85-1379 WHITE - GITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L Council y A CANARV - DEPARTMENT �7` �// � BLUE - MAVOR File NO. � /✓ �• . ,Co cil Resolution Presented By � Referred o �//1/{`�-l�f C.��� Committee: Date �� � ��-� Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, That the proper City officials are hereby authorized and directed to execute an agreement with the Department of Education, State of Minnesota, for the establishment of a lending library relationship with the Division of Libraries, City of Saint Paul , subject to the terms and conditions of said agreement, a copy of which is to be kept on file and of record in the Department of Finance and Management Services. COUNC[LMEN Yeas .�� Nays Requested by Department of: _�„��� � Community Services Masanz In Favor NiCOSia scr,eibei __ Against BY ' Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: Date �cT ; � 1905 Form Appr ed by Cit ttor S Certified a_ � Council S tar BY By l�pproved by ;Vlavor. � �- �V"' ���?t�� � � 19 5 APP�oved by Mayor ubmi ion to Council By �_ ��M-c�"—, Y PUEI��N�� 0 C T 1 9 1985 t � Community Services/Libraries ' .DEPARTMENT .- , �, N° 606 Jerry Steenberg CONTACT , 292-6211 PHONE September 4, 1985 ' DATE 1 e�� � ' d�'�—/3�9 ASSIGN NUh�ER FOR ROUTING ORDER (�lip All Locations for Signature): �Department Director ' �Director of Management/Mayor � Finance and Management Servic�s Director S City Clerk Budget Director � �J,� Finance Accounting � City Attorney b ' � oY ' WHAT WILL BE ACHIEVED BY TAKING A�TION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ , Rationale) : Continuation of the State of Minn�sota, Department cf �c��ea�ic,�, interlibrary loan program provided. by the Saint Paul Public Library to non-metro�olitar� area library systemS. '� ��-��.. RECEIVED � �6 w"°dr�C� 0.� � ���' '- SEP � , ; ;� 0.\ ���4}-�;F, 1985 � COST/BENEFIT, BUDGETARY AND PERSOf�NEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATEOI3��F,�� CIIY ATTOR��EY The agreement provides the sharin� of information resources, provides total funding of expenses and provides four (4) FT 's covered in ������,�F��Is Budget for 1985 and 1986. , sEP � r ��a� , rr;�r��:,��� �;r��;� FINANCING SOURCE AND BUDGET ACTIVITY NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- ture not re- Total Amount of Transaction: �178,600 quired if under $10,000) Funding Source: 355 I Activity Number: 33430 �!, _ R��r���Cn ATTACHMENTS (List and Number All A�ttachments) : � � ! S FP � ,� � . , u.;i; 1. Council Resolution `' 2. Agreement (4 copies) for fiscal year 1986. OFFICE QF iH_ �� ;�:,,�,� DEPAR7MEr�7 r-;. �-;1 c II AND MANAGEf�ictvt 5�;.,r;`_� DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW �Yes No Council Resolution R�equired? Resolution Required? Yes No Yes X No Insurance Required? � Insurance Sufficient? Yes No /�i� Yes X No Insurance Attached: ' (SEE REVE�tSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/g4 I i HOW TO USE THE GREEN SHEET The GREEN SHEET has several PURPOSES: l. to assist in routing documents and in securing required signatures 2. to brief the reviewers of documents on the impacts of approval 3. to help ensure that necessary supporting materials are prepared, and, if required, attached. � Providing complete information under the listed headings enables reviewers to make decisions on the documents and eliminates follow-up contacts that may delay execution. The COST/BENEFIT, BUDGETARY AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS heading provides space to explain the cost/benefit aspects of the decision. Costs and benefits related both to City budget (General Fund and/or Special Funds) and to broader financial impacts (cost to users, homeowners or other groups affected by the action) . The personnel impact is a description of change or shift of Full-Time $quivalent (FTE) positions. If a CONTRACT amount is less than $10,000, the Mayor's signature is not required, if the department director signs. A contract must always be first signed by the outside agency before routing through City offices. Below is the preferred ROUTING for the five most frequent types of documents: CONTRACTS (assumes authorized budget exists) 1. Outside Agency 4. Mayor � 2. Initi.ating Department 5. Finance Director 3. City Attorney 6. Finance Accounting ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER (Budget Revision) ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS (all others) 1. Activity Manager 1. Initiating Department 2. Department Accountant 2. City Attorney 3. Department Director 3. Director of Management/Mayor 4. Budget Director 4. City Clerk 5. City Clerk 6. Chief Accountant, F&MS COUNCIL RESOLUTION (Amend. Bdgts./Accept. Grants) COtJNCIL RESOLUTION (all others) 1. Department Director 1. Initiating Department 2. Budget Director 2. City Attorney 3. City Attorney 3. Director of Management/Mayor 4. Director of Management/Mayor 4. City Clerk 5. Chair, Finance, Mngmt. & Personnel Com. 5. City Council 6. City Clerk 7. City Council 8. Chief Accountant, F&MS SUPPORTING MATERIALS. In the ATTACHMENTS section, identify all attachments. If the Green Sheet is well done, no �etter of transmittal need be included (unless signing such a letter is one of the requested actions) . Note: If an agreement requires evidence of insurance/co-insurance, a Certificate of Insurance should be one of the attachments at time of routing. Note: Actions which require City Council Resolutions include: 1. Contractual relationship with another governmental unit. 2. Collective bargaining contracts. 3. Purchase, sale or lease of land. 4. Issuance of bonds by City. 5. Eminent domain. 6. Assumption of liability by City, or granting by City of indemnification. 7. Agreements with State or Federal Government under which they are providing funding. 8. Budget amendments. ,���;,� .'-�;�� . ` ' � , . �� (e,,�d�`/.3 7� .. . �.,ry� Cx�� or+ SA�z�� �.��r� y�-'' �� '�...'� � ,�:;;-� �+�; ��; � OI�'i�ICF. Ol+' 2`FII�: CITX COUI�'CIL __ � 4_��;� _,:� t�;".� i4�,�� > Ii�` ..• .4 . z- �,:'-��:, ::i } �-y�� `--° "�/��' Dd f e : September 27, 1985 . t�-�•�\ f � . . �yt�, �' .:r"r . _r�.:�' !. .... Gp �VIM (TT' EE F� E PORT TO = Sarn� P�au ! City Cou�cil �� 0 � ` CO��t���� QPl FINANCE, MANAGEMENT � PERSONNEL � � C F�A t R Ja.mes Sche i 6e l - �� � � . 1. Approval of minutes �rom me�ting held September 26, 1985. 2. Resolution emendi.ng the 1985 budget by adding $8, }87 to the Financing � Plan and to the Spending Plan for PED Operations Fund-Minnesota � Historical Society Grant. (.PED) - f�Pf�O�/£O � 3• Res�e�l.��+ "a�e�►dtn� the T'9� ���jet by adding $42,300 to the Financing " Plan and to the Spencting Plan for JtPA Tit1e IV-C Veteran Employment Di rect Grant, Federal.. (_PED/Job Creation) �PPR(�V£.('� , ,. �. ' 4• ��,g..��;���`��!'r � e S#�te Dept. of Educat ion for - v ��-� k�,,�. .. ` . ° t'����stabl T3h1►�'� .� ' � �` � ���+insh i p. (Comm. Serv i ces}��`�/� 5. Resolution authorizing. application of Federat Emergency Management Assistance� . grant for City's Dept. of Fire � Safety Services' Emergency Preparedness Program. (Fi re Dept, ) Pt►�P1�OV£,� GOMMITTEE OF TH� WHOLE ' Resol"ution authorizing anfi-apartheid sanctions against South Africa. �Pf�dVF�, � BROUGHT UP UNDER SUSPENSION OF.THE RULES � l . Resolution amending .the budget by $168,800 to pay existing settlements and judgements through the� end of 1985 and to hire an attorney during a staff member'.s maternity leave. (City Attorney) /�P�ROV�, , 2. ResoTution amending the budget to hire outside counsel to defend the Cify and the Human Rights Director in the suites brought against the City. (City Attorney) �p�0�t.t�. . CITY HALL 5EVENTH FLOOR . SAINT PAUL. Di1NNESOTA SSI02 ��� � . ' , � . C���.s/3 7� AGREEMENT ��i U"�,Y U This agreement is made and entered into by and between the OFfice of Library Development and Services, Department of Education, on behalf of the State of Mi.nnesota, hereinafter referred to as LDS, _ and the St. Paul Public Library, an agency of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as the Library. Whereas, under Minn. Stat.� 134.31 it is the policy of the state to support t�e provision of library service and the development of cooperative programs for the sharing of resources and services; and Whereas, LDS has determined that one program to implement the state's policy is the provision of an-�nterlibrary loan and reference service to the regional public library systems of Minnesota; and Whereas, the Library is capable of operating a program of inter- library loan and reference service; -- Now therefore, the parties hereto agree as follows: - - - -- I. The Library shall: A. Receive interlibrary loan and reference requests via communications media as may be agreed upon by the parties from the regional public library systems outside the counties of Anoka, Carver, Dakota, Hennepin, Ramsey, Scott and Washington through cammunications nodes designated by LDS. B. Lend items from its collection in response to requests received hereunder and refer unfilled requests via an established routing system to other libraries deemed probable secondary sources including but not limited to other public libraries participating in the Metropolitan Librarq Service Agency (MELSA)� academic libraries through Cooperating Libraries in Consortium (CLIC) and the Minnesota Interlibrary Telecommunications Exchange (MINITEX) at the University of Minnesota. � - ' - . � " 2 - � �'.S/3�9 C. Maintain a syst�n of reserving items to fill requests received hereunder in cases where said items are in use when a request for said items is received. D. Provide up to 25 pages of photocopies of library materials without charge in lieu of the loan of an item, such services to be provided consistent with provisions of Title 17, U.S. Code. E. Provi.de to LDS monthly reports of the arnount of services provided hereunder including the services provided by secondary , sources. F. Provide to LDS an annual report of expenditures incurred hereunder including payments to secondary sources. G. Provi.de to LDS information concerning problems encountered, recommendations for improved services and other reasonable and appropriate information as may be mutually agreed to regarding the operation of the services provided hereunder. H. From the amount established in Section II, D., reimburse secondary sources, except MINITEX and CLIC, at the rate of $1.15 per search and $3.00 per fill, provided that the secondary sources shall agree to maintain a system f or placing requests on a waiting list when the requested m.aterials are in use. II. The Office of Library Development and Services shall: A. Develop in consultation with the Library policies and procedures to implement the program of interlibrary loan and reference service and provide a manual of said policies and procedures to the regional public library systems. B. Coordinate the interlibrary loan and reference service network resulting from this agreement and serve as a co�nunication channel on matters of policy between the Library and the regional public library systems receiving services hereunder. , • • - 3 - L�- �5---� 3 7�l C. Provide to the Library a list of regional public library system communication nodes eligible to submit interlibrary loan and reference requests. D. Reimburse the Library for services provided hereunder during the stateis fiscal year ending June 30� 1986 in the amount . of �178,600 which shall be paid to the Library in four installments provided that no such payment shall be made in advance of the period for which paid. `'�., III. Al1�; services provided by the Library pursuant to this agreement shall be performed to the satisfaction of LDS as determined in the sole discretion of its authorized agent, William G. Asp, Director of LDS, an�n accord with all applicable f ederal, state and local Iaws, ordinances, rules and regulations. The Library shall not receive payment for work found by LDS to be unsatisfactory or performed in violatiQn of federal, state -- and local law, ordinance, rule or regulation. - - - IV. This agreement may be cancelled by LDS or the Library at any time, with or without cause, upon ninety (90) days written notice to the other party. In the event of such a cancellation, the Library shall be entitled to payment, determined on a pra rata basis, for work or services satisfactorily performed. V. The Library shall neither assign nor transfer any rights or obligations under this agreement without the prior written consent of the authorized agent of LDS. Vi. Any amendments to this agreement shall be in writing. In witness whereof, the parties have caused this agreement to be duly executed intending to be bound thereby. ; ._ _._ _ _ _ --__. _. _ ___y.,�.„.�__. ,-�.q....�,... � , ' - . '-. 4 - �_'�.�-/3�� APPROVED: STATE C1F MINNESOTA CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION DIVISION OF LIBRARIES By= L�L��.�a.�.��. � By; .��--J� Date: _ /�1uc�u�V ��i ! QQ� Date: � l �' �_ CITY OF SAINT PAUL MAYOR Approved as to Form: By� U.��, , � � � Date: � --�—�S' By: �� Date: 1� /� S�'� � DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVIC Assistant City Attorney By: �it� R I+� , Date: � / �,,,-�� DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES BY� �C�'�i.: �� ��'t�t-�-� � Date:� � � �,�"'