85-1376 WHITE -�ITV GLERK PI�JK - FINANCE COUIICII / CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO. ��`/��T 9LUE -MAVOR �Ordin�nce Ordinance N�. I/L1��� Presented By �..� �Referred To �E�l S L�?T/��� Committee: Date � �'����� Out of Committee By Date An ordinance pertaining to licenses for the sale of intoxicating liquor; amending St. Paul Legislative Code Sections 409.05; 409.06, Subdivision 11; and 409.15, Subdivision 2; repealing Ordinance No. 17172, Section 2. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Section 409.05 of the St. Paul Legislative Code is amended to read as follows : /409.05_7 �N AND OFF SALE LICENSES; TERM; FEES_7 Subdivision 1. �ERM_7' All licenses for the sale o intoxicatin i uor sha e or a term o one ear rom t e ate o issuance renewa or trans er. e a e s a e e ermine e ins ec or an en ere upon t e icense. Subd. 2. /LICENSE FEES, ON SALE; SEMI-ANNUAL INSTALLMENTS_]� e�i"cense fee for an on sale license-'is hereby fixed as follows : COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays x�et�cSonnen Drew In Favor Masanz NiCOSIa B scnetbei Against Y Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: Date Form Approv d y i Att ey Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY 13y � Approved by Mayor: Date Appro ayor for Submiss on to o cil By By .� . � _ � � �?��'s- ���� � � � 113�� Page 3. Wl�.e�e-a-��eense-�s-g�s.��ed-and-a-pe��ed-e€-�ese-�19.a� _ e�.e-�ea�-�ex�a�ne-be�'e�e-�he-��ee�.ee-s�.a��-e�g��e; e�.e-��ae����.-e€-�l�e-anr�xa�-��ee�se-€ee-sl�a��-�e-el��ge� �'e�-eae�-�en�k.-e�-��ae��en-e�-a-�ae�.��-e�-ex�e-l�a��-e� x�e�e-�ex�a�x�n�-a��e�-�l�e-ea�d-��ee�.ee-�e-g�ar��ed-a��. be€e�e-�k.e-sa��.-��ee�se-ek.a��-exg��e: Subd. 7. �EES, TRANSFERS .7 Where a transfer of an on saTe-or off sale license is a rove e council t e ee to e c _a�rg_e s a e t e prescri e annua ee ess a cre i�given .or eacFi mon�Ti or por ion o a month remainin� of the ori�inal term. Subd. 8. /LATE FEES_7' Notwithstandin the rovisions o� section 310.09 an a icant or renewa o an on sa e i uor icense s a e c ar e a a e ee in an amount of ten ercent of the installment due for suc license for each 30-da eriod�or portion thereof w ich as e a se a er e ex ira�ion c-Ta�e o� sucF-i "ricense or semi-annua erio , an t e ate ee s a not exceed 5II'percen�o�f e annua ee�-' Section 2. That Section 409.06, Subdivision 11 of the St. Paul Legis- lative Code is amended to read as follows : Subd. 11. /kENEWALS.7'' (1) An on sale license renewal may be denied for any licensee who is delinquent in any payment or contri- bution to a health and welfare trust or pension trust. (2) If on or before dan�.a��-3�;the expiration date of the license the licensed business has discontinued its operation or closed for any reason, the council shall renew said license only upon the condition that the licensee shall reopen and restore the li- censed business to full operation within the term of the renewed license, or in the alternative, that the licensee shall make ap�lication for and obtain passage, approval and publication of a resolution �or the transfer of said license within the term of the renewed license to another person. No license issued upon condition pursuant to this suhsection shall be further renewed unless one or the other of the above conditions has been fully met; provided, however, that the council may reissue a license . _ _ , � ��-��`i3�� � /r3�� Page 4. for a business which has not been in full operation during the prior license year if the licensed premi- ses were acquired by eminent domain or under the threat of eminent domain and the licensee has made a good faith attempt to relocate the business to another location. (3) Any license which is not renewed pursuant to this subdivision or for any other reason lapses and may be reissued pursuant to section 409.16. Section 3. That Section 409. 15, Subdivision 2 of the St. Paul Legislative Code is amended to read as follows : Subd. 2. /Z'SSUANCE OF LICENSE; FEE; CONDITIONS.7' On sale wine licenses may be issued, subject to the approval of the liquor control commissioner, to the proprietor of any restaurant as defined in this section and without regard to section 409.03 limitations. The license fee shall be $875 payable in two equal amounts , the first to be paid before �ebrt�r��-�-e�-eae�.-�ea� the license is issued or renewed, the second �ayment to be made e e�e- xgt�9 - -e -eael9.-�rea� within six months from the date of issuance or renewal. e- �ee�eee-��.9�-g�ese�. �s-e��g�xa - �ee�.9e- e- e-���pee�e�-��.ex-pa���g-��.e 9eee�d-l�a��-�ee-�t3.e-be�e�e-Axgt�s�-�3-e�-��.-�k.e-e�en� ��ee�eee-agp��es-�e�-a-��ar�s€e�3-sa��.-e��g��a�-��ee�.ee x�t�s�-a.eee�pa��-�.�9-app��ea��ez�-�e�-��ane�e�:--��-��.e ��ee�see-a g��.es-�e�-a-��at�9�er-e�-�l�e-��ee�ee-be�e�e Axgt�s�-�-e�-a�.�-�ea�;-��.e-��ee�eee-�t3.e�-ga�-�l�e-�e�a�.�- �ng-ba�aaee-e€-��eex9e-�ee-�xe-be�e�e-�l�e-apg��ea��ex x�a�-be-p�eeeese�.: Where a transfer of a license is a - Proved b the counci e �e o e c ar e s a e t e rescribed annual�ee less a cre it given or eac mon or por�ion o a mon Fi"remain3n� o�' e origina term. The licenses shall be valid on all days of the w ef—consistent with the hours of sale provided in sec- tion 409.07, subdivision 1. All other provisions of this chapter shall be a�plicable to such licenses and licensees unless inconsistent herewith. WHITE - CITV CLERK t PMK� � =FINANCE COUflCII CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO. �� BLUE - MAVOR � • Or indnce Ordinance N�._ /�7�'� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Page S. Section 4. Ordinance No. 17172, Section 2, amended part of Section 409.05 to eliminate references to the transfer of liquor licenses effective January 1, 1990. That language ha.ving been further amended herein, Ordinance No. 17172, Section 2 , is repealed. Section 5. This ordinance is deemed a part of the St. Paul Legislative Code and shall be incorporated therein and given an appropriate chapter and/or section number at the time of the next revision of said Legislative Code. Sectian 6. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 30 days after its passage, approval and publication. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � 3�761F?ial� � Drew [n Favor Masanz � N�c°$ie A ainst B Schsibel g Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: Date �'r 2 -� � Form Approv d by y Att ey Certified P s y u ii S etar BY By • App o Ma or: Dat JAN 2 t t986 Approved y Mayor for S m 'on to Council . By PUBIISHEU -�`g 1 - 1986 f �r �%�Q�l$.� ' ` � � . DEPARTMENT �� ��`/v�7� �.76 f �z ��Q�.�.- ' � ` CONTACT `� �3�� D S�o PHON E � d��1 `i � DATE �Q/�� �Q ASSIGN NUMBER FOR ROUTING ORDER (Qlip All Locations for Signature) : � Department Director ' 3 Director of Management/Mayor Finance and Management Servic�s Director � City Clerk Budget Director � � City Attorney I WHAT WILL BE ACHIEVED BY TAKING A�TION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ ' Rationale) : Changir�g-.;�iae-;.�s�n�Qf=�nts�xi�a��ng_li.auox:.�icenses_from Feb.ruaxy 1_of each year to the term: of one year from issuance or transfer will eliminate the inconvenience and delay to the licensee as well as eliminating th�e peaks and valleys in the License $ Permit work load. This ordinance will also correct a heretofore unnoticed ambiguity in the late fees charged to an on sale liquor licen ee who pays their annual fee in two installments. Without this change a late fee wil be charged on the complete amount whether it has been aid (lst half and or presen 1y due 2nd half) COST�BENEFTT BUDG ARY AND PERSO NEL IMPA TS ANTICIPATED: .-- ,, l None I� ��..o� ; . II < ; i � , . , � � � � : FINANCING SOURCE AND BUDGET ACTIV�jTY NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- ture not re- Total Amount of Transaction: j quired if under ', $10,00Q) Funding Source: , Activity Number: , , ATTACHMENTS (List and Number All �,ttachments) : �I �r��1`JED _.::.� II . , r',;� ,, � : ,�-.,-CTOR 0 "„- � _ ;�_, F� . . �,, ,.;�.NCE DEF; �� �� �i�T 5�17V1:'ES ��uClv � DEPARTMENT REVIEW '� CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW Yes No Council Resolution �equired? Resolution Required? Yes No Yes No Insurance Required? ' Insurance Sufficient? Yes No � _ Yes No Insurance Attached: '! (SEE REV�RSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) i Revised 12/84 � i i .ax�;�' � ' . � CITY OF SAINT PAUL �� ��' /� 7� :..:�.;. OFFIC� OF THE CITY COIINCZL / ���� .,�........�. ='�����" � " Date ; January 6, 1986 ,� . COMMiTTEE RE PORT TO = Sa�nt PQU 1 Cit� Councit FROI� � COI'Y1T�il�'tL� OCf LEGISLATION C l�-� /�1 R : JOHN DREW . 1. :.� _ -.��1"�'°�"e..��°"'f�i .1''�'a���' ,:a�e�fn "�`-. '�1 Legi�slative £,�e'`''�ctions 4D9.�09�:�b, Subdivis�eav �SG'6divisten 2; repea"��Ar��°'°1�:"'��;�Sectfi'�rt 2. 2. Resolution requesting that the Saint Paul Charter Commission favorably consider amending the City Charter, Section 8.04, pertaining to initiative petitions, in the form set forth in the attached draft ordinance. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDS APPROVAL. _ � cr�.� :'� '�� Q^j .7 -+-,,'i 1r 1'} =;.:c7 �1 C7 =__-rr ^?v �"T7 .. C� �� � �s� CITY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA SSI02 ,�„