85-1347 N�MITE - C�TV CIERK PINK - FINANCE COI1flC11 (� �J CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO. v�f �` �� BLUE - MAVOR � . , Co cil Resolution Presented y . �''''" ` � Referred To � � ��'�L� Committee: Date ���� �� Out of Committee By Date Resolved , that pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Section 161.36 , the Commissioner of Transportation be appointed as agent of the City of Saint Paul to accept as its agent Federal Funds made avai.lable for City furnished labor, equipment , and materials under S.P. 164-070-03 , for computerized traffic control system Phase I involving purchase and installation of cable , be it further Resolved , that the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby authorize and direct the proper City officers to execute and enter into a supp lemental agreement with the Commissioner of Transportation , prescribing the terms and conditions of said Federal .Aid participation as set forth and contained in a supplemental agreement captioned "MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION AGENCY AGREEMENT WITH THE CITY OF ST. PAUL FOR FEDERAL PARTICIPATION IN CITY FURNISHED LABOR AND MATERIALS ON S.P. 164-070-03 M SIGS (3) . " A copy of said supplemental agreement is attached hereto and incorporated herein by re f e ren ce. JAD :kaj COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas S��/J� Nays � �1°� Publi ks Traffic - R.H. Roett e� �°'ID�� [n Favor � Masanz Nicosia � � Scheibel _ Against BY �laeee Wilson D r+T 3 � For pprov d by i Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Pas e b uncil Secre BY � By 8 t�pproved y vor• Date ��? —�"'—�� App d by Mayor for Submi ion o C3uncil gy <,=p� � � B �u��e�;� OCT i � 1985 Eublic Works DEPARTMENT ���3 �7 N0 17� ' � Joel A. Doren CONTACT 2 92-62 85 PHONE •ALtgust 19 , 1985 DATE 1 Q„��� e� ASSIGN NUMBER FOR RQUTING ORDER li All Locations for Si nature : 3 Director of Management/Mayor Finance and Management Servic s Director 4 City Clerk Budget Director � ��ttv�ney ; WHAT WILL BE ACHIEVED BY TAKING ACITION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ EC EIVE D � Rationale� Execution of agreement wil allow additional funding for AUG 2 6' 1985 completion of co�nmunicatio cable system for canput�erized signal system. �'i`t.�, ��1�� ,��G, ���y�� CITY ATTORNEY � � q ` Y�" �� G ;-/, %��•�l j, ., ��18/�` G���r` �. COST/BENEFIT, BUDGETARY AND PERSON EL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: "jCF This is a City force proje . Original estimate was $205 ,000. This supplemental agreement wil a11ow additional needed funding to complete project. New engineering estimate is $250 ,000. � I � FINANCING SOURCE AND BUDGET ACTIVI Y NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayo_r's signa- ture not re- Total Amount of Transaction: $5 0 ,000 quired if under $10,00Q) Funding Source: F U Activity Number: 62490-3107-000 ATTACHMENTS List and Number All ttachments : Supp�emental Agreement (4 copies) Council Resolution DEPARTMENT REVIEW ; CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW �Yes No Council Resolution �equired? Resolution Required? Yes No Yes �_No Insurance Required? � Insurance Sufficient? Yes No Yes <<: No Insurance Attached: (SEE REV RSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/84 . ��e'l � `�� � AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT N0. 61271 OFFICE OF STATE AID SUPPLEMENT N0. 1 TO MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION AGENCY AGREEMENT WITH THE CITY OF ST. PAUL FOR FEDERAL PARTICIPATION IN CITY FURNISHID LABOR AND MATERIALS ON S.P. 164-070-03, M SIGS(3) , ❑A40 Original Requisition ❑A46 Prior Year Original ❑A45 Decrease ❑A41 Requisition Increase ❑A46 Prior Year Increase Trn.No. Account I.D. Organization F.Y. Requisition No. Vendor No. Type Termf Cost Code 5 C.CO 1 C.CO 2 C.CO 3 A4 � �� � / Cost Code 4 Amount Suffix Object _ . � / // $END TYPE OF TRANSACTION � � Entered by A40 A41 Date Number � � � Entered by A44 A45 A46 Date Number This supplemental agreement made and entered into by and between the C'ity of St. Paul, hereinafter referred to as the "City" and the Commissioner of Transportation of the State of Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as the "Commissioner", WITNESSETH: - . WHEREAS, the Commissioner and the City did enter into an agreement dated October ll, 1982, and designated as Agreement No. 61271 providing, among other things, for the Comnissioner to act as the City's agent to accept and receive all federal funds made available for city furnished labor, equipment and materials on S.P. 164-070-03; and WHEREAS. Due .to 'increased labor costs the City now anticipates that final costs will exceed the maximum specified in the original agreement; and r � Page No. 1 V�. C � � � , ' ' �'`~- � 3`�`7 - WHEREAS, the original agreement provides that costs exceeding $205,464 will require a supplement. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS MUTUALLY AGREED AS FOLLOWS: 1. The paragraph on page 4 of the agreement which states that: � "Equipment charges shall be reflective of the City's actual cost. � Materials furnished by the City under this agreement will be or � have been acquired under the City's normal materials purchasing 'I procedures in accordance with State law• Costs exceeding $186,785 ' and up to $205,464 will require prior approval by MN/DOT and the Federal Highway Administration. Costs exceedpn� va05b46�hei11 ' require a supplement to this agreement with a p Y � Federal Highway Administration." !' shall hereby be revised to read as follows: � ' Equipment charges shall be reflective of the City�s actual cost. ', terials furnished by the City under this agreement will bginr Ma rcha � u g erials ormal mat P have been acquired under the City $ n 250,000 procedures in accordance with State law. Costs exrc�eeDOTgand the and up to $262,500 will require prior approval by / Federal Highway Administration. Costs exceeding $262,500 will require a supplement to this agreement with approval by the Federal Highway Administration. 2. Before this supplemental agreement shall become binding and effective, it shall be approved by resolution of the City Council and shall also re=ovidetin addition to theh State Off icers as the law may p Comm►issioner of Transportation. , Page No. 2 �' ��.` � 1 , � • MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION CITY OF ST. PAUL Recommended for Approval By By �L�C�;�,C�� � � , ' �;�C�C� -Director, Office of State Aid Director of Public Works By Approved as to Form Commissioner of Transportation By APPROVED AS TO FORM AND EXECUTION: A stant C ttorney / By . � _ Special Assistant Attorney General B / - �c yot� APPROVED: DEPARTMENT OF ADMINISTRATION Director, De rtment of Finance i� • and Managem t Services �1��I�� ay DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE By Date � I i � ; Page No. 3 , ' _ . _ _ �� ���'- �3�7 ��t: „�,�.:,,,`�\ . f �1x.�:��. :;,� GITY OF SAINT P�UL �� ���,��`, OZ�'FZCF. OF THr CITY COIINCZL �r! ��::,;:;.1�'�� ' L � f?]v�iw�44:�:Y'rfl t�.. ♦�\1>,�:a 3�_r.rr, ? . � � �'�-•-�'= - D a t e Sept. 26, 1985 `�;;�:,-�==�.�.��'� � � ��--�:._ ,. CO (VIM (TT � E RE PORT TO � Satn� Pau i City Cour�ci ! FRQ � = COr11(7�I�t�° O�'1 FINANCE, MANA6EMENT � PERSONNEL C!�-� AIR James Scheibel 1. Resolution amending the. l°85 budget and t;ansrerring $1,000.000 from CommuniCY Deveiopment Block Granc Pund-Program Inccme-.±and Sales to Community Developmen[ 91ock 6ranc fund- Worl.d Trade Center. (PED) �P�V� . . ' . ' 2. Resalution amending the 1985 budget and adding $58,434 to the Financing and Spending - � • Plan for :quipmenc Services Fire-?olice. (fire Dept.) �P��.� ! j, Resolution amending the 1985 budgeL and adding $15,364 to [he Financing and Spending , Plan for Fire Figncing Equipmenf: (Fir.e Dept.) a{���'{OV� . . � 4. Resolution amendinq the 1985 budget and addi�g $28,310 to the Financing a�d Spending • i Plan fo� lnrrastructure Inventory. (Public works}.��01�� ' . i . � 5, Resolution amending the 1985 budget and adding $20,000 to the r'inancing and Spendina ' Plan for Gzneral Govt. Acc4unts-City Attorney's Office. (City Attorney's.Office)��V� � 6. Resolution authorizing an agreement with Hinnesota State Agricultural Society (Minnesota �� • State fair Board) wnereby the City will provide an+mal control services. (Cemn. Servicas)�i� ��' � 7. Ordirtance amending Chapters 369, 370, and 310 of the Legislative Code pertaining to building trades 6usiness licenses and certificaces oi competenc•/. (Cortm.+�'aervices)(,I�e1� �V�,�2 � .... . !����,ac_: , 8. Resafvt`iortrt�vcharizin� a supplemencal agreemen[ with the Corrmissioner ocr•Transoortacion to allow additional 1'�ndi�g ror comolecien of ccmmunication cable syste��for, comoucerized 5 i gnal system. (Puo l i� uorks) �P��W� . � � 9. Resolu[ion auchorizing an agreemen[ with Ramsey County Pv61ic Health Nu�sing wnereoy the _ ,,,A�� City with �eceive set^vices oT a �urse practitioner for the Homeless Clinics. (Cemm. Serv.)���� 10. Resolution auchorizing a 1°85 Operating Agreemen[ wich I.S:O. R625 Whereby th f��rtY furnishes various services to the Discrict. (Finance b Mgmc. Services} ��tiL7V�.0 11. Resolution•�au[horizing an agre�ment with MN. State Agricultural Societ�nerebv tie City � provided various poiice services during the 1985 State �air. (Police De?c•) ��`�� • � 12, Resolution authorizing. an amendment co a Lease Agree:nent with the P4r.t Aut�o itt y for additional land Lo 6e used for che City's Impound lot. (Police Depc.) ������ 13. Resolucion au�horizing �nd accepting :j0,�00 Urban Parks E ttecreation Recovery P:ogran p�. y..., granc to conduct a ciCywide needs assessmenc ror the Pa�ks b Rec. System. (�emm, Services)�r��`""° 14. Resolucion approving l°,85 Hemo. of A9reemenc becween ISO T625 and Operative ?lasterers . E• Cemenc ;tasons, locals n20 $ 560, Twin City. G.laziers E G ass 11o�k rs, local 1324 and . ' Twin Ci[y Carpeneters Districc Council. (Personnel) ���v� • . 1S, ResoiuCion approving 1985 Maintenance Lahor Agreemen[ between I5� i625 and the U t Union ot Rooiers, Wa[arproot'ers and �1llied `dorkers, Local �96• �persnnnel) ���'� � 16. ftesolu[ion rela�ing to the West-Midway Su. St. Anthony Park ftedevelopment area, approving amenament or the redevelopmenc p�an and aaoroving�ado,po,�tion o� a tax incremenc .pian created within and for said area (Waldo« Corp.) (PED) "�^�i `���. � ' �,��`'1J. Discus ion or allocating additional 1?85 funas for Lhe basketweave pro9ram. � �, t��oc.�r'�oN p� �+�c.a� aF g-��,-a5 f�cPf'Ruvtr,�. a CITY HALL SEVE:�ITI-i FLOOR SAIN'I' PAUL, �i1NNESOT�� 5510� 't'c'=r.i'"