D00804Whitc - CityClerk Pink - Fmmce Dept C�Y " �Pt- City of Saint Paul • BUDGET REVISION Chan¢e ADMINISTRATIVE OR71ER� Consisbent with the authority grented to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the CiTy ChaRer and based on the request of tlie Director of the Department ofExecutive Adminishation to amend the 1995 budget ofthe General fund, the Director ofthe Depaztrnent ofFinance and Management Se�vi�ces is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner: Current Bud¢et TO: 001-00155 - 0275 001-00155 - 0857 FROM: 001-00163 - 0367 �57 - 0219 -00155-0368 1-00158 - 0381 001-00162 - 07A4 Pteparedby: ActivityManager OF'FICE OF THE MAYOR ADNIINISTRATIVE ORDER $23,877.00 $62,352.44 $ 9,500.00 588,357.28 $12,103.00 S 113.00 S 1,589.00 1� �, � ,. ��� Ila• �.l\\nl,� . , . 55,000.00 S 448.00 ($ 800.00) ($2,000.00) ($2,100.00) ($ 113.00) ($ 435.00) Na: ��V 7 �� Amended Bud¢et $25,877.00 $62,800.44 $ 8,700.00 $86,357.28 $10�03.00 $ 0 $ 1,154.00 Ap � r � �� ���� ��: c2—��'—�5f' �ii'iT!li'Ti� .�,,.v..� � DEPARTMENf/OFFiCF1COUNCII.: DATE II�ITIATED GREEN SHEET xo.: 35016 HumanResources Z�j(}�' �, 12121J95 CONTACf PERSpN & PHONE: p IIiIIL�LDA7E IlVl3W/DA2S k Robertson 266-6471 �� DEPARTMENT DIR �� crrr �cn, xua�Ex �arroxr�t crrrciExtc � MUSf BE ONCOUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATL� �R ��'T�DIR' '� F7N. & MGT. SERVECE DIR. ' ROUTING 7dAYOR OReLSSI:) ui1 I A"CGf � ORDER TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGFS 1 (CLIP ALI. IACATIONS FOR SRGNATURE) acriox �LrFSrEn: Move dollars to reflect spending in appropriate e�cpenditure codes. RECOMbffiNDATIONS:Apptwe(A)arRejxt(A) , PERSONALSERVICECONTRACTSMUSTANSWERTHEFOLLOWiNG QitESTIONS: _PLANNINGCOMbIISSION CIVI[.SERVICE COMA4SSION 1. Hasihispasao/5tmevxwakeduvdersw�aGfortltisdepatme�t? _CID COMI�flTCEE _ Ya No STAFF _ 2. fiastltiapason/fumevcbcenacityemployee? DISTRICT COURT Ycs No SUPPORTSWHICHCOUNCII.OB7EC11VET 3. n�m��ods��88acatn��ira�brmr��r�r��y«? " Yes No . Eiplain aD yes answen on xprnte aheet wd aNach W=rcm aheef _ nvrrwTmrc rxoaLEM, issuE, orroxTVxrrY �, wn.r, wem, wee�, w��: Move year-end dollars into appropriate spending codes to accuntely reIIect spending. ; nuv.►rrrncES rn nrrxovEn: Dollazs will be spent out of appropriate codes. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: visnnv,�rrracES � xoT nrrxovEn: The budget will not be balanced within each activity. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACI'ION: COSf/REVENUE BUDGET&D: FUNDING SOURCE: ACTIViTY NUhfBER: FINANCfAI.INFORMATION: (EXPLAIP� � �� RECElVE� DEC 2 81995 �ITY CLER&� �