85-1342 FZRE fiSCAL AF�AI - DEPARTMENT �_ �3 ��'0 3401 � MILLIAiq H. CARROLL JR. Ci'mITACT, � �292-3541 i PHONE DATE �Q/�� Q Q ASSIGN NUN�ER FOR ROUTING ORDER C i All Locations for Si nature : Department Director �! Director of Management/Mayor Finance and Management Service Director 5 City Clerk 1 Budget Director ; �Chair, Finance & Mngnt. Conmittee � City Attorney . � � City Council ;W#�P�T WILL BE ACHIEVED BY TAKING AC ION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ � i Rational e)RECE�VE� Provision of adequate Budget for urchase of Aerial Fire Truck. $� a�� 2 2 is� � �� ,� �; c►r� A � TTORNEY COST/BENEFIT BUDGETARY AND PERSON EL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: � 58,434.00 No Personnel Impact. I i FINANCING SOURCE AND BUDGET ACTIVITY NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- � ture not re- Total Amount of Transaction: s 5g,434.00 quired if under $10,00Q) Funding Source: 505 Retained Earnings Financing Activity Number: 15005 ATTACHMENTS (List and Number All ttachments : Council Resolution � DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW �Yes No Council Resolution equired? Resolution Required? Yes No Yes X No Insurance Required? � Insurance Sufficient? Yes No Yes X No Insurance Attached: (SEE REV RSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/84 � _ _ _ ��— / 3�� , ► � ;, ►� -� " - - � � �'�._.�7.,����� ;�����"'�'i:F�� CITY OF SAINT �.c�U�. �,,.... ���r � f::�• ,e� �-� OFI'ICE OF THI: CXTY COII�7CIL � .�;:;�,.,.-r.l •� ��}_� - �,...->;r� �.� ,� '.-;'_�:.:"`_ti: , Da t e : Sept. 26, 1985 . ... , �, ;`., ^ ��;'� ' . . ��X�''�'-"r�r . . . ������ C4fV1MiTTEE F� EPORT TO � Sain� Pau i Cifiy Cou�ci ! FR4 (� = COt71C�T11�t�° Oj'1 FINANCE, MANAGEMENT & PERSONNEL C H A l R James Sche i be 1 1. Resolution amending the. }?85 budget and transTerring $1,000,000 frnm CcmmunitY 0eve?opmenc Bloc�c Grant rund-Program i�ccme-.!and Sales to Community Developmenc 31oc1c Crenc Fund- � Worl.d Trade Center. (PED) {�PRQ�,� . , ' . ' 2. �11Mtion,amending the 1985 budget and addinq $58,�_�. tq th�er�Fr�i,n,ancing and Spending • � � ""��1a'�i"'1�f!'� Equipment Services Fire-Police. (Fire Dept.) �< <`V1�� ! j, Resolution amending the 1985 budget and adding $15,364 to the Financing and Spending • , Pla� for Fire Fighting Equipmenc: (Fir.e Dept.) ApPRov�.D . � 4. Resolucion amending the 1985 6udgec and adding $28,310 to the Financing a�d Spending � . ; P1an for tncrastructure Inventory. (Puhlic 4lorks).�R01/� ' . 5, ResoluCion amending the 1985 budget and adding $Z0,000 to the financing and Spendino ' Plan Por General Govt. Acc�uncs-City Attorney's Office. (City Attcrney's �ffice)���� � 6. Resolution auchorizing an agreemenC with Minnesota StaLe Agricultural Society (Hinnesota p� • Stace Fair Beard) whereoy the City will provide animal control services. (Cortm. Services)�i� �� � ]. Ordinance amending Chapters 369, 37�, and 31D of the Legislative Code pertaining to building trades 6usiness licenses and certiricaces aT compe�ency. (Cortm.+�ervices)1.�c10 �V� � , .. . �����.e $. Re_olution auchorizing a supplemen:al �agreemenC wich the Gommissiener oc►�TranSportacien to allow addicionai runding for cemQletion�o^r cGmmunication cahle syster�f�for comnuteri-:ed � 5ignat system. (Pubtic Works) �1P���Vc,..+� , � � � 9, iiesoiution aucfiorizing an agreement with Ramsey Councy Pvbiic Health Nursing where6y the ��•�� City wich feceive services oT a nurse prac[itioner for the Homeless Clinics. (Cemm. Serv.) V v'` 10. Re<_olu[ion aucho�izing a i985 �Perating Agreemenc W�th I.S:O. Pr625 Whereby th �Cy furnishes various services to the District. (Finance E Mgm[. Services) ��V�� il. Resolution.�auchorizin9 an agre�menc wich MN. State Agricultural Societ�herebv e City � provided various poiice services durin9 the 1985 State �air. (Police Cepc.) � 12. Resoluc;on authorizing. an amendment to a lease Agreement with the f4r.0 Aut`'c ity for addicional land [o be used for �he City's Impound lo[. (Police �epc.) ����� 13. �esolucion au�horizing and accep[in9 ;j0,000 UrSan Parks & Recrea[ion Recovery Proaram ��� granc to conduc[ a citywide needs assessmen[ ror the Parks & Rec. $y5tem. (�omm. Services)� 14. Resolucion aoproving 1985 Hemo. of Agreement be[ween ISO �625 and operative Plasterers b� Cement Mesons, Locals �20 $ SoO, Twin City. G.faziers E G ass Work rs, locat 1324 and . Twin City Carpenetets Oistrict Council. (Personnel} ����� • � . �5. Resolucion aoproving 1985 Maintznance Laoor Agreeanenc between IS� T625 and the U i },c��� Union ot` Reoiers, Uacerproorers and Allied '.Jo�kers, Locai �°6. (Personnel) ��K�� � 16. 0.esoiution relaiing Co the West-Midway So. St. Anthony Par!c Rede�leloQment a�ea, aoproving amencment ot' the reaevelop:rcent ?lan and aQproving adootion af' a �ax incremen[ pian creaced wi[nin and `or said area (Waldor� Corp.� (PE�) '����. ' �,,,3��17. Disc�s ion oT allocating additional 1°85 funds for the basketweave pro9ram. � • ��'�'' ��SOIV�OI�I pR' �naCel aF �{-�6-�JS �k+PQRD�lEt�. CITY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR 5AINT PAUL, �4INNESOT�5510= '. �s..1°"