85-1181 WMITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE I TY O F SA I NT PA IT L Council �j CANqRV - DEPARTMENT File NO. �� ^ // �/ / BLUE - MAVOR 1 � cil Resolution Presented By (/Referred To��7 11�!'�`l Committee: Date �'-�� �k� Out of Committee By Date �UID, that the �pex City c�ficials are hereby aouthorized and directed to �ecute an agr ent with the Univexsity c� Minnesata whereby the City o� St. Paul will ive the services c� Dr. Ieon Satran, M.D. according to the t�eizns o�E id agreanent, a capy c� which is to be kept on file and of record in the partznent c� Finance and Managanent Services. COUfVCILMEN Requested b Department of: � Yeas �� r, Nays � ��,,i�+�4 Drew [n Favor Masanz Nicosia SCheibel __ Agei[1St BY Tedesco rViFsorr- AUG 2 9 1� Form Ap oved b Cit A o y Adopted by Council: Date � Certified Pas e ouncil Se ar BY B t�pprov by (Navor: Dat SEP - 4 1985 App by Mayor for Sub ' si n to Council By — _ PUBLISHED EP - `7 1985 DEPARTMENT _ �`'`'� ����p . N. 3084 Colleen Gear C • CONTACT 292-7 2 PHONE Au ust 7 1985 DATE � „��� Q Q ASSIGN NUMBER FOR ROUTING ORDE Cli All Locations for Si nature : ..1�Department Director Director of Management/Mayor � Finance and Management Serv'ces Director � City Clerk /� Budget Director � City Attorney WHAT WILL BE ACHIEVED BY TAKING ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ Rationale) : Resolution on an Agreement be ween the University of Minnesota through its Department of Pediatrics and the City of Sa nt Paul through its Division of Public Health. COST/BENEFIT BUDGETARY AND PE ONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: Dr. Satran shall be reimburse at a rate of $18.00 per hour. The total amount of the contract is not to exceed $32,000.00. No personnel impacts are anticipated. FINANCING SOURCE AND BUDGET ACT VITY NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- ture not re- Total Amount of Transaction: $32,00o quired if under $10,00Q) Funding Source: Activity Number: 33244 - $25 760 33246 - $ 6 240 ATTACHMENTS List and Number All Attachments : 1. Copy of Agreement 2. Resolution 3. Certificate of insurance DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW Yes No Council Resolution Required? Resolution Required? Yes No Yes No Insurance Required Insurance Sufficient? Yes No Yes No Insurance Attached (SEE RE ERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/g4 ��- ���'/ AcR�a�m�r � AN P,GR��, made an entered into this ��y o� , 1985, by and between the City o� 'nt Paul, a minicipal corporati n � the State � Minnesota, hereinafter referred t as the "City", acting through its Division o� Public Aealth, and the Univer ity aE Minnesata, acting through its Deparbnent o� Pediatrics, hereinaft referred to as the "University"; WITNF�SETH: Wf�RFAS, the City requires medical staff to prwide clinical services to patients in its 'cal program; and WE�REA.S, the City is permitted to oontract for the performance of said service ar any po ion there�f; a�d Wf�REAS, it is de ed in the best interest o� the City to contract for said service; NOW, ��Rg'ORE, IS MUI'UALLY P�REID by and between the City and the University as foll . 1. T't�at the Univ sity shall prwide the City with the physician services o� Le�n Satran, . 2. That the Univ sity shall be paid $30.00 per hour for Dr. Satran's clinical duti . 3. That the City hall pay $18.00 a m�nth to a�Efset the oost o� Dr. Satran's Pa9er• 4. That the total amount reimbursed to the University unc�er the t�erms o� � this Agreanent shall nat e{oeed $32,000.00. 5. That the City hall sutmit to the University a schedule for Dr. Satran's tiaie in advan . 6. That the City s 1 reimburse the University rn a ironthly basis upon receipt cf an i vnice. . _ , . . � �s�r�/ Page 2 /P.A.) 7. That the Depa tment � Fediatrics (Pediatrics Specialists shall Irovide Professional 'ability Insurance for Dr. Satran. 8. That at all s the University agrees that Dr. Satran is an independent contractor as to the City and r�ot an anployee o� the City. 9. That nothing 'n this Agreanent shall be �nstrued as limiting the right or independen operation of either the University or the City far the affiliation oontract with any other institution � agency while this Agreanent is ' effect. 10. That this Agr t imy be teaninated b� either �rty with ar withcut cause upon thi ty (30) days' writt� notice. C��arges which have accrued for services r dered shall svrvive any termination o� this Agreanent. 11. That any alter tion, variations, modifications, or waivers o� provisions o� this Agre t shall be valid only when they have bee� reduced to writing, fully signed, and attached to the orc�iginal c� this Agreenent. 12. That the terms o� this Agreanent shall be fran July 1, 1985 thrcugh June 30, 1985. � . • � � � ��/��/ Page 3 � IN WITNFSS F, the parties have set their hands the c�te first written above. iJDIIVERSITY (F A'IINI�SOr QTY CE' S�INT PAtJL Activity Codes: 33244: $25,760.00 33246: $ 6,240.00 � /�!/G�%(�i�w r l t.-�..c.s ti Head, Departrnent cf 'atrics � George Ia ' , Nhyor � � 1 � �--};�,;� �},� ��.______ Presi t, Pe�iiatrics pecialist �3ward rn, Director v �%�Departrnent o� Finance and ��-I�fianagsnent Servi ces ��� David M. rown, I�1.D. Rathl Stack, Director Dean, Medical School tment aE Ccnmunity Services � - C`{t� r �L C�l";:. ': � - Carol Campbell , Directo of Accounting, Controller nd Treasurer APPROVID AS Z� F01�i: . << � Assistant City ttorney .. . �M..``,,.�.� \ . . . . _ . . ._:.....,_-. _ .. _ . . . ys_:��;� �:=�-�` GITY �l+' .►�AI:l�7'T .�'.,E�.U}�� �S`���f ,(��y\`�` �J f;:�' r-�;;�;l ;l orz;icr o� 2�xxr Gz2��' COII1� . .. i•..'�1 S;'i:=;=i'_'';i ��� • .. CZL� F�.�` �^..� �'�' �♦ . . . . - . . �;.r'���„>>` D O t e : Augus t 22, 19 85 � • . ' � . � . .��.;;; _ � . . .�.. CO � IE T � E C� E .PO � T i 4 = SQrnr ��s I Cifiy Cou��i! � � . F P. � I�,�I = C O;;I� j i.;�� O j3 FINANCE, MANAGEMENT & PERSONNEL � � ' C�f A l P. JAMES SCHEIBEL 1 . Approval oF min tes from meeting held August 15, 1985. •2. Adrrri:nistrative cder .D-7584 - Budget revision� in Mayor-Personnel�/Urban Corp..'�,f;� . . 3. Administrative rder D-7588 - Budget revision in PED-Community Deve�op- ment B 1 ock Grant. ��,,�: . � . _ , . . 4. Resolution .provi ing fpr public sale o� $5,500,000 (estimated) Water � Revenue Bonds Se ies 1985A. (Finance 8 Management Services) �j• ; i • ' �---�5. Resolution auth� izing abatement to Ramsey County assessment #9I36 for /��� demol�tion of a h zar�ous structure at 184 N. Kent in the amount of $3200 p 1 us i ntere t. (F i nance 8 Management Serv i ces) �,��,� ,�.___� � 6. Resolution appro �ing 1985 Maintenance Labor Agreement between fihe City -and the Boilermak rs Union, Lodge 647.. (Personnet ) ���- � �7.�._ Resolution appro ing 1985 Maintenance Labor Agreement between tk�e City ' and the Internati nal Union of Elevator Constructors,_ Local 9. (Persn.) �rf�f . 8. Resolution amend'ng the 1985 budget by adding $60,000 to the Finaneing � •Plan and to ttie S ending Pian for Shade Tree Di.sease Controi . . � � (Cormnun i ty Serv i c s) �r�� . 9. Resolution autho izing an agreement witti Ramsey Action Programs, Inc.. for health screening a�d food assistance fund for the �homeless. (Commun i ty Serv i es) U��,; autho izing an agreement with� the University of Minnesota for the services of r. Leon Satran, M.O. (Community Services) . :�,�;; 11. Resolution autho izing execution of a contract with Minnesota Department of Health whereb the City will provide laboratory screening tests and health counselin to persons identified at a higher risk of•developing acquired immune eficiency syndrome (AIDS). (Community Services) ��,�� , 12. Resolution autho izing an agreement between St. Paul Division af Librar- ies and the Depa tment of Corrections-Oak Park Heights Correctional � Facility for an inter-library loan program. (Community ServicesJ ;�c��r? CIT1'HALL SLVENT'�i FLOOR SAINT PAUL. rliti\'ESOT:I 55I03 ' ,��- �„ � � � . . •,��_