85-1197 WHITE - C�TY CLERK � PINK - FINANCE I TY O F SA I NT PA U L Council (//� / CANARV - DEPARTMENT Flle NO. U�—/` ��� BLUE - MAVOR • • o ci s ut on Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby approve and consent to the reap ointment, by the Mayor, of the 12 named persons to serve on the Hubert H. umphrey Neighborhood Advisory Committee: Elna Avey Mary Mantis Paul Berge Bob Moder Don Gabriella Charlotte Osborn-VanderWege Sandy Harrigan Kent A. Rees Donald Kelsey Dennis Skousted Robin Lindquist Alfred Vaughan All terms will expire on July 15, 1987. COUNC[LMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas p�� Nays Masanz [n Favor Nicosia Scheibel Sonnen � Against BY Tedesco W i Ison S � — 3 '� Form A roved b Cit to ey Adopted by Council: Date � Certified Pa.s ncil Se ry BY � By A►pprove y iMiavor: Date 1 � 1985 Appr e b Mayor for Submiss' t ouncil By B PUBUSHED S E P 14198'5 Gc��-�r�`� 9����'_�,� ' ITY OF SAINT PAUL o '; OFFICE OF THE MAYOR '' iiii'iu° : . r� �v 347 CITY FIALL "�� SAINT PAUL. MiNNESOTA 55102 GEORGE IATIMER (612) 298-4323 MAYOR • a TO: Counc 1 President Victor Tedesco and Memb rs of the Saint Paul City Council - FROb�: Mayor George Latimer�j / - � l/ DATE: Augus 20, 1985 ftE: REAPP INTMENTS TO THE HUBERT H. HUMPHREY JOB C RPS NEIGHBORAOOD ADVISOftY COMMITTEE I am asking or your consideration and approval of the attac ed council resolution reappointing twelve membe s to the Hubert H. Humphrey Job Corps Neighb rhood Advisory Committee. Tha.nk you. GL/lm � attachment �' •�P4s