85-1289 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council - CANARV - DEPARTMENT , BLUE - MAYOR F�le NO. � ���� -Z°n;n9 , ncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date FINAL PLAT APPROVAL FOR SKYLINE OAKS ADDITION WHEREAS, Derrick Land Company (SBD #98) has submitted the attached proposed final plat for City Council approval; and WHEREAS, the Departments of Planning and Economic Development and Public Works have reviewed the proposed plat for property bounded on the north by Curtice Street, the east by Andrew Street, the south by Belvidere Street, and on the west by aacated Brown Avenue, as described on the attached survey; and WHEREAS, the proposed plat has been determined to meet the requirements of Section 67 of the Zoning Code; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council accepts and approves this final plat for Skyline Oaks Addition, subject to the condition that the Derrick Land Company files a "hold harmless agreement" relieving the City of Saint Paul from any and all liability arising from private property encroachments in the sewer easement reserved in vacated Brown Avenue, with this plat; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that said hold harmless agreement shall be filed at the time of recording this plat. CO�LMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays /' Masanz �� In Favor P1 anni n Economi c Devel o ment Nicosia Scheibel Sonnen � Against BY �ede�eo' W i Ison ; SEP 2 4 1985 Form ppro d y t rney Adopted by Council: Date ; Certified Pa_se cil Se ry BY sy � SEP 1 � 198� Approved b Mayor Eo ission to Council A►ppr ed by Mavor: Date PUBLISH�D C�C� �� 1985 PED DEPARTMENT ��'�����NO 2616 ChaPles L. McGuire CONTACT 7494 ext. 343 PHONE � September 16, 1985 DATE ��� e e ASSIGN NUMBER FOR ROUTING ORDE (Cli All Locations for Si nature : Department Director 3 Director of Management/Mayor Finance and Management Ser ices Director 4 City Clerk Budget Director 1 Peggy Reichert 2 City Attorney WHAT WILL BE ACHIEVED BY TAKIN ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ Implementation of subdivisio regulations regarding plats. Rationale) : City Council approval requir d. COST/BENEFIT BUDGETARY AND PE ONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: Fee of $55.00 to cover administrative costs. FINANCING SOURCE AND BUDGET ACTIVITY NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- ture not re- Total Amount of Transaction: quired if under $10,000) Funding Source: General Fu d Activity Number: ATTACHMENTS List and Number Al Attachments : 1. City Council resolution 2. Copy of proposed plat 3. Copy of staff report to ity Council 4. Copy of hearing nqtice DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW X Yes No Council Resolutio Required? Resolution Required? Yes No Yes X No Insurance Require ? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No Yes �No Insurance Attache : (SEE R UERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/84 , � �',S- ia�'9 � s� x�o�zr 1. APPLICANT: DerricJc 7and Cc�any FILE # SBD 98 a. r.�cA�ox: siocx bounaea ry �viaere, Anarew, �nJC �: 7/19/85 c�rtice, arya sroran 3. L�GAL LlESCRIPTION: See attached Plat 4. PRF�F,NT ZONING: PD Z�G QODE REF'ERIIdCE: Sec. 67.406 & 67.500 5. STAFF IlVVFSTIGATION & RFPC)RT: DATE: 9/20/85 BY: (�arles L.Md�lire A. PURPOSE: Final Plat Approval for Skyline Oa}�s, a oor�doaniniwn B. SITE & AREA DONDITIONS: The site is a 3.26 acre rectancnilar tract of land which includes vacated public rights-of�way. Steep slopes traverse the site on a north�rest to southeast axis. C. F�4UI'RED FINDIlaG.S• (1) All of the applicable provisions of the Lagislative Code have been ccamplied with. The rezoning of the praperty has be�n ow�rpleted. Site plan revie�a for all of the pronosed clevela�anent exoept lots 2 & 3 at the northeast corner of the site is cxmg�lete. The site plan was apprwed November 15, 1984. The project is w�der oonstruction; (2) 'I'he subdivision will not be detrimental to the present ar�d potential surroundiix� larid tases; Appropriate erosion control measures are being used. The develo�anent will not adve,rsely affect the suYra�urling ares. The proposed use is similar in density to the surraurydiryg single family area; (3) The area suriro�dit�g the subdivision can be planned and developed in a 000rdinated manner whiclz is ocanpatible with this subdivision; (4) The subdivision is in oonformance with the ooamprehensive plan; The Lar�d Use Plan reooanomer�ds alternatives to sir�gle family detached dwellings arid careful clevelapment of envirormre.ntally sp.nsitive areas. The District 3 Plan reoarmner�ds a similar form of develo�nent for this site. (5) The subdivision presexves ar�d incorporates the site's improtant exist- ir�g natural features, whenever possible; C�,-- �5- ,a�� f � � � ����t; ��� � «� Page 2 The ci�velo�anent clusters the haasiriq on the flat prations of the site ar�d preserves the steep slape areas; (6) All land inter�ded for buildir�g sites can be used safely withaxt en- daz�gering the residents by peril frcan floods, erosian, oontirivausly high water table, severe soil coryditions or other n►enace; The applicant has obtained approval of erosion c�ontrol ar�d storn�rater manage�neizt plans. (7) The subdivision can be eooncanically served with public facilities ar�d services. A loaped water main has be�n pravicled to the site. All other public facilities are in place and adequate. D. ADDITI01�1L FIl�TI�INGS: 1. Follvwiryg vonstruction of the fiYSt units of the ooa�dcaniriiina proj ect, it was detRxmined that small retainir�g walls for the aa�ss drives to ir�dividual units enc.-moach on the sew�ex eas�ment retained by th�e Departamer►t of Public Works. It will be necessary for a written agre�ment to be r�evorded with the plat which holds the City harmless for any damages arising aut of a need to maintain or r�pair sew�ers in the easement. 2. Construction of single family h�aaes on lots 2 and 3 at the norkheast oorner of the site will require site plan review prior to oonstruc- tion to addre�s steep slope oonoerns. E. STAFF ON: Based ari the findings in C and D, the staff reooa�¢ner�ds approval of the final plat for Skylirie Oaks subject to the followirg oo�ditions: 1. The Applicant records a '�hold harmless agr�ae;ment" with the Ramsey County R�ecorder at the t�me the plat is recorded, to protect the City frcan liability arising aut of arYy f�ture rleed to repair or maintain the sewe.rs lyix�g within the e,asament at the west end of the project. 2. The Applica�nt agrees to su�amit site plans for review prior to con- structir�g the single family hcanes on lots 2 at�d 3 at the northeast oornex of 'th�e proj ect.