orce Investment Board (VJIB) as a
broad policy body for all Ramsey Counry worl�orce activities.
c. Provide better service to two customers by improving the workforce system's
response to employer and job seeker needs.
d. Improve the cost effectiveness of existing programs by e]iminating program
duplication and achieving economies of scale through administration of one
e. Leverage new financial resources by becoming more entrepreneurial and
f. Conform with federal and state reforms by actively responding to the state and
federai integration of programs, larger service delivery areas, and universal service
g. Promote the City and County's interests in worl�orce development: by ensuring
that the operation of the consolidated workforce system serves the needs of all
County residents and businesses.
h. Develop enhanced East Metro worl�orce policies and partnerships by providing
leadership in policy setting, identifying and addressing labor mazket issues in
Ramsey County and the East Metro area, developing a vision for public worl�orce
programs, growing partnerships among the required partners in the Minnesota
Worl�orce Center System and other regional parmers.
i. Engage employers by coordinating the local workforce investment activities with
local economic development strategies; developing other employer linkages,
through intermediaries such as the local one-stop operator, or through other
organizations; and assisting such employers in meeting hiring needs.
j. Improve access by refining one-stop facilities and information networks, such as
the Community Employment Partnership and the Suburban Ramsey Family
k. Prepare youth for jobs by providing specialized youth-focused programs and
employer partnerships.
Article VL
6.1 In order to ensure a smooth and orderly transition from the separate County and City
Programs to the Consolidated Program within a new County department, and to ensure
that there are no gaps in services to clients as a result of the consolidation, the County
Manager, or his/her designee, will manage transition activiries as defined in this
�o _ l�a_
6.2 From and after execution of this Agreement, the Director of the County Program and the
Program Manager of the City's Program shall report to the County Manager, or his/her
designee, in relation to all transition activities. This reporting relarionship shall continue
until the hiring of the director of the new County department, who shall then assume all
management responsibilities, including transition acrivities.
6.3 Transirion activiries will include, but are not limited to, the following:
a. Development of the County's new department.
b. Development and implementation of the work plan for the County's new
department, including the integration of strategies and programs to provide
uninterrupted services.
c. Development of a transition plan, including a visioning process; analysis of
organizarional functions and structure; analysis of staff sidlls and interests; analysis
of trainuig and hiring needs; and analysis of the role of vendors.
d. Training of employees and recruitment of additionai staff, as necessary.
e. Development, prepazation and management of the new County department's
f. Bazeainingthe effects ofthis JPA with emplovee representatives.
6.4 Staff from the County Manager's Office, and other County and City staff as necessary and
appropriate, will assist the County Manager in uansition activities.
Article VII.
New County Department
7.1 By July 1, 2000, the County will create a new department ("Department"), pursuant to the
County Charter and Administrative Code, that will manage the Consolidated Program in
accordance with the mission and goals set forth in Article V above, in compliance with
WIA and all applicable federal and state laws and regulations.
7.2 The director of the Department shall be appointed by the County Manager at a department
director level, following County's normal selection process.
73 The Department shall annually report to the County Boazd, the Mayor and City Council
regazding the accomplishments of the Consolidated Program. The reporting shall include
the results of job piacements and customer satisfaction.
7.4 Nothing herein shall prevent the County from including other programs within the
Department as deemed appropriate by the County, so long as the Consolidated Program
will not be adversely affected.
8 0 —10 a--
Article VIII.
Consolidated Program Workforce Investment Board
8.1 The Consolidated Program Wori�orce Im�estment Board ("VJID") is hereby created for
the purpose of performing all of the responsibilities of a local Worl�orce Investment
Board and shall commence its ac[ivities on July 1, 2000. The WIB shall comply with WIA
and ali applicable state and federal laws and regulations. Addirionally, the WIB shall:
a In partnership with the County Board, produce a strategic plan, identifying trends,
emerging issues, and appropriate strategies, that integrates the Department's
programs; and
b. Assist the Department in implementation of the strategic plan; and
c. In partnershig with the County Boazd, seek out and apply for other funds that will
leverage private and public worl�orce investments; and
d. In partnership with the County Board, develop entrepreneurial strategies for
financing the provision of worl�'orce services and implement those strategies.
8.2 The WIB will have an advisory role only with respect to MFIP-ES.
8.3 The members of the WIB shall be appointed as follows: 50 percent of each category of
members shall be appointed by the Mayor, according to the City's Policy Concerning
Citizen Committees; and the other 50 percent shall be appointed by the County's Chief
Elected Official, according to its Policy on Advisory Committees and Boazds.
The members of the WIB shall elect the Chair of the WIB, in accordance with WIA.
8.4 The WIB shall always contain an even number of inembers and an even number of
members in each category as specified in WIA, state statute, and/or by the WIB itself.
8.5 In order to ensure an effective transition from the Coumy and City Programs to the
Consolidated Program and to use the accumulated skill, knowledge and eapertise of the
members of the existing Council and SPWDC, the members of the first WIB shall be
appointed from a pool of candidates, including the members of the existing County and
City workforce councils, and in compliance with the WIA requirements for the
recnutment and selection ofinembers.
8.6 In order to stagger member terms, the term of one-half of the initial WIB membership will
be one year and the other one-half will he two years, and thereafter all terms will be two
8.7 In its first year, the WIB shall adopt bylaws that shall comply with all County policies, and
all state and federal laws and regulations. The bylaws shall include, without limitation, the
a. A conflict of interest clause.
b. Membership requirements that WIB members reside in Ramsey County, be
employed by a Ramsey County employer, or provide services in Ramsey County.
Oo —1�3—
c. Consideration of removal of inembers for cause or nonattendance.
8.8 The WIB shall annually report to the County Boazd and the Mayor and City Council
regarding its accomplishments, including the accomplishments of the Consolidated
Program with respect to the mission and goals specified in Article V above.
Articie IX.
Chief Elected Official and Administration
9.1 The City hereby appoints and designates the County as its agem with respect to the
operation and management of the Consolidated Program. Upon the Department
director's request, the City will execute all grant applicarions and other necessary
documents for the Consolidated Program.
9.2 The County's Chief Elected Official shall serve as the Chief Elected O�cial for the
Consolidated Program, and shall perform all duties as required by WIA and federal and
state laws and regulations,
43 The Chief Elected Official shall negotiate a partnership agreement with the WIB according
to WIA requirements.
9.4 County is designated as the local fiscal agent for the Consolidated Program.
9.5 The County is responsible for the application, planning, implementation, administration,
and reporting of grants assigned to it by the City under this Agreement and those future
grants that could become part of the Consolidated Program in accord with all applicable
state and federal laws and regulations.
Article X.
City's Grants, Subgrants, Agreements, Contracts and Payment of Rent
10.1 If allowable by the granting agency, the City will assign to the County, effective July 1,
2000, its interests in and obligations under each grant, agreement, and contract for the
funding sources identified in Ea�hibit A The City is responsible for obtaining all necessary
approvals for the assignments. All funds from the assigned grants, agreements, and
contracts in the possession of the City on July 1, 2000 for services to be provided on or
after 7uly 1, 2000 shall be transferred to the County on that date or as soon thereafter as
may reasonably be done. In the event that a grant, agreement, or contract can not be
assigned to the County, the Coumy will provide the services that are reimbursable under
the grant, agreement, and/or contract on the City's behalf. The City will compensate the
County for all services provided by the County under the grant, agreement andlor contract
to the extent that the services provided by the County aze allowed as reimbursements
under the grant, agreement and/or contract. ;'If additional funding sources other than
�O - t�2-
those listed in Eachibit A become available to the Citv for services the parties mutuaily
agree are to be provided bv the Consolidated Pro¢ram such additional funding sources
shall become subject to the terms of this �araEravh as if ori�nallv included in Exhibit A
10.2 The City will assign to the County, effective July 1, 2000, its interests in and obligations
under each grant, agreement, and contract identified in E�ibit B. The Ciry is responsible
for obtaining all necessary approvals for the assignments from the granting agency. Any
onev owed to the City for services performed prior
to July 1, 2000 under the subgrants, agreements, and contracts will not be transferred to
the County.��f additional g.rants. agseements. or contracts other than those listed in
Exhibit B aze identified that the parties aeree relate to services to be vrovided by the
Consolidated Program such grants. agceements. or contracts shall become subject to the
terms of this paraetaph as if orieinallv included in E�ibit B.
10.3 The County is responsible for the application, planning, implementation, administration,
and reporting of grants assigned to it by the City under this Agreement and of future
grants that may become available to the Consolidated Program, in accordance with all
applicable state and federal laws and regulations.
10.4 In consideration of the payment by the zCounty to the City of the following rent, and
subject to the rights of the ea�sting tenants, the County is enritled to use and occupy the
Leased Premises for the term commencing July 1, 2000 and ending September 30, 2002
on the same terms and condirions as the e�sting tenants occupying the Leased Premises:
Amount Due Date
$98,880.0 "�cember 31 2000
$103,824.063nxr��F;s�-; %'", ,, nk7une 30. 2001
$103,824.00Bcccmbe�3ecember 31. 2001
$109,015.203une`�%�;;;;�,;�'<June 30_ 2002
$54,507.6 '"" ember 30 2002
Period Covered
7ulv 1. 2000-December 31, Z000
Januarv 1. 2001-7une 30, 2001
7ulv 1. 2001-December 31, 2001
Januarv 1. 2002-7une 30, 2002
7ulv 1. 2002-September 30, 2002
After Sentember 30 2002 rent pavments will be neeotiated by the Citv and Countv for the
use of the Leased Premises. The rental rate includes payment for debt service and existine
tenant improvement on the buildine in which the Leased Premises are located, use of
common space. buildin�mana�ement. and building oneratin�and maintenance costs.
if at anv time durine the period from execution of this Aereement throu¢h Sentember 30
2002_ the rieht of the Countv to use and occup,v the Leased Premises is terminated bythe
City the Countv shall be relieved of any liabilitv for pavment of rent from the date of said
ternvnation The Citv shall give the Count�not ]ess than 120 days' advance written notice
of said ternunation.
Article XI.
Level of Services
11.1 The parties acknowledge that provision of services at current levels will depend upon
continued state and federal funding levels, and continuing authority under applicable state
and/or federal law<sub�ect to the provisions of Article XIII. If funding or authority
changes during the term of the Agreement, the City and County agree to incorporate such
changes, as are necessary, into their respective purchase and sale of service budget and
Consolidated Program budget, as applicable.
11.2 The adoption ofthe Consolidated Program budget is subject to the Countv's annual
budeet process.
11.33�; The County will annually submit the Consolidated Program proposed budget to the Mayor
and City Council for review and comment regarding the proposed levei of services, no
later than August 15 of the year preceding the term of the budget year. Each may submit
comments, within thirty (30) days of the receipt of the proposed budget, to the County.
Article XII.
12.1 No current City or County employee who is perfornung worl�'orc�ob trainuig services on
the effective date of this Agreement shall be discharged or laid off as a direct result of this
consolidation. Personnel actions affecting the Consolidated Program may be taken
through the annual budgeting processes, or at such time as revenue circumstances dictate.
12.2 The Consolidated Program will be staffed by County employees, and by City employees
who shall provide services as described in this Agreement, in such capacities as the
Department director shall deternrine.
12.3 City employees cnnremip-working for the City Prograirron June 30. 2000 will continue as
City employees after 3uly 1, 2000, but will provide services to the Consolidated Program
under the following terms:
a. At such time as a City incumbent covered by this Agreement tenninates
employment with the City, any replacement personnel shall be hired as a County
b. City employees �covered bYthis Aereement
who provides services for the Consolidated Program as City employees shall be
subject to the provisions of applicable union agreements between the City and
unions representing City employees, and applicable City policy.
c. Any new positions authorized for the Department shall be County positions.
d. The County shall pay the City for the services provided by the City's employees to
the Consolidated Program, effective 7uly 1, 2000. The amount to be paid will be
the City's actna�-dircctcosts as defined in Exhibit C.
� � - �o�—
e. This agreement to purchase City service shall expire when the last City incumbent
temunates employment or ceases to provide services to the Consolidated Program,
whichever occurs first.
Article �
Program Cost And Funding
13.1 The cost of operations of the Consolidated Program sha(1 be funded through federal and
state grants, private donations, and other sources, including County tax levy funds if such
funding is granted by the County Boazd of Commissioners. The City shall have no
obligation to contribute any taaf levy money to the Consolidated Progam.
13.2 If funding is inadequate to cover the costs of operarion of the Consolidated Program,
County may eiect to allocate County tax levy money to the Consolidated Program, andior
increase other revenues, and/or reduce Consolidated Program costs and/or reduce
Article XIV.
Indemnification, Liability, and Tnsurance
14.1 Each party shall remain liable for any damages, loss, liability, claims, causes of action,
judgments, or eacpenses resulting directly or indirectly from any act or omission of the
party, its employees, elected officials, or agents, in relation to that party's program
operations prior to the effective date of the Consolidated Program.
14.2 Effective 7uly 1, 2000, the County will be responsible for its own acts and omissions and
the acts and omissions of its employees, elected officials and agents, and for the acts and
omissions of City employees while perfornung services for the Consolidated Program as
they relate to this Agreement and for any liability resulting therefrom, to the extent
authorized by law.
143 Consistent with the provisions of sections 14.1 and 14.2 herein, each pazty agrees to
defend, indemnify and hold hazmless the other parry, its employees, elected officials, and
agents from any liability, claims, causes of action, judgments, damages, losses, costs or
expenses resulting directly or indirectly from any act or omission of the indemnifying
party, its employees, elected officials, or agents.
14.4 Each pariy warrants that it is able to comply with the aforementioned indemnity
requirements through commercial insurance or a self-funding program.
14.5 All insurance policies or self-insurance certificates shall be open to inspection by each
party and copies of the policies or certificates of self-insurance shall be submitted to a
party upon written request.
14.6 Each party's liability shall be governed and limited by the Municipal Tort Claims Act,
Minn. Stat. Chapter 466, common ]aw immunities, and other applicable law.
Article XV.
15.1 This Agreement shall termiriate:
a. upon the consent of the parties as evidenced by a written resolution of the governing
body of each party; or
b. when necessitated by operation of law; or
c. as a result of a decision by a court of competent jurisdiction.
152 Either party may terminate tivs Agreement without cause upon one year's prior written
notice to the other party. During the one year notice period, the City and the County shall
take all reasonable steps. including petitionine the State for redesignarion to provide
continuity of services and ongoing funding after the termination date.
15.3 Termination shall not discharge any liability incurred by the parties during the term of this
Agreement prior to the effective date of terntination.
15.4 The provisions of Articles XIV ofthis Agreement shall survive temvnation oFthis
15.5 Upon termination of this Agreement, the Consolidated Program shall cease to exist, and
the assignment of the City's grants to the County shall cease and ternunate.
Article X'VI.
16.1 All notices, written requests, or demands given or made by a party under the terms of tlris
Agreement or any statute or ordinance shall be in wtiting and shall be sent registered or
certified mail.
16.2 All notices, written requests, or demands shall be sent to the following addresses:
Ramsey County:
Ramsey Counry Manager
Room Z50
15 W. Kellogg Blvd.
Saint Paul, MN 55102
�o - lo�-
City of Saint Paul:
Ciry of Saint Paul
Room 390
15 W. Kellogg Blvd.
5aintPaul,MN 55102
Saint Paul City Attorney
Room 400
1 S W. Kellogg Blvd.
Saint Paul, MN 55102
Article XVII,
Contract Provisions
17.1 The matters set forth in the Recitals aze incorporated into and made part of this
Agreement as though fully set forth as terms herein.
Article XVIII,
18.1 As and for partial consideration of the duties and responsibilities undertaken by the
County -under this Agreement, the City shall condirionally transfer certain personal
property purchased by the City Program to the County. �thin s'vrty (60) days of
execution of this Agreement, the City will provide an inventory of the personal property to
be transferred to the County, and will deliver possession thereof to the County. u on
termination of this Agreement„3he City will be providing�workforce services. then the
County shall return to the City such personal property, or any replacement of such
personal properry which was purchased with Consolidated Program funding during the
term of the Agreement.
Article XIX.
Entire Agreement and Amendments
19.1 It is understood and agreed that the entire ageement between the parties is contained
herein and that this Agreement supersedes all oral agreements and negotiations between
the parties relating to the subject matter hereof. All terms refened to in this Agreement
are incorporated or attached and are deemed to be part of this Agreement.
19.2 Any alterations, variations, modifications, or waivers of provisions of this Agreement shall
only be valid when they have been reduced to writing as an amendment to this Agreement
signed by the parties hereto.
Wherefore, the parties have executed this Agreement the last date set forth below.
p O — to2--
County of Ramsey
Rafael Ortega, Chair
Board of Commissioners
Bonnie Jackelen, ChiefClerk
Board of Commissioners
Approval Recommended:
Ramsey County Workforce Council
Approved as to form:
Assistant County Attorney
Insurance Approved:
Risk Manager
Funds Available:
Fund #
Budgeting and Accounting
G:VSHARED4ldmin\Wmk Force Con.solidationVPA�Final-IPA-012800-redline.wod
City of Saint Paul
Nortn Coleman, Mayor
Fred Owusu, City Clerk
Saint Paul Workforce Development Council,
Approved as to form:
Assistant City Attorney
Funds Available:
Fund #
Director ofFinancial Services
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Eahibit C
osts to be Reimbursed by the County
This e�chibit describes the method for calculatine the wsts to be paid by the County to the Citv for
services provided bv Citv employees for the Consolidated Proeram.
Costs for First Year
The costs will be calculated usine the following
! Base rate: the Cit� cost for an em�loyee that can be billed to a specific Consolidated Pro�grant.
! Indirect rate: the Citds PED indirect cos� includine but not limited to costs for the emplovee's sick
time and vacarion tinne. and costs at the Citv Hall Annex including rent. utiliries. phones. computers.
office supplies and other costs. The grojected indirect rate is Q.80.
! Fringe rate: the City's cost for emnlovee frin¢e benefits. including but not limited to health insurance.
FICA Workers' Comvensation. and pensions. The nredicted frinee rate is 0.28.
! Anv direct unemplovment costs incnrred for Citv em�loyees covered by this Eachibit.
! Emvlovee mileage chazees.
Costs for Second and Future Years
The costs will be calculated using the followin�:
! The Citv's direct payroll charge for the employee.
• The frinae rate, as defined above.
� Other indirect costs attributable to this staff. as mav be neeotiated between the �arties.
� Emplovee mileage chazees.
� Anv direct unem l�ovment costs incurred for Citv emplovees covered bv this Exhibit.
Department of Technology and �� —�o�
Management Services
Peur Hames, Direcmr
City af Saint Paul
Nome Cokmm�, bayor
290 C5ry Aa(t
IS W. Keflogg Bouleva�d
Saint Paul, Minnesam SSIO2
Te(ephane: 651-266-8797
Facsimile: 65l -266-8979
Ianuary 24, 2000
Council President Bostrom and City Councilmembers
300 City Hall
15 West Kellogg Boulevazd
Saint Paul, MN 55102
Subject: Joint Powers Agreement to Consolidate the City and County Workforoe Programs
Dear Councilmembers:
Attached is the joint powers agreement (JPA) that we will ask you to approve at your February 2,
2000 meeting. The Ramsey County Board of Commissioners will consider the JPA ai their January
25 policy session and take final action at their February I, 2000 meeting. Approval by the two
policy bodies wil] cap the past three years' work by a number of advisory groups and people
representing the interests of the numerous workforce stakeholders.
1. Overview. As an overview, you may recall that in my November, 1999 report, I reported that
the County has agreed that its welfare training program and funding, the Minnesota Family
Investment Program-Empioyment Services (IvIFIP-ES) will be included in the consolidated
workforce agency. ln addition, a new County department will be created out of the
consolidation. As in the City-County Pubiic Health consolidation, the JPA guarantees no
employee job loss as a result of the consolidation. Finally, the Mayor of Saint Paul will
appoint, with confirmation by the City Councii, one-half of the members of the new
Workforce Investment Board. The County will appoint the other WIB members. We want to
have the new tVIB in place by July 1, 2000, the effective date of the JPA.
2. Employee Relations. State statute provides that when we make a policy decision that affects
the terms and conditions of our employees' empioyment, we must negotiate the impacts of
those decisions with our their representatives. We have had periodic meetings with the City
and County employee representatives, and bargaining representatives/unions Group (a.k.a. the
Blackbear Crossings Group). Members of this group did participate in the City-County Policy
Working Board until it disbanded in December, 1998. The Blackbear Crossings Group was
established as a follow-up to ensure that employee issues were addressed in the follow-up
work on the December 16, 1998 ceport.
City Councilmembers
January 24, 2000
Page 2
Following the direction of that report, we have used the City-County Public Health IPA as the
model for the Worl�'orce 7PA. We have met with the Crroup four times, the most recent
meeting was January 10, 2000, where we shared the then-current JPA draR with them. It was
the consensus of the Group that there is no ]onger a naed for them to meet because of the
expectation that the JPA will be approved by the policy-making bodies.
The next step, for them, will be to enter into formal negotiations with City and County
representatives to prepare a memorandum of understanding with respect to the JPA's impacts.
J�hn 7ohnson, County Personnel, wili take the lead and will initiate the negotiation process the
first week in February. Again, this approach mirrors the labor relations approach that was
taken in the City-County Public Health Department consolidation.
,3. Transition Planning. Staff from the City Human Resources Office and County's Personnel
Department are working on the development and implementation of a transition plan for the
new department. A draft plan should be ready by the end of January. Implementation will
begin before the July 1, 2000 project deadline and will continue on after that deadline.
4. SPlection of the New County Department Director. The December 16, 1998 report called
tor the recruitment and selection of a new director to lead and manage the consolidated
agency. To create a new County department, the County Board will have to adopt an
ordinance. In addition to preparing that ordinance, I understand that Paul Kirkwold will
recommend to the Board that as soon as they approve the JPA, on February 2, he will begin
the process of filling the director's position. The expectation is that a new director will be on
board by the July 1 launch date. In the meantime, the JPA calls for the County Manager, or
his designee, to manage the transition.
5. yelection of New Workforce Investment Board (WIB) Members. Membership
requirements under the Workforce Investment Act (WIA) changed the nature ofthe citizen
advisory group. The proposed JPA calls for appointing some members of the current City and
C�unty Workforce Councils, for the purpose of a smooth transition, to the new WIB. All
WiB members must, however, meet the requirements of the new federal legislation. The new
WIB must be in place by duly 1, 200� and meeting this deadline will require cooperative effort
between the City and the County, the e�sting Workforce Councils and other groups (e.g., the
Capital City Partnership).
6. Petition to the State for the City-County Service Area Consolidation. An admnustrative
petition needs to be filed with the State Department of Employment Security, one of our
workforce partners and a major stakeholder, by February 5. This is an administrative matter
and will combine the currently-separate City and County service areas into a unified County
service area. This is a step in having the State sanction the consolidation of the City and
County workforce programs.
City Councilmembers
January 24, 2000
Page 3
If you have any questions about the JPA, piease call me at 266-8796. Otherwise, I look forward to
appearing before you on February 2, 2000.
C � Peter Hames ����
Mayor Norm Coleman
Ramsey �ounty Board of Commis-
Commissioner EarS Wilson
Asst. Commissioner Jim Korkki
Gail Blackstone
Craig Btakely
Steve Cvinar
Ginnee Eugberg
Tom Fashingbauer
Amy Filice
Readus Fletcher
Jill Goski
Terry Haltiner
John Hamilton
Jean Hammink
7ohn ;,o,�nson
Ma�y ttarcz
Kath, Megarry
Susan Kimberly
Paul Kirkwold
Karen Kushner
Terry Lindeke
Monty Martin
Pete McCal]
Connie Peikert
Jacqui Shoholm
Gerry Strathman
Ellen Watters
City-County Working Policy Board
Saint Paui Workforce Development Counci]
City Workforce Development Staff
City Employee Bargaining Representatives
City Workforce Vendors
Ramsey County Worl�'orce Council
County Job Training Staff
County Employee Bargaining Representative
County Job Training Vendors
G:\SFIAREDWdmin\Work Force CoMOiidafionl5tatus Reports�24 Jan DO.wpd
00 - toa-
Table of Contents
Purpose.................................................j. ... 4
Definitians ............................................ ......... 4
Term.......................................................... 5
County-City Workforce Investment Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Mission and Goals ................................................ 5
Transition ............................... ....................... 7
New County Department ................ .......................... 7
Consolidated Program Workforce Investm t Board . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Chief Elected Official and Administra,!i � . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
City's Grants, Subgrants, Agreeme s, Contracts and Payment ofRent ........ 9
LevelofServices ................................................ 10
Personnel...................................................... 11
Program Costand Fun ng ......................................... 11
Indemnification, Li ility and Ins; rance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Ternunation.. .......... ....... .............................. 12
Notice... .................................................... 13
Contract rovisions .............................................. 13
Asset........................................................ 14
E ire Agreement and Amendments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
00 -io2-
Joint Powers Agreement
For The Consolidated Ramsey County-City oi' Saint Paul
Workforce Investment Program
This Joint Powers Agreement ("Agreement") is made by and between Ramsey County (" ount}�';
and the City of Saint Paul ("Cit}�'), with the approval of the Ramsey County Wor}�'or Council
("Council") and the Saint Paul Workforce Development Council, Inc. ("SPWDC").
WHEREAS,1vTinn. Stat. §471.59 pernuts governmental units to jointly e ercise powers that each
may separately exercise; and
WHEREAS, County and City are govemmental units as defined i�lViinn. Stat. §471.59; and
WHEREAS, County and Council are currently operating the amsey County Job Training
Program under the 7ob Training Partnership Act (JTPA) a ather laws ("County Job Training
Program"), and the County is operating the Minnesota F mily Investment Program-Employment
Services ("MFIP-ES") with the funding sources descr' ed in Exhibit A attached hereto
(collectively the "County Program"); and
WHEREAS, City and SPWDC are operating
under JT'I'A, and other laws, with the fundin�
and /
Saint Paul Workforce Development Program
irces described in Exhibit A("City Program");
WHEREAS, Congress enacted the 19 Workforce Investment Act (Public Law 105-220)
("WIA"), which will become effecti and replace the JTPA no later than July 1, 2000; and
WHEREAS, the County Job Tr ning Program and the City Program have each applied for
temporary designation as Wo orce Service Areas under WIA; and
WHEREAS, the Ramsey ounty Board of Commissioners u.�u we Saint Paul City Council
authorized the creatio f a Policy Working Board to stuc�y and make a recommendation
regarding the consol' ation of the County Job Training Pro and City Program; and
WHEREAS, on ecember 16, 1998, the Policy Workir:g Board adopted a report ("Report") that
recommende he consolidation of the County Job Training Program and City Program under the
direction management ofthe County; and
�S, the Report was submitted to and approved by the Ramsey County Board of
oners, the Saint Paul City Council, the Mayor of Saint Paul, the Council, and the
00 -to�
VVf�REAS, the County's MFIP-ES provides services that are legislatively directed to re rm the
we3fare system, including placing job seekers into employment; and
WFIEREAS, further policy discussion yielded a recommendation to also consolida the County's
MFIP-ES with the City Program and the County Job Training Program into a ne�i County
department; and
WHEREAS, consolidation of the County Program and City Program will�`erve the shared City
and County interests regarding community development; and �
WF�REAS, the parties to this Agreement desire to effectuate the c'onsolidation of the County
and City Programs into a new County department according to t}�e terms and conditions of this
Agreement; �
NOW, TBEREFORE, in consideration of the Recitals and �xiutua] undertakings and agreements
hereinafter set forth, the parties agree as follows: /
1.1 The purpose of this Agreement is to
creation, organization, and operatioi
County-City workforce investment,�
the terms and conditions relative to the
a new County depan�:�n , of a consolidated
Article II.
2.1 The following terms sha have the indicated meanings as those terms are used throughout
this Agreement:
a. "City's ChiefE cted Official" means the Mayor.
b. "City Counc' ' means the Saint Pau( City Council.
c. "County B rd" means the Board of Ramsey County Co. missione. :.
d. "County' hief Elected OfficiaP' means the County Board.
e. "Direct " means the person or persons who serve in the top leadership position for
the C aty Program.
"JTP " or "Job Training Partnership Act" means Public Law, 97-300, as amended
fro time to time, and the implementing regulations, as issued from time to time.
" eased Premises" means 24,720 square feet of space being used as an employment
raining center by the City at a building located at 215 East Ninth Street, Saint Paul.
"Mayor" means the elected Mayor of the City of Saint Paul.
Do -to a-
i. "Program Manage�" means the person who serves in the top leadership position for,
the City Program.
j. "Transition" means the change from two separate programs, the County Pro am and
the City Progam, to the Consolidated Program.
k. "WIA" or "Worl�'orce Investment Act" means Public Law, 105-220, as ended from
time to time, and the implementing regulations, as issued from time t time.
Article III.
3.1 The initial term of this Agreement shall be five years from t date of complete execution
of the Agreement. This Agreement will automatically ren for additional ten year terms,
unless written notice of intent not to renew is provided either party to the other, at least
this Agreement.
one (1) year prior to the end of the term then in effect In such a case, this Agreement
shall expire at midnight on the last day of the terrn t en in effect.
Article I .
County-City Workforce nvestment Program
The County-City workforce investmen program ("Consolidated Program") is hereby
created by consolidating the City and ounty Programs in accordance with the �c.�nr+.> of
4.2 The County shall operate the C nsolidated Frogram on behalf of both the County and the
City to serve the needs of em oyers and eligible job seekers.
4.3 On July 1, 2000 the Cou y 7ob Training Program and City Progam shall cease
operations and the Con olidated Program shal] commence operations.
4.4 As of 7uly 1, 2C
dissolve. The�
termination oft
e SPWDC and the Council shall cease to pesform their
t for such activiTies as are necessary to cease operation� 3nd
shall execute any legal documents necessary to effect such
Articie V.
Mission and Goals
�'he mission of the Consolidated Program is to be a national leader in effectively moving
people into employment by managing a County-City workforce system that is responsive
to job seeker and employer needs.
52 Goals
The following Consolidated Program goals are hereby estabiished:
Develop and implement a single, integrated workforce system by combining similar
and related programs, including County's MFIP-ES, and developing effective
public-private partnerships in a subregional economy and labor market. �
Establish the Consolidated Program Workforce Investment Board (WIB� as a
broad policy body for all Ramsey County worl�orce activities.
Provide better service to two customers by improving the workfo e system's
response to employer and job seeker needs.
Improve the cost effectiveness of existing programs by elimin ing program
duplication and achieving economies of scale through ad 'm�fistration of one
e. Leverage new financial resources by becoming more
Conform with federal and state reforms by active responding to the state and
federal integration of programs, larger service livery areas, and universal service
Promote the City and County's interests i orkforce development: by ensuring
that the operation ofthe consolidated w kforce system serves the needs of all
County residents and businesses.
Develop enhanced East Metro wor orce policies and partnerships by providing
leadership in policy setting, identi ing and addressing tabor market issues in
Ramsey County and the East tro area, developing a vision for public workforce
s among the required partners in the Minnesota
other regional partners.
ting the local workforce investment activities with
programs, growing partnersh'
Workforce Center System d
Engage employers by co dina
iocal economic develo ent strategies; developing other employer linkages,
through intermediari s such as the locai one-stop operator, or through other
organizations; and ssisting such employers in meeting hiring needs.
j. Improve access refining one-stop facilities and information networks, such as
Partnership and the Suburban Ramsey Family
k. Prepare Y9fith for jobs by providing specialized youth-focused programs and
_ �o�-
Article VI.
6.1 In order to ensure a smooth and orderly transition from the separate
Programs to the Consolidated Program within a new County departi
that there are no gaps in services to clients as a result of the consolii
Manager, or his/her designee, will manage transition activities as de�
Agreement. �
nt,yrand City
�and to ensure
�, the County
in this
6.2 From and after execution of this Agreement, the Director of3h'e County Program and the
Program Manager of the City's Program sha]] report to the ounty Manager, or hisiher
designee, in relation to all transition activities. This repo mg relationship shall continue
until the luring of the director of the new County depa ent, who shall then assume all
management responsibilities, including transition acti� ties.
6.3 Transition activities will include, but are not limit to, the following:
a. Development of the County's new depa ment.
b. Development and implementation oft e work plan for the County's new
department, including the integratio of strategies and programs to provide
uninterrupted services.
c. Development of a transition pla inciuding a visioning process; analysis of
organizational functions and st cture; analysis of staff skills and interests; analysis
oftraining and hiring needs; d analysis ofthe role ofvendors.
d. Training of employees
e. Development, prepara�
Staff from the County
appropriate, will assist
,fecruitment ofadditiona] staff, as necessary.
and management of the new County departmenYs
s Office, and other County and City staff as necessary and
Manager in transition activities.
Article VII.
New County Department
7.1 By 7uly 1, 20 , the County will create a new department ("DepartmenP'), pursuant to the
County Ch er and Administrative Code, that will manage the Consolidated Program in
accordanc with the mission and goals set forth in Article V above, in compliance with
WIA an all applicable federal and state laws and regulations.
7.2 The irector of the Department shall be appointed by the County Manager at a department
di ctor level, following County's normal selection process.
7.3 / The Department shail annually report to the Coumy Board, the Mayor and City Council
j regarding the accomplishments of the Consolidated Program. The reporting shall include
/ the results of job placements and customer satisfaction.
o -�oa-
7.4 Nothing herein shall prevent the Counry from including other programs within
Department as deemed appropriate by the County, so long as the Consolidate5
will not be adversely affected. �
Article VIII.
Consolidated Program Workforce Investment
8.1 The Consolidated Program Workforce Investment Boazd (" ") is hereby created for
the purpose of performing all of the responsibilities of a loc Workforce Investment
Boazd and shall commence its activities on July 1, 2000. e WIB shall comply with WIA
and ali applicable state and federal laws and regulations. Additionally, the WIB shall:
a. In partnership with the County Board, produc a strategic plan, identifying trends,
emerging issues, and appropriate strategies, at integrates the Department's
programs; and
b. Assist the Department in imple
c. In partnership with the County
leverage private and public wo
d. In partnership with the County
financing the provision of wor�
The Vl� will have an advisory role
the strategic plan; and
I„a`eek out and apply for other funds that will
�mvestments; and
f, develop entrepreneurial strategies for
services and implement those strategies.
with respect to MFII'-ES.
83 The members of the WIB shall b appointed as follows: 50 percent of each category of
members shall be appointed by e Mayor, according to the City's Policy Concerning
Citizen Committees; and the ther 50 percent shall be appointed by the County's Chief
Elected Officiai, accordin o its Policy on Advisory Committees and Boards.
The members of the
shall elect the Chair of the WIB, in accordance with WIA.
contain an even number of inembers and an even number of
ory as specified in WIA, state statute, and/or by the WIB itself.
The WIB shall a]
members in each
8.5 In order to ure an effective transition from the County and City Programs to the
Consolidate Program and to use the accumulated sP<ill, knowledge and expertise of the
members the e�sting Council and SPWDC, the members of the first WIB shall be
appoint from a pooi of candidates, including the members of the e�cisting County and
City rkforce councils, and in compliance with the WIA requirements for the
and selection ofinembers.
8.6 order to stagger member terms, the term of one-half of the initial4V� membership will
be one year and the other one-half wiil be two years, and thereafter all terms will be two
a _loa-
8.'7 In its first year, the WIB shall adopt bylaws that shall comply with all County
all state and federal laws and regulations. The bylaws shall include, without F
following: /
a. A conflict of interest clause.
b. Membership requirements that WIB members reside in Ramsey unty, be
employed by a Ramsey County employer, or provide services i Ramsey County.
c. Consideration of removal of inembers for cause or nonatten nce.
8.8 The WIB shall annually report to the County Board and the Ma or and City Council
regazding its accomplishments, including the accomplishment of the Consolidated
Program with respect to the mission and goals specified in icle V above.
Article IX.
Chief Elected Official and
9.1 The City hereby appoints and designates the C nty as its agent with respect to the
operation and management of the Consolidat Pro�ram. Upon the Department
director's request, the City will execute all rant appiications and other necessary
documents for the Consolidated Program
9.2 The County's Chief Elected Officiai s all serve as the Chief Elected Official for the
Consolidated Program, and shall pe orm all duties as required by WIA and federal and
state laws and regulations.
The ChiefElected Official
to WIA requirements.
County is designated as
negotiate a partnership agreement with the WIB according
local fiscal agent for the Consolidated Program.
9.5 The County is respo `ible for the application, planning, implementation, administration,
and reporting of gr ts assigned to it by the City under this Agreement and those future
grants that could ecome part of the Consolidated Program in accord with all applicable
state and federa aws and regulations.
Articte X.
Grants, 5ubgrants, Agreements, Contracts and Payment of Rent
10.1 If a owable by the granting agency, the City wiil assign to the County, effective July l,
20 0, its interests in and ohligations under each grant, agreement, and contract for the
nding sources identified in E�ibit A. The City is responsible for obtaining all necessary
approvals for the assignments. All funds from the assigned grants, agreements, and
contracts in the possession of the City on July 1, 2000 for services to be provided on or
�o -lo�
after July 1, 2000 shall be transferred to the County on that date or as soon thereafter as
may reasonably be done. In the event that a grant, agreement, or contract can not be
assigned to the County, the County will provide the services that are reimbursable under
the grant, agreement, andlor contract on the City's behaif. The City will compensate the
County for all services provided by the County under the grant, agreement and/or contra�
to the ea�tent that the services provided by the County aze aliowed as reimbursemen� �
under the grant, agreement and/or contract.
10.2 The City will assign to the County, effective July I, 2000, its interests in and "ligations
under each grant, agreement, and contract identified in Exhibit B. The Ci , is responsible
for obtaining all necessary approvals for the assignments from the granti " agency. Any
funds encumbered by or receivables owed to the City for services pe rmed prior to 7uly
1, 2000 under the subgants, agreements, and contracts will not beyfansferred to the
County. �°
10.3 The County is responsible for the application, planning
and reporting of grants assigned to it by the City under
grants that may become available to the Consolidated P
applicable state and federal laws and regulations. �
Agreement and of future
�am, in accordance with all
10.4 In consideration of the payment by the county to e City of the following rent, and
subject to the rights ofthe existing tenants, the ounty is entitled to use and occupy the
Leased Premises for the term commencing J 1, 2000 and ending September 30, 2002
on the same terms and conditions as the ex� ting tenants occupying the Leased Premises:
December 31, 2000
June 30, 2001
December 31, 2001
3une 30, 2002
September 30, 2002
Articte XI.
Level of Services
1 l.l The parti acknowledge that provision of services at current levels will depend upon
continu d state and federal funding levets, and continuing authority under applicable state
andfo federal ]aw. If funding or authority changes during the term of the Agreement, the
Ci and County agree to incorporate such changes, as are necessary, into their respective
rchase and sale of service budget and Consolidated Program budget, as applicable.
o O-loa-
I 1.2 The County will annually submit the Consolidated Program proposed budget to the Mayor
and City Council for review and comment regazding the proposed level of services, no
later than August 15 of the year preceding the term of the budget year. Each may sub t
comments, within thiriy (30) days of the receipt of the proposed budget, to the Co ty.
Article XII.
12.1 No current City or County employee who is perforrning workf
the effective date of this Agreement shall be discharged or laid
consolidation. Personnel actions affecting the Consolidated P�
through the annual budgeting processes, or at such time as reu,
� training services on
s a direct result ofthis
n may be taken
circumstances dictate.
12.2 The Consolidated Program will be staffed by County emp yees, and by City employees
who shall provide services as described in this Agreeme , in such capacities as the
L�epartment director shall deterntine.
123 City employees currently working for the City Pr ram will continue as City employees
after 7uly 1, 2000, but wiil provide services to t Consolidated Program under the
following terms:
a. At such time as a City incumbent co ered by this Agreement terminates
employment with the City, any rep cement personnel shall be hired as a County
b. City employees cuttently wor ' g for the City Program who provides services for
the Consolidated Program a City employees shail be subject to the provisions of
applicable union agreeme between the City and unions representing City
employees, and applicab City policy.
c. Any new positions aut orized for the Department shall be County positions.
d. The County shall pa the City for the services provided by the City's employees to
the Consolidated P ogram, effective July I, 2000. The amount to be paid will be
the City's actual irect costs as defined in Exhibit C.
e. This agreeme to purchase City service shall expire when the last City incumbent
terminates e ployment or ceases to provide services to the Consolidated Program,
whichever ccurs first.
Article XIII.
Program Cost And Funding
13.1 The c st of operations of the Consolidated Program shall be funded through federal and
stat grants, private donations, and other sources, including County tax levy funds if such
fu ding is granted by the County Board of Commissioners. The City shall have no
ligation ta contribute any tax levy money to the Consolidated Program.
13.2 If funding is inadequate to cover the costs of operation of the Consolidated Program,
County may elect to allocate County ta�c levy money to the Consolidated Program,
increase other revenues, andlor reduce Consolidated Program costs and/or redu�
services. /
Article XIV.
Indemnification, Liability, and Insurance
14.1 Each party shall remain liable for any damages, loss, liability,
judgments, or expenses resulting directiy or indirect]y from a
party, its employees, elected officials, or agents, in relation t
operations prior to the effective date of the Consolidated P�
s, causes of actioq
or omission of the
party's program
14.2 Effective July 1, 2000, the County will be responsible r its own acts and omissions and
the acts aud omissions of its employees, elected offi 'als and agents, and for the acts and
omissions of City employees while performing se ces for the Consolidated Program as
they relate to this Agreement and for any liabilit resulting therefrom, to the extent
authorized by law.
14.3 Consistent with the provisions of sections 4.l and 14.2 herein, each party agrees to
defend, indemnify and hold harmless the ther party, its employees, elected officials, and
agents fron� :iabitity, claims, cause of action, judgments, damages, losses, costs or
expenses resulting directly or indirec y from any act or omission of the indemnifying
party, its employees, elected offici s, or agents.
14.4 Each party warrants that it is a e to comply with the aforementioned indemnity
requirements through comm cial insurance or a self-funding program.
14.5 All insurance policies or If-insurance certificates shall be open to inspection by each
party and con��� of the olicies or certificates of self-insurance shall be submitted to a
party upon •.,ritten re uest.
14.6 Each party's liabi ' shall be governed and limited by the Municipal Tort Claims Act,
Minn. �tat. Ch � �r 466, common law immunities, and other applicable law.
Article XV.
shall terminate:
a. � upon the consent ofthe parties as evidenced by a written resolution ofthe
� goveming body of each party; or
when necessitated by operation of law; or
c. as a result of a decision by a court of competent jurisdiction.
b b - lo�-
15.2 Either party may terminate this Agreement without cause upon one year's prior written
notice to the other party. During the one year notice period, the City and the County st
take ail reasonable steps to provide continuity of services and ongoing funding after th�
termination date. /
15.3 Termination shall not discharge any liability incurred by the parties during the erm of this
Agreement prior to the effective date of termination.
15.4 The provisions of Articles XIV of this Agreement shall survive ternv tion of this
15.5 Upon temrination of this Agreement, the Consolidated Progra shall cease to exist, and
the assignment of the City's grants to the County shall cease d temrinate.
16.1 Al] notices, written requests, or demands
Agreement or any statute or ordinance st
certified mail.
16.2 All notices, written requests, or
Ramsey County:
Ramsey County Manager
Room 250
15 W. Kellogg Blvd.
Saint Paul, MN 55102
City of Saint Paul:
City of Saint Paul
Room 390
15 W. Kellogg vc'
Saint Paul, 55102
or made by a party under the terms of this
in writing and shall be sent registered or
shall be sent to the following addresses:
Saint Paul City Attorney
Room 400
15 W. Keliogg Blvd.
Saint Paul, MN 55102
Article XV1I.
Contract Provisions
17.1 T matters set forth in the Recitals are incorporated into and made part ofthis
greement as though fully set forth as terms herein.
Article XVIII.
18.1 As and for partial consideration ofthe duties and responsibilities undertaken b the
County under this Agreement, the City shall conditionaliy transfer certain p sonal
property purchaed by the City Program to the County. Within sia�ty (60) ays of
execution of this Ageement, the City will provide an inventory of the p rsonal property to
be transferred to the County, and will deliver possession thereof to t County. Upon
ternrination of this Agreement, the County shall return to the City s ch personal property,
or any replacement of such personal property which was purchas d with Consolidated
Program funding during the term of the Agreement.
Article XIX.
Entire Agreement and A
19.1 It is understood and agreed that the entire agreeme between the parties is contained
herein and tha.t this Agreement supersedes all oral greements and negotiations between
the parties relating to the subject matter hereof. All terms referred to in this Agreement
are incorporated or attached and are deemed be part of this Agreement.
19.2 Any alterations, variations, modific
only be valid when they have been
signed by the parties hereto.
lr waivers of provisions of this Agreement shall
2o writing as an amendment to this Agreement
Wherefore, the parties have execut,�d this Agreement the last date set forth below.
oo- te�
County of Ramsey
Rafael Ortega, Chair
Board of Commissioners
Bonnie Jackelen, Chief Clerk
Board of Commissioners
Approval Recommended:
Ramsey County Workforce Councit
Approved as to form:
Assistant County Attorney
Insurance Approved:
Risk Manager �
Funds Available:
Fund #
and Accounting
City of Saint Paul
Norm Coleman, Mayor
Funds Avail. Sle:
Fund #
Fred Owusu,
Saint Paul
Development Council,
Approved as to form:
Assistant City Attomey
Director of Financial Services
b a -1��
Exhibit A
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, Exhibit B
Subgrants, Agreements, and Contracts to be assigned to the County
for the Consotidated Program
Workforce Merger
Purchase of Service Vendor Worksheet
Saint Pau/ Workforce Development Progiam
' Vendor Service(s) Contract Cortract CoMca Eaccnt2ets Other
� Name Provided Amount Begin Date End D te ending after Comments
(see item t.t
Of instructions)
- EmpbymeM AcGon CeMer St. PaW Co. OW 352,500 12lOtl99 72t31l00 0: Prog. Ends
Labor Studies 8 Resource St. Paul Co. DW 352,500 72/0 9 1?131/00 D: Prog. Ends
^ Merrick Community ServiGes Enterprise 2one State 246,362 Ot /Oil00 12l31lO7 D: Prog. Entls
Saint Paul Public Schools NaPIC WtW 15 ,500 07f01/98 11/30/W D: Prog. Ends
Saint Paul Technical College � NaPIC WtW S� 157,500 � 07/Di/98 � 71/30/00 � D: Prog. Ends
b o -�oa-
Exhibit C
Draft {t�lovember 1,1999) 0� 1oe—
For discussion purposes only: not for citntion or attribution.
The Enhnnced City-County Workforce Agency Consolidntion O rview
VII. Bnckground and Introduction
Three yeazs ago, a public-private group, from Ramsey County, beg preparing for the end
ofwelfaze. Two yeazs ago, another group started designing a jo' powers agreement that
would merge the City and County's workforce development ag cies. One year ago, the US
congress passed the Workforce Investment Act (WIA) of 199 to replace the Job Training
and Partnership Act. We are at a point where bold and cre ve leadership can cause a
confluence of these three actions. Unlike the Mississippi d Minnesota rivers, however,
this confluence will not happen naturally.
To move toward confluence, on September 22 Sus Kimberly presented a list of City
interests (see II below), regarding the creation of inerged City and County warkforce
agency that would include the Minnesota Fami Inveshnent Program (MFIP), to County
At the end of that meeting, Ms. Kin
proposal is responsive to the City's
more detail.
In order to stay on track with
(JPA), the August 6, 1999 dr.
points: ' ,
;d for more detail on how the consolidation
This overview answers the request to present
[evelopment of a new City-County joint powers agreement
'A will need to be modified to contain the following
• The creation of a ew County deparhnent, containing at least the City and County
(1�IP). P
agency's r
• There
es and the County's Minnesota Family Inveshnent Program
is a$10 million program that doubles the size of the merged
be no joint powers board, which was proposed in the December 16, 1998
ping the lines of authority and accountability simple.
• Tky61oca1 elected official(LEO) functions will be performed by the Ramsey County
�oazd of Commissioners, again, keeping the lines of authority and accountability
• The new Workforce Investment Board (WIB), will be created in the manner defined
in the WIA and will report to the Ramsey County Board of Commissioners.
• The Mayor of Saint Paul will appoint, with confimiation by the Sa3nt Paul City
Council, one-half of the new WIB members. The County Board will appoint the
other one-half of the new WIB members.
• New leadership will be found to manage the new County department.
Page 4
Draft (November 1, 1999) 00 —�oa—
For discussion purposes only: not for citation or nttribution. �
II. City Interests
The City's interests (not listed in priority order) in the proposed merger of City d County
Workforce agencies are:
1. Serving e�sting and future businesses.
2. Serving our business customers within the subregion; that i the Saint Paul-East
Metro subregional area.
3. Retaining, growing and attracting businesses that ma' tain and expand our t�
4. Placing Saint Paul residents on jobs in Saint P ar elsewhere. Placing job
seekers in Saint Paul jobs.
Supporting and providing a steady suppl of trained workers that match the skill
needs of our businesses and industries. the event of economic downturns or
business reversais, assisting in retrai �ng and dislocated worker efforts.
Preparing youth for jobs.
Having an integrated workfo e investment strategy that includes public (e.g.,
Workforce Investment Act, elfare-to-Work, ISD No. 625, etc.), private and
foundation funding.
8. Having the "new" wot'kforce agency provide better services than the currently-
sepazate City and C�unty agencies.
9. Hauing Workfo ce Investment Board (WIB) members who are at a high level, see
the Saint Pa ast Metro labor market's "big picture" (e.g., who aze aware of the
sector job s 11 shortages and the need for filling those shortages), and can identify
jobs outs' e of Saint Paul.
nni versal employment services and customized training as well as
reforxn services.
one-stop access through the state/federally-required workforce center
Having WIB boazd members who reflect and advocate the City's interests.
13. Having a reporting system that shows results in matching employer needs with job
seeker availability.
14. Focusing on job placement results, measuring performance based upon job
placement results, and using feedback loops that continuously monitor employer
Page 5
Draft (November 1,1999) Da'�
For discussion purposes only: not for citation or attribution.
and job seeker customer satisfaction.
III. County Interests
County staff and Workforce Council members have reviewed these materials and believe
these interests are in line with the actions of the Policy Working Board, which approved the
merger on December 16, 1998, and are consistent with County interests.
Also, the sections below are taken from Ramsey County Stf-ategic Planning Guide for
Econoxnic Development. Note the congruence between the County's intended economic
development results and the City's interests. Clearly, the City and County share similar
interests and these shazed interests can form the foundation of a successful City-County
Workforce Development agency consolidation.
As a result...By the 21n Century, Ramsey County will increase its ability to ath'act, retain and
expand businesses, as well as build a friendly and atisactive business climate. The resulting
economic growth and condirion will position the County as a nafional leader in providing an
increasing number of enhy level and living wage jobs, expanding our tas base, and diversifying our
economy. The County's vision focuses on establishing a stable economy that reflects and
conhibutes to the County's overall qualiry of life.
As a result...Educarional institutions (K-12 and technology post secondary) will adjust to meet the
chanaing demands of indushy as the County's population diversifies and our economy moves
further into a global azena requiring higher skills. Colleges and universities, particulazly in the
public sector, will become better prepazed to train and retrain workers. The County govemment
will facilitate regional public and private partnerships among colleges, universiries and reseazch
institutions to tum this educational concentration into a world class engine for enterprise
development. Our educarional inslitutions will continue to educate, train and develop new
generations of leaders.
As a result...The County government will foster regional partnerships involving public, private, and
nonprofit organizations, as well as the County's citizens. These parhierships will support business
crearion, retention and expansion through a comprehensive system of access to fmancing,
technology transfer, technical support and export assistance. These partnerships will provide a
mechanism for expanding jobs and ownerslup opporfuniries for the economically disadvantaged,
recognizing the increasing racial and ethnic diversity of our population. The County govemment, in
partnership with other regional units, will have a central role in marketing our local assets, including
our qualiry of life, qualified workforce, diverse cultural assets, and attractive neighborhoods to
existing and prospecrive businesses.
As a resu[t...The County government will take a regional approach to economic development. It
will encourage systexnatic development of commercial, indushial, residential, and agricukural zones
to reverse the wasteful trend toward urban sprawl. County partners will build a sustainable
economic development infrastructure, recognizing the value of our attractive neighborhoods, the
importance of reinvesting in the urban core, the key role of downtown azeas, and the unique asset
represented by the Mississippi River. T'he County govemment will rehabilitate indush sites,
generate new business areas and spur development in new residenfial azeas. These businesses will
be accessible through a comprehensive and integrated transportation system that serves both people
and products. This approach will support the varied local economies of our distincrive and diverse
communities. The County will increase the number of jobs available, raise the qualiry of these
posirions and reduce pover[y, especially in communiries of color."
Page 6
�raft (November 1, 1999) O'0 �1��
For discussion purposes only: not for citation or attribution.
IV. Additional Attnchments
To provide additional detail, the following documents are aitached:
A. New City-County Workforce Agency Organization Chart
Based upon discussions to date, the relationslup of the consolidated agency to its
intemal and extemal components is illustrated.
B. City-County Workforce Agency Mission and Goals
Based upon the December 16 1998 report and subsequent discussions, a mission
and goals statement for the consolidated agency is described
C. City-County Workforce Investment Board Proposal
Based upon the WIA requirements and the vision of the community forum, a
proposal for the new WIB is described.
H:\USERSV�iANCYA�24 San OO.wpd
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Draft (November 1,1999)
For discussion purposes only: not for citation or nttribution.
Attachment A
New City-County Workfarce Agency
Organizational Chart
Board of Commissioners
50% of WIB Membership
County Manager
Workforce Agency
• Workforce Centers
Job Seekers �� �� Employers
G:SHARED�.4dmin\Work Force ConsolidaAOn\Org-chart.wpd
Mayor Appoints and
City Council Confirms
50% of WIB Membership
Workforce Investment Boaxd
(Community Collaboration
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braft (November 1, 1999)
For discussion purposes only: not for citation or attribution.
Attachment B
City-County Workforce Agency Mission and Goals
3.1 Mission
As part of a business retention and growth strategy, to be a narional leader in effectively moving
people into employment through an integrated, public-private, subregional City-County-East Metro
workforce system providing universal employment services, customized training and welfare
reform services—that is responsive to the current and future needs of employers and job seekers, its
two primary customers.
3.2 Goals
The following consolidated City-County workforce program goals will achieve the mission:
a. Establish the City-County Workforce Investment Board (WIB) as a broad policy body:
by setting and monitoring intea ative policies for pubic-private workforce-preparation
programs within local economic development, education (including secondary and post
secondary institutions), welfare and job-training programs, and funding sources.
b. Provide better service to two customers: by 'vnproving the workforce system's response to
employer needs, and to job seeker needs.
c. Improve the cost effectiveness of egisting programs: by eliminating program duplication
and achieving economies of scale by administering one system instead of two and repork�ng the
results of job placement and customer satisfaction..
d. Develop a single integrated system: by combing similar and related programs, and
developing effective public-private partnerships in a subregional economy and labor mazket.
e. Leverage new tinancial resoixrces: by becoming more entrepreneurial and comperitive, the
consolidated agency will generate new resources for workforce development including
Minnesota Family Inveshnent Program funds.
f. Conform with federal and state reforms: by actively responding to the state and federal
integration of programs, larger service delivery areas, and universal service requirements.
g. Preserve the City and County's interests in workforce development: by ensuring that the
operarion of the consolidated workforce system serves the needs of all residents and
businesses, wherever they are located or reside.
h. Develop subregional workforce policies and partnerships: by providing leadership in
policy setting; idenrifying and addressing labor market issues in Ramsey County; developing a
Page 9
Draft (November 1, 1999)
For discussion purposes on1y: not for citntion or nttribution.
vision for public workforce programs; developing partrierships among the required partners in
the Minuesota workforce center system and other regional partners; designating the local
Minuesota workforce center system operator(s).
i. Engage employers: by coordinating the local workforce investment activities with local
economic development stzategies; developing other employer linkages, through intermediaries
such as the local one-stop operator, or through other organizations; assisting such employers in
meeting hiring needs.
j. Improve access: by use of one-stop facilities and information networks.
k. Prepare youth for jobs: by providing special youth-focused programs and through youth-
focused partnerships.
Create a new model for workforce policy setting: by appointing public and private leaders
to the new Workforce Investment Board.
G:�SHARED�Admin\Work Force ConsolidaSonVPAV�lission and goals 100599.wpd
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Drnft (November 1,1999)
For discussion purposes only: not for citation or attribution.
Attachment C
City-County Workforce Investment Board Proposal
It is possible to blend a key piece from the East Metro community collaboration forum, which looks
broadly at an integrated workforce investment strategy, with a consolidarion of City programs into the
L The County would merge its MFIP job training program and funds into the new County
department, exposing MFIl' to the policy influence of the Workforce Investment Board (WIB).
The County Board will retain program oversight, including budget responsibility. The County
might, at some point, bring other programs (e.g., CDBG, economic development) to the new
agency if it fits with their strategic vision (see Ramsey County Strategic Planning Guide). Thi;
could also foster new relationships with the City's economic development agencies.
II. The consolidated department would staff Stakeholder Roundtables (employers, educational
organizarions, labor unions, economic development agencies, government agencies, foundations,
and community-based organizarions) to nominate a pool of candidates from which the Mayor and
County Board could draw to appoint members to the Workforce Inveshnent Board.
TII. The consolidated depar(ment would host an annual Comxnunity Collaboration Forum, co-chaired
by the Mayor of Saint Paul and the Chair of the Board of Commissioners, to recommend, at a broad
policy level, what an integrated Workfarce Investment Strategy would be.
IV To ensure that the City's interests and the County's interests are both fulfilled, and after broad
consultation with interested parties, the Mayor would appoint 50% of the WIB (from those
nominated by the Stakeholder Roundtables) and the Chair of the County Board would appoint the
other 50% (from those nominated by the Stakeholder Roundtables) of the WIB members. The
Mayor's appointees will be confirmed by the City Council.
V. The Chair of the WIB would be a business representative selected by the Chair of the county Board
in consultation with the Mayor of Saint Paul.
VI. The WIB itself would be a high-level group (e.g., CEOs of 3M; Minnesota Life; the Saint Paul
Companies, Inc.; the Archbishop of the Saint Paul Arch Diocese; the President of the University of
Minnesota; ISD 625 Superintendent; the Mayor, Chair of the County Board, etc.) as envisioned by
the WIA of 1998. Its members will include both employers, including small businesses and job
seekers. The WIB will meet twice a year to set broad policy and elect a small Executive Committee
that would meet monthly to oversee the operational details of policy unplementarion.
VIL The WIB will annually report to the County Board and the Saint Paul Mayor and City Council
regazding its accomplishments and the accomplishments of the consolidated agency with respect to
its mission and goals.
Page 11
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0 0 -toa—
Drnft (November 1, 1999)
For discussion purposes only: not for citntion or nttribution.
Attachment E
Ramsey County Strategic Planning Guide for Economic Development
I. Vision
By the 21� Cenhuy, Ramsey County will have an economy, built on its sh�engths, that achieves a world class status:
Zt will have built on its tradiKOn of regional cooperation, a structure of intergovemmental and public-private cooperafion
that provides a seamless system of support for economic development.
It wiZl have built on its traditinn of high quality workers, a workforce with the advanced technical skills and strong work
ethic capable of acting as one of the region's dominant competirive advantages.
It will have bui[t oa its tradiHon of a diverse economy, an economy imxnune to cyclical economic downtums.
It will kave bui[t on its tradition of innovaflon, an entrepreneurial culture that embraces excellence and innovarion at every
level, from the smallest business to the lazgest corporation.
It will have bui[t on its tradi&on of a high quality of life, a sustainable economy which prevents pollution, provides fanrily-
supporting employment, and preserves resources for generations yet to come.
As a result...By the 21 Cenhuy, Rainsey County will increase its ability to attract, retain and expand businesses, as well as
buIld a friendly and attractive business climate. The resulting economic growth and condition will position the County as a
national leader in providing an increasing number of entry level and living wage j obs, expanding our tas base, and
diversifying our economy. The County's vision focuses on establishing a stable economy that reflects and conhibutes to
the County's overall quality of life.
As a result...Educational institutions (K-12 and technology post secondary) will adjust to meet the changing demands of
industry as the County's popularion diversifies and our economy moves further into a global arena requiring higber skills.
Colleges and universities, particulazly in the public sector, will become better prepazed to train and retrain workers. The
County government will facilitate regional public and private parfnerships among colleges, universiries and reseazch
institu6ons to turn this educarional concentration into a warld class engine for enterprise development. Our educarional
institutions will continue to educate, hain and develop new generations of leaders.
As a result...The County govemment will foster regional partnerships involving public, private, and nonprofit
organizations, as well as the County's citizens. These partnerships will support business crearion, retention and expansion
through a comprehensive system of access to fmancing, technology transfer, technical support and export assistance. These
partnerships will provide a mechanism for expanding jobs and ownership opportunities for the economically
disadvantaged, recognizing the increasing racial and ethnic diversity of our populafion. The County government, in
partnership with other regional units, will have a central role in marketing our local assets, including our quality of life,
qualified workforce, diverse cultural assets, and attracrive neighborhoods to e�sting and prospective businesses.
As a result...The County government will take a regional approach to economic development. It will encourage systematic
development of commercial, industdal, residenrial, and agriculhual zones to reverse the wasteful trend towazd urban
sprawl. County partners will build a sustainable economic development infrastruchue, recognizing the value of our
attractive neighborhoods, the importance of reinvesting in the urban core, the key role of downtown areas, and the unique
asset represented by the Mississippi River. The County government will rehabilitate indushial sites, generate new business
azeas and spur development in new residential areas. These businesses will be accessible through a comprehensive and
integrated transportarion system that serves both people and products. This approach will support the varied local
economies of our distinctive and diverse communiries. The County will increase the number of jobs available, raise the
quality of these positions and reduce poverry, especially in communiUes of color.
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Drnft (November 1,1999)
For discussion purposes only: not for citation or attribution.
As a resuU...The County govemment will improve the delivery of its own services, increase its own efficiency, decrease its
own costs, reduce burdensome regularion and consolidate redundant govemment programs and services. The County
goverument's economic development plan will serve as a model for the type of economic development progcam being
sought by other public sector, private sector, and nonprofit entities tUroughout the nation.
Fiaally...By the 21�` cenhuy, the County will have increased its economic efficiency, engaged citizens in the sharing of
decisions and responsibiliries, supported and challenged our educational systems, and built a sense of community and civic
pride among all County iesidents.
II. Critical Issues and Strategies
A. Share area facilifies. The County could lead the effort to encourage schools, pazks and recrearion departments,
businesses, nonprofit agencies, and post secondary institurions to share facilifies in an effort to increase afrer school
activifies. Funding might come from County govemment, school districts, and businesses.
jIn 1996, Ramsey Counry initiated a community-based approach to welfare reform, called the Ramsey County
Community Parhzership for Welfare Reform. In 1997, the Partnership evoZved into the Community Employment
Parmership (CEP) with the following goal: "To Foster ecoraomic stability and growth by investing in Ramsey Couniy's
workforce and by linking and supporring job seekers and employers. " The Partnership has included over 1, 000
individuals making contributions.
The CEP is in the process of creating 10 community-based Work Resource Hubs where job seekers (welfare recipients
and others) can access a variety of employment, financial, and support resources. The CEP is also developing
Centralized Support Services for job seekers and employers, which includes a single point of contact for employers,
redesign of workforce prepararion strategies, and pilot projects to further job seeker/empdoyer contact in specialized
B. Reducing poverty through economic development strategies.
• Educate the workforce. School districts could iniriate this strategy. 5chools and businesses together could work
to educate the workforce and invest in human potenrial Financial support might come from school districts and
County and city governments. Other support might come from schools, businesses, and post secondary
(Ramsey County is implementing a new welfare system, replacing the old entitlement program that had few
ecpectations ofrecipients to a temporary assistance program with work expectations for recipients. The new
statewide weZfare-to-work program, caZZed the Minnesota Family Investment Program, has as its goal the
movement of welfare families into the workforce and out ofpoverty. The Community Employment Partnership is
an integral part of this new, multifaceted welfare strategy.J
(Ramsey County Jab Training operates youth programs and is involved in the School to Work Initiative, which are
all directed at working on educating the workforce in Ramsey County.J
C. Increasing job opportunities.
• Increase availability of loans and technical assistance to small and micro businesses. The County and ciries
could take the lead. Nonprofits could work to increase the amount of loans and technical assistance available to
small businesses. Funding might come from foundations, govemments, and banks. Support may be offered by
nonpiofit organizazions, banks, community development agencies, and coxporarions.
[The Service Corp ofRetired Executives (SCORE) provides volunteer services from refired executives who help
struggling businesses.J
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Draft (November 1, 1999)
For discussion purposes only: not for citntion or nttribution.
• Identify resources for product development This strategy could be initiated by State government and would
involve utiliziug the resources of post secondary institurions for product development and support. Development
would not be limited to high-tech products. Funding may perhaps come from State government and the private
D. Developing partnerships to create and implement an educarional, training, or retraining system that would
equip workers with the skills needed to acquire jobs in an advancing, changing, and diversifying work industry.
• Develop partnerships between post secondary institurions and schools to foster skills educarion and vocational
training. City and County job training programs could lead trris effort. Post secondary insritutions and schools
may wish to establish a partnership to offer skills educarion and vocarional training. 5upport could come from
businesses and schools, and possible sources of funding aze schools and State government.
[Ramsey County Job Training operates a Dislocated Worker Program thatprovides training to a segment of the
E. Eliminating business opportunity barriers.
• Set appropriate repayment periods on deferred loans available to small businesses for infrastructure
improvements. City and County goveminents could lead this strategy. City, County, and community
development corporations may wish to increase the time small businesses have to repay loans. Support might be
received from businesses, and Federal and State governments could supply funding.
• Develop cooperative networks for businesses. Local chambers of commerce could lead and monitor this
shategy. Nonprofit organizations may wish to establish networks to give support (e.g., mazketing, mentoring) for
local businesses. Funding might be donated by the private sector and State and Federal govenune�ts. The County,
cities, and area businesses may wish to support this strategy.
[The Metro East Development Partnership is a nonprofit regional economic development partnership that helps
new or ecisting businesses relocate to the metropolitan area or find new sites for expansion. Its service area
includes Ramsey, Dakota, and Washington Counries.
The Ramsey County Community Employment Partnership operates a JobConnect pilot project.J
F. Having strategies that address all economic development critical issues.
• Focus education on what it has to provide to meet the needs of a world class economy. This strategy could be
coordinated by a coalirion of leaders from business, County government, nonpxofit, and Mgher education
institutions. These four sectars may wish to work together to focus education on economic needs and monitor the
results. Funding from existing educafion sources might be used in this process. Support could come from
businesses, the County, educators, and nonprofit agencies.
• Identify and review current ecanomic development incentives on an ongoing basis to meet the needs of the
time. This strategy could be initiated by post secondary institutions, businesses, the County, and chambers of
commerce. Post secondary insfiturions could be responsible for evaluating economic development incentives. If
the incenrives do not meet needs, the post secondary insritutions could redesign them. Funding for this shategy
might come from existing resources and tas increment financing.
G:VSHARED�ldmin\Work Force ConsolidarionViC Econ Dev
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Draft (November 1,1999)
For discussion purposes only: not for citntion or attribution.
atta�hment F
JPA Outline
Following is a secrion-by-secrion review of the August 6, 1999 draft JPA with the changes to be made to reflect the discussions with
Commissioner Ortega.
No change.
II. Term.
The initial term is five yeazs. The JPA will automatically renew itself for ten-yeaz terms thereafter. The JPA can be
canceled with one yeaz's written notice.
III. Mission and Goals.
Changed to reflect the above points and the Zist of City interests.
IV. Definitions.
The section will be updated to xeflect current definirions.
V. City of Saint Paul-Ramsey County Workforce Investraent Program.
No change.
VI. TransitionPeriod.
Fill in the modified dates Taken from the merger work program.
VII. Joint Powers Boazd.
Delete references to the.7oint Powers Board. Instead, modify to reflecz the Ramsey County Board of Commissioners' role
as the local elected official (LEO).
VIII. WoxkforceInvestmentBoazd.
The section will be modified to make it cdear that the N'orkforce Investment Board (GVIB) is ultimately advisory to the
Ramsey County Board of Commissioners. The section wi11 also provide for appointment of 50% YPIB members by the
Mayor of Saint Paul. A decision needs to be made as to whether or not the N'IB wi11 reflect the membership proposed in
the August 6 draft JPA or the membership proposed by Mr. Middleton or some combinafion.
IX. Program Operations and Aduvnis4ation.
The section will be modified to reflect the absence of the Joint Powers Board, the Board of Commissioners as the local
elected offzcial and the relatzonship between the LEO and WIB.
X. Budget and Levei of Services.
No changes.
XI. Personnel.
Modify to reflect that the.7oint Powers Agreement is the purchase ofservice agreement.
XII. Program Cost and Funding.
No changes.
XIII. Indemnificarion, Liability and Insurance.
Boilerplate: no change.
XIV. Ternvnation.
Section needs to be updated to reflect the absence of a Joint Powers Boazd.
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Draft (November 1,1999) ��� � u �
For discussion purposes only: nofi for cifiafiion or afifiribution.
XV. Norice.
Section needs to be completed
XVI. Con4act Provisions.
No change.
XVII. Contract for Services.
Add a description of the services that the City will provide to the County, under the conso2idated agency and the services
that the County will provide to the City, under the consolidated agency. This will include the Minnesota Family Inveshnent
Program (MFIP) services.
XVIII. Assets.
Boilerplate needs to be inserted, using the City-County Public Health Joint Powers Agreement. In that JPA, all City assets
were turned over to the County.
XIX. Entire Agreement and Alterarions.
No change.
G:\SHARED�P.dmin\Work Force ConsolidationVPAUPA Outline.wpd
Page 17
Febmary 22, 2000
�Nr �AVL � ���1 President Dan Bostrom
CHAMSbR OP COMMERCE S�tPaul City Counci]
15 West Kellogg Boulevazd
320 B-City Hall
Saint Paul, MN 55102
� Dear Coiutcil President Bostrom,
Firs� Narional Bank Building. N-20S
032 Minncwca S�r«�
Sain� I'�W. Minncson 55101
Phonr. 651.223.5000
Pax: GS 1.223.5119
t,1G �c�.� .�yyJ 1• Vl�� vV
MIDWAY �° -r ��
We write as business advocates for the east metro area in support of
consolidating the Ramsey County and City of Saint Paut Workforce Investment
Programs. Employers t�ave long teken the position that consolidafion will
• A focus on results with business as a primary wstomer
• A commihnent to systemic change
• System performance measured on specific and measurable outcomes
• Market-8tiven vision end leadersMp
Employers are confusad by rivo sepazate enYities that provide similar services. A
consolidation of Ramsey County and Saint Paul eliminates at least one of the
entities that an employer needs to understand in order to become engaged. The
engagement of private sector employers is crrticul to sustain the robust economy
of the region with a competent and producdve workforce.
The employets on the Saint Paul Workforce Council appmve the consolidation,
and fiut[�er recommend that the Coune7 becomes a hve Board that fnnctions as
an inciusive focum for business, govemment, and other organiza6ons within the
&amework of the existing nonprofit cocpoiallon [SOi(c)(3jj. This represents a
more entrepreneurial approach W providing workforce and economic
development leadership to �spond to the neerls of the rnsrket place. The way to
maintain employer interest is to be more than a superficial advisory group. Staff
dedicated to the work of the board wouid then implement the plan for a market-
driven vision.
It is the position of the 5aint Pau1 Area and Midway Chambers of Commerce that
a consolidation, with an engaged private sector, is the way to ensure that both the
zmployer and the job seeker customers are served. �
♦ r�t re��. �-rr
i Sinc ]y,
Larry Dowell
Saint Paul Area Chamber of Commerce
�E ''"`.�'v r.v�.�.Q.�
tlen Watters
Midway Chamber of Commerez
TOTfaL P.08
�'t�IV�G�c�,e...� - a.' I G �oo
Presented By
Referred To
Committee: Date
1 Resolution Authorizing the Mayor to Execute a Joint Powers Agreement with Ramsey
2 County to Consolidate the City and County Workforce Programs
4 WFIEREAS,Minn.Stat.471.59permitsgovernmentalunitstojointlyexercisepowersthateachmay
sepazately exercise; and
WIIEREAS, the City of Saint Paul and Raxnsey County are governmental units as defined in Minn.
Stat. 471.59; and
WHEREAS, The City of Saint Paul and the Saint Paul Workforce Development Council (SPWDC)
are operating the Saint Paul Workfarce Development Program under the JTPA, and other laws; and
WHEREAS, Ramsey County and its Workforce Council are currently operating the Ramsey County
Job Training Program under the Job Training Partnership Act (JTPA) and other laws ("Couniy Job
Training Program"), and the County is operating the Minnesota Family Investment Program—
Employment Services ("MFIP-ES"); and
WHEREAS, Congress enacted the 1998 Workforce Investment Act("WIA"), which will become
effective and replace the JTPA no later than July 1, 2000; and
WI-IEREAS, The County Job Training Program and the City Program have each applied for
temporary designation as Workforce Service Areas under the WIA; and
WHEREAS, The Ramsey County Board of Commissioners and the Saint Paul City Council
authorized the creation of a Policy Working Board to study and make a recommendation regarding
the consolidation of the County Job Training Program and the City Program; and
WHEREAS, On December 16, 1998, the Policy Working Board adopted a report ("Report") that
recornmended the consolidation of the County Job Training Program and the City Program under
the direction and management of the County; and
WHEREAS, The Report was submitted to and approved by the Ramsey County Board of
Commissioners, the Saint Paul City Council, the Mayor of Saint Paul, the Council, and the SPWDC;
WHEREAS, The County's MFIP-ES provides services that aze legislatively directed to reform the
welfare system, including placing job seekers into employment; and
Council File # � � � ��.
Green Sheet # � b � � �O'
1 WHEREAS, Further City and County policy discussions yielded a recommendarion to also
2 consolidate the Courny's MFIP-ES with the County Job Training Program and the City Program into � 0-1 o a-
3 a new County department; and
5 WHEREAS, Consolidarion ofthe County 7ob Training Program and the CityProgram will serve the
6 shazed County and City interests regarding community development; and
7 **Insert two pa'ragraphs on next page (Amendment made on 2/16/00)
8 WHEREAS, The City and County desire to effectuate the consolidarion of the County 7ob Training
9 Program, the County MFIP-ES and the City Program into a new County department; and
WHEREAS, the Mayor has recommended that the City Council approve the attached 7oint Powers
Agreement that will accomplish the desired consolidarion;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the City Council hereby approves the 7oint Powers
Agreement in substantiallythe form submittedforthe consolidated Ramsey County-City ofSaint Paul
Worl�'orce Programs; and Be It Further
RESOLVED, The City Council authorizes the Mayor, City Clerk, and Director, Offrce ofFinancial
Services ("Authorized Officers") to execute the Joint Powers Agreement; and Be It Further
RESOLVED, Any other documents and certificates necessaryto thetransaction described above sha11
be executed by the Authorized Officers; and Be It Further
RESOLVED, The approval hereby given to the 7oint Powers Agreement includes approval of such
additional details therein as may be necessary and appropriate and such modificarions thereof,
delerions therefrom and additions thereto as may be necessary and appropriate and approved by the
Mayor and the City Attorney, and the Authorized Officers aze hereby authorized to approve said
changes on behalf of the City.
FINALLY RESOLVED, That two years from the
the Saint Paul City Council shall evaluat
County-City of Saint Paul Workforce Progr
and redevelonment obiectives and in servi
to the Citv of Saint Paul if deemed necessarv and
of the Joint Powers
in mee[ing tne �icy�s ec
Saint Paul �rivate sector
Requested by Department of:
By: �__ a. i� � 9.�....�,
Approved by Mayor: Date F'{� °�( ��/
i i
= �� i!� `
Form Appr v d y Ci A orney
Approve � Mayor for ubmission to Council
By: �
Adopted by Council: Date F,}, ��Q
Adoption Certified by Council Secretary
d p��o�"
�rc�c�►rrncr'� -�or
Page 2, insert at Line 8:
��e WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul's worl�orce development programs aze an essential tool to
the city's economic development and redevelopment objectives, including providing a trained
workforce to businesses which are attracted to Saint Paul to redevelop brownfieids and
underutilized sites and to expand the city's tax base, and
WI-IEREAS, the City of Saint Paul requires that the Consolidated Ramsey County-City of Saint
Paul Work force Programs continue to serve the city's economic development and
redevelopment objectives as well as the needs of private sector employers in Saint Paul who are
facing an extensively documented statewide labor shortage, and
DepaMientloffice/council: Date Initiated Green Sheet No. 100261 0� — �O �—
Technology & Management Services 01/26/2000
Contact Person � Phone: i�rt�aua�e , / InitWl/tlate
Peter Hames, 266-8797 � oepartment �ic / Z�o/Z�ouncii
Must Be on Council Agenda by (Date) Assign _ Ciry Attomey � _ City Clerk
Number Fnancial Serv Dir. Financial Serv/axt.
Por �Yw (Or Asst.) _ Civil Service Commission
Totai # of Signature Pages _(Clip All Locations for Signature)
Action Requested:
Approval of the attached joint powers agreement, between the City and the County, that will consolidate the respective
workforce investment programs; authorize the Mayor, City Clerk and Director of Financial Services to execute the joint
powers agreement; authorize the execution of other appropriate documents, as necessary, to effectuate the program
Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R) Personal Service Contrects Must Answer the Foilowing (luestions:
7. Has this persoNfirm ever worked under a contract for this departmenY?
Planning Commission Yes No
CIB Committee 2. Has this persoNfirm ever been a city employee?
Civil Service Commission Yes No
3. Dces this persoNfirm possess a skill not normalty possessed by any cunent city
employee? Yes No
Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet
Initiating Probiem, issue, Opportunky (Who, What, When, Where, Why):
The Workforce Investment Act, August, 1998, envisions a new approach to job training and job placement. This new law is
an opportunity to combine the City and County programs into a more effective program.
Advantages If Approved:
Two similar programs can consolidate their activities; there will be a greater emphasis upon serving the job needs of
employers as well as job seekers; consistent with WIA, there will be a new vision developed for the Workforce Investment
Board (WIB)-
Disadvantages If Approved:
Disadvantages If Not Approved:
The City and County would lose an opportunity to have their workforce programs become more effective and e�cient, over
the long terrn, and would continue to go their separate ways instead of creating a more competitive approach to East Metro
workforce development.
Total Amount of Transaction: $6.2 M(City) +$10.8 M(County) Cost/Revenue Budgeted:
=$17.0 M
Funding Source: Activity Number:
Fi nan cial I nformation:
G:\SHAREDWdmin\Work Force Consolidation\Green Sheet-JPA.WPD
Ciry of Saint Paul
Noim Co(emm,. Mayor
January 28, 2000
Council President Bostrom and City Councilmembers
300 City FIall
15 West Kellogg Boulevard
Saint Paul, MN 55102
Department of Technotogy and
Management Services
Peter Hames, Director � Q_�� a
2A0 �ry Halt 7'e7ephorse: 651-26G-8797
ISW.Ke!(oggBou[evasd Facsimi(e: 651-266-89I9
Saint Paui, Mim�esora 55102
Subject: Revised Joint Powers Agreement to Consolidate the City and County Workforce
Dear Councilmembers:
We presented the January 20, 2000 proposed joint powers agreement (JPA) to the Ramsey
County Boazd on January 25. The Board asked a number of questions regarding the contents of
the JPA and requested that several clarifications be made to the document. The attached copies
reflect those changes. One copy is a red-lined version, showing the changes made to the January
20 version. The other copy is a clean version of the JPA This final version is dated February 1,
2000. In my opurion, the changes that we have made reflect clarifications to the document and do
not represern policy changes from the JPA you received eazlier this week.
I look forwazd to presenting the revised 7PA to you on February 2. In the meantime, if you have
any questions about the 7PA, please contact me,
� ,:
� �r � �, /
� -K�
GDistribution list on page two>
vQ ,��a-
Joint Powers Agreement
January 28, 200d
Page two
cc: Mayor Norm Coleman
Ramsey County Board of Commissioners
Commissioner Earl Wilson
Asst. Commissioner Tim Korkki
Nancy Anderson
Gail Blackstone
Craig Blakely
Steve Cvinar
Ginnee Engberg
Tom Fashingbauer
Amy Filice
Readus Fletcher
Till Goski
Terry Haltiner
John Hamikon
7ean Hammink
John Johnson
Mary Karcz
Kathy Megazry
Susan Kimberly
Paul Kirkwold
Karen Kushner
Monty Martin
Pete McCall
Connie Peikert
Terry Speiker
Gerry Strathman
Ellen Watters
City-County Working Policy Board
Saint Paul Worl�'orce Development Council
City Worl�orce Development Staff
City Employee Bazgaining Representatives
City Workforce Vendors
Ramsey County Workforce Council
County Job Training Staff
County Employee Bargaining Representatives
County 7ob Trainu►g Vendors
G:VSFfAREDWdmin\WmlcFarce Consolidation�lPA\CwvLetter.tvpd
�� _ �02-
Joint Powers Agreement
For the Consolidated Ramsey County-City of Saint Paul
Workforce Investment Program
February 1, 2000
Table of Contents
Putpose..-�-� .................................................. 4
Definirions...................................................... 4
Term.......................................................... 5
County-City Worl�orce Investment Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
IvHssion and Goals ................................................ 5
Transition....................................................... 6
VII. New Counry Department ........................................... 7
VIII. Consolidated Program Worl�orceInvestmentBoazd ...................... 8
IX. ChiefElected Official and Administration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
X. City's Grants, Subgrants, Agreements, Contracts and Payment of Rent ........ 9
XI. Levelof Services ................................................ 11
Personnel...................................................... 11
Program Costand Funding ......................................... 12
Indemnification, Liability and Insurance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Ternrinarion .................................................... 13
Notice........................................................ 13
ContractProvisions .............................................. 14
Assets........................................................ 14
Entire Agreement and Amendments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Toint Powers Agreement
For The Consolidated Ramsey County-City of Saint Paul
World'orce Investment Program
This Joint Powers Agreement ("AgreemenY') is made by and between Ramsey County ("County")
and the City of Saint Paul ("Cit�'), with the approval of the Ramsey County Wori�orce Council
("Council") and the Saint Paul Workforce Development Council, Inc. ("SPWDC").
WHEREAS, IvTinn. Stat. §471.59 permits governmental units to jointly exercise powers that each
may separately exercise; and
WHEREAS, County and City are governmental units as defined in 1vTinn. Stat. §471.59; and
WI3EREAS, County and Council are currently operating the Ramsey County 7ob Training
Program under the Job Training Partnership Act (7TPA) and other laws ("County Job Tra'n'ng
Program"), and the County is operating the M'innesota Family Investment Program-Employment
Services ("MFIP-ES") with the funding sources described in E�ibit A attached hereto
(collectively the "County Program"); and
Wf�REAS, City and SPWDC are operating the Saint Paul Worl�orce Development Program
under JTPA, and other laws, with the funding sources described in Eachibit A("City Program");
WHEREAS, Congress enacted the 1998 Worl�'orce Investment Act (Public Law 105-220)
("WIA"), which will become effective and replace the JTPA no later than July 1, 2000; and
WHEREAS, the County Job Training Program and the City Program have each applied for
temporary designation as Worl�orce Service Areas under WIA; and
WHEREAS, the Ramsey County Board of Commissioners and the Saint Paul City Council
authorized the creation of a Policy Working Boazd to study and make a recommendarion
regazding the consolidation of the County Job Training Program and City Program; and
WHEREAS, on December 16, 1998, the Policy Working Board adopted a report ("Report") that
recommended the consolidation of the County Job Training Program and City Program under the
direcrion and management of the County; and
WHEREAS, the Report was submitted to and approved by the Ramsey County Board of
Commissioners, the Saint Paul City Council, the Mayor of Saint Paul, the Council, and the
SPWDC; and
�p — tc�'3—
WHEREAS, the County's MFIP-ES provides services that are legislatively directed to reform the
weifare system, including placing job seekers into employment; and
WHEREtLS, further policy discussion yielded a recommendarion to also consolidate the County's
MFIP-ES with the City Program and the County Job Training Program into a new Counry
department; and
WHEREAS, consolidation of the County Program and City Program will serve the shared City
and County interests regarding community development; and
WHEREAS, the parties to this Agreement desire to effectuate the consolidation of the County
and City Programs into a new County department according to the terms and conditions of this
NOW, THEREFORE, in considerarion of the Recitals and mutual undertakings and agreements
hereinafter set forth, the parties agree as follows:
Article L
1.1 The purpose of this Agreement is to set forth the terms and conditions relative to the
creatioq organization, and operation, within a new County department, of a consolidated
County-City workforce investment program.
Article II.
2.1 The following terms shall haue the indicated meanings as those terms are used throughout
this Agreement:
a. "City's Chief Elected Official" means the Mayor.
b. "City Council" means the Saint Paul City Council.
c. "County Boazd" means the Board of Ramsey County Commissioners.
d. "County's Chief Elected Official" means the County Board.
e. "Director" means the person or persons who serve in the top leadership position for
the County Program.
f. "TfPA" or "Job Training Partnership AcY' means Public Law, 97-300, as amended
from time to time, and the implementing regulations, as issued from time to time.
g. "Leased Premises" means 24,720 square feet of space being used as an employment
training center by the City at the time of execution, at a building located at 215 East
Nmth Street, Saint Paul.
Db -lo�
h. "Mayor" means the elected Mayor of the City of Saint Paul.
i. "Program Manage�' means the person who serves in the top leadership position for
the City Program. _
j. "Transirion" means the change from two separate programs, the County Program and
the City Program, to the Consolidated Program.
k. "WIA" or "Worl�orce Investment AcP' means Public Law, 105-220, as amended from
time to time, and the implementing regulations, as issued from time to time.
Article III.
3.1 The initial term of this Agreement shall be five yeazs from the date of complete execution
of the Ageement. This Agreement will automarically renew for additional ten year terms,
unless written norice of intent not to renew is provided by either party to the other, at least
one (1) year prior to the end of the term then in effect. In such a case, this Agreement
shall expire at midnight on the last day of the term then in effect.
Article IV.
County-City Workforce Investment Program
4.1 The County-City workforce investment program ("Consolidated Program") is hereby
created by consolidating the City and County Programs in accordance with the terms of
this Agreement.
4.2 The County shall operate the Consolidated Program on behalf of both the County and the
City to serve the needs of employers and eligible job seekers.
43 On 7uly 1, 2000 the County 7ob Training Program and City Program shall cease
operations and the Consolidated Program shall commence operations
4.4 As of July 1, 2000, the SPWDC and the Council shall cease to perform their
responsibilities, except for such activities as are necessary to cease operations and
dissolve. The parties shall execute any legal documents necessary to effect such
ternvnation of business.
Article V.
Mission and Goals
5.1 M'ission
The mission of the Consolidated Program is to be a national leader in effectively moving
people into employment by managing a County-City worl�orce system that is responsive
to job seeker and employer needs.
� � _ l� a
5.2 Goals
The foAowing Consolidated Program goals aze hereby established:
a. Develop and implement a single, integrated worl�orce system by combining similaz
and related programs, including County's MFIP-ES, and developing effective
public-private partnerships in a subregional economy and labor market.
b. Establish the Consolidated Program Worl�orce Investment Board (WIB) as a
broad policy body for all Ramsey County worl�orce activities.
c. Provide better service to two customers by improving the world'orce system's
response to employer and job seeker needs.
d. Improve the cost effectiveness of eacisting programs by eliminating program
duplication and achieving economies of scale through administrarion of one
e. Leverage new financial resources by becoming more entrepreneurial and
f. Conform with federal and state reforms by actively responding to the state and
federal integration of programs, larger service delivery azeas, and universal service
g. Promote the City and County's interests in worl�orce development: by ensuring
that the operation of the consolidated worl�orce system serves the needs of all
County residents and businesses.
h. Develop enhanced East Metro worl�orce policies and partnerships by providing
leadership in policy setting, identifying and addressing labor market issues in
Ramsey County and the East Metro area, developing a vision for public worl�orce
programs, growing partnerships among the required partners in the lvfinnesota
Worl�'orce Center System and other regional partners.
i. Engage employers by coordinating the local worl�orce investment activities with
local economic development strategies; developing other employer linkages,
through intermediaries such as the local one-stop operator, or through other
organizations; and assisting such employers in meeting hiring needs.
j. Improve access by refining one-stop facilities and information networks, such as
the Community Employment Partnership and the Suburban Ramsey Family
k. Prepare youth for jobs by providing specialized youth-focused programs and
employer partnerships.
Article VL
6.1 In order to ensure a smooth and orderly transition from the separate County and City
Programs to the Consolidated Program within a new County department, and to ensure
that there aze no gaps in services to clients as a result of the consolidation, the County
Manager, or his/her designee, will manage transition activities as defined in this
6.2 From and after execution of tlus Agreement, the Director of the County Program and the
Program Manager of the City's Program shall report to the County Manager, or his/her
designee, in relarion to all transirion activities. This reporting relationship shall continue
until the hiring of the director of the new County department, who shall then assume all
management responsibilities, including transition activiries.
63 Transition activities will include, but are not limited to, the following:
a. Development of the County's new department.
b. Development and implementation of the work plan for the County's new
department, including the integration of strategies and programs to provide
uninterrupted services.
c. Development of a transirion plan, including a visioning process; analysis of
organizational functions and structure; analysis of staff slalls and interests; analysis
of training and hiring needs; and analysis of the role of vendors.
d. Training of employees and recruitment of addirional sta� as necessary.
e. Development, preparation and management of the new County departmenYs
f. Bazgaining the effects of this 7PA with employee representatives.
6.4 Staff from the County Manager's Office, and other County and City staff as necessary and
appropriate, will assist the County Manager in transition activities.
Article VII.
New County Department
7.1 By July 1, 2000, the County will create a new department ("DepartmenY'), pursuant to the
County Charter and Administrative Code, that will manage the Consolidated Program in
accordance with the mission and goals set forth in Article V above, in compliance with
WIA and all applicable federal and state laws and regulations.
7.2 The director of the Department shall be appointed by the County Manager at a department
director level, following County's normal selection process.
7.3 The Department shall annually report to the County Board, the Mayor and City Council
regarding the accomplishments of the Consolidated Program. The reporting shall include
the results of job placements and customer satisfaction.
7.4 Nothing herein shall prevent the County from including other programs within the
Department as deemed appropriate by the County, so long as the Consolidated Program
will not be adversely affected.
CO - \o�
Article VIII.
Consolidated Program Workforce Investment Board
8.1 The Consolidated Program Worl�orce Investment Board ("WIB") is hereby created for
the purpose of performing all of the responsibilities of a local Worl�orce Investment
Board and shall commence its activiries on 7uly 1, 2000. The W� shall comply with WIA
and all applicable state and federal laws and regulations. Additionally, the WIB shall:
a. In partnership with the County Boazd, produce a strategic plan, identifying trends,
emerging issues, and appropriate strategies, that integates the Deparnnent's
programs; and
b. Assist the Department in implementation of the strategic plan; and
c. In partnership with the County Boazd, seek out and apply for other funds that will
leverage private and public worl�'orce investments; and
d. In partnership with the County Board, develop enuepreneurial strategies for
financing the provision of worl�orce services and implement those strategies.
8.2 The WIB will have an advisory role only with respect to MFII'-ES.
83 The members of the WIB shall be appointed as follows: 50 percent of each category of
members shall be appointed by the Mayor, according to the City's Policy Concerning
Citizen Committees; and the other 50 percent shall be appointed by the County's Chief
Elected Official, according to its Policy on Advisory Committees and Boazds.
The members of the WIB shall elect the Chair of the WIB, in accordance with WIA_
8.4 The WIB shall always contain an even number of inembers and an even number of
members in each category as specified in WIA, state statute, and/or by the WIB itself.
8.5 In order to ensure an effective transition from the County and City Programs to the
Consolidated Program and to use the accumulated skill, knowledge and eacpertise of the
members of the e�risting Council and SPWDC, the members of the first WIB shall be
appointed &om a pool of candidates, including the members of the existing County and
City worl�'orce councils, and in compliance with the WIA requirements for the
recruitment and selection of inembers.
8.6 In order to stagger member terms, the term of one-half of the initial WIB membership will
be one yeaz and the other one-half will be two years, and thereafter all terms will be two
8.7 In its first yeaz, the WIB shall adopt bylaws that shall comply with all County policies, and
all state and federat laws and regulations. The bylaws shall include, without limitation, the
a. A conflict of interest clause.
b. Membership requirements that WIB members reside in Ramsey County, be
employed by a Ramsey County employer, or provide services in Ramsey County.
c. Consideration of removal of inembers for cause or nonattendance.
�a - 1oa
8.8 The WIB shall annually report to the County Board and the Mayor and City Council
regarding its accomplishments, including the accomplishments of the Consolidated
Program with respect to the mission and goals specified in Article V above.
Article IX.
Chief Elected Official and Administration
9.1 The City hereby appoints and designates the County as its agent with respect to the
operation and management of the Consolidated Program. Upon the Department
director's request, the City will execute all grant applications and other necessary
documents for the Consolidated Program.
9.2 The County's Chief Elected Official shall serve as the Chief Elected Official for the
Consolidated Program, and shall perfonn all duries as required by WIA and federal and
state laws and regularions.
93 The Chief Elected Official shall negotiate a partnership agreement with the WIB according
to WIA requirements.
9.4 County is designated as the local fiscal agent for the Consolidated Program.
9.5 The County is responsible for the application, planning, implementation, administration,
and reporting of grants assigned to it by the City under this Agreement and those future
grants that could become part of the Consolidated Program in accord with all applicable
state and federal laws and regulations.
Article X.
City's Grants, Subgrants, Agreements, Contracts aad Payment of Rent
10.1 If allowable by the granting agency, the City will assign to the County, effective July 1,
2000, its interests in and obligations under each grant, agreement, and contract for the
funding sources identified in E�chibit A. The City is responsible for obtaining a11 necessary
approvals for the assignments. All funds from the assigned grants, agreements, and
contracts in the possession of the City on 7uly 1, 2000 for services to be provided on or
after July 1, 2000 shall be transferred to the County on that date or as soon thereafter as
may reasonably be done. In the event that a grant, agreement, or contract can not be
assigned to the County, the County will provide the services that are reimbursable under
the grant, agreement, and/or contract on the City's behalf. The City will compensate the
County for all services provided by the County under the grant, agreement and/or contract
to the extent that the services provided by the County are allowed as reimbursements
under the grant, agreement and/or contract. If additional funding sources other than
those listed in Exhibit A become available to the City for services the parties mutually
�O— I�a—
agree are to be provided by the Consolidated Progran�, such additional funding sources
shall become subject to the terms of this paragraph as if originally included in E�chibit A
10.2 The City will assign to the County, effective July 1, Z000, its interests in and obligations
under each grant, agreement, and contract identified in E�chibit B. The City is responsible
for obtaining all necessary approvals for the assignments from the granting agency. Any
money owed to the City for services performed prior to July 1, 2000 under the subgrants,
agreements, and contracts will not be uansferred to the County. If additional grants,
agreements, or contracts other than those listed in Elchibit B are identified that the parties
agree relate to services to be provided by the Consolidated Program, such grants,
agreements, or contracts shall become subject to the terms ofthis paragraph as if
originally included in Exhibit B.
103 The County is responsible for the application, planning, implementation, administration,
and reporting of grants assigned to it by the City under this Agreement and of future
grants that may become available to the Consolidated Program, in accordance with all
applicable state and federal laws and regulations.
10.4 In consideration of the payment by the County to the City of the following rent, and
subject to the rights of the existing tenants, the County is entitled to use and occupy the
Leased Premises for the term commencing July 1, 2000 and ending September 30, 2002
on the same terms and conditions as the existing tenants occupying the Leased Premises:
Due Date
December 31, 2000
7une 30, 2001
December 31, 2001
June 30, 2002
September 30, 2002
Period Covered
July 1, 2000-December 31, 2000
January 1, 2001-June 30, 2001
7uly 1, 2001-December 31, 2001
7anuary 1, 2002-7une 30, 2002
7uly 1, 2002-September 30, 2002
After September 30, 2002 rent payments will be negotiated by the City and County for the
use of the Leased Premises. The rental rate incSudes payment for debt service and �istmg
tenant improvement on the building in which the Leased Premises are located, use of
common space, building management, and building operating and maintenance costs.
If, at any time during the period from execution of this Agreement through September 30,
2002, the right of the County to use and occupy the Leased Premises is terminated by the
City, the County shall be relieved of any liability for payment of rent from the date of said
termination. The City shall give the County not less than 120 days' advance written notice
of said ternunation.
� � _ �c7�
Article XI.
Level of Services
11.1 The parties acknowledge that provision of services at current levels will depend upon
continued state and federal funding levels, and continuing authority under applicable state
and/or federal law subject to the provisions of Article XIII. If funding or authority
changes during the term of the Agreement, the City and County agree to incorporate such
changes, as aze necessary, into their respective purchase and sale of service budget and
Consolidated Program budget, as applicable.
11.2 The adoption of the Consolidated Program budget is subject to the County's annual
budget process.
11.3 The County will annually submit the Consolidated Program proposed budget to the Mayor
and City Council for review and comment regarding the proposed level of services, no
later than August 1 of the year preceding the term of the budget year. Each may submit
comments, within thirty (30) days of the receipt of the proposed budget, to the County.
Article �iIII.
12.1 No current City or County employee who is perforniing workforc�ob training services on
the effective date of this Agreement shall be discharged or laid off as a direct result of this
consolidation. Personnel actions affecting the Consolidated Program may be taken
through the annual budgeting processes, or at such time as revenue circumstances dictate.
12.2 The Consolidated Program will be staffed by County employees, and by City employees
who shall provide services as described in this Agreement, in such capacities as the
Department director shall determine.
123 City employees working for the City Program on June 30, 2000 will continue as City
employees after July 1, 2000, but will provide services to the Consolidated Program under
the following terms:
a. At such time as a City incumbent covered by this. Agreement terminates
employment with the City, any replacement personnel shall be hired as a County
b. City employees covered by this Agreement who provide services for the
Consolidated Program as City employees shall be subject to the provisions of
applicable union agreements between the City and unions representing City
employees, and applicable City policy.
c. Any new positions authorized for the Department shall be County positions.
d. The County shall pay the City for the services provided by the City's employees to
the Consolidated Program, effective July 1, 2000. The amount to be paid will be
the City's costs as defined in E�ibit C.
aa -�a�
e. This agreement to purchase City service shall expire when the last City incumbent
te[minates employment or ceases to provide services to the Consolidated Program,
whichever occurs Srst.
Article �IIII.
Program Cost And Funding
13.1 The cost of operations of the Consolidated Program shaA be funded through federal and
state grants, private donations, and other sources, including County tax levy funds if such
funding is granted by the County Boazd of Commissioners. The City shall have no
obligation to contribute any tax levy money to the Consolidated Program.
13.2 If funding is inadequate to cover the costs of operation of the Consolidated Program,
County may elect to allocate County tax levy money to the Consolidated Program, and/or
increase other revenues, and/or reduce Consolidated Program costs and/or reduce
Article XIV.
Indemnification, Liability, and Insurance
14.1 Each party shall remain liable for any damages, loss, liability, claims, causes of actioq
judgments, or eacpenses resulting directly or indirectly from any act or omission of the
party, its employees, elected officials, or agents, in relation to that party's program
operations prior to the effective date of the Consolidated Program.
142 Effective July 1, 2000, the County will be responsible for its own acts and omissions and
the acts and omissions of its employees, elected officials and agents, and for the acts and
omissions of City employees while perfornvng services for the Consolidated Program as
they relate to this Agreement and for any liability resulting therefrom, to the extent
authorized by law.
14.3 Consistent with the provisions of sections 14.1 and 14.2 herein, each party agrees to
defend, indemnify and hold harmless the other party, its employees, elected officials, and
agents from any liability, claims, causes of action, judgments, damages, losses, costs or
expenses resulting directly or indirectly from any act or omission of the indemnifying
party, its employees, elected officials, or agents.
14.4 Each party warrants that it is able to comply with the aforementioned indemnity
requirements through commercial insurance or a self-funding program.
14.5 All insurance policies or self-insurance certificates shall be open to inspection by each
party and copies of the policies or certificates of self-insurance shall be submitted to a
parry upon written request.
po -loa_
14.6 Each pazty's liability shall be governed and limited by the Municipal Tort Claims Act,
Minn. Stat. Chapter 466, common law immunities, and other applicable law.
Article XV.
15.1 This Agreement shall terminate:
a. upon the consent of the parties as evidenced by a written resolution of the
goveming body of each party; or
b. when necessitated by operation of law; or
c. as a result of a decision by a court of competent jurisdiction.
15.2 Either party may terminate this Agreement without cause upon one year's prior written
notice to the other party. During the one year notice period, the City and the County shall
take all reasonable steps, including petitioning the State for redesignation, to provide
continuity of services and ongoing funding after the termination date.
153 Teimination shall not discharge any liability incuned by the parties during the term of this
Agreement prior to the effective date of termination.
15.4 The provisions of Articles XIV of this Agreement shall survive temunarion of this
15.5 Upon temvnation of this Agreement, the Consolidated Program shall cease to exist, and
the assignment of the City's grants to the County shall cease and tern�inate.
Artide XVL
16.1 All notices, written requests, or demands given or made by a pariy under the terms of this
Agreement or any statute or ordinance shall be in writing and shall be sent registered or
certified mail.
162 All notices, written requests, or demands shall be sent to the following addresses:
Ramsey County:
Ramsey County Manager
Room 250
15 W. Kellogg Blvd.
Saint Paul, MN 55102
C7 c`7 —1�a
City of Saint Paui:
City of Saint Paul
Room 390
15 W. Kellogg Blvd.
Saint Paul, MN 55102
Saint Paul City Attomey
Room 400
15 W. Kellogg Blvd.
Saint Paul, MN 55102
Article XVII.
Contract Provisions
17.1 The matters set forth in the Recitals aze incorporated into and made part of this
Agreement as though fully set forth as terms herein.
Article XVIII.
18.1 As and for partial consideration of the duties and responsibilities undertaken by the
County under this Agreement, the City shall conditionally transfer certain personal
property pwchased by the City Program to the County. Within sixty (60) days of
execution of this Agreement, the City will provide an inventory of the personal property to
be transferred to the County, and will deliver possession thereof to the Coanty. I� upon
termination of tlris Agreement, the City will be providing wod�orce services, then the
County shall return to the City such personal property, or any replacement of such
personai property which was purchased with Consolidated Program funding during the
term of the Agreement.
Articte XIX.
Entire Agreement and Amendments
19.1 It is understood and agreed that the entire agreement between the parties is contained
herein and that this Agreement supersedes all oral agreements and negotiations between
the parties relating to the subject matter hereof. All terms referred to in this Agreement
aze incorporated or attached and aze deemed to be part of this Agreement.
19.2 Any alterations, variations, modifications, or waivers of provisions of this Agreement shall
only be valid when they have been reduced to writing as an amendment to this Agreement
signed by the parties hereto.
Wherefore, the parties have executed this Agreement the last date set forth below.
County of Ramsey
Rafael Ortega, Chair
Board of Commissioners
Bonnie Jackelen, Chief Clerk
Board of Commissioners
City of Saint Paul
Norm Coleman, Mayor
Fred Owusu, City Clerk
Approval Recommended:
Ramsey County Worl�orce Council
Approved as to form:
Assistant County Attorney
Insurance Approved:
Risk Manager
Funds Available:
Fund #
5aint Paui Worl�orce Development Council,
Approved as to form:
Assistant City Attomey
Funds Available:
Fund #
By: By.
Budgeting and Accounting
G:VSHAREDWdmin\Wmk Force ConsolidationUPA�Final-JPA-012800-IOOO.wpd
Director of Financial Services
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Exhibit C
Costs to be Reimbursed by the County for City Services
c�a _ l��
This exhibit describes the method for calculating the costs to be paid by the County to the City for
services provided by City employees for the Consolidated Program.
Costs for First Year
The costs will be calculated using the following:
• Base rate: the City's cost for an employee that can be billed to a specific Consolidated Program
• Indirect rate: the City's PED indirect cost, including but not limited to costs for the employee's
sick time and vacation time, and costs at the City Hall Annex including rent, utilities, phones,
computers, office supplies and other costs. The projected indirect rate is 0.80.
• Fringe rate: the City's cost for employee fringe benefits, including but not limited to health
insutance, FICA, Workers' Compensation, and pensions. The predicted fringe rate is 0.28.
• Any direct unemployment costs incurred for City employees covered by this Exhibit.
• Employee mileage charges.
Costs for Second and Future Years
The costs will be calculated using the following:
• The City's direct payroll chazge for the employee.
• The fringe rate, as defined above.
• Other indirect costs amibutable to this staff, as may be negoriated beriveen the parties.
• Employee mileage charges.
• Any direct unemployment costs incurred for Ciry employees covered by this E�ibit.
Joint Powers Agreement
For the Consolidated Ramsey County-City of Saint Paul
Workforce Investment Program
(Red-lined Version)
�a�aa�-�Februarv 1. 2000
Table of Contents
I . Purpose ........................................................ 4
II. De&nitions ...................................................... 4
III Term .......................................................... 5
IV. County-City Workforce Investment Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
V. M'ission and Croals ................................................ 5
Transition ...................................................... �6
New Counry Department ........................................... 7
Consolidated Program Workforce Investment Boazd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
ChiefElected Official and Administrarion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
City's Grants, Subgrants, Agreements, Contracts and Payment ofRent ........ 9
Levelof Services ............................................... 1B1
Personnel ...................................................... 11
Program Costand Funding ........................................ 1�2
Indemnification, Liability and Insurance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Temunation ................................................... 1�3
Notice ........................................................ 13
ContractProvisions ............................................. 134
Assets ........................................................ 14
Entire Agreement and Amendments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
��- i�-
Joint Powers Agreement
For The Consolidated Ramsey County-City of Saint Paul
Worldorce Investment Program
This 7oint Powers Agreement ("AgreemenP') is made by and between Ramsey County ("Count}�')
and the City of Saint Paul ("Cit}��, with the approval of the Ramsey County Worl�'orce Council
("Council") and the Saint Paul Worl�orce Development Council, Ina ("SPWDC").
Wf3EREAS,1�Tinn. Stat. §471.59 permits governmental units to jointly exercise powers that each
may separately exercise; and
WI�REAS, County and City aze govemmental units as deSned in Mmn. Stat. §471.59; and
VVI�REAS, County and Council are cusendy operating the Ramsey County 7ob Training
Program under the 7ob Training Partnership Act (TTPA) and other laws ("County Job Training
Program"), and the County is operating the Minnesota Family Investment Program-Employment
Services ("MFIP-ES") with the funding sources described in E�ibit A attached hereto
(collecrively the "County Program"); and
VV�IEREAS, City and SPWDC are operating the Saint Paul Worl�orce Development Program
under TTPA, and other laws, with the funding sources described in E�chibit A("City Program");
Wf3EREAS, Congress enacted the 1998 Worl�orce Investment Act (Public Law 105-229)
("WIA"), which will become effective and replace the JTPA no later than July 1, 2000; and
WHEREAS, the County 7ob Training Program and the City Program have each applied for
temporary designarion as Workforce Service Areas under WIA; and
WHEREAS, the Ramsey Counry Board of Commissioners and the Saint Paul City Council
authorized the creation of a Policy Working Board to study and make a recommendation
regazding the consolidation of the County Job Training Program and City Program; and
WI�REAS, on December 16, 1998, the Policy Working Boazd adopted a report ("Report") that
recommended the consolidation of the County 7ob Training Program and City Program under the
direction and management of the County; and
WI�REAS, the Report was submitted to and approved by the Ramsey County Board of
Commissioners, the Saint Paul City Council, the Mayor of Saint Paul, the Council, and the
SPWDC; and
WHEREAS, the County's MFIP-ES provides services that are legislatively directed to reform the
wetfare system, including placing job seekers into employment; and
Wf�REAS, further policy discussion yielded a recommendation to also consolidate the County's
MFIP-ES with the City Program and the County Job Training Program into a new County
department; and
WHEREAS, consolidarion of the Counry Program and City Program will serve the shared City
and County interests regarding community development; and
WHEREAS, the parties to this Agreement desire to effectuate the consolidation of the County
and City Programs into a new County department according to the terms and conditions of this
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the Recitals and mutual undertakings and agreements
hereinafter set forth, the parties agree as follows:
Article L
1.1 The purpose of this Agreement is to set forth the terms and conditions relative to the
creation, organization, and operation, within a new County department, of a consolidated
County-City workforce investment program.
Article II.
2.1 The following terms shall have the indicated meanings as those terms are used throughout
this Agreement:
a. "City's Chief Elected Official" means the Mayor.
b. "City Council" means the Saint Paul City Council.
c. "County Board" means the Boazd of Ramsey County Comxnissioners.
d. "County's ChiefElected OfficiaP' means the CountyBoard.
e. "Directo�" means the person or persons who serve in the top leadership position for
the County Program.
f. "7TPA" or "Job Training Partnership Act" means Public Law, 97-300, as amended
from time to time, and the implementing regulations, as issued from time to time.
g. "Leased Premises" means 24,720 square feet of space,being used as an employment
training center by the City at the time of executioa at-a building located at 215 East
Nnth Street, Saint Paul.
Q� _�o�
h. "Mayo�' means the elected Mayor of the City of Saint Paul.
i. "Program Manage�" means the person who serves in the top leadership position for
the City Program.
j. "Transition" means the change from two sepazate programs, the County Program and
the City Program, to the Consolidated Program.
k. "WIA" or "Worl�orce Investment AcP' means Public Law, 105-220, as amended from
time to time, and the implementing regulations, as issued from time to tune.
ARicle IIL
3.1 The initial term of this Agreement shall be five years from the date of complete execution
of the Agreement. This Agreement will automatically renew for additional ten year terms,
unless written notice of intent not to renew is provided by either party to the other, at least
one (1) year prior to the end of the term then in effect. In such a case, this Agreement
shall eacpire at midnight on the last day of the term then in effect.
Article IV.
County-City Workforce Investment Program
41 The County-City worl�orce investment program ("Consolidated Program") is hereby
created by consolidating the City and County Programs in accordance with the terms of
this Agreement.
42 The County shall operate the Consolidated Program on behalf of both the County and the
City to serve the needs of employers and eligible job seekers.
4.3 On July 1, 2000 the County Job Training Program and City Program shall cease
operations and the Consolidated Program shall commence operations.
4.4 As of July 1, 2000, the SPWDC and the Council shalt cease to perform their
responsibiliries, except for such acrivities as are necessary to cease operations and
dissolve. The parties shall �ecute any legal documents necessary to effect such
teimination ofbusiness.
Article V.
Mission and Goals
5.1 M'ission
The mission of the Consolidated Program is to be a national leader in effectively moving
people into employment by managing a County-City workforce system that is responsive
to job seeker and employer needs.
, � •,
52 Goals
The following Consolidated Program goals are hereby established:
a. Develop and implement a singie, integrated worl�orce system by combining similaz
and related programs, including County's MFIP-ES, and developing effective
publio-private partnerships in a subregional economy and labor mazket.
b. Establish the Consolidated Program Worl�orce Investment Board (VJIB) as a
broad policy body for all Ramsey Counry worl�orce activities.
c. Provide better service to two customers by improving the workforce system's
response to employer and job seeker needs.
d. Improve the cost effectiveness of existing programs by e]iminating program
duplication and achieving economies of scale through administration of one
e. Leverage new financial resources by becoming more entrepreneurial and
f. Conform with federal and state reforms by actively responding to the state and
federai integration of programs, larger service delivery areas, and universal service
g. Promote the City and County's interests in worl�orce development: by ensuring
that the operation of the consolidated workforce system serves the needs of all
County residents and businesses.
h. Develop enhanced East Metro worl�orce policies and partnerships by providing
leadership in policy setting, identifying and addressing labor mazket issues in
Ramsey County and the East Metro area, developing a vision for public worl�orce
programs, growing partnerships among the required partners in the Minnesota
Worl�orce Center System and other regional parmers.
i. Engage employers by coordinating the local workforce investment activities with
local economic development strategies; developing other employer linkages,
through intermediaries such as the local one-stop operator, or through other
organizations; and assisting such employers in meeting hiring needs.
j. Improve access by refining one-stop facilities and information networks, such as
the Community Employment Partnership and the Suburban Ramsey Family
k. Prepare youth for jobs by providing specialized youth-focused programs and
employer partnerships.
Article VL
6.1 In order to ensure a smooth and orderly transition from the separate County and City
Programs to the Consolidated Program within a new County department, and to ensure
that there are no gaps in services to clients as a result of the consolidation, the County
Manager, or his/her designee, will manage transition activiries as defined in this
�o _ l�a_
6.2 From and after execution of this Agreement, the Director of the County Program and the
Program Manager of the City's Program shall report to the County Manager, or his/her
designee, in relation to all transition activities. This reporting relarionship shall continue
until the hiring of the director of the new County department, who shall then assume all
management responsibilities, including transition acrivities.
6.3 Transirion activiries will include, but are not limited to, the following:
a. Development of the County's new department.
b. Development and implementation of the work plan for the County's new
department, including the integration of strategies and programs to provide
uninterrupted services.
c. Development of a transition plan, including a visioning process; analysis of
organizarional functions and structure; analysis of staff sidlls and interests; analysis
of trainuig and hiring needs; and analysis of the role of vendors.
d. Training of employees and recruitment of additionai staff, as necessary.
e. Development, prepazation and management of the new County department's
f. Bazeainingthe effects ofthis JPA with emplovee representatives.
6.4 Staff from the County Manager's Office, and other County and City staff as necessary and
appropriate, will assist the County Manager in uansition activities.
Article VII.
New County Department
7.1 By July 1, 2000, the County will create a new department ("Department"), pursuant to the
County Charter and Administrative Code, that will manage the Consolidated Program in
accordance with the mission and goals set forth in Article V above, in compliance with
WIA and all applicable federal and state laws and regulations.
7.2 The director of the Department shall be appointed by the County Manager at a department
director level, following County's normal selection process.
73 The Department shall annually report to the County Boazd, the Mayor and City Council
regazding the accomplishments of the Consolidated Program. The reporting shall include
the results of job piacements and customer satisfaction.
7.4 Nothing herein shall prevent the County from including other programs within the
Department as deemed appropriate by the County, so long as the Consolidated Program
will not be adversely affected.
8 0 —10 a--
Article VIII.
Consolidated Program Workforce Investment Board
8.1 The Consolidated Program Wori�orce Im�estment Board ("VJID") is hereby created for
the purpose of performing all of the responsibilities of a local Worl�orce Investment
Board and shall commence its ac[ivities on July 1, 2000. The WIB shall comply with WIA
and ali applicable state and federal laws and regulations. Addirionally, the WIB shall:
a In partnership with the County Board, produce a strategic plan, identifying trends,
emerging issues, and appropriate strategies, that integrates the Department's
programs; and
b. Assist the Department in implementation of the strategic plan; and
c. In partnershig with the County Boazd, seek out and apply for other funds that will
leverage private and public worl�orce investments; and
d. In partnership with the County Board, develop entrepreneurial strategies for
financing the provision of worl�'orce services and implement those strategies.
8.2 The WIB will have an advisory role only with respect to MFIP-ES.
8.3 The members of the WIB shall be appointed as follows: 50 percent of each category of
members shall be appointed by the Mayor, according to the City's Policy Concerning
Citizen Committees; and the other 50 percent shall be appointed by the County's Chief
Elected Official, according to its Policy on Advisory Committees and Boazds.
The members of the WIB shall elect the Chair of the WIB, in accordance with WIA.
8.4 The WIB shall always contain an even number of inembers and an even number of
members in each category as specified in WIA, state statute, and/or by the WIB itself.
8.5 In order to ensure an effective transition from the Coumy and City Programs to the
Consolidated Program and to use the accumulated skill, knowledge and eapertise of the
members of the existing Council and SPWDC, the members of the first WIB shall be
appointed from a pool of candidates, including the members of the existing County and
City workforce councils, and in compliance with the WIA requirements for the
recnutment and selection ofinembers.
8.6 In order to stagger member terms, the term of one-half of the initial WIB membership will
be one year and the other one-half will he two years, and thereafter all terms will be two
8.7 In its first year, the WIB shall adopt bylaws that shall comply with all County policies, and
all state and federal laws and regulations. The bylaws shall include, without limitation, the
a. A conflict of interest clause.
b. Membership requirements that WIB members reside in Ramsey County, be
employed by a Ramsey County employer, or provide services in Ramsey County.
Oo —1�3—
c. Consideration of removal of inembers for cause or nonattendance.
8.8 The WIB shall annually report to the County Boazd and the Mayor and City Council
regarding its accomplishments, including the accomplishments of the Consolidated
Program with respect to the mission and goals specified in Article V above.
Articie IX.
Chief Elected Official and Administration
9.1 The City hereby appoints and designates the County as its agem with respect to the
operation and management of the Consolidated Program. Upon the Department
director's request, the City will execute all grant applicarions and other necessary
documents for the Consolidated Program.
9.2 The County's Chief Elected Official shall serve as the Chief Elected O�cial for the
Consolidated Program, and shall perform all duties as required by WIA and federal and
state laws and regulations,
43 The Chief Elected Official shall negotiate a partnership agreement with the WIB according
to WIA requirements.
9.4 County is designated as the local fiscal agent for the Consolidated Program.
9.5 The County is responsible for the application, planning, implementation, administration,
and reporting of grants assigned to it by the City under this Agreement and those future
grants that could become part of the Consolidated Program in accord with all applicable
state and federal laws and regulations.
Article X.
City's Grants, Subgrants, Agreements, Contracts and Payment of Rent
10.1 If allowable by the granting agency, the City will assign to the County, effective July 1,
2000, its interests in and obligations under each grant, agreement, and contract for the
funding sources identified in Ea�hibit A The City is responsible for obtaining all necessary
approvals for the assignments. All funds from the assigned grants, agreements, and
contracts in the possession of the City on July 1, 2000 for services to be provided on or
after 7uly 1, 2000 shall be transferred to the County on that date or as soon thereafter as
may reasonably be done. In the event that a grant, agreement, or contract can not be
assigned to the County, the Coumy will provide the services that are reimbursable under
the grant, agreement, and/or contract on the City's behalf. The City will compensate the
County for all services provided by the County under the grant, agreement andlor contract
to the extent that the services provided by the County aze allowed as reimbursements
under the grant, agreement and/or contract. ;'If additional funding sources other than
�O - t�2-
those listed in Eachibit A become available to the Citv for services the parties mutuaily
agree are to be provided bv the Consolidated Pro¢ram such additional funding sources
shall become subject to the terms of this �araEravh as if ori�nallv included in Exhibit A
10.2 The City will assign to the County, effective July 1, 2000, its interests in and obligations
under each grant, agreement, and contract identified in E�ibit B. The Ciry is responsible
for obtaining all necessary approvals for the assignments from the granting agency. Any
onev owed to the City for services performed prior
to July 1, 2000 under the subgrants, agreements, and contracts will not be transferred to
the County.��f additional g.rants. agseements. or contracts other than those listed in
Exhibit B aze identified that the parties aeree relate to services to be vrovided by the
Consolidated Program such grants. agceements. or contracts shall become subject to the
terms of this paraetaph as if orieinallv included in E�ibit B.
10.3 The County is responsible for the application, planning, implementation, administration,
and reporting of grants assigned to it by the City under this Agreement and of future
grants that may become available to the Consolidated Program, in accordance with all
applicable state and federal laws and regulations.
10.4 In consideration of the payment by the zCounty to the City of the following rent, and
subject to the rights of the ea�sting tenants, the County is enritled to use and occupy the
Leased Premises for the term commencing July 1, 2000 and ending September 30, 2002
on the same terms and condirions as the e�sting tenants occupying the Leased Premises:
Amount Due Date
$98,880.0 "�cember 31 2000
$103,824.063nxr��F;s�-; %'", ,, nk7une 30. 2001
$103,824.00Bcccmbe�3ecember 31. 2001
$109,015.203une`�%�;;;;�,;�'<June 30_ 2002
$54,507.6 '"" ember 30 2002
Period Covered
7ulv 1. 2000-December 31, Z000
Januarv 1. 2001-7une 30, 2001
7ulv 1. 2001-December 31, 2001
Januarv 1. 2002-7une 30, 2002
7ulv 1. 2002-September 30, 2002
After Sentember 30 2002 rent pavments will be neeotiated by the Citv and Countv for the
use of the Leased Premises. The rental rate includes payment for debt service and existine
tenant improvement on the buildine in which the Leased Premises are located, use of
common space. buildin�mana�ement. and building oneratin�and maintenance costs.
if at anv time durine the period from execution of this Aereement throu¢h Sentember 30
2002_ the rieht of the Countv to use and occup,v the Leased Premises is terminated bythe
City the Countv shall be relieved of any liabilitv for pavment of rent from the date of said
ternvnation The Citv shall give the Count�not ]ess than 120 days' advance written notice
of said ternunation.
Article XI.
Level of Services
11.1 The parties acknowledge that provision of services at current levels will depend upon
continued state and federal funding levels, and continuing authority under applicable state
and/or federal law<sub�ect to the provisions of Article XIII. If funding or authority
changes during the term of the Agreement, the City and County agree to incorporate such
changes, as are necessary, into their respective purchase and sale of service budget and
Consolidated Program budget, as applicable.
11.2 The adoption ofthe Consolidated Program budget is subject to the Countv's annual
budeet process.
11.33�; The County will annually submit the Consolidated Program proposed budget to the Mayor
and City Council for review and comment regarding the proposed levei of services, no
later than August 15 of the year preceding the term of the budget year. Each may submit
comments, within thirty (30) days of the receipt of the proposed budget, to the County.
Article XII.
12.1 No current City or County employee who is perfornung worl�'orc�ob trainuig services on
the effective date of this Agreement shall be discharged or laid off as a direct result of this
consolidation. Personnel actions affecting the Consolidated Program may be taken
through the annual budgeting processes, or at such time as revenue circumstances dictate.
12.2 The Consolidated Program will be staffed by County employees, and by City employees
who shall provide services as described in this Agreement, in such capacities as the
Department director shall deternrine.
12.3 City employees cnnremip-working for the City Prograirron June 30. 2000 will continue as
City employees after 3uly 1, 2000, but will provide services to the Consolidated Program
under the following terms:
a. At such time as a City incumbent covered by this Agreement tenninates
employment with the City, any replacement personnel shall be hired as a County
b. City employees �covered bYthis Aereement
who provides services for the Consolidated Program as City employees shall be
subject to the provisions of applicable union agreements between the City and
unions representing City employees, and applicable City policy.
c. Any new positions authorized for the Department shall be County positions.
d. The County shall pay the City for the services provided by the City's employees to
the Consolidated Program, effective 7uly 1, 2000. The amount to be paid will be
the City's actna�-dircctcosts as defined in Exhibit C.
� � - �o�—
e. This agreement to purchase City service shall expire when the last City incumbent
temunates employment or ceases to provide services to the Consolidated Program,
whichever occurs first.
Article �
Program Cost And Funding
13.1 The cost of operations of the Consolidated Program sha(1 be funded through federal and
state grants, private donations, and other sources, including County tax levy funds if such
funding is granted by the County Boazd of Commissioners. The City shall have no
obligation to contribute any taaf levy money to the Consolidated Progam.
13.2 If funding is inadequate to cover the costs of operarion of the Consolidated Program,
County may eiect to allocate County tax levy money to the Consolidated Program, andior
increase other revenues, and/or reduce Consolidated Program costs and/or reduce
Article XIV.
Indemnification, Liability, and Tnsurance
14.1 Each party shall remain liable for any damages, loss, liability, claims, causes of action,
judgments, or eacpenses resulting directly or indirectly from any act or omission of the
party, its employees, elected officials, or agents, in relation to that party's program
operations prior to the effective date of the Consolidated Program.
14.2 Effective 7uly 1, 2000, the County will be responsible for its own acts and omissions and
the acts and omissions of its employees, elected officials and agents, and for the acts and
omissions of City employees while perfornung services for the Consolidated Program as
they relate to this Agreement and for any liability resulting therefrom, to the extent
authorized by law.
143 Consistent with the provisions of sections 14.1 and 14.2 herein, each pazty agrees to
defend, indemnify and hold hazmless the other parry, its employees, elected officials, and
agents from any liability, claims, causes of action, judgments, damages, losses, costs or
expenses resulting directly or indirectly from any act or omission of the indemnifying
party, its employees, elected officials, or agents.
14.4 Each pariy warrants that it is able to comply with the aforementioned indemnity
requirements through commercial insurance or a self-funding program.
14.5 All insurance policies or self-insurance certificates shall be open to inspection by each
party and copies of the policies or certificates of self-insurance shall be submitted to a
party upon written request.
14.6 Each party's liability shall be governed and limited by the Municipal Tort Claims Act,
Minn. Stat. Chapter 466, common ]aw immunities, and other applicable law.
Article XV.
15.1 This Agreement shall termiriate:
a. upon the consent of the parties as evidenced by a written resolution of the governing
body of each party; or
b. when necessitated by operation of law; or
c. as a result of a decision by a court of competent jurisdiction.
152 Either party may terminate tivs Agreement without cause upon one year's prior written
notice to the other party. During the one year notice period, the City and the County shall
take all reasonable steps. including petitionine the State for redesignarion to provide
continuity of services and ongoing funding after the termination date.
15.3 Termination shall not discharge any liability incurred by the parties during the term of this
Agreement prior to the effective date of terntination.
15.4 The provisions of Articles XIV ofthis Agreement shall survive temvnation oFthis
15.5 Upon termination of this Agreement, the Consolidated Program shall cease to exist, and
the assignment of the City's grants to the County shall cease and ternunate.
Article X'VI.
16.1 All notices, written requests, or demands given or made by a party under the terms of tlris
Agreement or any statute or ordinance shall be in wtiting and shall be sent registered or
certified mail.
16.2 All notices, written requests, or demands shall be sent to the following addresses:
Ramsey County:
Ramsey Counry Manager
Room Z50
15 W. Kellogg Blvd.
Saint Paul, MN 55102
�o - lo�-
City of Saint Paul:
Ciry of Saint Paul
Room 390
15 W. Kellogg Blvd.
5aintPaul,MN 55102
Saint Paul City Attorney
Room 400
1 S W. Kellogg Blvd.
Saint Paul, MN 55102
Article XVII,
Contract Provisions
17.1 The matters set forth in the Recitals aze incorporated into and made part of this
Agreement as though fully set forth as terms herein.
Article XVIII,
18.1 As and for partial consideration of the duties and responsibilities undertaken by the
County -under this Agreement, the City shall condirionally transfer certain personal
property purchased by the City Program to the County. �thin s'vrty (60) days of
execution of this Agreement, the City will provide an inventory of the personal property to
be transferred to the County, and will deliver possession thereof to the County. u on
termination of this Agreement„3he City will be providing�workforce services. then the
County shall return to the City such personal property, or any replacement of such
personal properry which was purchased with Consolidated Program funding during the
term of the Agreement.
Article XIX.
Entire Agreement and Amendments
19.1 It is understood and agreed that the entire ageement between the parties is contained
herein and that this Agreement supersedes all oral agreements and negotiations between
the parties relating to the subject matter hereof. All terms refened to in this Agreement
are incorporated or attached and are deemed to be part of this Agreement.
19.2 Any alterations, variations, modifications, or waivers of provisions of this Agreement shall
only be valid when they have been reduced to writing as an amendment to this Agreement
signed by the parties hereto.
Wherefore, the parties have executed this Agreement the last date set forth below.
p O — to2--
County of Ramsey
Rafael Ortega, Chair
Board of Commissioners
Bonnie Jackelen, ChiefClerk
Board of Commissioners
Approval Recommended:
Ramsey County Workforce Council
Approved as to form:
Assistant County Attorney
Insurance Approved:
Risk Manager
Funds Available:
Fund #
Budgeting and Accounting
G:VSHARED4ldmin\Wmk Force Con.solidationVPA�Final-IPA-012800-redline.wod
City of Saint Paul
Nortn Coleman, Mayor
Fred Owusu, City Clerk
Saint Paul Workforce Development Council,
Approved as to form:
Assistant City Attorney
Funds Available:
Fund #
Director ofFinancial Services
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Eahibit C
osts to be Reimbursed by the County
This e�chibit describes the method for calculatine the wsts to be paid by the County to the Citv for
services provided bv Citv employees for the Consolidated Proeram.
Costs for First Year
The costs will be calculated usine the following
! Base rate: the Cit� cost for an em�loyee that can be billed to a specific Consolidated Pro�grant.
! Indirect rate: the Citds PED indirect cos� includine but not limited to costs for the emplovee's sick
time and vacarion tinne. and costs at the Citv Hall Annex including rent. utiliries. phones. computers.
office supplies and other costs. The grojected indirect rate is Q.80.
! Fringe rate: the City's cost for emnlovee frin¢e benefits. including but not limited to health insurance.
FICA Workers' Comvensation. and pensions. The nredicted frinee rate is 0.28.
! Anv direct unemplovment costs incnrred for Citv em�loyees covered by this Eachibit.
! Emvlovee mileage chazees.
Costs for Second and Future Years
The costs will be calculated using the followin�:
! The Citv's direct payroll charge for the employee.
• The frinae rate, as defined above.
� Other indirect costs attributable to this staff. as mav be neeotiated between the �arties.
� Emplovee mileage chazees.
� Anv direct unem l�ovment costs incurred for Citv emplovees covered bv this Exhibit.
Department of Technology and �� —�o�
Management Services
Peur Hames, Direcmr
City af Saint Paul
Nome Cokmm�, bayor
290 C5ry Aa(t
IS W. Keflogg Bouleva�d
Saint Paul, Minnesam SSIO2
Te(ephane: 651-266-8797
Facsimile: 65l -266-8979
Ianuary 24, 2000
Council President Bostrom and City Councilmembers
300 City Hall
15 West Kellogg Boulevazd
Saint Paul, MN 55102
Subject: Joint Powers Agreement to Consolidate the City and County Workforoe Programs
Dear Councilmembers:
Attached is the joint powers agreement (JPA) that we will ask you to approve at your February 2,
2000 meeting. The Ramsey County Board of Commissioners will consider the JPA ai their January
25 policy session and take final action at their February I, 2000 meeting. Approval by the two
policy bodies wil] cap the past three years' work by a number of advisory groups and people
representing the interests of the numerous workforce stakeholders.
1. Overview. As an overview, you may recall that in my November, 1999 report, I reported that
the County has agreed that its welfare training program and funding, the Minnesota Family
Investment Program-Empioyment Services (IvIFIP-ES) will be included in the consolidated
workforce agency. ln addition, a new County department will be created out of the
consolidation. As in the City-County Pubiic Health consolidation, the JPA guarantees no
employee job loss as a result of the consolidation. Finally, the Mayor of Saint Paul will
appoint, with confirmation by the City Councii, one-half of the members of the new
Workforce Investment Board. The County will appoint the other WIB members. We want to
have the new tVIB in place by July 1, 2000, the effective date of the JPA.
2. Employee Relations. State statute provides that when we make a policy decision that affects
the terms and conditions of our employees' empioyment, we must negotiate the impacts of
those decisions with our their representatives. We have had periodic meetings with the City
and County employee representatives, and bargaining representatives/unions Group (a.k.a. the
Blackbear Crossings Group). Members of this group did participate in the City-County Policy
Working Board until it disbanded in December, 1998. The Blackbear Crossings Group was
established as a follow-up to ensure that employee issues were addressed in the follow-up
work on the December 16, 1998 ceport.
City Councilmembers
January 24, 2000
Page 2
Following the direction of that report, we have used the City-County Public Health IPA as the
model for the Worl�'orce 7PA. We have met with the Crroup four times, the most recent
meeting was January 10, 2000, where we shared the then-current JPA draR with them. It was
the consensus of the Group that there is no ]onger a naed for them to meet because of the
expectation that the JPA will be approved by the policy-making bodies.
The next step, for them, will be to enter into formal negotiations with City and County
representatives to prepare a memorandum of understanding with respect to the JPA's impacts.
J�hn 7ohnson, County Personnel, wili take the lead and will initiate the negotiation process the
first week in February. Again, this approach mirrors the labor relations approach that was
taken in the City-County Public Health Department consolidation.
,3. Transition Planning. Staff from the City Human Resources Office and County's Personnel
Department are working on the development and implementation of a transition plan for the
new department. A draft plan should be ready by the end of January. Implementation will
begin before the July 1, 2000 project deadline and will continue on after that deadline.
4. SPlection of the New County Department Director. The December 16, 1998 report called
tor the recruitment and selection of a new director to lead and manage the consolidated
agency. To create a new County department, the County Board will have to adopt an
ordinance. In addition to preparing that ordinance, I understand that Paul Kirkwold will
recommend to the Board that as soon as they approve the JPA, on February 2, he will begin
the process of filling the director's position. The expectation is that a new director will be on
board by the July 1 launch date. In the meantime, the JPA calls for the County Manager, or
his designee, to manage the transition.
5. yelection of New Workforce Investment Board (WIB) Members. Membership
requirements under the Workforce Investment Act (WIA) changed the nature ofthe citizen
advisory group. The proposed JPA calls for appointing some members of the current City and
C�unty Workforce Councils, for the purpose of a smooth transition, to the new WIB. All
WiB members must, however, meet the requirements of the new federal legislation. The new
WIB must be in place by duly 1, 200� and meeting this deadline will require cooperative effort
between the City and the County, the e�sting Workforce Councils and other groups (e.g., the
Capital City Partnership).
6. Petition to the State for the City-County Service Area Consolidation. An admnustrative
petition needs to be filed with the State Department of Employment Security, one of our
workforce partners and a major stakeholder, by February 5. This is an administrative matter
and will combine the currently-separate City and County service areas into a unified County
service area. This is a step in having the State sanction the consolidation of the City and
County workforce programs.
City Councilmembers
January 24, 2000
Page 3
If you have any questions about the JPA, piease call me at 266-8796. Otherwise, I look forward to
appearing before you on February 2, 2000.
C � Peter Hames ����
Mayor Norm Coleman
Ramsey �ounty Board of Commis-
Commissioner EarS Wilson
Asst. Commissioner Jim Korkki
Gail Blackstone
Craig Btakely
Steve Cvinar
Ginnee Eugberg
Tom Fashingbauer
Amy Filice
Readus Fletcher
Jill Goski
Terry Haltiner
John Hamilton
Jean Hammink
7ohn ;,o,�nson
Ma�y ttarcz
Kath, Megarry
Susan Kimberly
Paul Kirkwold
Karen Kushner
Terry Lindeke
Monty Martin
Pete McCal]
Connie Peikert
Jacqui Shoholm
Gerry Strathman
Ellen Watters
City-County Working Policy Board
Saint Paui Workforce Development Counci]
City Workforce Development Staff
City Employee Bargaining Representatives
City Workforce Vendors
Ramsey County Worl�'orce Council
County Job Training Staff
County Employee Bargaining Representative
County Job Training Vendors
G:\SFIAREDWdmin\Work Force CoMOiidafionl5tatus Reports�24 Jan DO.wpd
00 - toa-
Table of Contents
Purpose.................................................j. ... 4
Definitians ............................................ ......... 4
Term.......................................................... 5
County-City Workforce Investment Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Mission and Goals ................................................ 5
Transition ............................... ....................... 7
New County Department ................ .......................... 7
Consolidated Program Workforce Investm t Board . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Chief Elected Official and Administra,!i � . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
City's Grants, Subgrants, Agreeme s, Contracts and Payment ofRent ........ 9
LevelofServices ................................................ 10
Personnel...................................................... 11
Program Costand Fun ng ......................................... 11
Indemnification, Li ility and Ins; rance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Ternunation.. .......... ....... .............................. 12
Notice... .................................................... 13
Contract rovisions .............................................. 13
Asset........................................................ 14
E ire Agreement and Amendments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
00 -io2-
Joint Powers Agreement
For The Consolidated Ramsey County-City oi' Saint Paul
Workforce Investment Program
This Joint Powers Agreement ("Agreement") is made by and between Ramsey County (" ount}�';
and the City of Saint Paul ("Cit}�'), with the approval of the Ramsey County Wor}�'or Council
("Council") and the Saint Paul Workforce Development Council, Inc. ("SPWDC").
WHEREAS,1vTinn. Stat. §471.59 pernuts governmental units to jointly e ercise powers that each
may separately exercise; and
WHEREAS, County and City are govemmental units as defined i�lViinn. Stat. §471.59; and
WHEREAS, County and Council are currently operating the amsey County Job Training
Program under the 7ob Training Partnership Act (JTPA) a ather laws ("County Job Training
Program"), and the County is operating the Minnesota F mily Investment Program-Employment
Services ("MFIP-ES") with the funding sources descr' ed in Exhibit A attached hereto
(collectively the "County Program"); and
WHEREAS, City and SPWDC are operating
under JT'I'A, and other laws, with the fundin�
and /
Saint Paul Workforce Development Program
irces described in Exhibit A("City Program");
WHEREAS, Congress enacted the 19 Workforce Investment Act (Public Law 105-220)
("WIA"), which will become effecti and replace the JTPA no later than July 1, 2000; and
WHEREAS, the County Job Tr ning Program and the City Program have each applied for
temporary designation as Wo orce Service Areas under WIA; and
WHEREAS, the Ramsey ounty Board of Commissioners u.�u we Saint Paul City Council
authorized the creatio f a Policy Working Board to stuc�y and make a recommendation
regarding the consol' ation of the County Job Training Pro and City Program; and
WHEREAS, on ecember 16, 1998, the Policy Workir:g Board adopted a report ("Report") that
recommende he consolidation of the County Job Training Program and City Program under the
direction management ofthe County; and
�S, the Report was submitted to and approved by the Ramsey County Board of
oners, the Saint Paul City Council, the Mayor of Saint Paul, the Council, and the
00 -to�
VVf�REAS, the County's MFIP-ES provides services that are legislatively directed to re rm the
we3fare system, including placing job seekers into employment; and
WFIEREAS, further policy discussion yielded a recommendation to also consolida the County's
MFIP-ES with the City Program and the County Job Training Program into a ne�i County
department; and
WHEREAS, consolidation of the County Program and City Program will�`erve the shared City
and County interests regarding community development; and �
WF�REAS, the parties to this Agreement desire to effectuate the c'onsolidation of the County
and City Programs into a new County department according to t}�e terms and conditions of this
Agreement; �
NOW, TBEREFORE, in consideration of the Recitals and �xiutua] undertakings and agreements
hereinafter set forth, the parties agree as follows: /
1.1 The purpose of this Agreement is to
creation, organization, and operatioi
County-City workforce investment,�
the terms and conditions relative to the
a new County depan�:�n , of a consolidated
Article II.
2.1 The following terms sha have the indicated meanings as those terms are used throughout
this Agreement:
a. "City's ChiefE cted Official" means the Mayor.
b. "City Counc' ' means the Saint Pau( City Council.
c. "County B rd" means the Board of Ramsey County Co. missione. :.
d. "County' hief Elected OfficiaP' means the County Board.
e. "Direct " means the person or persons who serve in the top leadership position for
the C aty Program.
"JTP " or "Job Training Partnership Act" means Public Law, 97-300, as amended
fro time to time, and the implementing regulations, as issued from time to time.
" eased Premises" means 24,720 square feet of space being used as an employment
raining center by the City at a building located at 215 East Ninth Street, Saint Paul.
"Mayor" means the elected Mayor of the City of Saint Paul.
Do -to a-
i. "Program Manage�" means the person who serves in the top leadership position for,
the City Program.
j. "Transition" means the change from two separate programs, the County Pro am and
the City Progam, to the Consolidated Program.
k. "WIA" or "Worl�'orce Investment Act" means Public Law, 105-220, as ended from
time to time, and the implementing regulations, as issued from time t time.
Article III.
3.1 The initial term of this Agreement shall be five years from t date of complete execution
of the Agreement. This Agreement will automatically ren for additional ten year terms,
unless written notice of intent not to renew is provided either party to the other, at least
this Agreement.
one (1) year prior to the end of the term then in effect In such a case, this Agreement
shall expire at midnight on the last day of the terrn t en in effect.
Article I .
County-City Workforce nvestment Program
The County-City workforce investmen program ("Consolidated Program") is hereby
created by consolidating the City and ounty Programs in accordance with the �c.�nr+.> of
4.2 The County shall operate the C nsolidated Frogram on behalf of both the County and the
City to serve the needs of em oyers and eligible job seekers.
4.3 On July 1, 2000 the Cou y 7ob Training Program and City Progam shall cease
operations and the Con olidated Program shal] commence operations.
4.4 As of 7uly 1, 2C
dissolve. The�
termination oft
e SPWDC and the Council shall cease to pesform their
t for such activiTies as are necessary to cease operation� 3nd
shall execute any legal documents necessary to effect such
Articie V.
Mission and Goals
�'he mission of the Consolidated Program is to be a national leader in effectively moving
people into employment by managing a County-City workforce system that is responsive
to job seeker and employer needs.
52 Goals
The following Consolidated Program goals are hereby estabiished:
Develop and implement a single, integrated workforce system by combining similar
and related programs, including County's MFIP-ES, and developing effective
public-private partnerships in a subregional economy and labor market. �
Establish the Consolidated Program Workforce Investment Board (WIB� as a
broad policy body for all Ramsey County worl�orce activities.
Provide better service to two customers by improving the workfo e system's
response to employer and job seeker needs.
Improve the cost effectiveness of existing programs by elimin ing program
duplication and achieving economies of scale through ad 'm�fistration of one
e. Leverage new financial resources by becoming more
Conform with federal and state reforms by active responding to the state and
federal integration of programs, larger service livery areas, and universal service
Promote the City and County's interests i orkforce development: by ensuring
that the operation ofthe consolidated w kforce system serves the needs of all
County residents and businesses.
Develop enhanced East Metro wor orce policies and partnerships by providing
leadership in policy setting, identi ing and addressing tabor market issues in
Ramsey County and the East tro area, developing a vision for public workforce
s among the required partners in the Minnesota
other regional partners.
ting the local workforce investment activities with
programs, growing partnersh'
Workforce Center System d
Engage employers by co dina
iocal economic develo ent strategies; developing other employer linkages,
through intermediari s such as the locai one-stop operator, or through other
organizations; and ssisting such employers in meeting hiring needs.
j. Improve access refining one-stop facilities and information networks, such as
Partnership and the Suburban Ramsey Family
k. Prepare Y9fith for jobs by providing specialized youth-focused programs and
_ �o�-
Article VI.
6.1 In order to ensure a smooth and orderly transition from the separate
Programs to the Consolidated Program within a new County departi
that there are no gaps in services to clients as a result of the consolii
Manager, or his/her designee, will manage transition activities as de�
Agreement. �
nt,yrand City
�and to ensure
�, the County
in this
6.2 From and after execution of this Agreement, the Director of3h'e County Program and the
Program Manager of the City's Program sha]] report to the ounty Manager, or hisiher
designee, in relation to all transition activities. This repo mg relationship shall continue
until the luring of the director of the new County depa ent, who shall then assume all
management responsibilities, including transition acti� ties.
6.3 Transition activities will include, but are not limit to, the following:
a. Development of the County's new depa ment.
b. Development and implementation oft e work plan for the County's new
department, including the integratio of strategies and programs to provide
uninterrupted services.
c. Development of a transition pla inciuding a visioning process; analysis of
organizational functions and st cture; analysis of staff skills and interests; analysis
oftraining and hiring needs; d analysis ofthe role ofvendors.
d. Training of employees
e. Development, prepara�
Staff from the County
appropriate, will assist
,fecruitment ofadditiona] staff, as necessary.
and management of the new County departmenYs
s Office, and other County and City staff as necessary and
Manager in transition activities.
Article VII.
New County Department
7.1 By 7uly 1, 20 , the County will create a new department ("DepartmenP'), pursuant to the
County Ch er and Administrative Code, that will manage the Consolidated Program in
accordanc with the mission and goals set forth in Article V above, in compliance with
WIA an all applicable federal and state laws and regulations.
7.2 The irector of the Department shall be appointed by the County Manager at a department
di ctor level, following County's normal selection process.
7.3 / The Department shail annually report to the Coumy Board, the Mayor and City Council
j regarding the accomplishments of the Consolidated Program. The reporting shall include
/ the results of job placements and customer satisfaction.
o -�oa-
7.4 Nothing herein shall prevent the Counry from including other programs within
Department as deemed appropriate by the County, so long as the Consolidate5
will not be adversely affected. �
Article VIII.
Consolidated Program Workforce Investment
8.1 The Consolidated Program Workforce Investment Boazd (" ") is hereby created for
the purpose of performing all of the responsibilities of a loc Workforce Investment
Boazd and shall commence its activities on July 1, 2000. e WIB shall comply with WIA
and ali applicable state and federal laws and regulations. Additionally, the WIB shall:
a. In partnership with the County Board, produc a strategic plan, identifying trends,
emerging issues, and appropriate strategies, at integrates the Department's
programs; and
b. Assist the Department in imple
c. In partnership with the County
leverage private and public wo
d. In partnership with the County
financing the provision of wor�
The Vl� will have an advisory role
the strategic plan; and
I„a`eek out and apply for other funds that will
�mvestments; and
f, develop entrepreneurial strategies for
services and implement those strategies.
with respect to MFII'-ES.
83 The members of the WIB shall b appointed as follows: 50 percent of each category of
members shall be appointed by e Mayor, according to the City's Policy Concerning
Citizen Committees; and the ther 50 percent shall be appointed by the County's Chief
Elected Officiai, accordin o its Policy on Advisory Committees and Boards.
The members of the
shall elect the Chair of the WIB, in accordance with WIA.
contain an even number of inembers and an even number of
ory as specified in WIA, state statute, and/or by the WIB itself.
The WIB shall a]
members in each
8.5 In order to ure an effective transition from the County and City Programs to the
Consolidate Program and to use the accumulated sP<ill, knowledge and expertise of the
members the e�sting Council and SPWDC, the members of the first WIB shall be
appoint from a pooi of candidates, including the members of the e�cisting County and
City rkforce councils, and in compliance with the WIA requirements for the
and selection ofinembers.
8.6 order to stagger member terms, the term of one-half of the initial4V� membership will
be one year and the other one-half wiil be two years, and thereafter all terms will be two
a _loa-
8.'7 In its first year, the WIB shall adopt bylaws that shall comply with all County
all state and federal laws and regulations. The bylaws shall include, without F
following: /
a. A conflict of interest clause.
b. Membership requirements that WIB members reside in Ramsey unty, be
employed by a Ramsey County employer, or provide services i Ramsey County.
c. Consideration of removal of inembers for cause or nonatten nce.
8.8 The WIB shall annually report to the County Board and the Ma or and City Council
regazding its accomplishments, including the accomplishment of the Consolidated
Program with respect to the mission and goals specified in icle V above.
Article IX.
Chief Elected Official and
9.1 The City hereby appoints and designates the C nty as its agent with respect to the
operation and management of the Consolidat Pro�ram. Upon the Department
director's request, the City will execute all rant appiications and other necessary
documents for the Consolidated Program
9.2 The County's Chief Elected Officiai s all serve as the Chief Elected Official for the
Consolidated Program, and shall pe orm all duties as required by WIA and federal and
state laws and regulations.
The ChiefElected Official
to WIA requirements.
County is designated as
negotiate a partnership agreement with the WIB according
local fiscal agent for the Consolidated Program.
9.5 The County is respo `ible for the application, planning, implementation, administration,
and reporting of gr ts assigned to it by the City under this Agreement and those future
grants that could ecome part of the Consolidated Program in accord with all applicable
state and federa aws and regulations.
Articte X.
Grants, 5ubgrants, Agreements, Contracts and Payment of Rent
10.1 If a owable by the granting agency, the City wiil assign to the County, effective July l,
20 0, its interests in and ohligations under each grant, agreement, and contract for the
nding sources identified in E�ibit A. The City is responsible for obtaining all necessary
approvals for the assignments. All funds from the assigned grants, agreements, and
contracts in the possession of the City on July 1, 2000 for services to be provided on or
�o -lo�
after July 1, 2000 shall be transferred to the County on that date or as soon thereafter as
may reasonably be done. In the event that a grant, agreement, or contract can not be
assigned to the County, the County will provide the services that are reimbursable under
the grant, agreement, andlor contract on the City's behaif. The City will compensate the
County for all services provided by the County under the grant, agreement and/or contra�
to the ea�tent that the services provided by the County aze aliowed as reimbursemen� �
under the grant, agreement and/or contract.
10.2 The City will assign to the County, effective July I, 2000, its interests in and "ligations
under each grant, agreement, and contract identified in Exhibit B. The Ci , is responsible
for obtaining all necessary approvals for the assignments from the granti " agency. Any
funds encumbered by or receivables owed to the City for services pe rmed prior to 7uly
1, 2000 under the subgants, agreements, and contracts will not beyfansferred to the
County. �°
10.3 The County is responsible for the application, planning
and reporting of grants assigned to it by the City under
grants that may become available to the Consolidated P
applicable state and federal laws and regulations. �
Agreement and of future
�am, in accordance with all
10.4 In consideration of the payment by the county to e City of the following rent, and
subject to the rights ofthe existing tenants, the ounty is entitled to use and occupy the
Leased Premises for the term commencing J 1, 2000 and ending September 30, 2002
on the same terms and conditions as the ex� ting tenants occupying the Leased Premises:
December 31, 2000
June 30, 2001
December 31, 2001
3une 30, 2002
September 30, 2002
Articte XI.
Level of Services
1 l.l The parti acknowledge that provision of services at current levels will depend upon
continu d state and federal funding levets, and continuing authority under applicable state
andfo federal ]aw. If funding or authority changes during the term of the Agreement, the
Ci and County agree to incorporate such changes, as are necessary, into their respective
rchase and sale of service budget and Consolidated Program budget, as applicable.
o O-loa-
I 1.2 The County will annually submit the Consolidated Program proposed budget to the Mayor
and City Council for review and comment regazding the proposed level of services, no
later than August 15 of the year preceding the term of the budget year. Each may sub t
comments, within thiriy (30) days of the receipt of the proposed budget, to the Co ty.
Article XII.
12.1 No current City or County employee who is perforrning workf
the effective date of this Agreement shall be discharged or laid
consolidation. Personnel actions affecting the Consolidated P�
through the annual budgeting processes, or at such time as reu,
� training services on
s a direct result ofthis
n may be taken
circumstances dictate.
12.2 The Consolidated Program will be staffed by County emp yees, and by City employees
who shall provide services as described in this Agreeme , in such capacities as the
L�epartment director shall deterntine.
123 City employees currently working for the City Pr ram will continue as City employees
after 7uly 1, 2000, but wiil provide services to t Consolidated Program under the
following terms:
a. At such time as a City incumbent co ered by this Agreement terminates
employment with the City, any rep cement personnel shall be hired as a County
b. City employees cuttently wor ' g for the City Program who provides services for
the Consolidated Program a City employees shail be subject to the provisions of
applicable union agreeme between the City and unions representing City
employees, and applicab City policy.
c. Any new positions aut orized for the Department shall be County positions.
d. The County shall pa the City for the services provided by the City's employees to
the Consolidated P ogram, effective July I, 2000. The amount to be paid will be
the City's actual irect costs as defined in Exhibit C.
e. This agreeme to purchase City service shall expire when the last City incumbent
terminates e ployment or ceases to provide services to the Consolidated Program,
whichever ccurs first.
Article XIII.
Program Cost And Funding
13.1 The c st of operations of the Consolidated Program shall be funded through federal and
stat grants, private donations, and other sources, including County tax levy funds if such
fu ding is granted by the County Board of Commissioners. The City shall have no
ligation ta contribute any tax levy money to the Consolidated Program.
13.2 If funding is inadequate to cover the costs of operation of the Consolidated Program,
County may elect to allocate County ta�c levy money to the Consolidated Program,
increase other revenues, andlor reduce Consolidated Program costs and/or redu�
services. /
Article XIV.
Indemnification, Liability, and Insurance
14.1 Each party shall remain liable for any damages, loss, liability,
judgments, or expenses resulting directiy or indirect]y from a
party, its employees, elected officials, or agents, in relation t
operations prior to the effective date of the Consolidated P�
s, causes of actioq
or omission of the
party's program
14.2 Effective July 1, 2000, the County will be responsible r its own acts and omissions and
the acts aud omissions of its employees, elected offi 'als and agents, and for the acts and
omissions of City employees while performing se ces for the Consolidated Program as
they relate to this Agreement and for any liabilit resulting therefrom, to the extent
authorized by law.
14.3 Consistent with the provisions of sections 4.l and 14.2 herein, each party agrees to
defend, indemnify and hold harmless the ther party, its employees, elected officials, and
agents fron� :iabitity, claims, cause of action, judgments, damages, losses, costs or
expenses resulting directly or indirec y from any act or omission of the indemnifying
party, its employees, elected offici s, or agents.
14.4 Each party warrants that it is a e to comply with the aforementioned indemnity
requirements through comm cial insurance or a self-funding program.
14.5 All insurance policies or If-insurance certificates shall be open to inspection by each
party and con��� of the olicies or certificates of self-insurance shall be submitted to a
party upon •.,ritten re uest.
14.6 Each party's liabi ' shall be governed and limited by the Municipal Tort Claims Act,
Minn. �tat. Ch � �r 466, common law immunities, and other applicable law.
Article XV.
shall terminate:
a. � upon the consent ofthe parties as evidenced by a written resolution ofthe
� goveming body of each party; or
when necessitated by operation of law; or
c. as a result of a decision by a court of competent jurisdiction.
b b - lo�-
15.2 Either party may terminate this Agreement without cause upon one year's prior written
notice to the other party. During the one year notice period, the City and the County st
take ail reasonable steps to provide continuity of services and ongoing funding after th�
termination date. /
15.3 Termination shall not discharge any liability incurred by the parties during the erm of this
Agreement prior to the effective date of termination.
15.4 The provisions of Articles XIV of this Agreement shall survive ternv tion of this
15.5 Upon temrination of this Agreement, the Consolidated Progra shall cease to exist, and
the assignment of the City's grants to the County shall cease d temrinate.
16.1 Al] notices, written requests, or demands
Agreement or any statute or ordinance st
certified mail.
16.2 All notices, written requests, or
Ramsey County:
Ramsey County Manager
Room 250
15 W. Kellogg Blvd.
Saint Paul, MN 55102
City of Saint Paul:
City of Saint Paul
Room 390
15 W. Kellogg vc'
Saint Paul, 55102
or made by a party under the terms of this
in writing and shall be sent registered or
shall be sent to the following addresses:
Saint Paul City Attorney
Room 400
15 W. Keliogg Blvd.
Saint Paul, MN 55102
Article XV1I.
Contract Provisions
17.1 T matters set forth in the Recitals are incorporated into and made part ofthis
greement as though fully set forth as terms herein.
Article XVIII.
18.1 As and for partial consideration ofthe duties and responsibilities undertaken b the
County under this Agreement, the City shall conditionaliy transfer certain p sonal
property purchaed by the City Program to the County. Within sia�ty (60) ays of
execution of this Ageement, the City will provide an inventory of the p rsonal property to
be transferred to the County, and will deliver possession thereof to t County. Upon
ternrination of this Agreement, the County shall return to the City s ch personal property,
or any replacement of such personal property which was purchas d with Consolidated
Program funding during the term of the Agreement.
Article XIX.
Entire Agreement and A
19.1 It is understood and agreed that the entire agreeme between the parties is contained
herein and tha.t this Agreement supersedes all oral greements and negotiations between
the parties relating to the subject matter hereof. All terms referred to in this Agreement
are incorporated or attached and are deemed be part of this Agreement.
19.2 Any alterations, variations, modific
only be valid when they have been
signed by the parties hereto.
lr waivers of provisions of this Agreement shall
2o writing as an amendment to this Agreement
Wherefore, the parties have execut,�d this Agreement the last date set forth below.
oo- te�
County of Ramsey
Rafael Ortega, Chair
Board of Commissioners
Bonnie Jackelen, Chief Clerk
Board of Commissioners
Approval Recommended:
Ramsey County Workforce Councit
Approved as to form:
Assistant County Attorney
Insurance Approved:
Risk Manager �
Funds Available:
Fund #
and Accounting
City of Saint Paul
Norm Coleman, Mayor
Funds Avail. Sle:
Fund #
Fred Owusu,
Saint Paul
Development Council,
Approved as to form:
Assistant City Attomey
Director of Financial Services
b a -1��
Exhibit A
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, Exhibit B
Subgrants, Agreements, and Contracts to be assigned to the County
for the Consotidated Program
Workforce Merger
Purchase of Service Vendor Worksheet
Saint Pau/ Workforce Development Progiam
' Vendor Service(s) Contract Cortract CoMca Eaccnt2ets Other
� Name Provided Amount Begin Date End D te ending after Comments
(see item t.t
Of instructions)
- EmpbymeM AcGon CeMer St. PaW Co. OW 352,500 12lOtl99 72t31l00 0: Prog. Ends
Labor Studies 8 Resource St. Paul Co. DW 352,500 72/0 9 1?131/00 D: Prog. Ends
^ Merrick Community ServiGes Enterprise 2one State 246,362 Ot /Oil00 12l31lO7 D: Prog. Entls
Saint Paul Public Schools NaPIC WtW 15 ,500 07f01/98 11/30/W D: Prog. Ends
Saint Paul Technical College � NaPIC WtW S� 157,500 � 07/Di/98 � 71/30/00 � D: Prog. Ends
b o -�oa-
Exhibit C
Draft {t�lovember 1,1999) 0� 1oe—
For discussion purposes only: not for citntion or attribution.
The Enhnnced City-County Workforce Agency Consolidntion O rview
VII. Bnckground and Introduction
Three yeazs ago, a public-private group, from Ramsey County, beg preparing for the end
ofwelfaze. Two yeazs ago, another group started designing a jo' powers agreement that
would merge the City and County's workforce development ag cies. One year ago, the US
congress passed the Workforce Investment Act (WIA) of 199 to replace the Job Training
and Partnership Act. We are at a point where bold and cre ve leadership can cause a
confluence of these three actions. Unlike the Mississippi d Minnesota rivers, however,
this confluence will not happen naturally.
To move toward confluence, on September 22 Sus Kimberly presented a list of City
interests (see II below), regarding the creation of inerged City and County warkforce
agency that would include the Minnesota Fami Inveshnent Program (MFIP), to County
At the end of that meeting, Ms. Kin
proposal is responsive to the City's
more detail.
In order to stay on track with
(JPA), the August 6, 1999 dr.
points: ' ,
;d for more detail on how the consolidation
This overview answers the request to present
[evelopment of a new City-County joint powers agreement
'A will need to be modified to contain the following
• The creation of a ew County deparhnent, containing at least the City and County
(1�IP). P
agency's r
• There
es and the County's Minnesota Family Inveshnent Program
is a$10 million program that doubles the size of the merged
be no joint powers board, which was proposed in the December 16, 1998
ping the lines of authority and accountability simple.
• Tky61oca1 elected official(LEO) functions will be performed by the Ramsey County
�oazd of Commissioners, again, keeping the lines of authority and accountability
• The new Workforce Investment Board (WIB), will be created in the manner defined
in the WIA and will report to the Ramsey County Board of Commissioners.
• The Mayor of Saint Paul will appoint, with confimiation by the Sa3nt Paul City
Council, one-half of the new WIB members. The County Board will appoint the
other one-half of the new WIB members.
• New leadership will be found to manage the new County department.
Page 4
Draft (November 1, 1999) 00 —�oa—
For discussion purposes only: not for citation or nttribution. �
II. City Interests
The City's interests (not listed in priority order) in the proposed merger of City d County
Workforce agencies are:
1. Serving e�sting and future businesses.
2. Serving our business customers within the subregion; that i the Saint Paul-East
Metro subregional area.
3. Retaining, growing and attracting businesses that ma' tain and expand our t�
4. Placing Saint Paul residents on jobs in Saint P ar elsewhere. Placing job
seekers in Saint Paul jobs.
Supporting and providing a steady suppl of trained workers that match the skill
needs of our businesses and industries. the event of economic downturns or
business reversais, assisting in retrai �ng and dislocated worker efforts.
Preparing youth for jobs.
Having an integrated workfo e investment strategy that includes public (e.g.,
Workforce Investment Act, elfare-to-Work, ISD No. 625, etc.), private and
foundation funding.
8. Having the "new" wot'kforce agency provide better services than the currently-
sepazate City and C�unty agencies.
9. Hauing Workfo ce Investment Board (WIB) members who are at a high level, see
the Saint Pa ast Metro labor market's "big picture" (e.g., who aze aware of the
sector job s 11 shortages and the need for filling those shortages), and can identify
jobs outs' e of Saint Paul.
nni versal employment services and customized training as well as
reforxn services.
one-stop access through the state/federally-required workforce center
Having WIB boazd members who reflect and advocate the City's interests.
13. Having a reporting system that shows results in matching employer needs with job
seeker availability.
14. Focusing on job placement results, measuring performance based upon job
placement results, and using feedback loops that continuously monitor employer
Page 5
Draft (November 1,1999) Da'�
For discussion purposes only: not for citation or attribution.
and job seeker customer satisfaction.
III. County Interests
County staff and Workforce Council members have reviewed these materials and believe
these interests are in line with the actions of the Policy Working Board, which approved the
merger on December 16, 1998, and are consistent with County interests.
Also, the sections below are taken from Ramsey County Stf-ategic Planning Guide for
Econoxnic Development. Note the congruence between the County's intended economic
development results and the City's interests. Clearly, the City and County share similar
interests and these shazed interests can form the foundation of a successful City-County
Workforce Development agency consolidation.
As a result...By the 21n Century, Ramsey County will increase its ability to ath'act, retain and
expand businesses, as well as build a friendly and atisactive business climate. The resulting
economic growth and condirion will position the County as a nafional leader in providing an
increasing number of enhy level and living wage jobs, expanding our tas base, and diversifying our
economy. The County's vision focuses on establishing a stable economy that reflects and
conhibutes to the County's overall qualiry of life.
As a result...Educarional institutions (K-12 and technology post secondary) will adjust to meet the
chanaing demands of indushy as the County's population diversifies and our economy moves
further into a global azena requiring higher skills. Colleges and universities, particulazly in the
public sector, will become better prepazed to train and retrain workers. The County govemment
will facilitate regional public and private partnerships among colleges, universiries and reseazch
institutions to tum this educational concentration into a world class engine for enterprise
development. Our educarional inslitutions will continue to educate, train and develop new
generations of leaders.
As a result...The County government will foster regional partnerships involving public, private, and
nonprofit organizations, as well as the County's citizens. These parhierships will support business
crearion, retention and expansion through a comprehensive system of access to fmancing,
technology transfer, technical support and export assistance. These partnerships will provide a
mechanism for expanding jobs and ownerslup opporfuniries for the economically disadvantaged,
recognizing the increasing racial and ethnic diversity of our population. The County govemment, in
partnership with other regional units, will have a central role in marketing our local assets, including
our qualiry of life, qualified workforce, diverse cultural assets, and attractive neighborhoods to
existing and prospecrive businesses.
As a resu[t...The County government will take a regional approach to economic development. It
will encourage systexnatic development of commercial, indushial, residential, and agricukural zones
to reverse the wasteful trend toward urban sprawl. County partners will build a sustainable
economic development infrastructure, recognizing the value of our attractive neighborhoods, the
importance of reinvesting in the urban core, the key role of downtown azeas, and the unique asset
represented by the Mississippi River. T'he County govemment will rehabilitate indush sites,
generate new business areas and spur development in new residenfial azeas. These businesses will
be accessible through a comprehensive and integrated transportation system that serves both people
and products. This approach will support the varied local economies of our distincrive and diverse
communities. The County will increase the number of jobs available, raise the qualiry of these
posirions and reduce pover[y, especially in communiries of color."
Page 6
�raft (November 1, 1999) O'0 �1��
For discussion purposes only: not for citation or attribution.
IV. Additional Attnchments
To provide additional detail, the following documents are aitached:
A. New City-County Workforce Agency Organization Chart
Based upon discussions to date, the relationslup of the consolidated agency to its
intemal and extemal components is illustrated.
B. City-County Workforce Agency Mission and Goals
Based upon the December 16 1998 report and subsequent discussions, a mission
and goals statement for the consolidated agency is described
C. City-County Workforce Investment Board Proposal
Based upon the WIA requirements and the vision of the community forum, a
proposal for the new WIB is described.
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Draft (November 1,1999)
For discussion purposes only: not for citation or nttribution.
Attachment A
New City-County Workfarce Agency
Organizational Chart
Board of Commissioners
50% of WIB Membership
County Manager
Workforce Agency
• Workforce Centers
Job Seekers �� �� Employers
G:SHARED�.4dmin\Work Force ConsolidaAOn\Org-chart.wpd
Mayor Appoints and
City Council Confirms
50% of WIB Membership
Workforce Investment Boaxd
(Community Collaboration
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braft (November 1, 1999)
For discussion purposes only: not for citation or attribution.
Attachment B
City-County Workforce Agency Mission and Goals
3.1 Mission
As part of a business retention and growth strategy, to be a narional leader in effectively moving
people into employment through an integrated, public-private, subregional City-County-East Metro
workforce system providing universal employment services, customized training and welfare
reform services—that is responsive to the current and future needs of employers and job seekers, its
two primary customers.
3.2 Goals
The following consolidated City-County workforce program goals will achieve the mission:
a. Establish the City-County Workforce Investment Board (WIB) as a broad policy body:
by setting and monitoring intea ative policies for pubic-private workforce-preparation
programs within local economic development, education (including secondary and post
secondary institutions), welfare and job-training programs, and funding sources.
b. Provide better service to two customers: by 'vnproving the workforce system's response to
employer needs, and to job seeker needs.
c. Improve the cost effectiveness of egisting programs: by eliminating program duplication
and achieving economies of scale by administering one system instead of two and repork�ng the
results of job placement and customer satisfaction..
d. Develop a single integrated system: by combing similar and related programs, and
developing effective public-private partnerships in a subregional economy and labor mazket.
e. Leverage new tinancial resoixrces: by becoming more entrepreneurial and comperitive, the
consolidated agency will generate new resources for workforce development including
Minnesota Family Inveshnent Program funds.
f. Conform with federal and state reforms: by actively responding to the state and federal
integration of programs, larger service delivery areas, and universal service requirements.
g. Preserve the City and County's interests in workforce development: by ensuring that the
operarion of the consolidated workforce system serves the needs of all residents and
businesses, wherever they are located or reside.
h. Develop subregional workforce policies and partnerships: by providing leadership in
policy setting; idenrifying and addressing labor market issues in Ramsey County; developing a
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Draft (November 1, 1999)
For discussion purposes on1y: not for citntion or nttribution.
vision for public workforce programs; developing partrierships among the required partners in
the Minuesota workforce center system and other regional partners; designating the local
Minuesota workforce center system operator(s).
i. Engage employers: by coordinating the local workforce investment activities with local
economic development stzategies; developing other employer linkages, through intermediaries
such as the local one-stop operator, or through other organizations; assisting such employers in
meeting hiring needs.
j. Improve access: by use of one-stop facilities and information networks.
k. Prepare youth for jobs: by providing special youth-focused programs and through youth-
focused partnerships.
Create a new model for workforce policy setting: by appointing public and private leaders
to the new Workforce Investment Board.
G:�SHARED�Admin\Work Force ConsolidaSonVPAV�lission and goals 100599.wpd
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Drnft (November 1,1999)
For discussion purposes only: not for citation or attribution.
Attachment C
City-County Workforce Investment Board Proposal
It is possible to blend a key piece from the East Metro community collaboration forum, which looks
broadly at an integrated workforce investment strategy, with a consolidarion of City programs into the
L The County would merge its MFIP job training program and funds into the new County
department, exposing MFIl' to the policy influence of the Workforce Investment Board (WIB).
The County Board will retain program oversight, including budget responsibility. The County
might, at some point, bring other programs (e.g., CDBG, economic development) to the new
agency if it fits with their strategic vision (see Ramsey County Strategic Planning Guide). Thi;
could also foster new relationships with the City's economic development agencies.
II. The consolidated department would staff Stakeholder Roundtables (employers, educational
organizarions, labor unions, economic development agencies, government agencies, foundations,
and community-based organizarions) to nominate a pool of candidates from which the Mayor and
County Board could draw to appoint members to the Workforce Inveshnent Board.
TII. The consolidated depar(ment would host an annual Comxnunity Collaboration Forum, co-chaired
by the Mayor of Saint Paul and the Chair of the Board of Commissioners, to recommend, at a broad
policy level, what an integrated Workfarce Investment Strategy would be.
IV To ensure that the City's interests and the County's interests are both fulfilled, and after broad
consultation with interested parties, the Mayor would appoint 50% of the WIB (from those
nominated by the Stakeholder Roundtables) and the Chair of the County Board would appoint the
other 50% (from those nominated by the Stakeholder Roundtables) of the WIB members. The
Mayor's appointees will be confirmed by the City Council.
V. The Chair of the WIB would be a business representative selected by the Chair of the county Board
in consultation with the Mayor of Saint Paul.
VI. The WIB itself would be a high-level group (e.g., CEOs of 3M; Minnesota Life; the Saint Paul
Companies, Inc.; the Archbishop of the Saint Paul Arch Diocese; the President of the University of
Minnesota; ISD 625 Superintendent; the Mayor, Chair of the County Board, etc.) as envisioned by
the WIA of 1998. Its members will include both employers, including small businesses and job
seekers. The WIB will meet twice a year to set broad policy and elect a small Executive Committee
that would meet monthly to oversee the operational details of policy unplementarion.
VIL The WIB will annually report to the County Board and the Saint Paul Mayor and City Council
regazding its accomplishments and the accomplishments of the consolidated agency with respect to
its mission and goals.
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0 0 -toa—
Drnft (November 1, 1999)
For discussion purposes only: not for citntion or nttribution.
Attachment E
Ramsey County Strategic Planning Guide for Economic Development
I. Vision
By the 21� Cenhuy, Ramsey County will have an economy, built on its sh�engths, that achieves a world class status:
Zt will have built on its tradiKOn of regional cooperation, a structure of intergovemmental and public-private cooperafion
that provides a seamless system of support for economic development.
It wiZl have built on its traditinn of high quality workers, a workforce with the advanced technical skills and strong work
ethic capable of acting as one of the region's dominant competirive advantages.
It will have bui[t oa its tradiHon of a diverse economy, an economy imxnune to cyclical economic downtums.
It will kave bui[t on its tradition of innovaflon, an entrepreneurial culture that embraces excellence and innovarion at every
level, from the smallest business to the lazgest corporation.
It will have bui[t on its tradi&on of a high quality of life, a sustainable economy which prevents pollution, provides fanrily-
supporting employment, and preserves resources for generations yet to come.
As a result...By the 21 Cenhuy, Rainsey County will increase its ability to attract, retain and expand businesses, as well as
buIld a friendly and attractive business climate. The resulting economic growth and condition will position the County as a
national leader in providing an increasing number of entry level and living wage j obs, expanding our tas base, and
diversifying our economy. The County's vision focuses on establishing a stable economy that reflects and conhibutes to
the County's overall quality of life.
As a result...Educational institutions (K-12 and technology post secondary) will adjust to meet the changing demands of
industry as the County's popularion diversifies and our economy moves further into a global arena requiring higber skills.
Colleges and universities, particulazly in the public sector, will become better prepazed to train and retrain workers. The
County government will facilitate regional public and private parfnerships among colleges, universiries and reseazch
institu6ons to turn this educarional concentration into a warld class engine for enterprise development. Our educarional
institutions will continue to educate, hain and develop new generations of leaders.
As a result...The County govemment will foster regional partnerships involving public, private, and nonprofit
organizations, as well as the County's citizens. These partnerships will support business crearion, retention and expansion
through a comprehensive system of access to fmancing, technology transfer, technical support and export assistance. These
partnerships will provide a mechanism for expanding jobs and ownership opportunities for the economically
disadvantaged, recognizing the increasing racial and ethnic diversity of our populafion. The County government, in
partnership with other regional units, will have a central role in marketing our local assets, including our quality of life,
qualified workforce, diverse cultural assets, and attracrive neighborhoods to e�sting and prospective businesses.
As a result...The County government will take a regional approach to economic development. It will encourage systematic
development of commercial, industdal, residenrial, and agriculhual zones to reverse the wasteful trend towazd urban
sprawl. County partners will build a sustainable economic development infrastruchue, recognizing the value of our
attractive neighborhoods, the importance of reinvesting in the urban core, the key role of downtown areas, and the unique
asset represented by the Mississippi River. The County government will rehabilitate indushial sites, generate new business
azeas and spur development in new residential areas. These businesses will be accessible through a comprehensive and
integrated transportarion system that serves both people and products. This approach will support the varied local
economies of our distinctive and diverse communiries. The County will increase the number of jobs available, raise the
quality of these positions and reduce poverry, especially in communiUes of color.
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Drnft (November 1,1999)
For discussion purposes only: not for citation or attribution.
As a resuU...The County govemment will improve the delivery of its own services, increase its own efficiency, decrease its
own costs, reduce burdensome regularion and consolidate redundant govemment programs and services. The County
goverument's economic development plan will serve as a model for the type of economic development progcam being
sought by other public sector, private sector, and nonprofit entities tUroughout the nation.
Fiaally...By the 21�` cenhuy, the County will have increased its economic efficiency, engaged citizens in the sharing of
decisions and responsibiliries, supported and challenged our educational systems, and built a sense of community and civic
pride among all County iesidents.
II. Critical Issues and Strategies
A. Share area facilifies. The County could lead the effort to encourage schools, pazks and recrearion departments,
businesses, nonprofit agencies, and post secondary institurions to share facilifies in an effort to increase afrer school
activifies. Funding might come from County govemment, school districts, and businesses.
jIn 1996, Ramsey Counry initiated a community-based approach to welfare reform, called the Ramsey County
Community Parhzership for Welfare Reform. In 1997, the Partnership evoZved into the Community Employment
Parmership (CEP) with the following goal: "To Foster ecoraomic stability and growth by investing in Ramsey Couniy's
workforce and by linking and supporring job seekers and employers. " The Partnership has included over 1, 000
individuals making contributions.
The CEP is in the process of creating 10 community-based Work Resource Hubs where job seekers (welfare recipients
and others) can access a variety of employment, financial, and support resources. The CEP is also developing
Centralized Support Services for job seekers and employers, which includes a single point of contact for employers,
redesign of workforce prepararion strategies, and pilot projects to further job seeker/empdoyer contact in specialized
B. Reducing poverty through economic development strategies.
• Educate the workforce. School districts could iniriate this strategy. 5chools and businesses together could work
to educate the workforce and invest in human potenrial Financial support might come from school districts and
County and city governments. Other support might come from schools, businesses, and post secondary
(Ramsey County is implementing a new welfare system, replacing the old entitlement program that had few
ecpectations ofrecipients to a temporary assistance program with work expectations for recipients. The new
statewide weZfare-to-work program, caZZed the Minnesota Family Investment Program, has as its goal the
movement of welfare families into the workforce and out ofpoverty. The Community Employment Partnership is
an integral part of this new, multifaceted welfare strategy.J
(Ramsey County Jab Training operates youth programs and is involved in the School to Work Initiative, which are
all directed at working on educating the workforce in Ramsey County.J
C. Increasing job opportunities.
• Increase availability of loans and technical assistance to small and micro businesses. The County and ciries
could take the lead. Nonprofits could work to increase the amount of loans and technical assistance available to
small businesses. Funding might come from foundations, govemments, and banks. Support may be offered by
nonpiofit organizazions, banks, community development agencies, and coxporarions.
[The Service Corp ofRetired Executives (SCORE) provides volunteer services from refired executives who help
struggling businesses.J
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Draft (November 1, 1999)
For discussion purposes only: not for citntion or nttribution.
• Identify resources for product development This strategy could be initiated by State government and would
involve utiliziug the resources of post secondary institurions for product development and support. Development
would not be limited to high-tech products. Funding may perhaps come from State government and the private
D. Developing partnerships to create and implement an educarional, training, or retraining system that would
equip workers with the skills needed to acquire jobs in an advancing, changing, and diversifying work industry.
• Develop partnerships between post secondary institurions and schools to foster skills educarion and vocational
training. City and County job training programs could lead trris effort. Post secondary insritutions and schools
may wish to establish a partnership to offer skills educarion and vocarional training. 5upport could come from
businesses and schools, and possible sources of funding aze schools and State government.
[Ramsey County Job Training operates a Dislocated Worker Program thatprovides training to a segment of the
E. Eliminating business opportunity barriers.
• Set appropriate repayment periods on deferred loans available to small businesses for infrastructure
improvements. City and County goveminents could lead this strategy. City, County, and community
development corporations may wish to increase the time small businesses have to repay loans. Support might be
received from businesses, and Federal and State governments could supply funding.
• Develop cooperative networks for businesses. Local chambers of commerce could lead and monitor this
shategy. Nonprofit organizations may wish to establish networks to give support (e.g., mazketing, mentoring) for
local businesses. Funding might be donated by the private sector and State and Federal govenune�ts. The County,
cities, and area businesses may wish to support this strategy.
[The Metro East Development Partnership is a nonprofit regional economic development partnership that helps
new or ecisting businesses relocate to the metropolitan area or find new sites for expansion. Its service area
includes Ramsey, Dakota, and Washington Counries.
The Ramsey County Community Employment Partnership operates a JobConnect pilot project.J
F. Having strategies that address all economic development critical issues.
• Focus education on what it has to provide to meet the needs of a world class economy. This strategy could be
coordinated by a coalirion of leaders from business, County government, nonpxofit, and Mgher education
institutions. These four sectars may wish to work together to focus education on economic needs and monitor the
results. Funding from existing educafion sources might be used in this process. Support could come from
businesses, the County, educators, and nonprofit agencies.
• Identify and review current ecanomic development incentives on an ongoing basis to meet the needs of the
time. This strategy could be initiated by post secondary institutions, businesses, the County, and chambers of
commerce. Post secondary insfiturions could be responsible for evaluating economic development incentives. If
the incenrives do not meet needs, the post secondary insritutions could redesign them. Funding for this shategy
might come from existing resources and tas increment financing.
G:VSHARED�ldmin\Work Force ConsolidarionViC Econ Dev
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Draft (November 1,1999)
For discussion purposes only: not for citntion or attribution.
atta�hment F
JPA Outline
Following is a secrion-by-secrion review of the August 6, 1999 draft JPA with the changes to be made to reflect the discussions with
Commissioner Ortega.
No change.
II. Term.
The initial term is five yeazs. The JPA will automatically renew itself for ten-yeaz terms thereafter. The JPA can be
canceled with one yeaz's written notice.
III. Mission and Goals.
Changed to reflect the above points and the Zist of City interests.
IV. Definitions.
The section will be updated to xeflect current definirions.
V. City of Saint Paul-Ramsey County Workforce Investraent Program.
No change.
VI. TransitionPeriod.
Fill in the modified dates Taken from the merger work program.
VII. Joint Powers Boazd.
Delete references to the.7oint Powers Board. Instead, modify to reflecz the Ramsey County Board of Commissioners' role
as the local elected official (LEO).
VIII. WoxkforceInvestmentBoazd.
The section will be modified to make it cdear that the N'orkforce Investment Board (GVIB) is ultimately advisory to the
Ramsey County Board of Commissioners. The section wi11 also provide for appointment of 50% YPIB members by the
Mayor of Saint Paul. A decision needs to be made as to whether or not the N'IB wi11 reflect the membership proposed in
the August 6 draft JPA or the membership proposed by Mr. Middleton or some combinafion.
IX. Program Operations and Aduvnis4ation.
The section will be modified to reflect the absence of the Joint Powers Board, the Board of Commissioners as the local
elected offzcial and the relatzonship between the LEO and WIB.
X. Budget and Levei of Services.
No changes.
XI. Personnel.
Modify to reflect that the.7oint Powers Agreement is the purchase ofservice agreement.
XII. Program Cost and Funding.
No changes.
XIII. Indemnificarion, Liability and Insurance.
Boilerplate: no change.
XIV. Ternvnation.
Section needs to be updated to reflect the absence of a Joint Powers Boazd.
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For discussion purposes only: nofi for cifiafiion or afifiribution.
XV. Norice.
Section needs to be completed
XVI. Con4act Provisions.
No change.
XVII. Contract for Services.
Add a description of the services that the City will provide to the County, under the conso2idated agency and the services
that the County will provide to the City, under the consolidated agency. This will include the Minnesota Family Inveshnent
Program (MFIP) services.
XVIII. Assets.
Boilerplate needs to be inserted, using the City-County Public Health Joint Powers Agreement. In that JPA, all City assets
were turned over to the County.
XIX. Entire Agreement and Alterarions.
No change.
G:\SHARED�P.dmin\Work Force ConsolidationVPAUPA Outline.wpd
Page 17
Febmary 22, 2000
�Nr �AVL � ���1 President Dan Bostrom
CHAMSbR OP COMMERCE S�tPaul City Counci]
15 West Kellogg Boulevazd
320 B-City Hall
Saint Paul, MN 55102
� Dear Coiutcil President Bostrom,
Firs� Narional Bank Building. N-20S
032 Minncwca S�r«�
Sain� I'�W. Minncson 55101
Phonr. 651.223.5000
Pax: GS 1.223.5119
t,1G �c�.� .�yyJ 1• Vl�� vV
MIDWAY �° -r ��
We write as business advocates for the east metro area in support of
consolidating the Ramsey County and City of Saint Paut Workforce Investment
Programs. Employers t�ave long teken the position that consolidafion will
• A focus on results with business as a primary wstomer
• A commihnent to systemic change
• System performance measured on specific and measurable outcomes
• Market-8tiven vision end leadersMp
Employers are confusad by rivo sepazate enYities that provide similar services. A
consolidation of Ramsey County and Saint Paul eliminates at least one of the
entities that an employer needs to understand in order to become engaged. The
engagement of private sector employers is crrticul to sustain the robust economy
of the region with a competent and producdve workforce.
The employets on the Saint Paul Workforce Council appmve the consolidation,
and fiut[�er recommend that the Coune7 becomes a hve Board that fnnctions as
an inciusive focum for business, govemment, and other organiza6ons within the
&amework of the existing nonprofit cocpoiallon [SOi(c)(3jj. This represents a
more entrepreneurial approach W providing workforce and economic
development leadership to �spond to the neerls of the rnsrket place. The way to
maintain employer interest is to be more than a superficial advisory group. Staff
dedicated to the work of the board wouid then implement the plan for a market-
driven vision.
It is the position of the 5aint Pau1 Area and Midway Chambers of Commerce that
a consolidation, with an engaged private sector, is the way to ensure that both the
zmployer and the job seeker customers are served. �
♦ r�t re��. �-rr
i Sinc ]y,
Larry Dowell
Saint Paul Area Chamber of Commerce
�E ''"`.�'v r.v�.�.Q.�
tlen Watters
Midway Chamber of Commerez
TOTfaL P.08