85-1235 WNITE r CITY CLERK PINK - FINANCE _ I TY OF SA I NT PA U L Council �IT nn CANARV - DEPARTMENT File NO• vv —/v,� 9iUE - MAVOR � oun il �R solution Presented '� ���� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, The Mayor pursuant to Section 10.07.1 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul , does certify that there are available for appropriation total revenues in excess of those estimated in the 1g85 budget; and WHEREAS, Council File 27751 , adopted October t , 1981 , did establish certain Special Fund Policies; and WHEREAS, The Mayor reco�nends that the following additions be made to the 1985 budget: FINANCING PLAN Current Budget Changes Amended Budget 210 Refuse Collection Intern 1 Service Fund 12302-0200 Fund Balance -0- 21 ,215 21 ,215 SPENDING PLAN 210 Refuse Coilection Intern 1 Service Fund 12302-537-000 Operating Transfer Out -0- 17,740 17,740 123�2-536-000 Residuai quity Transfer -0- 3,475 3,475 -o- 21 ,2i5 2t ,2t5 NOW� THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLV D, that the City Council adopts the above addition to the 1985 Budget. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Sd�tJ�tl Nays � Publ ic Wor'k5 Drew In Favor � Masanz Nicosia scnetbei __ Against BY Ta �j� 8`r ponald E. Nygaard Adopted by Council: Date S P 1 2 '� Form Approv� y 6 ity A8 rney Certified Y�:- b Counr.il , et BY By t�pproved b � or: D — � � �� SEP � 2 �►ppr by Mayor for Sub io o Council By By PUBLISHED S P 21 198�5 Publ ic Works DEPARTMENT �G �C�,S-/��NO 250 . � ce Bluel .� �ONTACT • 298-4620 PHONE � �� � ,1u1 y 26, 1985 DATE e e ASSIGN NUMBER FOR ROUTING ORDER li All Locations for Si nature : tor 4 Director of Management/Mayor $ Finance and Management Servi s Director 6 City Clerk � Budget Director 5 Chair, Ffnance, Mngmt. Canm. City Attorney � �ty ounc� WHAT WILL BE ACHIEVED BY TAKING CTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ Rationale) : To close out Refuse Coliectio internal Service fund. (This reptaces C.F. 85-127, dated 2-1-85) ���I�S �\ ,�- COST/BENEFIT BUDGETARY AND PERS NEL IMPACTS ' ICIPATED: This service � •a i s no longer performed by c i t . ���G' ^ ���C� �.�fr, c� � .����, i�d�„ ���� CF FINANCING SOURCE AND BUDGET ACTI ITY NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- ture not re- Total Amount of Transaction: $21 ,215 quired if under $10,OOQ) Funding Source: Fund Balanc Activity Number: 123�2 ATTACHMENTS List and Number All Attachments : � DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW X Yes No Council Resolution Required? Resolution Required? Yes No Yes X�`�lVo Insurance Required Insurance Sufficient? Yes No Yes �No Insurance Attached (SEE RE ERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/84 ' '',`' ,`�=�� � `1-' -Y 0 S�' .�A.YN'1� �.ELUL , ff-:��+<<� = ^� • :: . : . ���✓�=/a3� _ �,�+ _. ��'� � � . i _ i r .- � :� }�r} r� xcr o� 2xxz� c.x2� coII�c�r� ;;��� t�':��;'==:;�=1 j'.`� � . .. ti�-'�..� ��` /;~ � � � Dote : September 5, 19a5 �:�'�=:�"��� . �y;�::,,. _ • . , •o:... . . . C � (VI f�T � E REPO � T � �� = Saln� F'� I Ci�-� Councit . � .� � . _;, �; �,: ,_ ., , . . : . ,.. :. , �. - 'F�' O-���° ' �C-�T'S1�3 I 1�` � � Q j� ` FINANCE,. MANAGEMENT & PERSONNEL ' ,, , , , , ,,.i C�-!A.1 P, ..J ES ,SCHEIBEL „ , , . � . � ;,: � , ;.,, _ . .- , . , ., . . . � ,� . - ' �•�. , . � , • � , ��j�i�� �iJ I .0 � • . „ ! 'i �i . .... . .. r .��. . (�` , " - . . _ �_ ;f!� . � i.�� i! i ��" i`.f'.. � � �.1 i. �i , � � - .. .. � � . . . � � ` t , �i.. . . . � .-I . t_ei1 1(:t•.�if I E�:�! / •! I I � .i'r I'lll�i! , , � ,'"�L}l)1'� � . ,i F � •IIi . ,. _.�. . , ..� . . „ . ! c . _,, , f(t.��'�n i`� �, �:) �ri `!'�._- ..') , �j . !' (t.. .i5��- .�...'� iir 't`} i �. 5� _ . . 1. Approva 1 of m i nutes �fram' meet`i ng he 1 d•August��22� '1985. ��(t0✓�U • - � 2. �Review of�;,letter to property' owners'for 'streefi maintenance asses�ment �: . hearings. " (Pubi ic4: orks) '•No Aq7b+��=�tJfCESSARS/. �r;� . r ;., ,:-,: . 3: �'R�d'TU�=ton `amend�i ng 'the� 1985�-'budget�i by F�addi ng F�21t,21����o �the F i nanc i ng � , `';` P 1'an'and �to�ttie' Spe d i ng P l an' for Refuse'�Col i ect i on�• I nterna 1s-Serv�S ce .---. � � � , � Fund.�,r,�Publ�i c Work ) '� Nd ,.,_2��p1�LM:fiV��o,J t-_Oth"•,:aF, Cel►��t`t'T'��. f�J��'tv . ' ' COJ1u CtL. 4. U Lptters�`of �he`�Stet �Department �of�Revenue transmi tt i�ng appl i ca�i ons for '►`� reduct�i on�of `assess d :va l`uat i on" o� �certa i�n���rea l � estate �- App:'#319837 .by � �' Ke i th T: Harstad; A p. #319937 by:Sussel �Cornpany,�` I nc. ;'�'and App`: •#3!9809 by Un.i var Corporat i n. w� �ioa +�����• . . . .. ..i( iClY',�. i._ .� • . .t. .� .C. 7-ii�li�� . . _ . . � .' `7: .� �TI�:� ��. . ' � ` - -.��L;II� -i-.� . . . - � 5: Letter'�of the''Stat� Department of� Revenue'transmitting applicat�ion�of � Gordon Abrahamson 319594 for reduction in assessed valuation of certain � �� � � reai estate. •�d � n��y, - ` - •, 6. Resolution amendin the 1985 budget by transferring $500 from Contingent Reserve to Departm nt of PED for the Chi ld Care Task Force. (PED) l4-PP���3. 7. Resolution amendi�n the 1985 budget by adding $66,833 to the Financing - Plan and Spending lan for Public Health Special Projects-Support Ser- vices. (Community Services) Pcf''P�Eb � � � {Continued on Back� . CITY HALL S VENTFI FLOOIt • , . SAINT PAUI., I►tt1'\�ES�T:� 5510Z ' '�i�+ . . . _ __._. _ - -----_�..n,�...�_..�.___ _�.�.._.,.._...,. •