85-1234 WHITE - C�Ty CLER�'C � ' ' �� t PINK - FINANCE COI111C11 � BI.UERy-MAVORTMENT ITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO.�/�� .- y � rdin�nce Ordinance N 0. ���a� Presente y R red To �� Committee: Date / ��"�� Out of Committee By Date An ordin nce pertaining to building trades business licenses and ertificates of competency; amending the St. Paul Legi lative Code, Chapters 369, 370, and 310. THE COUI�TCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Chapter 69 of the St. Paul Legislative Code is amended to read as follows CHAPTER 69. BUILDING TRADES BUSINESS LICENSES /369.01_7' /FRO EDURES; DEFINITIONS.7 The provisions of Cha. ter 3T0 o the St. P ul Le isI'ative"�o�c e en�i'�Ied ni orm Lice se Proce ures s w ere a ro riate b 1' 1 to this cha ter exce t t at certairt terms s 1 b d f' d as follows : /�CTILDING OFF CIAL.7 Wherever the term "buildin official" is used in ch ter 310 and in t is c a � ter it s e e m n he d i the division o usin an buildin code enforcement of the de artment of communit services of t e cit of Saint Paul. /]SIVISION.? erever the term "division" is used in - t 't e n the division f housin and bui din code enforcement of the de art ent of communit services of 't e cit /�'NSPECTOR.7' erever the term "ins ector" is used in cha ter 31� ' t shall be held to mean the buildi o icia or is 'desi nee. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays et��r Sonnen Coinmunity Services Drew , In Favor Masanz Nicosia B � Scheibel A gai n s t Y Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: Date Form Ap rov d by City Attorney` , Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY C � Z—} �� Ay Approved by Mayor: Date Appr y Mayor for Sub s' Couaeil By By � � �������� i���� Page 2. /369.02.7' /LIC NSE REQUIRED�7' Any person, firmi or cor- poration �esi ing to engage in the business of construc- tion, alterat on, repair, installationi or servicing of any building, structure, or part or accessory thereof, as listed bel w, shall first obtain a license to engage in such busin ss . Licenses shall be issued in the classificatio s and manner herein prescribed. (1) Concrete Masonry and Cement Finishing (for work on one a d two family dwellings and their accessory structur s only) � Con rete mason and cement f inisher � Con rete mason � Ceme t finisher � Fuel Burn r E ui ment and S stems Installation an e ai (a Gas t�.r�e�-�xe�a��a��e�-a��-�epa�� 1, lass A (Unlimited capacity) 2 . lass B (1 ,000,000 Btu capacity or less) ote: No new Class B licenses shall be issue • on ose ersons now o in C ass icenses ma renew e ass icense. (b) Oil �.�.e�-��e�a��a��ex-axd-Repa�� l. lass A (Unlimited capacity) 2 . lass B (1,000,000 Btu capacity or less) ote: No new Class B licenses shall be issue • on t ose ersons now o ing ass icenses ma� renew the Class B license. `��c. s ���5 ���. (�= �,5-i� ��/ /7.�0� Page 3. c Fue s other than as and oil. (3) Plasteri g (Includes lathing and spray-on fireproofing) (4) Plumbing (5) Refrigeration Equipment Insta.11ation and Repair (a) Clas A (Unlimited capacity) (b) Clas B (60,000 Btu capacity or less) Note: No new Class B licenses shall be issue on t ose�persons now �o 'cTin ass � Zicenses ma renew t e Class B license. (6) Steamfitt ng and Pipin� System Installation and Repair (a) Clas A--Hi-Lo (b) Clas B--Hi-Lo �e�--6�as -A--�e E��--6�as -B--�e Note No new Class B licenses shall� be issue • on t ose ersons now o ing ass icenses may renew the Class B license. (7) Warm Air eating Installation and Repair (8) Ventilati n Installation and Repair /�'69.03.7 /�'EE. The fee required is ��9A $120., which incluaes an a lication rocessin char e. /369.04^7 /LICE ING REQUIREMENTS ./ /Subdivision 1. /APPLICATION; REV�:EW; APPROVAL_? �ach applicant hall make application to the ��eer�9e ��9pee�e� build'n official on such forms and contain- ing such inform tion as t e ��ee�se-��egee�e� b_�ui��ldi�n� official shall equire, and the requisite fee s�i ia T`�� accompany the a plication. Com liance with the ro- visions of sect on 310.02 su ivision wi no e `J/A�'y�C. 4�nV" � ��� ��,�,�-,��.�� /�.�o� Page 4. re uired for he issuance of this license. The appli- cation when c mp leted shall be �e�e��e�-�e-�l�e-����9�e�. e�-k.etse�ng-an -bt3���.��g-ee�e-e�.�e�eex�e��-�e�-�e��e6a-a�.�. a-�eeex�e�.�.a� e�.-a�-agp�e�aa�-e�-�e�ee��e� reviewed b the buildin fficial and either a roved or re ec e . All a licati ns s all e ke t on file t e division or ive ear . /�ubd. 2_7 / ERTIFICATE OF COMPETENCY ? Except as here- inafter othe ise provided, an appropriate master s build- in trades ce tificate of competency shall be a prerequi- site to t e i suance of all licenses enumerated in section 369:A� 369.02 Any applicant for such license shall submit ti�e na e of the responsible ee�����e�-ge�9e� cer- tificate hold r to be entered upon the license. Where a icense is esired by a partnership, firm, or corpora- tion, �l�a�-pe sex the certificate holder shall be a re- sponsible ful time emp oyee or a u ime member of the a�plying irm, partnership� or corporation. Failure to maintain a �eqt���e� current certificate of competency ex�re�� or th disassociation of the holder from the licensed busi ess shall void the license. /�ubd. 3_7 EMPORARY LICENSE_7 Where a certificate of competency is a prerequisite for issuance of a li- cense, the building afficial may approve the issuance of a temporary license until the time� of �Fie next cer- tificate of co petency examination, provided: (1) a determi ation of the qualifications of the appli- cant is de, and (2) all other requirements of this chapter are complied with. Where state li enses are required, no temporary license shall be issue unless the applicant holds a state license. �ubd. 4.7 � SURANCE REQUIREMENTS .7 No license granted under this cFia ter shall become effective until the li- censee shall ve filed evidence of gttb��e com rehensive �eneral liabil ty insurance, approved as to orm y e city attorney, in minimum amounts as follows : �}ee;eee 200 000 for b dily injury to or death of one person an su �ect to the same limit for each person, $3AA;�AA 600 000 on ac ount of any one accident, and ��A;9AA � for d mage to or destruction of property in any one accide t. Said olic shall contain a clause that the insur r cannot cancel or c an e t e insurance wi ou irs ivin e ui in o icia a s prior notice. �� \��_ �2� � � �-��--_ ,�3 s� i��63 Page S. It is a misde eanor violation for an one to o erate a usiness un e a icense issue ursuan to t is c a ter un ess suc i surance re uirements ve een com ie wit . /Subd. 5_7 ECIPROCITY, WARM AIR HEATING INSTALLATION AND REPAIR.T Whenever the applicant for a license for Warm Air I�eat'ng Installation and Repair is licensed or authorized in any other municipality of this state to engage in the said business , the applicant shall be is- sued a licens to engage in that business in the city of Saint Paul upon payment of the requisite fees , pro- vided such mu icipality has requirements for a license and ea��. a ce tificate of competency equal to those of the city o in au , as shall be determined by the building offi ial, and said applicant shall have complied with section �9:�4 370.15, subdivision 1 of this code. Where a licen ee operating under the reciprocal arrange- ment fails to ake required corrections after being duly notified by t e division e�-k.ex9�xg-a��.-bts��d��g-ee�.e e��e�ee�ex� w ere work has been don e, such failure or lack of compl'ance will then be recorded and information relative thereto will be forwarded to the locality where the license is held. �ubd. 6_7 RK PERFORMED BY CERTIFICATE HOLDER ONLY^7 No license hol er shall allow or authorize an em lo ee or oti�.er erso n to o wor or w ic a ui in tra e cer i ica e o com e enc is re uire ursuan o c a ter o t e St. Paul Le islative Code un ess such em o ee or ot er erson olds t e a ro riate certificate o com e enc s re uire a c a er or is a re is- tere a renti e as e ine in section . . /369.05.7 �PECIAL SITUATIONS.7 /�ubdivision 1.? /AIR CONDITIONING_? To engage in the business o air conditioning installation, repairi or alteration, a business shall be licensed �e�-�l�.e ursua.nt to th rovisions of this cha ter for each t e o wor in erformed. /�'ubd. 2.7' ECTRICAL_�' Althou h not re uired b this cha ter-'t obtain a bui in tra es usiness icense, any p rson, irmi or corpora ion esiring to engage in the usiness of electrical contracting in the city of Sa'nt Paul shall first obtain an electrical contractor's 1'cense from the state board of electricity �J'�` ` �� �� � �F��-��3� �7� 0� Page 6. in accordance with section 326.242, subdivision 6 of Minnesota Sta utes . In order to secure permits and per- form electric 1 work in the city of Saint Paul, the elec- trical contra tor shall register with the division e€ l�etse��g-axd-b ���.��.g-eaele-e��e�eex�ex� and file a certi- fied copy of is Minnesota contractor's license and his Class A elect ician license. /�69.06^? /�P RATION AND RENEWAL OF LICENSE_7 /�ubdivision .7 /�XPIRATION.7 Al1 licenses issued under the pro isions of this chapter shall expire on the last day f the calendar year of issuance unless sooner revoke or forfeited. If a license granted here- under is not enewed previous to its expiration, then all rights gr nted by such license shall cease. ar�d-a�� �ae�l�-pe��e�e Any �erson �performin� work after the ex- piration of t e license e19.a.��-be-��.-��e�a��e�-e�-�k.e S�:-Fa�.�-�eg� �a���e-6ede is guilty of a misdemeanor. /Subd. 2.7 ENEWAL.7 Persons , firmsi and corporations who wisYi to r new their licenses after the expiration date sha.11 be charged the full annual license fee. No pro-rated lic nse fee shall be allowed. /369.07.�' /1�EV CATION OR SUSPENSION OF LICENSE_7 �� 9�.a��-be-g�et3. �.9-�e�-�e�aeea.��e�-e�-9ti9�EA9�.91'i-e� In addition to t ose rounds set forth in section 310.�6 su ivision e icense o any person icense un er t e provisions of this chapter ba19.e9e sh.all be revoked or sus ended ' f his work is found to e improper or e- fective or so nsa e as to jeopardize life or property. Action to revo e or suspend any such license may be initiated by t e building official, and such action shall be carried out in accordance with the procedures outlined in se tion 310.05. /369 .08_'�' /FALS REPRESENTATION OF BEING LICENSED_]' No person shall i an manner advertise, ��.-an�-xta�.�er3 ��pe-er-€er�;- e�-��-ar��-x�an�e� state to or hold out to the public hat such person is a licensed electrical contractor, or licensed as a business in any of the building trade as provi e in is c apter, unless such person ha been licensed under and pursua.nt to the applicable provisions of this code. A violation of this sectio shall be a misdemeanor violation. L ����� �� � � �,�- ��-_���y `��Q� Page 7. Section 2. That Chapter 3 0 of the St. Paul Legislative Code is amended to read as ollows : CHAPTER 370. UILDING TRADES CERTIFICATES OF COMPETENCY �70.01_� /�ROCE URES; DEFINITIONS.7 The rovisions of Cha ter 3I0 of the St. Paul Le islative Coce entitTea' Uni orm Licens Procedures shall w ere a ro riate e a ica e t t is c a ter exee t t at certain terrns shall be define as follows : /�JILDING OFFIC AL_7 Wherever the term "buildin official" is used in cha er 310 and in t is c a ter it s a e e to mean t ea o t e ivision o ousin an buildin code e forcement of the de artment of communit services of the cit of Saint Paul. /bIVISI0N.7 Wh rever the word "division" is used in cha ter 3�I0 an in is c a er i s a e e o mean the divisi n of housin and buildin code enforce- ment of the de rtment of communit ser�ices of the ci�r o ain u . /TNSPECTOR.? erever the word "ins ector" is used in cha ter 310 it s a 1 e eld to mean t e ' uildi o ficia or is esi nee. /LICENSE OR PE IT.�j Wherever the word "license" or �he word " ermi " is use in c ap er , i s a e e to mean t ui in tra es certi icate o competency as p ovi e in t is c apter. /370.02.7 /�ERTI ICATE REQUIRED_�'" For the purpose of controlling the quality of workmanship on buildings and structures with n the city of Saint Paul, and by so doing to safeguard li e, limb, property, public health and public welfare, there are hereby created certificates of competency w ich shall be required of the individua.l tradesman who e gages in any work included in the fol- lowing list. D'fferent classes of certificates are specified under �ach type of work to recognize different degrees of expe tise. �c �� ��� _ � ���� -1�3� /�.3�3 Page 8 . (1) Fuel bur er e ui ment and s stem installation and re a r (a) Gas bt�.��.e�-�xs�a�����e�-ax�.-�epa�� l. Ma.ster Gas Installer--Class A (Unlimited capacity) 2. Ma.ster Gas Installer--Class B (1,000,000 ' Btu per hour or less) Note: No new Class B certificates of com- e enc s a e is sue • on os e persons now o in� ass certi i- ca�'s o�com—e�enc ma renew � iF—e— Class B certi icate. 3 . Journeyman Gas Installer--6�aee-6- Pd6�'E---6�ase-A-P4a.e�e�9;-xn�����e�.-��.p�.� ee.pae���;-6�as9-B-P4as�e�e-�����ed �e-�;eee;eee-���.-p��-1�et��;e�,�ee s (b) Oil b���e�-�x9�a��a��e�-s.�.�.-�epa�� 1. aster Oil Burner Installer--Class A � Unlimited ca acit ) 2 . ster Oil Burner Installer--Class B —' 1 000 000 Btu er hour or less ote: No new Class B certificates of com- e enc s a e issue • on ose ersons now o in ass certi i- ca es o com e enc ma renew e Class B certi icate. 3. ourneyman Oil Burner Installer--C�fl99-E 8�E---6�a9s-t�-P4as�e�e;-t����n���ed-�xgx� eap�.e���r;-Cs�8.99-B-A4a.e�e�e-���i��e�. �e-�;eee;eee-b�t3.-pe�-k.et3�-e�-�ees (c) Fuel other than as and oil. 1. aster Installer 2. ourne an Installer ,r�/J�.0 ,� � ��y� � � ���-=�.�3� ;���h Page 9. (2) Lathing d plastering (a) Ma.ster Plasterer (includes s,pray-on fireProofing) (b) Jour eyman Plasterer S includes spr�-on f ireproof ing) (c) Jour eyman Lather (3) Plumbing (a) Master Plumber (b) Jour eyman Plumber (4) Refrigera ion equipment installation and repair (a) Ma.st r Installer--Class A Hold r of this certificate of competency sha.11 be e titled to work at or engage in the install- in�, altering, repairin� or servicing of re- frig ration equipment wi�'h. an unlimited capacity. (b) Mast r Installer--Class B Hold r of this certificate of competency shall be e titled to install, alter, repairZ and ser- vice refrigeration equipment with a capacity of 6 ,000 Btu per hour or less . Note: No new Class B certificates of com e- enc s a e issue • on ose er- sons now o in ass certi icates o compe ency ma.Y renew e ass certif icate. (c) Jour eyman Installer. (5) Steamfitt'ng and Piping system installation and re air (a) Ma.st r--Class A--Hi-Lo (b) Ma.st r--Class B--Hi-Lo Note No new Class B certificates of com e- enc s a e issue • on ose er- sons now o in ass certi icates o compe en� may renew e ass certificate. �� �� 'c,� ���'����y ��.��3 Page 10. (c) Journ yman--Hi-Lo To be issued the Hi-Lo certificate of competency, the a plicant must hold an appropriate current and s bsisting State of Minnesota Steamfitting Licen e in accordance with Minnesota Statutes , Secti ns 326.46 through 326.52. Ed�--P4ae�e --6�899-A--�e Ee�--�ia.e�e --6�a�9-B--�e f�'�--det��a �a�.�-�e (6) Warm air h ating work Ma.ster Ins aller (7) Ventilatio work Master Ins aller (8) Warm air h ating and ventilation Journeyman Installer (9) Concrete a� 9en�� mason and cement finisher (a) Maste 6ene�e�e-P4asen��-aad-6ex�e��-F���91�e� l . C ncrete Ma.son and Cement Finisher 2. C ncrete Mason 3. C ment Finisher (b) Journ yman 6ene�e�e-P4aee���-a�d-6e�e��-F���el�e� l. C ncrete Mason and Cement Finisher 2 . C ncrete Mason 3 . C ment Finisher Note: Required for work on one and two family dwellings and their accessory structures only. � �� � � � ��5-- �a3� ���G3 Page 11. �70.03_7 �XCE TION--ELECTRICAL WORK_7 E�eeg�-as-e�her- �a�ee-g�e��de�- �-�a�a-�e-ge�9e�-91�a��-�a��e-€e�; Persons who install, e repair;i e� plan, lay outi or superv—ise t"F�e installati n of electric wiring, apparatusi or equip- ment for elect ic light, heat, poweri or other purpose for another xx es9-�.e-�s are not required to be certifi- cate of com et nc holders ursuant to the rovisions o is c a e . n ess o erwise rovi e aw such ersons must icense y t e state oar o e ectricity as provi e in innesota Statutes, Chapter 326. /370.04_7' /AIR ONDITIONING INSTALLATION OR REPAIR.7' Persons engage in the installation or repair of air conditioning s all have a certificate of competency for ��.e each t pe of work being performed. /�70.05_7 /GENE L REQUIREMENTS_7 �ubdivision 1 7 �PPLICATION_7 Any person submitting an application for a certificate of com�etency shall be at least 18 ye rs of age. The application shall be sub- mitted to the �ee�.se-�n9gee�e� buildin official in such form and ontain such informa ion as e �ee�ee �nspee�e� buil in official may require, but shall con- tain a detaile statement of the applicant's training and experience The application shall be ma.de under oath. �ubd. 2^7 � INATION_7 Each applicant shall be re- quired to su'Gm' t to an examination as to the app licant's qualifications and competence in the work for which a certificate of competency is desired. Said examina.tion shall be given by a board of examiners�as provided in this chapter, nd sha.11 be given at a time and place as the board may elect. /�ubd. 3.7 INATION FEE_? An examina.tion fee shall '6e submi�ted w'th the application to the ��ee�se-��sgee�e� buildin offic'al, which fee shall be used to meet in par e cos s incurred in giving the examination. The fee for a mast r's c�rtificate shall be $25. The fee for a journeym n's certificate shall be $10. Notwith- standing the a ove, the fee for both ma.ster 's and Journeyman's c rtificates for plumbing shall be $S0 . Such examinati n fee shall not be refunded if the ap- plic ant fails o appear for the examination, fails to pass the exami tion, or for any other reason. ��'� ��� � � ����-,�.�� ,��� � Page 12. /370.06_7 �OARD OF EXAMINERS.7 For the purpose of determinin� the suitability o� individuals applying for certificates , there are hereby established the following boards of examiners with membership of each board as given, �4ppe���xqex�s-�e-9�.e1�-bea�de-a�e-�e be-�ade-b�-��.e- �e�-�a��k.-�k:e-a���ee-a�d-ea�9e��-e� �k.e-eex�e��: (1) 6a9 Fuel Bu ner Installers . �'l�.e This board shall be composed of the building officia�or his desig- nee as chai man; and four appointive members , of whom one s 11 be a registered mechanical engineer, one shall b a qualified representative of the gas utility, on sha.11 be a master gas or oil burner installer h 1 ing a lass A certific�of compe- tency, and ne shall be a journeyman gas or oil burner inst ller�ol 'ing a certificate of competency. _. E��--9��-B�.��e�- n9�a��e�s:--��s-bee��-sl�a��-be-ee�xgese� e€-�l�e-bts�� ��g-e€€�e�a�-e�-�i�s-�.ee�g�.ee-ae-ek.a�.�- x�a�;-axd-�e r-appe���.��e-�e�be�s3-e�-�a�.e�-e�.e-s�.a}} be-a-�as�e� e��-bt�.�Ae�-�r�e�a��e�-l�e���rig-a-6�aee A-ee�����ea e-e�-ee�xpe�exe�3-ene-sl�a��-be-e.-3et���e�- �a.�-gae-b�.� e�-}�e�a��e�-k.e�d}�g-a-ee����}ea�e-s€ ee�xpe�e�e�; a��-��ae-ek.a��-be-�eg�s�e�ed-�eelqa.��ea� e�g�xee�s: (2) Lathers and Plasterers . This board shall be com- posed of th building official or his designee as chairman; a d four appointive members , of whom one shall be a egistered architect, one shall be a master plas erer holding a certificate of competency, one shall b a journeyman plasterer holding a cer- tificate of competency, and one shall be a journeyman lather hold ng a certificate of competency. (3) Plumbers , his board shall be composed of the building of icial or his designee as chairman, a city plumbi g inspector, the general manager of the water utili y of the city of Saint Paul or his des- ; i gnee, and hree appointive members , of whom two shall be ma ter plumbers holding certificates of � competency, and one shall be a journeyman plumber holding a c rtificate of competency. The director of the divi ion of public health shall be an ex off icio mem er. (4) Refrigerati n Equipment Installers . This board shall be co posed of the building official or his c ����� �� � � ���y=��3y /�3c�,� Page 13. designee a chairman; and four appointive members, of whom tw shall be registered mechanical engin- eers , one hall be a refrigeration equipment con- tractor li ensed under chapter 369 and holding the requisite lass A certificate of competency, and one shall be a journeyman refrigeration equipment in- staller ho d�ing a certificate of competency. (5) Steamfitte and Pi in S stem Installers . �'k.e This board s a 1 be compose o t e uilding official or Tiis des gnee as chairman; and four appointive members , o whom one shall be a registered mechan- ical engin er, two shall be master steamfitters holding Hi Lo certificates of competency, and one shall be a journeyman steamfitter holding a certifi- cate of co petency. (6) Warm Air H ating and Ventilation Installers . This baard shal be composed of the building official or his design e as chairnian; and four ap�ointive members , of whom on shall be a mechanical engineer, one shall be a �7ourn yman warm air heating and ventilation installer olding a certificate of competency, and two shall e warm air heating and ventilation con- tractors 1 censed under chapter 369 and having the requisite ertificates of competency. (7) Concrete M son�� and Cement Finishers . This board shall be c mposed of the building official or his designee a chairman; and three appointive members , of whom on shall be a registered engineer, one shall be a master concrete �ase��� mason and cement fin_, sher holding a certifica�'e —o�' competency, and one sh ll be a journeyman concrete t�aee��� mason and cement finisher holding a certificate of compe- tency. �70.07.7 �UTIE OF BOARDS.7 /�ubdivision l. /�FEQUIREMENTS; EXAMINATIONS_7' Each board of examin rs shall prescribe reasonable require- ments as to exp ri�nce, training and ability of the applicants , sub ect to the approval of the director of the departme t of community services . Each board shall formulate and hold all examinations of the appli- cants , whether ritten, oral or practical, or a combi- nation thereof, subject to the �approval of the director `�` h�� �1� �� ��`"� /�3� ��3�3 Page 14. of the departme t of community services , as may be necessary to de ermine whether the applicant has suf- ficient knowled e, skill, training and experience to enable him to s fely, competently and properly engage in or work at t e business or trade for which a cer- tificate of com etency is desired. Each board may, in the event it is necessary or desirable to differ- entiate between levels of experience, skill, trainin�, knowledge and a ility, place classifications or condi- tions upon said certificates , or recommend the issuance of different cl sses of certificates of competency, subject to the pproval of the said director. Existing classifications of certificates of competency may be retained. �ubd. 2.7 /RE OMMENDATION�7 Each such board shall, after testing a d evaluation of the applicant, make a recommendatio that the applicant be issued or denied a buildin trad s certificate of competency, and such recommendation hall be communicated to the ��ee�.ee-�x- sgee�e� buildin official upon whom the recommendation is binding. /'�ubd. 3^�' /1qE TINGS, WHEN HELD_7' Each board shall meet upon the c 11 of the building official or his designee. /370.08 .7 /APPOI TIVE MEMBERS OF BOARDS.7' �ubdivision l. �PPOINT'NIENT; TERM.7 The appointive members of the oards of examiners sFiall be appointed by the mayor with the advice and consent of the council. Said appointiv members sha.11 serve until July 1 of the third year fol owing their appointment; or until their successors sha 1 have been appointed and qualified. /�ubd. 2_]� /Z` PENSATION.7 Each appointive member of a board of exa iners sha1l receive compensation for ser- vice on the bo rd in the amount of $50 per day for each day of actual ervice. /370.09.? /ZrERT FICATE FEES.7' In the event the board recommends tha the certificate of competency be issued, the ��ee�se-�� pee�e� buildin official shall issue said certificate or class o cer i ica e upon the pa yment of an additional ee, which sha.11 also be the annual or re- newal fee. Th issuance fee for all classes and types of certificate of competency shall be ��A 15. ' `�c ���� - � ° ���-i�3� �7�Q � Page 15. /370. 10_7 �E S OF CERTIFICATE OF COMPETENCY^7 /�ubdivision l.? /E�PIRATION DATE.�'' Certificates of competency sha 1 expire on December 31 of the year of issuance; unless sooner revoked, suspendedi or forfeited; provided, howe er, that the ��ee�ee-��.9pee�e� building official may issue a certificate of competency to expire on a cT'ifferent date to holders of licenses under chapter 369 so that both the license and certificate may expire on the same d te. �ubd. 2.7 ATE FEES .7 Expired certificates of com- petency may fi reinsta�'ed within 90 days following ex- piration upon the payment of a late fee of $5 in addi- tion to the issuance fee. Such certif icates may be reinstated af er 90 days following the expiration date upon payment f a late fee of $15 in addition to the issuance fee. /�70.11.7 /RE WAL; REINSTATEMENT.7 Each holder of a certi�icate o competency shall 'Ge entitled to a renewal of said certi icate upon payment of the issuance fee required in s ction 3�Ar98 370.09. The holder of an expired certi icate of compe�ency shall be entitled to a renewal of aid certificate upon payment of the issu- ance fee requ'red by section 3�A:A8 370.09 together with the late fee required by section"3�:89 370. 10. The holder of an expired certificate of competency, which certifi ate has been expired for more than one year, shall b required to make application and pay the examina.ti n fee required by section 3�A:A4 370.05 and shall be xamined as to his qualifications an�c —^ competence in the same manner as new applicants. Such holders , afte successful reexamination, shall be re- quired to pay only the issuance fee under section 3�A:A8 370.09 /370. 12.7' /�EV CATION OF CERTIFICATE; GROUNDS^7 In addition to t ose rounds set forth in section 31�.06 su division it s a 1 e groun s or revocation or suspens ion o a certif icate of competency if: ��C ��� � ����=���� ���a� Page 16. (1) the cert' ficate was obtained through any fraud, misrepresentation, or cheating on the examination given by the board; (2) the work of the certificate holder is found to be improper or defective, or so unsafe as to jeopardize life or roperty; or (3) the cert'ficate holder has been convicted two times of any v'olation of the housing, building, firei or simil r codes of this city or state. Action to rev ke or suspend any such certificate may be initiated by he building official, and such action shall be carried ou in accordance with the procedures outlined in section 31 .OS. /�70. 13_7' /FER OD OF REVOCATION_7' Any person who has had a certificate of competency revoked is barred from ob- tainin� a new certificate for a period of six months following the date of such revocation. The new certif i- cate shall no be issued until the said person complies with all requ'rements of this chapter as to application and examinati n as a new applicant. /�70. 14.7 /ZER IFICATE OF COMPETENCY RECORDS.7 The — division shal keep a complete and up-to-da�e record of certificat s of competency, including all applica- tions , examin tions , certificate issuancesi and revoca- tions . Such ecords shall be ke t for a eriod of five ears from th date of t eir entr and filin . /370.15.7' /IFEC PROCITY.7' �ubdivision .7 /WARM AIR HEATING AND VENTILATION.7 Any master or journeyman holding a valid ea�� certi�'i- cate o compe ency for warm air heating and ventiTa�on, ins�'alling or repair, from any other municipality in the state of innesota; which has requirements for such ea��. certific te of competency equal to those of the city o ain aul, as shall be determined by the building official of t e city of Saint Paul, may carry on his occu- pation as suc master or journeyman in the city of Saint Paul by regis ering is ea�� certificate of competency with the buil ing official. �J�K � ���� . . ��--,�3`� ���a� Page 17. /�ubd. 2_? THERS AND PLASTERERS.7 Any journeyman �iolding a vali ea��. certificate of-'competency as a lather or as a plasterer rom any other municipality in the state o Minnesota; which has requirements for such a es.��. ce tificate of competency equal to those of the city o ain aul, as determined by the building official of th city of Saint Paul, may carry on his occupation as journeyman in the city of Saint Paul by registering his ea��. certifieate of competency with the building o ficial. _{3�9:�5:�--�E6� RBE��'�;-P4A��'ER'-8-6E�t�'�F�6A�'B-AR-��6EAt8E; WA�tP4-A�R-HEA�'� 8-APdB-�d�P1�'��A�'��N:�'--6dh.er�e�er-a-x�a9�e� eer����ea�e-e� ee�ge�e�ne�-e�-��ee�9e-�e�-�aa�-a��-l�ea��xg- and-�ea���a��e ;-�a9�a����g-e�-�ega��-�9-�eq�.��e�.-b�-�l�e �e�e-e�-��.�e- ede;-aa�-apg��ea��-�e�-e�el�-�ta9�e�-��ee�.9e �al�e-kas-ar��.-p� een�e-a-�a���.-an�.-9ti�9�8��Ei.g-��eense-a�.�. ea�d-e€-eett�pe� ae�-€�e�rt-a�.�-x�x��e�ga����-��-�19.e-9�a�e a�-P4��.�ese�a-�a �ek.-lqas-�eqtt�ren�e�.�s-�e�-a-��ee�.ee-a�d ea��.-s�-ee�pe� �e�-eqtia�-�e-��.ese-e�-�19.e-e���-e�-sa�n� �a�.�;-ae-ska�� be-�.e�e���.ed-b�-�k.e-�tj.��d�r�g-e���e�a� s�-�k.e-e���-e� �a���-�a��;-�a�-�eee��e-a-ge���-�e-ea��� e�-k�9-��ade-e -eeexpa��eA-a�-a-�aa�-a��-�l�.ea��ng-a�.�. �ex���a��er�-ee ��ae�e�-b�-�e �s�e��.�g-�.�.s-��ee�.ee-axd ea�d-e�-ee�pe� �.e�-��.-��.e-e���ee-e�-��.e-bt������g-e€��e3a� axd-pa���.g-��.e e€e�-a-�ee-e�'-��:--S�.e�.-ge��.�-�a.�-be-�s- st�e�.-�e�-a-ape ���e-pe��ed-e�-���e-�e�-�e-e�eeed-�l�e-���e e€-��.e-��eeaee e�-�k.e-apg��ea�.�: FTl�,ere-a-��ee�eee epe�a��ng-t�.t��.e�-�k.e-�ee�p�eea�-a��a�.ge�en� �a���-�e-�xal�e- eqti.��e�.-ee��ee��en9-a€�e�-be��.g-�.t���-�e��- €�e�.-b -�l�e-d� �e�ex-e€-k.et�.e�ng-an�-bt���d�ng-eede-en�e�ee- x�en�-�a�e�e-`ae� -k.as-bee�.-�ene;-st3.e�.-�a��t��e-er-�ael�-e� ee�p��anee-6a�� -�k.e�.-be-�eee��e�.-a�d-��.�e�a��e�.-�e�a���e ��.ere�e-6a���-b -�e�6aa��.e�.-�e-�k.e-�eea����-�a�.ere-��.e-��eenee �s-�.e�d: /�70. 16.7' /�'OUR EYMEN TO WORK UNDER DIRECTION OF MASTER CERTIFICATE HO DER.7' All �.e��.e�e-e�' 'ourne an certificate of competency e�-�e�.��.e�e� holders s all e required to work under he direction and supervision of a duly licensed ma.ste . �70.17_7 �PPR NTICES; REGISTRATION; SUPERVISION_7 /�ubidivison 1 7' /ISEFINITION_7' As used in this section, ���bs �� C���i�3� i?�3 �� Page 18 . "apprentice" eans a person undergoing training and in- struction thro gh a program recognized by the state of Minnesota dep rtment of labor and industry, divis.ion of apprentices ip. /Subd. 2.7' EGISTRATION REQUIRED^7' Every apprentice employed at a uilding trade who works on any building or structure ithin the city of Saint Paul shall be reg- istered with t e division of housing and building code enforcement of the department of community services of the city of S int Paul. �ubd. 3_7 SUPERVISION_7 An apprentice shall work only under the direct supervision of a master or journey- man certificate of competency holder. �70. 18.7 /WO PERFORMED BY CERTIFICATE HOLDER ONLY.7 No masterTs ce tificate of com etenc holder shall al- ow or au orize an em o ee or o er erson o o work or w ic a ce ti icate o com etenc is re uire ur- suan o is a er un ess suc em o ee or o er erson ol s the a r riate certificate o com etenc or is a re istered a entice. An violation of t is section is a mis emeanor. Section 3. That Section 310.01, Subdivision 7 , of the St. Paul Legislative Code is amended by substitutin� the title "Building Trades Business Licenses" for the title "Building Trades Licenses" and by substi- tuting the title "B ilding Trades Certificates of Competency" for the title "Certificates of Competency" where the same appear under "Class I Lice ses . " Section 4. That Section 310.16 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, as amended, is further amended to read as follows : /310.16_7' /LIC SE FEES, ANNUAL INCREASES_7' That effec- tive on Januar 1 of each calendar year, all license fees � exce t ildin trades business license fees and fees or ui in ra es cer i ica es o com e enc s a increase y t e percentage increase in t e u get for the divisi n of license and permit administration of the depart ent of finance and management services . Prior to Nove er 1 of each year, the director of finance and management services shall file with the city clerk a notice of t e percenfiage increase, if any, in license fees . \�� �.�"` � `�1�' WHITE - C1�.K CbY.�K PINK - FINANCE ��ff '/ CANARY -OEPARTMENT � G TY OF SAINT PALTL F1eci1NO. � /!/� � / BIUE - MAVOR * • Or in�nce Ordinance N 0. �7��.3 Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Page 19. Section 5 . This ordina.nce hall take effect and be in force 30 days after its passage, a proval and publication. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays ���KSonnen Community Services . ��aW In Favor Masanz � scnsibei Against BY ' Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: Date 0 T 2 9 1985 Form Appr ve City Att ney � Certified Pass d y ncil Secr BY � F3y Approv y Mayor: Date �' CT 2 g �g8� Ap ro ed by Mayor for Sub ss' to Co��ncil By PU�LISHED '`�OV 21985 Community Services DEPARTMENT 1.�4✓�'�'�� �0 53 � Richard L. Amey CONTACT • 298-4212 PHONE August 28, 1985 DATE 1 e�� Qr „� ASSIGN NUMBER FOR ROUTING ORDER C1 ' All Locations for Si nature : �Department Director Director of Management/Mayor Finance and!Management Services Director City Clerk Budget Director City Attorney r/ WHAT WILL BE ACHIEVED BY TAKING AC ION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ Rationale) : The administration of Building ades Certificate of Competencies and Building Trades Business Licenses will be trans rred to the Housing and Building Code Enforcement Division of Community Services. � � .��) r�'' �� COST/BENEFIT BUDGETARY AND PERSONN L IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: Eliminate confusion and duplica ion by placing the total function under one administrative head. The licensed and certifi d individuals deal solely with Housing and Building Code Enforcement for testing and bui ding permit purposes. FINANCING SOURCE AND BUDGET ACTIVI Y NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- ture not re- Total Amount of Transaction; oNE quired if under $10,00Q) Funding Source: NONE Activity Number: 03301 - R ATTACHMENTS List and Number Al1 A tachments : �CFjV�O A�GZ� 198 Revised Legislative Code Cha ters 369 and 370. Mqy�R 5 S OFFj�f DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW Yes No Council Resolution R quired? Resolution Required? Yes No Yes No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No Yes No Insurance Attached: � (SEE REVE SE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/84 ' , ' ' - __ � ,�.—.. • � i / lst /��-�,S 2nd 1 L • p ' +;�{ - - ���i� � ,� 3rd /D - .��s Adopted �D��J�—�s '.�� - �:� • eas Nays �# - � D���� �,,��s_ �a3� ��� ���.�: � , ru�s�vz f�3c, 3 _ NICOSIA SCHEIBEL S ONNEN�/ WILSON � MR. PRESIDENT TEDESCO \ -- . : ._. _ ���� ,. , .� , : �� - ������ i -,��,f�._