85-1202 M�MITE - GTV CLERK � PINK - FINANCE G I Y O F SA I NT PA U L Council �,�_/� 0 GANARV - DEPARTMENT File NO. ` BI:UE - MAVOR C u 'l Resolution Presented By L ' Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date BE IT RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby certifi s and approves the action of the City of Saint Paul Board of Appeals and Review pertaining to the following listed pro erty and as shown by the Excerpted Minutes of said Board of App als and Review, dated 8-13-85, and marked EXHIBIT A, and att ched hereto and made a part hereof by reference: DATE OF BOARD MINUTES CASE p, PROPERTY APPELLANT 8-13-85 50-85-H 568 Farrington Vicki A. Hastings BOARD ACTION: Gra ted an extension of time for 90 days to November 3, 1985 to do the necessary electrical work to meet code. Property Description: Robertson and Van Etten Addition excluding south 62' for alley, Lot 7, Block 11. ---------- ------------------------=------- 8-13-85 26-8 -H 823 N. Snelling Dan Sexton BOARD ACTION: Gran ed a 90 day extension of time to complete all work stipulated in the City' s letter to them, with the exception of that wo k which was granted a variance. Property Description College Place West Division Lot 3, Block l. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Drew Nays Masanz In Favor N�cos�a Scne�be� � __ Against BY Son�en Ted�°° EP — 3 1985 4Vrtspw Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Ya. -e ouncil Secr ry By ����C/ `C � ��o/g� sy /#p by IVlavor: Date < SEP — Tg� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY — BY PUBUSHED E P 141985 . ���-���� ,,��T• �. CITY OF SAINT PAUL e� '�` OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY �� iiii'ii"i �� . „ EDWARD P. STARR, CITY ATTORNEY ��Q��°� 647 City Hall, Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 612-298-5121 GEORGE LATIMER MAYOR August 20, 1985 Terri Byrne 705A City Hall Bldg. Re: Board ofAppeals and Review Resolutions ugust 13 meeting Dear Ms . Byrne: Enclosed are resolut ' ons requested pertaining to: 916 York 2097 Fairmount 823 N. Snelling 1479 Portland 51-57-63 S. Avon 705 Summit 568 Farrington 823 N. Snelling Sincerely, �----- � C<� JOHN B. McCORMICK Assistant City Attorn y JBMcC:rl Enc . . �_ �,�/d °a, ' EXHIBIT A � ---------._ .. __ ___ _ _ __- -_ ---- ,` 50-85-H 568 F rrin�ton Avenue Vicki A. Has-tinc�s �� � SUBJECT Request an extension of time to bring electrical servir_:<> up to code. Elec rical s�rvice is in the basemen� but neei�s ��_o ,( be brought i nto eac a���r�trnrn�t . � , ' APPEAR�NCE V i ck i H s�t i nc�s ; � � ; �1 PROCEED I NGS Robert Don��.e 1 I , Hous i ng and Bu i 1 d i ng Cocle exp 1 c3 1 I"li=.'c:l ; tha-t th�re i s an ex st i ng 200 arnp. servi ce i n thF bui 1 c:Ji ng bu�l. i c: was not energ i zed . NSP w i 1 1 nc��: connect up unt 9 I �l.hey ge�L �_� � ' okay from� the Bu i 1 i nc� Departm�n�t . He s� i d the on 1 y ��cct��:, -L.���;� �.enants have to he d i s1�r i l�u�L. i on pane 1 i 5 �.o c�o au ts i dc: �l-.I��:� bu i 1 d i ng. 7enant i s su��po.���� ta hav� reai�y �ccrss Lr_� �t`��- d i s�tr i but i on pane 1 and i�ri i s 5 i �:uat i on here i s i n v i a 1 ���t i on c.f � code. HP i s re��u i r nn t.l-�c� d i s�l r i bu�t i on pane 1 s to be rnovE:d i r�s i c!�:� for easy access i bi 1 �ty. EtOARD ACT I ON Haro 1 Knu�.son rnaved to grdn�t �r� �x�tens i on of �:. i n��e, for 90 days (8- 13- 5 �l.o ' 1 -3-�':> ) to do �Lhe necessary � 1 ect!� i c_�a I work to mee�t code Rosann l-3ostrom secondecJ. P-IOTIC�I�i Cl�I��!: l. !:-_L� ; UNANIMOUSLY . , - -_.._..�_�__ '� 26-85-H 823 N . Snelling Ave Dan Sexton �UBJECT Request an ex��ens i on o-F t i me i n order to corn�1 e�..e 1=he � repairs to rneet Ho sinc� Code 1=or the City of St . P�ul . �' "�� APPEARANCE Dan SP �ton � ' ; ' PROCEED I NGS Mr . S .x�on sa i d he i s a .� mPmber of �the Fral�ern i�ty wl��o � � 1 i ves i n �.he bu i 1 i ng . l'i���:y are seek i ng a 90 day ex�l.�ns i ar� to ��; compl ete the wark �:qu i recl . H� po i n-ted out they havc ��one � 1 ot . (' of repairing so i=a and plan to complete the work. , � , � A 1 i ce B i j jan i po i n ed ou�t �l:h� �two concerns the i nspector .had were � � for i nsuff�i c i en�� 1 ' �h�L and vt�n�L i 1 a�. i on on the th i rd f 1 oor and i�l-��_� � ' bathroom in the ba emen�L. . � � '' BOARD ACTION Ro Gl �ssm�n moved to gr�n�. a variance from coclr, � perta i n i ng to i n uf�=i c: i er ii.. ct:i 1 i ng he i gh�. , and 1 i gr�t ar�cl �'� vent i 1 at i on i n the 3rc�i f 1 oor sou�Lhwest s 1 P�pi ng room; a v�r i �r�ce ; . from insufficient li �hi� and ven'til ��L` ion and open�ble window in �j ` �the th i rd f 1 oor so ��.hE��as-L s 1 ter� i ng room; �nd � 90 day extc ns i on ;j � of t i me to comp ��t� � 1 1 o�Lher work as st i pu 1 ated i n tl�e 'j ' i nspector' s 1 e�tter Ros�nn Hostrorn secon�led the mot i on . NIOT I ON � CARRIED UNANIMOUSL . �