85-1261 WHITE - CITV CLERK �� PINK - FINANCE �'jITY OF� SAINT' PALTL Council n � CANARV -`JEPARTMENT F1Ie NO. -.�� /V' `�/ BLUE -.MAVOR " '!Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By � Date RESOLUTION ACCEPTING BID ON SALE OF $5,375,000 WATER REVENUE BI�NDS, SERIES 1985A, AND FIXING THE INTEREST RATES THE�.2EON WHEREAS: A. The C�.ty Council of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota (the "Cit "), has by Resolution No. 85-1147 adopted on August 27, 1985, �nd approved by the Mayor on September 3, 1985, authorized th� issuance and sale of $5,375,000 Water Revenue Bonds, Seri�s 1985A (the "Bonds" ) , dated October 1, 1985, as the date o� original issue; B. The a�ppropriate City Officers have, pursuant to said resolution, ca�sed proper published notice of the sale of the Bonds to be giv�n as required by law and sealed bids, pursuant to said no ice of sale, were received until 11:00 A.M. on Tuesday, Septemb r 17, 1985, in the offices of Springsted Incorporated, finan ial advisor to the City, and considered by this City Council a noon of the same day; and �' COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas p�� Nays , nnasanz Finance and Manactement Services N��os�a ----�— In Favor Scheibel Sonnen �_ Against BY Tedesco I W i Ison Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date � Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY �-ta�l ;��'��''��'� By t#pproved by Mavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By -� , � � ��-���i . C. The Di�rector of the City' s Department of Finance and Management Serv�,ces has advised the Council that the bid of Blunt Ellis & Loewii, Inc. , Chicago, I1linois, was found to be the most a vantageous, nd has recommended that said bid be accepted: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, as follows: 1 . Acce t nce of Offer. The bid of Blunt Ellis & Loewi, Inc. t purchase the Bonds, in accordance with the notice of bond s�le, at the rates of interest hereinafter set forth, and to pay� therefor the swn of $5, 278 , 584 .00 , plus interest accrued to �ettlement, is hereby found, determined and declared to be the most favorable bid received and is hereby accepted, and the Bonds are hereby awarded to said bidder. The Director of the Department of Finance and Management Services is directed to retain and deposit the good faith check of said bidder and to forthwith return to the unsuccessful bidders their good faith che�ks or drafts. 2 . Original Issue Date; Denominations; Maturities. The $5,375,000 negotiable revenue bonds of the City shall be dated October 1 , 1985, as the date of original issue, and shall be issued forthwith. The Bonds shall be numbered from R-1 upward in the denoanirxation of $5,000 each or in any integral multiple thereof of a� single maturity. The Bonds shall mature, without option of prepayment, on December 1 in the years and amounts as follows: Year Amount Year Amount � 1987 $�00,000 1992 $700,000 1988 100,000 1993 750,000 1989 550,000 1994 800,000 1990 600,000 1995 875,000 1991 650,000 1996 250,000 3 . Purposei The Bonds shall provide funds for the constructian of improv►ements to the City' s water utility. The total cost of a reasonably required reserve for said issue and for said improvements, including the cost of construction under the terms of the lowest responsible bids received, engineering, fiscal, legal and oth�r professional charges, publication and printing costs, and al�l other costs necessarily incurred and to be incurred from the i'rnception to the completion of the improvements, is estirqated to be at least equal to the amount of the Bonds herein adthorized. Work on the improvements shall proceed with due diligence to completion. v WHITE - CITV CIERK PINK - FINANCE �jITY OF SAINT PAiTL Council _ /f GA'l4ARV -OEPARTMENT F11C NO. V�_/ `�L r! BLUE -MAVOR � Council Resolution Presented By � i Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By� , Date 4. Inter�st. The Bonds shall bear interest payable semiannually on Jun� 1 and December 1 of each year, commencing June 1, 1986, at th� respective rates per annum set forth opposite the maturity years as follows: Maturity I�terest Maturity Interest Year ',Rate Year Rate �_ 1987 7 .00� 1992 7.75 $ 1988 7 .00 1993 8 .00 1989 7 .00 1994 8 .00 1990 25 1995 8 .00 1991 , ,50 1996 8 .00 5 . Combin�tion. For purposes of ineeting the maturity requiremen�s se£ forth in Minnesota Statutes, Section 475.54, Subd. 1, the' Bonds are hereby combined with the outstanding maturiti�s of the City' s Water Revenue Bonds of 1978, Series 1 • il 6. Headin�s. Headings in this resolution are included for conveni$nce of reference only, and are not a part hereof. � �I COUNCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas p�� Nays nnas�nz �i Finance nd Man g m t Services � In Favor �� so�r►en A gai n s t BY Tedesco Wilson SEP � 7 1g8S Form Approved by ity Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Pas n .il t BY ���:��•(•�`�" By � �c� Approv y iVlavor. Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By PU$LISHED SEP 2 8 198�5 Finance and Management Service DEPARTMENT ��`�'���NO 1646 h'r CONTACT � 292-7038 PHONE � A� � 9-16-85 DATE e v ,, ASSIGN NUMBER FOR ROUTING ORDER li Al1 Locations for Si nature : Department Director Director of Management/Mayor �Finance and Management Servic s Director � City Clerk Budget D71"eCtOr' Councilman: Scheibel �City Attorney � Shirley Davis W��,T WILL BE ACHIEVED BY TAKING A TION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ Rationale) : The most favorable bid on sale f $5,375,000 Water Revenue Bonds, Series 1985A will be indicated to the City Council for their acceptance and the City Council will award the issues to the successful bid ers. COST/BENEFIT, BUDGETARY AND PERSON EL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: ���„����Fp y u�::� , �;r E� i °, 1_,,.:., OFi'{C: _ Clr f H'= (? .. ('i t�R DEPr`1'i-i 1�';!i:.�`Jl t'.l;- f-�.:�I�,�t�'rc AND MA��iAu��f�tlyr St�itV►��S FINANCING SOURCE AND BUDGET ACTIVI Y NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- ture not re- Total Amount of Transaction: quired if under $10,000) Funding Source: Activity Number: ATTACHMENTS List and Number All A tachments : 1. Resolution — $5,375,000 Water Revenue Bonds, Series 1985A DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW x Yes No Council Resolution Re uired? Resolution Required? Yes No Yes No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No Yes No Insurance Attached: (SEE REVER E SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/84 ���- ���' SPRINGSTED ' INCORPORA D PUBLIC FINAN E ADVISORS ; ' $5,375,000 WATE REVENUE BONDS, SERIES 1985A CI Y OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA AWARD: BLUN , ELLIS & LOEWI, INCORPORATED And Associates SALE: September 17, 1985 Moody's Rating: Aa S & P's Rating: AA Interest Netlnterest Bidder I Rates Price Cost & Rate BLUNT, ELLIS & LOEWI, ' 7.00% I 987-I 989 $5,278,584.00 $3,2 I 9,999.33 INCORPORATED 7.25% 1990 (8.03075%) Bear, Stearns & Company � 7.50°� 1991 Hutchinson, Shockey, Erley & Compa�y 7.75% 1992 � 8.00� 1993-1996 '� MERRILL LYNCH CAPITAL MARKEjTS 6.50% 1987 $5,291 ,633.75 $3,222,597.48 CRONIN & MARCOTTE, ', 6.75% 1988 (8.03723°�) INCORPORATED ' 7.00°ib 1989 MILLER & SCHROEDER FINANCIA4, 7.25% 1990 INCORPORATED , 7.50% 1991 E.F. HUTTON & COMPANY, , 7.7096 1992 INCORPORATED ' 7.85% 1993 KlDDER, PEABODY & COMPANY, ' $.00% 1994 INCORPORATED � 8.259b 1995-1996 Miller Securities, Incorporated � M.H. Novick & Company, IncorporateKl Dean Witter Reynolds Incorporated Dougherty, Dawkins, Strand & Yost ', Incorporated � Summit lnvestment Corporation Moore, Juran and Company, Incorpor ted - In Association With - PIPER, JAFFRAY & HOPWOOD INC RPORATED PAINEWEBBER INCORPORATED i Clayton Brown & Associates Incorpor�ited Shearson/Chiles Heider & Company � �� PRUDENTIAL-BACHE SECURITIES, ' S.75% I 987 $5,3 I 4,072.50 $3,237,906.67 INCORPORATED ' 6.25� I988 (8.075419�) THE F1RST BOSTON CORPORATION 6.75� 1989 7.25% 1990 7.5090 1991 7.759'0 1992 8.009'0 1993 I 8.20% 1994 8.4090 1995 $.509'0 1996 Reo fering Schedule of the Purchaser Rate I Year Yield 7.00°� '�� 1987 6.00% 7.00% � 1988 6.50� 7.00% 1989 Par 7.259'0 1990 Par 7.509b ! 1991 Par 7.7596 ' 1992 Par 8.009'0 1993 Par 8.00°6 � 1994 8.20°�'0 8.009'0 1995 8.3^% � 8.00% 1996 8.40% BBI: 9.26 '', Average Mcaturity: 7.46 Years , 800 Osborn Build Ing, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 �612) 222-4241 250 North Sunn slope Road, Brookfieid, Wisconsin 53005(414) 782-8Z22