85-1199 WMITE - CITY CLERK � � - PINK - FINANCE COU�ICII . A r�CANARV - OEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT PALT L File NO. `� �/�� BLUE - MAYOR o nc ' R olu ion Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that the aint Paul City Council does hereby concur in the appointment of ames A. Mulder to fill the unexpired term of Judy McLaughlin to he City of Saint Paul Planning Commission. Term to expire Janu ry l , 1988. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas p�� Nays Masanz [n Favor Nicosia Scheibel Sonnen � Against BY Tedesco Wilson EP - 3 1985 Form proved C' t ney Adopted by Council: Date s Certified Pas d y ouncil Secr ary BY ✓ By A►ppr by iVlavor: Date � SEP " 6 ��J Approv by Mayor for Submissi to ouncil By BY PUBUSHED EP 141985 t + ,� - �' � q_ r � � �, f-, � ;L ' � }� � iw �?Y !�'4���t � t '�T �- s ����_t'v ��l�� ������� � �: ,� �'" �'� ' ,� � �G►n��������� ,i r�� f ��� �ry ..�i n ��� �� .,n,�` P h+? k � � � �4 � yt, ; . . � �- .., -, �r ,.: , - . .. . . : �, �� _.. . . . . � .�,r. 4 , ' ,. ;f Y s. 'h. .� �' ��, ..Sv � . �.4 • .. ��. �, • • e . . �: .., ' . . � � , .. . . � � . � . .. :. - i.-. �. ; �:.� ..... .� .: , L }' i � � ,� r� _F ' � 4 r R :.Y l ' +: �a * F Y I,� .7 �',�' rt x "� �•f. � � , , �,', .� i .' r ' i: E , �� 7 i' ti i i , f�� r, i �� � � ` �i �y'�. 1. � M x )�`, n 1°; '- ' °�i ++ ' a � r �' � y. 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MY Comm.Exp��es Dec.4,19A5 xVVW`/ti'r,v,tvW�rrfrvv�v;,,�,���n^.�wvw� : 'U ; �, �'.� //�� �� ` t� OFFICE OF THE MAYOR , 347 CITY HALL : - � AINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 - ; - 298-4323 _ Name . , er y# . � _ „-: Address 1122 r 1 1 St. Paul 55106 6th Ward Street _ City Zip -- District _ - :�..�.. .... . . . .'. .. '�, �. �. . . , .... .. � _ . � . .' . � ... � " '� ..� .. a. " � �.,�.. Phone H me: — Work• Committee.(s), Board(s), o Commission(s) in which you are interested: `�Plannin Commission - � Have you had previous c ntact with the committee/board/commission for which you are making applicat on? no If so, when, and circumstances . �,. , _ - �.• � . _ � ,-. Community Service/Activit es (past and present): - St. Paul - � - � Renville Communi Chamber of Commerce . � - � Professional Activitiese . p �, (over) � r ...:.. .. .....„�..��.,.,.�,...�.�.__��-4.�---�_� ._..,����.._,„.,��. ____ ..�._.__�.�..,_-___._..___.-.�._.�. �,� ...,M.� �,..�.�,....�......,,.�.�:,.�.�-- � � _ �x� ,��� . . . . . . . . . , ' `' � '� i3� � . . . - . . . ' . . . . . � - � 1 .:.1 . . . . . . � . . k it Civic/Professional Organization Memberships: - Citizens T.eae�e Nati�,� Ta ,�,� rc As�n. . - ` `4 --. Mi nnecota Hi s ori _al So i�,t,�v_ • � • ,s: .., ,.. , . , . - , Science Museum of Minnesota � ': _ _ . � Reasons for your interest in this particular committee/board/commission: - � (see attached letters) . Are�you currently serving on any other c:ity cott�ittee? If so, which committee(s)/ ' board(s)/commission(s): un Ethnic group (to ensure fair and equal representation): White � Other pertinent information: ' , . . Please list 3 references: � . 1) Representative Tom Osthoff - 766 Maryland Ave W. St Paul 55117 2) Representative Bill Schreiber - 10001 Zane Ave N Brooklyn Park 55443 3) Professor John Brandl - Hubert H. Hum hre Institute of Public Affairs niversity o innesota Minneapolis, MN 55455 �" Date: . 3/27/85 . �i=�.�---�1�'� ' JAMES A. MULDER Current Addr ss : 1122 Barclay �I1 � St. Paul , MN 55106 Employment Ad ress : Administrator, Tax Committee MN House of Represent�tive State Office Building Rm 532 - � St. Paul , MN 55155 - EDUCATION . 1982 to Present HU ERT H . HUMPHREY INSTITUTE OF PI�BLIC AFFAIRS, Un versity of Minnesota, Minneapo' is, Minnesota Se ond year student in the Master of Arts program at th institute with emphasis on ada�inistration and an lysis. Specifically, I have tGken courses on po icy analysis, budgeting, quanitative analysis, ec nomics, land use planning and �oning. 1969 to 1972; UN VERSITY OF MINNESOTA, Morris, (�:innesota 1981 to 1982 � Ba helor of Science in Education and Socfal Science wi h a minor in History. EXPERIENCE ' . 1985 to Present Ad inistrator, Tax Committee, MN liouse of Re resentatives. 1983 Re earch cons;�:���nt, IR Caucus Research , MN House of Re resentatives. 1983 Pr ject Intern for Minneapolis Urban Infrastructure Pr ject, Minneapolis City Planning Department . 1983 � Re earch Assistant for the Hubert H. Humphrey In titute of Public Affairse 1983 Le islative aide for Representative Bi11 Schreiber. 1973 to 1981 Th DRIYE-INN, Renville, Minnesota Ow ed and operated the Drive-Inn in RenviTle. In th s position I was responsible for al1 aspects of the re taurant operation including planning, budgeting, tr ining of employees, financing, etc. Also, I de igned and built a new building for my restaurant. This required the development of financiaT statements an projections to secure a Small Business Administra- ti n loan . I soid my business in 1981 to continue my ed cation . r JAMES A. MULDER � Page 2 1973 to 1981 RENVILLE PUBLIC SCHOOLS, Renville, Minnesota Coaching : Head baseball coach responsible for th� baseball program in the school . This position required organizational skills and good communication skills with young peoplem I was also an assistant coach i.� a number of other sports. Bus Driver: Drove school bus for the school district. . , Substitute Teacher 1973 to 1975 DIOCESAN YOUTH ADVISORY COMMITTEE, New Ulm, Minnesota Worked with a small group on the development and implementation of a policy statement for youth in the Diocese of New Ulme Made numerous talks and conducted seminars throughout the diocese concerning this issue. ORGANIZATIONS 1974 to 1981 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, Renville, Minnesota Yice-President from 1976 to 1978. _ - 1970 to Present TAU KAPPA EPSILON FRATERNITY, Morris, Minnesota Vice-President in 1971, President of the Alumni Associ atian fro��, ?977 to 1982, 1984. SKILLS Abllity to set and attain goals as seen in both work experience and in education. � Public speaking ability Managemen� and organizational abilities Policy analysis, political analysis, and quantitative analysis skills REFERENCES Available upon request � � , � ;� � , ��`�-:`����. �L,-�:... ._. June 28, 1985 ``"�=�!c� �. _ �9�J . is: �,.�.,, „ . Mayor George Latimer �`�� �� vrt�CE - 347 City Hall . , St. Paul, MN 55102 Mr. Mayor: . I would appreciate yo r consideration in appointing me to the St. Paul Planning Commiss'on. I am a two year resident of East St. Paul and am currently empl yed by the Minnesota House of Representatives as the administrator or the House Tax Committee. There are a number of reasons why I am interested in this appointment. First, it would be ex remely valuable in obtaining my ultimate goals in city management. econdly, it would allow me an active participatory role in the growth an development of St. Paul. I feel my educational background as a stude t at Humphrey Institutes my experience as a small businessman for eight years as well as my employment at the House of Representatives would provide good input to the Commission. Some issues which I b lieve are important for the Commission to address are: 1) encouraging families tc cantinue Iiving in St. Paul rather than moving to the su urban cc�tmunities. 2) the city must shore up its commercial-indust ial base which has grown so spectacularly over the last decade. The e are just two of the many issues that need to be addressed if St. P ul if to continue to grow and become a healthy and viable community. I certainly appreciat you taking time to review my application. Sincerely, James A. Mulder . Administrator House Tax Committee - JAM/jd _ � . � � ��i�� g �,.�"'°-� �TY OF SAINT PAUL ; � : OFFICE OF THE MAYOR a wwnm • uu �n u .• v, �a ,... 347 CITY HALL SAINT PAUL. MINNESOTA 55102 GEORGE LATIMEtt (612) 298-4323 _ MAYOR . s TO: Counc' 1 President Victor Tedesco � " and embers of the Saint Paul City Council FftOM: Mayor George Latimer �✓ DATE: Augus 23, 1985 RE: PLANN NG COMMISSION APPOINTMENT I am asking or your consideration and approval of the attac ed council resolution appointing James A. Mul er to serve as a member of the Planning Co ission, filling the unexpired term of Judy McLa ghlin. This term will expire on .:�,auary 1, 1 88. Mulder's app ication is attached. GL/lm attachment r �46