PINK - FINANCE I TY OF SA I NT PAU L Council �,,,� j/�O
, � ncil Resolution
Presented y ,
Referred To — — Committee: Date �� � � �
Out of Committee By Date
RESOLVED, that the proper City officials are hereby authorized
and directed to ex cute an Agreement with Ramsey Action Program
whereby the City s all receive a total of $56,237.00 to be used
f or the health scr ening, referral and treatment program for the
Homeless and a Foo Assistance Fund for the Homeless.
COUNC[LMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas �n_..,. �iays _ "'
Masanz [n Favor
9o�w,en Against BY
Adopted by Council: Date UG t 9 � Form A prove by C' y tt rney
Certified Pa s Cou cil re BY
B �+
t�ppro by Mavor: Date J�P - 4 1985 App by Mayor for Su s on to Council
��'-ii� �
Communit Services DE PARTMENT Np 3�g 6
Colleen Gear Carter ' CANTACT�
292-7724 PHONE
August 7, 1985 DATE 1 ��� e Q
ASSIGN NUMBER FOR ROUTING ORDER Cli All Locations for Si nature :
Department Director �Director of Management/Mayor
� Finance and Management Servi es Director � City Clerk
�Budget Director
City Attorney
� Rationale) :
Resolution on a contract betwee Ramsey Action Programs, Inc. and the City of Saint Paul
through its Division of Public ealth to receive funding for Health Screening, Referral and
Treatment for the Homeless Prog am and for the Food Assistance Fund for the Homeless shelters
in Saint Paul.
The City shall receive a total f $56,237.00 for the period Ma.y 1, 1985 through September 30,
1985.• ($29,069.00 to be used f r the Health Screening, Referral and Treatment Program for
the Homeless; $27,168.00 for Fo d Assistance Fund for Homeless.)
ture not re-
Total Amount of Transaction: $56,237 to be received quired if under
Funding Source:
Activity Number: 33230
ATTACHMENTS List and Number All Attachments :
1. Copy of Agreement
2. Resolution
Yes No Council Resolution Required? Resolution Required? Yes No
Yes No Insurance Required Insurance Sufficient? Yes No
Yes No Insurance Attached
Revised 12/84
. • .
The GREEN SHEET has several PURPOSES: .
1. to assist in routing documents and in securing required signatures
2. to brief the reviewers of documents on the impacts of approval
3. to help ensure that necessary supporting materials are prepared, and, if
� required, attached.
Providing complete information under the listed headings enables reviewers to make
decisions on the documents and eliminates follow-up contacts that may delay execution.
The COST/BENEFIT, BUDGETARY AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS heading provides space to explain
the cost/benefit aspects of the decision. Costs and benefits related both to City
budget (General Fund and/or Special Funds) and to broader financial impacts (cost
to users, homeowners or other groups affected by the action) . The personnel impact
is a description of chanqe or shift of Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) positions.
If a CONTRACT amount is less than $10,000, the Mayor's signature is not required,
if the department director signs. A contract must always be first signed by the
outside agency before routing through City offices.
Below is the preferred ROUTING for the five most frequent types of documents:
CONTRACTS (assumes authorized budget exists)
1. Outside Agency 4. Mayor
2. Initiating Department 5. Finance Director
3. City Attorney 6. Finance Accounting
l. Activity Manager l. Initiating Department
2. Department Accountant 2. City Attorney
3. Department Director 3. Director of Management/Mayor
4. Budget Director 4. City Clerk
5. City Clerk
6. Chief Accountant, F&MS
COUNCIL RESOLUTION (Amend. Bdgts./Accept. Grants) COUNCIL RESOLUTION (all others)
1. Department Director 1. Initiating Department
2. Budget Director 2. City Attorney
3. City Attorney 3. Director of Management/Mayor
4. Director of Management/Mayor 4. City Clerk
5. Chair, Finance, Mngmt. & Personnel Com. 5. City Council
6. City Clerk
7. City Council
8. Chief Accountant, F&MS
SUPPORTING MATERIALS. In the ATTACHMENTS section, identify all attachments. If the
Green Sheet is well done, no letter of transmittal need be included (unless signing
such a letter is one of the requested actions) .
Note: If an agreement requires evidence of insurance/co-insurance, a Certificate of
Insurance should be one of the attachments at time of routing.
Note: Actions which require City Council Resolutions include:
1. Contractual relationship with another governmental unit.
2. Collective bargaining contracts.
3. Purchase, sale or lease of land.
4. Issuance of bonds by City.
5. Eminent domain.
6. Assumption of liability by City, or granting by City of indemnification.
7. Agreements with State or Federal Government under which they are providing
8. Budget amendments.
�.s"- ����
,' , � , • � .
This agreement ntered into this 31-st day of May , 1985 , between
the Public Heal h Division of the City of Saint Paul , Minnesota ,
hereinafter ref rred to as the "City" , and Ramaey Action
Programs , Inc . , of the City of Saint Paul , County of Ramsey ,
Minnesota , hereinafter refer ��d to as "RAP" .
Whereas the City has submitted a request for funding from the
Minnesota Department of Economic Security ' s Emergency Reserve
Program for emergency services for the homeless within Saint
Paul ; and
Whereas the Minnesota Department of Economic Security has agreed
to fund these services in the manner and in the amounts as
proposed by the ity; and
Whereas the City has demonstrated the technical capacity and
expertise to pro ide these services ; and
Whereas RAP is t e designated Community Action Agency for Ramsey
County , Mlnnesot and is the major grant recipient of Community
Services Block G ant funds administered by the Minnesota
Department of Ec nomic Security; and
Whereas the Minn sota Department of Economic Security contracted
with RAP to disb rse #125 ,875 .00 for emergency services under
the 1985 Communi y Services Block Grant (CSBG) Emergency Reserve
Program (ERP) th ough Grant Agreement Number 82513 ; and
Whereas the Minnesota Department of Economic Security has
included its Emergency Reserve Program aliocation for the City in
its contract with RAP (�{82513 ) , with a specifie condition that
RAP pass the appropriate funds for the City � s programs through
RAP to the City , and
Whereas RAP possesses the program and financial reporting , �
auditing and oversight capacities to account for the expenditure
of funds to the Minnesota Department of Economic Security ,
THEREFORE , the City and RAP do mutually agree as follows :
1 . RAP wiil provide the City with a total of ;56 , 237 .00 of funds
from RAP � s Grant greement Number 82513 with the Minnesota
Department of Eco omic Security to provide services as described
In items II and I I below.
� . , � �'s-i���
I1 . The City wi I conduct a Health � 5creening , Referral and
Treatment for th Homeless program in an amount not to exceed
;29 ,069 .00 ( excl ding in—kind or other non—RAP resources ) in
accordance with ttachment 1 .
Ili . The City w 11 conduct a Food Assistance Fund for Saint Paul
Homeless Shelter in an amount not to exceed �27 , 168 .00
( excluding in—ki d or other non—RAP resources ) in accordance with
Attachment 2 .
A. RAP will pro ide 5096 of the available funds or s28 , 118 . 50 to
the City immedia ely upon the execution of this agreement .
B . RAP will pro ide the balance of available funds or �28 , 118 . 50
to the City on August 1 , 1985 .
C. The City will furnish RAP with a final program report no
later than December 31 , 1985 .
D . The City will provide monthly program reports as required by
the Minnesota Department of Economic Security to RAP in a manner
consistent with the reporting requirements as presented in
Attachment 3 . Such monthly reports will be submitted to RAP by
the tenth working day of each month .
E . The City wili provide written confirmation of the receipt of
funds each occasi n they are received from RAP .
F . The terms of his contract become effective May 1 , 1985 and
remain in full fo ce and effect until September 30 , 1985 , except
as specifically a ended hereafter under mutual consent .
G . Any finished r unfinished documents , reports data or studies
pertinent to this contract shall be the property of the City ,
excepting that RA may receive such material as it may need to
provide adequate rogram reporting information to the State of
Minnesota . �
H. Either party ay terminate this agreement upon thirty ( 30 )
days written noti e to the other party if either party cannot
fulfill the condi ions of this contract . Any unused funds must
be returned to RA on the effective date of termination and all
expended funds mu t be fully accounted for . �
1 . The City will ensure that iil recipients who receive serrices
funded by this co tract meet the income eligibility requirements
as listed in Atta hment 4 .
'�� , ., , . � . ��s=i���
J . Except as am nded by mutual consent , the amount of this
contract shall n t exceed = 56 ,237 .00 for any expenses of the City
in the performan e of this contract .
K . The City sha 1 make available all fiscal records and summary
program informat on of its activities that are conducted under
the terms of thi contract to RAP as RAP deems necessary In order
to satisfy any i voicing , reporting or auditing requirements of
the Minnesota De artment of Economic Security . Summary program
information will be made available in a fashion compatible with
State data priva y regulations .
L . The City agr es to defend and indemnify RAP , its Directors ,
employees and agents from any and ail liability , loss or damage
they may suffer as a result of claims , demands , judgments or
costs arising out of or related to the City � s performance of this
contract .
M. This contract is subject to and incorporates Attachment 5 ,
known as "Terms and Conditions Governing �Contracts for
Professional and echnical Services to a Community Action
Program" , except as Articles I — IV of this contract may amend
the specific lang age of Attachment 5 .
IN WITNE55 WHEREO , the City and RAP have executive thts contract
as of the 31st da of R1ay , 1985 .
Activity Code : 3 230
/ ,
/ �
f ---�'`` ,.' � ���` --�
---------------- --------- -------- ---------------
Mayor Robert Hickman , Chair
Board of Directors '--
Ramsey Action Programs
Director , Departm nt of
Finance Manageme t
Director , Department of~
Community Services
Approved as to for :
Assistant City Att rney
Attachment � 1 �
. t--�� ��, • • • .
� ,� �.. ..��. . � f,���_//��
' . • ST•' P�►UL BIVISION OF �U3i�:C h:.t:LT}3 '
� 55 CE�.i.? STREET . �.
ST P�t;i, H?K:�ESOTh 55101
Con'ac't: ' ED* E?D p, EBERHAP.D?;�PUii�IC hEALTii S�.?�ZCES i�At!�^,�n •
(6 2) 232-7711 • .
' r
R�e�T• ' • ' ' - .
. " ��r!ount Rc-�r *�_�pR-
ii P.LTti SC 'ING, REFERRAL �ND S 29,06S. .
i'ii:t'EI�T F t� THE HOt�ELESS -
Proo,�� Fr l7ca1 • � • .
. S`�^a.
- 8�=��rer.te3 hea�th pro ?�:ns e:cist in St. PaLl's ho:neless popu�atiQ�.
A coalitior. of healt;i c�Te providers and volLateers �r-» the .St. Paul �
_ , Di�i3ion of Public He lth, Ramsey� Count� Peblic• Hezlt:� D�partment, St. pa:t?
Co.:.,�unity Clinics, Do othy Day .Cent��, Union �ospel I�ission, .tl�e YYCA
S:eltcr and Catholic r.arities have provid�d Iimited h�lth..3ervi�es �
$t ec�er�en�y and. tran itional shel*_ers in St. Paul. ThYs propostl will '
ceo�dinate the health service � :delivery, provide trea?-w:nt� and mzdication�
for. heal�h problems a facilitate oth�� neac�ed�refe^r::s.
� i7►t pro ject wi11 cost 29,U6g. and receive $ 6972. o: in-T�inil ss?g�;t �
frc� the City ar.3 Coun • Health .De�artn2nts. . . '
-� ' .
' ' ' _ .
. • • . .
. .
•� . �'. � Attachment � 1 �������
. .
� HF1�LZ'Ei S'�tTY�S '
, . -
Fr�e or lar-c�st lth �•cr'o•_s ar� avaflable to a�et the heai�h n�s of
� most hoTele;s in - ' t paul and i� Ra�sey Q�u.zty. Th� diff icvlty lies in
informinq the ess oE these services, provid.inq, tt+.e needed serviaes in
an acaessible loca ia� and identifyin� a syst�ratic approach fa� t,he
- - as�,,.�ssnent ar�d� t= tmer�t of I�ealth problans in the homel�ss. It is this
syste�natic approa that is needed to reduce tl� gsblic health prcbl�
tlack of '1nRUni,¢at cns, Tg, liae, infections) found in same of the
hameless. � . .
Often -the t�cmeless fail to recognize the e�cist�nc� and sew..rity cf t�ir
health probl�.s. ic lack of hyqien� facilities (bathiciq) co�-R-�licate
heal*h probl�, e pe�-.3ally fcr the ho:neless with lesions and other skin
This c�dinated ae wbuld erihanve the identification of these heal�h
� and hygieri.e probl , provide e�try irito tt� hea1;.1�-.care s�,stem for the .
trsat�t of the th Prablem and mani.tor the individual's progress
• towards health. .
Screeninq clinics 11 be exparided to tw�elve clinics per month. �affing
. will be pr�vided by the Saint paul Division of Public :iealth, the RarRS�,
mun�y Psblic Heal Depar�nent and ocna�unity clinics. Aealth sc�re�i ag,
me�icatia�ns and tr tme�t servioes will be available at hoc�less shelt,e:s,
in �.nit housia locatio.-�s, the Dorothy Day �nter and otY�r locatfons
as ne_d°d. This s reduce to' socne clegree the expensive esnerqency room �
treatmeat airrently provided to the hceneless.
E�cisting s�•-vioes o the Sa.int Pac�l Division of Puhlic Fi�alth are available �
to the ha�Iess at, 5 5 0.�zr. Seryices include: evaluation of
i�un�zatfon status; nutritioral evaluation and food assistancae referral;
.. familp planning, pz nancy testing and venereal dis�ase tes�ing and
treat�nent; medicatio s; dental car?; blood pressure scceening,;
tubercu,Iosis scr�,.ni q and treatsnent; s�ree.-uriq for lie��scabies; vision
�nd hearing screer�in an3 referrals for treatment. Clty staff also provide
on-site health sesvi at Doro�hy ,'33y, the YrTCA shelter and Union Gospel
Mission. .
The Ra.'nsey Cbunty Pu ic Health Department provides limited heal�h
scree.zinq at two ity locatioa�s (Yn1('� and Dorothy Day Center) fe� the
hcameless. Follvw-up hocne visits and education programs are also provid�
for this po�;ilation. This agency also provides haalth pnsultation
serviczs to sh�lters, the Dorothy Day �nter sta,ff and cliesits; board a,.� . •.
care facilities and other ,cvaatunity t�al�h an3 sxial serviae providers,
Other private agenci prov'ide health support to the har�less. t�thol,ic �
(harities provides a for medications ne�3ed by t:� ha�less ani clinic
snaae at t� Dorothy ay Center. �+wst Side F.ealtlz Center provid� limited �
' medic.A1 servi�es and suitation at t!�e Doroi,.hy p,ay Center. Psedical Ly�d
d��al Servi�es are P ovided by volunteers a� tt� Unioa Gospel :�iission in
an existing clinic ce.
. . . , . �������
• , Attachment �i 1
Z'he pzogram will b _ evaluat� by the ar�letion of these objectives:
. .
l. Zb provid health scre�nin3, traatment, m�3i�tions and re:erral
- , to 300 sons in Saint Paul energency shelters and drep�-irs
. centers f May 1 to Septe�nbet 3 0, 1985.
2. To provide 265 hours of health oonsultation ar�d trairiing for
�rgency/ ansitfonal housirsq staff on tirst aid, me3ication
u�age and ide effect�, caiunuiity resvurces, foa3 seryice ar�d
aafety by ptem�xr 30, 1985.
3. To provide 100 hours of educational prcgrams c,n health, nutri- .
tion, safe , pa�renting, independent Iiving skills, can�n�nity
resources ec�erqenc.Y/transitional shelters and drop-in ��ers
bY 31, 1985.
P?��.�M eUDGET (Ma 1 to Sept�nber 3 0, 1985) -
1. Traininq/ sultatian fcc shelter staff $ ,760. ,775.
on tirst ai , a�edicati�s, medicntion �
. � side eff , carmunity rescurc�es,health .
canoerns, f serviae probleas and saEety
( •1 FI'E Ph cist $1760 arxi 185 hcurs of
professio serviae)
2. Health scs ' g an �ite at fout locations 23,380. �
per w��c wi staff o� .15 FI'E physician �
(�3600.) .5 Fi'E Ptiblic Health Iause �
. ($7500.) , .5 FrE i�tirse Practioner (57600.) .
.3 FTE Lab da� (S 3000.) , .4 FTE [�- �
trition P,ssi t ar�d Social Servi.ce Aide
- � (S 1680.) � �� n.«;rn,t- -�,,a�r�u�ck.
3. Basic first ' supplies, instructional � 3,929.
.� � materials, c inic supplies ar�d select medi- ' .
cationa tor ch shelter and t�rary hous-
'i�nqeaenter � uqqested medicatian list avaiY- .
4. II3ucational ogramning on. health, nutrition, 3,000.
. . aafety, par ing, independent livinq skills,
. cannunity res c�e.s (200 hours of professional
servioe) . ' .
5. CYty irrd'ir service �arqe 1,017. .
. 23r�3;36�. �9�.
. .• � . 1 . ���//�D
• • ' ��;��I� • � • . Attachment � 2 '
555 C AR STRE='T " - '
ST. PA , �Ki;�iNESOTA 551�1
.. .
_ � Cc�-ac:: EDV.AItD :. EBEF.'r:ARDT, PUgIa� .HF.hL^I; S=RViCES Me�IyAGER �
" (612) ? 2-7T11
��i]_E S� .
gft:o(Zttt R2acTeet-oA•
. .
' .
_ , '�
rocr�= �,� . . • .
... S-�_ .
Koseless shelters ara ace3 with the obstacle o: stretchin�q limited °unds
ta cover housinR, staf inq and fovd costs. Pr±yats or�anizati�ns proyide � �
: ; so-s �ea2a and selcct, donated%low cost food items. There f3 a documcnted
nee� to provide select rwtritious foods to inorov: the nu*rition�tl
ade:uacy of �eals serv at St. Paul homelesa shelters an3 dz�op-in center�.
A ?.:ais;ered Dietitian from the St. Paul Division o: ?ublic Health. will
prcr?3a in-kind monito in� of the nutrient ad=csacy of the menus. A non-prof:*
aRe:::y �rill administer th� food assistance fu�d. . �
. • • . .
. '• . .'. , • . � . . �.��✓�//�d
, . � , Attachnent / 2
N�trition assess�nen at one shelter fac hcne��s wnren and �ildren
iridicate that 85$� o thase screeried in a sa�le month (�rch i984) had
. - t:zree cr more majos dietary inadequacies. This is e�videnc�d bf a hiqhe:
than e�Qected rate anecnia, vnderweiqht and short stature in select aqe
. qzaips of these ess wamc� and children.
Hcmeless shelters e faced with the obstacle a� stretchinq pr�cious LSu�ds
to caver h�ousinq ts, staffinq and food fc�t the residents. Private
os�anizations hav+e lunteered to provide saae mea.ls, distribute sPlect
itsns of food at a of lOC/po�uzd o� food ar�d distribute Ieftover food
aver-rsns to these tioc� which feed and hcuse the har.eless. Meetinq
rnitritional sta,adar has not be�si the P=imnrY Pur�se of these agencies;
Their prime focw to provide calories ar�3 ha3sinq at a low oost.
� Dorated food must supplenented with purd�ased food in the s:ielters. It
. � is not uncamna far shelter to al],ocate 40-70C per cay per resident for
food. The r minia�an for food aost ia 53.00 per resident pe�c day.
Additional funa.s needed a� a resavicee pool for these shelter9 to
pur�rse needed r�utr'tious foods. A minia�n af ane hot, nutritia3s meal
pe: day fo�r the ess must be provided at as� shelter to prevent uvze
health probleas form occurririg. This resource pool w�ould be u�sed to supplY
mnre nutritieus it to the cbnated meal er to p=ovide one a�a1 if nee�3ed.
Th� fur.d wattd be ' 'stered by a local non-profit agency.
1. Zb fadlita distribution cE 35,000 pcunds of nutritious food
" or 17,000 at Saint Paul Shelters/C�riters for the haneles�
1�y Sept 30, 1985.
2. Zb mon.itaoc he nutritional ade�quacy o� sheltet/c�nter menus
� . � se=vinq Sai t Paul's ha�eless by Sept�nber 30, 1985.
1. 17,000 at 51.50/meal or 35,000 pvunds•of S 26,250..
feod purc3za at $ .75 per pvurd. Ebery attempt
• will be mad�e to purd�ase food from Iocal qrow�rs/
suppliers✓ titutiona. -
. 2. Adm,inistra ve Costs � 3.5� � 918. .
: . $ 27,168.
xC/MCI,/am .
. � • :� Attachment �Y 3 L1����1�
, , .
. .
County/Area Month
• of .
� house-. Number of Persons by A,ge
Assistance Provided b G antee holda 0-18 19-25 26-3: 36-45 46-65 65+
Emergency Food
Food Shelvea
On-site programs .
Purchase of food or � mea a
(grocery vouchers)
Emergency Shelter �
Direct Shelter Services
Hotel/Motel Vouchers
Rent Paymenta
Mortgage Payments
Other (identify additions
categories , as
necessary) �
Utilities �
� ' 1 ,. ' � . ..��/`�O
� Attachment � 4 �
' Household Size Poverty Guideline
� _ . S 5,250
Z 7,050
3 8,850
4 10,650
. 5 12,450
� - 6 14.250
� 16,O50
$ 17,850
For family units with more than eight (8) menbers, add E1 ,800 for
each additional menber.
Source: U. S. Depa tinent of Health and Human Services
Effective Date: Ma h 8, 1985
Fed_„eral R ister, V 1 . 50, No. 48, Paqe 9517 .
. _
� � � ' ' ` � ,' - Attachment � 5
Terms and onditions Governing Con-tracts for Professional
or Tech ical Servlces to a Comnunity Action Program
� In additfon Lb a y conditions'3pecified in Pa�t I, this Contract is suDfect
to alt of the condit ons listed below. �waiver of any of these conditfons must
be upon the exp�ess itten approval ot an authortzed representatfve of the
Office of Economfc 0 portunity, �nd such wafver shall pe made a pa rt of this
1. Tenafnatto� of C ntract. it, tA�ough any cause� the Contracto� shall fail
to fulftll fn tf ely and proper manner hfs obligations unde� this Contract,
or ff the Contra to� shall vfolate any ot the covena�ts, agreements, or stio-
ulattons ot thfs Contract. or 1f the Agency he�ein 1s� the delegate agency of
an OEO grantee, nd the contract Dy whfch such deTegation is made is tenain-
� � ated, the Aqency sha11 tAe�eupon Aave the �ight Lo ter�ninate tAfs Contract
by gfvfng ►�itte notfce to the_Contractor ot such termfnation and spetify-
fng the etfectiv date tAereof. If the Contractar ts unable or umrilling to �
canply Ntth such dditional conditfons as may be lawfully imposed by OEO on
the grant o� cont act under Nhich the agency is perfc►ming the program to
Khich tAese p�ofe sfonal servfces are Deing rendered, the Contractor sha11
have the rlght to termfnate the Contract �y gfv.fnq written notfce to the �
Agency, sfgnifyi the effectfve date thereof. In the event of termination,
all property and inlshed or unfinfshed documents, data, studfes. and
reports purchased or prepared Dy the Contractor under this Contract shall ,
at tAe option of he Aqency, Decaae fts p�ope�ty and the Contractor shali be
entttled to compe satton fo� any unreimbursed exaenses necessa�ily incurred
fn satlsfactory rtormance of the Cont�act. Notwithstanding the above, the
Contracto� sha11 t be relteved ot ifaDiiity to the Agency tor damages sus-
tafned Dv the Age cy by vtrtue of any Dreach of the Contract by the Contrac-
tor, and the ltven y may wfthhold any refmDu�senent t� th�! Contract�� for the
purpose of set-of until such tfine as tAe lxaGt amount ot damages due the
A�ency frpn the C �tracto� ts agreed u�on o� other�vfse determined.
2. Chanqes. The Aqe y a�ay, fran time to time, request chanqes fn the scope of
the servfces of th Contractor to De perforn�ed hereunder. Such changes,
fncludfng any fncr se o� detrease fn the amount of the Contractor's comoen-
satton, whfch are utually agreed upon Dy and Detween the agency and the Con-
tracto�, must be f corporated fn ►rritten amendments to thfs Contract.
3. Travel �xpenses. f the Contractor ts to De refmDursed for travel expenses,
and (1) ff the Con racto� ts a puDlfc agency, expenses charged to� Lravel
�ha11 not exceed t se allowabl� unc�er the customa�y practfce fn the govern-
ment ot xhtch the gency ts a part; o� (`2) ff th� Contracto� is a prfvate
agency, expenses c arged tor travel shali not exceed those Mhfch would De
atlowed under the les of the Unfted States Goverrment governfng otticial
travel Dy tts anpt yees.
4. hiDltcatton and ru lfctly. The Centractor may puDifsh results of fts func-
tton and partfcfpa fon t+� tAe aQproved communfty action program wfthout prior
�evfe�r by the Agen y. provtded that such pubifcatfons acknowledge that the
proqram ts support d by funds qranted Dy OEO �u�suant to the provisfons of -
of the Economic Op ortunity Act of 1964, and that five copies of each such
oublication are fu nished to OEO, plus such copies to the Avency as the
Agency ma.y �easona 1y require.
5. Copyrights. If the Contract results in a book o� other copyn�fghtable mat-
erial. the author i free to copyr�ivht the work� but the Office of Economic
Opportunity reserve a royalty-free. nonexclusive and irrevocnble license to
reproduce. publish. or otherwise use. and to authorize others to use. all
copyrighted mater.fa and all material whicA can De ccpyrighted �esultinq
trom the Contract.
. r _
. , ��'.s-.7-�/�
. . � - � � _
' 6. Patents. My di covtry or invention arising out of o� develoced in the
course ot wprk a ded bv this Contract shall Oe pr.omptly and tutly �eported
to the Agen�y �n to the Diretto� of OEa fo� determfnation as to whether
patent protectio on such trn ention or discovery sha11 be sought and how the
rights in the in ention or discove�y, including rights under any patent issued
thereon, shall disposed of and a�ninistered, tn o�de� to protect the pub-
iic lnterest. .
7. labor Standards. All 1�borers and mechanics' anployed by contractors or sub-
contracto�s in t tonstruction, aiteration or �epair. including painting
and deccrating o pro�ects. buildings and works �hich are ftderally assisted
unde� this Contra t shall De paid Mages at rates not less than those prevail-
1ng on similar co struction tn the �locality �s determined by the Secretary
of labor fn accor ance with tAe Oavis-Bacon Act. as amended (40 U.S.C. Z70
8. Co�enant Agal�st ontingent Ftes. The Contracto� warrsnts that no cerson o�
selling agency or other organfzation has Deen anploytd or retained to soli- , .
cit or secure thi Contract uQon an agreenent or understanding fo� a commis-
sion, percentage. ��okerage, or contingent fee. For Dreach o� viotation of
this war�ant, the Agency shall have the right to annul this Contract without
liaDflity o�, in ts discretion, to deduct from the compensation, or other- �
Mise recover. the tu11 amount of sucA commissian, percentage, Drokerage or
contingent tee.
9. Oiscrfelnation in Employ�nent ProhiDited. The Contractor w111 not discrimi-
nate against any ptoyee �nployed fn Lhe perfor�nance of tAis contract, or
against any �pp1i nt to� rnpToyment in the perfonnance of this c�ntract
betause of race. reed, cotor, or national origfn. The Contracto� witl take
affir�native actio to ensure that applicants are snpToyed, and that employ- .
ees are treated durinq �npToyment, Mithout �egard to their race. creed= color,
or nattonal origin. This requirenent shall apply to, but not be limited to,
tlfe follor+ing: en Toyment, upgrading, denotion, o� transfer; �ecruitment or
recrufbnent advert sing; layotf or termination; rates ot pay or other form s
of compensation; a d seTettion fo� trainfng, includinq apprenticeship. In
the event tAat the Contractor slgns any contract which would be covered Dy
Executfve Order 10 25 (March 6, 1961) or Executive Order 11114 (June 22, 1963) ,
the Contractor sha 1 include the equal-employment opportunity clause specf-
fied 1n section 30 of Executfve Order 10925, as amended.
10. Oiscrtminatfon Pro iDited. No person in the United States shall , on the
�round of �ace. cr ed, coTor or national origin, be excluded from participa-
ton in, �e denied the proceeds of, o� De sub3ect to discrimination in the
performance of thf Contract. The Contractor wi11 cam oly Mith the �egula- .
tfons pranul9ated y the Ofrector of OEO, Mfth the app�oval of the President,
pursuant to the Ci il Rights Act of 1964 (45 CFR Part 1010) .
il. Polfttcal Actfvtty Prehf�Dfted. None of the tunds. materials, property or
se�vfces tontrfbut py the 119ency or the Contractor under Lhis Contract shall
be used in the per ohnance of this Contract to� any partisan political activity
or to further the lection o�,deteat of any candidate to� public offict.
12. Reliqious lktivity R�ohlDited. There sha11 be no reliqious �►orship� instruc• �
tion or proselytizatio� as parL of o� in connection Mith the pertormance of �
this Contract. � .
13. Canpliance with Loc 1 Laws. The Contracto� aha11 comply with a11 applicable
1aMrs, ordinances. a codes of the state and tocal gove�rn�ents.
14. Repo�ts and Inspect ons. The Contractor shall �nake tinancial � program pro-
q�ess, and othe� re rts as requested by tAe Agency or th4 01�ector of OEO,
and vfll �rrange to on-site tnspections py Agency o� OEO representatives at
the �equest of tft r.
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�;�., � �; Dote • August 22, 1985
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TO = Scszn? P�t� I Cifiy Cou��ii . . - .
��' � �'� � C����� 1 �� O h FINANCE, MANAGEMENT & PERSONNEL �
l. Approval of minu s from meeting held August 15, 1985.
•2. Adrrri:nistrative Or er .D-7584 - Budget revision' in Mayor-Personner/Urban
. - CorP•.���:.
3. Administrative Or er D-7588 - Budget revision in PED-Community Develop-
ment B 1 ock Grant. ��. . � . _ , .
. 4. Resotution ,providing fpr public sale of $5,500,000 (estimated) Water
� Revenue Bonds Seri s 1985A. (Finance 8 Management Services) �� :_
'�---;5. Resolution authorizing abatement to Ramsey County asses�ment #9136 for
/��� � demol�i:tion of a ha arbbus structure at 184 N. Kent in the amount of
$3200 p 1 us i nteres . (F i nance 8� Management Serv i ces) ��,�✓-✓R;.:�
6. Resolution approving 1985 Maintenance Labor Agreement between the City
-and the Boilermake s Union, Lodge 647.. (Personnel ) G��,
� �7.�._ Resolution approving 1985 Maintenance Labor Agreement between the Citj�
' and the Internatio al Union of Elevator Constructors,_ Local 9. (Persn.} -,����
_ 8. Resolution amendi g the 1985 budget by adding $60,000 to the Finaneing
� •Plan and to ttie Sp nding Plan for Shade Tree Di.sease Control .
� � (Conxnunity Service ) ���; .
uthor zing an agreement witti Ramsey Action Programs, Inc.. for
health screening nd food assistance fund for the �homeless. �
(Commun i ty Serv i c s) �;f�:
10. Resolution author zing an agreement with� the University of Minnesota for
the serv i ces of D . Leon Satran, M.D. {Cortxnun i ty Serv i ces) -�;%..�;1
11 . Resolution author zing execution of a contract with Minnesota Department
of Health whereby the City wil,t provide laboratory screening �tests and
health counseling to persons identified at a higher risk of•developing
acquired immune d ficiency syndrome (AID5) . (Community Services? :_;!,,�=
12. Resolution author zing an agreement between St. Paul Division of Librar-
ies and the Depar ment of Corrections-0ak Park Heights Correctional
Facility for an i ter-library loan program. (Community Services) -�{��?