85-1274 WHITE - CI7V CLERK
Council Resolution
Presented By �^'�
Referr d To , Committee: Date
Out of ommittee By Date
BE It Resolved, Pursuant to Minnesota Statute, Section 20�+B.21,
the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby appoints the attached
list of persons as election judges in the precincts as indicated for
the general election on November 5, 1985. Should vacancies occur
in the positions due to resignation, illness or unavailability of
the persons appointed between the date of this resolution and the
election date the Ci;ty Clerk is hereby authorized to fill the
vacancies in the poslition.
COUIVC[LMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas �i�� / Nays `�
°`ew In Favor
Nicosia O'
scbatbs� �___ A gai n s t BY
Adopted by Council: Date `�Cr � 9 1985 Form Approved by City Attorney
Certified Y s e y ncil ret BY
-� SEP L � ;�8� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
tlppro y 1Aavor: Date
it Clerk , �a`� /°���
Carol A. Fontaine �ONTA T .
x5�+�1 PHONE � ��
DATE ���
(Routing and Explanation Sheet)
Assi n Number for Routin Or r Cli All Locations for M oral Si nature :
Department Di rector
1 City Attorney
� Director of Management/ ayor
Finance and Management ervices Director
� City Clerk
Budget Director
�ihat Will be Achieved b Taki Action on the Attached Materials? Pur ose Rationale :
Election Judges fo the upcoming NOYII�ER 5th General Election
will be app roved d appointed pursuant to Minnesota Statute,
Section 20�+B.21.
Financial , Bud etar and Pe onnel I acts Antici ated:
Salaries will be p id fram an established budget fund upon their
completion of servi ces.
Fundin Source and Fund Acti it Number Char d or Credited:
Elections and Vote Re�istratio�. 00263-212-000
Attachments List and Number a]1 Attachments :
1. ) A listing of lecti�on Judges is attached.
Yes No Council R solution Required? Resolution Required? Yes No
Yes No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No
Yes No Insurance Attached?
Revision of October, 1982
(See Reverse Side for 'Instructions)
� � . C��'.�'-i� ��
D�St. i - - -
Pre. 1 Pre. 9 .
D Steiner, Theodore W. Chairman D Conroy, James A Chairman
R Jackson, Amalia R Kolar, Dorothy
R Kolar, Virginia l. D Johnson, Barbara J � .
R Carlson, Helen M. R Wald, Ruth L
D Rife, Mabel Wilberta D Krominga, Robert D
Pre. 2 Pre. 10
R Anderson, Theodora V. Chairman R Feickert, Henry Chairman
D Sybrant, Juliann. Q. D Cowley, Marcella C
R Berntsen, Berghild M. , D �-Landreville, . Edna M
D Moody, Dorothy D Gubasta, John J
D Throckmorton, Carla - R Bisping, Edmund
D Elly, Theo�ore
Pre. 11
Pre. 3 II Miller, Kenneth Chairman
D Hendrickson, Margie M Chairman D Hampton, Allie Mae
D Donovan, Irene D D Michlitsch, Reneta
D Schubring, Carol G
R Pawlak, Lorraine Pre. 12 •
R Zack, Adelaide : R Fritz, Ann C•� Chairman
D Ridge, Lorraine C
Pre. 4 _ R Chiginsky, Elizabeth
D Ripka, Clara A Chairman R Hamil�on, Mary M
R Grabowski, Fl�rence H D Tennant, Floyd T
D Holmstrom, Felicia �
D Heinl, Helen - Pre. 13
R Hummel, Linda R GALLOk'AY, ODELLE H Chairman
D Beal, Ann
Pre. 5 D Taylor, Merrill
D Delkoski, Martha R Chairman D Crushshon, Dolly
R Baltus, Ervin C R Allen, Ermine H
D Tostenson, Ellen �
R Hollerbach, Robert Pre. 14
D Moody, Carolyn Chairman
Pre. 6 D Goss, Beatrice
R Beck, Adrienne E Chairman D Rawlings, Orean
D F`uller, Florence R � R Ulilliams, Verda
D Sheehan, Shirley M
R Hollerbach, Jocelyn Pre. 15
D Teig, Anna Mae D Rabens, Joyce E Chairman
R , Z�Theeler, Doris
Pre. 7 D Johnson, Donjia. L
D Zappa, Ruth M Chairman R Hodgen, Jeffrey E
D Moes, Madeline M D Besser, James
R Olsen, Elizabeth C
D Wachman, Alex Pre. 16
R Lindquist, Helmer R D Murawski, Virginia M Chairm3n
R Stephanie, Clisty D Kzaley, Thomas J
D St. Denis, Adrienne
Pre. $ R Sass, Esther
D Haubenhofer, Agnes N Chairman R Woicik, John
R Parkin, Lucille M
D Foster, Reen M .
R Todora, Nicholas N
R Stoffel, Rita ,
D Wiom�, Mary Ann
•� Pre�:' 17 ri G. i.
. •� D Baier, Dorothy M � Chairman D - -Pease, Alfred E Chairman
R •, Gat�es, Gloria l D Sullivan, Dolores M
ft � Smith, Shirley R Chinander, Richard p,s�'"Jj�
D � Schultz, Sylvia D Fischer, John A
D I,ennon, Margaret R Koehler, Agnes .
R Klisch, LaVerne 2 � � � " -� ���-� `
Pre. l� R Teeples, GeTtrude S Chairman
R Greene, Gertrude L Chairman R Sabetti, Lillian •A --==-�`-_=�
D Clemons, iUlary H D; Moorhead, Barbara J
D Ben jamin, William A. Jr. � D= - Taplor,__Doris .
D Hunt, Constance R _ R_ ��: -Harrod;`�i`fs�+!�
R Simmons, DeVaughnia '.D .:�'-=Gillet, Cecile A
� - - .-- = _=��_`'± _�rul ep, Pat
_ _ `.T__
Pre. 19 �' Chairman ' Pre. 3 �
D Peake, Estyr I�
D Strapp, John J. � ._ - �- : - . -._ R Brainard, Andrea U Chairman
R Harris, Catherine �I ��� � R Harriman, Benjamin R
R Robinson, Evelyn E R Orrill, Margaret
D Pridgen, E�dris � ID Drechsel, Betty
D Madden, Deirdre R
_ Pre. 20 D' Ellington, Chauncey
' D Raleigh, Cecilia Chairman
R Tschaekofske, Larry Pre. 1�
D Mohr, Marie . R Stanke, Mildred D Chairman
R Todora, Janet D Metzger, Lillian
D Sweeney, Myles D Nickerson, George
D AZayo, E. Lynn (Mr. )
Pre. 21 D Ridge, Jam es J
D Benjamin, Harriet E Chairman R Vdright, Elizabeth
R N,ockabee, Dorothy �
R Caroline, Anthony B - Pre• 5
D Schultz, Sandra D Lisson, Joanne A Ehairman
R Olson, Veronica D Gerner, Irene
D t':atts, Viola
Pre. 22 R Ireland, Bernice
D Fierce, Johnye Chairman
R i�Scvibbon, Isabell Pre. 6
D Kernp, Irene A R I�Iickelson, John A Chairman
D 1�'alke-r, Arveria T D Pearson, J. Lynn
R Cromer, liargaret R Katynski, Mary C
D Patwell, Eleanor
Pre. 23
D Ethen, Raymor.d J Chairman Pre. 7
D Lewis, Johnella D Croes, Arlene 0 Chairman
D Knutson, rlarie L D Deck, Robert
D Casey, Lois M D Jost, Raymond
D Kalinowski, Marilyn R Theroux, Harriet
Pre. 21� Pre. $
R Stanke, Harry Chairman R Koegel, Elizabeth M Chairman
R Nicklas, Janet L D Koppy, Gertrude
R Rogers, Mary P D Reider, Eleanor
R Hartwig, Lorraine M D Nutzmann, Theresa
D Smith, Sylvan D Thompson, Merry
• Pre: 9 Pre. 17
. �• D Hajney, Clarence �R Chairman R Chinander, Mathilda Chairman
D.' Ro�enblum, Hyman R Nelson, Mildred E
D � Mayer, Robert J R Wagner, Genevieve C �5-��7,�
D � Johnson, Elizabeth H D Woelfel, Jeanet J
D Bolton, Regina S . �
Pre. 10 D Rosenberger, Peter �
D Bergholtz, Marcellain M Chairman
R Johnson, Warren 0 Pre. 1�
R Wild, Frances K . D Osterman, Mary B Chairman
R LeClaire, Raymond S D Dann�er, Jeannette E
D Adrian, Helen D Straus, Agatha
-�D Juenemann� Wilfred
Pre. 11 R Kolstad, Rathryn M
R� Rasmussen, Maryann E Chairman . ,
D McLagan, Mary K � Pre: 19 � .
D Stelter, Gayle M D Stevens, Christopher G Chairman
R Matters, Roger ' R Bader, Patricia
D Appleby, Donald C D Abbott, Robert P
D Maher, Bernard R Malone, Timothy
D Seivert, Barbara
Pre. 12
D Lance, kiilma D Chairman Pre. 20
R Kurzweg, Ruth R Bauer, Charles F Jr Chairman
R Johnson, Regina D D Kabesh, Lillian, R
D Gavin, Eleanore L . R Weigenant, Faye C .
D Redman, Assunta M D Marquardt, Rita C
D Nelson, Hazel J D Jones, Megan A
Pre. 13 Pre. 21
R Nelson, Eunice F Chairman � D Corrigan, Magdalen A Chairman
R Cumrnings, Georgia J�: D Bauer, Mary G
R Reddy, Margaret D R Kisch, Doris A
D Kaphingst, Ethel M R Meidlinger, Marion A
R Hamel, Maxine D Brengman, Corinne L
Pre. 14 Pre. 22
D Locke, Lorayne T Chairman D Appleby, Lauretta M Chairman
D Fabio, Odilia L R Dwyer, Martha
D rianning, Violet M R Z^litt, Agnes V
R Funk, T�7arianne D Clancy, Richard E
R Baar, Louise D Nehring, Carol M �
R Robinette, Dorothy
Pre. 15
D Quinlan, I�:ary Ann Chairman Dist. 3
D VJeverka, Delores Pre. 1
R Podgorski, Jossph W R Boyd, Gertrude Ruth Chairman
D Driver, Catherine M R Griebenow, June B
R Ripley, Alice M D Hoye, Terrance James
R Murphy, Dorrine D Gilbertson, Margaret L
R Bauer, Esther P
Pre. 16
D Dunn, Marguerite L. T. Chairman D Burns, Francis R Chairman
R Capron, Betty Jane R Rudberg, Mildred S
D Kalash, Helen D Therrien, Margaret L
R Koegel, Peter D Valerius, Alvin Leo
D Moulin, Beverly K R Furth, Mary
Dl•S�. 3 L1SL. } .
' Pre. 3 ' Pre. 10
� •. R Ma�raw, Jean Grismer Chairman R Magne, Virginia Chairman
R . Gilsdorf, Marion I � R Dougherty, Frances
D ' � Keller, Sarah L D Chute, Alfred W
D Lee, Esther D Sabaka, Margaret �.5 -��7�
D Farsht, Monya R R Campbell, Thomas .
D Rothstein, David D Roe, Judith
R Poplum, Alma
R Caldwell, Ida Pre, 11
D Bonfe, Lucille C Chairman
Pre. !� D Steiner, Delores L
D Vars, Ardella S Chairman R Godbout, Emma
D Jones, Judy A R Stimmler, Helen C
D Sternberg, Martha A D Senglaub, Gladys
R palmer, Marian W R Bauman, Robert A
D Schuba, Dorothy M � D �_ Dahlen, Dorman
R Grafstrom, Janett � �
, Pre. 12
Pre. 5 R Harrington, Catherine M Chairma.
D Garrett, Sarah E Chairman D Lamb, Bernadette
D Sevcik, Marce3la A R ParkhuFSt, Lyman
D Ferrell, Judy ' R Matthews, V�endy Marie
D Kirk, Emma B D Minning, Lillian P
R Simmons, Mike R Sepion, Antoinette F
D Scanlan, Richard L
Pre. 6 R Hoffman, Carolyn
R Renstrom, Franklin N Chairman R Cohan, Edith
R Lundberg, Roger k' D Bach, Lola
D Schonberger, Evelyn M D Carruthers, Marie
R Kramer, Phyilis Mae
D Simes, Isaac Pre. 13
D Vlelsch, Rosina E D Rahlf, Mary E Chairman
D Dickison, Carroll R Nielsen, Arline V
D Sattler, Sharon M
Pre. � R Ulalton, Jean C
D Besner, Jerome H Chairman
R Ostgaard, Mildred S Pre. 14
D Harkness, Jean G D Vinar, Dorothy A . Chairman
D Ertz, Corrine L D Holzem, Irene C '
R Herman, I�1ar�.nn ' R 1r?alton, Donald
R Davis, Al1an J
Pre. $ R Rogers, Florence L �
D Turner, Nelen F Chairman
R Scoggin, Narcella C Pre. 15
D Elsenpeter, Eleanore M D Schwabel, Catherine A Chairman
D Holtz, Esther E R Arneson, Lois M
R r7aykoski, Margaret E D Graham, Florence
R Gallager, Marlene
Pre. 9 D Katz, Jack
R Eha, Joann R Chairman D Hawkins, Robert M
R Kane, Martha C
R Miller, Peggie J Pre. 16
D Holtz, Clarence A D Rosenblum, Rita T Chairman
D Kueppers, Laura J D Hammond, Anne G
R Levin, Muriel K
R Schirmer, Frances D
D Krenzen, Katy Ann
. rrer• 17 . � � �• "
=D Stabnow, Walter W' Chairman R Barrick, Virginia Y Chairman
� D : Manning, Kathryn N R Delger, Josephine E
D � Martin, Mary K D Jelen, Luella � /�7,�
R � Hennessy, Marcella H R Johnson, Alice G �
R Spurrier, Russell J D Dow, Bernadine .
R Kubiak, Mary E R Donaldson, Jean A
D Frost, Elaine
Pre. 1�
D Joyce, Florence M Chairman Pre. 3
R Miller, Margaret B R Keleher, Janet L Chairman
R Benthin, Avis M R Morlock, Elizabeth B
D Supornick, Phyllis D Davies, William J
R Grogan, Beverly . R Skovholt, Elvera H
D McPherson, Edmund A
Pre. 19 ' .• R Mayers:, Carole �
R BeclQnan, Mildred L Chairman R Pankonin, Edria C
. D Fisch'bach, Helen S -
D Bureloff, Thelma Pre. 1�
D Manos, Rosella S D Steiner, Phyllis T Chairman
R Wells, Mary T R Trapp, E1sie: G
R Kurlon, Eve D Byland, Lorraine M
R Gillespie, Ina Mae
Pre. 20 R Vie�l, Myrtle C
D Sullivan, Lillian� Ann Chairman D Hagerman, Irene E
D Baumgarten, Betty F
D Giesen, Irene Pre• 5
R Young, Alexander S D Johnson, Irene M Chairman
D Rauen, Dolores M D Oelker, Margaret E
D Simes, Alice R Murray, Charlotte S
R Ramlow, Ileane L
Pre. 21 D Rudie, Z:'inifred M
D Do„sey, Nary A Chairman R Z�;illiams, Grace
D Rupert, Mary T
R Kilby, Bryce P Pre. 6
R Miller, Ruth L D Davies, Hazel E Chairman
D Price, Elmer R Johnson, Burtman E
D Timm, Mary
Pre. 22 R Higgins, Argie G
D Brodsky, V7illiam A Chairman D Salvatore, N:ary
R Heinen, Ifar jorie C
D Dickey, Anna M Pre. 7 �
D Larkin, Carol M R Dahlen, Gloria D Chairman
R k'halen, Margaret D V?orwa, Lorraine F
D Haberkorn, Geraldine D Hammerlindl, Louise C
R Hoerner, Nancy C
Pre. 23 D V7estphall, 9hirley
R Slonim, Rosalind Chairman
R Jefferson, Kenneth �►� Pre. �
D Vosejpka, Phyllis A D Graff, Catherine C Chairman
D Berrisford, Margaret C D Amundsen, Dorothy M
R Linstroth, Frances E D Ingelbretson, Bernard
D Goldberg, Nay Joyce D Vallerius, Judith A
R Meints, Rebecca
Dist. k
Pre. 1 Pre. 9
R Sandquist, Lillian L Chairman R Seglem, Marilyn E Chairman
D Freeman, Gladys H R Erickson, Leola G
D Rantz, Dorothy M D Graff, Gilbert S
R Deutsch, Eileen D Brault, Marcella
D Smith, Bessie
� � R Johnson, Hazel
R Schroeder, Ro3.
.' Dis�:. 4 .' Pre. 17
� •. Pre. 10
R . Feickert, Sylvia M Chairman D 0•Brien, Gertrude J Chairman
D � Bush, Charles A R Cullen, Anna Theresa
R Moylan, Bernadette D Miller, Lorraine �/'
R Sunness, Lottie J R Hoye, Catherine �/��J
D Scott, Carmell A D Jackson, Pamela E �
D Sharlow, Michelle
Pre. 11
R Addington, Lottie J Chairman Pre. 1�
D Harrison, Helen E D Sharlow, Justina E Chairman
D Castell, Ella Mae D Cline, Kathrpn
D Mitchell, Meta A D Housewright, Joyce K
R Jenkins, Ruth M R Kimball, Mary R
R Castell, Verna R Semml.er, Art
Pre. 12 Pre. 19 � �
D Jackson, Mildred J Chairman R Delaney, Susanne E 8hairman
D Byh, Gregory E D McCracken, Ethel M
R Mattison, Irene G � D Deuhs, Katherine M
R McRay, Gerald R R Lundberg, Katherine F
D 0'Brien, Robert J D Kelly, Mary A
R Shapiro, Janet K
Pre. 13
R Nelson, Gail Louise Chairman Pre. 20
R Miller, Carol R Warren, Lucille T Chairman
D Roeske, Doris D Healy, Roger Justin
D Keller, Agnes C D Court-ney, Margaret
R Mordh, Helen R Rudberg, Theodore L
D Bailey, Edna
Pre. 14 R Skinner, Mary
R Becker, Bernice UJ Chairman D Johnson, Evelyn
D Gustafson, Alvera A .
R Perdue, I�larie A Pre. 21
D Rustad, June R Barrett, Lucille M Chairman
D Gunsell, T�Iarjorie D Kemp, Mary A
D Scanlan, Jane
Pre. 15 R Jacobsen, Joan
D t:�interhalter, Henry J Chairman D Loney, Theresa
D Danley, Dorothy Ann
R Romaniak, Sylvia Pre. 22
D 0'Donnell, Catherine R Kuehl, Bonnie L Chairman
R Boyd, Milton L R Binger, Margaret N
R Sandburg, John D Donahue, Helen J
D Vashon, Betty
Pre. 1� R Vogel, Shirley
R Fruhstuck, Mae C Chairman D Smith, Irene
D Lester, Bernadette F �
D Muehlstedt, Mary J Pre. 23
R Hunt, Marjorie Ruth R Esch, Margaret M Chairman
D Tierney, Phyllis R U.'estman, Margaret N
R Hultberg, Bonnie D Mountain, Nanette J
R Wendell, Myrtle
D Lane, Hertha L
• Dist. 5 .' Pre. 9
� . Pre. 1
' D Nichols, Ida V Chairman , R Corry, Eileen W Chairman
R �', Jacobsen, Avis K D Koke, Evelyn M
D Larson, Arde3le V R Pitt, Edna
D Holleran, Shirley Ann D Anderson, Mar jorie V �.� `/�7�
D Rushenberg, Cheryl,M R Heskett, Elaine C
D Neumeister, Richard A
Pre. 2 D Okoneski, Janet M
R Kranz, Mary H Chairnian
R Wolens, Anton
R Pierre, Leona M Pre. 10
D Eckel, Anna R Murphy, Rose L Chairman
D Maroney, Margaret D Rider, .Mary A
R Sjoberg, Carol J D Ziblep, Sadie
Pre. 3 Pre. �ll
R Buck, Elizabeth A Chairman R Boet, •�irginia E Chairman
D Fleischhacker, Shirley C � D Thompson, Gene C
D Deneen, Marylyn T D Cadry, Helen .J
R Johnson, Louise I R Capetz, Planetta L
R Klett, Irmina C R Rivet, LaDonna M
R Gerdts, Kathleen
Pre. 12
Pre. 4 D Hollen, Dean D Chairman
R Langevin, Alice Mary Chairman R Richards, Marguerite E
D Probst, Florence M R Szymonik, Audrey M
D Gelbmann, Corinne C D Kirkwold, Esther S
D Tschurl, John F D Duren, Josephine Ann
D Stage, I�Sarilyn L
Pre. 13
Pre. 5 D Szymonik, Frank Chairman
R Thorsen, Virginia E Chairman D Mitchell, Luzetta
D Olchefske, Anna B D� Bonk, Inez L
R Thomas, Nelen I R Tome, Ruth
D Novak, Evelyn D Carlson, Vicky
D Allen, Marie J
R Achterling, Theresa Pre. 14 �
D Peltzer, Marie C Chairman
Pre. 6 R Klett, Carl F
D Wilson, Verna Mae Chairman D Peterson, Martin
D Jelen, Francis N D Joyce, James Thomas
R Thorsen, Homer David R Sass, Louis
D Dabe, Ruth
R Robertson, Ann Pre. 15
D Youngdahl, Marie C D Uligen, Edna F Chairman
R V]inne, Marie D Yanish, Rose
R Heatherington, Florence G
Pre. '7 R 0`Neill, Penelope
R Carlton, George H Chairman D Neuinann, Ruth
D 0'Neill, Jeanette
D Boget, Magdalene Pre. 16
R Martens, Jack Alvin R Petschel, Lorraine D Chairman
D Pego, Betty D Denisson, Helen A
R Kubitschek, Marguerite E
Pre. $ D Hennessey, Lucille A
D Petsch, Margaret I Chairman D VTashenberger, Katie M
D Kirkwold, Herbert B
D Noren, Vivian
R Smith, Elizabeth G
D Lemay, Linda
- �. vv• � •- . -
' Pre: '17 '. Pre. 4
=D Guinn, Marian B Chairman R Hollerbach, Reba A Chairman
D •" Test�n, Agnes R D Tetzlaff, Mary J
D � Koren, Ruth M R Mattson, Agnes A
D Zechmann, George D Knapp, Eleanor K ��/-���
R Demma, Phyllis A D Babcock, Margaret M : �
R Waldorf, Lynn �
Pre. 1$
D Ranweiler, . Stella R Chairman Pre. 5
R Rreyer, Lorraine R Hovey, Margaret M Chairman
R Briggs, I►►Iarie - D Fogarty, Maxine A
D Brinker, Anna M D Maloney, Doris M
R Merkl, Lorraine V R Sward, , Carmel P
D Young, Alyce M
Pre. 19 . R Racer, . Alice E
D Beikler, Eleanor M Chairman � ' � -
D Rempenich, Ethel K Pre. 6 �
R Neskett, Eugene � D Hanson, Bonibel E Chairman
R Umlauf, Dianne R Hartman, Beverlp Y
� Scheuneman, Marjorie D Daigle, LaVon E -
D Naughton, Elizabeth J
Pre. 20 R Brur�nette, Harriet L
D Moeller, Martha R Chairman
R Dorman, Bertha R Pre. 7 �
D Yutz, V7illard B D Thayer, Madeleine J Chairman
R jti'olkerstorfer, Martin B � D Davis, Lillian C
D Cromey, Judy R Olson, Arlene D
R Helfmann, June
Pre. 21 D Lee, Eileen
R Litkey, Hazel R Chairman
D Langton, Delores G Pre. $ -
D Sammons, Leonard Ray��� R Erickson, Eleanor L Chairman
D Bresnahan, Luella J D McKinnon, Eleanore M
R Kernkamp, Eleanor A R Carlson, Raymond
R Desler, Raymond D Friedl, Carol Mae
D Edwards, Dorothy
Dist. 6
Pre. 1 Pre. 9
R Lineer, Catherine M Chairman D Johnson, Lorraine C Chairman
R t�:eiblen, Donovan R Reeve, Priscilla Mae
D Tavern, Elsie J R A7addio, Judith Ann
R Sanny, Dorothe L R Hinz, Helen M
D Hanley, Lois I D Mickelson, Joan B
D LaGorne, Dorothy M D Lindskog, Phyllis M
Pre. 2 Pre. 10
R Gallagher, Phyllis M � Chairman D Kelley, Alice A Chairman
D Polski, Marion S D•' LaBossiere, Donna M
R Carlson, Julia E _ R McShannock, Edith A
D Fehr, Clara F R Hec�anan, Margaret A
R Dickinson, DZarjorie D - Dreis, Iva Mae
R Carlson, Jane E
PrQ. 3 .
R Hawkinson, N►argaret R Chairman Pre. 11
D Johnson, Elizabeth L D Piepgras, Theresa C Chairman
D NIi el zarek, Nlargi e P D Mooney, Ora B
R Robinson, Jean M D Walls, Evelyn L
R Tucker, Cecilia K R Patchin, Gladys R
R kThite, Dorothy I
D Kunz, Dorothy J
• ' � Dist. 6
' -.Dist, 6
Pre. 12 � Pre. 20
D ' � Eyinck, Margery J Chairman R Ranallo, Paulina A Chairman
R Johnson, Mabel B D Theissen, Kathryn E
D Polkki, Jerome J D Schober, Veronica M
R Schornstein, Lucille E R Engle, Carol J ��`��7�
D Zawislak, Pelagia M D Jungwirth, Theresa M
Pre. 13 Dist. �
D Smith, Elizabeth D Chairman Pre. 1
D Jelinek, Margaret M R Nelson, Dorothy A Chairman
R Langston, Elda D Crea, Marie D
R McCarthy, Robert J D Melander, Ellen P
R Jackson, Florence M R Kern, Deloris E
Pre. 14 Pre. 2 .
D Schwantes, Lorraine M Chairman R Amos, Margaret E Chairman
R Thomson, Cecilia M R Bahnemann, Dorothy J
D Powell, Anita R Hermo, Viola
R Ka.mp, Flora E D Hayden, Anna D
D Dietman, Beverly J D Trost, Martha E
' D Byron, Anna
Pre. 15
R Norste�t, Elmer A Chairman Pre. 3
R Linell, Hazel D Richie, Margaret A Chairman
R Bateman, Harriet R Singer, Sandra
D Hanley, James H R Anderson, Marjorie R
D Lambert, Judith D Jennings, Gladys Helen
D Voeller, Edward
Pre. 16
R Hackett, Clara H Chairman Pre. 1�
D Wright, Mary 1� D Ahnstedt, Anna C Chairman
D Connolly, Audrey A R Meyers, Esther B
D Hoffman, Helen A R McDonald, Pamela
R Yatckoske, Marie D U'ahlin, S�?allace B
D Frost, Beatrice D'� V,arren, Katherine
R Ribe, Lorraine
Pre. 5
Pre. 17 D Lieb, Patricia M Chairman
R LaBarre, Verna E Chairman R Spo�k, Ruth J
R Schwendig, Mildred F R VJinkel, Lorraine
D Schrankler, Irene A D Foster, I'�iary C
D Belisle, Ione A D Boyd, Patricia
D Kivel, Lorraine M
R Moncries, Marge Pre. 6
D Charpentier, Margaret _ Chairman
Pre. 1$ D Hanson, Pearl M
D Bach, Leon Chairman R Pothoff, Gertrude E
D Gilles, Marjorie L R Huonder, Bernard A
R Rebeck, Marjorie L , D Koesling, Jeanette M
D Sollie, Julia
R Peterson, Georgeann ' Pre. 7
R Quinn, Irene A Chairman
Pre. 19 D Kuczaboski, Vdilliam Z
D Carlson, Dorothy E Chairman R Johnson, Dale H
D Voeller, Lorraine C D Schwarz, Ruth M
D Hayne, Joan M D Kusilek, Marietta M
R jti'age, Marcella J
R Neumeister, Corrine
D Koppy, Theresa
R Combs, Richard
.-Ll$Tr• -( ;
^,-Pre. $ ' . Pre. 15
D Engstrand, Cecilia V Chairman R Sandberg, Ruth H Chairman
D � Malm, Hariette A R . Miller, Muriel Agnes
R •Koenig, Joseph W D Joet, Merle M
D Erickson, Edna C D Brennan, Lawrence �-�-_��7�
R Black, Catherine F D Flasch, Carole D .
R Goemer, Reda R �arke, Carol•
Pre. 9 Pre. 16
D Burmeister, Hslen I Chairman D Meier, N�ldred M Chairman
R 0`Connor, Helen J D Muck, Bernice
R Hansen, Martha E D Deck, Helen,M
D Stephens, Dorothy E D 0•Keef.e, Catherine Mary
R Ehnstrom, Bernadine M R Burger, Hope N
D Nelson, Florence . D Johns,: Katherine
Pre. 10 . Pre. 1 7
D May, Rosemarie J Chairman R Misukanis, Gerogine A Chairrnan
R Ryan, Mary S. F. R Marschall, Mary Lou
D Albrecht, Myrtle R Bushaw, Margaret E
R Fleischhacker, Rita D Hawkins, Mary J
D Rauch, Camille D Brennan, Mae A
R Bresina, Beverly R McGurran, Mavis
D Lasnetske, Patricia D McDonald, Lee Ann
Pre. 11 � Pre. 1$
D Heimerl, Regina M Chairman D Gaetke, Ethel D Chairman
D ���oitas, Kay E R Campbell, Edith M
R Palumbo, Nimi D Mildenberger, Helen K
R Piepgras, Carol J R Krum, Mary Anne
D Abraham, Inez A R Hawes, Patricia Graham
R Kirpach, Margaret R Anderson, Marjorie
Pre. 12
D Gorgos, Alberta L Chairman
D helson, Nary J
R A�ayer, Marjorie M
D Schaffer, Joseph M
R Potthoff, Alf'red
R Ahrens, Evelyn
Pre. 13
D V:ald, Rosella A Chairman
R I✓.adigan, Annabel K
R Hermanson, I�axine A
D Bodsgard, Nargaret D
D Schro epf er, Jani c e
Pre. lk
R Chisholm, Ethelyn E Chairman
R Dock, Caroline J '
D Stark, Lorraine J
D Lambert, Marie G
R AicElroy, Howard