85-1307 WHI�'E - C1TV CLERK � � � PINK - FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT PA iT L Council CANARY - DEPARTMENT 1 BLUE - MAVOR � Flle NO. �—/�O � Cou cil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHERFAS� The City of Saint Paul concurs with the Joint City Hall & Court House Committee recomnendation to unc��rtake certain projects that will eliminate water intrusion in the City Hall & Court House building; and WHERF.AS, The City had previously encumbered $25,000 as part of its share of the district heating expei�ses and this money is no longer needecl for the district heating building improvements; and W�iEREAS, The Mayor cloes recomnend the encumbered money be used to partially finance these projects; and W�REAS, The Mayor, pursuant to 3ection 10.07.4 of the City Charter, does recoa�¢nend the follaving transfers for the 1985 General Fund Budget: TRAI�SFER FR(aM: General Government Accounts Contingent Reserve General 09060-537 Operating�Transfer 0ut -32,262 Current Amended Budget Changes Buclget TRF�NSFER T0: General Government Accounts � 09170 CH/CH Building Mtce. (City 35$ Share) 09170-287 Space Use Charge 664,373 +32,262 696,635 09170- Al1 Other�Spending 81,650 0 81,650 746,023 +32,262 778,285 1� CHANC� 0 COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas p�� Nays Masanz In Favor N icosia Scheibel Sonnen A gainst BY Tedesco Wilson Form Appr ve ity orney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By ' A►pprove by M r: Da Q-—� �S Approved b yor for Submission to Council B FL�3LiSNED ,�;;; s • �,�" BY WHIiE - �1TV GLERK " . . PINK - FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT PA iT L Council ` CANARV - DEPARTMENT � t BLUE - MAVOR Fll@ NO. � ���D� � Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date —2— NOW� THEREEORE� BE IT RF,SOLVED, That the City Council approves the amendment to the 1985 Budget arid the reallocation of the encu�bered furids as recom��l by the Mayor. Financinq is Available: Approval R�ded: _ �. Director of inance �� �� Budqet Di r� �� COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas p�� Nays Masanz � Gener GOV@Y' Nicosia [n Favor _�-- Scheibel Sonnen � _ A gainst BY ' Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: Date �EP 2� 1985 Form Approve b Ci Atto y Certified P s c'1 Se eta y BY B}� /Approved by Navor: Dat — — J�P �985 Appcoved y y r for 'ssion to Council -, � gy B PUBLISHED �C i � 1gg� Executive Admi:nistration DEPARTMENT (� ��`a� ND 2939 Ron Kline CONTACT 298-4323 PHONE Se tember 25 1985 DATE 1 „��� e�i ASSIGN NUMBER FOR ROUTING ORDER ( li Al1 Locations for Si nature : �Department Director .� Director of Management/Mayor �Finance and Management Servic s Director 6 City Clerk �"Budget Director _ __ __ _ _ � City Attorney WHAT WILL BE ACHIEVED BY TAKTNG A TION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ Rationale) : The attached amendment wi l provide funding for emergency repairs to the City Hall & Court House Bu lding. Specifically, repairs for leaking roofs, water intrusion, and relat d projects will be funded. COST/BENEFIT BUDGETARY AND PERS NEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: Emergency repairs are nee d to avoid long-term damage to the building which would be more costly. FINANCING SOURCE AND BUDGET ACTI ITY NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- ture not re- Total Amount of Transaction: $32 ,2 62 quired if under $10,00Q) Funding Source: 09060 Cont ngent Reserve General Activity Number: Credit: 9170 CH/CH Building Mtce. fCity Share 35�) ATTACHMENTS List and Number pll Attachments : 1 City Council Resolution 2 May 24th letter from Har y Marshall 3 May lOth memo from the S bcommittee 4 Minutes of the May 20th CH/CH Committee Meeting 5 July 16th memo from Bob ang UEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW �Yes No Council Resolutio Required? Resolution Required? Yes No Yes �No Insurance Require ? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No Yes X No Insurance Attache : (SEE R VERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/84 # , ��,�=�3o y )oint CITY COUNCIL COUNTY BOARD Hugo Masanz C i t y H a I I & C o u r t H o u s e Ruby Hunt Chri� Nicoaia Donald Salverda Yictoc Tedesco Warren Schabec Commission George Latimer, Chairman Harry Marshall . Secretary R�.C�.I 1/�t� I��AY 2 4 i985 May 24, 1985 tiiAYOR'S OfFiCE � Mr. Vic Tedesco, President St. Paul City Council 719 City Hall St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Vic: The Joint Court House/City Hall Comnittee approved Resolution #85- 09 at its meeting of May 20, 1985 which approved certain repairs for the Court House/City Hall Building with estimated costs of $160,714. How- ever, there is in the CH/CH budget $53,513 for roof repairs, so a total of approximately $107,201 is needed for these critical repairs. The City Council is asked to appropriate $38,196 (35.63%) and the • County Board is asked to appropriate $69,005 (64.37%) to fund these repairs as more fully spelled out in the resolution. Your help in expediting this matter will be appreciated. i c rely you , � C� � //� � Harr . 1� at ��� Y Join Comnittee Secretary Attach. cc: Mayor Latimer �'Blees, Budget Director A1 Olson, City Clerk HEM/dw 316 City Hall/Court House St. Paul, Minn. 55102 - 298-4145 . � � Resolution ���-`3D' �oint City Hall & Court House Committee Presented by Commissioner Hunt No. 85-09 Date Mav 20. 1985 Attention: Budget & Accounting; R. Brubacher, Executive Director; V. Tedesco, Council President; W. Schaber, Chairman, County Board; G. Blees, City Budget Director; A. Olson, City Clerk; P. Thone, County Property Manager; D. Gaiovnik, Acting Building Superintendent; Wm. Peter, Purchasing Agent; WHEREAS, Toltz, Kin�, Duvall, Anderson & Associates, Inc. were commissioned by the Joint Court House & City Hall Committee to study the overall condition of the Court House & City Hall Building which addressed a number of structural, mechanical, and systems deficiencies by Resolution 4�83-21 dated October 17, 1983; and WHEREAS, The extensive nature of work outlined in the study received on December 18, 1984 will require a great amount of study on the part of the Joint Committee as to funding; and WHEREAS, There are certain repairs that are critical at the present time in order to reduce further building deterioration; Now, Therefore, Be It RESOLVED, That the Joint Court House & City Hall Committee hereby approves the proposal to reroof the third and eighteenth floors of the building and to correct water leakage around the building foundation including repaving the service alley on the west side of tfie building at an estimated cost of $160,714 less $53,513 that is presently funded for roofing repairs making a total of approximately $107,201 to complete the above work; and Be It Further � RESOLVED, That the above work be accomplished through the competitive biddin� process and funded 64.37Y by the county and 35.63% by the city; and Be It Further RESOLVED, That the St. Paul City Council and the Ramsey County Board of Commissioners are requested to appropriate sufficient monies under the above percentages to accomplish tfiese critical repairs. � B �� � �����' � Mayor Geo�ge latimer, Chairman Cli & CN Committee Secre ary • � ,� � �� i3�7 BUILDI.�fi SUPERINTENDENT ASST.BUILDINO SUPERINTENDENT � ' � 29l-�207 29M131 (�uux# �mtsE ttxt� (�i#� �tt�I �31ZSE� QIQ1Tlt� — — �f- �Mlt[ �LIIktCBD� •-s�,"--�•(ss� TO: CITY HALL-COURT HOUSE COMMITTEE FROM: SUB-COMMITTEE APPOINTED TO STUDY TKDA BUILDING SYSTEMS REPORT DATE: MAY 10, 1985 SUBJECT: INITIAL REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONS The TKDA report commissioned to study the overall condition of the City Hall/Court House addressed a plenitude of structural, mechanical and systems deficiencies. They at the same time offered a variety of solutions that, for the most part, are extensive and, in some cases, deal with entire system renovation. The Sub-Committee has intitially dealt with areas that are time- critical with respect to reducing further building debilitation. We feel these are: . LEAKING ROOFS We believe the removal of the old roofs and install- ation of new roofing and flashings on the 18th and 3rd floors to be of the highest priority. Cost for this work and accompanying inspections are projected at $97,768. WATER INTRUSION The abatement of water intrusion into the building is another area of high criticality. Surface and sub- surface water is entering the building at a number of different points. This is causing structural erosion that given time could become serious. This water intrusion also threatens trunk electrical service and could, on a worst case basis, interrupt electrical service to the building for an extended period of time. � ' � � 1 � ` ���r-/�a7 . • - 2 - WATER INTRU�SION - continued Correction of this problem consists of excava- tion along the foundation line in several suspect areas, and a repaving of the alley adjacent to the building with a grading to insure rapid, directionally correct, water runoff. The Fxcava- tion, testing, repair of leaks and all resurfacing can be accomplished for approximately $31,114. In summation, the Sub-Committee feels that a great deal more discussion and input will be required before a large-scale renovation plan can be put together. However, the problems outlined in this report are such that im�nediate attention is required. It is with that in mind that the Sub-Committee requests that the full CH-CH Conunittee adopt a resolution recommending that these projects be undertaken as rapidly as possible, and passes along these recommendations to the re- spective finance committees of both the City Council and County Board so that the appropriate monies can be made availab le on a City/County shared cost basis. Roofing $ 97,768 Water Intrusion 31,114 . Inspection 8,000 Post Construction Clean-Up and Minor Repair 3,000 15X Contingency 20,832 Sub Total $160,714 Less Existing R-83 Roofing Acct. (65% Cty.-35� City) -53, 513 -- TOTAL $107,201 9 6./��� OFFICE OF THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR RAMSEY COUNTY, MINNESOTA ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA MAY 20, 1985 � O��/` � � The Joint Court House & City Hall Committee met in regular session at 9:30 o'clock a.m. on the above date with the following members present: Hunt, Masanz, Nicosia, Salverda, Tedesco, Chairman Latimer - 6. Absent: Schaber - 1. Also present was Susan Haigh, First Assistant County Attorney and Committee Counsel. Chairman Latimer presided. MINUTES Commissioner Hunt moved, seconded by Councilman Masanz, that the reading of the minutes of the April 15, 1985 Joint Committee Meeting be dispensed with and approved as submitted. Roll Call: Ayes - 6. Nays - None. ENERGY AUTOMATION - FIRE SAFETY & SECURITY SYSTEM - TRANSFER - CHANGE ORDER Commissioner Hunt introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption, seconded by Commissioner Salverda. Roll Call: Ayes - 6. Nays - None. (85-07) � RESOLVED, That the Joint Court House & City Hall Committee hereby approves Change Order 1/2 to Purchase Order Contract /iCC100093 with Kehne Electric Company, Inc. (Toltz, King, Duvall, Anderson and Associates, Inc.) adding two smoke detectors with the additional cost of $1,190 as spelled out in Change Order 112 which is made a part hereof by reference; and Be It Further RESOLVED, That the County Executive Director is authorized to sign this chan�e order on behalf of the Joint Co�ittee; and Be It Further RESOLVED, That the County Executive Director is directed to make the following adjustment in the 1985 budget of the Court House 5 City Hall Committee to fund the amount in the change order over the amount available in the Court House & City Hall Contingency Account (IF41003): From: 41001 060302 Contingent Account $205.52 To: 41001 041511 Fire Safety Improvements $205.52 • (Change Order 4�2) ELEVATOR MAINTENANCE CONTRACT Commissioner Hunt introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption, seconded by Commissioner Salverda. Roll Call: Ayes - 6. Nays - None. (85-OS) RESOLVED, That the Joint Court House & City Hall Committee hereby approves the renewal of Purchase Order Contract I�CC100052 dated June 22, 1982 for furnishing all labor, materials, and equipment necessary for or reasonabiy incidental to maintenance of the elevators in the Court House & City Hall Building in accordance with the specifications to GUST LAGERQUIST & SONS, INC, in the total amount of $36,981.00 ($3,081.75 per month) for the period beginning July 1, 1985 and ending on June 30, . 1986; and Be It Further RESOLVED, That this is the fourth year of a five year contract which is renewable each year at the option of the Joint Cour[ House & City Hall Committee; and Be It Further RESOLVED, That said contractor shall furnish to the Joint Committee Secretarv a Corporate Surety Bond in the amount of $36,98L00 to guarantee faithful performance under the contract. BUILDING REPAIRS & ALTERATIONS - WATER INFILTRATION Commissioner Hunt introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption, seconded by Councilman Nicosia. Roll Call: Ayes - 6. Nays - None. (85-09) " �O May 20, 1985 - Continued (85-09) WHEREAS, Toltz, KinR, Duvall, Anderson S Associates, Inc. were commissioned by the Joint Court House & City Hall Co�ittee to study the overall condition of the Court House � City Hall Building which addressed a number of structural, mechanical, and systems deficiencies by Resolution 1�83-21 dated October 17, 1983; and WHEREAS, The extensive nature of work outlined in the study received on December 18, 1984 will require a great amount of study on the part of the Joint Committee as to funding; and WHEREAS, There are certain repairs that are critical at the present time in order to reduce further building deterioration; Now, Tfierefore, Be It RESOLVED, That the Joint Court Houae & City Hall Co�ittee hereby approves the proposal to reroof the third and eighteenth floors of the building and to correct water leakage around the building foundation including repaving the service alley on the west side of the building at an estimated cost of $160,714 less $53,513 that is presently funded for roofing repairs making a total of approximately $107,201 to � complete the above work; and Be It Further RESOLVED, That the above work be accomplished through the competitive biddinR process and funded 64.377 by the county and 35.63X by the city; and Be It Further RESOLVED, That the St. Paul City Council and the Ramsey County Board of Commissioners are requested to appropriate sufficient monies under the above nercentages to accomplish tfiese critical repairs. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Joint Committee at this time, Chairman Latimer declared the meeting adjourned. HARRY E. MARSHALL, CHIEF CLERK-COUNTY BOARD AND JOINT COMMITTEE SECRETARY _ - * ' •� OFFICE OF THE MAYOR 347 Ciiy Hall GEORGE LATIMER �'jc �,S'-/.3v � To: Matt Shands Greg Blees �m; Ron Klin �� Subject: ch & ch reque st Date: 7/16/8 5 According to Marion Holly and Bob Lang, Harry Marshall ' s request of 5/24/85 and ch & ch resolution 85-09 may be in error. It appears as if Mr . Marshall has mixed 100� county encumbrances with ch & ch (county 65� / cit� 35�) obligations. Bob Lang' s memo (7/16/85) attached, shows a somewhat different allocation than that described by Marshall and adopted by the CH & CH Committee. The Lang memo shows the city' s obligation to be 35.63� of the total CH & CH obligation , or $57,262 out of $160 ,714 . Lang also discovered an old encumbrance of the City' s that could be applied to this need. Some money ($25,000) was encumbered as a potential heating bill for District Heating when the City Hall/Court House Building for late 1983. As I 'm sure you will remember, that was the time that the building had very little heat, and, therefore , we were never billed for any service. Lang assures me that that encumbrance is available for other use . We should be responding to a request for $57,262 . We have $25,000 available . Therefore, a need to transfer $32 ,262 exists if we decide to respond to the CH & CH committee . • �. � �S-/.��7 �'.•��. .,,0 �� CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTERDEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM T0 : Ron Kline FROM: Bob Lang ;��y�i �G�� . DATE: July 16 , 1985 RE: 6/ 18/85 inquiry status 09170 (CH & CH) encumbrances - resourees for emergency roof repairs Response to your memo dated 6/ 18/85 to myself and Ron Christiansen after consulting with Marion Holly of Ramsey County Budget and Aoeounting: 12/31/83 , Ramsey County eneumbered $53,513'� � 100K County) 12/31/83, City of Saint Paul eneumbered $25 , 000�� (V95311 ) The $25,000 City encumbranee remains at 6/3�/85 in City (09170) prior year reserve. The City is not charged for eneumbranees made by the County, only for expenditures ; the City did not pay in advance for roofing. This is what I see as eneumbered and to be finaneed for the roofing, per Harry Marshall ' s letter: 35.63$ 65. 37� Total County City ----- ------ ------ Estimated eosts $160 ,714 $103 ,�t52 $57 ,262 Encumbered 12/31/83 , by: County 53,513* City 25 ,000* To be financed : County $49 ,939 City $32 ,262 . �� ��-i.�v � Excerpts - 09170 - CH & CH Building Maintenance (City's 35� Share) 09170 - Reserve (Encumbered) 12/31/83 V95303 Ramsey County 09170-287 $56 ,548 V95309 Ramsey County 09170-287 62,500 V95311 Ramsey County 09170-287 25 , 000* for District Heating costs $����0�8 09170 - Expenditure ( Prior) - 1984 V95303 - Ck 00726 1/ 11/84 09170-287 $56 ,548. 11 v95309 - Ck 03275 2/ 11/8� 09170-287 61 , 895 . 83 $118,443 .94 09170 - Reserve (Eneumbered) 12/31/84 ( Prior)V95311 Ramsey County 0917�-287 $25 , 000 .00 * ( Current)V37535 Ramsey County 09170-287 $2, 500 . 00 V37538 Ramsey County 09170-287 $52 ,053. 25 $54 ,553 . 25 Total Reserve (Encumb) 12/31/8�1 $79 ,553 .25 09170 - Expenditures ( Prior) - 1985 (6/30) V37535 - Ck 4158� 1/9/85 09170-287 $ 2, 500 .00 V37538 - Ck 44366 1/7/85 09170-287 52 , 053 .25 $54 , 553 .25 09170 Reserve (Eneumb) 6/30/85 (Prior) V95311 Ramsey County 09170-287 $25 , 000 . 00 * r � ����'-i3�� Harry Marshall's letter deducts the $53,513 from the $160,714, and leaves $107 , 201 as needed for eritical repairs. Rather, the County has eneumbered $53,513 and needs finaneing of $�9,939 ($69,205); the City has eneumbered $25,000 and needs financing of $32,262 (not $57,262, or $38, 196 plus $19,066 [35.631 of$53,513]. The County encumbranee ($53,513) was verified by Marion Holly and the City encumbranee ( $25 , 000) was verified by Bob Lang. RGL/ts Attaehed: egeerpt from 09170 - verifying the $25,000 eneumbrance at 6/30/85 . CH&CH Disk �4