85-1228 WMITE - CITY CLERK COl1I1C11 �} ,,/ PINK - FINANC�E GITY OF SAINT PALTL /,�,,?D� Cv'NARV �DEPARTMENT �� � BI.UE - MAVOR File NO. • • �u CZ eso tion page 1 of 2 Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS: George Costa zo applied for and was issued licenses for On Sale Wine, On Sal 3.2 Malt, Restaurant, and Off Sale Malt for the premises at 35 North Dale Street, subject to his compliance with all Zoning, Buil ing and Health code ordinances; and WHEREAS: The licensee has requested that the City cancel the licenses for On Sale Wine and Restaurant for the above premises until such time as he may ap ly for new licenses, and because the restaurant does not currentl meet the applicable health code requirements; and WHEREAS: The Council f the City of St. Paul does hereby place the following conditions o the licenses: 1. There be no more than four (4) mechanical amusement devices and one ool table at said location. 2. That a b rrier be erected between referenced property and adjoinin residential property to the north as stipulated by Zoning. 3. That onl pre-packaged food, such as Stewart Sandwiches and Tombston Pizza, be served on the premises. 4. That the licenses be reviewed in six months to establish the progress in converting to a restaurant. 5. Power mu t be restored by Northern States Power Co, to the licensed premises. COUNC[LMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Drew Nays ` UMasanz In Favor Nitbsia Scheibel Sonnen _ Agelnst BY Tedesco W i Ison Form Approv y Ci Attor ey Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By A►pproved by Navor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY WHITE — CITV CLERK CO�IRC11 / PINK — FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PAUL Ca�NARV �OEPARTMENT /5���� - BLUE — MAVOR File NO• � ouncil Resolution Page 2 of 2 Presented By Referred To. Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: That the Counc 1 of the City of St. Paul does hereby cancel the On Sale Wine a d Restaurant licenses heretofore issued to the premises at 53 North Dale Street, issued previously pursuant to resolution co cil file 85-435, and the License Inspector is hereby directed to fo thwith issue On Sale Malt and Off Sale Malt licenses with said cond'tions. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � Drew M�anz [n Favor Nicosia Scheibel 0 Sonnen _ Ageinst BY Tedesco �� EP 1 1 1985 Form Approved ity t rney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Pa_ e ouncil Se y BY sy Approved by AAavo • '— ` —�S EP 1 � ��pproved by Mayor for Submission to Coun il BY PUBLISHED EP 21 1g85 By � � - 1a �� Thomas • Dale District 7 Planning Council, Inc. . <.. 379 University Avenue ..�++.<:; St.Paul,MN 55103 A�.;; 298-5068 �� MEMO T0: Joseph archedi , License Inspector FROM:. Jane K e y , Community Organizer DATE: Septem er 9 , 1985 RE: 535 N. Dale 3 . 2 Malt License Application It has recently c me to our attention that problems have developed at the above loca ion which prohibit its opening. Several months ago , the District 7 Council approved an "on-sale" wine/malt/rest- aurant for 535 N. Dale ; we were anxious to see a re-interest taken in the buil ing - the rehab at the site has been a tremendous improvement for t e area�. A restaurant , specializing in just one of the ethnic ' ties of the neighborhood , was welcomed. Mr . Costanzo has sked that he be given the opportunity to open the establishment prior to his serving food , in order to alleviate some financial st ains . We support his request for a 3 . 2 malt license with the ondition that the license and capability to serve food be rev ewed in six (6 ) months . We encourage his completion of the restaurant in a timely manner , as was originally supported. Thank you for you attention. cc Members of th City Council Jerry Jenkins George Costan o