85-1176 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE� G TY OF SAINT PAUL Council (��, � �,! � CANARV - DEPARTMENT File NO. d � BLUE -MAVOR • • Ordindnce Ordinance N�. �,a 9� Presented By Referred To � � Committee: Date ������ Out of Committee By Date An ordinance creating a shelter board THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. Deelaration of Polic . The city council finds that changing economic conditions, g vernment policies and a variety of other factors have resulted 'n a substantial increase in the number of homeless persons in th City of Saint Paul and in the Twin Cities metropolitan area. 0 behalf of the people of Saint Paul, the council acknowledges hat as a matter of social justice every person is entitled to d cent, safe and sanitary shelter. While it � recognizes the salutar efforts o-f a number of private agencies, � the council finds that there is a need for oversight and coordination, at both the local and regional levels, of the efforts to provide overnight shelter to homeless persons. The council hereby declares that it shall be the public policy of the City of Saint Paul to ssume those oversight and coordination responsibilities withi the City and to exercise, in partnership with the private se tor and other metropolitan units of government, its best ef orts to secure adequate overnight shelter for all homeless perso s. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Fletcher Drew In Favor Masanz NiCOSia B Scheibel A gai ns t Y TedeECo Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary By ��— ^T" � � 'zz' �S sy Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By • ���"'.�//�!� �� . ' , �Ja�'.� Section 2. Definitions. l. Homeless. A person shall be considered homeless if: (a) the pe son has no possessory interest in an accom m dation and lacks the means necessary to obtain uch interest; or (b) the pe son has a possessory interest in an accommo ation and (1) th person is unable to secure entry to that ac ommodation and lacks the means necessary to obtain alternative accommodations, or (2) oc upation of the accommodation would likely le d to violence from another occupant and ' th person lacks the means necessary to ob ain alternative accommodations. 2. Adequate S elter. A shelter shall be considered adequate if it protec s and maintains human health and dignity and if it provides a c ean environment and bedding and adequate security and supervisi n for all residents of the shelter. Section 3 . Board Establishe . There is hereby created a Saint Paul Overnight Shelter Boar of eleven members appointed by the mayor with the consent of th city council. The board shall consist of members representing organizations which provide overnight shelter to the home ess, members who have demonstrated a commitment to advocac for the homeless, and members drawn from the broader communit and whose knowledge and skills would be useful to the board. The council shall periodically review the operations of the board to ensure that its actions are in accord with the declaration of polic and its powers and duties as set forth herein. Section 4 . Powers and Dutie . The Saint Paul Overnight Shelter Board shall determine annually for Saint Paul the number of homeless persons desiring overnight shelter, assess current shelter availability in Saint aul, and report on July 1 of each year the results regarding the same to the mayor and the city council. 2 � � ��,r_�/�G /7:��-2 Whenever the assessm nt and report document a shortfall in relation to the demand for shelter beds, the City shall exercise a leadership role in cquiring sufficient resources to provide the necessary addition 1 shelter spaces. The board shall also formulate and recommend to the mayor and city council addi ional programs or plans, both local and regional in scope, fo securing overnight shelter for homeless persons. These plans hall include all available resources and involve government s well as private entities in their implementation. Copies of the board's recommended plans and programs shall be on file in the office of the city clerk. Within thirty (30) day of the board's presentation of its plans and programs, the council shall hold a public hearing on the same. Within ninety ( (�) days of the board's presentation, the council shall act on t e recommended plans and programs. Upon request by t e council or its own initiative the board may provide suppleme tal reports to the mayor and the city council. These reports may include requests for emergency action by the council. Section 5 . Term. Of the m mbers first appointed, three shall be appointed for a term of one year , four shall be appointed for a term of two years, an four shall be appointed for a term of three years. Thereaf er, the term of each member shall be for three years until a suc essor is appointed and qualifies. Section 6 . Rules and Meetin s. The board shall select its own chair and shall adopt its ow governing rules. The board shall meet as often as is necessary o accomplish its purpose, but shall meet at least once a month for the first six months. Section 7 . Administrative S aff. The mayor shall provide the board with adequate staff fr m such city c7epartments as he may direct to enable it to perfor its duties under this ordinance. Section 8 . This ordinance is deemed a part of the Saint Paul Administrative Code an shall be incorporated therein and given an appropriate chapter and/or section number at the time of the next revision of said A ministrative Code. 3 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FzINANCEy C TY OF SAINT PAUL Councii �• /� CANARV:6EdARTMENT File NO. ��+� ~ /` / � BLUE - MAVOR ' i � Ordin�nce Ordinance N0. s,�pa Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Section 9. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days after its passage, approval and publication. COUNCILMF,,1V Requested by Department of: Yeas ���� Nays ��r Drew In Favor Masanz scnet�be� Against By Tedesco Wllson Adopted by Council: Date SEP 1 7 �9g5 Form Approved by City Attorney Certified Pa s Counci c r By v�- �' ��e�L- ��'Z Z�8� B Appro d by Mayor: Dat �E 2 Q Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By QUBLISHED SEP 2 1985 � w . , . ' ��.�� � !��� � . � . � � . . . + �� CI Y O�' SgINT PgUL /� � � O C� OB` THE CZTY COIINCZL - «�n.��..... �,.•.`�,� �i ' • D a t e : September 13, 1985 C4MM (TTEE RE PORT TO = Sctinf Pau Cifiy Councii F R O M = C o m m itt e O Ci C i ty Deve i apment and Transportat i on CHaIR . illiam L. Wilson , 1 . Resolutio approving issuance of Port Authority Revenue B nds in the amount of �1 ,610, 000 to finance the acquisition of the building at 1717 University Avenue fo MBM Partners. (Committee recommends approval ) � 2. Review o the Initiative regarding the St. Paul Right to Overnight Shelter Aet (Committee sends to Counc ' 1 without recommendation) 3. Review o an ordinance creating a Shelter Board for - the City f St. Paul (Comrnittee recommends approval ) CTI'Y HALL SE TH FLppR SAIN'I'PAUL,MINNESOTA 55102 .�_g.+_ . . � . , S'� .--�i,�� + . � L Ist � �/��1��� ., -2nd �/�-''r/�� 3rd %�� �(L3� Adop ted ��7��� t4;.i` ,� ; t Yeas Nays ;�i!<:�; � DREW 4p�i- :�: ��� MASANZ �j / G— _ ��/ iv � � C. �; ��..� ° _ :;1}{=��� NICOSIA - . /�� �� --- .w = ` CEIEIBEL SONNEN WILSON . yIR. PRE IDENT TEDESCO _.._�... __,��.��__�..__ .�.�..,,��_.�.....,. �.�.,_...�.,._ ... . _.. ,__ ____. .._. _._._. „ , _ _ .._ �_ _ _. _ __ __ __ � �=-_. l; � - i�-� �' ! 1���� ;.. — 1 �� � � - :� _ ?'i���.r;