85-1315 City of$t.Paul COUNCIL F �LE NO. �`� �3 v`� Resolution Ratifying and Confirming $Y Condemnation and Awards of Damages ���,,,� and Assessment Therefor File No. In the matter of �p�pp��jps �d tak10,� +tf► NiplRt �11 �! ��►!td �6l�i�1"� t0�' th! sl�pe�, cwts ar� �,illa, ia�al�li�g �rt�ht of r�rsnal of lse�ral •u�port la�� or rwisiad�x ehsr�lcr� Qscssiaa� by ac�votti.Maa t�:rsot �r soiuernatioo ot slopea la tb� $rad'�ia� sal �tvia� o� Morth-l�arth all�y ip ite�nelt 9, CwMm �sospaat �dditl� �saw 3+�asa�i�t Av�aw ta 3Z�1 l�et sa►�th aa rhowia va slap� llan lTo. 33�1! ,aa iil� ia Slop� Drawx �, 4lot�d A,W�t 1S. 1gSS. Also, aaquiriag a it�yrarar�r eonstx�a�rti�oa +�+��rat oa� thre aortb�r� ad� o� Coatsiusr Corpzstll.or pro�rty d+�i�ia� u l�ll�as !b� U�tazly ��� �et �of ttN M+rsterly 32b.o3 ��st ot tbr lt�r�ciy2:5 i�iae vi t� ltortlu�a�t lt4 oi the lloe�tti+rs�t I/4 0! t� Ua:t�s� 1/�r af ��tiaa 25, ��htp 29 lbrth� Ran�e - 23 w�at. (Dornd�d b� ��c ��r�tt oa tWr ��rt, Jas��aw� �new a� th� �r�: s�saaia� Co�rt and t�aakobf�u �trt�t oo th� ��tc sn� �tafrMr Carporatioa o! A�aria� lro�st�r �1n t�► solettlj under Administrative Order — approve� — Preliminary Order gg"'�3� approved J1tIN l�, 1�5 FinalOrder 83-939 approved ��r Zi� 14$5 A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the award,of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it RESOLVED, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signature of the Director of Finance and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council: Date ��r � 1985 Yeas�� Nays D CT 3 1�v �anL , Certified d y Counc' Sec etary Ml��ia �� =�1ltibtl ' In Favor B �a�men U ,�,�s� Against p��•� Mayor PU$USHE OCT 1 � �g�� City of St.Paul COUNCIL FILE NO. '�'"''` ' �� ��%� Report of Director of Finance By - on Condemnation of Lands ����� File No. In the matter of �,��� ,ip� �,��,,�� �d �,��,�� � ��,� � �s�,�r t�t t�r �lo��. �c�s +� �ill#, iarc�w/�M� �r�t +r� rawr►w! oi tat��tl �+�ppi►z�t laod ot� r�iai�r thlraw! orak�ti�ad b� �ttsw�t�s ���oi� a� sa�at�raaati�e at •l�pe�t �t 1� �rs�� qd ,p,Mtv�� +�!` �/►rt1�M�wtb �ll�x ia 11o�tk !1, �a�o 1�ros�t A�id�t�s t�w da�we�ai Awr■w r.+► �2� �'NC s�ati� as �Aa� a� �l+c�n l;tae Me« Z33� � �ile !�� �lo�t �r+ie+�az 7�, drr.Ni A+r�as� 1S, 19�5. �._.. �isa, asq�isfa� a��'��er�zy s��trwtia� �r�reat �a tlwe sor+r�r�rw +rr�� o� \ Cc�uriwr Cor�t�t�r pcopa�tt�► rtst�a�d w !'�►lla�n►z !M �!�s1� :.`" � n �a �t�s��rly �� �. ` l+�rt �►t t�+e ��+�d�r�Y �' fMt o�C � M��1ar�s��i� t� �w►tbM�rrt 1/� o� N+�rtMrer+� 11# ot �tira 2�� l�r�a►!�p 3t! lbrcf�. ��s .. 1t! w�r�t. U�� �7 1E�►t ttxa�t �e t�s rr�rt. .ts�+sMde�r a�r �sa �rte�r �art&. J�s�r�n�i�we C+owre +ea�i lM��tkd�to s�c�at �ro rtMt �at s+ad #�t�ai�rrr C�ar��srat�ios o� A��i+t� l�roptsty os �h�r �re+rtt�) under Administrative Order •' approve� "" Preliminary Order ��'��� approved dt� 1�� 1�> SS-�39 lw1�r li, �985 Final Order approved TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL: The Director of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appropriated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that attached is an assessment roll entitied as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. Director of Finance City of St.Paul COUNCIL FILE NO. �� — � ,��.� Notice of Hearing in Condemnation By ,., M Proceedings 1+�1�1'1-� _ File No. ` In the matter of ��� � ��� u � � � �� ����� ��. � +�1�,�, c�ts sw�i l�tls, i�ua�wi�� rr�►t +�� r�r1 et �t���l s��t l�s+� oY �rwnri�dt�r t1�r�! v�+�ut�1 !I�► �wrti�ws ��t�r! ar eo�r+e��,�► ot slc��p ia tlw itad� a�d �nrt� ot Morth�i�w�i► allsr �n #l+awalt !. Caw �rw�er 1►�d�tl�w ��w J�w+�►i� Av� cr 2i� t�rt �t� ws s�a�a tio iil� !1� It�. 2,�� o� tilrt ie �i�e�t 1�r'aarr� �. dlt�+l �►+��we 1S, �laS. A��ro. �ri�, • Mt�sytr� soirtt�rtt� �� �aw► �r �ert#►�rN �!� o! C+a�a+t�iwr �►rp�rat� pr�tr�l d��� a+r !'�►1lawt '� �+��ncl "" � •o.,u.� �, ,�., �, � �r 1i�ar�ly '�, >� ,;`.l�aeC o�C t�t M��'�L�rr�y-��6 �pr� � M�rC1MSa � � �+t�t 'l/i 4� M�st�#w�t 1!4 ot �tt�a ��►. l���r �! �tarcb, �� �t� w�t. �r�! b�` ��� 1�tx�iG N t1w� �n�rt�. .���rclir�► ��ra��w +� t� ss�rt�A. Ja►s�tw Cc�cc +�o�l M�oltdl��a,itr�rt q��► t�► �rit +� C�triMer Cs�r�e�r�t�iw o! ��wesi�ra ho�wtrrc�► oa d�r► atwtl�) under Administrative Order ' �- approve� •• Preliminary Order ��'�� approved �M ��s ��"� FinalOrder '��"`�'�� .XYIy l�, l�$ approved TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be had before the Council of the City of St. Paul, in the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul, on the day of , at ten o'clock A.M.,upon the report of the Director of Finance as to the amount of damages to be awarded to the owner or owners of the lands or easements therein, to be appropriated for the above impravements, and the persons to whom such awards were payable and for the confirmation of such awards, also upon the assessment of benefits to the property from the making of said improvement. Objection, to the taking of such lands or easements therein, or the awards of damages therefor must be in writing and filed with the Council at the time herein fixed for said hearing, or with the City Clerk prior thereto. Dated Director of Finance G��J/^.,_ ���'�' R„Bi�iLiD3'ION ROVING AlSSES�ME�AN� �$�OF HEARiNG. R � THEBEON AND NG T�ME OF BEAttING ON�ASD'(�F DAl1�IliGE�S Countil ii'ile No. 1204—By Chris Nicosia- In tl'ie i�atter f condemning and taking an easement in the lanci pecesssry fo� the slopes�cuts an fills,inclpding the right of�moval of lateral support�&nd ar remainder thereo occasioned by excavations thereof or constructio�of siQpes in the grading and p ving of North-Sauth alley'in Block 9.Como Frospect Addition from Jessamine A enue to 228 feet south as shown on Slope Plarr No.23�3ofi'fiTe in Slope Drawer 2 dated August 15, 1985. ' Also, acquirin a temporary construction easement on the northern edge oi Container Carpor tion property defined as follows:The Easterly 190 feet of the . Westerly 326.03 f t of the Northerly 25 feet of the Northeast�/.of the Southwest �i of the Northwe t �/i of Section 25,Township 29,North,Range 23 West. (Bounded bY ent Street on the. west, Jessamine Avenue on the north, dessamine Caurt d Mackubin Street:on the east and Container Corporation of America Property on the south);under Preliminary;Qrcler 85-$32 approvec�June 18, 1985;Final Q er 85-939 a}�proved,July 16,1985. The Director o Finance having submitted his report in the aboi�e matter as to the amount of da ages awarded for the�taking of the land or easement�the�r�an appropriated for t e above improvement and to�ovhom payable;and als:o havit�ig submitted his as ent of benefits to property from the making of said� improvement,the fore be it RESOLVED, t the said assessment of benefits be and the same is h�reby approvEct. ,, . :� . . RESOLVED F RTH�R., That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report d�for a confirmation of the award of.damages madp�y the Director of Finan and also upon the said assessment of be�n�iits;at th�Council Chambe}�, in the C urt House in the City of St. Paul oi��he.�st da of 1 t o' M.,an�that,Eh �,Dinector of Fiiparice be'�,Fie�;i�'i3��ec�,,t4 give no �e o sai earing as p'��d by the�harter. . . . ; �,. File No. 1$4d0-S .. , ,. _ _ _ , Adopted by th Council September 3, 1985. Appmved Sep ber 6, 1985. (September 6. 1985)