85-1336 WH'TE - CITV CLERK PMK -�FIN,�VCE COUIICII �? CANAR+1' - DEPARTMENT GIT`� OF SAINT PAUL X BLVE -MAVOR File �O. " �- j-33�� • � / indn Ordinance N 0. ���� Y Present By � �. ✓ Referred To L�= Committee: Date l �� 3 ��� Out of Committee By Date An ordinance amending Chapter 26 of the St. Paul Administrative Code pertaining to mandatory retirement for employees in the uniformed division of the Fire Department THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF 5AINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section l . That Section 26.02 of the St. Paul Administrative Code is amended to read as follows : "26.02. Findings of fact. Based upon evidence and testimony submitted to the city council , the council hereby makes the following findings: (1) `Phe duties of firefighter require that fire- fighters be in excellent physical condition. (2) The duties of firefighter require that fire- fighters periodically must be able to perform severely strenuous acts in the course of firefighting and life saving. (3) The normal operation and primary purpose of the fire department is to provide for the safety and protection of the citizens of the city and would include the duties set forth above. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Fletcher Drew In Favor Masanz Nicosfa A gai ns t BY Scheibel Tedesco Wilson Form prov d by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY � By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council gy By . . . ' . ' oP�' /33� . , .. - � . � . ��o y (4) The failure of a fireman to perform his duties could mean the difference between - life and death for the citizens of Saint Paul . (5) There is medical evidence that there is a relationship between advancing age and the physical inability to respond to the needs or duties of firemen. � (6) There is medical evidence that there is a relationship between advancing age and the mental inability to respond to the needs or duties of firemen. ��� A-x�ar��a�e�}-�e���ex�e��-age-e€-6�-€e�-���er�e� • �s-a-be�a-€�de-eee�ga�}e�a�-Qt�a��€�ea�}e� �eeessa�}-�e-�i����-p�e�ee�-�ke-p�epe���r-axid p�b��e-sa€e��s-e€-��e-e����e�s-e€-��ie-e���: ��� �l�e�e-�s-�e-a��e��a���te-pe��e�-wl��e�-eet��� be-es�ab��s�ie�-b�-�l�e-���3�-a�d-s����-�t���� -�.r_- . ----��e�ee�-�l�e-g�e�e��3s-a��-pt�b��e-sa�e�}-e€ ��ie-e���se�s-e�-�ke-e��3r� (7) That the Federal District Court has determined that a mandatory retirement age of 65 is a bona fide Occupational Qualification for all city employees in the uniformed division of the fire department employed in the position of firefighter, fire equipment operator, and fire captain, but that a mandatory retirement age of 65 for fire • chief and district chief is not a bona fide Occupational Qualification. (8) The primary duties of district chief and deputy chief are that of supervision, but such employee can be called upon at any time to perform the duties of firefighter, fire equipment operator or fire captain, and the judgment and decisions of a deputy chief or district chief can affect the safety of fellow firefighters and citizens , � and a mandatory retirement age of 70 for such positions would be in the best interest to . fully protect the property and public safety of the citizens of the city. -2- WHITE - CITV CLERK PflVK � -rFINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL Council �] ,/y CANARY -DEI�ARTMENT File NO. u�+ - /33� BLUE - MAVOR • O Zn nce Ordinance N 0. `��4� Presented By `� / Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date (9) There is no alternative policy which could be established by the city and still fully protect the pr�perty and public safety of the citizens of the city. Section 2. That Section 26. 03 of the St. Paul Administrative Code is amended to read as follows : "26.03. Mandatory retirement age. A mandatory retirement age of 65 for all uniformed fire employees in the positions of firefighter, fire equipment operator, and fire captain, is hereby established pursuant to the above findings. This act requires that all employees in said positions �k�e-r�r�}�e�x�ed-�}�e-�}�}s�e� must retire on the first day of the month immediately following the month in which the employee reaches age 65 , �1�}s p�e�}s}er�-s�a��-be-e��ee���e-as-e�-��ie-e€�ee�}�re da�e-e�-�1�}s-ekap�e�.- A mandatory retirement age of 70 for all uniformed fire emplo ees in the positions of district chief and deputy chief is hereby established pursuant to the above findings Thls act requires that a11 employees in said chief positions must retire on the first day of the month immediately following the month in which the employee in said chief positions reaches age 70 " Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas ����� Nays Drew �- in Favor Masanz a Nicos�a Against BY Scheibel Tedesco Wilson N�V — � �g85 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Pas e by ncil Secre BY B � Appr y Mayor: Date / �� �OV`— � �585 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � By BY PUBIISHEO N0V 16 1985 ��,..- �\ ' . . �� l ,� • � � �2"'-�✓� r �"=i--�.;..:=F�, �I2�'� O 1+� .S.�ZNT �.t1�7"L o.�/7�3 .�:,. . � ~'yi�;` ;�� �,:., � :,.:_�`.----�=�;�` ��', orrxcr ox�� . _ , „ - ���:._.._�,.:� �l �n�: cx��- coII�c�� =z;, . •::�,:;: :�, ���,:.�..,.:::�:� ���� . . _.�;., . :�_.:._;: �ti . �;�:�• \ - :�,1;/ �d fi e • October 10, 1985 �``�.;��:- _ . . . . . .:.. -C:O,i�i i�.(�.?' E E� 4�_E__P O �T T� = SQjn� P� a� I Cifiy Cosa � �il . � . . F P► � ��} % C O t��3 t��'�� O i�! FINANCE, AIANAGEMENT $ PERSONNEL � � C N A l P.�� James Scheibel � i . Approva 1 of mi nutes f rom meet i ng hel d October 2, 1985. �!'�����►�' . / � � . 2. Ord i nance amend i ng Cf�apters 369, 37Q, ancf 310 of the Leg i s lat i ve Code perta i n i na to building trades business licenses and certificates of competency. (Community Serv i ces) . (La i d over f rom 9/26/85) �P��� . 3. Resolution amending the 1985 budget by transferring $965.00 fram Contingent �;�`��3�4�� Reserve-Specified to General Govt. Accounts-Surety Bond Premiums. (Finance Dept.) 4. Resolution authorizing an agreement with Zimmerman Realty for rental of office space . at 195�+ University Ave. for Publ ic Nealth Division. (Health Deot.) ��'��� 5. Resolution consenting to the issuance of Port Authority lndustrial Development Revenue Bonds in the amt. of $765,000 to finance construction of an office, manufacturin� and warehous i ng faci 1 i ty for EMC Corp. at York � Case Ave. P{ED) (�1����' � 6. Resolution consenting to the issuance of Port Authority I�dustriai Development Reven�E • Bonds in the amount of $2,4b0,000 to finance construction of an office, production and storage facility for Merrill Corp, in Energy Park. (PED� ��j��� 7. Discussion of financing package for Block L (KTCA) . Jl?'� E�`ct'►T'Ib�• 8. '(}rd'+n�r1�lt.-aaafq�i►c�g Ch�,pter 26 of the Adm i n i s trat i ve Code perta i n i Rg to mandato �� � r�,���t far �p��yees in tFt� c�niformert d�v'isimn 'of the fire Dept• (�ire' Dept. "' MOOT ISSIJE TO BE REMOVED FROM COMMIT7EE LIST OF ITEMS TO BE DEALT Wt�TH: Ordinance pertaining to the hotel-motel tax and use of funds by the Civic Center Authori ty. _ ��U�',p � ��,�1.l,1V� �p� �.�57`• CiTY HALL SL•VEN7'H FLOOI: � • � � SAINT P�1UL, riI�\ESOT�� 55I0_ . . . _ � ��-�--,�.�� • f���� Fr�. ,� � CITY OF SAINT PAUL �::;;;� � OFFICE OF T33E CI�.'Y COIINCIL i Committ�� �epart ' F':i�an��� �Iana�ement. & Personnel C�mmittee. October 31, 1985 1. Approval of minutes fxom meeting held October 25, 1985. �°PR�� �, 2. Resolution amending the 1985 budget by decreasing $40,000 from Financing Plan and adding $8,600 to�he�S�pend�g Plan or Alarm Lice�e�A�ctivities � Penalties. c_���su��o`� 3. Ordinance and accompanying resolution allowing the transfer of benefits, equal to benefits in St. Paul, from any public system to St. Paul in cases of unclassified appointments. �(lpV£�, 4. ��q n�',ng Chapter 26 of the Admin. Code pertair�ing to ml�dator � �� re'Cirem�"t��""�or employees in "�he u�ifor�d. divisfon of th`e Fire Dept:��-�� R��a�? 5. Resolution amending the 1985 budget by adding $1,500 to the Financing Plan and Spendi.ng Plan for City Clerk!s Office-Elections � Voter Registration. R�+P(�V£t� 6. Resolution amending the 1985 budget by transferring $10,000 from Contingent Reserve to Public titi'orks-Traffic Operations � Maintenance. ��°�� 7. Resolution amending the 1985 budget by transferring $3,600 from Contingent Reserve to General Govt. Accounts-Citizen Committee Restricted Parking. �'�� 8. Resolution amending the 1985 budget by transferring $7,235 from Contingent Reserve to PED-PED Contribution. ��£O. 9. Resolution amending the 1985 budget by transferring �6 from Contingent Reserve to Police Dept.-Buildings/Niaintenance. ��ed `� �6�67S.ao �'°����. 10. Resolution authorizing an agreement with the State Dept. of Health ivhereby the City will administer a WIC Program (Women, Infants F� Children Supplemental Food Program.) �P�Di1Sc� CITY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 5510? �,g WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT �AUL COIIIICII �� � /`AA ^ BLUERY - MAYORTMENT � i� File N 0. Valuationsy—tRoom 218 �� /LE "l R so �Z n (MdsPk) Presented By Referred To Committee: Date � Out of Committee By Date RF.SOLVID, that upon the petition of the City of St. Paul for the vacation of Mounds Park Elementary School Site per file No. 24-1984 that part of the public property bounded by Fbrest, Pacific, Cypress and McLean hereinafter described, be and the same is hereby vacated and discontinued as public property: Vacated alley accruing and Lots 1, 2 and 3, McLean's Reservation and Lot 4, Block 6 Kendrick's Rearranc�►nent of Blocks 4 and 6 McLean's Reservation, St. Paul, Minn., also Lots 21, 22, 23 arx3 24 and vacated alley accruing in Kendrick's Rearrangement of Blocks 4 and 6, 1�Lean's R�eservation to St. Paul, Minn. Subject expressly to the follawing conditions and reservations: l. That the vacation be subject to all the terms and oonditions of Chapter 130, codified March l, 1981, of the St. Paul Legislative Code, as amended. 2. That a specific easement b�e retained within the vacated area to protect the interest of Northern States Pawer Campany Flectric Division. 3. That the City as petitioner not be required to pay oanrpensation for the vacation. 4. That the property be disposed of pursuant to Chapter 51 of the City of Saint Paul Administrative Code. CQUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Drew Nays � Masanz In Favor Nicosia .� Scne�bei Against BY � Sonnen DireC_ to� �esea ��3 W�ison �CT � � Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date ie�`�'� � c /� /7 ������ ?/1� ( I/ Certified Pa s Council ta BY � 3 �^� gy, l� —� ��I � �} 1985 App y Mayor for Submis � n t Council Approved by Mayor. a — gY�_�__ ` By �`-� PUBL9SH�� ��� � :' i��;� � � �; ,, . s � . . �.�� s . R� + . S ! . e f ��� �, t' , ,4�. . ''� f ._ . ������, �. , .. . ��'� d��•� _ ' ' 3 � i �t :1 s � \ `. r '� ' �. } • ; �� . 1 i r i j cs- � y�'�} T �i P . i� ,�` � ' r� ; . . " � � i � - d a. i � 3 a�f � .,� . . ��� . � � � � � � � � � �� A i , � ,.� R � �..� r.i� �. " � � . M' � 1' x E��`. .. F. ' • 1 �,� �� 1, s � ��/�PlM7/ ��F �� � � ' _ � � y t`h,�. �..t�` ir �` J ��� � -�� _ _ i� �� � ./, � . Y , ' .y �k' .' � n,� R F. J � SF� �t � .. I: .'�i ' �1 � $ � a�.: �/ �' .. . . ' . -.. -. : . . '.: x ,y, ._ . .'. ,.: !. L \ i, � n'�k" 't `' ' �' � ' ��� �{ ��� �� W• �_`A�4.L��� ��� � ' � w �., ', ,r ���,�,,L�Nr� - � ry r `. � ; . r; � � :` A ,�� �+. y� �R� ��f��►j� ^�!�1�i � � � ��.; ;'� �"`, . i '''i � W i , , . � ,,.,_ , _ � � •. . ,. ,. . . � . �.r� _ ''S��'� �. ,a,� ���+,1�• � .\ x_ � _ E� y ` . �- � : . :� t `. : ` �� C�.t�.,y��'ti�A4�`'�� 3��r��',�•�1K t'����'S,p� � t � `" �����`���► � s�c�' t`e�1c>� v�9�ti.w� � �s � P�,' ,� t: , � _ ` � �i'��i�i�.M {.,� x r' �') sf�l �4 . r , . , ,, .� ,� ., y .: " : . . � . .. .. ,� � .1 .. . . . � ,.. r��. �� .. . ,. . 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G. _ .. �..-:`� �. , _ _t . . , ti a., , .. _. _ u-,,r. �.�=�3.�3- • � �- I a� ,,�I''��.� CITY O1�' SAINT PAUI. ���� , � � ~ � y OFFICE OF THB MAYOR � ��� � 's a o a t � .. ` ����!���;.�� : \� '' Zii�i t t�u � P ::� ` 10 �o „Q - ,���N 2 — +sa• 347 CITY HALL " -- SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 � T; > >985�► '" GEORGE LATIMER (612) 298-4323 � �/�0��/ T��$N , 'j MAYOR � CC�� June 26 , 1985 n; � re: Vacation o nds Park Elementary School Building Council President Victor J. Tedesco and Members of the City Council 7th Floor City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Council Members: ���e Saint: Pa.u� City �ou�cl rec -'��e�c3 to my .office �"`p��ipos��i �re�so�n��.o�t- whi� would autMc�'�ize`'th�:C�.ty to .p��eec� w''�'th -tk�� ,uaGation• a�,d dis sition of the Mon�ds Park Elemen-tar� �__ '�'ch�aa� sa.te._.;�I., have_ s.�gne � �es�o�.ution,� 3z��-��.th the,� �OZ�i�W2�'1CJ ��SE�'VFdt7.0325. r I have visited the facility many times . As you know, the con- dition of the structure is substandard in the extreme. I have reviewed the inspection reports prepared by Community Services' Housing and Building Code Division, and preliminary ' estimates on the scope of �he �aork necessary to insure building code compliance and provide structural and physical safety to the users. After reviewing these items, I believe that the reuse of the structure as an educational and/or neighborhood facility is questionable. The structure is both antiquated and physically deteriorated. The location is not central to either neighborhood or citywide access. The overall cost, including the fair market value of the building, land and repairs would represent a formidable obstacle to a potential developer. I do, however, recognize the fact that there has been considerable discussion between the neighborhood residents, Red School House staff, staff of various City departments, and a public hearing has been held on the matter by the City Council. I, therefore, believe that it would be inappropriate to delay the vacation and disposition process at this time . In light of the above- referenced condition of the building, I also encourage the Red School House to continue to explore alternative locations should the Mounds Park building prove to be infeasible. V ry trul ours, Geor e La imer May Attachment ��.�e Finance & Mgmt Services DEPARI�MENT � �'33'� N� 2179 . Dick McCann ' CONTAaT 298-531:] � PHONE j May 29, 1985 DA7E � 1 e�� e� ASSIGN NUMBER FOR ROUTING ORDER Cli Al1 cations for Si nature : �Department Director �' 2 Director of Management/Mayor Finance and Management Services Director 4 City Clerk Budget Dil^eCtor I 3 Councilman Nicosia City Attorney � WHAT WILL BE ACHIEVED BY TAKING ACTION ON T E ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ � Rationale) : Adopt resolution vacating Mounds Park E1 �CVSchpol site approved by the Csuncil on May 16, 1985 , c u AY 3 �:� i985 �� � �'�.� ���YGR S OFFiCE � I COST/BENEFIT, BUDGETARY AND PERSONNEL IMPAC�'S ANTICIPATED: ,,,,,,_ REC�II�FD ..r To be offered for sale by the Cfty at a m�nimum price of $90,600. M AY 2 9 198i � i OFFICE OF THc DI�?FCtOR ' DEPARTMENT nF Fi��A^��'E I '1�1ND MANAGEbiEN7 SEr24'1„iS � FINANCING SOURCE AND BUDGET ACTIVITY NUMBER �CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- ture not re- Total Amount of Transaction: quired if under i $10,000) Funding Source: '� Activity Number: 00250-2833-000 � ATTACHMENTS List and Number All Attachment 1. Resolution � . i I � i DEPARTMENT REVIEW I� CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW � x Yes No Council Resolution Required? � Resolution Required? Yes No Yes x No Insurance Required? i Insurance Sufficient? Yes No Yes X No Insurance Attached: (SEE REVERSE SIDE F�R INSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/84 II • - . 1 ' .. � .. .._... . ��� �� � .t ; re _ , . __ , . _. . _ �° _ .__.. . . _ -- �! _ � _ . _ , _ _ .._ _ ..._ ....__.. ............ ��t �`�/,� ��,�g ._ � . �� •� � -2nd, � Q�-�'�._� _.�.�s�-. . 3rd• � �D --a�-�S Adopted /O - 02 D �`dJ Yeas Nays DRLW MASANZ NICOSIA �- � `��� SCHEIBEL l7�Q� SONNEN . � jJILSON _. --- - MR. PR�SID�NT TED�SCO ' ,f����� '_ 1� �j : <,.� /,��� ` J � ,:�J��