85-1322 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council ^ CANA�V - DEPJtRTMENT File NO. �+�� ���7� BLUE - MAVOR r • O� in�nce Ordinance N�. f 7�Q� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the Planning Commission, following public hearings held for that purpose, has recommended that the St. Paul Legislative Code be amended and the City Council , having considered the report and recommendations of the Planning Corr�nission, and having conducted a public hearing on the St. Paul Legislative Code amendments, does herebyr amend the St. Paul Legislative Code pursuant to the authority granted by and in accordance with the procedures set forth in Minnesota Statutes § 462.357. The Council of the City of St. Paul does ordain SECTION I That Section 60.208.H shall be amended to add the following definitions: Hazardous Waste Processin Facilit : Any commercial facility as defined in Minnesota Ru es 7045.0020 for which a Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) permit is required, excepting "elementary neutralization units" and "pretreatment units" as defined in Minnesota Rules, Chapter 7045.0020, treating hazardous waste generated at any off-site location, that is designed and operated to modify the chemical composition or chemical , physical or biological properties of a hazardous waste by means such as reclamation, distillation, precipitation or other similar processes, which neutralizes the waste or renders it non-hazardous, safer for transport, amendable for recovery, storage, or reduced in volume. Hazardous waste processing does not include incineration or disposal . COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Fletcher Drew [n Favor Masanz Nicosia B scneibei Against Y Tedesco Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY F3y Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By WH17E - CITV CLERK 1 PINK - FINANCE COLLIIClI CANARV -DEPNRTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO. ���3-�-� BIUE � - MAVOR Ordin�nce Ordinance N�. ���a.� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Hazardous Waste: Any refuse or discarded material or combinations of refuse or discarded materials in solid, semi-solid, liquid, or gaseous form which cannot be handled by routine waste management techniques because they pose a substantial present or potential hazard to human health or other living organisms because of their chemical , biological , or physical properties. Categories of hazardous waste include, but are not limited to: explosives, flammables, oxidizers, poisons, irritants, and corrosives. Hazardous waste does not include sewage sludge and source, special nuclear', or by-product material as defined by the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended'. Section 60.624. Princi al uses subject to s ecial conditions. Shall be amended to add the following su section: (3) Subject to 64,300, Subd. 4, hazardous waste processing facilities, provided such facilities are located �vithin those areas of the city included in the Minnesota Waste Management Board' s Inventory of Preferred Areas for Processing Facilities dated August 1983, and subject to the facility proposer receiving all applicable permits and approvals, and meeting all conditions, including but not limited to the following: a. The minimum distance between structures housing hazardous waste processing facilities and residentially zoned property shall be 1000 feet measured from the closet point of the structure to the zoning district boundary. b. Environmental Assessment Worksheet (EAW) and Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) , if required under Environmental Quality Board Rules. COUNCILME[V Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Fletcher Drew In Favor Masanz Nic�la B scneibei Against y Tedesco Wflson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By �NHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE /3/ CANARV - DEqARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAITL F le ci1N0. o '� /i��� BLUE� -MAYOR Ordindnce Ordinance N0.���0.�, Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date c. Submittal and maintenance of performance agreements and financial guarantees as required by the City Council . The performance agreements and supporting financial guarante�s shall , at a minimum cover the following: completion of required site imprpvements; emergency clean-up and mitigation activities by the operator, after which the city may initiate and complete appropriate cleanup activities; and, closure activities in accordance with Minnesota Rules 7045.0498-.0524. d. Submittal of proposers operating credentials, including: proposer's management experience with comparable hazardous waste facility; proposer's, proposer' s partners' , and proposer's parent company' s net worth and bonding capacity, demonstrating compliance with Federal standards as set forth in Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 40, Parts 123, 264, and 265; references from persons familiar with proposer' s hazardous waste facility management experience; evidence of permit application submittal to applicable county, state and federal agencies. e. Compliance with U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and MPCA inspection and reporting requirememts in accordance with CFR 40, Parts 264 and 265 or Minnesota Rules 7045. � f. All facilities newly constructed for, or modified for the purpose of processing hazardous waste materials shall be directly accessible from a primary arterial roadway as defined and designated in the Transportation Section of the Comprehensive Plan for the City of Saint Paul .i g. There shall be a minimum setback from stormwater holding areas, natural drainage facilities, and wetlands in accordance with Minnesota Rules 7045.0460. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Fletcher Drew In Favor Massnz Nicosia B scneibei Against Y Tedesco Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY BY WHITE - CITY CLERK t PINK � FINANCE COIlI1C11 ���jjj CANARV - DEPtARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO. � /��� BLVE• -iN1AVOR Ordin�nce Ordinance N O. �,��� .� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date h. All stormwater runtlff shall be managed in accordance with Minnesota Rules 7045.0526 and 7045.0528. i . No outside storage of hazardous waste except as permitted by MPCA. j. All loading or unloading of hazardous materials must occur in compliance with Minnesota Rules 7045. k. A copy of the contingency plan, and all amendments and revisions, including operating log, required under Minnesota Rules 7045.0466 must be maintained at the facility and with emergency response agencies of the City of Saint Paul . 1 . The developer must agree to provide at his sole expense, maintenance and continued implementation of approved emergency training programs for all employees at the time of initial hiring, and during continued employment; the training programs shall be reviewed annually for currency; training programs shall also be maintained and conducted for public safety personnel of the City of Saint Paul . m. The developer/operator must prepare and maintain contingency plans to include provisions for alenting applicable agencies; and provision for emergency evacuation of the facility and the surrounding area, in accordance with Minnesota Rules 7045.0466. n. Proposer' s site, operating plans, contingency plans, and training programs shall conform to MPCA permit review under Minnesota Rules 7001.0001-.0730. o. Any special use permit issued for facilities under this section shall be subject to an annual review by the Planning Co�nission to ascertain that operations of the facility continue to be in compliance with all conditions of the permit and the Legislative Code. Section 2 �!'his ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its pa.ssage, approval, and publication. �.vv�.�,.�.�r.� Requested by Department of: Yeas �a�K�� Nays �� � Plannin & Economic De o ment Drew In Favor Masanz �� Nicosia � A ainst ' scneinei g Tedesco ` Wilson OCT Z 9 1gs5 Form Approve b City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified P ss Council t BY By Approve y Mayor: Date Approve M yor f S mi ' n to Council By � PUgIiSHED �ov 2 �9a5 � • • , DEPARTMENT � ���'�°?N�. 2640 . , ck McGuire - CONTACT 92-1577 ex . 313 PHONE 8/16/85 DATE �e�� e� ASSIGN NUN�ER FQR ROUTING ORD R Cli All Locations for Si nature : ;��partment qirector � Director of Management/Mayor Finance and 'Management Se vices Director 5 City Clerk Budget Director Peggy Reichert�� � Cl�y Atto1^nEy Cnunri lman Wi l l i am Wi l son I WHAT WILL BE ACHIEVED BY TAKI G ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ Rationale) : Adoption of the proposed ordinance will provide the City with better control over the location of f acilities designed to tr at hazardous waste materials by making these uses subject to special conditions in the I- zoning classification. Hazardous waste treatment is currently a permitted use in the I-2 z ning district. ��!� ��, RECEIVED COST/BENEFIT, BUDGETARY AND P RSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: � ���I �UG Z 2 � CITY ATTORNEY None anticipated . F��Gr_�- - x ' � A�G� r.; ;���� , �vi��';,,;r� FINANCING SOURC� AND BUDGET A TIVITY NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- ture not re- Total Amount of Transactio�: N/A quired if und�'er � $10,000) Funding Source: � Activity Number: ATTACHMENTS List and Number 11 Attachments : 1, Transmittal letter from he Mayor to the City Council 2. P1anning Cot�nission reso ution. (85-4�) 3. Pro�osed ordinance amend ent language. ° I�I DEPARTMENT REVIE'W _ CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW rdi an e �Yes No Cauncil �g�Q�at on Required? Resolution Required? Yes No Yes �No In,surance Requi ed? Insurance Sufficient? 1Ges No Yes X No Insurance Attac ed: � (SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/84 � , ',�� HOW TO USE THE GREEN SHEET • . � ►, . - � The GREEN SHEET has several PURPOSES: 1. to assist in routing documents and in securing required signatures � 2. to brief the reviewers of documents on the impacts of approval 3. to help ensure that necessary supporting materials are prepared, and, if required, attached. Providing complete information under the listed headings enables reviewers to make decisions on the documents and eliminates follow-up contacts that may delay execution. The COST/BENEFIT, BUDGETARY AAID PERSONNEL IMPACTS heading provides space to explain the cost/benefit aspects of the decision. Costs and benefits related both to City budget (General Fund and/or Special Funds) and to broader financial impacts (cost to users, homeowners or other groups affected by the action) . The personnel impact is a description of change or shift of Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) positions. If a CONTRACT amount is less than $10,000, the Mayor's signature is not required, if the department director signs. A contract must always be first signed by the outside agency before routing through City offices. Be}.ow is the preferred ROUTING for the five most frequent types of documents: CONTRACTS (assumes authorized budget exists) 1. Outside Agency 4. Mayor 2. Initiating Department 5. Finance Director 3. City Attorney _ 6. Finance Accounting ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER (Budget Revision) ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS (all others) 1. Activity Manager l. Initiating Department 2. Department Accountant 2. City Attorney 3. Department Director 3. Director of Management/Mayor 4. Budget Director 4. City Clerk 5. City Clerk 6. Chief Accountant, F&MS COUNCIL RESOLUTION (Amend. Bdgts./Accept. Grants) COUNCIL RESOLUTION (all others) l. Department Director 1. Initiating Department 2. Budget Director 2. City Attorney 3. City Attorney 3. Director of Management/Mayor 4. Director of Management/Mayor 4. City Clerk 5. Chair, Finance, Mngmt. & Personnel Com. 5. City Council 6. City Clerk 7. City Council 8. Chief Accountant, F&MS SUPPORTING MATERIALS. In the ATTACHMENTS section, identify all attachments. If the Green Sheet is well done, no letter of transmittal need be included (unless signing such a letter �s one of the requested actions) . Note: If an agreement requires evidence of insurance/co-insurance, a Certificate of Insurance should be one of the attachments at ti.me of routing. ,,, Note: Actions which require City Council Resolutions include: 1. Contractual relationship with another governmental unit. 2. Collective bargaining contracts. 3. Purchase, sale or lease of land. 4. Issuance of bonds by City. 5. Eminent domain. 6. Assumption•of liability by City, or granting by City of indemnification. 7. Agreements with State or Federal Government u,�der wYrich they are providing funding. W�; 8. Budget amendments. �� . , . � �� ��'�'-/��� CITY OF S�INT PAUL -.....:. OFFIC� OF THE CITY COIINCIL .�..,....... '-'�'�- 0 a t e : October 9, 1985 COMM (TTEE REPORT TO = Sa�nt PQU I City Councit F� � M : C o m m it t e e O�1 INERGY, UTILITIES AND ENVIR0�IN�NT C H A I R Councilmember Kiki Sonnen An a�Ce` a�ndin St. Paul Legislative Code pertaining to a,ef��= ��=t� Iia��us Waste "an� t�z�rctous i��ste T"r��b���"�cili�ies. At its meeting of October 9, 1985, the Energy, �. � Utilities and Environment Co�nittee r��d.. ap�r�� -,�f the a�,.ordi�+�,;-��kt art addit�o�al �mmendment �addi�g a new subsecti�n "o." to Section 60.624, Principal Uses Subject to Special Conditions (3) . CITY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 y�r�_ .. � . _ . � �. �.�-�.�.�� ��� a� Amendment to proposed ordinance which would amend Chapters 60.208 and 60.624 of the Legislative Cod"e pertaininQ to definitions and regulations of hazard- ous waste and hazardous waste processing facilities_. � Amend Section 60.624, Principal Uses Subject to Special Conditions, (3) hazardous waste processing facilities, by adding a new subsection o. as follows: "o, Any special use permit issued for facilities under this section shall be subject to an annuaT review by the Plan- ning Commission to ascertain that operations of the facil- ity continue to be. in compliance with all conditions of the permit and the Legislative Code. " � , � ( �- ist � '�,c..l /— %9�� �z��d j�' ! �7 -�J �. � � � 3rd f 0 - ,�.,2- �s Adopted �� -oc j--�-S r .�'�":� '. 't'±�� _. Yeas Nays {��� = t`��`:,t� nx�w <�..����� _ rrasArrz ^y Y � . �s- �3� � - ' NICOSIA SCHEIBEL �7�d� . SONNL'�T WILSON MR. PRESID�vT TEDESCO . _ _._� - � }.��� ►��. � �' ,,�}��: 3, i).�q..