00-1004Return copy to: Real Estate Division 140 City Hall ORI�lNAL Presented By Referred To Committee: Date �� 1 BE IT RESOLVED, that, upon the peUtaon of Uppertown Preservataon I.eague, as documented in 2 Finance Department File Number 3-2000, public properties hereinafter described are hereby vacated and 3 discontinued as public property: and, subject to the herein stated exceptaons, the easements within those 4 public propercies are hereby released. 6 The property to be vacated is described as follows: 7 8 That part of Michigan Street lying northerly of a line described as commencing at the southeast 9 corner of the west half of L,ot 9, Biock ll, Winslow's Addition to Saint Paul; thence North 90 10 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West along the south line of said Lot 9 a distance of 2.00 feet to 11 the point of beginning of line to be described; thence South 45 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds 12 West a distance of 10.00 feet; thence North 90 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West a distance of 13 22.75 feet; thence North 45 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West a distance of 10.00 feet to the 14 south line of said I,ot 9 and there terminating. 15 16 This vacation shall be subject to the terms and condition of Chapter 130, codified March 1, 1981, of the 17 Saint Paul Legislative Code as amended, and to the following conditions: 18 19 i. 20 21 22 2. 23 24 25 26 27 ?g 29 That the pefifioner's, their successors and assigns shaii pay $500.00 as an administrative fee for this vacation which is due and payable within 60 days of the effective date of this resolution. That, with the accompanying Utility Easement Certificates of Intended Non-Use, filed voluntarily on behalf of Qwest Corporation, Incorporated, Northern States Power Company, District Energy St Paul, Incorporated, MCI Metro Incorporated MediaOne, Saint Paul Regional Water Service and The Department of Public Works, made a part hereof by this reference and filed in the office of the Ciry Clerk of 5aint Paul, the City, for itself and on behalf of these corporations and departments, waives the right to the utility easements in the vacated uea described above. 30 3. That the described azea shall revert back to City right-of-way upon removal of the structure and 31 that the property owner shall realign the sidewalk to the staisfaction of the City of Saint Paul, �2 Department of Public Works. council �le # Oa —/o Green Sheet # Io y 7�{ i RESOLUTION OF S,�11Nj PAUL, MfNNESOTA 4 4. That the petitioners, their successors and assigns agree to indemnafy, defend and save harmless 5 the City of Saint Paul, its officers and employees from all suits, actions or claims of any character ORiG1NAL oo-���y 1 brought as a result of injuries or damages received or sustained by any person, persons or 2 property on account of this vacation or petitioners' use of this property, including but not limited 3 to, a claim brought because of any act of omission, neglect, or misconduct of said petitioners or 4 because of any ciaims or liability arising from any violation of any law or regulation made in 5 accordance with the law, whether by the petitioners or any of their agents or employees. 6 7 5. $ 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 That the petitioners, their successors and assigns sha11, within 60 days of the effective date of this resolution, file with the City Clerk an acceptance in writing of the conditions of this resolution and shall, within the period(s) specified in the terms and conditions of this resolution, comply in all respects with these terms and conditions. 2 9 T.M.S./REAL ESTATE DIVI5ION Date: 9/7jpp ontact Pazson and Pltone Number: 2 aR� Glenn Picha 265-8862 �°°� Tom Sawyer 266-8857 �� y z � fust be on Co�mcil Agenda 6p: 'ouncil Research: Green �n � gt xumbe= = 104746 4 � �u po_too 5 �� CE OF FIffiSVCIAL SVCS. I � 3 �x <oa assxsxr�r) I ` f 'iL # OF SIGNATIIRE PAGES 1 (GLIP ALI, LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATQRE) CON REQBESTED: Upperiown Preservation League has requested the vacation of part of City t-of-way, because the building at 365 Michigan encroaches on City right-of-way. :ation File number 3-2000) OR REJECT (R) PLANNING COP'SII8$ION A smaer rnrsr, sarvxce coamssssxola Cxn coe�xxee WHICB COIINCIL OHJECTIVET COIINCIL 9iASiD(S) 2 ONN. SERVICE CONTRACTS MQ5T ANSD7&R TIiE FOLLbWING: Has the Bersoa/fian eoer workefl under a coatract for thia rtment? YE3 NO Has this pesson/firm ever been a City employee? YES f{70 \ \ Does triis gersoa/firm yoasess a skill not aormally possessed by Y8s NO current City amployee7 DI3TRICT PLANNING COUNCIL 5 [NITIATING PAOBLBM, ISS9E, OPPOATONITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why?): Che property owner of 365 Michigan Street has requested the vacation of City right-of-way in order repair iistorical buiidin�. nvarrracas x� araxovan: , historical building will be able to be �nanced for repair. SADVANfAGES IP APPROVED: 4�#� F'r�'Jaa�r:{i t..%s�.:'ig SADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: historical building will not be ��� � � GTY ATTORNEY .`AL AMOII1Pf OF TRAlPSACTIO1Px DING SODRCE: ANCIAL II7PORMIaTI0I3: (EXPLAIN) , ��� . v-.� '. \ � � L:i:cYV. � - �t..� � �.�; ` _� ,. f ! YE3 NO N v l�� l\ � J� .� .� �i ... t �� L-'OR CHRI_S_ >ON fRdME 2- STOAY FRAME APT. Area to be vacated Bl//GO/N6 � BUfL�J/N�C ' 4 �— ��noin /ink lence on piopeiJy /ine , prope/ly lin� on biCg.line� /- STORY h ti BLOCK euiLa�roc . � PF - + -- • - r- N � NO. 369 2-STORY FRAME APT. i „ � BUlLO/NG Sca12: = 20 o Denotes iron monua:ent Bearings shown a�e assunec w/augAl rcoa texe line — w 5 — 4QT5— SE89 SHEO LpT 9 (QREa J- 4768 SO. FT. J ' pi�Pei�y a o -100�} N0.359 �� dnin /inkTPnce x � "_" - �-- ,l :a /7 � NO. 365 � � o ^ /- STDRY 3 FR,4ME z p � yousE � �� -------`� - ;.3 /-STORY � BR/CK B N FRAME HOUSE i �_ _ /Z5 - 0 1 h � (� 2- STt7RY ""� M trtan+E i . . � �c, :..a 0 i � � i i ti � t i i fEnCe !nt t ' � � ../ i/O/K . : .. concrele� 'j'�'•i � � . � � 3loot conc�ele �+vlk c�v i . `� :Ia,'�'/; /Li ^,^� i : ,�:; .'_' : I hereby certi�y that this is a tzue and correct representation�of a suxvey cf the boundaries ot: Tne West 1%2 or Lct 9, Block 11, :�Iinslow's Addition to Sa�nt Pau1, according te the recoraed plat ther2oi, ana siCuate in ?amsey County, �tinnesota. . It also sno�as �he Locat_on of a11 vis:ble er.croachm2nts, ii any, from o� on said iana. :�s surve�ed by me or undex my ciirect supervision "tnis i5th aay oi yarch, 1994. ��� �� rierb r. �2mi�e RLS �li:�n2sota Reg. No 13349 CTTY OF SAINT PAUL Nnrm Colemam, Mayor d� - �� March 28, 2Q00 Peter White Valuation Engineer Real Estate Division 140 City Hall Dear Peter: CTI7ZEN SERVICE OFFiCE � d � U � Fred Owasu, Gry Qerk y 170 Ciry Hall TeL: 651266-8989 ZS W. %NaggBoulevmd F¢c 651-266�689 SaintPaul,Minnesota 55102 Web: http:/lwww.stpauLgov TDD: 266-8509 I refer to you to check as to form and sufficiency and for recommendation, the attached petition of Uppertown Preservation League, for the vacation ofthat part of Lot 9, Block 11, Winslow's Addition according to the recorded plat thereof on file and of record in the Office of the Saint Paul City Clerk. Sincerel , t�� � � Shari Moore Deputy City Clerk Attachments t,y l /�'J � PETITION TO VACATE CITY INTEREST Oo -lOO`1 1(we), [he undersimed, constitunng a majoriR• of the o�mers (or theSr lesally dzs��ated representatieesJ ot[he abuttine properties, do hereby petiCion the Counm! of the Ciry of Sain[ Paul to vacate i¢ m[eresGS fn [he property(es) Ieoally descnbed as follows: The rectangle of property seven (7) feet (running north-south) by forty aod � (40.75) feei (running easi-west) immediately to the south of the fotlowin� lot owned by Uppertoum Preservation League: "The West Yz of Lot 9, Block ! 1, Winslow'S Addition to Saint Paul, according to the recorded plai thereof, and situate in Ramsey County, Min�esora" I(we) request th�b vacanon for the following reason(s). The single-family residence situated on the above-descnbed loi has occupied the site since c�rca 1858 and ranks among ehe oldest in Saint Paul. The south-front of the residence protrudes 3 feet mto the public sidewalk right-of-way. The residence is now under restoratioq and will require an additionat 4 feet (totaling 7) across the south-front of the lot in order to permit a code-compliant front step and stoop. Additionally, the house's cunent protrusion into the public nght-of-way severety complicates tending and insurance issues, wh�ch if not remedied will render the preservat�on and re-use of this historic prope»y more difficult. I(we) have attached six Copies of the site p}ans of any developmrnt mtended for construchon on the iands to be vacated. Contact Person Name� La�rel Severson Phone: 651-736-3277 .aadress: 376 St. Clair Avenue St. Paul. Minnesota 55102 Person(s) responsible for payment of vacation fee and for acceptance of the terms and conditions of the vacation: Name Upbertown Preservation Leaeue c!o Lauiel Severson. President Phone: 651-736-3277 nddress 376 St. Clair Avenue St. Paul. Minnesota 55102 Alfemate Contact Person Name: Thomas S. Schroeder Phone: 612-336-3455 Adaress: Faen & Benson LLP 2200 23orwest Center 90 South 5eventh Street Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402-3901 ��� cr� -lo°y Signatures of Owner(s)IRepresentative(s) of Property(ies) Below: � � ���� ��� �. Laurel J. Severson. President lippertown Pteservarion LeaQue 376 St. Claire Avenue St. PauL Minnesora �51Q2 Thomas S. Schroeder. RenresentarivelAttornev Uppertown Preservarion Leaoue 376 St Claire Avenue St. Paul_ Minnesota 55102 I, Thomas S. Schroeder, am the pentioner, or one of the petinoners in [he above rrmt[er; and I do hereby 5wear and venfy that each of [h � i�a u� this petinon wu s�gned m my presence by the person descn6ed in the pention. � �� (PeCitioner) Subscnbed and swom before me this �� dayof `��,� (9Q ,{99� � � � //'•i / Isl � , %�° K.-°�On ���, k �o � ' � M73643A9.01 IM� � SfiEAYL A. fRIED y��,} �p�NtYPUBIIC•MINNESCTA � y�,�pyyyH5yyn6yye5Jin 31.2W0 =30M F.iEGAE � BENSON "_ �.. ......( 2. 18' 00 12'�r�ra�,'nc�ia57/Niy4,n`[O1�e6 P.02l03 1¢5-� AIeE/�jC � �3 �Z?`Sf��l�L?".C11yt 7'�� �it�ttl'll?lC£ �{)�'l� r�c+o�ur�rl�s � a�� xr�t.�, �, atr+�ora�s�.�sn4 � '• , :�t, . + . . April 13,1999 Faeg[e 8c Bmsam, I I.P 22fl0 AtaQwcst Centa 90 South 7'� Sheet Mtaaeapolis,MN 554U2-39Q1 At�: Sachin Jay Darjt Dear Ivlr I)arji: FJ U - (v0`{ {sia� �s.zao� rmx t3i21.�1 FERSr AMExzc.a,x TrrC� nus. c{2, aces he,�. ��y +}� a� ofR�nsey ca„at}; �offi tsx ieccxda di9clogos tha2, ss ofNav�lber I8, 1999, ttte owIIers ofthe gmpctties �8 #he publie cight-of-may dra�xa'bed as: T� Po+�� ofMici�igan Sh+eet abmtnqg aad 13��iately 5wth o£the'4VVest'h of I.ot 9 BtncY Ll, Wiaslnw's Additiaa to 3aint Pant sotd tle5aed by the followiag boumdsiea: Cammeuciag atthe Southwesterly camae� ofsaid West'i4 of Let 9, �eiug th�poiat ofbegi� theace East atongtke Sauthaly liae afavd A►eat fi afLot 9 e discaaxe af 4a.73 feet more at lesa ta thc Southeaatsrly ettm�er af said Weat'� of S-.at 9, thenco So+tth am a beffimgperpeadiailar to the Soudiclyiine nfsafi@ Vl'est h ctf Lat 9 a diaf8ttce af e�tty 7 fe� tbeace West aa a beaeingparalld to tbe Sout�dy lina af9aid Weac'h of Lct 9 a distaace af90 7i fest�re ot les� heinSt�e seau dista�ec as the diatance in the secoad ceI1 at�avr aridtl�eace Noxih on ah�g F�P��1arw the� Iiae ofsaid �Veat :4 ofI.ot 4 a distaace vf exactty 7 £eetto the �oint of are as fallovrs: Le�ai Deaa3Ddon Propertq is: Fee Shvaer Wesc �i of Lat s, Biocic E i, ,ah�cs Winsiaw's Ar1dn. ta St Paa�l � Pi�veliaaLeague rr� rr� senroca� ts¢Nr�ts�. St, Pant, NQwT SS7pZ Cnnh^aet P�chssez NONE FAEGRE & BENSON LLr 2200 WELLS FARGO CENTER� 90 SOi3TH SEVENTH STREET t�INNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55402-3901 TELEPHONE 612-336-3000 FAGSIMILE 612-336-3026 c,c - t "� ° `t 1NO.W.S S. SCHROEDER TSchccedeYa;faegze com 612/336-3453 September 5, 2000 Glenn Picha BY TELECOPY City of St. Paul--Real Estate Division 651-266-8855 14Q City Ha11 & ZT. S. MAIL St. Paul, Minnesota 5�102 Re: 365 Michi�an Street/Vacation to Up.pertown Preservation Leatue Dear Glenn: I have received yaur fax of August 24, 2000 containing the proposed City Counsel resolution. 1'he resolution laoks fine. I attach to this letter the te� of the legal description of the vacated area for use as E�ibit "A" to the resolution. I trust that this completes the information required from Uppertown Preservation League. As I rrientioned to you �arlier, Uppertown Preservation League has signed a purchase agreement with an individual for the sale of the premises at 365 Michigan Street, inc3uding the nremises to be vacated. We expect that title vvill pass to the purchaser �pon the purchaser's closing on a purchasehehab loan he has applied for with the Cit}� of 5t. Paul, Home Loan Fund. We anticipate that this wi(1 occur sometime in the late fa11. Glenn, thank you for all of your assistance in this matter. Please contact me if you need anything m�re from us. V ruly yours, �- Thomas 5. Schroeder TSS:milsm Enclosures cc: Laurel Severson (651-575-0725) John Yust (651-225-9601) MI'659922 O7 Minneapolis Dem�er DesMoines Lo»don Frankfurt In the matter of the application to vacate a portion of Michigan Street. Proposed Legal Description; That part of Michigan Street lying northerly of a line described as follows: Commencing at the southeast corner of the west half of Lot 9, Bolck 11, WINSLOW'S ADDITION TO SAIIVT PAUL, thence West, assumed bearing, along the south line of said Lot 9 a distance o£ 2.50 feet to the point of beginning, thence South 45 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West a distance of 10 feet; thence West a distance of 21.20 feet; thence North 45 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West about 8.00 feet to the south line of said Lot 9 and their terminating. �a _! � c � J fi�� �F � �l� /33�� FROM FAECAE & BENSON (TUE) 4.18'00 10:09/ST.10:08/N0.4S62015530 P i FAEGRE & BENSON tLr FROM: Thomas S. Schroeder DATE: April 18, 2000 zzoo Noxwes C��ex, 90 5ourx SEVerrrx SrxEEr MINNEAPOLIS, 1V�INP7ESOTA 554623�1 FAX CF.NIER 7ELEPHONE 612-336-3932 FACSiMll.E 672-336-3026 �F'i—iC TELEPHONE: �f� 6121336-3455 �0� �,im. (Minneapolis) NUMBER OF PAGES (including this page): 2 F&B FILE: ��0190 REC: 0455 70: Glenn Pica City of St. Paul TELEPHONE: F.vc: 65IJ266-8855 THIS TELECOPY IS INTENDED ONLY FOA THE USE OF 7HE PERSON TO WHOM IT IS ADDRFSSED, AND MAY CONTAIN INFORMATION THAT IS PRNILEGED, CONFIDEN7IAL AND EXEMPT FROM DISCLOSURE UNDER APPLICABLE LAW, IF YOU ARE l�lOT THE 1NTENDED RECIPIEN7, YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED THA7 ANY DISSEMINATION, DISTRIBUTTON, OR GOPYING OF 7H35 COMNi1JNICA'f101V 15 STRICTLY PROHIBITED. IF YOU �AVE RECENED THIS COMMUNICATION IN ERROR, PLEASE IMMEDIATELY 1�SOTIF]' US BY ?ELEPHONE AND tE1'URN THE ORIGINAL MESSAGE TO US AT 7HE ABOVE ADDRESS VIA THE U.S. POSTAL SERVICE. THANK YOU. Minneapofis Drnve� Des Moines London Fsunkfurt PRESERVATION LEAGUE r As s o c ia t i on of Uppertown, Saint P¢ul � �og ��. �i.. . ,.. Paul Ste. Martin - - St. Paul Public Works 900 City Hall Annex 25 West Fourth Street St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 , .,. , � p v —10c3'—� November 4, 1999 %, VL4 U.S. MAIL AND FACSIMILE (651)292-6315 Re: 365 Michiean Street / Vacztion af Propertv Dear Mr. Ste. Martin, This is to confirm that the Uppertown Preservation League (UPL), the owner of the properiy located at 365 Michigan Street, St. Paul, desires to purchase a strip of land approximately 7' x 40' adjacent to the south side of the property, some of which is now owned by the City and occupied by the Cit}�'s sidewalk. In connection with this purchase, UPL will appiy for vacation of the City-owned portion of the property by December l, 1999. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call. I appreciate your assistance in this matter. Very ly yours, U�v� / �vVj� Thomas S. Sctu�oeder Uppertown Preservation League TSS:fradm cc: John Yust Yust Architectural Services (via facsimile 651-225-9601 and U.S. Mail) Laurel Severson, President Uppertown Preservation League (viaU.S. Mail) M1:556t 88 01 DEFARTMEAIT OF Pi3BLIC WORKS Tiwmas J. Eggum, DirectoNCity Engineer �p _ �00`/ CITY OF SAIN'T PAUL Norm Co(eman, MayDr TO: Tom Sawyer St. Paul Real Estate 140 City Hall From: Linda Mutphy �� St. Paul Pubiic Warks 800 City Hall Annex Re: Vac. File# 3-2000 Part of Miclugan Street for encroachment at 365 Michigan Street Date: September 13, 2000 800 City Hall Anrsex ZS West Founh Street Saint Paul, Minnesata 55102-1660 Phane:651-266-6Z50 Fac:651-298-4559 The Department of Public Works has received and approved the attached legal description of the area to be vacated. We have no objections to the vacation subject to the following: That the vacation sha11 be for the life of Yhe sYructure only, and at such time as Che building is demolished that said area shall revert back to the City as public right-of-way and at that time the property owner shall realign the sidewalk to the satisfaction of ihe Department of Public Works. lcm attachments: legal descripYion certificate of intended non-use Responsive Services • Qualiry Faci(ities � Employee Pride � CERTIFICATE OF It�TENQED NON-USE eo _[���{ THE FIONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL OF'IT� In the Matter of CTTY OF SAII3T PAUL Vacation File # 3-2000 The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated department or company, that it does not intend to exercise its utility rights in the realty described below: That part of Ffichigan Street lying narthezly of a line descrihed as commencing at Ehe southeast corner of the west half of Lot 9, B2ock }i WIRSLOW�S ADDZTION TQ SATNT PAQL; thexice North 90 degrees QO minutes 00 seconds West along the south lins of said I,ot 9 a distance of 2_00 feet to the point of beginning of 3iae to be described; thence South 45 8egrees 06 minutes 00 seconds Ytest a distance of 1Q.d4 feet; thence Nozth 90 clegrees 00 minutes 00 secQnds West a distance of 22.75 £eet; thence North 45 degreas 00 minutes 00 seconds West a distance of 10.00 feet to the south Iine of said I,ot 9 and there terminating. except as here noted: That the above described area shall revert back to City right-of-way upon removal of the structure, and the property owner shall realign the sidewalk to the satisfaction of the City of Saint Paul, Department of Public Works. Department of Pubiic Works Its G�JTS� �i1fG/�t/�Ei°�, � �J,2EczT' MINNESOTA � � Signature RAMSEY The foiegoing instnunent was acknowledged befort me this /✓/ r/ day of `-��rTG -�' � . 20�0, bY !/�D/uKs c�, �S�Vi'i( .the �/�Lo.r�12 � �r ��'r.Ox�u� ��s�L�� l�0`ai°�xs .a_112ur�.�;ar�� L'�.2Pe�2.¢rlo.t/ undet [he laws o€ rhz State oF b5�u¢uota MARLYS A. FI �-�,�(`— "'� -" ��<1!-��� ��10 Pb411ir(j� Notary Pub c, �y County, M ��' � �� My commission ezpirzs /�/�AJ � ** Please return this original copy to 140 City Hall, St. Paul, MN 55102 ** � p - �Ov �t Proposed I,egal Description: That part of Michigan Street lying noitherly of a line described as cpmmencing at the southeast corner o£ the west half of Lot 9, Block 7'1, WINSLOW'S ADDITION TQ SAIPT PAUL; thenee North 90 deqrees DO minutes QO seconds West alang the south �ine of 5aid I,ot 9 a distance of 2_00 feet to the point af beqinning of lins to be describecl; thence South 45 c3egrees OU minutes t3a seconds West a distance af 10.DD feet; thence North 90 degrees OD minutes 00 seconds ktest a distance of 22.75 feet; theace North 45 degrees QO minutes 00 seconds West a distanae o£ 10.00 £eet to the south Iine of said Lot 9 and there terminating, J. ~ Herb F. Lemire RLS Minnesota Reg. Na. 13349 Z020'd tr8'L$� 9Z:8@ ZT-EA`009Z 420'C 095 £9L $0'CZ 33L7: 41QN� r �epartmen't of Techi�ology and Management Services Real Estate Divisian 140 City Hall Phone: (65l ) 266-8850 SaintPauZ,MN SSIO2 Fax: (6�I)266-8855 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor Apri16 2000 Vicki Determan US West Communications Suu ivortn Caziton Maplewood, Minnesota 55119 � p _ Io0 �{ , I��:. _ ° �a�ati�inl+il�#3_2�Q Dear Ms Determan: The property owner of O1-28-23-43-0131 has requested a waiver of all easements in the properry described as follows: The rectangle of property seven (7) feet (running north-south) by fony and 75/100 (40.75) feet (running east-west) immediately to the south of the following lot owned by Uppertown PreservaUon League: "The west �/z of L.ot 9, Block 11, Winslow's Addirion to Saint Paul, according to the recorded plat thereof situate in Ramsey County, Minnesota." The purpose of this request is to eliminate lending and insurance issues. Please execute the enclosed certificate and return it to the Real Estate Division, as addressed above, by Apri128, 2000. S'v�ce.el�, Glen� ��g Real Estate Technician Attachment (3-2000c) . . CERTIFICATE OF INTENDED NON-USE �,� _�o oy THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL OF'TI� CTTY OF SAINT PAUL In the Matter of Vacauon File # 3-2000 The undersigned hereby certif'ies, on behalf of the indicated department or company, that it does not intend to exercise iis utiliry rights in the realty described below: The rectaugle of properry seven (7) feet (running north-south) by forry and 75l10� (4�.75) feet (mm�ing east-west) immediately to the south of the following lot owned by Uppertown Preservation League: "T`he west'/2 of L,ot 9, Block 11, Winslow's Addiuon to Saint Paul, according to the recorded plat thereof situate in Ramsey County, Minnesota." except as here noted: US West CommunicaUOns � „- � „ : � ,���r:�soTa RAMSEY � ���� Signature The foregoing insaument was aclaowledged before me this �� day of rl� 1 b SZti rJnaxd C'i. a.�14e, ,,, M� Eh ne� of � S V`� �icS� a under the laws of the State of Minn�.sota. s • � VICTORfA R. DETERMAN � Notazy Public, RavriSey C'.6u.n� , µin.v�GSbta `�� MVC O M MISSIONEXPIESE.91-2005 My�o,�,�ss=one�tr� 1-31-05 e ** Please return this original copy to i 40 City Hail, St. Paui, MN 55102 ** E='0�,� � � v CHRI5 prope�ty Irne on bidg./ine� — 4Q75 SE99°5Y5B� SHEO L07 9 (AREAJ= 4T68 SO. FT.J link fence �v 17 '--- �ON 2_ sroar fRAME FRAME APT. Area to be vacated BUILO/N6 � BUK�7W� �t -- �cnain Ii�k len�e on piope�ty /rire , < � ,�� ___ C�� /- STORY ti H BLOCX 8U/LO/NG . NO. 369 2-S70RY 1 FRAhE 2 $ � 0' APT. � � BU/LO/NG CCd22: i�� = 2 � � �l o De�otes iran monument N Bearings shown a�2 assumec rvinugA/ van /exe /i� -- ,5 �o. �e..�ii L��� —� w w N0. 365 � i- sroRr FRAME , HWSE ' p��Pe��y � _ /75_ � NQ 359 3.3 I-STORY � 2RICX 9 N FRAME HOUSE Y i Y�c � � t i � � � 1 � /ne � i a � I 2- S717RY n FRAME NW89 - 40.75- • , , ,, j�. �� cantiele' '/�'.�'','•i" 3/oot concrele »n/k MOlX ' l� l /� r �� 1f��`������ �: I���I I)li •J i/ ��Pti �7 i_i_ i w w T hereby certi�y t'ttat this is a true and correct representatiori�of a survey cf the bouncaries at: The West 1%2 or i.ct 9, B_oc?c 11, :dinslow's Addi�ion to Sa±zt Pau1, accora=ag te the recor5zci plat tleraoz, ana situate in ?ansey County, 'tinnesota. . It also snows the locat_on of ail vis?b1e er.croachm2nts, if any, from or on saia iana. :�s surveyed by me or unc'er m;� direct supervision chis i5tn aay oi �farch, 1994. ������ rie�b i. L2mi:e RLS 'li;�neso�a Re�. vo ?.3349 ,' _.. L� .- -� � 0 � �� I =yd' � ui tt 9 ' �. �' JY� i w�d� u� I � � �-+� � � �s �r ;a � xs�a i r ! v I i i � I i I = i � ., �.s �r � r ' o : � '� ' ( I ! f i ���I� � 0 i < �.r. � S � N N �� �� I � �} � __ -�---- �--- � ' � i ` � • E ._ . t� \ a � �•� , j/ �� w ` `\ \ � � ,\ ♦ t �. � * � \� � ` \ �\ � 1 `\ �\ -,\\���\ ..c.�_..�-�_�S._..��� b' � _� '�`'�, \ . �� �. . .��\.��' `.�\�`\`\ \ '� � . i �. � � j`..r \ ��r �.`�:'�\ � ' ' �A � \� n , \ � \ � �1� � � �� � f� � _ �'� � : � \ \ \ � \ � � \ ,�, �� \ r, \ .� 9 / V , { r y ' � o � - �o o�t �� � a I ' i f / r t � - � � ' v � � � 6� i � �— I � � a 9 � � �� �'d� � �s S�� �) � � i � L � � � � � , 1 � � i o�J �� �� �� ! J� i . � � _c ._- _ . � �'. 4 _ ��__ {� I I'f � ' � � � � � � 1 i t ,.� a� � � '� I � �� e�i r � CERTIFICATE OF 1NTENDED NON-USE �� _ �o��i TI� HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OP THE COUNCIL OF THE CiTY OF SAINT PAUL In the Matter of Vacation File # 3-2000 The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated department or company, that it does not intend to exercise its utility nghts in the realty described below: The rectangle of property seven (7) feet (running north-south) by fotry and 75/100 (40.75) feet (ranning east-west) immediately to the south of the following lot owned by Uppertown Preservation L,eague: "'I'he west �/z of Lot 9, Block I 1, Winslow's Addition to Saint Paul, according to the recorded plat thereof situate in Ramsey Counry, Minnesota." *electrical exceptas here noted: None Northem States Power Co. Z� Real Estate Representative !�.vr;v�scra ,/ ; g-L./ � eir� P : � ' ��'��V'"�� � Signature Lorraine D. Ablan HENNEPIN 1he foregoing iustmmea[ was aclmowiedged before me titis 2 � t h day of A p r i 1 � z000, by _ Lorraine D_ Ablan _� Reai Estate Representative or Northern States Power Comp�nv, a carporation under [he laws of ihe State nf blinnesota ,:::'�rt„ .. -..c..', . . .z ��i. ..� - � 4 , ,,, 1 � /' /�/�' Notazy b' Hennepin Co¢aty, Minnesq a My cottssnission e:cpiies �7�� � f ��� ** Piease return this originat copy to 140 City Halt, St. Paui, MN 55102 *# � l� � CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor April 6, 2000 Dan Woehrle N.S.P. - Gas Distribution 825 Rice Street Saint Paul, MN 55117 Department of Technology and Management Services Real Estate Division 140 City Hall Phone: (651) 266-8850 Saint Paul, MN SSIO2 Fax: (651 } 266-8855 NsP MaP J1- 33 ao-t� , _ R�: Vaeat�an �e.#�-241�1t� Dear Mr. Woehrle : The property owner of O1-28-23-43-0131 has requested a waiver of all easements in the property described as follows: The rectangle of property seven (7) feet (running north-south) by forty and 751100 (40.75) feet (running east-west) immediately to the south of the following lot owned by Uppertown Preservation T,eague: "The west 1 /z of I.ot 9, Block 11, Winslow's Addition to Saint Paul, according to the recorded plat thereof situate in Ramsey County, Minnesota." The purpose of this request is to eliminate lending and insurance issues. Please execute the enclosed certificate and retum it to the Real Estate Division, as addressed above, by Apri128, 2000. Sincerely, � ��� Glenn Picha Real Estaie Technician Attachment (3-2000c) CERTIFIGATE OF INTENDED NON-USE � THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF TI� COUNCIL OF TE� CTTY OF SAINT PAUL In the Matter of Vacation File # 3-2000 The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated department or company, that it does not intend to exercise its utility rights in the realty described below: The rectang�e of property seven (7) feet (running north-south) by forry and 751100 (40.75) feet (running east-west) immediately to the south of the following lot owned by Uppertown Preservation L,eague: "The west'/z of I.ot 9, Block I 1, Winslow's Addition to Saint Paul, according to the recorded plat thereof situate in Ramsey County, Minnesota." except as here noted: N. S.P. - Gas Distribuuon MINNESOTA RAMSEY � The foieaoing instrumznt was acknowledged befoie me ilus _I � day of /t. � 2000, ,.�.�.�..�.�.�,�.a,., ,�� .,.,�,.. ,.,,�,.w.,.a. / / A76TAflY W BLIC — MINNESOTA / ✓ �Y Comm. E�qNres➢�pt.�e19@9�� e�ires � ,�� ��_J . ' '"'"'.�'""'"""""_"_ �l / *�` Please return this original copy to 140 City Hall, St. Paul, MN 55102 ** L'bE2�; � - W V CHRIS fRAME 2- STORY fRAME AP7. Area to be vacated BU/LO/N6 � BUlL�/NG 4S -- �cnain /ink lence an piopeily line , PP K �' K —_. pD- Ic�c�`f poperly Iine on didg./ine� /- STORY ti 4. BLOCX BU/LOINC . /inklence � � N i7 ' I� NO. 369 I �n 2-STORY a 0 3 FAAME 2 AP7: g � � N — 4R75— SE89°SYSB SHEO ' pi�Pei'�y LO7' 9 (AREAJ- 4768 S0. FT.) NR35B NO. 365 %- STORY FRAME HOUSE 2- S7DRY i fRAME � 8U/LO/NG $C21.2 : ��� = 2� � o Denotes iron monument Sear_ngs shown a�e SSSll[C°_C wravgAl von lexe /i� — .,� /• •. / N:/�_h�./.. '� . S /OOi.; : :� .' �. -�-• _�;4 � conGrele� � o a a . 3lac w �--- /ZS 0 33 / -STORY � BR1CK 9 N FRAME House i � i t i v `k i I � i lence /»e � � ..J i�o/X ' //.' . conc�ete nv/k .• �• ,jai`�i,, ^� r:�_r; ( i !l •! t / t�i-�� �) � �_i_ ♦ w w I hereby certi�y that Lhis is a true and corr2ct repras�ntation�of a survey cr the boundaries ot: Tne West 1/2 ar Lct 9, B1ock 12, :dinslow's Addition to Saint Paul, accorfl?ng te the recor32d p1at tnereor, and situate in �amsey County, �iinnesota. � It also shows the locat:on of ai1 vis?51e er.croachments, i� any, from or on said iana. As surve��d by me or un�er m;� ciirect superv=sion chis i5tn aay oi Aiarch, 1994. �l� �� � riero r. "L2mir2 RLS �li:�nesota Re�. vo 13349 ' 1�Y . . • �; � ' ;• a0 !yd+ fl� � u �: �. �' � r" : i 2 �n�? � �a I �� �� � �.- � , 6 a ti. r ; a � �3�� `� i c k : � � � i� oi 1 � -. �.' .f � r o , � �' i � 'i �f li e ; i � s -��--. .. }_. t� � • � �I � - . . zA ` �``� \ / I i o ; �\ � r � \ `� � ��\. � \ \� \ � '�``� �� � �� • ,, �, �� ._ _ __._:_�_ _s:. �. `� . � �\ .� ,� �, � � . \ �. �.,\ ..\'� �\ �`� �`� \ � �� \��., � � � � � . :, � i. P � , \ i � � . , �l �._ . ' ., ��,� \ � , ,,�� � `�I` � � �� �. b . ,� •. , � \ �. r l �� Y , ` I - � � � ��\ \ \ \\ �\. I N N �� � �'` . - ��:\ . � -, , � ' { ' ,� � o _ �� o� � � tr i , I , � 4 � , �, � � �- , � {_ �- '� 7 i �_. {-r �y � ; �� � � �� � d M � r �� ; \�1�1 R O �{� � , � � � �� � , � j !t ,� f �� ; �� s� - _- � � 'a �, : - _ . - . __._ j - --n j?� --- - � �! 4 ��a � - ~ ' it /, i��i � � / S �. , � '� � _'. h '_— ' i j , i il I ✓ � I� � � � Department of Technology and Management Services Real Estate Division I40 City Hall Phone: (651) 266-8850 Saint Paul, MN 55102 Fax: (651) 266-8835 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor April 27, 2000 Efrain Gonzalez MediaOne �34 Woodhiii Roseville, MN 55113 �� — ��� � , . _, ��.: _ :X�aca#�an �'iie #� _24tU(1 Dear Mr. Gonzalez: The property owner of O1-28-23-43-0131 has requested a waiver of all easements in the property described as follows: The rectaugle of property seven (7) feet (running north-south) by forty and 75/100 (40.75) feet (running east-west) immediately to the south of the foilowing lot owned by Uppertown Preservation League: "The west 1 /z of Lot 9, Block 11, Winslow's Addiuon to Saint Paul, according to the recorded plat thereof situate in Ramsey County, Minnesota." The purpose of this request is to eliminate lending and insurance issues. Please execute the enclosed certificate and return it to the Real Estate Division, as addressed above, by May 19, 2000. Sincerely, * �� ��`�-an Glenn Picha Real Estate Technician Attachment (3-2000c) � - CERTIFICATE OF INTENDED NOtV-USE �� _ to o �-f THE HONORABLB MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE C4UNCIL OF TF� CTI'Y OF SAINT PAUL In the Matter of Vacation File # 3-2000 The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated department or company, that it does not intend to exercise its utility rights in the realty described below: The rectangle of proper[y seven (7) feet (running north-south) by forly and 75/100 (40.75} feet (running east-west) immediately to the south of the following lot owned by Uppertown Preservation L.eague: "'The west �/i of L.ot 9, Block 11, Winslow's Addition to Saint Paul according to the recorded plat thereof situate an Ramsey County, Minnesota." except as here noted: Cn ��� ��� ��`S �D e�j��� ��S \ O ��S \/�L'��� o 31Il`.::ESOTA � �,�� 'Ihe fotegoing instrument was by y — of I undex the laws of the State of Minnesota. MediaOne ItS C� � CG >S�Cn�VJ� Signatu me this � x� day of /� 2000, the OY My wmmission e�ires /r S? � k* Please return this originaf copy to 140 City Hall, St. Paui, MN 55102 ** tf���t � �T+���W �:��',�' i , • '. . �.�.��'= A ���� ��LLi3`�.^'v,��� ..�.. -���'.. ..�'.:�.��5�:� f:i:'.3 " _. _ � . � - _; '_ �—^' - "'. .,�'_'_ s—= , ,-.f ._ .,_-- -------- � py� C4lRIS BU/LD/NG p-oPei/y line an nidg./ine�, /- STORY ti � BLOCX BuILOIA/G . ■ /inR /ence /O /�' � _ .�" NO. 369 i v 2-SrORY t e 0 FRa.HE _ APT. t � BU/LO/NG 5cale: 1" = 20 o Denotes iron monument Bear'.ngs shown a�2 assumec Winugn/ von lexe /i� — w 8 ; � � �; ti 2- STORY FRA�SIE APT. Area to be vacated BU/L�J/N� a �cnain /ink /ence an piopeily /ina , � �PP _.—._._ T/1_ �C7D�{ W — 9QT5 � SEB9 SHED , ' Pi6�Pe��y _ GOT 9 (aREa)- 4768 SO. FT.) N0.359 /: ' . /"�. .:4 'o NO. 365 1- 5I'ORY FRAME HOUSE � __ /Z n � N ' 2- ST17RY M fRAME NW89 — 40.75-- • � 3 rl�%i � concie/e . • i :�`:', • ' � 3100� tonc�ele walk � � t i i `F i i � fente fne � ro/X • " /�� ! c „+u� �^nn ^�r,r.c� � ��li •Ji/�7i-i�� .> � ��i_i / -STORY BR/CK B FRAME HOUSE W (H I hereby certi�y tnat this =s a true and correct repr2sentation�of a survey cf t�e boundaries or: T:�e West 1/2 or i.cC 9, B_ock 11,!dznslow's Addition to Saint Paul, accoraing te the recoraed plat t�ereor, ana situate in ?.amsey County, hinnesoCa. '• It also snows the locat=on of ail vis?b12 er.craachments, ?i any, from or on saia iana. as surveyeri by me or under m;� direct supervision this i5ttt aay oi Karch, 1994. � . �1.� � -� �_ � _ rie�b r. L2mi=2 RLS V:.,.,.,�.,. � r7oo �In l?SL:9 � _�� _ � �f , � :.. _ 7 ! a0 1 Q'' C� � � �¢� 1)i -sn� �, ' r � �' . 3z? -�x . ;1 � \" A � i i .i � ' . � . II ` ` � _, + E �, F z 0 t f ',\ \ .�� l J � � i �\\ � � � i � \ \ /' \ `\ ' ` \\ : j � `�. �`��. \� i \. �� �� \ \ \` \ � \ �- � � \ s `� �3irii. ,,,�, �5.. �' x � ..:. _i. • ._<: '_:...'.�-' -' ' —� . \ �'\ . i l . � \\ .``�`' �� `` � \ �\ \ � . i ` !' . � �; �; - - i" � .f r � I; � � l � I� �- � N N 'i _�: • r i !f i; :I � �� � '' i i( j �: , ' � � � � �' S i' � �d� J r I, i 'i II . s , I �..; � i l_\ ` l f �\ \ �� 6 \ ��\ �\, ��;:\ , � �_��.\ ,:�� ,, ., . ��.. ,� , � . � �. ,�,,\�. \ ` � . \�. \\ � \\ ; _ �\ . �\ �D\ . � , \\ 1 y � � _ � 1 . �---C� --• -� . T"" . , �� � � A � , � I) L _ - - �C7 -1��� D � t � �• 4 s �, e' r U '�_. ( � � '—� ' �_ 7 i` _.. `' �3 �f i� i , �1 i l���, z � �.� ��i �� I lA � �� � ^, � J� ' ' � � �a � y — - - . �' s � � � r ,�-- �i' i � • I � � 4 ' '' � , .. �.I �'' I i ♦ ✓ I I ' ' I � � l� �o � MCI WORLDCOM Apri113, 2000 National Support / Investlgaaons Dept 2855 Loc 642 2250 Lakeside Blvd. Richardsoq I'X 75082 Mr, Glenn Picha, Real Estate Tech. City of Saint Paul, Real Estate Division Department of Technology & Management Services 140 City Hall Sainit Paui, MN 55102 REF: Vacation Request, 365 Michigan Street Vacation File #: 3-2000 MCIW REF: 3279-2000 Dear Mr. Picha: MCIWorldCom has been notified by your office regazding the above referenced project. For your records, in reviewing the azea in question, it has been deterxnined that MCIWorldCom does not have facilities within your project area. However, it will still be necessary for you to contact the local One Call System at least 48 hours prior to any construction. You should address correspondence conceming any future projects to the attention of National Support/Investigations at the above address. If qou need fizrther assistance with this project, please do not hesitate John Bachelder at 972-656-5038. Sincerely, �.,"__0 " , Rosalyn W. VanWinkle National Support/Investigafions CERTIFICATE OF INTENDED NON-USE n o -t � `'`f THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF TF� COUNCII. OF THE CTI'Y OF SAINT PAUL In the Matter of Vacation File # 3-2000 The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated department or company, that it does not intend to exercise its utility rights m the realty described below: The rectangle of property seven (7) feet (running north-south) by forty and 75/100 (40.75) feet (nwuiug east-west) immediately to the south of the following lot owned by Uppertown Preservauon League: "The west lh of Lot 9 Biock 11, Winslow's Addition to Saint Paul, according to the recorded piat thereof situate in Ramsey County, Minnesota." except as here noted: DISTRICT ENER6Y ST. PAUL, INC., AND DISTRICT CO�LING ST. PAUL, INC., HAVE NO EQUIPMENT IN THE AREA TO BE VACATED AND HAVE NO OBJECTION TO THE vACATION. MINNESOTA RAMSEY District Energy and Cooling St. Paul, Inc. Its � res; �,.�" ,�.��,i Signature � " ���,�, J The foregoing instrument was aclmowledged before me this �� � dsy of / TO (' �� , 2000, by ��PK'S �. � 4�.K�v ,the �Y S i d�.�( of 1JiS�}'ic.t L-n rn� °�' �iS�ic'�'�c�o��� Or� Yltv� Tro'��T cof�or��e�-+.c under the laws of the State of Mmnzsota. Si P�"Qi�c . r -� �.„;;, r�u�r �. srrftw000 '��"�.tP +.�� hC7ARYPt.BL1:',-pA!NNESO7A ��:g� �Y A4YC0?.FMtSS;Otd * :,�:°" EXPIRES JAN. 31, 2CJ5 �-�, �. �� � Notary Pubfic, Ramse ty, M�innesota. My commission e�ices �---�a-�� 3� a d0 $ t1 ,.� - T ** Please return this original copy to 140 City Hall, St. Paul, MN 55102 ** ,%�, :" CERTIFICATE OF INTENDED NON-USE a o—co�� THE HONORA.BLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE COiINC1L OF THE In the Matter of CTI"Y OF SAINT PAUL Vacation File # 3-2000 The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated department or company, that it does not intend to exercise its utility rights in the realty described below: The rectaugle of properry seven (7) feet (mm�ing north-south) by forty and 75/100 (40.75) feet (running east-west) immediately to the south of the following lot owned by Uppertown Preservauon L,eague: "The west'/z of Lot 9 Block l 1, Winslow's Addition to Saint Paul according to the recorded plat thereof situate in Ramsey County, Minnesota." except as here noted: Saint Paul Regional Water Service �£$,4���� Bernie R. Bullert Its General Manager MINNESOTA �" ) �wu �/ � � �ignature RAMSEY The foregoing instrument was aclmowledged before me titis 25 th day oF ApTll , 2000, by Bernie R. Bullert ,�, General Manager o g Saint Paul Regional Water Service a Municipal Corporation of the City of 5aint Paul undec the laws of the State of Minnesaa .., SHlRleY A JONfS ' N47ARYFUf�dC-kNC�B*ESOTR .�.::_ RRVCCk'NA4S3S'ipR�' EXPIf2E5' JFs\".31. ��ki *" Please return this origina{ copy to i 40 City Hall, St. Paul, MN 55102 *" N � --- —� y ��— — � \ rti _. - �� � ' i18 � �' N a ��� z ,, - � a�� � _� ieeU � i g9 O� f � t i p� N � ' m a �. � � LS T�`i t'ir/ � N � r�ssu �'�.�� ��` � 8V y� #7'- 4I9f1 � j �; �� � i # �I � �i m 1 � � � y' � ¢ � i; I� ` 9 N � � � �� � I � ' `� � I � � � 0 � J � S � �Q (� NNH � � � ( �Leti --- -----� �+ � � � -.sabt ,�s � S'18 _ � — N �LS � '��� aszs � I£L£I I N � N � � ( W � 1 � m a � �W I � a M � Ie � � I � � N � I� " .� �I � � _ :� � �I � `�� \� j ti ~ � ! � O � � m �, i � :��� ' �� ` o Ob 0 £661-2i3M35 L13�0— N � �..� m r � � � , � t � 99 N �.�..L.��� ¢ °,.>-� � � oJ � zz�� �9 �S- � une� wea nS �65 t. a�u.t� s � �' � Q U � �s DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS Thomas J. Eggum, Director/City Engineer CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman. Mayor To: Glenn Picha Real Estate Division 140 City Hall From: Linda Murphy�� PW/Right-of-Way 800 City Hall Annex Date: July 25, 2000 Re: Vacation #3-2000 Encroachment in front of 365 Michigan St. 800 Ciry HaIJ Annex 25 West Fourth Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102-1660 Phorse:651-266-6150 Faz:651-298d559 �� - t�o`� This is to oufline the status of the above-referenced vacation. In November of 1999 the Department of Public Warks approved a request by the Uppertown Preservation I,eague for steps and a flower bed to be constructed in the public ri�t-of-way with the understanding that they would diligendy pursue a vacation of the area of encroachment. The vacation petition was to be submitted by December 1, 1499. It is my understanding the steps, etc. were constructed in late 1999 and the sidewalk relocated in spring of 2000, with the vaca6on petition being submitted the end of March 2000. The Department of Public Works reviewed the vacation request and had no objections since we were the ones reguiring that the area to be vacated. Our oniy objection was with the vacation description. The area to be vacated is the area between the edge of the sidewalk and the existing property line. The petiuoner has submitted a drawing of this area. I do not know how accurate it is. If indeed this is an accurate as-built drawing, we then need a legal descripUon of this azea created by a Registered Land Surveyor. It is my guess that the surveyoz will need to go out to the site and actually survey this azea in order to provide an accutate description. If a survey is being done of this azea, we would want property irons placed and a certificate of survey sent to us showing the boundaries of the vacated area, where the new irons are placed and a description of the vacated area. Responsio•e Services • Qualiry Facilities • Employee Prrde � �a - ��°`� Memo to G. Picha - pg.2 At this point the property owner has an illegal encroachment. I recommend the petitioners diligentiy pursue the above-referenced survey and continue with the vacation process as was agreed to. Attachment: Nov. 8, `991etter cc: Paul St. Martin, Street Engineer Henry Ung, Ordinance Enforcement Supervisor Tom Kuhfeld, Right-of-Way Engineer �• DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS Thomas J. Eggum, Drrec7or �j0 — �OC7�{ CIT`Y OF SAIN'T PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor November 8, 1999 Mr. Thomas Schroeder Faegre & Benson 2200 Norwest Center 90 South Seventh Street Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402-3901 RE: 365 Michigan Street Dear Mr. Schroeder: Larry Lueth, Construction Engineer 25 W. Fowth Street 900 Ciry Ha[l Anrsex Telephone: 651-266-6080 SaintPauf,MN55102-1660 Facsimile: 651-292-6315 The Uppertown Preservation Leaa e has requested that steps and flower bed be constructed on public right-of-way as per the plan drawn by Yust Architectural Services. The Public Works Department grants pernvssion for this work under the following conditions: 1) A Public Works sidewalk permit for the sidewalk relocation needs to be issued prior to any work that is started on the public right-of-way. A tist of con[ractors who are licensed to receive a sidewalk permit is attached. 2) The building contractor shall be registered to work in the public right-of-way prior to the start of work. The registration form is attached. The certificate of insurance shall name the City of Saint Paul as additional insured. 3) That the Uppertown Preservation Leao e apply to vacate the public right-of-way in the area between the relocated sidewalk and the property line by December 1, 1999. Instructions and form are attached. Note that NSP Gas may have facilities in the Sidewalk azea that may need to be relocated as part of the vacation. If you have any questions, you can call me at 651-266-6118. Sincerely, I ��� .� ��(�'� ��. Paul St. Martin Civil Engineer IV Attachments cc: Tom Kuhfeld Jerry Tvedt Responsive Servtces QualiryFacilities • EmployeePride � CERTiF1CATE OF INTENDED NON-USE �� —c�o� THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND NIEMBERS OF'TI� COLTNCIL OF Tf� In the Matter of CITY OF SAINT PAUL . Vacation File # 3-2000 The undersigned hereby cer[ifies on behalf of the indicated department or company> that it does not intend to exercise its utiliry rights in the realty described below: The rectangle of property seven (7) feet (running north-south) by forty and 75/100 (40.75) feet (running east-west) immediately to the south of the following lot owned by Uppertown Preservation Leaa e: "I'he west 1 /z of I.ot 9, Biock 11, Winslow's Addiuon to Saint Paul according to the recorded plat thereof situate in Ramsey Counry, Minnesota." except as here noted: /�� � ( � \ l l . L .� / �--� � f �' a � 1� �--� �... �� .� , Saint Paul Region�l Water Service ._c,; .__-_'�� ., � ItS MINNES02A RAMSEY � Bernie R. Bullert General Manager � �_ _ �_ _ , �� •�. 'Ihe foregoing instcument was acFa�owledged before me th3s 25 th day of Apri1 . 2000, b Bernie R. Bullert ,�, General Manager o p Saint Paul Regional Water Service a Municipal Corporation of ehe City of Saint Paul nndez the laws of the Siate of Minnesotz. . • StI1RlEY A JONES � ' NOTARYP41@LIC-t�RNWFSOIF .� y MYrCMMlSSIC:M �XPIRES SAp.37. 2C.A' ** Please return this original copy to 140 City Hall, St. Paul, MN 55102 ** CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor Apri16,2000 , Commander Traffic & Accident Unit Saint Paul Police Department 100 East Eleventh Street ��v`i�l+'�U APR 10 2006 ���s��r� ��v�s�oN - - _ ... _.._ . .__ _... _ ._. ._.... .__. ��iii�ecf ° ° ° `. ` , ': ` ' '�11?I� �e�rtme�f �le l�t�� 3-20fld Deaz Traffic & Accident Unit: The Ciry Clerk has referred to this office far recommendation the petition oP TIip�sa� 5ehtise`der for the vacation of the following described property: The rectangle of property seven (7) feet (running north-south) by forty and 75/100 (40.75) feet (running east-west) immediately to the south of the following lot owned by Uppertown Preservation I.eague: `"The west'/z of L,ot 9, Block 11, Winslow's Addition to Saint Paul, according to the recorded plat thereof situate in Ramsey County, Minnesota." This inquiry pertains to the vacation of City right-of-way only. Depending on the petitioner's reason for requesting this vacation and the intended use for the vacated right-of- way, some or all of the utility easements may be retained. The purpose of this vacation is: to eliminate lending and insurance issues. Will you please advise me of any concerns you may have regarding this proposed vacation. I would like to receive your comments before 4l28/2000 so I can prepare a report to the City Council on this matter. For your convenience, you will find a f� transmittal memo containing a reply form on the reverse side of this notice. If you would rather respond on your letterhead, please refer to the above listed file number when replying. If you have any quesuons regazding this matter, please call Glenn Picha at 266-8862. Sincerely, Gle�n P a�� Department of Technology and ManagementServices Real Estate Division oo - ta�y 140 Ciry Hall Phone: (65I) 266-8850 Saint Paul, MN 55102 Fax: (65I ) 266-8855 (3-2000cert) Reply to Vacation Inquiry File #3-2000 'ro: Glenn Picha Ciry of St. Paul Real Fstate Division Pho_�e � Faz k 266-8862 I # of P 1 'From: Commander & Accident Unit Saint Paul Police Department �� _ �L�O� We have no objections to this vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . /[�� We will approve this vacauon, subject to the following condiuons : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ For the following reasons, we cannot approve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ Signed �� �t�L �� L��-�i �/ ���=t�61 ' 1 � Date "�_ _-� ��� �G�R v CHRI5 � N 2- STOAY FRAME FRA,Nf APT. Area to be vacated BU/LD/NG � BU/L�/N� 4 .--_ �tnain l;nk fence cn propa�ty line , K �PP x� G� - lc`�O`� - - `=-- Fropei/y /ine on biAq./ine� /- SrORY ti h BLOCX BU/LO/NG . clnin /inX �ence —x - /O /7 NO. 369 1 v 2-STORY � e e 0 � fRAME APT. 8 ; ! � BU/L D/NG Scale: 1" = 20' o Denotes iron monument Bear`ngs shown a�z assu�rec irio�qnl iron lexe linv — c„ w ,✓ /OOf. ���.'. �.�� �, - 4Q75 SEB9°37�58° SHEO L07 9 lQ�fEaJ- 4768 SO. F7.) ' pi6 N0.353 ND. 365 � /- SrORY FR.4ME , HOUSE i.5 / -STORY � BRlCK 6 N fRA�tfE NOUSE �--- /73 � n 2- S717RY h fRAME NW89 - -ao.�5- i 3 :4 0 [onC/eI6 :'j'•�f �- � t D O 0 3fool coac�ete Kvtk � i � i i V � i � � i lence /ne i i •• r,__ r� �. ��A��.�ri��AA� � rf_ � � � i Ii �/i/ �7i�i .) i_i_ i w w I hereby certi�y that this is a true and correct representation�of a survey c= t:�e bou,^.daries or : Tne West 1/2 0? i.at 9, B?ock 11, :ainslow's Addition to Sa?nt Pau1, accora?ng te the recorazci plat tne:eor, ana situate in �amsey County, �iinnesota. • it also snoias the location of a11 v±s'_�1z er.croachments, ii any, from or on said iann. As surve��ri by me or unc'er my ai�ect supervision chis i5C'tt aay or March, 299�:. � � �- -� �- � rie:b r. L2mi�2 RLS ��.:1R2SOC3 iZ°_j. �O .�..�i.5�:9 � .' , • �' c 1 � � I a�f '� d' � W J�'i � o r : : � 2 `e ��C ui �. y� a � � , . r � �s. ���� � i 1 O _ � T � 4i 1 _ _ �.+ ( �r � r � 4 ! � � � i � � f i� �i '' . 1 s " -'��--' _'" ' � � ��� , _ �� { - h \ o A �% 7 r . �'�. / � � � I ` \\ \ ^ l"' ; `�\ •� � fi � ,. , � .� \` ` ��\ .�� . �' ,�, �� � .___ ._..._ _ ;a - `' ti \ \\ �\ � \;\ ,\\,�'\ � \�� � , \ \ \ `��. �- �� \ . � \ \\ ,� A '.. \ \ . �\� `q V \ \\ \ � \ : Q \ `,\ \�' �\. ��\ \ � � � �� i � �' � � V � . .\ � \ 1 \�\ � � � N f �\ ` � \ 1 \ � � ;� �, F:'Y'�: i` .s1: � � - ;� i i � � - — _- ;; ;� � j }� . �� �� i ; � 1 i � � �I d � ...�.. I N _ � 1 0 ti ,, � i _ + i �� { D w � . ` , , �- -(. � � d � ��al � �I � t� �r. � ✓ eii �� � ���� 4 4�. G � � (� � i �._. I { c S !i7 ` .Ct � � � �� I �� : � �� � �� �� ; : s� �� a -.�. _ �; � - �i � . � � � , 05/08/1994 20:58 6512286241 Reply ta Vacation Inquiry File #3-2Q00 FIRE PREVENTION PAGE 01 �rx�u 1 T°� G1enn Picba 'From: Chrls Cahlli Ciry of St Paul Department of Fire & 0 d a Rea1 &tate Division SaPety Fat k We have no objections to this vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......................... ... We will apprQve this vacation, subject to the following conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � For the following reasons we cannot approve this vacation: .._.,,__, ................D Date 5� z� . APR-13 15=04 FROM CITY OF ST PAUL LIEP Repty to Vacation lnquiry File #3-2000 To: phanc # Fat # TD Glenn Picha Ciry of St. Paul RealEstate Division 68855 P.001/001 � �....�.,, . •�om: Larry � LIEP(Bldg 314 Lowry �p —t�0'� We have no objections to this vacarion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � We will approve this vacataon, subject to thc following conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ For the following reasons, we cannot approve this vacacion : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ �� Vv Date T07AL P.001 i � � . � Reply to Vacation Inquiry File #3-2000 To: G1BDII P1C}f3 City of St. Paul Real Estate Division Pvone# 266-8862 F�� 266-8855 'From: CarOle Wlllianls Library Administration ���� 90 West Fourth Street We have no objections to this vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .� We will approve this vacaUOn, subject to the following conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ For the following reasons, we cannot approve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ Signed �� ��g^� Date 7` # � � QR , W � v CHRI5 FRAME 2- S70RY FRAME APT, Area to be vacated BU/LD/N6 � BU/L�1/N�f 4 -- r cnain /ink le�ce on propaity Iine , p�oper/y /ine on biCg./ine� /- STORY ti � BLOCK BUILOlNG . PP � � I \ oTS. N0. 369 I 'n 2-STORY p 0 3 Fi7AME 2 APT. � � BU/LD/NG .C..C3�0: i�� = Z� � �l o De�otes iron monument ti Bearings shown a�e assumec rvinugA! von /exe /i� — Cu w 5 (oot� - 4QT5- SE89°S%58' SHED L9r 9 (AREA)- 4T68 SO. FT.J ' Pi6 N0.359 �� G»in /ink �ence �. � io NO. 365 � . /- STORY FRAME n NOUSE' 0• N ______..� 2- S777RY M FRAME NW89 - - 40.75- � 3 Q ca 'r'� =:4X ., e � � i 4 0 �, -- !Z5 --- � 0 u cOndefe »n/k 3.3 / -STORY � BRICX & N FRAME HOUSE � i 1 t r �t i I i � /ence /ne i i . � �. 7 �r itli i7ii �� 7: ��ri W w (}G - (�o`t I hereby certi�y tttat �4is is a true and correct repr2s�atation�of a survey cf the boUr.daries o£: Tne Wes[ 1%2 or �ct 9, B_ock 1�, Sd`_nslow's Addi�ion to Saint Pau1, accorci?�g tc the recor5ed plat tne:eoz, ana situate in ?amsey County, KinnesoCa. � It also snoeus the locat=an of ail v±s'_�12 er.croachm2nCs, ii any, from or on said iana. �s survey°d b� �:° or under m;� direct supervision this i5ttt aay oz `4arch, 2994. �1�..� �- ��.,: : _ ne�o e. Lemi_2 RLS �lilnzso�a Reg. `10 13349 ' � :., +: -� � a0 _�Q, cfl� W UQ': ? � �-` i � ��a�?� u; ���� � � j- , a o2 :X��� '�Y �� � � �i��� � e i .:.. C k .; ;� i f i i � �; i _ �, f ,� � r �d � j �i II fl � � � n 1 r _� I � �� i N N �; � , � -�^ I i ; ;j ;; �� � '! 'I i � ;, ;; , �; ;; It I; � i' f 1 � I � d {�I .� , y1 � !i � . ;� d !_ i N _ � �� - . � --A.--.__—' '.. �\I � � i ` • • • F �O f "�_ \ /�/ . � l \\ � / % � \� ��� �` �. �\ ` \ `\ \ \ � � \\'�` `'� � 3� . '\ \`\ \.:.`.�. '�'. '\�. � � `. . ', \ \�\ �� ���` �`,� ���, ��, '� t � \ i� V 'i., � ' • 1 \� V � `��. �\ \� ' ;,- \ ' \\\ \ \� � \ � � , `� � ��A� � , , . � � F, 4�-,' ., � � -, . � , _ _� �p_�8`f c w � I � . --:` . 4 � � , , � � �; � � i _. � ; d � ' 3 S' �J " �� i � h5 d CL � . Q ��! � ��; � �� � �.�'`t �� �i �� ; s� � � � �0 - -�-p =_�-=-_ -- _ -- � s � -. �,+-, �..- . ;,�� . , � .; �� .� i l�� � / t �� , � ' ' � ' � ; i , � ; „ f � Il ! RPR-10-2000 12�25 STP PRRKS & RECRERTION 612 292 74a5 P.01i01 To: Glenn Picha •�:� John Wirka Ciry of S� Panl �axks & Recreation Reply to Vacation Inquiry Rral Estata Divisiou 30o ci x�� ann� D � 1OO�f Eile #3-20UQ Yhanc+ 256-8862 �onc#t � r•�� 266-8855 I r'�" We have no objections to this vacauon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..� VJe will approve this vacauon, subjcct to thc following conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ For rhe following rzasons, we cannot approvc this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ 3i�cd � �o��-c� Datc IY�lrl��.� � PED 14 TH FLOOR I T�: Reply to Vacation lnquiry Fite #3-2000 Glecm Pichu Ciry of Sc Paul Rcal Esrate Aivision �, � 266-8852 F,�;� 256-8855 APR-13-2600 15�38 6512283220 •�m:Pau� llubrui� Planning & Ecoa Development 1i00 City Hall At P.01/04 � . (oa`l We have no objections ro this vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � W e will approve this vacation> subject to the following conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ For [he following reasons, we cannot approve this vacauon : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � � ! r 5igned Date [� - !Z"ar� RPR-13-2000 15�39 PED 14TH FLOOR CITY OF SAINT PAUL Nornz Coleman, Mayor Apri1fi,2000 Paui Dubruiel Planning & Economic Development 1100 Ciry Hall Annex Dear Mr. Dubruiel: Real Estate Division 140 Ciry Hall Saint Pau1,1vIN SS102 The CSty C1erk has refeired to this office for recommendarion the pecition of�;�opji�,5 ab: �e]#�be�T`ex for the vacation of Lhe following described prvpeny: The rectangle of propeny scven (7) fect (running north-south) by forry and 75/100 (40.75) fect (running east-west) immediately to the south of lhe following lot owned by Uppertown Preservarion I.c�gue: "The west'/a of Lo[ 9 Block I 1, Winslow's Addition to Saint �?aui, according to the recozded plat chereof situate in Ramsey County, Minneso�a." This inquiry pertains to the vacalion oY City rigl�t-of-way oniy. �epending on the petitioner's reason for requesting tl►is vacation and the intended use for the vacated righL-of- way, some or all of the utility easements may be retained. The purpose of this vacarion is<KO eliminatc lending and insurance issues. oa—�`� Will you please adv9se me of any concerns you may haue regarding this proposed vacation. I would like to receivc your comments beCore 4/23/2000 so I can prepaze a repon to [he City Council on this mattex. For your conveniencc, you will find a fax transmittal mertio containing a reply form on the rcverse side of ihis notice. If you would rathcr respond on your letterhead, please refer to the above listed file nnmbcr when replying. If you have any questions regarding this mauer please cal] Glenn Picha at 266-8&62. Sincerely, '�-^'�`� �� Glenn Picha 651228322e P.02iO4 Phone: (651)266-8850 Fox: (651) 266-8855 (3-2000cen) APR-13-2000 15�39 PED 14TH FLOOR 6512283220 P.03iO4 � ° FNAMG �y fRM/MC t .. (��ciu �v ��. .��----. • . , � BU/GO/NG �1 . BU/L�J . -'` / tnain /inR /ence Qa yoPeily b�e yaPeily Y,ne on D(dg.liae� l- SR7RY BLDCK BU�LOhvG . Jink Ience rp . /�' _' _ NO. 369 1 v 2.STORY -� s i FR,CNE , � APT � y _ 2 � � BUILO%vG � �C3ZZ: o Denotea i:on monument ti Bearings shown a=2 assu�°� wrrnr9A/ von fence line -- � W ,5 foo�'!:,:;% _ qQ7g- SE89 SHED LOT 9 /aREa)=476B SO.F7.) N0. 365 " �l- 5T'ORY � FRAME HDUSE N �i6 � /75 0 � h � Z-S70RY ,n FRAME G / NW89 ° 5758� _aR.,� _`-�_-'-,^-- =�.a `. contre�e; � a m '�'T • 1 N0.359 3.1 /-STORY � BR/GK 8 N , FRAME ! x0u5E f a � � i � � � : � fence fne i ypi,r . � concrefe x0/R ,. / �--Trr" �! :�� �:• i : i �� i �! .> : � , i_._ i W l+' G � � L(�C `f l � I hereby certi�y Cnat this is a true and corract repr2s_nCation o£ a su�e cf the boundaries oL� Tne Wast 1/2 0_ Lct 9, B=o��c 1�. ��'nslow's Add'ztion to Sa��r Paui, accorail� tc the recor3ed �lat the:aor, anfl sztuate in ?.ansey County, `iinnesota- • � xom o� on j.t also snocas the Locat±�n me or1un�er�my directCSUpervisionathis i5tn , said iann• As surveyad b� nay o= �larch, 1994. , . � � � Fs.`_-_----- Hero r- L2m1 RLS 1'�G `lizneso�a Re�. �o �s_ _ I RPR-13-2000 15=39 PED 14TH FLOOR 6512283220 P.04/04 , ( I � I ' • ' ' . ,� , • . il i - , . �p-l�D� k O 1 ' \ a ��c } . '\ '� 4 � � �� i � � � I j l \\ � � i � ` \ \ — _ \. \ •� • ." 1 . � � \\�\ `, \\ / � `^ � ` ' � � i \ \ \ . �;: �, � :�'`c4' _ � _h..._ 4 � \ / � � — , _ . i . \ \ .\ ''\ \ ' �. . � I ` .\ ' `.\�\ .\ � ' �S � \ ` � , � \ � �f \\ ' \,� S, . •` `�� \ r� � ��,`' .. ,\ `'. '\ •\ \ \ � ta� ' . � i \\ ;. � �\� .. d r � -.� � , .� , ` 3 .� „ � � �,� ;,. ,� . � � � � � ; \ , Q � 4 . �.. ' ` ' � \ ..� _ T t \ \ � \ � � � j ' ' c � ` r" r � ��� � . `1 _ ^! .. o ; c ' � �j °*a ,.-� i .o -a� : , � � 1; ,�' a co, � I� ; � �.� 2 w�� » I � I �' , , ; ; � 2 � i �� � �� ;i � � � �d ;: ' � J �� � +? �; � :' s � �r,a ASi' I I ' � � r ; a � � - .�- � b � �a ��� � ; -- -. ' � i � �, � , � � ,�� � � I � - - � -. � !� ,��� I � J \ \ .. ..._,. .. . .��_ �h � :��� � i � �� +D. . • , ' '�\ 1 � � _ + + ./ . .. .. .. , �� ' 4 ! ., � Q � � � TOTAL P.04 t ` `� i FEB-23-1908 18=38 Reply to Vacation lnquiry �ile #3-2d00 P.01 n��� 1 ro: Gtenn Picba •�„�: Betty Moran C.O. Ciry oP S[. Paui Betty M<uan Real Esrdce Divizion 974 Wcsc Sevenm Streee Sain[ Pavl, MN SSi02 Phonc# 266-8862 � 1O ^ z �? 98-5599 Faxfi 266-R855 FuxK 29R-5671 . We3�ave no objecuons to this vacacic�n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .�" We will approve This vacaa�n, subject to the foliowin� condiri�ns : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [] For the following reasons, we cannut approve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � ;� ;, : t� I � ' � �atz 1 'i a-o c� p � � tno�t TOTAL P.01 Interdepartmental Memorandum CITY OF SAINT PAUL C�t���� �3ss�rch v�rt�r To: All Councal Members ��� ��tl Q � From: Peter White Right of Way Engineer 140 City Hall 0 �—i�o�l Date: October 2, 2000 �uia��et: 1Tt�S I�epaih��*ait �acation Fi1e �Ia_ 18-2�t7� - Ph�se I._ - I recommend a public hearing before the City Councii be held on f>ctaber 25r 2�1qp . The purpose of this hearing is to consider a petition to vacate part of 7'" Street between W acouta and Sibley Streets and part of Sibley Street south of 8`� Sueet. This property is located in City Council District 2, Planning District 17. The subject peution is in proper form and has been signed by the requisite number of property owners. (1800phsl.dt) CITIZEN SERVICE OFFICE Fred Owusu, Ciry Clerk O(� _ DIVISION OF PROPERTY CODE ENFORCEMENT Michael Morehead, ProRram ManaXer CTTY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor September 22, 2000 ��� I�:Z�7�1 SUBJECT: Racquel Naylor Council Research Nancy Anderson Office of the City Council Nuisance Bui[ding Code Enforcement IS W KelZaggBlvd. Rm. !90 Tel: 65]-Z66-8440 SairstPau(,MN55102 Fax:651-266-8426 M�ine Linston Citizen Service Office, Division of Code Enforcement Public Hearings for Demolitions The following properties have been declared nuisances and are scheduled for public hearings to consider repair or demolition of the property. Address 654 Armstrong Avenue Green Sheet Number 102309 T,PaI_���t1VP NP�I'llla Tuesday, October 17, 2000 CITY COUNCIL HEARING Wednesday, October 25, 2000 PLEASE MARK YOUR CALENDAR � pc7-�`F �o Interdepartmental Memorandum CITY OF SAINT PAUL Cotxtr� R��arc� Ge,fia• To: Nancy Anderson City Council Office $�P � � �(�� 310 City Hall From: Tom Sawyer Real Estate Division 140 City Hall Date: September 18, 2000 I am requesting a date of October 25, 2000 for a Public Hearing to approve the attached Council Resolution. The purpose of the resolution is to conect an existing encroachment. I have enclosed photocopies of the Green Sheet, the Council Resolution and a map of the area to be vacated. Please let me know if there is any additional information you might need. The resolution is currently being routed for signatures along with the responses from the u6lities and other pertinent information. C/7 �� - �oo � T.M. S. /REAL ESTATE DIVISION Date: 9/7/00 Grean Sheet Number : 104746 OataCt YOSSOA dIId Phone PIUmbOi: 'Z PARTMENT DIREC'1VR � ITY C0�2iC2L Glenn Picha 266-8862 Tom Sawyer 266-8857 1= � A � ° "� 5= � °� ust be on Council Agenda by: T arnzcmx FFZCE OF FIIUNCIAL SVCS, ouncil Research: 3 YOR (OR ASSISTANI'1 OTAL # OF SIGNATIIRE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION REQIIESTED: he Uppertown Preservation League has requested the vacation of part of City ight-of-way, because the building at 365 Michigan encroaches on City right-of-way. (Vacation File number 3-2000) CO,�NDATIONB: APPROVE (A) OR REJECT (R) ERSONAL SERVICB CONTRACTS M[JST ANSWER THE FOLIqWING: Has the Berson/firm ever worked uader a coatract for this ePartment? YES NO nuxsze�a co�mussxox A sxaze Has this person/fiffi ever been a City employee3 YES No CML SSAYSCE CODL658ION Does this Barsoalfizm possess a skiil not xwxmally Hosaessed by nY YES NO cuz'rent City emgloyee7 cxa coaasmree Explain all YES answers on a seBarate sheet anfl attach. IIPPORTS 47E[ICft COIINCIL OBJECTIVE4 COIINCIL WARD(3} 'Z DISTRICT PLANNING COVNCIL 5 NITIATING PROBLEM, ISS9E, OPPORTDNITY (Who, What, Wkaen, Whera, Why?)s he property owner of 365 Michigan Street has requested the vacation of City right-of-way in order repair the istorical buildin . F�N'lAGES IF APPROVED: historical buildin will be able to be financed for re air. ISADVALSTAGES ZF APPROVED: one. ISADVAN'fAGES IF NOT APPROVED: historical buildin will not be able to financed for re air. OTAL AMOUNf OF TRANSACTION: $SOO.00 -�ST�J-REVENOS"B O 7� YES NO C� u. �i xNC somtca: - 1300-2833 r fi�' . ��rc � INANCIAL IFFOAt�II.T20N: (EXPLAZN) _ i �� t�C!L HEARI�3G � � 2 SET f0n I.�turn copy to: Real Estate Division 1rJ0 City Hall Presented By Referred To Council File # Green Sheet # Committee: Date �p_l�`"1 1 BE IT RESOLVED, that, upon the petition of Uppertown Preservation League, as documented in 2 Finance Department File Number 3-2000, public properties hereinafter described are hereby vacated and 3 discontinued as public property: and, subject to the herein stated exceptions, the easements within those 4 public properties are hereby released. 5 6 The property to be vacated is described as follows: 7 10 11 12 13 14 15 That part of Michigan Street lying northerly of a line described as commencing at the southeast corner of the west half of Lot 9, Block 11, Winslow's Addition to Saint Paul; thence North 90 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West along the south line of said Lot 9 a distance of 2.00 feet to the point of beginning of line to be described; thence South 45 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West a distance of 10.00 feet; thence North 90 degrees 00 minuCes 00 seconds West a distance of 22.75 feet; thence North 45 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West a distance of 10.00 feet to the south line of said Lot 9 and there ternunating. 16 This vacation shall be subject to the terms and condition of Chapter 130, codified Mazch 1, 1981, of the 17 Saint Paul Legisiative Code as amended, and to the following conditions: 18 19 1. 20 21 22 2. 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 3. 31 32 33 34 4. 35 That the petitioner s, their successors and assigns shall pay $500.00 as an administrative fee for this vacation which is due and payable within 60 days of the effective date of this resolution. That, with the accompanying Utility Easement Certificates of Intended Non-Use, filed voluntarily on behalf of Qwest Corporation, Incotporated, Northern States Power Company, District Energy St. Paul, Incorporated, MCI Metro Incoiporated, MediaOne, 5aint Paul Regional Water Service and The Department of Public Works, made a part hereof by this reference and filed in the office of the City Clerk of Saint Paul, the City, for itself and on behalf of these corQorations and departments, waives the right to the utility easements in the vacated azea described above. That the described area shall revert back to City right-of-way upon removal of the structure and that the property owner shall realign the sidewalk to the staisfaction of the City of Saint Paul, Department of Pub]ic Works. That the petitioners, their successors and assigns agree to indemnify, defend and save hannless the City of Saint Paul, its officers and employees from all suits, actions or c]aims of any character RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � �a _ �aoy 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 ?7 28 29 brought as a result of injuries or damages received ot sustained by any person, persons or property on account of this vacation or petitioners' use of this property, including but not limited to, a ciaim brought because of any act of omission, neglect, or misconduct of said petitioners or because of any claims or liability arising from any violation of any law or regulation made in accordance with the law, whether by the petitioners or any of their agents or employees. 5. That the petitioners, their successors and assin s shall, within 60 days of the effective date of this resolution, file with the City Clerk an acceptance in writing of the conditions of this resolution and shall, within the period(s) specified in the terms and conditions of this resolution, comply in all respects with these terms and conditions. Requested by Department of: Technoloav & ManaQement Services � Directar By: Approved by Mayor: Date By: Form Approved by City Attorney : Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by Council Secretary f'OR � � y � V CHRIS A BU/LD/NG Fvoper/y /ine on D�eq./ine� /- STORY BLOCK ti � z- sroRr fRAME APT. Area to be vacated BUlL� N�l �cnain /rak lence on propar7y /ine , t �PP --_ D � - ���`{ - 4Q75- � � SEB9°SY58�� 5� yEa� LOr 9 (AREAJ=4T68 SO.Fr) ' pi�Pei'�y N0.359 BU/LOlN6 - PP - y � NO. 369 2-STORY fRAME AP7. y �� � 8U/LO/NG CCdlZ: = 2.� o Denotes iron monument Sear_ngs shown a�e assumec inovgAl van /exe /r� - W w �� [/nin /ink /ence x I _ - •-' t i7 � io � NO. 365 J � p ^ /- STORY i FRAME 2 p n HOUSE o �� ----- < � � � 2- S70RY N ro FRAME NWB9 v _- _an �� .J` /00l;�.:�: � :' , 4 a LOnC/Cf8 � � � • �"__ > o [OOCfB1B WO/.f 3.3 /-STORY � gR�CK � N FRAh1E ' HOUSE i � � � � t i v � � I � i �ne � = t�1 I��.� " .• c� .�,A�/'i��i��AA� ^�l:r'r_; r ill...Ii/Ji-ii .) i.i_�_i W w I hereby certi'y that t4is is a true and corract repres�ntation'of a survey cs the boundaries oL": Tne West 1%2 or i,ct 9, B:ock 11, :dinslow's Addi�ion to Sa±�t Pau1, accoraing tc the recoraea plat tnereor, ana situate in ?.ansey County, �tinnesota. • It also sho�os the locat_on of ai1 vis?b12 er.croachmznts, ii any, from or or said iann. :�s surve�ed by me or under my direct superv=sion chis i5tn day oi yarch, 1994. � �.• � �_ : ne�o r. �2mi_2 RLS �li:�n2sota Re,. Vo 13.344 � /75 � 8 �� �i� �� _�o�y NOTICE OF PUHLIC FiEARING Notice is hereby given that the petition of Uppertown Preservation League, for the vacation of that part of Michigan Street as more fully described on file and on record in the office of the City Clerk of Saint Paul, Minnesota, will be heard and considered by the Saint Paul City Council at a meeting to be held in the Council Chambers on the 3rd flaor of City Hall and Court Aouse on the 25th day of October, 2000 at 5:30 P.M. Dated September 21, 2000 Shari Moore Deputy City Clerk (September 25, 2600) s�_ e2�so?,;,i, �2??f� �iw� � � ���Q Return copy to: Real Estate Division 140 City Hall ORI�lNAL Presented By Referred To Committee: Date �� 1 BE IT RESOLVED, that, upon the peUtaon of Uppertown Preservataon I.eague, as documented in 2 Finance Department File Number 3-2000, public properties hereinafter described are hereby vacated and 3 discontinued as public property: and, subject to the herein stated exceptaons, the easements within those 4 public propercies are hereby released. 6 The property to be vacated is described as follows: 7 8 That part of Michigan Street lying northerly of a line described as commencing at the southeast 9 corner of the west half of L,ot 9, Biock ll, Winslow's Addition to Saint Paul; thence North 90 10 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West along the south line of said Lot 9 a distance of 2.00 feet to 11 the point of beginning of line to be described; thence South 45 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds 12 West a distance of 10.00 feet; thence North 90 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West a distance of 13 22.75 feet; thence North 45 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West a distance of 10.00 feet to the 14 south line of said I,ot 9 and there terminating. 15 16 This vacation shall be subject to the terms and condition of Chapter 130, codified March 1, 1981, of the 17 Saint Paul Legislative Code as amended, and to the following conditions: 18 19 i. 20 21 22 2. 23 24 25 26 27 ?g 29 That the pefifioner's, their successors and assigns shaii pay $500.00 as an administrative fee for this vacation which is due and payable within 60 days of the effective date of this resolution. That, with the accompanying Utility Easement Certificates of Intended Non-Use, filed voluntarily on behalf of Qwest Corporation, Incorporated, Northern States Power Company, District Energy St Paul, Incorporated, MCI Metro Incorporated MediaOne, Saint Paul Regional Water Service and The Department of Public Works, made a part hereof by this reference and filed in the office of the Ciry Clerk of 5aint Paul, the City, for itself and on behalf of these corporations and departments, waives the right to the utility easements in the vacated uea described above. 30 3. That the described azea shall revert back to City right-of-way upon removal of the structure and 31 that the property owner shall realign the sidewalk to the staisfaction of the City of Saint Paul, �2 Department of Public Works. council �le # Oa —/o Green Sheet # Io y 7�{ i RESOLUTION OF S,�11Nj PAUL, MfNNESOTA 4 4. That the petitioners, their successors and assigns agree to indemnafy, defend and save harmless 5 the City of Saint Paul, its officers and employees from all suits, actions or claims of any character ORiG1NAL oo-���y 1 brought as a result of injuries or damages received or sustained by any person, persons or 2 property on account of this vacation or petitioners' use of this property, including but not limited 3 to, a claim brought because of any act of omission, neglect, or misconduct of said petitioners or 4 because of any ciaims or liability arising from any violation of any law or regulation made in 5 accordance with the law, whether by the petitioners or any of their agents or employees. 6 7 5. $ 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 That the petitioners, their successors and assigns sha11, within 60 days of the effective date of this resolution, file with the City Clerk an acceptance in writing of the conditions of this resolution and shall, within the period(s) specified in the terms and conditions of this resolution, comply in all respects with these terms and conditions. 2 9 T.M.S./REAL ESTATE DIVI5ION Date: 9/7jpp ontact Pazson and Pltone Number: 2 aR� Glenn Picha 265-8862 �°°� Tom Sawyer 266-8857 �� y z � fust be on Co�mcil Agenda 6p: 'ouncil Research: Green �n � gt xumbe= = 104746 4 � �u po_too 5 �� CE OF FIffiSVCIAL SVCS. I � 3 �x <oa assxsxr�r) I ` f 'iL # OF SIGNATIIRE PAGES 1 (GLIP ALI, LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATQRE) CON REQBESTED: Upperiown Preservation League has requested the vacation of part of City t-of-way, because the building at 365 Michigan encroaches on City right-of-way. :ation File number 3-2000) OR REJECT (R) PLANNING COP'SII8$ION A smaer rnrsr, sarvxce coamssssxola Cxn coe�xxee WHICB COIINCIL OHJECTIVET COIINCIL 9iASiD(S) 2 ONN. SERVICE CONTRACTS MQ5T ANSD7&R TIiE FOLLbWING: Has the Bersoa/fian eoer workefl under a coatract for thia rtment? YE3 NO Has this pesson/firm ever been a City employee? YES f{70 \ \ Does triis gersoa/firm yoasess a skill not aormally possessed by Y8s NO current City amployee7 DI3TRICT PLANNING COUNCIL 5 [NITIATING PAOBLBM, ISS9E, OPPOATONITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why?): Che property owner of 365 Michigan Street has requested the vacation of City right-of-way in order repair iistorical buiidin�. nvarrracas x� araxovan: , historical building will be able to be �nanced for repair. SADVANfAGES IP APPROVED: 4�#� F'r�'Jaa�r:{i t..%s�.:'ig SADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: historical building will not be ��� � � GTY ATTORNEY .`AL AMOII1Pf OF TRAlPSACTIO1Px DING SODRCE: ANCIAL II7PORMIaTI0I3: (EXPLAIN) , ��� . v-.� '. \ � � L:i:cYV. � - �t..� � �.�; ` _� ,. f ! YE3 NO N v l�� l\ � J� .� .� �i ... t �� L-'OR CHRI_S_ >ON fRdME 2- STOAY FRAME APT. Area to be vacated Bl//GO/N6 � BUfL�J/N�C ' 4 �— ��noin /ink lence on piopeiJy /ine , prope/ly lin� on biCg.line� /- STORY h ti BLOCK euiLa�roc . � PF - + -- • - r- N � NO. 369 2-STORY FRAME APT. i „ � BUlLO/NG Sca12: = 20 o Denotes iron monua:ent Bearings shown a�e assunec w/augAl rcoa texe line — w 5 — 4QT5— SE89 SHEO LpT 9 (QREa J- 4768 SO. FT. J ' pi�Pei�y a o -100�} N0.359 �� dnin /inkTPnce x � "_" - �-- ,l :a /7 � NO. 365 � � o ^ /- STDRY 3 FR,4ME z p � yousE � �� -------`� - ;.3 /-STORY � BR/CK B N FRAME HOUSE i �_ _ /Z5 - 0 1 h � (� 2- STt7RY ""� M trtan+E i . . � �c, :..a 0 i � � i i ti � t i i fEnCe !nt t ' � � ../ i/O/K . : .. concrele� 'j'�'•i � � . � � 3loot conc�ele �+vlk c�v i . `� :Ia,'�'/; /Li ^,^� i : ,�:; .'_' : I hereby certi�y that this is a tzue and correct representation�of a suxvey cf the boundaries ot: Tne West 1%2 or Lct 9, Block 11, :�Iinslow's Addition to Sa�nt Pau1, according te the recoraed plat ther2oi, ana siCuate in ?amsey County, �tinnesota. . It also sno�as �he Locat_on of a11 vis:ble er.croachm2nts, ii any, from o� on said iana. :�s surve�ed by me or undex my ciirect supervision "tnis i5th aay oi yarch, 1994. ��� �� rierb r. �2mi�e RLS �li:�n2sota Reg. No 13349 CTTY OF SAINT PAUL Nnrm Colemam, Mayor d� - �� March 28, 2Q00 Peter White Valuation Engineer Real Estate Division 140 City Hall Dear Peter: CTI7ZEN SERVICE OFFiCE � d � U � Fred Owasu, Gry Qerk y 170 Ciry Hall TeL: 651266-8989 ZS W. %NaggBoulevmd F¢c 651-266�689 SaintPaul,Minnesota 55102 Web: http:/lwww.stpauLgov TDD: 266-8509 I refer to you to check as to form and sufficiency and for recommendation, the attached petition of Uppertown Preservation League, for the vacation ofthat part of Lot 9, Block 11, Winslow's Addition according to the recorded plat thereof on file and of record in the Office of the Saint Paul City Clerk. Sincerel , t�� � � Shari Moore Deputy City Clerk Attachments t,y l /�'J � PETITION TO VACATE CITY INTEREST Oo -lOO`1 1(we), [he undersimed, constitunng a majoriR• of the o�mers (or theSr lesally dzs��ated representatieesJ ot[he abuttine properties, do hereby petiCion the Counm! of the Ciry of Sain[ Paul to vacate i¢ m[eresGS fn [he property(es) Ieoally descnbed as follows: The rectangle of property seven (7) feet (running north-south) by forty aod � (40.75) feei (running easi-west) immediately to the south of the fotlowin� lot owned by Uppertoum Preservation League: "The West Yz of Lot 9, Block ! 1, Winslow'S Addition to Saint Paul, according to the recorded plai thereof, and situate in Ramsey County, Min�esora" I(we) request th�b vacanon for the following reason(s). The single-family residence situated on the above-descnbed loi has occupied the site since c�rca 1858 and ranks among ehe oldest in Saint Paul. The south-front of the residence protrudes 3 feet mto the public sidewalk right-of-way. The residence is now under restoratioq and will require an additionat 4 feet (totaling 7) across the south-front of the lot in order to permit a code-compliant front step and stoop. Additionally, the house's cunent protrusion into the public nght-of-way severety complicates tending and insurance issues, wh�ch if not remedied will render the preservat�on and re-use of this historic prope»y more difficult. I(we) have attached six Copies of the site p}ans of any developmrnt mtended for construchon on the iands to be vacated. Contact Person Name� La�rel Severson Phone: 651-736-3277 .aadress: 376 St. Clair Avenue St. Paul. Minnesota 55102 Person(s) responsible for payment of vacation fee and for acceptance of the terms and conditions of the vacation: Name Upbertown Preservation Leaeue c!o Lauiel Severson. President Phone: 651-736-3277 nddress 376 St. Clair Avenue St. Paul. Minnesota 55102 Alfemate Contact Person Name: Thomas S. Schroeder Phone: 612-336-3455 Adaress: Faen & Benson LLP 2200 23orwest Center 90 South 5eventh Street Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402-3901 ��� cr� -lo°y Signatures of Owner(s)IRepresentative(s) of Property(ies) Below: � � ���� ��� �. Laurel J. Severson. President lippertown Pteservarion LeaQue 376 St. Claire Avenue St. PauL Minnesora �51Q2 Thomas S. Schroeder. RenresentarivelAttornev Uppertown Preservarion Leaoue 376 St Claire Avenue St. Paul_ Minnesota 55102 I, Thomas S. Schroeder, am the pentioner, or one of the petinoners in [he above rrmt[er; and I do hereby 5wear and venfy that each of [h � i�a u� this petinon wu s�gned m my presence by the person descn6ed in the pention. � �� (PeCitioner) Subscnbed and swom before me this �� dayof `��,� (9Q ,{99� � � � //'•i / Isl � , %�° K.-°�On ���, k �o � ' � M73643A9.01 IM� � SfiEAYL A. fRIED y��,} �p�NtYPUBIIC•MINNESCTA � y�,�pyyyH5yyn6yye5Jin 31.2W0 =30M F.iEGAE � BENSON "_ �.. ......( 2. 18' 00 12'�r�ra�,'nc�ia57/Niy4,n`[O1�e6 P.02l03 1¢5-� AIeE/�jC � �3 �Z?`Sf��l�L?".C11yt 7'�� �it�ttl'll?lC£ �{)�'l� r�c+o�ur�rl�s � a�� xr�t.�, �, atr+�ora�s�.�sn4 � '• , :�t, . + . . April 13,1999 Faeg[e 8c Bmsam, I I.P 22fl0 AtaQwcst Centa 90 South 7'� Sheet Mtaaeapolis,MN 554U2-39Q1 At�: Sachin Jay Darjt Dear Ivlr I)arji: FJ U - (v0`{ {sia� �s.zao� rmx t3i21.�1 FERSr AMExzc.a,x TrrC� nus. c{2, aces he,�. ��y +}� a� ofR�nsey ca„at}; �offi tsx ieccxda di9clogos tha2, ss ofNav�lber I8, 1999, ttte owIIers ofthe gmpctties �8 #he publie cight-of-may dra�xa'bed as: T� Po+�� ofMici�igan Sh+eet abmtnqg aad 13��iately 5wth o£the'4VVest'h of I.ot 9 BtncY Ll, Wiaslnw's Additiaa to 3aint Pant sotd tle5aed by the followiag boumdsiea: Cammeuciag atthe Southwesterly camae� ofsaid West'i4 of Let 9, �eiug th�poiat ofbegi� theace East atongtke Sauthaly liae afavd A►eat fi afLot 9 e discaaxe af 4a.73 feet more at lesa ta thc Southeaatsrly ettm�er af said Weat'� of S-.at 9, thenco So+tth am a beffimgperpeadiailar to the Soudiclyiine nfsafi@ Vl'est h ctf Lat 9 a diaf8ttce af e�tty 7 fe� tbeace West aa a beaeingparalld to tbe Sout�dy lina af9aid Weac'h of Lct 9 a distaace af90 7i fest�re ot les� heinSt�e seau dista�ec as the diatance in the secoad ceI1 at�avr aridtl�eace Noxih on ah�g F�P��1arw the� Iiae ofsaid �Veat :4 ofI.ot 4 a distaace vf exactty 7 £eetto the �oint of are as fallovrs: Le�ai Deaa3Ddon Propertq is: Fee Shvaer Wesc �i of Lat s, Biocic E i, ,ah�cs Winsiaw's Ar1dn. ta St Paa�l � Pi�veliaaLeague rr� rr� senroca� ts¢Nr�ts�. St, Pant, NQwT SS7pZ Cnnh^aet P�chssez NONE FAEGRE & BENSON LLr 2200 WELLS FARGO CENTER� 90 SOi3TH SEVENTH STREET t�INNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55402-3901 TELEPHONE 612-336-3000 FAGSIMILE 612-336-3026 c,c - t "� ° `t 1NO.W.S S. SCHROEDER TSchccedeYa;faegze com 612/336-3453 September 5, 2000 Glenn Picha BY TELECOPY City of St. Paul--Real Estate Division 651-266-8855 14Q City Ha11 & ZT. S. MAIL St. Paul, Minnesota 5�102 Re: 365 Michi�an Street/Vacation to Up.pertown Preservation Leatue Dear Glenn: I have received yaur fax of August 24, 2000 containing the proposed City Counsel resolution. 1'he resolution laoks fine. I attach to this letter the te� of the legal description of the vacated area for use as E�ibit "A" to the resolution. I trust that this completes the information required from Uppertown Preservation League. As I rrientioned to you �arlier, Uppertown Preservation League has signed a purchase agreement with an individual for the sale of the premises at 365 Michigan Street, inc3uding the nremises to be vacated. We expect that title vvill pass to the purchaser �pon the purchaser's closing on a purchasehehab loan he has applied for with the Cit}� of 5t. Paul, Home Loan Fund. We anticipate that this wi(1 occur sometime in the late fa11. Glenn, thank you for all of your assistance in this matter. Please contact me if you need anything m�re from us. V ruly yours, �- Thomas 5. Schroeder TSS:milsm Enclosures cc: Laurel Severson (651-575-0725) John Yust (651-225-9601) MI'659922 O7 Minneapolis Dem�er DesMoines Lo»don Frankfurt In the matter of the application to vacate a portion of Michigan Street. Proposed Legal Description; That part of Michigan Street lying northerly of a line described as follows: Commencing at the southeast corner of the west half of Lot 9, Bolck 11, WINSLOW'S ADDITION TO SAIIVT PAUL, thence West, assumed bearing, along the south line of said Lot 9 a distance o£ 2.50 feet to the point of beginning, thence South 45 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West a distance of 10 feet; thence West a distance of 21.20 feet; thence North 45 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West about 8.00 feet to the south line of said Lot 9 and their terminating. �a _! � c � J fi�� �F � �l� /33�� FROM FAECAE & BENSON (TUE) 4.18'00 10:09/ST.10:08/N0.4S62015530 P i FAEGRE & BENSON tLr FROM: Thomas S. Schroeder DATE: April 18, 2000 zzoo Noxwes C��ex, 90 5ourx SEVerrrx SrxEEr MINNEAPOLIS, 1V�INP7ESOTA 554623�1 FAX CF.NIER 7ELEPHONE 612-336-3932 FACSiMll.E 672-336-3026 �F'i—iC TELEPHONE: �f� 6121336-3455 �0� �,im. (Minneapolis) NUMBER OF PAGES (including this page): 2 F&B FILE: ��0190 REC: 0455 70: Glenn Pica City of St. Paul TELEPHONE: F.vc: 65IJ266-8855 THIS TELECOPY IS INTENDED ONLY FOA THE USE OF 7HE PERSON TO WHOM IT IS ADDRFSSED, AND MAY CONTAIN INFORMATION THAT IS PRNILEGED, CONFIDEN7IAL AND EXEMPT FROM DISCLOSURE UNDER APPLICABLE LAW, IF YOU ARE l�lOT THE 1NTENDED RECIPIEN7, YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED THA7 ANY DISSEMINATION, DISTRIBUTTON, OR GOPYING OF 7H35 COMNi1JNICA'f101V 15 STRICTLY PROHIBITED. IF YOU �AVE RECENED THIS COMMUNICATION IN ERROR, PLEASE IMMEDIATELY 1�SOTIF]' US BY ?ELEPHONE AND tE1'URN THE ORIGINAL MESSAGE TO US AT 7HE ABOVE ADDRESS VIA THE U.S. POSTAL SERVICE. THANK YOU. Minneapofis Drnve� Des Moines London Fsunkfurt PRESERVATION LEAGUE r As s o c ia t i on of Uppertown, Saint P¢ul � �og ��. �i.. . ,.. Paul Ste. Martin - - St. Paul Public Works 900 City Hall Annex 25 West Fourth Street St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 , .,. , � p v —10c3'—� November 4, 1999 %, VL4 U.S. MAIL AND FACSIMILE (651)292-6315 Re: 365 Michiean Street / Vacztion af Propertv Dear Mr. Ste. Martin, This is to confirm that the Uppertown Preservation League (UPL), the owner of the properiy located at 365 Michigan Street, St. Paul, desires to purchase a strip of land approximately 7' x 40' adjacent to the south side of the property, some of which is now owned by the City and occupied by the Cit}�'s sidewalk. In connection with this purchase, UPL will appiy for vacation of the City-owned portion of the property by December l, 1999. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call. I appreciate your assistance in this matter. Very ly yours, U�v� / �vVj� Thomas S. Sctu�oeder Uppertown Preservation League TSS:fradm cc: John Yust Yust Architectural Services (via facsimile 651-225-9601 and U.S. Mail) Laurel Severson, President Uppertown Preservation League (viaU.S. Mail) M1:556t 88 01 DEFARTMEAIT OF Pi3BLIC WORKS Tiwmas J. Eggum, DirectoNCity Engineer �p _ �00`/ CITY OF SAIN'T PAUL Norm Co(eman, MayDr TO: Tom Sawyer St. Paul Real Estate 140 City Hall From: Linda Mutphy �� St. Paul Pubiic Warks 800 City Hall Annex Re: Vac. File# 3-2000 Part of Miclugan Street for encroachment at 365 Michigan Street Date: September 13, 2000 800 City Hall Anrsex ZS West Founh Street Saint Paul, Minnesata 55102-1660 Phane:651-266-6Z50 Fac:651-298-4559 The Department of Public Works has received and approved the attached legal description of the area to be vacated. We have no objections to the vacation subject to the following: That the vacation sha11 be for the life of Yhe sYructure only, and at such time as Che building is demolished that said area shall revert back to the City as public right-of-way and at that time the property owner shall realign the sidewalk to the satisfaction of ihe Department of Public Works. lcm attachments: legal descripYion certificate of intended non-use Responsive Services • Qualiry Faci(ities � Employee Pride � CERTIFICATE OF It�TENQED NON-USE eo _[���{ THE FIONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL OF'IT� In the Matter of CTTY OF SAII3T PAUL Vacation File # 3-2000 The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated department or company, that it does not intend to exercise its utility rights in the realty described below: That part of Ffichigan Street lying narthezly of a line descrihed as commencing at Ehe southeast corner of the west half of Lot 9, B2ock }i WIRSLOW�S ADDZTION TQ SATNT PAQL; thexice North 90 degrees QO minutes 00 seconds West along the south lins of said I,ot 9 a distance of 2_00 feet to the point of beginning of 3iae to be described; thence South 45 8egrees 06 minutes 00 seconds Ytest a distance of 1Q.d4 feet; thence Nozth 90 clegrees 00 minutes 00 secQnds West a distance of 22.75 £eet; thence North 45 degreas 00 minutes 00 seconds West a distance of 10.00 feet to the south Iine of said I,ot 9 and there terminating. except as here noted: That the above described area shall revert back to City right-of-way upon removal of the structure, and the property owner shall realign the sidewalk to the satisfaction of the City of Saint Paul, Department of Public Works. Department of Pubiic Works Its G�JTS� �i1fG/�t/�Ei°�, � �J,2EczT' MINNESOTA � � Signature RAMSEY The foiegoing instnunent was acknowledged befort me this /✓/ r/ day of `-��rTG -�' � . 20�0, bY !/�D/uKs c�, �S�Vi'i( .the �/�Lo.r�12 � �r ��'r.Ox�u� ��s�L�� l�0`ai°�xs .a_112ur�.�;ar�� L'�.2Pe�2.¢rlo.t/ undet [he laws o€ rhz State oF b5�u¢uota MARLYS A. FI �-�,�(`— "'� -" ��<1!-��� ��10 Pb411ir(j� Notary Pub c, �y County, M ��' � �� My commission ezpirzs /�/�AJ � ** Please return this original copy to 140 City Hall, St. Paul, MN 55102 ** � p - �Ov �t Proposed I,egal Description: That part of Michigan Street lying noitherly of a line described as cpmmencing at the southeast corner o£ the west half of Lot 9, Block 7'1, WINSLOW'S ADDITION TQ SAIPT PAUL; thenee North 90 deqrees DO minutes QO seconds West alang the south �ine of 5aid I,ot 9 a distance of 2_00 feet to the point af beqinning of lins to be describecl; thence South 45 c3egrees OU minutes t3a seconds West a distance af 10.DD feet; thence North 90 degrees OD minutes 00 seconds ktest a distance of 22.75 feet; theace North 45 degrees QO minutes 00 seconds West a distanae o£ 10.00 £eet to the south Iine of said Lot 9 and there terminating, J. ~ Herb F. Lemire RLS Minnesota Reg. Na. 13349 Z020'd tr8'L$� 9Z:8@ ZT-EA`009Z 420'C 095 £9L $0'CZ 33L7: 41QN� r �epartmen't of Techi�ology and Management Services Real Estate Divisian 140 City Hall Phone: (65l ) 266-8850 SaintPauZ,MN SSIO2 Fax: (6�I)266-8855 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor Apri16 2000 Vicki Determan US West Communications Suu ivortn Caziton Maplewood, Minnesota 55119 � p _ Io0 �{ , I��:. _ ° �a�ati�inl+il�#3_2�Q Dear Ms Determan: The property owner of O1-28-23-43-0131 has requested a waiver of all easements in the properry described as follows: The rectangle of property seven (7) feet (running north-south) by fony and 75/100 (40.75) feet (running east-west) immediately to the south of the following lot owned by Uppertown PreservaUon League: "The west �/z of L.ot 9, Block 11, Winslow's Addirion to Saint Paul, according to the recorded plat thereof situate in Ramsey County, Minnesota." The purpose of this request is to eliminate lending and insurance issues. Please execute the enclosed certificate and return it to the Real Estate Division, as addressed above, by Apri128, 2000. S'v�ce.el�, Glen� ��g Real Estate Technician Attachment (3-2000c) . . CERTIFICATE OF INTENDED NON-USE �,� _�o oy THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL OF'TI� CTTY OF SAINT PAUL In the Matter of Vacauon File # 3-2000 The undersigned hereby certif'ies, on behalf of the indicated department or company, that it does not intend to exercise iis utiliry rights in the realty described below: The rectaugle of properry seven (7) feet (running north-south) by forry and 75l10� (4�.75) feet (mm�ing east-west) immediately to the south of the following lot owned by Uppertown Preservation League: "T`he west'/2 of L,ot 9, Block 11, Winslow's Addiuon to Saint Paul, according to the recorded plat thereof situate in Ramsey County, Minnesota." except as here noted: US West CommunicaUOns � „- � „ : � ,���r:�soTa RAMSEY � ���� Signature The foregoing insaument was aclaowledged before me this �� day of rl� 1 b SZti rJnaxd C'i. a.�14e, ,,, M� Eh ne� of � S V`� �icS� a under the laws of the State of Minn�.sota. s • � VICTORfA R. DETERMAN � Notazy Public, RavriSey C'.6u.n� , µin.v�GSbta `�� MVC O M MISSIONEXPIESE.91-2005 My�o,�,�ss=one�tr� 1-31-05 e ** Please return this original copy to i 40 City Hail, St. Paui, MN 55102 ** E='0�,� � � v CHRI5 prope�ty Irne on bidg./ine� — 4Q75 SE99°5Y5B� SHEO L07 9 (AREAJ= 4T68 SO. FT.J link fence �v 17 '--- �ON 2_ sroar fRAME FRAME APT. Area to be vacated BUILO/N6 � BUK�7W� �t -- �cnain Ii�k len�e on piope�ty /rire , < � ,�� ___ C�� /- STORY ti H BLOCX 8U/LO/NG . NO. 369 2-S70RY 1 FRAhE 2 $ � 0' APT. � � BU/LO/NG CCd22: i�� = 2 � � �l o De�otes iran monument N Bearings shown a�2 assumec rvinugA/ van /exe /i� -- ,5 �o. �e..�ii L��� —� w w N0. 365 � i- sroRr FRAME , HWSE ' p��Pe��y � _ /75_ � NQ 359 3.3 I-STORY � 2RICX 9 N FRAME HOUSE Y i Y�c � � t i � � � 1 � /ne � i a � I 2- S717RY n FRAME NW89 - 40.75- • , , ,, j�. �� cantiele' '/�'.�'','•i" 3/oot concrele »n/k MOlX ' l� l /� r �� 1f��`������ �: I���I I)li •J i/ ��Pti �7 i_i_ i w w T hereby certi�y t'ttat this is a true and correct representatiori�of a survey cf the bouncaries at: The West 1%2 or i.ct 9, B_oc?c 11, :dinslow's Addi�ion to Sa±zt Pau1, accora=ag te the recor5zci plat tleraoz, ana situate in ?ansey County, 'tinnesota. . It also snows the locat_on of ail vis?b1e er.croachm2nts, if any, from or on saia iana. :�s surveyed by me or unc'er m;� direct supervision chis i5tn aay oi �farch, 1994. ������ rie�b i. L2mi:e RLS 'li;�neso�a Re�. vo ?.3349 ,' _.. L� .- -� � 0 � �� I =yd' � ui tt 9 ' �. �' JY� i w�d� u� I � � �-+� � � �s �r ;a � xs�a i r ! v I i i � I i I = i � ., �.s �r � r ' o : � '� ' ( I ! f i ���I� � 0 i < �.r. � S � N N �� �� I � �} � __ -�---- �--- � ' � i ` � • E ._ . t� \ a � �•� , j/ �� w ` `\ \ � � ,\ ♦ t �. � * � \� � ` \ �\ � 1 `\ �\ -,\\���\ ..c.�_..�-�_�S._..��� b' � _� '�`'�, \ . �� �. . .��\.��' `.�\�`\`\ \ '� � . i �. � � j`..r \ ��r �.`�:'�\ � ' ' �A � \� n , \ � \ � �1� � � �� � f� � _ �'� � : � \ \ \ � \ � � \ ,�, �� \ r, \ .� 9 / V , { r y ' � o � - �o o�t �� � a I ' i f / r t � - � � ' v � � � 6� i � �— I � � a 9 � � �� �'d� � �s S�� �) � � i � L � � � � � , 1 � � i o�J �� �� �� ! J� i . � � _c ._- _ . � �'. 4 _ ��__ {� I I'f � ' � � � � � � 1 i t ,.� a� � � '� I � �� e�i r � CERTIFICATE OF 1NTENDED NON-USE �� _ �o��i TI� HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OP THE COUNCIL OF THE CiTY OF SAINT PAUL In the Matter of Vacation File # 3-2000 The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated department or company, that it does not intend to exercise its utility nghts in the realty described below: The rectangle of property seven (7) feet (running north-south) by fotry and 75/100 (40.75) feet (ranning east-west) immediately to the south of the following lot owned by Uppertown Preservation L,eague: "'I'he west �/z of Lot 9, Block I 1, Winslow's Addition to Saint Paul, according to the recorded plat thereof situate in Ramsey Counry, Minnesota." *electrical exceptas here noted: None Northem States Power Co. Z� Real Estate Representative !�.vr;v�scra ,/ ; g-L./ � eir� P : � ' ��'��V'"�� � Signature Lorraine D. Ablan HENNEPIN 1he foregoing iustmmea[ was aclmowiedged before me titis 2 � t h day of A p r i 1 � z000, by _ Lorraine D_ Ablan _� Reai Estate Representative or Northern States Power Comp�nv, a carporation under [he laws of ihe State nf blinnesota ,:::'�rt„ .. -..c..', . . .z ��i. ..� - � 4 , ,,, 1 � /' /�/�' Notazy b' Hennepin Co¢aty, Minnesq a My cottssnission e:cpiies �7�� � f ��� ** Piease return this originat copy to 140 City Halt, St. Paui, MN 55102 *# � l� � CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor April 6, 2000 Dan Woehrle N.S.P. - Gas Distribution 825 Rice Street Saint Paul, MN 55117 Department of Technology and Management Services Real Estate Division 140 City Hall Phone: (651) 266-8850 Saint Paul, MN SSIO2 Fax: (651 } 266-8855 NsP MaP J1- 33 ao-t� , _ R�: Vaeat�an �e.#�-241�1t� Dear Mr. Woehrle : The property owner of O1-28-23-43-0131 has requested a waiver of all easements in the property described as follows: The rectangle of property seven (7) feet (running north-south) by forty and 751100 (40.75) feet (running east-west) immediately to the south of the following lot owned by Uppertown Preservation T,eague: "The west 1 /z of I.ot 9, Block 11, Winslow's Addition to Saint Paul, according to the recorded plat thereof situate in Ramsey County, Minnesota." The purpose of this request is to eliminate lending and insurance issues. Please execute the enclosed certificate and retum it to the Real Estate Division, as addressed above, by Apri128, 2000. Sincerely, � ��� Glenn Picha Real Estaie Technician Attachment (3-2000c) CERTIFIGATE OF INTENDED NON-USE � THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF TI� COUNCIL OF TE� CTTY OF SAINT PAUL In the Matter of Vacation File # 3-2000 The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated department or company, that it does not intend to exercise its utility rights in the realty described below: The rectang�e of property seven (7) feet (running north-south) by forry and 751100 (40.75) feet (running east-west) immediately to the south of the following lot owned by Uppertown Preservation L,eague: "The west'/z of I.ot 9, Block I 1, Winslow's Addition to Saint Paul, according to the recorded plat thereof situate in Ramsey County, Minnesota." except as here noted: N. S.P. - Gas Distribuuon MINNESOTA RAMSEY � The foieaoing instrumznt was acknowledged befoie me ilus _I � day of /t. � 2000, ,.�.�.�..�.�.�,�.a,., ,�� .,.,�,.. ,.,,�,.w.,.a. / / A76TAflY W BLIC — MINNESOTA / ✓ �Y Comm. E�qNres➢�pt.�e19@9�� e�ires � ,�� ��_J . ' '"'"'.�'""'"""""_"_ �l / *�` Please return this original copy to 140 City Hall, St. Paul, MN 55102 ** L'bE2�; � - W V CHRIS fRAME 2- STORY fRAME AP7. Area to be vacated BU/LO/N6 � BUlL�/NG 4S -- �cnain /ink lence an piopeily line , PP K �' K —_. pD- Ic�c�`f poperly Iine on didg./ine� /- STORY ti 4. BLOCX BU/LOINC . /inklence � � N i7 ' I� NO. 369 I �n 2-STORY a 0 3 FAAME 2 AP7: g � � N — 4R75— SE89°SYSB SHEO ' pi�Pei'�y LO7' 9 (AREAJ- 4768 S0. FT.) NR35B NO. 365 %- STORY FRAME HOUSE 2- S7DRY i fRAME � 8U/LO/NG $C21.2 : ��� = 2� � o Denotes iron monument Sear_ngs shown a�e SSSll[C°_C wravgAl von lexe /i� — .,� /• •. / N:/�_h�./.. '� . S /OOi.; : :� .' �. -�-• _�;4 � conGrele� � o a a . 3lac w �--- /ZS 0 33 / -STORY � BR1CK 9 N FRAME House i � i t i v `k i I � i lence /»e � � ..J i�o/X ' //.' . conc�ete nv/k .• �• ,jai`�i,, ^� r:�_r; ( i !l •! t / t�i-�� �) � �_i_ ♦ w w I hereby certi�y that Lhis is a true and corr2ct repras�ntation�of a survey cr the boundaries ot: Tne West 1/2 ar Lct 9, B1ock 12, :dinslow's Addition to Saint Paul, accorfl?ng te the recor32d p1at tnereor, and situate in �amsey County, �iinnesota. � It also shows the locat:on of ai1 vis?51e er.croachments, i� any, from or on said iana. As surve��d by me or un�er m;� ciirect superv=sion chis i5tn aay oi Aiarch, 1994. �l� �� � riero r. "L2mir2 RLS �li:�nesota Re�. vo 13349 ' 1�Y . . • �; � ' ;• a0 !yd+ fl� � u �: �. �' � r" : i 2 �n�? � �a I �� �� � �.- � , 6 a ti. r ; a � �3�� `� i c k : � � � i� oi 1 � -. �.' .f � r o , � �' i � 'i �f li e ; i � s -��--. .. }_. t� � • � �I � - . . zA ` �``� \ / I i o ; �\ � r � \ `� � ��\. � \ \� \ � '�``� �� � �� • ,, �, �� ._ _ __._:_�_ _s:. �. `� . � �\ .� ,� �, � � . \ �. �.,\ ..\'� �\ �`� �`� \ � �� \��., � � � � � . :, � i. P � , \ i � � . , �l �._ . ' ., ��,� \ � , ,,�� � `�I` � � �� �. b . ,� •. , � \ �. r l �� Y , ` I - � � � ��\ \ \ \\ �\. I N N �� � �'` . - ��:\ . � -, , � ' { ' ,� � o _ �� o� � � tr i , I , � 4 � , �, � � �- , � {_ �- '� 7 i �_. {-r �y � ; �� � � �� � d M � r �� ; \�1�1 R O �{� � , � � � �� � , � j !t ,� f �� ; �� s� - _- � � 'a �, : - _ . - . __._ j - --n j?� --- - � �! 4 ��a � - ~ ' it /, i��i � � / S �. , � '� � _'. h '_— ' i j , i il I ✓ � I� � � � Department of Technology and Management Services Real Estate Division I40 City Hall Phone: (651) 266-8850 Saint Paul, MN 55102 Fax: (651) 266-8835 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor April 27, 2000 Efrain Gonzalez MediaOne �34 Woodhiii Roseville, MN 55113 �� — ��� � , . _, ��.: _ :X�aca#�an �'iie #� _24tU(1 Dear Mr. Gonzalez: The property owner of O1-28-23-43-0131 has requested a waiver of all easements in the property described as follows: The rectaugle of property seven (7) feet (running north-south) by forty and 75/100 (40.75) feet (running east-west) immediately to the south of the foilowing lot owned by Uppertown Preservation League: "The west 1 /z of Lot 9, Block 11, Winslow's Addiuon to Saint Paul, according to the recorded plat thereof situate in Ramsey County, Minnesota." The purpose of this request is to eliminate lending and insurance issues. Please execute the enclosed certificate and return it to the Real Estate Division, as addressed above, by May 19, 2000. Sincerely, * �� ��`�-an Glenn Picha Real Estate Technician Attachment (3-2000c) � - CERTIFICATE OF INTENDED NOtV-USE �� _ to o �-f THE HONORABLB MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE C4UNCIL OF TF� CTI'Y OF SAINT PAUL In the Matter of Vacation File # 3-2000 The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated department or company, that it does not intend to exercise its utility rights in the realty described below: The rectangle of proper[y seven (7) feet (running north-south) by forly and 75/100 (40.75} feet (running east-west) immediately to the south of the following lot owned by Uppertown Preservation L.eague: "'The west �/i of L.ot 9, Block 11, Winslow's Addition to Saint Paul according to the recorded plat thereof situate an Ramsey County, Minnesota." except as here noted: Cn ��� ��� ��`S �D e�j��� ��S \ O ��S \/�L'��� o 31Il`.::ESOTA � �,�� 'Ihe fotegoing instrument was by y — of I undex the laws of the State of Minnesota. MediaOne ItS C� � CG >S�Cn�VJ� Signatu me this � x� day of /� 2000, the OY My wmmission e�ires /r S? � k* Please return this originaf copy to 140 City Hall, St. Paui, MN 55102 ** tf���t � �T+���W �:��',�' i , • '. . �.�.��'= A ���� ��LLi3`�.^'v,��� ..�.. -���'.. ..�'.:�.��5�:� f:i:'.3 " _. _ � . � - _; '_ �—^' - "'. .,�'_'_ s—= , ,-.f ._ .,_-- -------- � py� C4lRIS BU/LD/NG p-oPei/y line an nidg./ine�, /- STORY ti � BLOCX BuILOIA/G . ■ /inR /ence /O /�' � _ .�" NO. 369 i v 2-SrORY t e 0 FRa.HE _ APT. t � BU/LO/NG 5cale: 1" = 20 o Denotes iron monument Bear'.ngs shown a�2 assumec Winugn/ von lexe /i� — w 8 ; � � �; ti 2- STORY FRA�SIE APT. Area to be vacated BU/L�J/N� a �cnain /ink /ence an piopeily /ina , � �PP _.—._._ T/1_ �C7D�{ W — 9QT5 � SEB9 SHED , ' Pi6�Pe��y _ GOT 9 (aREa)- 4768 SO. FT.) N0.359 /: ' . /"�. .:4 'o NO. 365 1- 5I'ORY FRAME HOUSE � __ /Z n � N ' 2- ST17RY M fRAME NW89 — 40.75-- • � 3 rl�%i � concie/e . • i :�`:', • ' � 3100� tonc�ele walk � � t i i `F i i � fente fne � ro/X • " /�� ! c „+u� �^nn ^�r,r.c� � ��li •Ji/�7i-i�� .> � ��i_i / -STORY BR/CK B FRAME HOUSE W (H I hereby certi�y tnat this =s a true and correct repr2sentation�of a survey cf t�e boundaries or: T:�e West 1/2 or i.cC 9, B_ock 11,!dznslow's Addition to Saint Paul, accoraing te the recoraed plat t�ereor, ana situate in ?.amsey County, hinnesoCa. '• It also snows the locat=on of ail vis?b12 er.craachments, ?i any, from or on saia iana. as surveyeri by me or under m;� direct supervision this i5ttt aay oi Karch, 1994. � . �1.� � -� �_ � _ rie�b r. L2mi=2 RLS V:.,.,.,�.,. � r7oo �In l?SL:9 � _�� _ � �f , � :.. _ 7 ! a0 1 Q'' C� � � �¢� 1)i -sn� �, ' r � �' . 3z? -�x . ;1 � \" A � i i .i � ' . � . II ` ` � _, + E �, F z 0 t f ',\ \ .�� l J � � i �\\ � � � i � \ \ /' \ `\ ' ` \\ : j � `�. �`��. \� i \. �� �� \ \ \` \ � \ �- � � \ s `� �3irii. ,,,�, �5.. �' x � ..:. _i. • ._<: '_:...'.�-' -' ' —� . \ �'\ . i l . � \\ .``�`' �� `` � \ �\ \ � . i ` !' . � �; �; - - i" � .f r � I; � � l � I� �- � N N 'i _�: • r i !f i; :I � �� � '' i i( j �: , ' � � � � �' S i' � �d� J r I, i 'i II . s , I �..; � i l_\ ` l f �\ \ �� 6 \ ��\ �\, ��;:\ , � �_��.\ ,:�� ,, ., . ��.. ,� , � . � �. ,�,,\�. \ ` � . \�. \\ � \\ ; _ �\ . �\ �D\ . � , \\ 1 y � � _ � 1 . �---C� --• -� . T"" . , �� � � A � , � I) L _ - - �C7 -1��� D � t � �• 4 s �, e' r U '�_. ( � � '—� ' �_ 7 i` _.. `' �3 �f i� i , �1 i l���, z � �.� ��i �� I lA � �� � ^, � J� ' ' � � �a � y — - - . �' s � � � r ,�-- �i' i � • I � � 4 ' '' � , .. �.I �'' I i ♦ ✓ I I ' ' I � � l� �o � MCI WORLDCOM Apri113, 2000 National Support / Investlgaaons Dept 2855 Loc 642 2250 Lakeside Blvd. Richardsoq I'X 75082 Mr, Glenn Picha, Real Estate Tech. City of Saint Paul, Real Estate Division Department of Technology & Management Services 140 City Hall Sainit Paui, MN 55102 REF: Vacation Request, 365 Michigan Street Vacation File #: 3-2000 MCIW REF: 3279-2000 Dear Mr. Picha: MCIWorldCom has been notified by your office regazding the above referenced project. For your records, in reviewing the azea in question, it has been deterxnined that MCIWorldCom does not have facilities within your project area. However, it will still be necessary for you to contact the local One Call System at least 48 hours prior to any construction. You should address correspondence conceming any future projects to the attention of National Support/Investigations at the above address. If qou need fizrther assistance with this project, please do not hesitate John Bachelder at 972-656-5038. Sincerely, �.,"__0 " , Rosalyn W. VanWinkle National Support/Investigafions CERTIFICATE OF INTENDED NON-USE n o -t � `'`f THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF TF� COUNCII. OF THE CTI'Y OF SAINT PAUL In the Matter of Vacation File # 3-2000 The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated department or company, that it does not intend to exercise its utility rights m the realty described below: The rectangle of property seven (7) feet (running north-south) by forty and 75/100 (40.75) feet (nwuiug east-west) immediately to the south of the following lot owned by Uppertown Preservauon League: "The west lh of Lot 9 Biock 11, Winslow's Addition to Saint Paul, according to the recorded piat thereof situate in Ramsey County, Minnesota." except as here noted: DISTRICT ENER6Y ST. PAUL, INC., AND DISTRICT CO�LING ST. PAUL, INC., HAVE NO EQUIPMENT IN THE AREA TO BE VACATED AND HAVE NO OBJECTION TO THE vACATION. MINNESOTA RAMSEY District Energy and Cooling St. Paul, Inc. Its � res; �,.�" ,�.��,i Signature � " ���,�, J The foregoing instrument was aclmowledged before me this �� � dsy of / TO (' �� , 2000, by ��PK'S �. � 4�.K�v ,the �Y S i d�.�( of 1JiS�}'ic.t L-n rn� °�' �iS�ic'�'�c�o��� Or� Yltv� Tro'��T cof�or��e�-+.c under the laws of the State of Mmnzsota. Si P�"Qi�c . r -� �.„;;, r�u�r �. srrftw000 '��"�.tP +.�� hC7ARYPt.BL1:',-pA!NNESO7A ��:g� �Y A4YC0?.FMtSS;Otd * :,�:°" EXPIRES JAN. 31, 2CJ5 �-�, �. �� � Notary Pubfic, Ramse ty, M�innesota. My commission e�ices �---�a-�� 3� a d0 $ t1 ,.� - T ** Please return this original copy to 140 City Hall, St. Paul, MN 55102 ** ,%�, :" CERTIFICATE OF INTENDED NON-USE a o—co�� THE HONORA.BLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE COiINC1L OF THE In the Matter of CTI"Y OF SAINT PAUL Vacation File # 3-2000 The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated department or company, that it does not intend to exercise its utility rights in the realty described below: The rectaugle of properry seven (7) feet (mm�ing north-south) by forty and 75/100 (40.75) feet (running east-west) immediately to the south of the following lot owned by Uppertown Preservauon L,eague: "The west'/z of Lot 9 Block l 1, Winslow's Addition to Saint Paul according to the recorded plat thereof situate in Ramsey County, Minnesota." except as here noted: Saint Paul Regional Water Service �£$,4���� Bernie R. Bullert Its General Manager MINNESOTA �" ) �wu �/ � � �ignature RAMSEY The foregoing instrument was aclmowledged before me titis 25 th day oF ApTll , 2000, by Bernie R. Bullert ,�, General Manager o g Saint Paul Regional Water Service a Municipal Corporation of the City of 5aint Paul undec the laws of the State of Minnesaa .., SHlRleY A JONfS ' N47ARYFUf�dC-kNC�B*ESOTR .�.::_ RRVCCk'NA4S3S'ipR�' EXPIf2E5' JFs\".31. ��ki *" Please return this origina{ copy to i 40 City Hall, St. Paul, MN 55102 *" N � --- —� y ��— — � \ rti _. - �� � ' i18 � �' N a ��� z ,, - � a�� � _� ieeU � i g9 O� f � t i p� N � ' m a �. � � LS T�`i t'ir/ � N � r�ssu �'�.�� ��` � 8V y� #7'- 4I9f1 � j �; �� � i # �I � �i m 1 � � � y' � ¢ � i; I� ` 9 N � � � �� � I � ' `� � I � � � 0 � J � S � �Q (� NNH � � � ( �Leti --- -----� �+ � � � -.sabt ,�s � S'18 _ � — N �LS � '��� aszs � I£L£I I N � N � � ( W � 1 � m a � �W I � a M � Ie � � I � � N � I� " .� �I � � _ :� � �I � `�� \� j ti ~ � ! � O � � m �, i � :��� ' �� ` o Ob 0 £661-2i3M35 L13�0— N � �..� m r � � � , � t � 99 N �.�..L.��� ¢ °,.>-� � � oJ � zz�� �9 �S- � une� wea nS �65 t. a�u.t� s � �' � Q U � �s DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS Thomas J. Eggum, Director/City Engineer CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman. Mayor To: Glenn Picha Real Estate Division 140 City Hall From: Linda Murphy�� PW/Right-of-Way 800 City Hall Annex Date: July 25, 2000 Re: Vacation #3-2000 Encroachment in front of 365 Michigan St. 800 Ciry HaIJ Annex 25 West Fourth Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102-1660 Phorse:651-266-6150 Faz:651-298d559 �� - t�o`� This is to oufline the status of the above-referenced vacation. In November of 1999 the Department of Public Warks approved a request by the Uppertown Preservation I,eague for steps and a flower bed to be constructed in the public ri�t-of-way with the understanding that they would diligendy pursue a vacation of the area of encroachment. The vacation petition was to be submitted by December 1, 1499. It is my understanding the steps, etc. were constructed in late 1999 and the sidewalk relocated in spring of 2000, with the vaca6on petition being submitted the end of March 2000. The Department of Public Works reviewed the vacation request and had no objections since we were the ones reguiring that the area to be vacated. Our oniy objection was with the vacation description. The area to be vacated is the area between the edge of the sidewalk and the existing property line. The petiuoner has submitted a drawing of this area. I do not know how accurate it is. If indeed this is an accurate as-built drawing, we then need a legal descripUon of this azea created by a Registered Land Surveyor. It is my guess that the surveyoz will need to go out to the site and actually survey this azea in order to provide an accutate description. If a survey is being done of this azea, we would want property irons placed and a certificate of survey sent to us showing the boundaries of the vacated area, where the new irons are placed and a description of the vacated area. Responsio•e Services • Qualiry Facilities • Employee Prrde � �a - ��°`� Memo to G. Picha - pg.2 At this point the property owner has an illegal encroachment. I recommend the petitioners diligentiy pursue the above-referenced survey and continue with the vacation process as was agreed to. Attachment: Nov. 8, `991etter cc: Paul St. Martin, Street Engineer Henry Ung, Ordinance Enforcement Supervisor Tom Kuhfeld, Right-of-Way Engineer �• DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS Thomas J. Eggum, Drrec7or �j0 — �OC7�{ CIT`Y OF SAIN'T PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor November 8, 1999 Mr. Thomas Schroeder Faegre & Benson 2200 Norwest Center 90 South Seventh Street Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402-3901 RE: 365 Michigan Street Dear Mr. Schroeder: Larry Lueth, Construction Engineer 25 W. Fowth Street 900 Ciry Ha[l Anrsex Telephone: 651-266-6080 SaintPauf,MN55102-1660 Facsimile: 651-292-6315 The Uppertown Preservation Leaa e has requested that steps and flower bed be constructed on public right-of-way as per the plan drawn by Yust Architectural Services. The Public Works Department grants pernvssion for this work under the following conditions: 1) A Public Works sidewalk permit for the sidewalk relocation needs to be issued prior to any work that is started on the public right-of-way. A tist of con[ractors who are licensed to receive a sidewalk permit is attached. 2) The building contractor shall be registered to work in the public right-of-way prior to the start of work. The registration form is attached. The certificate of insurance shall name the City of Saint Paul as additional insured. 3) That the Uppertown Preservation Leao e apply to vacate the public right-of-way in the area between the relocated sidewalk and the property line by December 1, 1999. Instructions and form are attached. Note that NSP Gas may have facilities in the Sidewalk azea that may need to be relocated as part of the vacation. If you have any questions, you can call me at 651-266-6118. Sincerely, I ��� .� ��(�'� ��. Paul St. Martin Civil Engineer IV Attachments cc: Tom Kuhfeld Jerry Tvedt Responsive Servtces QualiryFacilities • EmployeePride � CERTiF1CATE OF INTENDED NON-USE �� —c�o� THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND NIEMBERS OF'TI� COLTNCIL OF Tf� In the Matter of CITY OF SAINT PAUL . Vacation File # 3-2000 The undersigned hereby cer[ifies on behalf of the indicated department or company> that it does not intend to exercise its utiliry rights in the realty described below: The rectangle of property seven (7) feet (running north-south) by forty and 75/100 (40.75) feet (running east-west) immediately to the south of the following lot owned by Uppertown Preservation Leaa e: "I'he west 1 /z of I.ot 9, Biock 11, Winslow's Addiuon to Saint Paul according to the recorded plat thereof situate in Ramsey Counry, Minnesota." except as here noted: /�� � ( � \ l l . L .� / �--� � f �' a � 1� �--� �... �� .� , Saint Paul Region�l Water Service ._c,; .__-_'�� ., � ItS MINNES02A RAMSEY � Bernie R. Bullert General Manager � �_ _ �_ _ , �� •�. 'Ihe foregoing instcument was acFa�owledged before me th3s 25 th day of Apri1 . 2000, b Bernie R. Bullert ,�, General Manager o p Saint Paul Regional Water Service a Municipal Corporation of ehe City of Saint Paul nndez the laws of the Siate of Minnesotz. . • StI1RlEY A JONES � ' NOTARYP41@LIC-t�RNWFSOIF .� y MYrCMMlSSIC:M �XPIRES SAp.37. 2C.A' ** Please return this original copy to 140 City Hall, St. Paul, MN 55102 ** CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor Apri16,2000 , Commander Traffic & Accident Unit Saint Paul Police Department 100 East Eleventh Street ��v`i�l+'�U APR 10 2006 ���s��r� ��v�s�oN - - _ ... _.._ . .__ _... _ ._. ._.... .__. ��iii�ecf ° ° ° `. ` , ': ` ' '�11?I� �e�rtme�f �le l�t�� 3-20fld Deaz Traffic & Accident Unit: The Ciry Clerk has referred to this office far recommendation the petition oP TIip�sa� 5ehtise`der for the vacation of the following described property: The rectangle of property seven (7) feet (running north-south) by forty and 75/100 (40.75) feet (running east-west) immediately to the south of the following lot owned by Uppertown Preservation I.eague: `"The west'/z of L,ot 9, Block 11, Winslow's Addition to Saint Paul, according to the recorded plat thereof situate in Ramsey County, Minnesota." This inquiry pertains to the vacation of City right-of-way only. Depending on the petitioner's reason for requesting this vacation and the intended use for the vacated right-of- way, some or all of the utility easements may be retained. The purpose of this vacation is: to eliminate lending and insurance issues. Will you please advise me of any concerns you may have regarding this proposed vacation. I would like to receive your comments before 4l28/2000 so I can prepare a report to the City Council on this matter. For your convenience, you will find a f� transmittal memo containing a reply form on the reverse side of this notice. If you would rather respond on your letterhead, please refer to the above listed file number when replying. If you have any quesuons regazding this matter, please call Glenn Picha at 266-8862. Sincerely, Gle�n P a�� Department of Technology and ManagementServices Real Estate Division oo - ta�y 140 Ciry Hall Phone: (65I) 266-8850 Saint Paul, MN 55102 Fax: (65I ) 266-8855 (3-2000cert) Reply to Vacation Inquiry File #3-2000 'ro: Glenn Picha Ciry of St. Paul Real Fstate Division Pho_�e � Faz k 266-8862 I # of P 1 'From: Commander & Accident Unit Saint Paul Police Department �� _ �L�O� We have no objections to this vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . /[�� We will approve this vacauon, subject to the following condiuons : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ For the following reasons, we cannot approve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ Signed �� �t�L �� L��-�i �/ ���=t�61 ' 1 � Date "�_ _-� ��� �G�R v CHRI5 � N 2- STOAY FRAME FRA,Nf APT. Area to be vacated BU/LD/NG � BU/L�/N� 4 .--_ �tnain l;nk fence cn propa�ty line , K �PP x� G� - lc`�O`� - - `=-- Fropei/y /ine on biAq./ine� /- SrORY ti h BLOCX BU/LO/NG . clnin /inX �ence —x - /O /7 NO. 369 1 v 2-STORY � e e 0 � fRAME APT. 8 ; ! � BU/L D/NG Scale: 1" = 20' o Denotes iron monument Bear`ngs shown a�z assu�rec irio�qnl iron lexe linv — c„ w ,✓ /OOf. ���.'. �.�� �, - 4Q75 SEB9°37�58° SHEO L07 9 lQ�fEaJ- 4768 SO. F7.) ' pi6 N0.353 ND. 365 � /- SrORY FR.4ME , HOUSE i.5 / -STORY � BRlCK 6 N fRA�tfE NOUSE �--- /73 � n 2- S717RY h fRAME NW89 - -ao.�5- i 3 :4 0 [onC/eI6 :'j'•�f �- � t D O 0 3fool coac�ete Kvtk � i � i i V � i � � i lence /ne i i •• r,__ r� �. ��A��.�ri��AA� � rf_ � � � i Ii �/i/ �7i�i .) i_i_ i w w I hereby certi�y that this is a true and correct representation�of a survey c= t:�e bou,^.daries or : Tne West 1/2 0? i.at 9, B?ock 11, :ainslow's Addition to Sa?nt Pau1, accora?ng te the recorazci plat tne:eor, ana situate in �amsey County, �iinnesota. • it also snoias the location of a11 v±s'_�1z er.croachments, ii any, from or on said iann. As surve��ri by me or unc'er my ai�ect supervision chis i5C'tt aay or March, 299�:. � � �- -� �- � rie:b r. L2mi�2 RLS ��.:1R2SOC3 iZ°_j. �O .�..�i.5�:9 � .' , • �' c 1 � � I a�f '� d' � W J�'i � o r : : � 2 `e ��C ui �. y� a � � , . r � �s. ���� � i 1 O _ � T � 4i 1 _ _ �.+ ( �r � r � 4 ! � � � i � � f i� �i '' . 1 s " -'��--' _'" ' � � ��� , _ �� { - h \ o A �% 7 r . �'�. / � � � I ` \\ \ ^ l"' ; `�\ •� � fi � ,. , � .� \` ` ��\ .�� . �' ,�, �� � .___ ._..._ _ ;a - `' ti \ \\ �\ � \;\ ,\\,�'\ � \�� � , \ \ \ `��. �- �� \ . � \ \\ ,� A '.. \ \ . �\� `q V \ \\ \ � \ : Q \ `,\ \�' �\. ��\ \ � � � �� i � �' � � V � . .\ � \ 1 \�\ � � � N f �\ ` � \ 1 \ � � ;� �, F:'Y'�: i` .s1: � � - ;� i i � � - — _- ;; ;� � j }� . �� �� i ; � 1 i � � �I d � ...�.. I N _ � 1 0 ti ,, � i _ + i �� { D w � . ` , , �- -(. � � d � ��al � �I � t� �r. � ✓ eii �� � ���� 4 4�. G � � (� � i �._. I { c S !i7 ` .Ct � � � �� I �� : � �� � �� �� ; : s� �� a -.�. _ �; � - �i � . � � � , 05/08/1994 20:58 6512286241 Reply ta Vacation Inquiry File #3-2Q00 FIRE PREVENTION PAGE 01 �rx�u 1 T°� G1enn Picba 'From: Chrls Cahlli Ciry of St Paul Department of Fire & 0 d a Rea1 &tate Division SaPety Fat k We have no objections to this vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......................... ... We will apprQve this vacation, subject to the following conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � For the following reasons we cannot approve this vacation: .._.,,__, ................D Date 5� z� . APR-13 15=04 FROM CITY OF ST PAUL LIEP Repty to Vacation lnquiry File #3-2000 To: phanc # Fat # TD Glenn Picha Ciry of St. Paul RealEstate Division 68855 P.001/001 � �....�.,, . •�om: Larry � LIEP(Bldg 314 Lowry �p —t�0'� We have no objections to this vacarion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � We will approve this vacataon, subject to thc following conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ For the following reasons, we cannot approve this vacacion : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ �� Vv Date T07AL P.001 i � � . � Reply to Vacation Inquiry File #3-2000 To: G1BDII P1C}f3 City of St. Paul Real Estate Division Pvone# 266-8862 F�� 266-8855 'From: CarOle Wlllianls Library Administration ���� 90 West Fourth Street We have no objections to this vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .� We will approve this vacaUOn, subject to the following conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ For the following reasons, we cannot approve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ Signed �� ��g^� Date 7` # � � QR , W � v CHRI5 FRAME 2- S70RY FRAME APT, Area to be vacated BU/LD/N6 � BU/L�1/N�f 4 -- r cnain /ink le�ce on propaity Iine , p�oper/y /ine on biCg./ine� /- STORY ti � BLOCK BUILOlNG . PP � � I \ oTS. N0. 369 I 'n 2-STORY p 0 3 Fi7AME 2 APT. � � BU/LD/NG .C..C3�0: i�� = Z� � �l o De�otes iron monument ti Bearings shown a�e assumec rvinugA! von /exe /i� — Cu w 5 (oot� - 4QT5- SE89°S%58' SHED L9r 9 (AREA)- 4T68 SO. FT.J ' Pi6 N0.359 �� G»in /ink �ence �. � io NO. 365 � . /- STORY FRAME n NOUSE' 0• N ______..� 2- S777RY M FRAME NW89 - - 40.75- � 3 Q ca 'r'� =:4X ., e � � i 4 0 �, -- !Z5 --- � 0 u cOndefe »n/k 3.3 / -STORY � BRICX & N FRAME HOUSE � i 1 t r �t i I i � /ence /ne i i . � �. 7 �r itli i7ii �� 7: ��ri W w (}G - (�o`t I hereby certi�y tttat �4is is a true and correct repr2s�atation�of a survey cf the boUr.daries o£: Tne Wes[ 1%2 or �ct 9, B_ock 1�, Sd`_nslow's Addi�ion to Saint Pau1, accorci?�g tc the recor5ed plat tne:eoz, ana situate in ?amsey County, KinnesoCa. � It also snoeus the locat=an of ail v±s'_�12 er.croachm2nCs, ii any, from or on said iana. �s survey°d b� �:° or under m;� direct supervision this i5ttt aay oz `4arch, 2994. �1�..� �- ��.,: : _ ne�o e. Lemi_2 RLS �lilnzso�a Reg. `10 13349 ' � :., +: -� � a0 _�Q, cfl� W UQ': ? � �-` i � ��a�?� u; ���� � � j- , a o2 :X��� '�Y �� � � �i��� � e i .:.. C k .; ;� i f i i � �; i _ �, f ,� � r �d � j �i II fl � � � n 1 r _� I � �� i N N �; � , � -�^ I i ; ;j ;; �� � '! 'I i � ;, ;; , �; ;; It I; � i' f 1 � I � d {�I .� , y1 � !i � . ;� d !_ i N _ � �� - . � --A.--.__—' '.. �\I � � i ` • • • F �O f "�_ \ /�/ . � l \\ � / % � \� ��� �` �. �\ ` \ `\ \ \ � � \\'�` `'� � 3� . '\ \`\ \.:.`.�. '�'. '\�. � � `. . ', \ \�\ �� ���` �`,� ���, ��, '� t � \ i� V 'i., � ' • 1 \� V � `��. �\ \� ' ;,- \ ' \\\ \ \� � \ � � , `� � ��A� � , , . � � F, 4�-,' ., � � -, . � , _ _� �p_�8`f c w � I � . --:` . 4 � � , , � � �; � � i _. � ; d � ' 3 S' �J " �� i � h5 d CL � . Q ��! � ��; � �� � �.�'`t �� �i �� ; s� � � � �0 - -�-p =_�-=-_ -- _ -- � s � -. �,+-, �..- . ;,�� . , � .; �� .� i l�� � / t �� , � ' ' � ' � ; i , � ; „ f � Il ! RPR-10-2000 12�25 STP PRRKS & RECRERTION 612 292 74a5 P.01i01 To: Glenn Picha •�:� John Wirka Ciry of S� Panl �axks & Recreation Reply to Vacation Inquiry Rral Estata Divisiou 30o ci x�� ann� D � 1OO�f Eile #3-20UQ Yhanc+ 256-8862 �onc#t � r•�� 266-8855 I r'�" We have no objections to this vacauon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..� VJe will approve this vacauon, subjcct to thc following conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ For rhe following rzasons, we cannot approvc this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ 3i�cd � �o��-c� Datc IY�lrl��.� � PED 14 TH FLOOR I T�: Reply to Vacation lnquiry Fite #3-2000 Glecm Pichu Ciry of Sc Paul Rcal Esrate Aivision �, � 266-8852 F,�;� 256-8855 APR-13-2600 15�38 6512283220 •�m:Pau� llubrui� Planning & Ecoa Development 1i00 City Hall At P.01/04 � . (oa`l We have no objections ro this vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � W e will approve this vacation> subject to the following conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ For [he following reasons, we cannot approve this vacauon : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � � ! r 5igned Date [� - !Z"ar� RPR-13-2000 15�39 PED 14TH FLOOR CITY OF SAINT PAUL Nornz Coleman, Mayor Apri1fi,2000 Paui Dubruiel Planning & Economic Development 1100 Ciry Hall Annex Dear Mr. Dubruiel: Real Estate Division 140 Ciry Hall Saint Pau1,1vIN SS102 The CSty C1erk has refeired to this office for recommendarion the pecition of�;�opji�,5 ab: �e]#�be�T`ex for the vacation of Lhe following described prvpeny: The rectangle of propeny scven (7) fect (running north-south) by forry and 75/100 (40.75) fect (running east-west) immediately to the south of lhe following lot owned by Uppertown Preservarion I.c�gue: "The west'/a of Lo[ 9 Block I 1, Winslow's Addition to Saint �?aui, according to the recozded plat chereof situate in Ramsey County, Minneso�a." This inquiry pertains to the vacalion oY City rigl�t-of-way oniy. �epending on the petitioner's reason for requesting tl►is vacation and the intended use for the vacated righL-of- way, some or all of the utility easements may be retained. The purpose of this vacarion is<KO eliminatc lending and insurance issues. oa—�`� Will you please adv9se me of any concerns you may haue regarding this proposed vacation. I would like to receivc your comments beCore 4/23/2000 so I can prepaze a repon to [he City Council on this mattex. For your conveniencc, you will find a fax transmittal mertio containing a reply form on the rcverse side of ihis notice. If you would rathcr respond on your letterhead, please refer to the above listed file nnmbcr when replying. If you have any questions regarding this mauer please cal] Glenn Picha at 266-8&62. Sincerely, '�-^'�`� �� Glenn Picha 651228322e P.02iO4 Phone: (651)266-8850 Fox: (651) 266-8855 (3-2000cen) APR-13-2000 15�39 PED 14TH FLOOR 6512283220 P.03iO4 � ° FNAMG �y fRM/MC t .. (��ciu �v ��. .��----. • . , � BU/GO/NG �1 . BU/L�J . -'` / tnain /inR /ence Qa yoPeily b�e yaPeily Y,ne on D(dg.liae� l- SR7RY BLDCK BU�LOhvG . Jink Ience rp . /�' _' _ NO. 369 1 v 2.STORY -� s i FR,CNE , � APT � y _ 2 � � BUILO%vG � �C3ZZ: o Denotea i:on monument ti Bearings shown a=2 assu�°� wrrnr9A/ von fence line -- � W ,5 foo�'!:,:;% _ qQ7g- SE89 SHED LOT 9 /aREa)=476B SO.F7.) N0. 365 " �l- 5T'ORY � FRAME HDUSE N �i6 � /75 0 � h � Z-S70RY ,n FRAME G / NW89 ° 5758� _aR.,� _`-�_-'-,^-- =�.a `. contre�e; � a m '�'T • 1 N0.359 3.1 /-STORY � BR/GK 8 N , FRAME ! x0u5E f a � � i � � � : � fence fne i ypi,r . � concrefe x0/R ,. / �--Trr" �! :�� �:• i : i �� i �! .> : � , i_._ i W l+' G � � L(�C `f l � I hereby certi�y Cnat this is a true and corract repr2s_nCation o£ a su�e cf the boundaries oL� Tne Wast 1/2 0_ Lct 9, B=o��c 1�. ��'nslow's Add'ztion to Sa��r Paui, accorail� tc the recor3ed �lat the:aor, anfl sztuate in ?.ansey County, `iinnesota- • � xom o� on j.t also snocas the Locat±�n me or1un�er�my directCSUpervisionathis i5tn , said iann• As surveyad b� nay o= �larch, 1994. , . � � � Fs.`_-_----- Hero r- L2m1 RLS 1'�G `lizneso�a Re�. �o �s_ _ I RPR-13-2000 15=39 PED 14TH FLOOR 6512283220 P.04/04 , ( I � I ' • ' ' . ,� , • . il i - , . �p-l�D� k O 1 ' \ a ��c } . '\ '� 4 � � �� i � � � I j l \\ � � i � ` \ \ — _ \. \ •� • ." 1 . � � \\�\ `, \\ / � `^ � ` ' � � i \ \ \ . �;: �, � :�'`c4' _ � _h..._ 4 � \ / � � — , _ . i . \ \ .\ ''\ \ ' �. . � I ` .\ ' `.\�\ .\ � ' �S � \ ` � , � \ � �f \\ ' \,� S, . •` `�� \ r� � ��,`' .. ,\ `'. '\ •\ \ \ � ta� ' . � i \\ ;. � �\� .. d r � -.� � , .� , ` 3 .� „ � � �,� ;,. ,� . � � � � � ; \ , Q � 4 . �.. ' ` ' � \ ..� _ T t \ \ � \ � � � j ' ' c � ` r" r � ��� � . `1 _ ^! .. o ; c ' � �j °*a ,.-� i .o -a� : , � � 1; ,�' a co, � I� ; � �.� 2 w�� » I � I �' , , ; ; � 2 � i �� � �� ;i � � � �d ;: ' � J �� � +? �; � :' s � �r,a ASi' I I ' � � r ; a � � - .�- � b � �a ��� � ; -- -. ' � i � �, � , � � ,�� � � I � - - � -. � !� ,��� I � J \ \ .. ..._,. .. . .��_ �h � :��� � i � �� +D. . • , ' '�\ 1 � � _ + + ./ . .. .. .. , �� ' 4 ! ., � Q � � � TOTAL P.04 t ` `� i FEB-23-1908 18=38 Reply to Vacation lnquiry �ile #3-2d00 P.01 n��� 1 ro: Gtenn Picba •�„�: Betty Moran C.O. Ciry oP S[. Paui Betty M<uan Real Esrdce Divizion 974 Wcsc Sevenm Streee Sain[ Pavl, MN SSi02 Phonc# 266-8862 � 1O ^ z �? 98-5599 Faxfi 266-R855 FuxK 29R-5671 . We3�ave no objecuons to this vacacic�n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .�" We will approve This vacaa�n, subject to the foliowin� condiri�ns : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [] For the following reasons, we cannut approve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � ;� ;, : t� I � ' � �atz 1 'i a-o c� p � � tno�t TOTAL P.01 Interdepartmental Memorandum CITY OF SAINT PAUL C�t���� �3ss�rch v�rt�r To: All Councal Members ��� ��tl Q � From: Peter White Right of Way Engineer 140 City Hall 0 �—i�o�l Date: October 2, 2000 �uia��et: 1Tt�S I�epaih��*ait �acation Fi1e �Ia_ 18-2�t7� - Ph�se I._ - I recommend a public hearing before the City Councii be held on f>ctaber 25r 2�1qp . The purpose of this hearing is to consider a petition to vacate part of 7'" Street between W acouta and Sibley Streets and part of Sibley Street south of 8`� Sueet. This property is located in City Council District 2, Planning District 17. The subject peution is in proper form and has been signed by the requisite number of property owners. (1800phsl.dt) CITIZEN SERVICE OFFICE Fred Owusu, Ciry Clerk O(� _ DIVISION OF PROPERTY CODE ENFORCEMENT Michael Morehead, ProRram ManaXer CTTY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor September 22, 2000 ��� I�:Z�7�1 SUBJECT: Racquel Naylor Council Research Nancy Anderson Office of the City Council Nuisance Bui[ding Code Enforcement IS W KelZaggBlvd. Rm. !90 Tel: 65]-Z66-8440 SairstPau(,MN55102 Fax:651-266-8426 M�ine Linston Citizen Service Office, Division of Code Enforcement Public Hearings for Demolitions The following properties have been declared nuisances and are scheduled for public hearings to consider repair or demolition of the property. Address 654 Armstrong Avenue Green Sheet Number 102309 T,PaI_���t1VP NP�I'llla Tuesday, October 17, 2000 CITY COUNCIL HEARING Wednesday, October 25, 2000 PLEASE MARK YOUR CALENDAR � pc7-�`F �o Interdepartmental Memorandum CITY OF SAINT PAUL Cotxtr� R��arc� Ge,fia• To: Nancy Anderson City Council Office $�P � � �(�� 310 City Hall From: Tom Sawyer Real Estate Division 140 City Hall Date: September 18, 2000 I am requesting a date of October 25, 2000 for a Public Hearing to approve the attached Council Resolution. The purpose of the resolution is to conect an existing encroachment. I have enclosed photocopies of the Green Sheet, the Council Resolution and a map of the area to be vacated. Please let me know if there is any additional information you might need. The resolution is currently being routed for signatures along with the responses from the u6lities and other pertinent information. C/7 �� - �oo � T.M. S. /REAL ESTATE DIVISION Date: 9/7/00 Grean Sheet Number : 104746 OataCt YOSSOA dIId Phone PIUmbOi: 'Z PARTMENT DIREC'1VR � ITY C0�2iC2L Glenn Picha 266-8862 Tom Sawyer 266-8857 1= � A � ° "� 5= � °� ust be on Council Agenda by: T arnzcmx FFZCE OF FIIUNCIAL SVCS, ouncil Research: 3 YOR (OR ASSISTANI'1 OTAL # OF SIGNATIIRE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION REQIIESTED: he Uppertown Preservation League has requested the vacation of part of City ight-of-way, because the building at 365 Michigan encroaches on City right-of-way. (Vacation File number 3-2000) CO,�NDATIONB: APPROVE (A) OR REJECT (R) ERSONAL SERVICB CONTRACTS M[JST ANSWER THE FOLIqWING: Has the Berson/firm ever worked uader a coatract for this ePartment? YES NO nuxsze�a co�mussxox A sxaze Has this person/fiffi ever been a City employee3 YES No CML SSAYSCE CODL658ION Does this Barsoalfizm possess a skiil not xwxmally Hosaessed by nY YES NO cuz'rent City emgloyee7 cxa coaasmree Explain all YES answers on a seBarate sheet anfl attach. IIPPORTS 47E[ICft COIINCIL OBJECTIVE4 COIINCIL WARD(3} 'Z DISTRICT PLANNING COVNCIL 5 NITIATING PROBLEM, ISS9E, OPPORTDNITY (Who, What, Wkaen, Whera, Why?)s he property owner of 365 Michigan Street has requested the vacation of City right-of-way in order repair the istorical buildin . F�N'lAGES IF APPROVED: historical buildin will be able to be financed for re air. ISADVALSTAGES ZF APPROVED: one. ISADVAN'fAGES IF NOT APPROVED: historical buildin will not be able to financed for re air. OTAL AMOUNf OF TRANSACTION: $SOO.00 -�ST�J-REVENOS"B O 7� YES NO C� u. �i xNC somtca: - 1300-2833 r fi�' . ��rc � INANCIAL IFFOAt�II.T20N: (EXPLAZN) _ i �� t�C!L HEARI�3G � � 2 SET f0n I.�turn copy to: Real Estate Division 1rJ0 City Hall Presented By Referred To Council File # Green Sheet # Committee: Date �p_l�`"1 1 BE IT RESOLVED, that, upon the petition of Uppertown Preservation League, as documented in 2 Finance Department File Number 3-2000, public properties hereinafter described are hereby vacated and 3 discontinued as public property: and, subject to the herein stated exceptions, the easements within those 4 public properties are hereby released. 5 6 The property to be vacated is described as follows: 7 10 11 12 13 14 15 That part of Michigan Street lying northerly of a line described as commencing at the southeast corner of the west half of Lot 9, Block 11, Winslow's Addition to Saint Paul; thence North 90 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West along the south line of said Lot 9 a distance of 2.00 feet to the point of beginning of line to be described; thence South 45 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West a distance of 10.00 feet; thence North 90 degrees 00 minuCes 00 seconds West a distance of 22.75 feet; thence North 45 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West a distance of 10.00 feet to the south line of said Lot 9 and there ternunating. 16 This vacation shall be subject to the terms and condition of Chapter 130, codified Mazch 1, 1981, of the 17 Saint Paul Legisiative Code as amended, and to the following conditions: 18 19 1. 20 21 22 2. 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 3. 31 32 33 34 4. 35 That the petitioner s, their successors and assigns shall pay $500.00 as an administrative fee for this vacation which is due and payable within 60 days of the effective date of this resolution. That, with the accompanying Utility Easement Certificates of Intended Non-Use, filed voluntarily on behalf of Qwest Corporation, Incotporated, Northern States Power Company, District Energy St. Paul, Incorporated, MCI Metro Incoiporated, MediaOne, 5aint Paul Regional Water Service and The Department of Public Works, made a part hereof by this reference and filed in the office of the City Clerk of Saint Paul, the City, for itself and on behalf of these corQorations and departments, waives the right to the utility easements in the vacated azea described above. That the described area shall revert back to City right-of-way upon removal of the structure and that the property owner shall realign the sidewalk to the staisfaction of the City of Saint Paul, Department of Pub]ic Works. That the petitioners, their successors and assigns agree to indemnify, defend and save hannless the City of Saint Paul, its officers and employees from all suits, actions or c]aims of any character RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � �a _ �aoy 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 ?7 28 29 brought as a result of injuries or damages received ot sustained by any person, persons or property on account of this vacation or petitioners' use of this property, including but not limited to, a ciaim brought because of any act of omission, neglect, or misconduct of said petitioners or because of any claims or liability arising from any violation of any law or regulation made in accordance with the law, whether by the petitioners or any of their agents or employees. 5. That the petitioners, their successors and assin s shall, within 60 days of the effective date of this resolution, file with the City Clerk an acceptance in writing of the conditions of this resolution and shall, within the period(s) specified in the terms and conditions of this resolution, comply in all respects with these terms and conditions. Requested by Department of: Technoloav & ManaQement Services � Directar By: Approved by Mayor: Date By: Form Approved by City Attorney : Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by Council Secretary f'OR � � y � V CHRIS A BU/LD/NG Fvoper/y /ine on D�eq./ine� /- STORY BLOCK ti � z- sroRr fRAME APT. Area to be vacated BUlL� N�l �cnain /rak lence on propar7y /ine , t �PP --_ D � - ���`{ - 4Q75- � � SEB9°SY58�� 5� yEa� LOr 9 (AREAJ=4T68 SO.Fr) ' pi�Pei'�y N0.359 BU/LOlN6 - PP - y � NO. 369 2-STORY fRAME AP7. y �� � 8U/LO/NG CCdlZ: = 2.� o Denotes iron monument Sear_ngs shown a�e assumec inovgAl van /exe /r� - W w �� [/nin /ink /ence x I _ - •-' t i7 � io � NO. 365 J � p ^ /- STORY i FRAME 2 p n HOUSE o �� ----- < � � � 2- S70RY N ro FRAME NWB9 v _- _an �� .J` /00l;�.:�: � :' , 4 a LOnC/Cf8 � � � • �"__ > o [OOCfB1B WO/.f 3.3 /-STORY � gR�CK � N FRAh1E ' HOUSE i � � � � t i v � � I � i �ne � = t�1 I��.� " .• c� .�,A�/'i��i��AA� ^�l:r'r_; r ill...Ii/Ji-ii .) i.i_�_i W w I hereby certi'y that t4is is a true and corract repres�ntation'of a survey cs the boundaries oL": Tne West 1%2 or i,ct 9, B:ock 11, :dinslow's Addi�ion to Sa±�t Pau1, accoraing tc the recoraea plat tnereor, ana situate in ?.ansey County, �tinnesota. • It also sho�os the locat_on of ai1 vis?b12 er.croachmznts, ii any, from or or said iann. :�s surve�ed by me or under my direct superv=sion chis i5tn day oi yarch, 1994. � �.• � �_ : ne�o r. �2mi_2 RLS �li:�n2sota Re,. Vo 13.344 � /75 � 8 �� �i� �� _�o�y NOTICE OF PUHLIC FiEARING Notice is hereby given that the petition of Uppertown Preservation League, for the vacation of that part of Michigan Street as more fully described on file and on record in the office of the City Clerk of Saint Paul, Minnesota, will be heard and considered by the Saint Paul City Council at a meeting to be held in the Council Chambers on the 3rd flaor of City Hall and Court Aouse on the 25th day of October, 2000 at 5:30 P.M. Dated September 21, 2000 Shari Moore Deputy City Clerk (September 25, 2600) s�_ e2�so?,;,i, �2??f� �iw� � � ���Q Return copy to: Real Estate Division 140 City Hall ORI�lNAL Presented By Referred To Committee: Date �� 1 BE IT RESOLVED, that, upon the peUtaon of Uppertown Preservataon I.eague, as documented in 2 Finance Department File Number 3-2000, public properties hereinafter described are hereby vacated and 3 discontinued as public property: and, subject to the herein stated exceptaons, the easements within those 4 public propercies are hereby released. 6 The property to be vacated is described as follows: 7 8 That part of Michigan Street lying northerly of a line described as commencing at the southeast 9 corner of the west half of L,ot 9, Biock ll, Winslow's Addition to Saint Paul; thence North 90 10 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West along the south line of said Lot 9 a distance of 2.00 feet to 11 the point of beginning of line to be described; thence South 45 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds 12 West a distance of 10.00 feet; thence North 90 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West a distance of 13 22.75 feet; thence North 45 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West a distance of 10.00 feet to the 14 south line of said I,ot 9 and there terminating. 15 16 This vacation shall be subject to the terms and condition of Chapter 130, codified March 1, 1981, of the 17 Saint Paul Legislative Code as amended, and to the following conditions: 18 19 i. 20 21 22 2. 23 24 25 26 27 ?g 29 That the pefifioner's, their successors and assigns shaii pay $500.00 as an administrative fee for this vacation which is due and payable within 60 days of the effective date of this resolution. That, with the accompanying Utility Easement Certificates of Intended Non-Use, filed voluntarily on behalf of Qwest Corporation, Incorporated, Northern States Power Company, District Energy St Paul, Incorporated, MCI Metro Incorporated MediaOne, Saint Paul Regional Water Service and The Department of Public Works, made a part hereof by this reference and filed in the office of the Ciry Clerk of 5aint Paul, the City, for itself and on behalf of these corporations and departments, waives the right to the utility easements in the vacated uea described above. 30 3. That the described azea shall revert back to City right-of-way upon removal of the structure and 31 that the property owner shall realign the sidewalk to the staisfaction of the City of Saint Paul, �2 Department of Public Works. council �le # Oa —/o Green Sheet # Io y 7�{ i RESOLUTION OF S,�11Nj PAUL, MfNNESOTA 4 4. That the petitioners, their successors and assigns agree to indemnafy, defend and save harmless 5 the City of Saint Paul, its officers and employees from all suits, actions or claims of any character ORiG1NAL oo-���y 1 brought as a result of injuries or damages received or sustained by any person, persons or 2 property on account of this vacation or petitioners' use of this property, including but not limited 3 to, a claim brought because of any act of omission, neglect, or misconduct of said petitioners or 4 because of any ciaims or liability arising from any violation of any law or regulation made in 5 accordance with the law, whether by the petitioners or any of their agents or employees. 6 7 5. $ 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 That the petitioners, their successors and assigns sha11, within 60 days of the effective date of this resolution, file with the City Clerk an acceptance in writing of the conditions of this resolution and shall, within the period(s) specified in the terms and conditions of this resolution, comply in all respects with these terms and conditions. 2 9 T.M.S./REAL ESTATE DIVI5ION Date: 9/7jpp ontact Pazson and Pltone Number: 2 aR� Glenn Picha 265-8862 �°°� Tom Sawyer 266-8857 �� y z � fust be on Co�mcil Agenda 6p: 'ouncil Research: Green �n � gt xumbe= = 104746 4 � �u po_too 5 �� CE OF FIffiSVCIAL SVCS. I � 3 �x <oa assxsxr�r) I ` f 'iL # OF SIGNATIIRE PAGES 1 (GLIP ALI, LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATQRE) CON REQBESTED: Upperiown Preservation League has requested the vacation of part of City t-of-way, because the building at 365 Michigan encroaches on City right-of-way. :ation File number 3-2000) OR REJECT (R) PLANNING COP'SII8$ION A smaer rnrsr, sarvxce coamssssxola Cxn coe�xxee WHICB COIINCIL OHJECTIVET COIINCIL 9iASiD(S) 2 ONN. SERVICE CONTRACTS MQ5T ANSD7&R TIiE FOLLbWING: Has the Bersoa/fian eoer workefl under a coatract for thia rtment? YE3 NO Has this pesson/firm ever been a City employee? YES f{70 \ \ Does triis gersoa/firm yoasess a skill not aormally possessed by Y8s NO current City amployee7 DI3TRICT PLANNING COUNCIL 5 [NITIATING PAOBLBM, ISS9E, OPPOATONITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why?): Che property owner of 365 Michigan Street has requested the vacation of City right-of-way in order repair iistorical buiidin�. nvarrracas x� araxovan: , historical building will be able to be �nanced for repair. SADVANfAGES IP APPROVED: 4�#� F'r�'Jaa�r:{i t..%s�.:'ig SADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: historical building will not be ��� � � GTY ATTORNEY .`AL AMOII1Pf OF TRAlPSACTIO1Px DING SODRCE: ANCIAL II7PORMIaTI0I3: (EXPLAIN) , ��� . v-.� '. \ � � L:i:cYV. � - �t..� � �.�; ` _� ,. f ! YE3 NO N v l�� l\ � J� .� .� �i ... t �� L-'OR CHRI_S_ >ON fRdME 2- STOAY FRAME APT. Area to be vacated Bl//GO/N6 � BUfL�J/N�C ' 4 �— ��noin /ink lence on piopeiJy /ine , prope/ly lin� on biCg.line� /- STORY h ti BLOCK euiLa�roc . � PF - + -- • - r- N � NO. 369 2-STORY FRAME APT. i „ � BUlLO/NG Sca12: = 20 o Denotes iron monua:ent Bearings shown a�e assunec w/augAl rcoa texe line — w 5 — 4QT5— SE89 SHEO LpT 9 (QREa J- 4768 SO. FT. J ' pi�Pei�y a o -100�} N0.359 �� dnin /inkTPnce x � "_" - �-- ,l :a /7 � NO. 365 � � o ^ /- STDRY 3 FR,4ME z p � yousE � �� -------`� - ;.3 /-STORY � BR/CK B N FRAME HOUSE i �_ _ /Z5 - 0 1 h � (� 2- STt7RY ""� M trtan+E i . . � �c, :..a 0 i � � i i ti � t i i fEnCe !nt t ' � � ../ i/O/K . : .. concrele� 'j'�'•i � � . � � 3loot conc�ele �+vlk c�v i . `� :Ia,'�'/; /Li ^,^� i : ,�:; .'_' : I hereby certi�y that this is a tzue and correct representation�of a suxvey cf the boundaries ot: Tne West 1%2 or Lct 9, Block 11, :�Iinslow's Addition to Sa�nt Pau1, according te the recoraed plat ther2oi, ana siCuate in ?amsey County, �tinnesota. . It also sno�as �he Locat_on of a11 vis:ble er.croachm2nts, ii any, from o� on said iana. :�s surve�ed by me or undex my ciirect supervision "tnis i5th aay oi yarch, 1994. ��� �� rierb r. �2mi�e RLS �li:�n2sota Reg. No 13349 CTTY OF SAINT PAUL Nnrm Colemam, Mayor d� - �� March 28, 2Q00 Peter White Valuation Engineer Real Estate Division 140 City Hall Dear Peter: CTI7ZEN SERVICE OFFiCE � d � U � Fred Owasu, Gry Qerk y 170 Ciry Hall TeL: 651266-8989 ZS W. %NaggBoulevmd F¢c 651-266�689 SaintPaul,Minnesota 55102 Web: http:/lwww.stpauLgov TDD: 266-8509 I refer to you to check as to form and sufficiency and for recommendation, the attached petition of Uppertown Preservation League, for the vacation ofthat part of Lot 9, Block 11, Winslow's Addition according to the recorded plat thereof on file and of record in the Office of the Saint Paul City Clerk. Sincerel , t�� � � Shari Moore Deputy City Clerk Attachments t,y l /�'J � PETITION TO VACATE CITY INTEREST Oo -lOO`1 1(we), [he undersimed, constitunng a majoriR• of the o�mers (or theSr lesally dzs��ated representatieesJ ot[he abuttine properties, do hereby petiCion the Counm! of the Ciry of Sain[ Paul to vacate i¢ m[eresGS fn [he property(es) Ieoally descnbed as follows: The rectangle of property seven (7) feet (running north-south) by forty aod � (40.75) feei (running easi-west) immediately to the south of the fotlowin� lot owned by Uppertoum Preservation League: "The West Yz of Lot 9, Block ! 1, Winslow'S Addition to Saint Paul, according to the recorded plai thereof, and situate in Ramsey County, Min�esora" I(we) request th�b vacanon for the following reason(s). The single-family residence situated on the above-descnbed loi has occupied the site since c�rca 1858 and ranks among ehe oldest in Saint Paul. The south-front of the residence protrudes 3 feet mto the public sidewalk right-of-way. The residence is now under restoratioq and will require an additionat 4 feet (totaling 7) across the south-front of the lot in order to permit a code-compliant front step and stoop. Additionally, the house's cunent protrusion into the public nght-of-way severety complicates tending and insurance issues, wh�ch if not remedied will render the preservat�on and re-use of this historic prope»y more difficult. I(we) have attached six Copies of the site p}ans of any developmrnt mtended for construchon on the iands to be vacated. Contact Person Name� La�rel Severson Phone: 651-736-3277 .aadress: 376 St. Clair Avenue St. Paul. Minnesota 55102 Person(s) responsible for payment of vacation fee and for acceptance of the terms and conditions of the vacation: Name Upbertown Preservation Leaeue c!o Lauiel Severson. President Phone: 651-736-3277 nddress 376 St. Clair Avenue St. Paul. Minnesota 55102 Alfemate Contact Person Name: Thomas S. Schroeder Phone: 612-336-3455 Adaress: Faen & Benson LLP 2200 23orwest Center 90 South 5eventh Street Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402-3901 ��� cr� -lo°y Signatures of Owner(s)IRepresentative(s) of Property(ies) Below: � � ���� ��� �. Laurel J. Severson. President lippertown Pteservarion LeaQue 376 St. Claire Avenue St. PauL Minnesora �51Q2 Thomas S. Schroeder. RenresentarivelAttornev Uppertown Preservarion Leaoue 376 St Claire Avenue St. Paul_ Minnesota 55102 I, Thomas S. Schroeder, am the pentioner, or one of the petinoners in [he above rrmt[er; and I do hereby 5wear and venfy that each of [h � i�a u� this petinon wu s�gned m my presence by the person descn6ed in the pention. � �� (PeCitioner) Subscnbed and swom before me this �� dayof `��,� (9Q ,{99� � � � //'•i / Isl � , %�° K.-°�On ���, k �o � ' � M73643A9.01 IM� � SfiEAYL A. fRIED y��,} �p�NtYPUBIIC•MINNESCTA � y�,�pyyyH5yyn6yye5Jin 31.2W0 =30M F.iEGAE � BENSON "_ �.. ......( 2. 18' 00 12'�r�ra�,'nc�ia57/Niy4,n`[O1�e6 P.02l03 1¢5-� AIeE/�jC � �3 �Z?`Sf��l�L?".C11yt 7'�� �it�ttl'll?lC£ �{)�'l� r�c+o�ur�rl�s � a�� xr�t.�, �, atr+�ora�s�.�sn4 � '• , :�t, . + . . April 13,1999 Faeg[e 8c Bmsam, I I.P 22fl0 AtaQwcst Centa 90 South 7'� Sheet Mtaaeapolis,MN 554U2-39Q1 At�: Sachin Jay Darjt Dear Ivlr I)arji: FJ U - (v0`{ {sia� �s.zao� rmx t3i21.�1 FERSr AMExzc.a,x TrrC� nus. c{2, aces he,�. ��y +}� a� ofR�nsey ca„at}; �offi tsx ieccxda di9clogos tha2, ss ofNav�lber I8, 1999, ttte owIIers ofthe gmpctties �8 #he publie cight-of-may dra�xa'bed as: T� Po+�� ofMici�igan Sh+eet abmtnqg aad 13��iately 5wth o£the'4VVest'h of I.ot 9 BtncY Ll, Wiaslnw's Additiaa to 3aint Pant sotd tle5aed by the followiag boumdsiea: Cammeuciag atthe Southwesterly camae� ofsaid West'i4 of Let 9, �eiug th�poiat ofbegi� theace East atongtke Sauthaly liae afavd A►eat fi afLot 9 e discaaxe af 4a.73 feet more at lesa ta thc Southeaatsrly ettm�er af said Weat'� of S-.at 9, thenco So+tth am a beffimgperpeadiailar to the Soudiclyiine nfsafi@ Vl'est h ctf Lat 9 a diaf8ttce af e�tty 7 fe� tbeace West aa a beaeingparalld to tbe Sout�dy lina af9aid Weac'h of Lct 9 a distaace af90 7i fest�re ot les� heinSt�e seau dista�ec as the diatance in the secoad ceI1 at�avr aridtl�eace Noxih on ah�g F�P��1arw the� Iiae ofsaid �Veat :4 ofI.ot 4 a distaace vf exactty 7 £eetto the �oint of are as fallovrs: Le�ai Deaa3Ddon Propertq is: Fee Shvaer Wesc �i of Lat s, Biocic E i, ,ah�cs Winsiaw's Ar1dn. ta St Paa�l � Pi�veliaaLeague rr� rr� senroca� ts¢Nr�ts�. St, Pant, NQwT SS7pZ Cnnh^aet P�chssez NONE FAEGRE & BENSON LLr 2200 WELLS FARGO CENTER� 90 SOi3TH SEVENTH STREET t�INNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55402-3901 TELEPHONE 612-336-3000 FAGSIMILE 612-336-3026 c,c - t "� ° `t 1NO.W.S S. SCHROEDER TSchccedeYa;faegze com 612/336-3453 September 5, 2000 Glenn Picha BY TELECOPY City of St. Paul--Real Estate Division 651-266-8855 14Q City Ha11 & ZT. S. MAIL St. Paul, Minnesota 5�102 Re: 365 Michi�an Street/Vacation to Up.pertown Preservation Leatue Dear Glenn: I have received yaur fax of August 24, 2000 containing the proposed City Counsel resolution. 1'he resolution laoks fine. I attach to this letter the te� of the legal description of the vacated area for use as E�ibit "A" to the resolution. I trust that this completes the information required from Uppertown Preservation League. As I rrientioned to you �arlier, Uppertown Preservation League has signed a purchase agreement with an individual for the sale of the premises at 365 Michigan Street, inc3uding the nremises to be vacated. We expect that title vvill pass to the purchaser �pon the purchaser's closing on a purchasehehab loan he has applied for with the Cit}� of 5t. Paul, Home Loan Fund. We anticipate that this wi(1 occur sometime in the late fa11. Glenn, thank you for all of your assistance in this matter. Please contact me if you need anything m�re from us. V ruly yours, �- Thomas 5. Schroeder TSS:milsm Enclosures cc: Laurel Severson (651-575-0725) John Yust (651-225-9601) MI'659922 O7 Minneapolis Dem�er DesMoines Lo»don Frankfurt In the matter of the application to vacate a portion of Michigan Street. Proposed Legal Description; That part of Michigan Street lying northerly of a line described as follows: Commencing at the southeast corner of the west half of Lot 9, Bolck 11, WINSLOW'S ADDITION TO SAIIVT PAUL, thence West, assumed bearing, along the south line of said Lot 9 a distance o£ 2.50 feet to the point of beginning, thence South 45 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West a distance of 10 feet; thence West a distance of 21.20 feet; thence North 45 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West about 8.00 feet to the south line of said Lot 9 and their terminating. �a _! � c � J fi�� �F � �l� /33�� FROM FAECAE & BENSON (TUE) 4.18'00 10:09/ST.10:08/N0.4S62015530 P i FAEGRE & BENSON tLr FROM: Thomas S. Schroeder DATE: April 18, 2000 zzoo Noxwes C��ex, 90 5ourx SEVerrrx SrxEEr MINNEAPOLIS, 1V�INP7ESOTA 554623�1 FAX CF.NIER 7ELEPHONE 612-336-3932 FACSiMll.E 672-336-3026 �F'i—iC TELEPHONE: �f� 6121336-3455 �0� �,im. (Minneapolis) NUMBER OF PAGES (including this page): 2 F&B FILE: ��0190 REC: 0455 70: Glenn Pica City of St. Paul TELEPHONE: F.vc: 65IJ266-8855 THIS TELECOPY IS INTENDED ONLY FOA THE USE OF 7HE PERSON TO WHOM IT IS ADDRFSSED, AND MAY CONTAIN INFORMATION THAT IS PRNILEGED, CONFIDEN7IAL AND EXEMPT FROM DISCLOSURE UNDER APPLICABLE LAW, IF YOU ARE l�lOT THE 1NTENDED RECIPIEN7, YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED THA7 ANY DISSEMINATION, DISTRIBUTTON, OR GOPYING OF 7H35 COMNi1JNICA'f101V 15 STRICTLY PROHIBITED. IF YOU �AVE RECENED THIS COMMUNICATION IN ERROR, PLEASE IMMEDIATELY 1�SOTIF]' US BY ?ELEPHONE AND tE1'URN THE ORIGINAL MESSAGE TO US AT 7HE ABOVE ADDRESS VIA THE U.S. POSTAL SERVICE. THANK YOU. Minneapofis Drnve� Des Moines London Fsunkfurt PRESERVATION LEAGUE r As s o c ia t i on of Uppertown, Saint P¢ul � �og ��. �i.. . ,.. Paul Ste. Martin - - St. Paul Public Works 900 City Hall Annex 25 West Fourth Street St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 , .,. , � p v —10c3'—� November 4, 1999 %, VL4 U.S. MAIL AND FACSIMILE (651)292-6315 Re: 365 Michiean Street / Vacztion af Propertv Dear Mr. Ste. Martin, This is to confirm that the Uppertown Preservation League (UPL), the owner of the properiy located at 365 Michigan Street, St. Paul, desires to purchase a strip of land approximately 7' x 40' adjacent to the south side of the property, some of which is now owned by the City and occupied by the Cit}�'s sidewalk. In connection with this purchase, UPL will appiy for vacation of the City-owned portion of the property by December l, 1999. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call. I appreciate your assistance in this matter. Very ly yours, U�v� / �vVj� Thomas S. Sctu�oeder Uppertown Preservation League TSS:fradm cc: John Yust Yust Architectural Services (via facsimile 651-225-9601 and U.S. Mail) Laurel Severson, President Uppertown Preservation League (viaU.S. Mail) M1:556t 88 01 DEFARTMEAIT OF Pi3BLIC WORKS Tiwmas J. Eggum, DirectoNCity Engineer �p _ �00`/ CITY OF SAIN'T PAUL Norm Co(eman, MayDr TO: Tom Sawyer St. Paul Real Estate 140 City Hall From: Linda Mutphy �� St. Paul Pubiic Warks 800 City Hall Annex Re: Vac. File# 3-2000 Part of Miclugan Street for encroachment at 365 Michigan Street Date: September 13, 2000 800 City Hall Anrsex ZS West Founh Street Saint Paul, Minnesata 55102-1660 Phane:651-266-6Z50 Fac:651-298-4559 The Department of Public Works has received and approved the attached legal description of the area to be vacated. We have no objections to the vacation subject to the following: That the vacation sha11 be for the life of Yhe sYructure only, and at such time as Che building is demolished that said area shall revert back to the City as public right-of-way and at that time the property owner shall realign the sidewalk to the satisfaction of ihe Department of Public Works. lcm attachments: legal descripYion certificate of intended non-use Responsive Services • Qualiry Faci(ities � Employee Pride � CERTIFICATE OF It�TENQED NON-USE eo _[���{ THE FIONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL OF'IT� In the Matter of CTTY OF SAII3T PAUL Vacation File # 3-2000 The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated department or company, that it does not intend to exercise its utility rights in the realty described below: That part of Ffichigan Street lying narthezly of a line descrihed as commencing at Ehe southeast corner of the west half of Lot 9, B2ock }i WIRSLOW�S ADDZTION TQ SATNT PAQL; thexice North 90 degrees QO minutes 00 seconds West along the south lins of said I,ot 9 a distance of 2_00 feet to the point of beginning of 3iae to be described; thence South 45 8egrees 06 minutes 00 seconds Ytest a distance of 1Q.d4 feet; thence Nozth 90 clegrees 00 minutes 00 secQnds West a distance of 22.75 £eet; thence North 45 degreas 00 minutes 00 seconds West a distance of 10.00 feet to the south Iine of said I,ot 9 and there terminating. except as here noted: That the above described area shall revert back to City right-of-way upon removal of the structure, and the property owner shall realign the sidewalk to the satisfaction of the City of Saint Paul, Department of Public Works. Department of Pubiic Works Its G�JTS� �i1fG/�t/�Ei°�, � �J,2EczT' MINNESOTA � � Signature RAMSEY The foiegoing instnunent was acknowledged befort me this /✓/ r/ day of `-��rTG -�' � . 20�0, bY !/�D/uKs c�, �S�Vi'i( .the �/�Lo.r�12 � �r ��'r.Ox�u� ��s�L�� l�0`ai°�xs .a_112ur�.�;ar�� L'�.2Pe�2.¢rlo.t/ undet [he laws o€ rhz State oF b5�u¢uota MARLYS A. FI �-�,�(`— "'� -" ��<1!-��� ��10 Pb411ir(j� Notary Pub c, �y County, M ��' � �� My commission ezpirzs /�/�AJ � ** Please return this original copy to 140 City Hall, St. Paul, MN 55102 ** � p - �Ov �t Proposed I,egal Description: That part of Michigan Street lying noitherly of a line described as cpmmencing at the southeast corner o£ the west half of Lot 9, Block 7'1, WINSLOW'S ADDITION TQ SAIPT PAUL; thenee North 90 deqrees DO minutes QO seconds West alang the south �ine of 5aid I,ot 9 a distance of 2_00 feet to the point af beqinning of lins to be describecl; thence South 45 c3egrees OU minutes t3a seconds West a distance af 10.DD feet; thence North 90 degrees OD minutes 00 seconds ktest a distance of 22.75 feet; theace North 45 degrees QO minutes 00 seconds West a distanae o£ 10.00 £eet to the south Iine of said Lot 9 and there terminating, J. ~ Herb F. Lemire RLS Minnesota Reg. Na. 13349 Z020'd tr8'L$� 9Z:8@ ZT-EA`009Z 420'C 095 £9L $0'CZ 33L7: 41QN� r �epartmen't of Techi�ology and Management Services Real Estate Divisian 140 City Hall Phone: (65l ) 266-8850 SaintPauZ,MN SSIO2 Fax: (6�I)266-8855 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor Apri16 2000 Vicki Determan US West Communications Suu ivortn Caziton Maplewood, Minnesota 55119 � p _ Io0 �{ , I��:. _ ° �a�ati�inl+il�#3_2�Q Dear Ms Determan: The property owner of O1-28-23-43-0131 has requested a waiver of all easements in the properry described as follows: The rectangle of property seven (7) feet (running north-south) by fony and 75/100 (40.75) feet (running east-west) immediately to the south of the following lot owned by Uppertown PreservaUon League: "The west �/z of L.ot 9, Block 11, Winslow's Addirion to Saint Paul, according to the recorded plat thereof situate in Ramsey County, Minnesota." The purpose of this request is to eliminate lending and insurance issues. Please execute the enclosed certificate and return it to the Real Estate Division, as addressed above, by Apri128, 2000. S'v�ce.el�, Glen� ��g Real Estate Technician Attachment (3-2000c) . . CERTIFICATE OF INTENDED NON-USE �,� _�o oy THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL OF'TI� CTTY OF SAINT PAUL In the Matter of Vacauon File # 3-2000 The undersigned hereby certif'ies, on behalf of the indicated department or company, that it does not intend to exercise iis utiliry rights in the realty described below: The rectaugle of properry seven (7) feet (running north-south) by forry and 75l10� (4�.75) feet (mm�ing east-west) immediately to the south of the following lot owned by Uppertown Preservation League: "T`he west'/2 of L,ot 9, Block 11, Winslow's Addiuon to Saint Paul, according to the recorded plat thereof situate in Ramsey County, Minnesota." except as here noted: US West CommunicaUOns � „- � „ : � ,���r:�soTa RAMSEY � ���� Signature The foregoing insaument was aclaowledged before me this �� day of rl� 1 b SZti rJnaxd C'i. a.�14e, ,,, M� Eh ne� of � S V`� �icS� a under the laws of the State of Minn�.sota. s • � VICTORfA R. DETERMAN � Notazy Public, RavriSey C'.6u.n� , µin.v�GSbta `�� MVC O M MISSIONEXPIESE.91-2005 My�o,�,�ss=one�tr� 1-31-05 e ** Please return this original copy to i 40 City Hail, St. Paui, MN 55102 ** E='0�,� � � v CHRI5 prope�ty Irne on bidg./ine� — 4Q75 SE99°5Y5B� SHEO L07 9 (AREAJ= 4T68 SO. FT.J link fence �v 17 '--- �ON 2_ sroar fRAME FRAME APT. Area to be vacated BUILO/N6 � BUK�7W� �t -- �cnain Ii�k len�e on piope�ty /rire , < � ,�� ___ C�� /- STORY ti H BLOCX 8U/LO/NG . NO. 369 2-S70RY 1 FRAhE 2 $ � 0' APT. � � BU/LO/NG CCd22: i�� = 2 � � �l o De�otes iran monument N Bearings shown a�2 assumec rvinugA/ van /exe /i� -- ,5 �o. �e..�ii L��� —� w w N0. 365 � i- sroRr FRAME , HWSE ' p��Pe��y � _ /75_ � NQ 359 3.3 I-STORY � 2RICX 9 N FRAME HOUSE Y i Y�c � � t i � � � 1 � /ne � i a � I 2- S717RY n FRAME NW89 - 40.75- • , , ,, j�. �� cantiele' '/�'.�'','•i" 3/oot concrele »n/k MOlX ' l� l /� r �� 1f��`������ �: I���I I)li •J i/ ��Pti �7 i_i_ i w w T hereby certi�y t'ttat this is a true and correct representatiori�of a survey cf the bouncaries at: The West 1%2 or i.ct 9, B_oc?c 11, :dinslow's Addi�ion to Sa±zt Pau1, accora=ag te the recor5zci plat tleraoz, ana situate in ?ansey County, 'tinnesota. . It also snows the locat_on of ail vis?b1e er.croachm2nts, if any, from or on saia iana. :�s surveyed by me or unc'er m;� direct supervision chis i5tn aay oi �farch, 1994. ������ rie�b i. L2mi:e RLS 'li;�neso�a Re�. vo ?.3349 ,' _.. L� .- -� � 0 � �� I =yd' � ui tt 9 ' �. �' JY� i w�d� u� I � � �-+� � � �s �r ;a � xs�a i r ! v I i i � I i I = i � ., �.s �r � r ' o : � '� ' ( I ! f i ���I� � 0 i < �.r. � S � N N �� �� I � �} � __ -�---- �--- � ' � i ` � • E ._ . t� \ a � �•� , j/ �� w ` `\ \ � � ,\ ♦ t �. � * � \� � ` \ �\ � 1 `\ �\ -,\\���\ ..c.�_..�-�_�S._..��� b' � _� '�`'�, \ . �� �. . .��\.��' `.�\�`\`\ \ '� � . i �. � � j`..r \ ��r �.`�:'�\ � ' ' �A � \� n , \ � \ � �1� � � �� � f� � _ �'� � : � \ \ \ � \ � � \ ,�, �� \ r, \ .� 9 / V , { r y ' � o � - �o o�t �� � a I ' i f / r t � - � � ' v � � � 6� i � �— I � � a 9 � � �� �'d� � �s S�� �) � � i � L � � � � � , 1 � � i o�J �� �� �� ! J� i . � � _c ._- _ . � �'. 4 _ ��__ {� I I'f � ' � � � � � � 1 i t ,.� a� � � '� I � �� e�i r � CERTIFICATE OF 1NTENDED NON-USE �� _ �o��i TI� HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OP THE COUNCIL OF THE CiTY OF SAINT PAUL In the Matter of Vacation File # 3-2000 The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated department or company, that it does not intend to exercise its utility nghts in the realty described below: The rectangle of property seven (7) feet (running north-south) by fotry and 75/100 (40.75) feet (ranning east-west) immediately to the south of the following lot owned by Uppertown Preservation L,eague: "'I'he west �/z of Lot 9, Block I 1, Winslow's Addition to Saint Paul, according to the recorded plat thereof situate in Ramsey Counry, Minnesota." *electrical exceptas here noted: None Northem States Power Co. Z� Real Estate Representative !�.vr;v�scra ,/ ; g-L./ � eir� P : � ' ��'��V'"�� � Signature Lorraine D. Ablan HENNEPIN 1he foregoing iustmmea[ was aclmowiedged before me titis 2 � t h day of A p r i 1 � z000, by _ Lorraine D_ Ablan _� Reai Estate Representative or Northern States Power Comp�nv, a carporation under [he laws of ihe State nf blinnesota ,:::'�rt„ .. -..c..', . . .z ��i. ..� - � 4 , ,,, 1 � /' /�/�' Notazy b' Hennepin Co¢aty, Minnesq a My cottssnission e:cpiies �7�� � f ��� ** Piease return this originat copy to 140 City Halt, St. Paui, MN 55102 *# � l� � CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor April 6, 2000 Dan Woehrle N.S.P. - Gas Distribution 825 Rice Street Saint Paul, MN 55117 Department of Technology and Management Services Real Estate Division 140 City Hall Phone: (651) 266-8850 Saint Paul, MN SSIO2 Fax: (651 } 266-8855 NsP MaP J1- 33 ao-t� , _ R�: Vaeat�an �e.#�-241�1t� Dear Mr. Woehrle : The property owner of O1-28-23-43-0131 has requested a waiver of all easements in the property described as follows: The rectangle of property seven (7) feet (running north-south) by forty and 751100 (40.75) feet (running east-west) immediately to the south of the following lot owned by Uppertown Preservation T,eague: "The west 1 /z of I.ot 9, Block 11, Winslow's Addition to Saint Paul, according to the recorded plat thereof situate in Ramsey County, Minnesota." The purpose of this request is to eliminate lending and insurance issues. Please execute the enclosed certificate and retum it to the Real Estate Division, as addressed above, by Apri128, 2000. Sincerely, � ��� Glenn Picha Real Estaie Technician Attachment (3-2000c) CERTIFIGATE OF INTENDED NON-USE � THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF TI� COUNCIL OF TE� CTTY OF SAINT PAUL In the Matter of Vacation File # 3-2000 The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated department or company, that it does not intend to exercise its utility rights in the realty described below: The rectang�e of property seven (7) feet (running north-south) by forry and 751100 (40.75) feet (running east-west) immediately to the south of the following lot owned by Uppertown Preservation L,eague: "The west'/z of I.ot 9, Block I 1, Winslow's Addition to Saint Paul, according to the recorded plat thereof situate in Ramsey County, Minnesota." except as here noted: N. S.P. - Gas Distribuuon MINNESOTA RAMSEY � The foieaoing instrumznt was acknowledged befoie me ilus _I � day of /t. � 2000, ,.�.�.�..�.�.�,�.a,., ,�� .,.,�,.. ,.,,�,.w.,.a. / / A76TAflY W BLIC — MINNESOTA / ✓ �Y Comm. E�qNres➢�pt.�e19@9�� e�ires � ,�� ��_J . ' '"'"'.�'""'"""""_"_ �l / *�` Please return this original copy to 140 City Hall, St. Paul, MN 55102 ** L'bE2�; � - W V CHRIS fRAME 2- STORY fRAME AP7. Area to be vacated BU/LO/N6 � BUlL�/NG 4S -- �cnain /ink lence an piopeily line , PP K �' K —_. pD- Ic�c�`f poperly Iine on didg./ine� /- STORY ti 4. BLOCX BU/LOINC . /inklence � � N i7 ' I� NO. 369 I �n 2-STORY a 0 3 FAAME 2 AP7: g � � N — 4R75— SE89°SYSB SHEO ' pi�Pei'�y LO7' 9 (AREAJ- 4768 S0. FT.) NR35B NO. 365 %- STORY FRAME HOUSE 2- S7DRY i fRAME � 8U/LO/NG $C21.2 : ��� = 2� � o Denotes iron monument Sear_ngs shown a�e SSSll[C°_C wravgAl von lexe /i� — .,� /• •. / N:/�_h�./.. '� . S /OOi.; : :� .' �. -�-• _�;4 � conGrele� � o a a . 3lac w �--- /ZS 0 33 / -STORY � BR1CK 9 N FRAME House i � i t i v `k i I � i lence /»e � � ..J i�o/X ' //.' . conc�ete nv/k .• �• ,jai`�i,, ^� r:�_r; ( i !l •! t / t�i-�� �) � �_i_ ♦ w w I hereby certi�y that Lhis is a true and corr2ct repras�ntation�of a survey cr the boundaries ot: Tne West 1/2 ar Lct 9, B1ock 12, :dinslow's Addition to Saint Paul, accorfl?ng te the recor32d p1at tnereor, and situate in �amsey County, �iinnesota. � It also shows the locat:on of ai1 vis?51e er.croachments, i� any, from or on said iana. As surve��d by me or un�er m;� ciirect superv=sion chis i5tn aay oi Aiarch, 1994. �l� �� � riero r. "L2mir2 RLS �li:�nesota Re�. vo 13349 ' 1�Y . . • �; � ' ;• a0 !yd+ fl� � u �: �. �' � r" : i 2 �n�? � �a I �� �� � �.- � , 6 a ti. r ; a � �3�� `� i c k : � � � i� oi 1 � -. �.' .f � r o , � �' i � 'i �f li e ; i � s -��--. .. }_. t� � • � �I � - . . zA ` �``� \ / I i o ; �\ � r � \ `� � ��\. � \ \� \ � '�``� �� � �� • ,, �, �� ._ _ __._:_�_ _s:. �. `� . � �\ .� ,� �, � � . \ �. �.,\ ..\'� �\ �`� �`� \ � �� \��., � � � � � . :, � i. P � , \ i � � . , �l �._ . ' ., ��,� \ � , ,,�� � `�I` � � �� �. b . ,� •. , � \ �. r l �� Y , ` I - � � � ��\ \ \ \\ �\. I N N �� � �'` . - ��:\ . � -, , � ' { ' ,� � o _ �� o� � � tr i , I , � 4 � , �, � � �- , � {_ �- '� 7 i �_. {-r �y � ; �� � � �� � d M � r �� ; \�1�1 R O �{� � , � � � �� � , � j !t ,� f �� ; �� s� - _- � � 'a �, : - _ . - . __._ j - --n j?� --- - � �! 4 ��a � - ~ ' it /, i��i � � / S �. , � '� � _'. h '_— ' i j , i il I ✓ � I� � � � Department of Technology and Management Services Real Estate Division I40 City Hall Phone: (651) 266-8850 Saint Paul, MN 55102 Fax: (651) 266-8835 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor April 27, 2000 Efrain Gonzalez MediaOne �34 Woodhiii Roseville, MN 55113 �� — ��� � , . _, ��.: _ :X�aca#�an �'iie #� _24tU(1 Dear Mr. Gonzalez: The property owner of O1-28-23-43-0131 has requested a waiver of all easements in the property described as follows: The rectaugle of property seven (7) feet (running north-south) by forty and 75/100 (40.75) feet (running east-west) immediately to the south of the foilowing lot owned by Uppertown Preservation League: "The west 1 /z of Lot 9, Block 11, Winslow's Addiuon to Saint Paul, according to the recorded plat thereof situate in Ramsey County, Minnesota." The purpose of this request is to eliminate lending and insurance issues. Please execute the enclosed certificate and return it to the Real Estate Division, as addressed above, by May 19, 2000. Sincerely, * �� ��`�-an Glenn Picha Real Estate Technician Attachment (3-2000c) � - CERTIFICATE OF INTENDED NOtV-USE �� _ to o �-f THE HONORABLB MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE C4UNCIL OF TF� CTI'Y OF SAINT PAUL In the Matter of Vacation File # 3-2000 The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated department or company, that it does not intend to exercise its utility rights in the realty described below: The rectangle of proper[y seven (7) feet (running north-south) by forly and 75/100 (40.75} feet (running east-west) immediately to the south of the following lot owned by Uppertown Preservation L.eague: "'The west �/i of L.ot 9, Block 11, Winslow's Addition to Saint Paul according to the recorded plat thereof situate an Ramsey County, Minnesota." except as here noted: Cn ��� ��� ��`S �D e�j��� ��S \ O ��S \/�L'��� o 31Il`.::ESOTA � �,�� 'Ihe fotegoing instrument was by y — of I undex the laws of the State of Minnesota. MediaOne ItS C� � CG >S�Cn�VJ� Signatu me this � x� day of /� 2000, the OY My wmmission e�ires /r S? � k* Please return this originaf copy to 140 City Hall, St. Paui, MN 55102 ** tf���t � �T+���W �:��',�' i , • '. . �.�.��'= A ���� ��LLi3`�.^'v,��� ..�.. -���'.. ..�'.:�.��5�:� f:i:'.3 " _. _ � . � - _; '_ �—^' - "'. .,�'_'_ s—= , ,-.f ._ .,_-- -------- � py� C4lRIS BU/LD/NG p-oPei/y line an nidg./ine�, /- STORY ti � BLOCX BuILOIA/G . ■ /inR /ence /O /�' � _ .�" NO. 369 i v 2-SrORY t e 0 FRa.HE _ APT. t � BU/LO/NG 5cale: 1" = 20 o Denotes iron monument Bear'.ngs shown a�2 assumec Winugn/ von lexe /i� — w 8 ; � � �; ti 2- STORY FRA�SIE APT. Area to be vacated BU/L�J/N� a �cnain /ink /ence an piopeily /ina , � �PP _.—._._ T/1_ �C7D�{ W — 9QT5 � SEB9 SHED , ' Pi6�Pe��y _ GOT 9 (aREa)- 4768 SO. FT.) N0.359 /: ' . /"�. .:4 'o NO. 365 1- 5I'ORY FRAME HOUSE � __ /Z n � N ' 2- ST17RY M fRAME NW89 — 40.75-- • � 3 rl�%i � concie/e . • i :�`:', • ' � 3100� tonc�ele walk � � t i i `F i i � fente fne � ro/X • " /�� ! c „+u� �^nn ^�r,r.c� � ��li •Ji/�7i-i�� .> � ��i_i / -STORY BR/CK B FRAME HOUSE W (H I hereby certi�y tnat this =s a true and correct repr2sentation�of a survey cf t�e boundaries or: T:�e West 1/2 or i.cC 9, B_ock 11,!dznslow's Addition to Saint Paul, accoraing te the recoraed plat t�ereor, ana situate in ?.amsey County, hinnesoCa. '• It also snows the locat=on of ail vis?b12 er.craachments, ?i any, from or on saia iana. as surveyeri by me or under m;� direct supervision this i5ttt aay oi Karch, 1994. � . �1.� � -� �_ � _ rie�b r. L2mi=2 RLS V:.,.,.,�.,. � r7oo �In l?SL:9 � _�� _ � �f , � :.. _ 7 ! a0 1 Q'' C� � � �¢� 1)i -sn� �, ' r � �' . 3z? -�x . ;1 � \" A � i i .i � ' . � . II ` ` � _, + E �, F z 0 t f ',\ \ .�� l J � � i �\\ � � � i � \ \ /' \ `\ ' ` \\ : j � `�. �`��. \� i \. �� �� \ \ \` \ � \ �- � � \ s `� �3irii. ,,,�, �5.. �' x � ..:. _i. • ._<: '_:...'.�-' -' ' —� . \ �'\ . i l . � \\ .``�`' �� `` � \ �\ \ � . i ` !' . � �; �; - - i" � .f r � I; � � l � I� �- � N N 'i _�: • r i !f i; :I � �� � '' i i( j �: , ' � � � � �' S i' � �d� J r I, i 'i II . s , I �..; � i l_\ ` l f �\ \ �� 6 \ ��\ �\, ��;:\ , � �_��.\ ,:�� ,, ., . ��.. ,� , � . � �. ,�,,\�. \ ` � . \�. \\ � \\ ; _ �\ . �\ �D\ . � , \\ 1 y � � _ � 1 . �---C� --• -� . T"" . , �� � � A � , � I) L _ - - �C7 -1��� D � t � �• 4 s �, e' r U '�_. ( � � '—� ' �_ 7 i` _.. `' �3 �f i� i , �1 i l���, z � �.� ��i �� I lA � �� � ^, � J� ' ' � � �a � y — - - . �' s � � � r ,�-- �i' i � • I � � 4 ' '' � , .. �.I �'' I i ♦ ✓ I I ' ' I � � l� �o � MCI WORLDCOM Apri113, 2000 National Support / Investlgaaons Dept 2855 Loc 642 2250 Lakeside Blvd. Richardsoq I'X 75082 Mr, Glenn Picha, Real Estate Tech. City of Saint Paul, Real Estate Division Department of Technology & Management Services 140 City Hall Sainit Paui, MN 55102 REF: Vacation Request, 365 Michigan Street Vacation File #: 3-2000 MCIW REF: 3279-2000 Dear Mr. Picha: MCIWorldCom has been notified by your office regazding the above referenced project. For your records, in reviewing the azea in question, it has been deterxnined that MCIWorldCom does not have facilities within your project area. However, it will still be necessary for you to contact the local One Call System at least 48 hours prior to any construction. You should address correspondence conceming any future projects to the attention of National Support/Investigations at the above address. If qou need fizrther assistance with this project, please do not hesitate John Bachelder at 972-656-5038. Sincerely, �.,"__0 " , Rosalyn W. VanWinkle National Support/Investigafions CERTIFICATE OF INTENDED NON-USE n o -t � `'`f THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF TF� COUNCII. OF THE CTI'Y OF SAINT PAUL In the Matter of Vacation File # 3-2000 The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated department or company, that it does not intend to exercise its utility rights m the realty described below: The rectangle of property seven (7) feet (running north-south) by forty and 75/100 (40.75) feet (nwuiug east-west) immediately to the south of the following lot owned by Uppertown Preservauon League: "The west lh of Lot 9 Biock 11, Winslow's Addition to Saint Paul, according to the recorded piat thereof situate in Ramsey County, Minnesota." except as here noted: DISTRICT ENER6Y ST. PAUL, INC., AND DISTRICT CO�LING ST. PAUL, INC., HAVE NO EQUIPMENT IN THE AREA TO BE VACATED AND HAVE NO OBJECTION TO THE vACATION. MINNESOTA RAMSEY District Energy and Cooling St. Paul, Inc. Its � res; �,.�" ,�.��,i Signature � " ���,�, J The foregoing instrument was aclmowledged before me this �� � dsy of / TO (' �� , 2000, by ��PK'S �. � 4�.K�v ,the �Y S i d�.�( of 1JiS�}'ic.t L-n rn� °�' �iS�ic'�'�c�o��� Or� Yltv� Tro'��T cof�or��e�-+.c under the laws of the State of Mmnzsota. Si P�"Qi�c . r -� �.„;;, r�u�r �. srrftw000 '��"�.tP +.�� hC7ARYPt.BL1:',-pA!NNESO7A ��:g� �Y A4YC0?.FMtSS;Otd * :,�:°" EXPIRES JAN. 31, 2CJ5 �-�, �. �� � Notary Pubfic, Ramse ty, M�innesota. My commission e�ices �---�a-�� 3� a d0 $ t1 ,.� - T ** Please return this original copy to 140 City Hall, St. Paul, MN 55102 ** ,%�, :" CERTIFICATE OF INTENDED NON-USE a o—co�� THE HONORA.BLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE COiINC1L OF THE In the Matter of CTI"Y OF SAINT PAUL Vacation File # 3-2000 The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated department or company, that it does not intend to exercise its utility rights in the realty described below: The rectaugle of properry seven (7) feet (mm�ing north-south) by forty and 75/100 (40.75) feet (running east-west) immediately to the south of the following lot owned by Uppertown Preservauon L,eague: "The west'/z of Lot 9 Block l 1, Winslow's Addition to Saint Paul according to the recorded plat thereof situate in Ramsey County, Minnesota." except as here noted: Saint Paul Regional Water Service �£$,4���� Bernie R. Bullert Its General Manager MINNESOTA �" ) �wu �/ � � �ignature RAMSEY The foregoing instrument was aclmowledged before me titis 25 th day oF ApTll , 2000, by Bernie R. Bullert ,�, General Manager o g Saint Paul Regional Water Service a Municipal Corporation of the City of 5aint Paul undec the laws of the State of Minnesaa .., SHlRleY A JONfS ' N47ARYFUf�dC-kNC�B*ESOTR .�.::_ RRVCCk'NA4S3S'ipR�' EXPIf2E5' JFs\".31. ��ki *" Please return this origina{ copy to i 40 City Hall, St. Paul, MN 55102 *" N � --- —� y ��— — � \ rti _. - �� � ' i18 � �' N a ��� z ,, - � a�� � _� ieeU � i g9 O� f � t i p� N � ' m a �. � � LS T�`i t'ir/ � N � r�ssu �'�.�� ��` � 8V y� #7'- 4I9f1 � j �; �� � i # �I � �i m 1 � � � y' � ¢ � i; I� ` 9 N � � � �� � I � ' `� � I � � � 0 � J � S � �Q (� NNH � � � ( �Leti --- -----� �+ � � � -.sabt ,�s � S'18 _ � — N �LS � '��� aszs � I£L£I I N � N � � ( W � 1 � m a � �W I � a M � Ie � � I � � N � I� " .� �I � � _ :� � �I � `�� \� j ti ~ � ! � O � � m �, i � :��� ' �� ` o Ob 0 £661-2i3M35 L13�0— N � �..� m r � � � , � t � 99 N �.�..L.��� ¢ °,.>-� � � oJ � zz�� �9 �S- � une� wea nS �65 t. a�u.t� s � �' � Q U � �s DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS Thomas J. Eggum, Director/City Engineer CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman. Mayor To: Glenn Picha Real Estate Division 140 City Hall From: Linda Murphy�� PW/Right-of-Way 800 City Hall Annex Date: July 25, 2000 Re: Vacation #3-2000 Encroachment in front of 365 Michigan St. 800 Ciry HaIJ Annex 25 West Fourth Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102-1660 Phorse:651-266-6150 Faz:651-298d559 �� - t�o`� This is to oufline the status of the above-referenced vacation. In November of 1999 the Department of Public Warks approved a request by the Uppertown Preservation I,eague for steps and a flower bed to be constructed in the public ri�t-of-way with the understanding that they would diligendy pursue a vacation of the area of encroachment. The vacation petition was to be submitted by December 1, 1499. It is my understanding the steps, etc. were constructed in late 1999 and the sidewalk relocated in spring of 2000, with the vaca6on petition being submitted the end of March 2000. The Department of Public Works reviewed the vacation request and had no objections since we were the ones reguiring that the area to be vacated. Our oniy objection was with the vacation description. The area to be vacated is the area between the edge of the sidewalk and the existing property line. The petiuoner has submitted a drawing of this area. I do not know how accurate it is. If indeed this is an accurate as-built drawing, we then need a legal descripUon of this azea created by a Registered Land Surveyor. It is my guess that the surveyoz will need to go out to the site and actually survey this azea in order to provide an accutate description. If a survey is being done of this azea, we would want property irons placed and a certificate of survey sent to us showing the boundaries of the vacated area, where the new irons are placed and a description of the vacated area. Responsio•e Services • Qualiry Facilities • Employee Prrde � �a - ��°`� Memo to G. Picha - pg.2 At this point the property owner has an illegal encroachment. I recommend the petitioners diligentiy pursue the above-referenced survey and continue with the vacation process as was agreed to. Attachment: Nov. 8, `991etter cc: Paul St. Martin, Street Engineer Henry Ung, Ordinance Enforcement Supervisor Tom Kuhfeld, Right-of-Way Engineer �• DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS Thomas J. Eggum, Drrec7or �j0 — �OC7�{ CIT`Y OF SAIN'T PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor November 8, 1999 Mr. Thomas Schroeder Faegre & Benson 2200 Norwest Center 90 South Seventh Street Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402-3901 RE: 365 Michigan Street Dear Mr. Schroeder: Larry Lueth, Construction Engineer 25 W. Fowth Street 900 Ciry Ha[l Anrsex Telephone: 651-266-6080 SaintPauf,MN55102-1660 Facsimile: 651-292-6315 The Uppertown Preservation Leaa e has requested that steps and flower bed be constructed on public right-of-way as per the plan drawn by Yust Architectural Services. The Public Works Department grants pernvssion for this work under the following conditions: 1) A Public Works sidewalk permit for the sidewalk relocation needs to be issued prior to any work that is started on the public right-of-way. A tist of con[ractors who are licensed to receive a sidewalk permit is attached. 2) The building contractor shall be registered to work in the public right-of-way prior to the start of work. The registration form is attached. The certificate of insurance shall name the City of Saint Paul as additional insured. 3) That the Uppertown Preservation Leao e apply to vacate the public right-of-way in the area between the relocated sidewalk and the property line by December 1, 1999. Instructions and form are attached. Note that NSP Gas may have facilities in the Sidewalk azea that may need to be relocated as part of the vacation. If you have any questions, you can call me at 651-266-6118. Sincerely, I ��� .� ��(�'� ��. Paul St. Martin Civil Engineer IV Attachments cc: Tom Kuhfeld Jerry Tvedt Responsive Servtces QualiryFacilities • EmployeePride � CERTiF1CATE OF INTENDED NON-USE �� —c�o� THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND NIEMBERS OF'TI� COLTNCIL OF Tf� In the Matter of CITY OF SAINT PAUL . Vacation File # 3-2000 The undersigned hereby cer[ifies on behalf of the indicated department or company> that it does not intend to exercise its utiliry rights in the realty described below: The rectangle of property seven (7) feet (running north-south) by forty and 75/100 (40.75) feet (running east-west) immediately to the south of the following lot owned by Uppertown Preservation Leaa e: "I'he west 1 /z of I.ot 9, Biock 11, Winslow's Addiuon to Saint Paul according to the recorded plat thereof situate in Ramsey Counry, Minnesota." except as here noted: /�� � ( � \ l l . L .� / �--� � f �' a � 1� �--� �... �� .� , Saint Paul Region�l Water Service ._c,; .__-_'�� ., � ItS MINNES02A RAMSEY � Bernie R. Bullert General Manager � �_ _ �_ _ , �� •�. 'Ihe foregoing instcument was acFa�owledged before me th3s 25 th day of Apri1 . 2000, b Bernie R. Bullert ,�, General Manager o p Saint Paul Regional Water Service a Municipal Corporation of ehe City of Saint Paul nndez the laws of the Siate of Minnesotz. . • StI1RlEY A JONES � ' NOTARYP41@LIC-t�RNWFSOIF .� y MYrCMMlSSIC:M �XPIRES SAp.37. 2C.A' ** Please return this original copy to 140 City Hall, St. Paul, MN 55102 ** CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor Apri16,2000 , Commander Traffic & Accident Unit Saint Paul Police Department 100 East Eleventh Street ��v`i�l+'�U APR 10 2006 ���s��r� ��v�s�oN - - _ ... _.._ . .__ _... _ ._. ._.... .__. ��iii�ecf ° ° ° `. ` , ': ` ' '�11?I� �e�rtme�f �le l�t�� 3-20fld Deaz Traffic & Accident Unit: The Ciry Clerk has referred to this office far recommendation the petition oP TIip�sa� 5ehtise`der for the vacation of the following described property: The rectangle of property seven (7) feet (running north-south) by forty and 75/100 (40.75) feet (running east-west) immediately to the south of the following lot owned by Uppertown Preservation I.eague: `"The west'/z of L,ot 9, Block 11, Winslow's Addition to Saint Paul, according to the recorded plat thereof situate in Ramsey County, Minnesota." This inquiry pertains to the vacation of City right-of-way only. Depending on the petitioner's reason for requesting this vacation and the intended use for the vacated right-of- way, some or all of the utility easements may be retained. The purpose of this vacation is: to eliminate lending and insurance issues. Will you please advise me of any concerns you may have regarding this proposed vacation. I would like to receive your comments before 4l28/2000 so I can prepare a report to the City Council on this matter. For your convenience, you will find a f� transmittal memo containing a reply form on the reverse side of this notice. If you would rather respond on your letterhead, please refer to the above listed file number when replying. If you have any quesuons regazding this matter, please call Glenn Picha at 266-8862. Sincerely, Gle�n P a�� Department of Technology and ManagementServices Real Estate Division oo - ta�y 140 Ciry Hall Phone: (65I) 266-8850 Saint Paul, MN 55102 Fax: (65I ) 266-8855 (3-2000cert) Reply to Vacation Inquiry File #3-2000 'ro: Glenn Picha Ciry of St. Paul Real Fstate Division Pho_�e � Faz k 266-8862 I # of P 1 'From: Commander & Accident Unit Saint Paul Police Department �� _ �L�O� We have no objections to this vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . /[�� We will approve this vacauon, subject to the following condiuons : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ For the following reasons, we cannot approve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ Signed �� �t�L �� L��-�i �/ ���=t�61 ' 1 � Date "�_ _-� ��� �G�R v CHRI5 � N 2- STOAY FRAME FRA,Nf APT. Area to be vacated BU/LD/NG � BU/L�/N� 4 .--_ �tnain l;nk fence cn propa�ty line , K �PP x� G� - lc`�O`� - - `=-- Fropei/y /ine on biAq./ine� /- SrORY ti h BLOCX BU/LO/NG . clnin /inX �ence —x - /O /7 NO. 369 1 v 2-STORY � e e 0 � fRAME APT. 8 ; ! � BU/L D/NG Scale: 1" = 20' o Denotes iron monument Bear`ngs shown a�z assu�rec irio�qnl iron lexe linv — c„ w ,✓ /OOf. ���.'. �.�� �, - 4Q75 SEB9°37�58° SHEO L07 9 lQ�fEaJ- 4768 SO. F7.) ' pi6 N0.353 ND. 365 � /- SrORY FR.4ME , HOUSE i.5 / -STORY � BRlCK 6 N fRA�tfE NOUSE �--- /73 � n 2- S717RY h fRAME NW89 - -ao.�5- i 3 :4 0 [onC/eI6 :'j'•�f �- � t D O 0 3fool coac�ete Kvtk � i � i i V � i � � i lence /ne i i •• r,__ r� �. ��A��.�ri��AA� � rf_ � � � i Ii �/i/ �7i�i .) i_i_ i w w I hereby certi�y that this is a true and correct representation�of a survey c= t:�e bou,^.daries or : Tne West 1/2 0? i.at 9, B?ock 11, :ainslow's Addition to Sa?nt Pau1, accora?ng te the recorazci plat tne:eor, ana situate in �amsey County, �iinnesota. • it also snoias the location of a11 v±s'_�1z er.croachments, ii any, from or on said iann. As surve��ri by me or unc'er my ai�ect supervision chis i5C'tt aay or March, 299�:. � � �- -� �- � rie:b r. L2mi�2 RLS ��.:1R2SOC3 iZ°_j. �O .�..�i.5�:9 � .' , • �' c 1 � � I a�f '� d' � W J�'i � o r : : � 2 `e ��C ui �. y� a � � , . r � �s. ���� � i 1 O _ � T � 4i 1 _ _ �.+ ( �r � r � 4 ! � � � i � � f i� �i '' . 1 s " -'��--' _'" ' � � ��� , _ �� { - h \ o A �% 7 r . �'�. / � � � I ` \\ \ ^ l"' ; `�\ •� � fi � ,. , � .� \` ` ��\ .�� . �' ,�, �� � .___ ._..._ _ ;a - `' ti \ \\ �\ � \;\ ,\\,�'\ � \�� � , \ \ \ `��. �- �� \ . � \ \\ ,� A '.. \ \ . �\� `q V \ \\ \ � \ : Q \ `,\ \�' �\. ��\ \ � � � �� i � �' � � V � . .\ � \ 1 \�\ � � � N f �\ ` � \ 1 \ � � ;� �, F:'Y'�: i` .s1: � � - ;� i i � � - — _- ;; ;� � j }� . �� �� i ; � 1 i � � �I d � ...�.. I N _ � 1 0 ti ,, � i _ + i �� { D w � . ` , , �- -(. � � d � ��al � �I � t� �r. � ✓ eii �� � ���� 4 4�. G � � (� � i �._. I { c S !i7 ` .Ct � � � �� I �� : � �� � �� �� ; : s� �� a -.�. _ �; � - �i � . � � � , 05/08/1994 20:58 6512286241 Reply ta Vacation Inquiry File #3-2Q00 FIRE PREVENTION PAGE 01 �rx�u 1 T°� G1enn Picba 'From: Chrls Cahlli Ciry of St Paul Department of Fire & 0 d a Rea1 &tate Division SaPety Fat k We have no objections to this vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......................... ... We will apprQve this vacation, subject to the following conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � For the following reasons we cannot approve this vacation: .._.,,__, ................D Date 5� z� . APR-13 15=04 FROM CITY OF ST PAUL LIEP Repty to Vacation lnquiry File #3-2000 To: phanc # Fat # TD Glenn Picha Ciry of St. Paul RealEstate Division 68855 P.001/001 � �....�.,, . •�om: Larry � LIEP(Bldg 314 Lowry �p —t�0'� We have no objections to this vacarion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � We will approve this vacataon, subject to thc following conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ For the following reasons, we cannot approve this vacacion : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ �� Vv Date T07AL P.001 i � � . � Reply to Vacation Inquiry File #3-2000 To: G1BDII P1C}f3 City of St. Paul Real Estate Division Pvone# 266-8862 F�� 266-8855 'From: CarOle Wlllianls Library Administration ���� 90 West Fourth Street We have no objections to this vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .� We will approve this vacaUOn, subject to the following conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ For the following reasons, we cannot approve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ Signed �� ��g^� Date 7` # � � QR , W � v CHRI5 FRAME 2- S70RY FRAME APT, Area to be vacated BU/LD/N6 � BU/L�1/N�f 4 -- r cnain /ink le�ce on propaity Iine , p�oper/y /ine on biCg./ine� /- STORY ti � BLOCK BUILOlNG . PP � � I \ oTS. N0. 369 I 'n 2-STORY p 0 3 Fi7AME 2 APT. � � BU/LD/NG .C..C3�0: i�� = Z� � �l o De�otes iron monument ti Bearings shown a�e assumec rvinugA! von /exe /i� — Cu w 5 (oot� - 4QT5- SE89°S%58' SHED L9r 9 (AREA)- 4T68 SO. FT.J ' Pi6 N0.359 �� G»in /ink �ence �. � io NO. 365 � . /- STORY FRAME n NOUSE' 0• N ______..� 2- S777RY M FRAME NW89 - - 40.75- � 3 Q ca 'r'� =:4X ., e � � i 4 0 �, -- !Z5 --- � 0 u cOndefe »n/k 3.3 / -STORY � BRICX & N FRAME HOUSE � i 1 t r �t i I i � /ence /ne i i . � �. 7 �r itli i7ii �� 7: ��ri W w (}G - (�o`t I hereby certi�y tttat �4is is a true and correct repr2s�atation�of a survey cf the boUr.daries o£: Tne Wes[ 1%2 or �ct 9, B_ock 1�, Sd`_nslow's Addi�ion to Saint Pau1, accorci?�g tc the recor5ed plat tne:eoz, ana situate in ?amsey County, KinnesoCa. � It also snoeus the locat=an of ail v±s'_�12 er.croachm2nCs, ii any, from or on said iana. �s survey°d b� �:° or under m;� direct supervision this i5ttt aay oz `4arch, 2994. �1�..� �- ��.,: : _ ne�o e. Lemi_2 RLS �lilnzso�a Reg. `10 13349 ' � :., +: -� � a0 _�Q, cfl� W UQ': ? � �-` i � ��a�?� u; ���� � � j- , a o2 :X��� '�Y �� � � �i��� � e i .:.. C k .; ;� i f i i � �; i _ �, f ,� � r �d � j �i II fl � � � n 1 r _� I � �� i N N �; � , � -�^ I i ; ;j ;; �� � '! 'I i � ;, ;; , �; ;; It I; � i' f 1 � I � d {�I .� , y1 � !i � . ;� d !_ i N _ � �� - . � --A.--.__—' '.. �\I � � i ` • • • F �O f "�_ \ /�/ . � l \\ � / % � \� ��� �` �. �\ ` \ `\ \ \ � � \\'�` `'� � 3� . '\ \`\ \.:.`.�. '�'. '\�. � � `. . ', \ \�\ �� ���` �`,� ���, ��, '� t � \ i� V 'i., � ' • 1 \� V � `��. �\ \� ' ;,- \ ' \\\ \ \� � \ � � , `� � ��A� � , , . � � F, 4�-,' ., � � -, . � , _ _� �p_�8`f c w � I � . --:` . 4 � � , , � � �; � � i _. � ; d � ' 3 S' �J " �� i � h5 d CL � . Q ��! � ��; � �� � �.�'`t �� �i �� ; s� � � � �0 - -�-p =_�-=-_ -- _ -- � s � -. �,+-, �..- . ;,�� . , � .; �� .� i l�� � / t �� , � ' ' � ' � ; i , � ; „ f � Il ! RPR-10-2000 12�25 STP PRRKS & RECRERTION 612 292 74a5 P.01i01 To: Glenn Picha •�:� John Wirka Ciry of S� Panl �axks & Recreation Reply to Vacation Inquiry Rral Estata Divisiou 30o ci x�� ann� D � 1OO�f Eile #3-20UQ Yhanc+ 256-8862 �onc#t � r•�� 266-8855 I r'�" We have no objections to this vacauon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..� VJe will approve this vacauon, subjcct to thc following conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ For rhe following rzasons, we cannot approvc this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ 3i�cd � �o��-c� Datc IY�lrl��.� � PED 14 TH FLOOR I T�: Reply to Vacation lnquiry Fite #3-2000 Glecm Pichu Ciry of Sc Paul Rcal Esrate Aivision �, � 266-8852 F,�;� 256-8855 APR-13-2600 15�38 6512283220 •�m:Pau� llubrui� Planning & Ecoa Development 1i00 City Hall At P.01/04 � . (oa`l We have no objections ro this vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � W e will approve this vacation> subject to the following conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ For [he following reasons, we cannot approve this vacauon : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � � ! r 5igned Date [� - !Z"ar� RPR-13-2000 15�39 PED 14TH FLOOR CITY OF SAINT PAUL Nornz Coleman, Mayor Apri1fi,2000 Paui Dubruiel Planning & Economic Development 1100 Ciry Hall Annex Dear Mr. Dubruiel: Real Estate Division 140 Ciry Hall Saint Pau1,1vIN SS102 The CSty C1erk has refeired to this office for recommendarion the pecition of�;�opji�,5 ab: �e]#�be�T`ex for the vacation of Lhe following described prvpeny: The rectangle of propeny scven (7) fect (running north-south) by forry and 75/100 (40.75) fect (running east-west) immediately to the south of lhe following lot owned by Uppertown Preservarion I.c�gue: "The west'/a of Lo[ 9 Block I 1, Winslow's Addition to Saint �?aui, according to the recozded plat chereof situate in Ramsey County, Minneso�a." This inquiry pertains to the vacalion oY City rigl�t-of-way oniy. �epending on the petitioner's reason for requesting tl►is vacation and the intended use for the vacated righL-of- way, some or all of the utility easements may be retained. The purpose of this vacarion is<KO eliminatc lending and insurance issues. oa—�`� Will you please adv9se me of any concerns you may haue regarding this proposed vacation. I would like to receivc your comments beCore 4/23/2000 so I can prepaze a repon to [he City Council on this mattex. For your conveniencc, you will find a fax transmittal mertio containing a reply form on the rcverse side of ihis notice. If you would rathcr respond on your letterhead, please refer to the above listed file nnmbcr when replying. If you have any questions regarding this mauer please cal] Glenn Picha at 266-8&62. Sincerely, '�-^'�`� �� Glenn Picha 651228322e P.02iO4 Phone: (651)266-8850 Fox: (651) 266-8855 (3-2000cen) APR-13-2000 15�39 PED 14TH FLOOR 6512283220 P.03iO4 � ° FNAMG �y fRM/MC t .. (��ciu �v ��. .��----. • . , � BU/GO/NG �1 . BU/L�J . -'` / tnain /inR /ence Qa yoPeily b�e yaPeily Y,ne on D(dg.liae� l- SR7RY BLDCK BU�LOhvG . Jink Ience rp . /�' _' _ NO. 369 1 v 2.STORY -� s i FR,CNE , � APT � y _ 2 � � BUILO%vG � �C3ZZ: o Denotea i:on monument ti Bearings shown a=2 assu�°� wrrnr9A/ von fence line -- � W ,5 foo�'!:,:;% _ qQ7g- SE89 SHED LOT 9 /aREa)=476B SO.F7.) N0. 365 " �l- 5T'ORY � FRAME HDUSE N �i6 � /75 0 � h � Z-S70RY ,n FRAME G / NW89 ° 5758� _aR.,� _`-�_-'-,^-- =�.a `. contre�e; � a m '�'T • 1 N0.359 3.1 /-STORY � BR/GK 8 N , FRAME ! x0u5E f a � � i � � � : � fence fne i ypi,r . � concrefe x0/R ,. / �--Trr" �! :�� �:• i : i �� i �! .> : � , i_._ i W l+' G � � L(�C `f l � I hereby certi�y Cnat this is a true and corract repr2s_nCation o£ a su�e cf the boundaries oL� Tne Wast 1/2 0_ Lct 9, B=o��c 1�. ��'nslow's Add'ztion to Sa��r Paui, accorail� tc the recor3ed �lat the:aor, anfl sztuate in ?.ansey County, `iinnesota- • � xom o� on j.t also snocas the Locat±�n me or1un�er�my directCSUpervisionathis i5tn , said iann• As surveyad b� nay o= �larch, 1994. , . � � � Fs.`_-_----- Hero r- L2m1 RLS 1'�G `lizneso�a Re�. �o �s_ _ I RPR-13-2000 15=39 PED 14TH FLOOR 6512283220 P.04/04 , ( I � I ' • ' ' . ,� , • . il i - , . �p-l�D� k O 1 ' \ a ��c } . '\ '� 4 � � �� i � � � I j l \\ � � i � ` \ \ — _ \. \ •� • ." 1 . � � \\�\ `, \\ / � `^ � ` ' � � i \ \ \ . �;: �, � :�'`c4' _ � _h..._ 4 � \ / � � — , _ . i . \ \ .\ ''\ \ ' �. . � I ` .\ ' `.\�\ .\ � ' �S � \ ` � , � \ � �f \\ ' \,� S, . •` `�� \ r� � ��,`' .. ,\ `'. '\ •\ \ \ � ta� ' . � i \\ ;. � �\� .. d r � -.� � , .� , ` 3 .� „ � � �,� ;,. ,� . � � � � � ; \ , Q � 4 . �.. ' ` ' � \ ..� _ T t \ \ � \ � � � j ' ' c � ` r" r � ��� � . `1 _ ^! .. o ; c ' � �j °*a ,.-� i .o -a� : , � � 1; ,�' a co, � I� ; � �.� 2 w�� » I � I �' , , ; ; � 2 � i �� � �� ;i � � � �d ;: ' � J �� � +? �; � :' s � �r,a ASi' I I ' � � r ; a � � - .�- � b � �a ��� � ; -- -. ' � i � �, � , � � ,�� � � I � - - � -. � !� ,��� I � J \ \ .. ..._,. .. . .��_ �h � :��� � i � �� +D. . • , ' '�\ 1 � � _ + + ./ . .. .. .. , �� ' 4 ! ., � Q � � � TOTAL P.04 t ` `� i FEB-23-1908 18=38 Reply to Vacation lnquiry �ile #3-2d00 P.01 n��� 1 ro: Gtenn Picba •�„�: Betty Moran C.O. Ciry oP S[. Paui Betty M<uan Real Esrdce Divizion 974 Wcsc Sevenm Streee Sain[ Pavl, MN SSi02 Phonc# 266-8862 � 1O ^ z �? 98-5599 Faxfi 266-R855 FuxK 29R-5671 . We3�ave no objecuons to this vacacic�n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .�" We will approve This vacaa�n, subject to the foliowin� condiri�ns : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [] For the following reasons, we cannut approve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � ;� ;, : t� I � ' � �atz 1 'i a-o c� p � � tno�t TOTAL P.01 Interdepartmental Memorandum CITY OF SAINT PAUL C�t���� �3ss�rch v�rt�r To: All Councal Members ��� ��tl Q � From: Peter White Right of Way Engineer 140 City Hall 0 �—i�o�l Date: October 2, 2000 �uia��et: 1Tt�S I�epaih��*ait �acation Fi1e �Ia_ 18-2�t7� - Ph�se I._ - I recommend a public hearing before the City Councii be held on f>ctaber 25r 2�1qp . The purpose of this hearing is to consider a petition to vacate part of 7'" Street between W acouta and Sibley Streets and part of Sibley Street south of 8`� Sueet. This property is located in City Council District 2, Planning District 17. The subject peution is in proper form and has been signed by the requisite number of property owners. (1800phsl.dt) CITIZEN SERVICE OFFICE Fred Owusu, Ciry Clerk O(� _ DIVISION OF PROPERTY CODE ENFORCEMENT Michael Morehead, ProRram ManaXer CTTY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor September 22, 2000 ��� I�:Z�7�1 SUBJECT: Racquel Naylor Council Research Nancy Anderson Office of the City Council Nuisance Bui[ding Code Enforcement IS W KelZaggBlvd. Rm. !90 Tel: 65]-Z66-8440 SairstPau(,MN55102 Fax:651-266-8426 M�ine Linston Citizen Service Office, Division of Code Enforcement Public Hearings for Demolitions The following properties have been declared nuisances and are scheduled for public hearings to consider repair or demolition of the property. Address 654 Armstrong Avenue Green Sheet Number 102309 T,PaI_���t1VP NP�I'llla Tuesday, October 17, 2000 CITY COUNCIL HEARING Wednesday, October 25, 2000 PLEASE MARK YOUR CALENDAR � pc7-�`F �o Interdepartmental Memorandum CITY OF SAINT PAUL Cotxtr� R��arc� Ge,fia• To: Nancy Anderson City Council Office $�P � � �(�� 310 City Hall From: Tom Sawyer Real Estate Division 140 City Hall Date: September 18, 2000 I am requesting a date of October 25, 2000 for a Public Hearing to approve the attached Council Resolution. The purpose of the resolution is to conect an existing encroachment. I have enclosed photocopies of the Green Sheet, the Council Resolution and a map of the area to be vacated. Please let me know if there is any additional information you might need. The resolution is currently being routed for signatures along with the responses from the u6lities and other pertinent information. C/7 �� - �oo � T.M. S. /REAL ESTATE DIVISION Date: 9/7/00 Grean Sheet Number : 104746 OataCt YOSSOA dIId Phone PIUmbOi: 'Z PARTMENT DIREC'1VR � ITY C0�2iC2L Glenn Picha 266-8862 Tom Sawyer 266-8857 1= � A � ° "� 5= � °� ust be on Council Agenda by: T arnzcmx FFZCE OF FIIUNCIAL SVCS, ouncil Research: 3 YOR (OR ASSISTANI'1 OTAL # OF SIGNATIIRE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION REQIIESTED: he Uppertown Preservation League has requested the vacation of part of City ight-of-way, because the building at 365 Michigan encroaches on City right-of-way. (Vacation File number 3-2000) CO,�NDATIONB: APPROVE (A) OR REJECT (R) ERSONAL SERVICB CONTRACTS M[JST ANSWER THE FOLIqWING: Has the Berson/firm ever worked uader a coatract for this ePartment? YES NO nuxsze�a co�mussxox A sxaze Has this person/fiffi ever been a City employee3 YES No CML SSAYSCE CODL658ION Does this Barsoalfizm possess a skiil not xwxmally Hosaessed by nY YES NO cuz'rent City emgloyee7 cxa coaasmree Explain all YES answers on a seBarate sheet anfl attach. IIPPORTS 47E[ICft COIINCIL OBJECTIVE4 COIINCIL WARD(3} 'Z DISTRICT PLANNING COVNCIL 5 NITIATING PROBLEM, ISS9E, OPPORTDNITY (Who, What, Wkaen, Whera, Why?)s he property owner of 365 Michigan Street has requested the vacation of City right-of-way in order repair the istorical buildin . F�N'lAGES IF APPROVED: historical buildin will be able to be financed for re air. ISADVALSTAGES ZF APPROVED: one. ISADVAN'fAGES IF NOT APPROVED: historical buildin will not be able to financed for re air. OTAL AMOUNf OF TRANSACTION: $SOO.00 -�ST�J-REVENOS"B O 7� YES NO C� u. �i xNC somtca: - 1300-2833 r fi�' . ��rc � INANCIAL IFFOAt�II.T20N: (EXPLAZN) _ i �� t�C!L HEARI�3G � � 2 SET f0n I.�turn copy to: Real Estate Division 1rJ0 City Hall Presented By Referred To Council File # Green Sheet # Committee: Date �p_l�`"1 1 BE IT RESOLVED, that, upon the petition of Uppertown Preservation League, as documented in 2 Finance Department File Number 3-2000, public properties hereinafter described are hereby vacated and 3 discontinued as public property: and, subject to the herein stated exceptions, the easements within those 4 public properties are hereby released. 5 6 The property to be vacated is described as follows: 7 10 11 12 13 14 15 That part of Michigan Street lying northerly of a line described as commencing at the southeast corner of the west half of Lot 9, Block 11, Winslow's Addition to Saint Paul; thence North 90 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West along the south line of said Lot 9 a distance of 2.00 feet to the point of beginning of line to be described; thence South 45 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West a distance of 10.00 feet; thence North 90 degrees 00 minuCes 00 seconds West a distance of 22.75 feet; thence North 45 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West a distance of 10.00 feet to the south line of said Lot 9 and there ternunating. 16 This vacation shall be subject to the terms and condition of Chapter 130, codified Mazch 1, 1981, of the 17 Saint Paul Legisiative Code as amended, and to the following conditions: 18 19 1. 20 21 22 2. 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 3. 31 32 33 34 4. 35 That the petitioner s, their successors and assigns shall pay $500.00 as an administrative fee for this vacation which is due and payable within 60 days of the effective date of this resolution. That, with the accompanying Utility Easement Certificates of Intended Non-Use, filed voluntarily on behalf of Qwest Corporation, Incotporated, Northern States Power Company, District Energy St. Paul, Incorporated, MCI Metro Incoiporated, MediaOne, 5aint Paul Regional Water Service and The Department of Public Works, made a part hereof by this reference and filed in the office of the City Clerk of Saint Paul, the City, for itself and on behalf of these corQorations and departments, waives the right to the utility easements in the vacated azea described above. That the described area shall revert back to City right-of-way upon removal of the structure and that the property owner shall realign the sidewalk to the staisfaction of the City of Saint Paul, Department of Pub]ic Works. That the petitioners, their successors and assigns agree to indemnify, defend and save hannless the City of Saint Paul, its officers and employees from all suits, actions or c]aims of any character RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � �a _ �aoy 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 ?7 28 29 brought as a result of injuries or damages received ot sustained by any person, persons or property on account of this vacation or petitioners' use of this property, including but not limited to, a ciaim brought because of any act of omission, neglect, or misconduct of said petitioners or because of any claims or liability arising from any violation of any law or regulation made in accordance with the law, whether by the petitioners or any of their agents or employees. 5. That the petitioners, their successors and assin s shall, within 60 days of the effective date of this resolution, file with the City Clerk an acceptance in writing of the conditions of this resolution and shall, within the period(s) specified in the terms and conditions of this resolution, comply in all respects with these terms and conditions. Requested by Department of: Technoloav & ManaQement Services � Directar By: Approved by Mayor: Date By: Form Approved by City Attorney : Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by Council Secretary f'OR � � y � V CHRIS A BU/LD/NG Fvoper/y /ine on D�eq./ine� /- STORY BLOCK ti � z- sroRr fRAME APT. Area to be vacated BUlL� N�l �cnain /rak lence on propar7y /ine , t �PP --_ D � - ���`{ - 4Q75- � � SEB9°SY58�� 5� yEa� LOr 9 (AREAJ=4T68 SO.Fr) ' pi�Pei'�y N0.359 BU/LOlN6 - PP - y � NO. 369 2-STORY fRAME AP7. y �� � 8U/LO/NG CCdlZ: = 2.� o Denotes iron monument Sear_ngs shown a�e assumec inovgAl van /exe /r� - W w �� [/nin /ink /ence x I _ - •-' t i7 � io � NO. 365 J � p ^ /- STORY i FRAME 2 p n HOUSE o �� ----- < � � � 2- S70RY N ro FRAME NWB9 v _- _an �� .J` /00l;�.:�: � :' , 4 a LOnC/Cf8 � � � • �"__ > o [OOCfB1B WO/.f 3.3 /-STORY � gR�CK � N FRAh1E ' HOUSE i � � � � t i v � � I � i �ne � = t�1 I��.� " .• c� .�,A�/'i��i��AA� ^�l:r'r_; r ill...Ii/Ji-ii .) i.i_�_i W w I hereby certi'y that t4is is a true and corract repres�ntation'of a survey cs the boundaries oL": Tne West 1%2 or i,ct 9, B:ock 11, :dinslow's Addi�ion to Sa±�t Pau1, accoraing tc the recoraea plat tnereor, ana situate in ?.ansey County, �tinnesota. • It also sho�os the locat_on of ai1 vis?b12 er.croachmznts, ii any, from or or said iann. :�s surve�ed by me or under my direct superv=sion chis i5tn day oi yarch, 1994. � �.• � �_ : ne�o r. �2mi_2 RLS �li:�n2sota Re,. Vo 13.344 � /75 � 8 �� �i� �� _�o�y NOTICE OF PUHLIC FiEARING Notice is hereby given that the petition of Uppertown Preservation League, for the vacation of that part of Michigan Street as more fully described on file and on record in the office of the City Clerk of Saint Paul, Minnesota, will be heard and considered by the Saint Paul City Council at a meeting to be held in the Council Chambers on the 3rd flaor of City Hall and Court Aouse on the 25th day of October, 2000 at 5:30 P.M. Dated September 21, 2000 Shari Moore Deputy City Clerk (September 25, 2600) s�_ e2�so?,;,i, �2??f� �iw� � � ���Q