85-1244 WHITE - CITV CLERK COIlI1C11 T PfNK' -FINANCE GIITY OF SAINT PAUL ��/ �j( CANARV - DEPARTMENT r /� BLUE - MAVOR File NO. `� /�" � Return copy to: � c�l Resolution Valuations — Room 2 8 Presented y - Referre o l (�L= Committee: Date �����J Out of Committee By Date WF�RtFEAS, in 1980 a ha ardous building proceeding was �mmenced for the demolition of a structure containing a heating plant/dwelling unit at the rear of the condoaniniimn bu'lding at 184 North Kent, and WI�RE'AS, the parcel of land on which the hazardous building was situated is a land-locked parcel ith the property identification number 07-84400- 11404, (hereinafter refer ed to as the subject property) and WF�RF.AS, the building was demolished some time in October of 1982, and a formal notice of Lis Pen ens regarding the demolition was of record until that time, and WHEREAS, the taxes o the subject property during the pendency of the demolition proceeding ere not being paid and as a result, the subject property w�ent tax forfeit and WHEREAS, the Ramse County Land Commissioner requested a pending assessment check done by he Valuation arx7 Assessment Divisi� on or about December 20, 1982 prio to holding a tax forfeit land sale of subject property and at that time� the cost of the demolition had not yet been leuied against the subject prop�rty, and WHEREAS, on Januar 18, 1983, the Valuation and Assessment Division received first notificat �n of the summary abatement for the demolition of the hazardous structure the subject property in the amount of $3200.00 and i WHEREAS, the tax f�rfeit land sale was held on January 28, 1983, at which time the Elgin Co minium Association purchased the subject property for $2500.00 which price was established by the Ramsey County Land Commissioner based on h s knowledge of land values ar�d his informati� that no pending asssessments existed as of December 20, 1982, and � COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: [n Favor Finance & Mana ement Services _ __ Against BY — irector OI �" rm Approved by City Attorney Adopted hy Council: Date -��y�� Certified Yassed by Council Secretary i BY � �C-�--��-1�o � By� Approved by Mayor. Date — ' Appr by Mayor for S i i�n to Council By _ --�--- g � i i I WHI7E - CITV CLERK P�,K' -FINANCE G TY OF SAINT I�AUL Council p� �a� CANARV - OEPARTMENT File NO. �/ y � BLUE - MAVOR Valuationsy-tRoom 218 ouncil Resolution Presented By Referred To i Committee: Date Out of Committee By I Date Wf�RF'�AS, the siunnary tement assessment for demolition of a hazardous structure was ratified b the Saint Paul City Council on April 12, 1983 and became a levied assess ent on June 11, 1983 at which time the Elgin Condominium Association, as a contract purchaser, was notifi�ed by invoice of the levied assessment, and WHEREAS, normally t ese assessments would be included in the purchase prioe of property sold in tax forfeiture proceedings and the City reimbursed for its costs, in this ticular instance the costs of demolition had not been "officially" levied an assessment at the time of the tax forfeiture sale, resulting in the sey County Iand Commisssioner not including the demolition cost in his v uation of the property, and WHEREAS, in weighin the equities of this situation we believe it would not be appropria for this property to return to a tax forfeiture status for failure to pa these demolition �sts, and Wf�FtE'AS, the assessm�ent will be paid out of the summary abatement fund, and � BE IT THEREFORE ISOLVED, that the proper City departments are authorized to notify Ram�ey County Taxation to abate assessment number 9136 for demolition of a haz�rdous structure in the amount of $3200.00 plus the interest that has accrue�7 ; � i I COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dre�v Masanz [n Favor F Nicos�� �" _ __ Against BY — Sonnen 2CtOr � -�,,,� SEP 1 Z 1985 rm Approved City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Pas d b ouncil Sec By � O � By Approved by 1�lavor• a - �— -�sSEP 1 ���r by Mayor for Submi on Co cil By — ' BY PUBLlSNE S E P 2 1 1985 i Finance & Mana ement Services �EPARTMENT ����yl/N4 2200 D lson � , CONTACT 298-5317 PHONE ' Jul 18 1 85 DATE 1 Q/�r� �r � ASSIGN NUMBER FOR ROUTING ORDER C i Al1 Locations for Si nature : �epartment Director 3 Director of Management/Mayor inance and Management Service Director�p,�-� 5 City Clerk � Budget Director �'���� 6 vaivations � City Attorney �� Councilman Scheibel WHAT WILL BE ACHIEVED BY TAKING A TION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ Rationale) : the Summa y Abatement assessment on property identification ��07-84400- 11404 will be removed from the ta roll. The subject property is being purchased from the Ramsey County Forfeit Lands Sale. ��CEi4'�:D AUG 5 'i985 COST/BENEFIT, BUDGETARY AND PERSO NEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: MAYOR'S OFFICE This assessment for demolition o a hazardous structure on the property identified by property identification number 07-84400-1 404 and located behind 182-184 Kent Street will be abated and will be paid from the Summary Ab tement Fund. FINANCING SOURCE AND BUDGET ACTI ITY NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- ture not re- Total Amount of Transaction: quired if under $10,00Q) Funding Source• Summary Abat ment Fund Activity Number: ATTACHMENTS List and Number All Attachments : �rr�'�� ''�'1 � 1. Council Resolution to be co sidered � _ 2. Letter to Elgin Condominium Association agreeing to abate assessmen � � ` � 3. Map �,I l� � OF�ir.� , , DEP:> . : �pNp M,�,; , ._ _ .__ DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW x Yes No Council Resolutio Required? Resolution Required? Yes No Yes x No Insurance Require ? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No Yes X No Insurance Attache : (SEE R VERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/84 �_ „ �"� 50 �l 66 i SI.2 So I . . O''1 �y �tb C� � S6o � . � S34 �/`—aJ` - /v7�� ' C l.G�N CoN.Dc� � 4 , 2 � 11 t0 9 � � t o ! . f C'oR��.I TED LA�I� � �• . � , N � � N 0 � .. iaZ � Zor � �`� ► e2. O 2 a� i 19 20 21 22 12 13 14 15 16 ( 7 ! I^I�7 ���W� �� -T3 -I S49 •4 a��`GI IJ C U^I�0/v�I N I t�1►� sas I FEE O WNEQs �. u .'l0 7/ So �� �� �� ., i i2. � - • I10 . bAY ToN A V� ;A P7 I �g o-04 . °� 2 � ;� CHAQTFrQ3 ANOEQ,SpK .. � c.s zi .z �� �� �� �� r 390 ,�y a�• 'i os: � `�r,� S3� ( p Y �2� °' � � °` a' � � qd-a , 4 ��,y �-► ,� � � 2 ; � � �° T 6 5 4' ��.t.�cf /3Ap,.�Tj' r 3?�� Z ' o ti 3 ' a�� o . o O , I`�P� 3 �dG-��} � � � �' ��,� o < ne ��9 ,; R�'A�.O � MaRY aA2zpk . �9 2 � �2 2 � g , ioZ 10 °'� 04 I Z I 3 I 4 I 5 � a� �" � � ';, oM` o �4 °� �; S�F 9 lI�1 (�� y ,2/a-o4 .r r� o � .b 0 ��' n �t �� t I , Mu1�QqY w(,���� AOAM • �.7 I.����j �j � I1 V Ei � •$O I r•2e� r= � 1`� �'�1�� I��Q��C'' �r SO 7� ! S' i� �� .� a � ST�- ° o/L i � �,3� �R°l. `�NoN�lf � e ! � ��� I � ° -rr.�_ i B,s � „ • o0 � .� � . o gf � ' � � g7o� 7 ' 6 (� pY !� �30-04 � ��. � � r � N ���! t �� 8 � ti, Q �t�T � � , tocj So�1iv o��ki �'YE�o� 031 i o � � oG Fi � oio +� . � oF °9 c ^ � h APA '►'MENT • Z32 d �W t?SN�� o��c� NO. 6 3 Zp� 07-$ 40:.-3so- � � � o 0 Z z I 9 20 Z 1 2,.'_ N � I 2 I 3 � I z I 5` I 6 17 I 't KEN7 QU�af�r �- ` puD � 8� W $T' 1- d� W 6 ': Q �e s, .. ,� o so „ „ ,. •. � � y•�,. ;y � � i � ' (�c�.�-ia�y ,�•**�. TY OF SAINT PAU� e+ ': � OFFICE OF THE MAYOR .+ _� � � �� Ao I .,.. 347 CITY HALL ! SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 GEORGE LATIMER ; (612) 298-4323 MAYOR + � i July 17, 1985 . Elgin Oondominium Assoc ati� Attention: Hank Hanten 182-184 North Kent Str t Saint Paul, Minnesota 5102 Re: Fbrfeited Propert - Contract #22818 Parcel Code #07-8 400-114-04 . . Dear Association Membe s: In response to your la est vorrespondence, I directed the Real Estate Secti� of the Department of F nance and Management Services to review the files az the abave property. is has been vompleted and the subject property was viewed by the Supervi r of Real Estate. Z'he records indicate lat City officials fo]lowed the proper procedure in both the removal of the ha�rzardous structure located on the subject property and the assessment of c�ost for such removal. Al1 possible parties of interest including several rs of the Elgin Condanini�un Association were notified _ of the pendency of the City action. Normally these asses�sments would be included in the purchase price of property sold in tax fprfeiture proceedings ar� the City reimbursed for its costs. Unfortunatel in this particular instance the costs of demolition had not been "officia ly" levied as an assessment at the time of the tax forfeiture sale. As result the Ramsey County Land Qommissioner did riot iriclude such costs in �is valuation of the property. Weighing the equiti s of this situation we believe it would not be appropriate for this property to return to a tax forfeiture status for failure to pay these emolition vosts. I have, therefore, d'rected the property department to proceed to City Council and request t removal of this assessment from the real estate tax rolls. Should you have any questions, please feel free to call David Nelson, � �46 I � , , ���-ia��/ � .- , � Supervisor of Real Est te at 298-5317 who will see that this matter is brought to a satisfactor conclusion. Very truly yours, George Latimer Mayor GL:YK:ag cc: J. William Donovan John McCormick Zbny Reiter (Elgin) ; i i , �I �I � � I � �� j I � fr-:�._��- ��`�:�r�-, , l.i.11rl'�..'" 0.��' .►�'AYNT. �.�.T.J� �c�/�'_/07�� s'-. i ��� \`t; ` �.}� =,�+a:�-`,,::1 � 1 D.V�I.�ZC.T�'. �� ����: �%YZ�Y C4Ui�''C.Fr. . ;: t��,-�..:���_�=:� �:�� � . . :r•.� !-`�`,/ � D o t e : September 5, 198 5 '�;,��,;,r.,,_ . ,: y;�:;,. • . . •�.... . . . CO iVl I��" � E R E P O � T � . . � . TO � Saln� P� I Cifiy Gou � �i! . . . � ;; i; ��: ,: . � , • • . • :• � ,, : - •�P �.n�j = C O T'�1� j j-�` � ' O j-; ' FINANCE,, MANAGEMENT & PERSONNEL „ . , �• �;�•. ,,.� C�-lI�,� R, .J ES •SCHEIBEL . , , ,. . . . ;�: � - , , . .. .- , . � , _ � ,! • t�i. . ,-.. � , , � , i)I�i� ����� � . . �' I '� �� - .... . ._. . . � . i-' . , _ _ . , i.. , ii ;� i �- . .,� < <� • , � '_ , .tL, . . . . , ' . • i � . i � �,t i I :11:[�.i i! f fi��) � "� •j j � �.i� f.`11���� . . ��iU�1 � . .1 � i•11 I . ,� �. ..r . . . ! �'1i , "fll'i::�n I.yl; �.�) �n � !+!, . .I . •j k` i�.. ''�5�; •�, , 1Ir � ! �. - . - 1. Approval of minutes�from' meet`ing held•August��22, �1985. ��RO�/f-O�• - � 2. Revi ew�'pf�;l ett�er to' property' owners'for 'street�'mai ntenance assessment �: . hear i ngs. ' (Pub`i i ci. orks) �No Ac�7bN-�-�tl�C£SSARyI. y��� : . , ; �, � . . . . 3�. "R�orUt i on amencl�i ng' the-� I 985''budget�by��add i ng'�$21�,215��to the F i nanc i ng = `.','� P 1`an-'ancl to�ttie' Spe d i ng P i en' for Refu se'Co l l ect i on I nterna l Serv i ce ..-. ' �. " � ' ` Fund.,����Publ�ic Work ) ' Nd::,:2`f�COM.M:PaV�io�;-�.OUT. =aF Cot�M.l'�T��. j3�� .Tn . ' ' CbJ�C,LC.. 4. "Letters''of �Che'`Sta� 'Departrrient �of� Revenue transmitti�ng appl ica�ions for '!`� reduct�i on� �of `assess�d .:va 1`uat i on' o� �certa i n-��rea 1 � estate - App:'#3 I9837 by � � �- Keith T: Harstad; A p. #319937 by :Sussel Company,�` Inc. ;� �and App': •#319809 . , by Un i var Corporat i�n. w� �ttoa N��5��• � . . .�i( it-1ti?� i 4. .r�i . , , . -t �I� —�i,���i� , _ . . . ' `7: � � �c�!1 � . � � . . ..'!i.:�1• i'.�� . . . . - • 5: Letter'�of the''State`� Department of� Revenue'transm i tt i ng app 1 i cat�i�en�of � Gordon Abrahamson # 19594 for reduction in assessed valuation of certain • �� • real estate. No .A� 'rlo.� _ • . tcE sS�Flty, , . •. 6. Resolution amendinglthe 1985 budget by transferring $500 from Contingent Reserve to Departme�t of PED for the Chi ld Care Task Force. (PED) IMP2��t�. 7. Resolution amending the 1985 budget by adding $66,833 to the Financing - Plan and Spending lan for Pub.lic Health Special Projects-Support Ser- vices. (Community Services) P�rF'PR0�1F� � ' (Continued on Back) , . � . . CITY HALL ' � � SI�VENT�I FLOOI: SAINT PAUL, Tilti'\'ESOT1�SSIO? . '�i�, . . .• _ ._ _ _.__.___,._...�._,.____.._,._.__M_.�,.�.,�.w_.._��_ ,_._. _. . __ _ __ ....�. _.__. _.___... �,,,,,a.�,,,,,,�,,,_... I � � � ��.s/��� �� , . iPage 2 8. Resolution authorizl g abatement to Rams� N°UKent inetheeamount3off$3200 demotition of a haza�rdous structure at 1 p�us i nterest. (F i r�nce 8 Management) '+�PPR-�� • 9. Ordinance creating hapter 40 oF the Administrative Code and providing for payment of relocati�n fees to City employees. (Mayor) L�D b V�R• 10. Resolution amendinglthe 1985 budget by adding $40,000 to the Financing Plan and Spending P a�v�p Executive Administration-Homegrown Economy Project. (Mayor) � � 11 . Resolution amendinglthe 1985 b�dget by adding $8, 111 to the Financing Plan and Spending P�an for Special Projects-Gene al Government, Roy pr�PKo v�n.. .Wiikins Audi,tor.ium �temor,iai. Grant. ..,(Mayor), , . ,, , . .� _ 12. ::�Re�Q i ut.i on_;amend j R .;Sect i on 3 ,of the,C i v j 1_ Serv i ce Ru 1�s concern i ng positions in the .Cl�assified Service. (Personnel ) ,�;!�; ���`,� . 13. �� Re.solution amendin � the;Salary�Pian ,and Rates;of.,,Cpmpensation,Resolu- • ��t;i on by; �l:nsert i ng,t�ew rates of pay for.Recr,eat i on;A i de and Recr.eat i o�n�J�. ° " :�"�i�,; ,,;•,. Leader: I under; the '�,fieading of:;"Spec,ial.;.Employmen�"..,.. (Personnel ) R'1� ,A __. �/ - 14. :: Reso 1 ut i on amend i n� the Sa 1 ary,f'1 an an�l,,,Rates.of Compensat i on Reso 1 u- �,:, � tion� by inserting �n, .Grade ._1 6 .t he ti t le A d m i n i s t r a t i v e Asst.stant as an PRc���, '_ �.��� �. i Unc.lassified, posit�on. , ,_(Per.son�el }, � r, S_;�, �: � -�,:�, . r� . �� . , y: : ';-:.- : ;" _f. .: . _ ' .. - :''` ,�. :-�.) :. • ' :P.. �: � 15. Ordinance establis ing the title of Adm�nistrative Assistant in the ��. Rol,i ce�� Department.; �i r1.,the;. Uncl ass i f;i.ed-.Serv i ce.:, (Per-sonnel ), �f?PR��/'� ili: il`ll 1lJ fiQ( jC'�.�i, . }J.i�-D.� :�::.: , 11•.� , .i. ��i.. . � 'S"�-� �:{::7C�� f-.'� .� ',�: .�.,..1 . . ., . . . . � .:=;i i�� � .V= . • �t. . , . � "i , , � . ..'_� _ . . ,�.•' . ,• ! { 11 �(• •�� IIl!�i t l llli � J(1'! � I; . i! . iri' :i� , ll . .�: , . .. �; • . _ . . 1 ,. =� I.� .'I t'. . �i , �": . -� . . , . � , .-f; . � �, � � •i. ... � ' . , I ,, , .. .. . .. . �c., .. ,� �.t � :i-F 4 + !,. � , ,; .�.� . � +�. , .. . . , , . - . ; , ,. ,, � � _ , , i , � , .. � , , � ' � , . . . . .', , . . -- , , , ,, , . � � . ,r �� ��. �: ,.�; . . . - . . . I . �r.r .. . . . . .. . '_► . .•�.a�L'JV tit»I U�