00-10ORIGINAL RESOLUTION Presented Referred To Council File # 00 — �'O Green Sheet # 08943 Committee Date An Admnustrative Resolurion to 2 change the rate of compensation for 3 the existing classification of Assistant 4 Director of Human Rights (unclassified) 5 RESOLVED, that the compensation for the classification of Assistant Director of Human 6 Rights shallbe changed from Grade O15 to Grade 020 as set for in SectionID4 oftheProfessionalEmployees 7 Supervisory Standard Ranges in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation, and be it, FiJRTIIER RESOLVED, that this resolution shall take effect and be in force on the first pay period following passage and approval. Requested by Department of. Human Resources Office By: �e .��.. � Adopted by Council: Date °�, �o 0 0 ,� Adoption Certified by Council Sec tary BY� �' _ � Approved by Mayor: D� l� ��' �': OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA \g Form Ap roved by City Attorne BY= _��.J'��� I'Z.-� l� �l�i \Y \� � DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCII,: DATE INITSATED GREEN SHEET No.: 08943 Office of Human Resources 12/9/99 D O—'�1 CONTACt' PERSON & PHONE: PIPt7AI/naTS IlvPPtaLDnTE Mark Robertson 266-647 t DEPAR4MENf DIR a cm co�rcn, Kazen Sanchez 266-6483(( nss�cn�u s x[mtsEaaox zcme�rmxNer i21'�.+� cmc�EUc ROUTING ��� PLNANCtALSBRVDIl2 FINANCtAi,SERV/ACCl'G � MUST BE ON COiJNCII, AGEPiDA BY (DATL� 3 t.tnyaR�oRnssr.�/ .-� � y�,•t� . S c7--�C'� � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES_1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURti) ACTION REQUESTED: Ct�ange the pay rate of the Assistant D'uector of Human Rights (unclassified title) from Grade li to Grade 20 of the Professional Employees Supervisory Standard Ranges. RECObfbIl'.NDAITONS Approve(A)orReject(R) PERSONAI.SERVICECOt�`7Re1CfSM[JSTANSWERI'HEFOLIAWINGQUESITONS: 1. HaztiilspasodL}meverwodcedwderawnhac[forUvsdepaztment? PLP.NNINGCqMIvIISSION Yes No CIDCAMIIITLSE 2. Haztkuspason/fimeveibeeaaciTyemployee? CIVII Yes 'No 3. Doestftispetsod5rmposessaskillxwtnorznallypossessedbymyct¢centciTyemployee? Yes No 4. Ssth�spe:sodfvmatargeted'�+endo!! Yes No — E�lain ail yes answers on aeparete sheet and atfach to green sheM INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why): . Section 18318 (6) of the City of Saint Paul Human Rights Ordinance gives authority to the Director of Hmnau Rights to appoint a deputy director position. The D'uector of Human Rights requested that a depury director position be created. It is a standard human resource practice to match requested positions to e�usting tifles, as far as practicable, before creating new ones. Based upon the study, it was deternuned that the eusting tiUe of Assistant Director of Human Rights (unclassified) is appropriate for the deputy director position. It was fi.irther determined that the Assistant D'uector of Human Rights should be upgraded to Grade 20 from Gxade 15 of the SPSO Standard Ranges. ADVAIVTAGES IF APPROVED: The duties of the Assistant D'uector of Human Rights will include the supervision of the Contract Compliance and Complaint Investigation progiams. These pcogtams weie previously supexvised by a Contract Compliance Su�xvisor and a Supe:visoi of Investigafion, respectively, both in Grade 18 of the SPSO Standard Ranges. Ha�ing one supeivisor supervise both pcograms is more cost-effective, efficient and effective. DISADVAN'PAGES IF APPROVED: None. The salary for this position has already been placed in the Depattment of Human Rights budget. DIBADVANTAGE5IF NOT APPRO�ED_ ,� , r � � ,�, Missed opportunities for cost-effecrive, efficient and effective operation. - 4 TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: COST/REVENUE BUDGETED: '"' P'UNDING SOURCE: ACTIVITY N UMBER: FINANCIAL INFOIiMATION: (EXPLAIN) .,; � � �Qrter ��!�°r°�� ��ea�c`s �enter G:�Shared\Team3�ItesolutionsOidinances\gs.assLdir.of.Lr.wpd °". - � :��. �. r r:r i , � ✓ PROPOSED TITI.E OF CIASS: CODE: 680A BU: 17 EFFECTIVE: a o -�o ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF HUltAN RIGHTS (ADOISORY SPEC) OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs aanagerial vork assisting the departoent director in planning, developing, and administering a variety of h�an righta progrsns and functions; and performs other related duties as assigned. Suoervision Received: Works under the administrative aupervision of the department director. Suuervision Exercised: Exercises general supervision over supervisory, professional, tect�nical and/or clerical staff. TYPICAL DUTZES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all the duties performed by all positions in this class. Hanages and coordinates with the departaent director a variety of human rights programs and functions such as the department's contxact compliance and complaint investigation prograas. Manages and coordinates mith the department director the planning and administration of special pro]ects, research, budget, information systems, performance management/improvement programs, and other�administrative support programs for the department. Develops, evaluates, and recommends departmental goals and objectives, policies and procedures, programs and projects to ensure timely and effective customer service and compliance with legal and procedural requirements. Assists the department director in the preparation and presentation of cases before the Human Rights Commission, administrative hearings or courts. Represents the department as directed by the director or in the absence of the director. KNOWLEDGE, SKILIS, ABILITIES AND Considerable knowledge of theories, principles, and functions of human rights. Considerable knowledge of civil/h�an rights laws, zules, regulations, related court rulings and decisions, and new legislation. Considerable knowledge of human rights issues, developments, trends and (continued on reverse side) ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF HUMAN RIGHTS (ADVISORY SPEC) Page'2 PROPOSED TZTLE OF CIASS: ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF HUMAN RIGHTS (ADVISORY SPEC) innovations. Considerable knowledge of managenent theories and principles. Considerable ability to plan, organize, and supervise the work of others. Considerable ability to sake decisions, analyze problens, and resolve conflfcts or misunderstandings. Considerable ability to develop short snd long range plans and programs. Considerable ability to facilitate group process and build consensus. Considerable ability to co�unicate effectively both orally and in writing. Considerable ability to interact effectively with a wide variety of individuals, groups, and organizations. MINIMUM QUALZFICATIONS Law degree and two years of human rights related experience; or master's degree and three years of human rights related experience; or bachelor's degree and five years of human rights related experience. ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF HUMAN RIGHTS (ADVISORY SPEC) Oo-\�O DESK AUDTT REPORT Requested Class: Incumbent: Date Studied: Studied By: Persons Contacted: Deputy Director of Human Rights Vacant September 1,1999 Karen Sanchez Director of Human Rights APPROVAL OF THE ASS�`FANT CTOR OF HUMAN RESOURCES: �"���� �: � �� ���-- DATE: f Z I S I�� Background: In lieu of the Contract Compliance Supervisor and Supervisor of Investigation-Human Rights, the depattment requested that the posirion of Deputy Director of Human Rights be created in the unclassified service. In accordance with the City of Saint Paul Human Rights Ordinance, Section 183.18 (6), the Director of Human Rights can appoint a deputy director in the unclassified service to serve at the director's pleasure. This study was conducted to detemvne the appropriate classificarion and compensation of the requested position. Posifion Description: The position will assist the Director of Human Rights in plamvng, developing, and administering human rights programs and functions. (See attached advisory class specification) The duties will include: Manages with the Director the departmenY s Contract Compliance and Complaint Investigation programs and functions. 2. Manages with the Director the special projects, research, budget, information system, performance management/improvement programs, and other administrative support programs for the department. 3. Evaluates, develops, and recommends organizational goals and objectives, policies and procedures, and programs to insure timely and effective customer service and compliance with legal and procedural requirements. 4. Assists the Director in the prepararion and presentation of cases before the Human Rights Page 1 of 3 Oo -\o Commissioq administrative hearings or courts. 5. Represents the department as directed by the Director or in the absence of the Director. Comparison: The position was compazed with the Contract Compliance Supervisor, Supervisor ofInvestigation - Human Rights, Assistant Director of Human Rights, Affirmative Action Director, and Housing InformationDirector classes/positions. Contract Compliance Supervisor (Human Rights) Supervisor oflnvestigation (Human Rights) (Classified) The Contract Compliance Supervisor position supervises the Contract Compliance Program and the Supervisor of Investigation-Human Rights, the Complaint Invesrigation Program. These two positions are now vacant. In lieu of these positions, the deputy director position will be created to assist the directorin supervisinghuman rights programs and funcrions including Contract Compliance and Complaint Investigation. The deputy director position will have more responsibility than the Contract Compliance 5upervisor or Supervisor of Investigation-Human Rights. Both classes are in Crrade 18 ofthe Professional Supervisory Standard Ranges with a salary range of $46,900-$60,500. Assistant Director of Human Rights (ITnclassifzed) The existing unclassified title of Assistant Director of Human Rights is in Grade 15 of the SPSO Standazd Ranges with a salary range of $43,200-$55,600. This title has not been used. Currently, this title is assigned in the same pay grade as the Engineering Technician Supervisor/Public Works Technician IV class. An Engineering Technician Supervisor/PW Technician IV supervises lower- level technicians and clerical staff and performs highly-skilled technical work in the investigation, design, inspection, surveying, operation, or maintenance of assigned public works or water utility facilities. The deputy director position will manage with the director the department's human rights programs and functions. The position will haue managerial responsibility over the Engineering Teahnician Supervisor/Public Works Technician IV class in Grade 15 ofthe SPSO Standard Ranges. The deputy director position can be allocated to the existing unciassified title of Assistant Director ofHuman Rights provided it is in the appropriate pay grade. Based on the comparisons, the Assistant Director of Human Rights title should be higher in compensation than the Engineering Technician Supervisor/Public Works Technician IV classes in Grade 15 of the SPSO Standard Ranges and Contract Comgliance Supervisor and Supervisor of Investigation of I3uman Rights in Grade 18 of the SPSO Standard Ranges. Page 2 of 3 CO -�A Office Directors: A. Affitmative Action Director (LTnclassified) TheAffirmarive ActionDirector position manages the City's Affirmative ActionProgramand directs a functional support unit. The level of responsibility of the deputy director of Human Rights is no more than that of the Affirmative Action Director, which is in Grade 20 oftheNon-Represented City ManagersStandardRangeswithasalaryrangeof$49,700-$63,700. TheAffirmativeActionDirector has final authority and responsibility withinthe Affirmative Action Office; wheres, the deputy director position will report to the Director of Human Rights who has final authority and responsibility within the Department ofHuman Rights. B. Administrative Manager (Classified) The Administrative Manager position currently manages the Housing Informarion Office as Housing Informauon Director. This title is in Grade 24 of ttse Non-Represented City Managers Standard Ranges with a salary range of $55,300 -$71,100. The size ofthe budget and staff of the Housing Informarion Office is larger than that of the Affirmative Action Office. It is more compazable to that of the Department of Human Rights. As office director, the Administrative Manager/Housing Information Director has more responsibility and authority than the deputy director position of Human Rights. Quantitative Evaluation System (QES): The evaluation supports compensating the deputy directorpositionin Grade 20 ofthe SPSO Standazd Ranges. The Assistant Director ofAuman Rights title should be upgraded to Grade 20 from Grade 15 of the SPSO Standazd Ranges in order to allocate the deputy director position to this class. Recommendation: I recommend that the deputy director position shouid be allocated to the Assistant Director ofHuman Rights class. I further recommend that the Assistant Director of Human Rights should be upgraded to Grade 20 from Grade 15 of the SPSO Standard Ranges. Page 3 of 3 OFFiCE OF AUMAN RESOURCES John Hamilton, Director CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Tyrone Teriill, Director Department of FIuman Rights Kazen Sanchez �� ��ee ef Hamsn Resources October 25, 1999 Twenty Day Notice 400CityHaIIA�mez 25 WestFourth Street SaintPaul,Minnesom 55102-1631 Telephone: TTJD/lTY.� Jobline: Facrmtle: I` Opcon: Z Opaox: 3i Option: �� �t'� 657-2666500 651-266-6501 651-2666502 651-292-6414 651-292-6415 651-292-7656 It has been determined that the unclassified title of Assistant Director of Human Rights should be upgraded &om Grade 15 of the Professional Supervisory Standard Ranges to Crrade 20 of the Professional Supervisory Standazd Ranges. I have attached a copy of the advisory class spec for your review. Please notify me within twenty days of receipt of this memo, if you wish to discuss these changes. If I do not hear from you within that timeframe, I will assume agreement and will proceed with the process. I will also be processing a resolution to upgrade the title of Assistant Director of Human Rights to Grade 20 of the Professional Supervisory Standard Ranges. I hereby waive the time remaining on this 20 day notice for the purpose of upgrading this title and class specification. � � ^ � �-' �—/ Tyrone Terrill Date c: u�.eaic�.�,;nc;rass�rvBUrE�ca,of�,aepc,�ya OFFICE OF HUMAN RESOURCES JohnHamikon, Director CTTY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor October 25, 1999 Helga Kessler, President Saint Paul Supervisors Organization Bargaining Unit #9 Water Utility 8 East 4'" Street, Suite 200 Saint Paul, Mmnesota 55102 Dear Helga: 400CityHallAnnez 25 WestFourth Sueet SaintPmil,Mmnuom SSIOL1631 0� ��� Telephone: 65I-2666500 TDD/LZ'Y.• 651-2666501 Jobline: 651-266-6502 Facsimile: 1° Opkan: 651-292-64I4 Y`Optlon: 651-292-6415 3'" Opdon: 651-292-7656 It has been determined that the unclassified title of Assistant Director of Human Rights should be upgraded from Grade 15 of the Professional Supervisory Standard Ranges to Grade 20 of the Professional Supervisory Standard Ranges. I have attached a copy of the advisory class spec for your review. Please notify me within twenty days of receipt of this memo, if you wish to discuss these changes. If I do not hear from you within that timeframe, I will assume agreement and will proceed with the process. I will also be processing a resolution to upgrade the title of Assistant Director of Human Rights to Grade 20 of the Professional Supervisory Standard Ranges. Sincerely, �W� Karen Sanchez Office of Human Resources I hereby waive the time remaining on this 20 day notice for the purpose of upgrading this title and / t,�<'1 ��'-:3`,�G i ' Date G: VSM>edlC7acnf ICLASSVEA�LATEavtdir.oJ.Rltssmon*Pd ORIGINAL RESOLUTION Presented Referred To Council File # 00 — �'O Green Sheet # 08943 Committee Date An Admnustrative Resolurion to 2 change the rate of compensation for 3 the existing classification of Assistant 4 Director of Human Rights (unclassified) 5 RESOLVED, that the compensation for the classification of Assistant Director of Human 6 Rights shallbe changed from Grade O15 to Grade 020 as set for in SectionID4 oftheProfessionalEmployees 7 Supervisory Standard Ranges in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation, and be it, FiJRTIIER RESOLVED, that this resolution shall take effect and be in force on the first pay period following passage and approval. Requested by Department of. Human Resources Office By: �e .��.. � Adopted by Council: Date °�, �o 0 0 ,� Adoption Certified by Council Sec tary BY� �' _ � Approved by Mayor: D� l� ��' �': OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA \g Form Ap roved by City Attorne BY= _��.J'��� I'Z.-� l� �l�i \Y \� � DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCII,: DATE INITSATED GREEN SHEET No.: 08943 Office of Human Resources 12/9/99 D O—'�1 CONTACt' PERSON & PHONE: PIPt7AI/naTS IlvPPtaLDnTE Mark Robertson 266-647 t DEPAR4MENf DIR a cm co�rcn, Kazen Sanchez 266-6483(( nss�cn�u s x[mtsEaaox zcme�rmxNer i21'�.+� cmc�EUc ROUTING ��� PLNANCtALSBRVDIl2 FINANCtAi,SERV/ACCl'G � MUST BE ON COiJNCII, AGEPiDA BY (DATL� 3 t.tnyaR�oRnssr.�/ .-� � y�,•t� . S c7--�C'� � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES_1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURti) ACTION REQUESTED: Ct�ange the pay rate of the Assistant D'uector of Human Rights (unclassified title) from Grade li to Grade 20 of the Professional Employees Supervisory Standard Ranges. RECObfbIl'.NDAITONS Approve(A)orReject(R) PERSONAI.SERVICECOt�`7Re1CfSM[JSTANSWERI'HEFOLIAWINGQUESITONS: 1. HaztiilspasodL}meverwodcedwderawnhac[forUvsdepaztment? PLP.NNINGCqMIvIISSION Yes No CIDCAMIIITLSE 2. Haztkuspason/fimeveibeeaaciTyemployee? CIVII Yes 'No 3. Doestftispetsod5rmposessaskillxwtnorznallypossessedbymyct¢centciTyemployee? Yes No 4. Ssth�spe:sodfvmatargeted'�+endo!! Yes No — E�lain ail yes answers on aeparete sheet and atfach to green sheM INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why): . Section 18318 (6) of the City of Saint Paul Human Rights Ordinance gives authority to the Director of Hmnau Rights to appoint a deputy director position. The D'uector of Human Rights requested that a depury director position be created. It is a standard human resource practice to match requested positions to e�usting tifles, as far as practicable, before creating new ones. Based upon the study, it was deternuned that the eusting tiUe of Assistant Director of Human Rights (unclassified) is appropriate for the deputy director position. It was fi.irther determined that the Assistant D'uector of Human Rights should be upgraded to Grade 20 from Gxade 15 of the SPSO Standard Ranges. ADVAIVTAGES IF APPROVED: The duties of the Assistant D'uector of Human Rights will include the supervision of the Contract Compliance and Complaint Investigation progiams. These pcogtams weie previously supexvised by a Contract Compliance Su�xvisor and a Supe:visoi of Investigafion, respectively, both in Grade 18 of the SPSO Standard Ranges. Ha�ing one supeivisor supervise both pcograms is more cost-effective, efficient and effective. DISADVAN'PAGES IF APPROVED: None. The salary for this position has already been placed in the Depattment of Human Rights budget. DIBADVANTAGE5IF NOT APPRO�ED_ ,� , r � � ,�, Missed opportunities for cost-effecrive, efficient and effective operation. - 4 TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: COST/REVENUE BUDGETED: '"' P'UNDING SOURCE: ACTIVITY N UMBER: FINANCIAL INFOIiMATION: (EXPLAIN) .,; � � �Qrter ��!�°r°�� ��ea�c`s �enter G:�Shared\Team3�ItesolutionsOidinances\gs.assLdir.of.Lr.wpd °". - � :��. �. r r:r i , � ✓ PROPOSED TITI.E OF CIASS: CODE: 680A BU: 17 EFFECTIVE: a o -�o ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF HUltAN RIGHTS (ADOISORY SPEC) OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs aanagerial vork assisting the departoent director in planning, developing, and administering a variety of h�an righta progrsns and functions; and performs other related duties as assigned. Suoervision Received: Works under the administrative aupervision of the department director. Suuervision Exercised: Exercises general supervision over supervisory, professional, tect�nical and/or clerical staff. TYPICAL DUTZES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all the duties performed by all positions in this class. Hanages and coordinates with the departaent director a variety of human rights programs and functions such as the department's contxact compliance and complaint investigation prograas. Manages and coordinates mith the department director the planning and administration of special pro]ects, research, budget, information systems, performance management/improvement programs, and other�administrative support programs for the department. Develops, evaluates, and recommends departmental goals and objectives, policies and procedures, programs and projects to ensure timely and effective customer service and compliance with legal and procedural requirements. Assists the department director in the preparation and presentation of cases before the Human Rights Commission, administrative hearings or courts. Represents the department as directed by the director or in the absence of the director. KNOWLEDGE, SKILIS, ABILITIES AND Considerable knowledge of theories, principles, and functions of human rights. Considerable knowledge of civil/h�an rights laws, zules, regulations, related court rulings and decisions, and new legislation. Considerable knowledge of human rights issues, developments, trends and (continued on reverse side) ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF HUMAN RIGHTS (ADVISORY SPEC) Page'2 PROPOSED TZTLE OF CIASS: ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF HUMAN RIGHTS (ADVISORY SPEC) innovations. Considerable knowledge of managenent theories and principles. Considerable ability to plan, organize, and supervise the work of others. Considerable ability to sake decisions, analyze problens, and resolve conflfcts or misunderstandings. Considerable ability to develop short snd long range plans and programs. Considerable ability to facilitate group process and build consensus. Considerable ability to co�unicate effectively both orally and in writing. Considerable ability to interact effectively with a wide variety of individuals, groups, and organizations. MINIMUM QUALZFICATIONS Law degree and two years of human rights related experience; or master's degree and three years of human rights related experience; or bachelor's degree and five years of human rights related experience. ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF HUMAN RIGHTS (ADVISORY SPEC) Oo-\�O DESK AUDTT REPORT Requested Class: Incumbent: Date Studied: Studied By: Persons Contacted: Deputy Director of Human Rights Vacant September 1,1999 Karen Sanchez Director of Human Rights APPROVAL OF THE ASS�`FANT CTOR OF HUMAN RESOURCES: �"���� �: � �� ���-- DATE: f Z I S I�� Background: In lieu of the Contract Compliance Supervisor and Supervisor of Investigation-Human Rights, the depattment requested that the posirion of Deputy Director of Human Rights be created in the unclassified service. In accordance with the City of Saint Paul Human Rights Ordinance, Section 183.18 (6), the Director of Human Rights can appoint a deputy director in the unclassified service to serve at the director's pleasure. This study was conducted to detemvne the appropriate classificarion and compensation of the requested position. Posifion Description: The position will assist the Director of Human Rights in plamvng, developing, and administering human rights programs and functions. (See attached advisory class specification) The duties will include: Manages with the Director the departmenY s Contract Compliance and Complaint Investigation programs and functions. 2. Manages with the Director the special projects, research, budget, information system, performance management/improvement programs, and other administrative support programs for the department. 3. Evaluates, develops, and recommends organizational goals and objectives, policies and procedures, and programs to insure timely and effective customer service and compliance with legal and procedural requirements. 4. Assists the Director in the prepararion and presentation of cases before the Human Rights Page 1 of 3 Oo -\o Commissioq administrative hearings or courts. 5. Represents the department as directed by the Director or in the absence of the Director. Comparison: The position was compazed with the Contract Compliance Supervisor, Supervisor ofInvestigation - Human Rights, Assistant Director of Human Rights, Affirmative Action Director, and Housing InformationDirector classes/positions. Contract Compliance Supervisor (Human Rights) Supervisor oflnvestigation (Human Rights) (Classified) The Contract Compliance Supervisor position supervises the Contract Compliance Program and the Supervisor of Investigation-Human Rights, the Complaint Invesrigation Program. These two positions are now vacant. In lieu of these positions, the deputy director position will be created to assist the directorin supervisinghuman rights programs and funcrions including Contract Compliance and Complaint Investigation. The deputy director position will have more responsibility than the Contract Compliance 5upervisor or Supervisor of Investigation-Human Rights. Both classes are in Crrade 18 ofthe Professional Supervisory Standard Ranges with a salary range of $46,900-$60,500. Assistant Director of Human Rights (ITnclassifzed) The existing unclassified title of Assistant Director of Human Rights is in Grade 15 of the SPSO Standazd Ranges with a salary range of $43,200-$55,600. This title has not been used. Currently, this title is assigned in the same pay grade as the Engineering Technician Supervisor/Public Works Technician IV class. An Engineering Technician Supervisor/PW Technician IV supervises lower- level technicians and clerical staff and performs highly-skilled technical work in the investigation, design, inspection, surveying, operation, or maintenance of assigned public works or water utility facilities. The deputy director position will manage with the director the department's human rights programs and functions. The position will haue managerial responsibility over the Engineering Teahnician Supervisor/Public Works Technician IV class in Grade 15 ofthe SPSO Standard Ranges. The deputy director position can be allocated to the existing unciassified title of Assistant Director ofHuman Rights provided it is in the appropriate pay grade. Based on the comparisons, the Assistant Director of Human Rights title should be higher in compensation than the Engineering Technician Supervisor/Public Works Technician IV classes in Grade 15 of the SPSO Standard Ranges and Contract Comgliance Supervisor and Supervisor of Investigation of I3uman Rights in Grade 18 of the SPSO Standard Ranges. Page 2 of 3 CO -�A Office Directors: A. Affitmative Action Director (LTnclassified) TheAffirmarive ActionDirector position manages the City's Affirmative ActionProgramand directs a functional support unit. The level of responsibility of the deputy director of Human Rights is no more than that of the Affirmative Action Director, which is in Grade 20 oftheNon-Represented City ManagersStandardRangeswithasalaryrangeof$49,700-$63,700. TheAffirmativeActionDirector has final authority and responsibility withinthe Affirmative Action Office; wheres, the deputy director position will report to the Director of Human Rights who has final authority and responsibility within the Department ofHuman Rights. B. Administrative Manager (Classified) The Administrative Manager position currently manages the Housing Informarion Office as Housing Informauon Director. This title is in Grade 24 of ttse Non-Represented City Managers Standard Ranges with a salary range of $55,300 -$71,100. The size ofthe budget and staff of the Housing Informarion Office is larger than that of the Affirmative Action Office. It is more compazable to that of the Department of Human Rights. As office director, the Administrative Manager/Housing Information Director has more responsibility and authority than the deputy director position of Human Rights. Quantitative Evaluation System (QES): The evaluation supports compensating the deputy directorpositionin Grade 20 ofthe SPSO Standazd Ranges. The Assistant Director ofAuman Rights title should be upgraded to Grade 20 from Grade 15 of the SPSO Standazd Ranges in order to allocate the deputy director position to this class. Recommendation: I recommend that the deputy director position shouid be allocated to the Assistant Director ofHuman Rights class. I further recommend that the Assistant Director of Human Rights should be upgraded to Grade 20 from Grade 15 of the SPSO Standard Ranges. Page 3 of 3 OFFiCE OF AUMAN RESOURCES John Hamilton, Director CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Tyrone Teriill, Director Department of FIuman Rights Kazen Sanchez �� ��ee ef Hamsn Resources October 25, 1999 Twenty Day Notice 400CityHaIIA�mez 25 WestFourth Street SaintPaul,Minnesom 55102-1631 Telephone: TTJD/lTY.� Jobline: Facrmtle: I` Opcon: Z Opaox: 3i Option: �� �t'� 657-2666500 651-266-6501 651-2666502 651-292-6414 651-292-6415 651-292-7656 It has been determined that the unclassified title of Assistant Director of Human Rights should be upgraded &om Grade 15 of the Professional Supervisory Standard Ranges to Crrade 20 of the Professional Supervisory Standazd Ranges. I have attached a copy of the advisory class spec for your review. Please notify me within twenty days of receipt of this memo, if you wish to discuss these changes. If I do not hear from you within that timeframe, I will assume agreement and will proceed with the process. I will also be processing a resolution to upgrade the title of Assistant Director of Human Rights to Grade 20 of the Professional Supervisory Standard Ranges. I hereby waive the time remaining on this 20 day notice for the purpose of upgrading this title and class specification. � � ^ � �-' �—/ Tyrone Terrill Date c: u�.eaic�.�,;nc;rass�rvBUrE�ca,of�,aepc,�ya OFFICE OF HUMAN RESOURCES JohnHamikon, Director CTTY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor October 25, 1999 Helga Kessler, President Saint Paul Supervisors Organization Bargaining Unit #9 Water Utility 8 East 4'" Street, Suite 200 Saint Paul, Mmnesota 55102 Dear Helga: 400CityHallAnnez 25 WestFourth Sueet SaintPmil,Mmnuom SSIOL1631 0� ��� Telephone: 65I-2666500 TDD/LZ'Y.• 651-2666501 Jobline: 651-266-6502 Facsimile: 1° Opkan: 651-292-64I4 Y`Optlon: 651-292-6415 3'" Opdon: 651-292-7656 It has been determined that the unclassified title of Assistant Director of Human Rights should be upgraded from Grade 15 of the Professional Supervisory Standard Ranges to Grade 20 of the Professional Supervisory Standard Ranges. I have attached a copy of the advisory class spec for your review. Please notify me within twenty days of receipt of this memo, if you wish to discuss these changes. If I do not hear from you within that timeframe, I will assume agreement and will proceed with the process. I will also be processing a resolution to upgrade the title of Assistant Director of Human Rights to Grade 20 of the Professional Supervisory Standard Ranges. Sincerely, �W� Karen Sanchez Office of Human Resources I hereby waive the time remaining on this 20 day notice for the purpose of upgrading this title and / t,�<'1 ��'-:3`,�G i ' Date G: VSM>edlC7acnf ICLASSVEA�LATEavtdir.oJ.Rltssmon*Pd ORIGINAL RESOLUTION Presented Referred To Council File # 00 — �'O Green Sheet # 08943 Committee Date An Admnustrative Resolurion to 2 change the rate of compensation for 3 the existing classification of Assistant 4 Director of Human Rights (unclassified) 5 RESOLVED, that the compensation for the classification of Assistant Director of Human 6 Rights shallbe changed from Grade O15 to Grade 020 as set for in SectionID4 oftheProfessionalEmployees 7 Supervisory Standard Ranges in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation, and be it, FiJRTIIER RESOLVED, that this resolution shall take effect and be in force on the first pay period following passage and approval. Requested by Department of. Human Resources Office By: �e .��.. � Adopted by Council: Date °�, �o 0 0 ,� Adoption Certified by Council Sec tary BY� �' _ � Approved by Mayor: D� l� ��' �': OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA \g Form Ap roved by City Attorne BY= _��.J'��� I'Z.-� l� �l�i \Y \� � DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCII,: DATE INITSATED GREEN SHEET No.: 08943 Office of Human Resources 12/9/99 D O—'�1 CONTACt' PERSON & PHONE: PIPt7AI/naTS IlvPPtaLDnTE Mark Robertson 266-647 t DEPAR4MENf DIR a cm co�rcn, Kazen Sanchez 266-6483(( nss�cn�u s x[mtsEaaox zcme�rmxNer i21'�.+� cmc�EUc ROUTING ��� PLNANCtALSBRVDIl2 FINANCtAi,SERV/ACCl'G � MUST BE ON COiJNCII, AGEPiDA BY (DATL� 3 t.tnyaR�oRnssr.�/ .-� � y�,•t� . S c7--�C'� � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES_1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURti) ACTION REQUESTED: Ct�ange the pay rate of the Assistant D'uector of Human Rights (unclassified title) from Grade li to Grade 20 of the Professional Employees Supervisory Standard Ranges. RECObfbIl'.NDAITONS Approve(A)orReject(R) PERSONAI.SERVICECOt�`7Re1CfSM[JSTANSWERI'HEFOLIAWINGQUESITONS: 1. HaztiilspasodL}meverwodcedwderawnhac[forUvsdepaztment? PLP.NNINGCqMIvIISSION Yes No CIDCAMIIITLSE 2. Haztkuspason/fimeveibeeaaciTyemployee? CIVII Yes 'No 3. Doestftispetsod5rmposessaskillxwtnorznallypossessedbymyct¢centciTyemployee? Yes No 4. Ssth�spe:sodfvmatargeted'�+endo!! Yes No — E�lain ail yes answers on aeparete sheet and atfach to green sheM INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why): . Section 18318 (6) of the City of Saint Paul Human Rights Ordinance gives authority to the Director of Hmnau Rights to appoint a deputy director position. The D'uector of Human Rights requested that a depury director position be created. It is a standard human resource practice to match requested positions to e�usting tifles, as far as practicable, before creating new ones. Based upon the study, it was deternuned that the eusting tiUe of Assistant Director of Human Rights (unclassified) is appropriate for the deputy director position. It was fi.irther determined that the Assistant D'uector of Human Rights should be upgraded to Grade 20 from Gxade 15 of the SPSO Standard Ranges. ADVAIVTAGES IF APPROVED: The duties of the Assistant D'uector of Human Rights will include the supervision of the Contract Compliance and Complaint Investigation progiams. These pcogtams weie previously supexvised by a Contract Compliance Su�xvisor and a Supe:visoi of Investigafion, respectively, both in Grade 18 of the SPSO Standard Ranges. Ha�ing one supeivisor supervise both pcograms is more cost-effective, efficient and effective. DISADVAN'PAGES IF APPROVED: None. The salary for this position has already been placed in the Depattment of Human Rights budget. DIBADVANTAGE5IF NOT APPRO�ED_ ,� , r � � ,�, Missed opportunities for cost-effecrive, efficient and effective operation. - 4 TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: COST/REVENUE BUDGETED: '"' P'UNDING SOURCE: ACTIVITY N UMBER: FINANCIAL INFOIiMATION: (EXPLAIN) .,; � � �Qrter ��!�°r°�� ��ea�c`s �enter G:�Shared\Team3�ItesolutionsOidinances\gs.assLdir.of.Lr.wpd °". - � :��. �. r r:r i , � ✓ PROPOSED TITI.E OF CIASS: CODE: 680A BU: 17 EFFECTIVE: a o -�o ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF HUltAN RIGHTS (ADOISORY SPEC) OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs aanagerial vork assisting the departoent director in planning, developing, and administering a variety of h�an righta progrsns and functions; and performs other related duties as assigned. Suoervision Received: Works under the administrative aupervision of the department director. Suuervision Exercised: Exercises general supervision over supervisory, professional, tect�nical and/or clerical staff. TYPICAL DUTZES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all the duties performed by all positions in this class. Hanages and coordinates with the departaent director a variety of human rights programs and functions such as the department's contxact compliance and complaint investigation prograas. Manages and coordinates mith the department director the planning and administration of special pro]ects, research, budget, information systems, performance management/improvement programs, and other�administrative support programs for the department. Develops, evaluates, and recommends departmental goals and objectives, policies and procedures, programs and projects to ensure timely and effective customer service and compliance with legal and procedural requirements. Assists the department director in the preparation and presentation of cases before the Human Rights Commission, administrative hearings or courts. Represents the department as directed by the director or in the absence of the director. KNOWLEDGE, SKILIS, ABILITIES AND Considerable knowledge of theories, principles, and functions of human rights. Considerable knowledge of civil/h�an rights laws, zules, regulations, related court rulings and decisions, and new legislation. Considerable knowledge of human rights issues, developments, trends and (continued on reverse side) ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF HUMAN RIGHTS (ADVISORY SPEC) Page'2 PROPOSED TZTLE OF CIASS: ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF HUMAN RIGHTS (ADVISORY SPEC) innovations. Considerable knowledge of managenent theories and principles. Considerable ability to plan, organize, and supervise the work of others. Considerable ability to sake decisions, analyze problens, and resolve conflfcts or misunderstandings. Considerable ability to develop short snd long range plans and programs. Considerable ability to facilitate group process and build consensus. Considerable ability to co�unicate effectively both orally and in writing. Considerable ability to interact effectively with a wide variety of individuals, groups, and organizations. MINIMUM QUALZFICATIONS Law degree and two years of human rights related experience; or master's degree and three years of human rights related experience; or bachelor's degree and five years of human rights related experience. ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF HUMAN RIGHTS (ADVISORY SPEC) Oo-\�O DESK AUDTT REPORT Requested Class: Incumbent: Date Studied: Studied By: Persons Contacted: Deputy Director of Human Rights Vacant September 1,1999 Karen Sanchez Director of Human Rights APPROVAL OF THE ASS�`FANT CTOR OF HUMAN RESOURCES: �"���� �: � �� ���-- DATE: f Z I S I�� Background: In lieu of the Contract Compliance Supervisor and Supervisor of Investigation-Human Rights, the depattment requested that the posirion of Deputy Director of Human Rights be created in the unclassified service. In accordance with the City of Saint Paul Human Rights Ordinance, Section 183.18 (6), the Director of Human Rights can appoint a deputy director in the unclassified service to serve at the director's pleasure. This study was conducted to detemvne the appropriate classificarion and compensation of the requested position. Posifion Description: The position will assist the Director of Human Rights in plamvng, developing, and administering human rights programs and functions. (See attached advisory class specification) The duties will include: Manages with the Director the departmenY s Contract Compliance and Complaint Investigation programs and functions. 2. Manages with the Director the special projects, research, budget, information system, performance management/improvement programs, and other administrative support programs for the department. 3. Evaluates, develops, and recommends organizational goals and objectives, policies and procedures, and programs to insure timely and effective customer service and compliance with legal and procedural requirements. 4. Assists the Director in the prepararion and presentation of cases before the Human Rights Page 1 of 3 Oo -\o Commissioq administrative hearings or courts. 5. Represents the department as directed by the Director or in the absence of the Director. Comparison: The position was compazed with the Contract Compliance Supervisor, Supervisor ofInvestigation - Human Rights, Assistant Director of Human Rights, Affirmative Action Director, and Housing InformationDirector classes/positions. Contract Compliance Supervisor (Human Rights) Supervisor oflnvestigation (Human Rights) (Classified) The Contract Compliance Supervisor position supervises the Contract Compliance Program and the Supervisor of Investigation-Human Rights, the Complaint Invesrigation Program. These two positions are now vacant. In lieu of these positions, the deputy director position will be created to assist the directorin supervisinghuman rights programs and funcrions including Contract Compliance and Complaint Investigation. The deputy director position will have more responsibility than the Contract Compliance 5upervisor or Supervisor of Investigation-Human Rights. Both classes are in Crrade 18 ofthe Professional Supervisory Standard Ranges with a salary range of $46,900-$60,500. Assistant Director of Human Rights (ITnclassifzed) The existing unclassified title of Assistant Director of Human Rights is in Grade 15 of the SPSO Standazd Ranges with a salary range of $43,200-$55,600. This title has not been used. Currently, this title is assigned in the same pay grade as the Engineering Technician Supervisor/Public Works Technician IV class. An Engineering Technician Supervisor/PW Technician IV supervises lower- level technicians and clerical staff and performs highly-skilled technical work in the investigation, design, inspection, surveying, operation, or maintenance of assigned public works or water utility facilities. The deputy director position will manage with the director the department's human rights programs and functions. The position will haue managerial responsibility over the Engineering Teahnician Supervisor/Public Works Technician IV class in Grade 15 ofthe SPSO Standard Ranges. The deputy director position can be allocated to the existing unciassified title of Assistant Director ofHuman Rights provided it is in the appropriate pay grade. Based on the comparisons, the Assistant Director of Human Rights title should be higher in compensation than the Engineering Technician Supervisor/Public Works Technician IV classes in Grade 15 of the SPSO Standard Ranges and Contract Comgliance Supervisor and Supervisor of Investigation of I3uman Rights in Grade 18 of the SPSO Standard Ranges. Page 2 of 3 CO -�A Office Directors: A. Affitmative Action Director (LTnclassified) TheAffirmarive ActionDirector position manages the City's Affirmative ActionProgramand directs a functional support unit. The level of responsibility of the deputy director of Human Rights is no more than that of the Affirmative Action Director, which is in Grade 20 oftheNon-Represented City ManagersStandardRangeswithasalaryrangeof$49,700-$63,700. TheAffirmativeActionDirector has final authority and responsibility withinthe Affirmative Action Office; wheres, the deputy director position will report to the Director of Human Rights who has final authority and responsibility within the Department ofHuman Rights. B. Administrative Manager (Classified) The Administrative Manager position currently manages the Housing Informarion Office as Housing Informauon Director. This title is in Grade 24 of ttse Non-Represented City Managers Standard Ranges with a salary range of $55,300 -$71,100. The size ofthe budget and staff of the Housing Informarion Office is larger than that of the Affirmative Action Office. It is more compazable to that of the Department of Human Rights. As office director, the Administrative Manager/Housing Information Director has more responsibility and authority than the deputy director position of Human Rights. Quantitative Evaluation System (QES): The evaluation supports compensating the deputy directorpositionin Grade 20 ofthe SPSO Standazd Ranges. The Assistant Director ofAuman Rights title should be upgraded to Grade 20 from Grade 15 of the SPSO Standazd Ranges in order to allocate the deputy director position to this class. Recommendation: I recommend that the deputy director position shouid be allocated to the Assistant Director ofHuman Rights class. I further recommend that the Assistant Director of Human Rights should be upgraded to Grade 20 from Grade 15 of the SPSO Standard Ranges. Page 3 of 3 OFFiCE OF AUMAN RESOURCES John Hamilton, Director CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Tyrone Teriill, Director Department of FIuman Rights Kazen Sanchez �� ��ee ef Hamsn Resources October 25, 1999 Twenty Day Notice 400CityHaIIA�mez 25 WestFourth Street SaintPaul,Minnesom 55102-1631 Telephone: TTJD/lTY.� Jobline: Facrmtle: I` Opcon: Z Opaox: 3i Option: �� �t'� 657-2666500 651-266-6501 651-2666502 651-292-6414 651-292-6415 651-292-7656 It has been determined that the unclassified title of Assistant Director of Human Rights should be upgraded &om Grade 15 of the Professional Supervisory Standard Ranges to Crrade 20 of the Professional Supervisory Standazd Ranges. I have attached a copy of the advisory class spec for your review. Please notify me within twenty days of receipt of this memo, if you wish to discuss these changes. If I do not hear from you within that timeframe, I will assume agreement and will proceed with the process. I will also be processing a resolution to upgrade the title of Assistant Director of Human Rights to Grade 20 of the Professional Supervisory Standard Ranges. I hereby waive the time remaining on this 20 day notice for the purpose of upgrading this title and class specification. � � ^ � �-' �—/ Tyrone Terrill Date c: u�.eaic�.�,;nc;rass�rvBUrE�ca,of�,aepc,�ya OFFICE OF HUMAN RESOURCES JohnHamikon, Director CTTY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor October 25, 1999 Helga Kessler, President Saint Paul Supervisors Organization Bargaining Unit #9 Water Utility 8 East 4'" Street, Suite 200 Saint Paul, Mmnesota 55102 Dear Helga: 400CityHallAnnez 25 WestFourth Sueet SaintPmil,Mmnuom SSIOL1631 0� ��� Telephone: 65I-2666500 TDD/LZ'Y.• 651-2666501 Jobline: 651-266-6502 Facsimile: 1° Opkan: 651-292-64I4 Y`Optlon: 651-292-6415 3'" Opdon: 651-292-7656 It has been determined that the unclassified title of Assistant Director of Human Rights should be upgraded from Grade 15 of the Professional Supervisory Standard Ranges to Grade 20 of the Professional Supervisory Standard Ranges. I have attached a copy of the advisory class spec for your review. Please notify me within twenty days of receipt of this memo, if you wish to discuss these changes. If I do not hear from you within that timeframe, I will assume agreement and will proceed with the process. I will also be processing a resolution to upgrade the title of Assistant Director of Human Rights to Grade 20 of the Professional Supervisory Standard Ranges. Sincerely, �W� Karen Sanchez Office of Human Resources I hereby waive the time remaining on this 20 day notice for the purpose of upgrading this title and / t,�<'1 ��'-:3`,�G i ' Date G: VSM>edlC7acnf ICLASSVEA�LATEavtdir.oJ.Rltssmon*Pd