85-1343 ,� WHI7E - CiTV CLERK � PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT File NO. ��i /��� BLUE - MAVOR � Council Resolution Presented By / Referred To �� ���A�L'� Committee: Date � —� Or� 1� Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, The Mayor, pursuant to Section 10.07.1 and Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter, does certify that there are available for appropriation total revenues in excess of those estimated in the 1985 Budget; and WHEREAS, Council File 277510, adopted October 1, 1981, did establish certain Special Fund Policies; and WHEREAS, The Mayor recomnends that the following additions be made to the 1985 Budget: CURRENT AMENDED BUDGET CHANGES BUDGET FINANCING PLAN 735 FIRE FIGHTING EQUIPMENT 55001 FIRE FIGHTING EQUIPMENT 55001-0200 Fund Balance Financing 244,801 15,364 260,165 55001-4301 Normal 8ctivity Services 90,043 0 90,043 NET CHANGE � 15,364 SPENDING PLAN 735 FIRE FIGHTING EQUIPMENT 55001 FIRE FIGHTING EQUIPMENT 55001-821 AUTOMOTIVE VEHICLES - CARS 9,844 ( 9,844 ) 0 55001-822 AUTOMOTIVE VEHICLES - TRUCKS 305,000 43,708 348,708 55001-848 OTHER SPECIALIZED EQUIPMENT 20,000 ( 18,500 ) 1,500 NET CHANGE 15,364 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council adopts these changes to the 1985 BUDGET. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas SoN�tieSn� Nays `�`°�i°` FIRE & SAFETY SERVICES 8-12-85 Drew In Favor Masanz - Nicosia � �,/� ������ scneiber __�___ Against BY ��N' o✓ 7bdsesa W ilson Adopted hy Council: Date uC'T 3 1985 Form Approve by ' y tt y Certified P-ss d ouncil S etar BY gy, t�pproved by 'Navor: Dat ����`��T � � Appro d by y for Subm s ion u cil By� ' B PuB��s�E� OCT i � 1985 D�PARTMENT �`3- �3�3 3402 . WILLIAM H. CARROLL JR. CON1'��T � 292-3541 ; PHONE August 18, 1985 � DATE �Q,/�� e� ASSIGN NUMBER FOR ROUTING ORDER (dlip All Locations for Si�nature) : Department Director � � Director of Management/Mayor Fi ance and Man e ent Service�s Director � City Clerk Y�etor��� 4 Chair, Finance & Mngnt. Comnittee City Attorney 6 City Council WHAT WILL BE ACHIEVED BY TAKING A TION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ Rationale) : Provision of adequate Budget for �urchase of Aerial Fire Truck. RECEIVED . ag.�-� e� AUG 2 2 1985 ��� �� � �� CITY ATTORNEY COST/BENEFIT, BUDGETARY AND PERSOI�NEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: Addition to Budget in the amount �f � 15,364.00 . No Personnel Impact. ' ��e�:';� LJ � � AUG � �� �98� � (�1AYOii';, �:;��i�'E FINANCING SOURCE AND BUDGET ACTIV TY NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- ture not re- Total Amount of Transaction: � 15,364.00 quired if under $10,000) Funding Source: 735 Fund Bal nce Financing . Activity Number: 55001 �; � � ATTACHMENTS List and Number All ttachments : Council Resolution , i � i DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW �Yes No Council Resolution equired? Resolution Required? Yes No Yes X No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No Yes X No Insurance Attached: i (SEE REV�RSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/84 i I � _. . _ � , . ��� /��3 ` . - �. � % . �r�. ��y.:';4� ;����: � �,�� CITY OF ciAINT P�.UL f� '� �`"`� ��, OI'TICT; OF THIC CITY COIINCZL � ::, . ,:c, ,., � 'I -,�µ;;:�.:,:;1 � . :4 r?] �♦ .iY�?i%"'f L ';{ 1>.;,_3,:..r.r.:....1 , � D O f e . Sept. 26� 1985 ���� -3 _..,- �1- ���� ;;'� • . A^ . . .<��~:: . �. C 0 fV1 M IT T E E l� E P 0 R T TO � Satn� PQU 1 City Counci ! F R O I�l� = C O 1'�l C�l I�t�° O Cl F I NANCE, MANAGEMENT � PERSONNEL C H A 1 R James Sche i be 1 I. Resolution amending the. l?85 bud9e: and transTerring $1,000.�00 from CommuniCY Qeve!opmenc 81oc;c Granc Fund-Program income-±and Sales to Community Developmen[ 3lock Grant Fund- World Trade Cencer. (PfD) {��RQ1�� . ' . ' ' 2. Resolution zmendirtg the 198$ budget and adding $58.434 to the Financing and $pending • ' � Plan for Equipment Services Fire-Police. (Fire Oepc.) �p��� . j. Resal��ia�aarend i ng th� ]985 bu�get and add i ng $I 5,364 'o the Fi nanc i ng and Spend i ng -� , Plan for fire Fignting Equipmenc: (Fice Dept.) A��'�dV� • . ! 4. Resolucion amending the 1985 hudget and adding $28,310 to the Financinq a�d Spending • ; Plan for Infrastructure Inventory. (Public uorks).�'�C11� ' , 5. Resolu[ion amending the 1985 5udgeC and adding $20,000 to the Financing and Spendina ' Plan for General Govt. Acc4unTS-City Attorney`s Office. (City Attorney`5 Office)��V� � 6. Resolution aurhorizing an agreement with Minnesoca State Agricultural Society (Ninnesota �� • State Fair Board) wherehy the CiLy will provide animal control services. (Comm. Services)1�� y� � ]. Ordinance amendin9 Chapters 369, 374, and 310 of the Legislative Code pertaining to building trades business licenses and certificaces ot' competenc•(. (Comm-�ervices)1,�R0 �VZe2. � �,�.- .-�• � ��t���:: . 8. ftesolution auchorizing a supplemencal �agreemenc with the Cemmissioner o��Transportation to allow additionai funding ior comoletion or communication cahle systes�f=for, comnuterized � signal sysLem. (Public works) }�1�PR4V� , ' � � 9. Resolu[ion authorizing an agreemenL with ftamsey Coun[y Puhlic Health Nursing whereoy the ���� City with �eceive services oT a nurse praccitioner for the Homeless Clinics. (Cemm. Serv.) 1Q. Resolutioa auchorizing a 1985 Operating Agreemen[ With I.S:D. r625 Whereby th� iC�� fu�nishes various services to the Districc. (Finance E Mgmc. Services) � 11. Resolution��authorizin9 a� agreement with MN. State Agricultural Societ��ere.bv he City . provided various police services during the 1985 State �air. (Police pepc.) ���'`�� � 12. Resolution au[horizing. an amendment to a Lease Agreement with the P�r.t Autho it�_y_ for additional land co be used for �he City's Impound Lot. (Police Dept.) �����5�� �j. Resolucion auchorizing and accepting :j0,0�0 Urban Parks 6 Recreacion Rer�very Prooram p�a .� granc Co conduct a citywide needs assessmenc :or the Parks E Rec. System. (�omm. Services)�T�i""'� 14. Resolucion aoproving 1°,85 Memo. of Agreement becween ISO ;-625 and Opera[ive Plasterers E� Cemen[ Mesons, Locals �ZO $ 5b0, Twin Cicy. G.laziers 6 G ass Work rs, Local 1324 and . ' Twin i.ity Carpeneters Oistrict Council. (Personnel) ����� • ' • 15. Resolucion approving 1985 Maintenance labor Agreement becween ISO ;b25 and the U � Union of RooCers, uaterproofers and Allied `�:orkers, local �96. (Personnel) ���'� ✓ 16. P.esoiu[�on reiating to the Uest-Hidway So. St. Anthony Park Redevelopmen[ area, aoproving amendme�t or the reaevelopment plan and aooroving adoocion or a Cax incremen[ plan crea�ed � within and for said area (tJaldor� Cc�p.) (P.J) '����. ' . • ' �..��"'17. Discus ion or allocating additionat 1°85 funas `or tne haske:weave pro9ram. �,�� ��oLrr�o� � �Nc,R� aF q-�6-Ss Pcfl'PRov�. CITY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, ti1INNESOT.-� 5510: ^i��.�'i'