85-1183 WHITE - C�TY GLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PA U L Council ��,_ ���3. CANARV - OEPARTMENT File NO. BLUE - MAVOR . uncil Resolution . , Presented B (�l_ �eferred To Committee: Date �'��� —��5 Out of Committee By Date RESOILUED, t the p�oper City c�ficials are hPxeby aithorized and directed to ute a onntract with the Stat�e of Minnesota, Minnesota Departrnent o� H th, whereby the City shall �ovide laboratory screening tests health caunseling, physician referral, and health education servi to persons identified at a higher risk of c�eveloping aoquired i�rnane ficiency syndroar►e (AIDS) according to the terms of the said Contr , a copy of which is to be kept rn file and on record in the Departmen o� Finance and Managenent Services. Yeas COUNCILME Na s Requested b Department of: ` Drew y � Masa"z In Favor Nic�sia Scheibel �wwe�r� � Against BY Tedesco � IAFikwi UG 2 9 � Form A oved Cit t ney Adopted by Council: Date ! Certified Pa d Council , ret BY By ( hlpprov d by IVlavor: Date — App by Mayor for Sub ' ion:to Co ncil By BY PUBLIS ED SEP - 7 1985 Commun3t Services ` ''DE�PARTMENT - �"-//��0 3�7� Colleen Geary Carter ' � .CONTACT' � 292-7724 • PHONE July 25, 1985 DATE �Q,/�� ,, „i / ASSIGN NUN�ER FOR ROUTING OR ER Cli All Locations for Si nature : ,� Department Director 3 Director of Management/Mayor c� Finance and Management Se vices Director 5 City Clerk �6 udget Director ity Attorney WHAT WILL BE ACHIEVED BY TAKI G ACTION ON THE ATTACH�D MATERIALS? (Purpose/ Rationale) : Resolution to allow City ignatures on an Agreement between the Minnesota Department of Health and the City of Sa nt Paul through its Division of Public Health to provide laboratory screening test , health counseling, physician referral, and health education services to 200 persons i entified as being at a higher risk of developing acquired . i�une deficiency syndrom (AIDS) . �^rl�cD l�G C '1 I�' � ��-- JUL ;� � 19�� COST/BENEFIT BUDGETARY AND P RSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: CITY ATTORNEY Funding will tie received rom the Minnesota Department of Health for a three-month period beginning July 29, 1985 for the amount of $12,870. �C��..., � ��L'CU No personnel impacts are a ticipated. �U� `� ; f�,�. I�,QGr.,, ,� �!; •� y; ,,�`- FINANGING SOURCE AND BUDGET AC IVITY NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- ture not re- Total Amount of Transaction 512,�70 quired if under $10,000) Funding Source: Activity Number: 33242 � ATTACHMENTS List and Number A 1 Attachments : 1. Cover memo with specia instructions for signatures/initials 2. Agreement - Original a five (5) copies 3. Resolution DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW Yes No Council Resolutio Required? Resolution Required? Yes No Yes No Insurance Require ? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No �/� s No Insurance Attache : (SEE R VERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) vised 12/84 �;-_�,,, • ,: ti _ . ___._:. : . .: �s..�,�,�..:�� �CzT� o� .�.�.rivT`���P..�.�ar�. ��- ir��'� � •��`,'\`j` A F_�:�% ���;,;wl --� orrxcr o� z�zrr cz�e�r cotir�~CFL - .. :�.. �`�� �.-�� �i+i:qi►} ' �a' t ' . .. Fy'�. � `_ ♦'/t�:i . . . . • . . . . . `" Dote , 7����;>� ' Augus t 22 19 85 �;:y�. . . . � . ,.�„ - . C �1/1 �/! I!7" E E F� E .P O �T i O = Sqin? P�t� I Ci�y Cou�cii . � � � ��' � �'�1 % C�� • <<i�� O T'2 FINANCE, MANAGEMENT & PERSONNEL � � ' � C N A l P. JAMES SCHEIBEL 1. Approval of mi utes from meeting heid August 15, 1985. •2. Adrtri:nistrative brder .D-7584 - Budget revision� in Mayor-Personnel�/Urban . CorP-���, - . 3. Administrative Order D-7588 - Budget revision in PED-Community Develop- ment Block Gran . � , - G.�: - - . 4. Resolution _pro iding fpr public sale of $5,500,000 (estimated) Water . Revenue Bonds S ries 1985A. (Finance 8 Management Services) �� : �--;5. Resolution aut orizing abatement to Ramsey County assesSment #9136 for /�1U demol�.tion of a hazar�lbus structure at 184 N. Kent in the amount of $3200 plus inte est. (Finance 8 Management Service�s) .`=� -�� � , . ��u�/i:;�f�. �___ 6. Resolution app ving 1985 Maintenance Labor Agreement between the City -and the Boiierma ers Union, Lodge 647., (Personnel) �j��; � � �7.�._ Resolution appr ving 1985 Maintenance Labor Agreement between the City ' and the Internationai Union of Elevator Constructors,_ tocal 9. (Persn.� �y�� . 8. Resolution amen ing the 1985 budget by adding $60,000 to the Finaneing � •Plan and to ttie pending Plan for Shade Tree Di.sease Controi . . � � (Commun i ty Serv i es) ��,. . 9. Resolution auth rizing an agreement witti Ramsey Action Programs, Inc.. for health screenin a�d food assistance fund for the�homeless. t Cortmun i ty Servi ces) ���,� 10. Resolution auth rizing an agreement with� the University of Minnesota for the services of Dr. Leon Satran, M.D. (Community Services} .-���:. . - auth rizing execution of a contract with Minnesota Department of Health where y the City wil.l provide laboratory screening �tests and health counseli g to persons identified at a higher risk of•developing acquired irrmune deficiency syndrome (AIDS). (Community Services) �"ff; 12. Resolution auth rizing an agreement between St. Paul Division of Librar- ies and the Dep rtment of Corrections-Oak Park Heights Correctional • Facility for an inter-library loan program. (Community Services) �"z�,�l� CITY HALL SL•VENTFi FLOOI� SAINT P�ZUL, I►ii`\ESOT:I 5530Z ' �..�..u