99-990ORIGINAL Presented By: RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Council File # Green Sheet # ; �_�I'`�� 50448 as Referred To: Committee: Date a z 3 a s 6 � s 9 10 ii 12 13 14 15 is n �s 19 zo zi zz 23 za zs 26 z7 zs 29 30 31 32 33 aa 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 az 43 aa as 46 WHEREAS, the Saint Paul City council approved on September 23, 1998, the creation of a Multifaceted Pilot Prevention Program to Reduce Youth Access to Alcohol, which requires the Office of License, Inspections and Environmentaf Protection and the Vice Unit of the Saint Pauf Police Department to conduct liquor compliance checks at each licensed liquor establishment consistent with the attached letter of committment 4rom the University's Project Director, Traci L. Toomey, PhD, and WHEREAS, the University of Minnesota has funds available to the City of Saint Paul to conduct compliance checks as part of the University's study [Complying with the Minimum Drinking Age (CMDA)j of the effectiveness of such tactics as a tool to limit youth access to alcohol, and WHEREAS, the funding provided in the amount of $16,500.00 would be used by the Police and LIEP to conduct checks, purchase product, and compensate underage decoys to be used in the above mentioned liquor compliance checks, and WHEREAS, the Mayor, pursuant to sec. 10.07.04 of the City Charter, recommends the following changes to the 1999 City Budget: FINANCING PLAN: Department of Executive Admnistration Division - License, Inspections, and Environmental Protection GL 320 33353 6999 Other Misc. Revenue N.O.C. All Other Activity Financing Department of Police Division - Vice GL 001 04100 6999 Other Misc. Revenue N.O.C. All Other Activity Financing SPENDING PLAN: Deparfment of Executive Administration Division - License, Inspections, and Environmental Protection GL 320 33353 0298 Investigations AIIOtherActivity Spending Department of Police Division - Vice GL 001 04100 0141 Overtime All Other Activity Spending Current Budget 0 1,775,908 1 775 908 0 1,385,302 1 385 302 11, 500 � 11,500 926,050 29,493,024 30 419 074 Change 9,500 0 9,500 7�0�� 0 7 QOQ 9, 500 � 9,500 7, 000 0 7 000 Amended Budget 9,500 1,775,908 1 785,408 7,000 1, 385, 302 1,392 302 21, 000 � 21 000 933,050 29,493,024 30,426,074 T •a� RESOLVED, that the City Council approves these changes to the 1999 budget. � ��� Yeas Nays Absent Benanav � � Blakey 6o5bom Coleman Harris � Lantry � ReiLer � � � Requested by Department of: License, Inspections and Environmental Protection By: Q/I_�- Requested by Department of: Saint Paul Police By: G�r�. i•.i.v� � Approval Recommended by FSO - Director: By: C�� 7v�, � Form Approved by City Att BY= �� a ���. Approv d bx Mayor o Sub i sion to Council: Adopted by Council: Date �� �-�T q T Adoption Certified by Council Secretary: � / .. � oR���Na� G� DkpqR'i'M1ffM'S/OFFlCFICOUNCLL DATEMITIATED ExecutiveAdministration-LIEP 08/17/99 GREEN SHEET NO. 50448 � Intial/Dete ' INllel/Dele COMACTPkRfiON&PNONE O2 OFPAR"IMEN'fO�tECfOR O CIIYCOUN(.'LL SheilaReed266-9111 � Q m+'a'�'�'°w+�' � aTt'� MIAI'BEtlNCOUNCLLAGETmABY(DATE7 � O4 F➢VAT'CLLLSFRNC6DIX � FPI.SIXNC60FF/ACCIG �� O MAVOR(ORASSLST � DFPARTh@N'! ACCOUNf TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) � ACpONREQUFSTm pproval ofa resoludon to accept funds from the University ofMinnesota forliquor compliance checks for 1999 and 2000 to be pedortned by the oGce and LIEP. nECOwu.mmwnoHS:,Wao.e �a� ax�jw (W PERSOI�AL SERVICE COMfRACTS MUST ANS�'V'ER 12iE FOLIAWING QUES1'IONS: rinm m�uuACVON 1. Has this perso�Jfum ever worked under a contract for [his depamnrnY? cmconaarr� YES NO CIW. SIXNCE COFA95S90N 2. Has Uus pereon/fum ever been a ciry employee? , YES NO 3. Does titis person/firtn possess a skill not nortnalty possceced by any curzrnt city employee? YES NO 4. [s U�s person ( firm a Eacge[ed vendot? YES NO (E�plain ali yes answers on separate >heet and attach to areen shee4) uvnnrovcrxoslFK�csuE.oevox'n�R1Yl�wwna�,vmutum awnY1. As part of the Multifaceted Pi1ot Prevention Program estabLshed in 1998, fwids are available to assist the City in carrying out additional liquor compliance checks in 1999 and 2000. The University of Minnesota is interested in assisting the City in obtaming data on the effectiveness of compiiance checks. ADVANTAG6 R' APPROVED ' Sufticient funds will be available to pay the cost of recruitment and training for underage decoys so the City will be'able to conduct up to 600 checks at the appro�cimately SOO licensed liquor establishments in the city. DLSADVANTAGFSO�APPAOVED. — _ 'd �, None apparent. - _��'``_°-� � -; � -' , n .. � Rnn.r ,=.v�.�, v , 5.:..:✓ . F m ��ay, E a`"- S` «3 *�.� �� Pa ;' �ars. E .. i^t'n �'4�6 svi...:. e DLSADVANTAGES OF NOT APPROI� The number of compliance checks would be dimimshed and the LJniversity of Minnesota would not have the data a needs to determme the effecdveness of alcohol comptiance checks. iOTALAMOUNTOFTRAPISACIIOM � �6�500 COST/REVENpE6ODCETED(CIRCLEONE) YES NQ FUNDINGSOURCE U of M ncrrnrvrvumners GL - 320- 33353 - 6999 -$9 500 Fn,N.cw �o�Aro� �� GL - 001- 04100 - 6999 -$7 000 SEr"-,:� i9>� u���2 !� ��F M EFI��Ei�1IGLLif_iY U�iIVERSIIY OF iVII\TtiB50TA Tx�in CMcs Ccm;.u< Se�tember 21, 1998 Rebert Kessler TJioctor, City of St. PauI LLEP Pro, ani 350 St. Petar Si., Suite 300 5t Paul, i+�R�T 55102- I510 Deari4lr. F{essler: Lir•i cinn .�f kpiLrmiolo�y Sd:��nl nfPuLlic i1:eBk 1 012 624 Ci315 P. L2%i'-3 Siiife +00 I �00 So:eh Sccnr.d };rlN .L`iuu��apoli.c M:Y SSi54• 1l115 5/?-h34-JgtB Fa.t: G12-G2:-03I5 Tha University of Minnesota's Compl}'�nQ with the :vlinimum Drinldng Age {CA�IDA) STudy wouId like To formalize plans to study zhe efzectiveness of law enforem�nt z1c�Yio7 compIiam checks in Saint Paui. Avalable anecdotai evidznce sug�ests that compliance checks are an effeotive tool in limiting youth access to alcohol. This ietter provides detzils about che support C.1�IDA will oiier in exchan�e for your participation. A drafr of the compliance check data collection form that p:s[icipating agencies mast submii to the L'niversity of Minnesota is aIso included. ChID?, Commitment � VJith the understanding that the City of Saint Paul will conduct comnliance checks �t all liquor escablishments during the first six months of this project, follow-up wich escabiis3�ments that fail, and conduct another round of compliance checks at Fill establishmznts in the second year, CR�A agrees to provide the City $I6,500 each year for a two-year period Upon receipt of a}etter of intent from the city, the first yearly insta)lment of $16,500 wiil be disbursed ro the City of Saint PauL . ♦ Tn addiiion, CNIDA will provide pre-labeled data collection forms for atI licensed fiquor establislunents. ♦ CMDA will provide staff ro assist �vath training 0uyers and provide supgon to LI�P staff as requested. ♦ CNIDA wiII ulso provide LIEP with a report at the end of [he smdy period (Attgust 2fl02). Citp of Saint Pstql Commitment ♦ I3£P will provide CMDA with an electronic file containing all licensrzs in the City of Saint Paul, }ncluding any records documenting businesses tha[ hava participatod in trainin; and recaived the licensee fee discount (updaied annnally). ♦ LiEP will provide C_MI3A with information on whea and how licensees are notified of the compliance check pro�ram, on charges/adnunistrative ssncdons talcen and their outcomes. • LIEP wiil be responsibie for conducting compliance checks at aIi establishments in Year One with a repeai eheck for those failing. LIF;P wiIl recurn completed data collection forms for all compliance checks condueted during Yeaz Qne no later than the end of the projeet year (August 31, 1999). aq •qq° � SEF'-22-i5'�D �5�32 '' U C,° I�I EFIuEi•1IO�L7GY 1 612 E24 �315 P.03iG-1 q`�`� O o Jpon receipt of the data collect:en iorms from Year One compliance checks, C?��A will pro�'ide th� second instailment of �16,500 (after September 1, 1999}. In Year Two, LT�P�will agw�n conduct compliance checks at all establishments asld will pmr•ide data coilection forms to CMDA by the end of the project year (August 31, 2000). � LIEP wi71 be resgonsibie for tvring and paying buyers. 4 Finally, I IEP will provide a letter of L�tent to the C.M17A a�eeing to the terms listed above. This )etier shoald include verification of thc number of licensees m Saint Paul and a request for payment of �1b,500 per ye•r for a two-yeaz period Please contact Dr. Traei Toomey at 626-9070 if you need additional ir,formation. Thank you for your interest in the CNIDA project. Sincerely, 't�./Lot.Gc. � (��d�r�p� Traci L. Toomey, PhD Project birector Alexander C. Wagen�aar, PhD Principal Iuvestigator Enc: Data collection form draR ORIGINAL Presented By: RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Council File # Green Sheet # ; �_�I'`�� 50448 as Referred To: Committee: Date a z 3 a s 6 � s 9 10 ii 12 13 14 15 is n �s 19 zo zi zz 23 za zs 26 z7 zs 29 30 31 32 33 aa 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 az 43 aa as 46 WHEREAS, the Saint Paul City council approved on September 23, 1998, the creation of a Multifaceted Pilot Prevention Program to Reduce Youth Access to Alcohol, which requires the Office of License, Inspections and Environmentaf Protection and the Vice Unit of the Saint Pauf Police Department to conduct liquor compliance checks at each licensed liquor establishment consistent with the attached letter of committment 4rom the University's Project Director, Traci L. Toomey, PhD, and WHEREAS, the University of Minnesota has funds available to the City of Saint Paul to conduct compliance checks as part of the University's study [Complying with the Minimum Drinking Age (CMDA)j of the effectiveness of such tactics as a tool to limit youth access to alcohol, and WHEREAS, the funding provided in the amount of $16,500.00 would be used by the Police and LIEP to conduct checks, purchase product, and compensate underage decoys to be used in the above mentioned liquor compliance checks, and WHEREAS, the Mayor, pursuant to sec. 10.07.04 of the City Charter, recommends the following changes to the 1999 City Budget: FINANCING PLAN: Department of Executive Admnistration Division - License, Inspections, and Environmental Protection GL 320 33353 6999 Other Misc. Revenue N.O.C. All Other Activity Financing Department of Police Division - Vice GL 001 04100 6999 Other Misc. Revenue N.O.C. All Other Activity Financing SPENDING PLAN: Deparfment of Executive Administration Division - License, Inspections, and Environmental Protection GL 320 33353 0298 Investigations AIIOtherActivity Spending Department of Police Division - Vice GL 001 04100 0141 Overtime All Other Activity Spending Current Budget 0 1,775,908 1 775 908 0 1,385,302 1 385 302 11, 500 � 11,500 926,050 29,493,024 30 419 074 Change 9,500 0 9,500 7�0�� 0 7 QOQ 9, 500 � 9,500 7, 000 0 7 000 Amended Budget 9,500 1,775,908 1 785,408 7,000 1, 385, 302 1,392 302 21, 000 � 21 000 933,050 29,493,024 30,426,074 T •a� RESOLVED, that the City Council approves these changes to the 1999 budget. � ��� Yeas Nays Absent Benanav � � Blakey 6o5bom Coleman Harris � Lantry � ReiLer � � � Requested by Department of: License, Inspections and Environmental Protection By: Q/I_�- Requested by Department of: Saint Paul Police By: G�r�. i•.i.v� � Approval Recommended by FSO - Director: By: C�� 7v�, � Form Approved by City Att BY= �� a ���. Approv d bx Mayor o Sub i sion to Council: Adopted by Council: Date �� �-�T q T Adoption Certified by Council Secretary: � / .. � oR���Na� G� DkpqR'i'M1ffM'S/OFFlCFICOUNCLL DATEMITIATED ExecutiveAdministration-LIEP 08/17/99 GREEN SHEET NO. 50448 � Intial/Dete ' INllel/Dele COMACTPkRfiON&PNONE O2 OFPAR"IMEN'fO�tECfOR O CIIYCOUN(.'LL SheilaReed266-9111 � Q m+'a'�'�'°w+�' � aTt'� MIAI'BEtlNCOUNCLLAGETmABY(DATE7 � O4 F➢VAT'CLLLSFRNC6DIX � FPI.SIXNC60FF/ACCIG �� O MAVOR(ORASSLST � DFPARTh@N'! ACCOUNf TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) � ACpONREQUFSTm pproval ofa resoludon to accept funds from the University ofMinnesota forliquor compliance checks for 1999 and 2000 to be pedortned by the oGce and LIEP. nECOwu.mmwnoHS:,Wao.e �a� ax�jw (W PERSOI�AL SERVICE COMfRACTS MUST ANS�'V'ER 12iE FOLIAWING QUES1'IONS: rinm m�uuACVON 1. Has this perso�Jfum ever worked under a contract for [his depamnrnY? cmconaarr� YES NO CIW. SIXNCE COFA95S90N 2. Has Uus pereon/fum ever been a ciry employee? , YES NO 3. Does titis person/firtn possess a skill not nortnalty possceced by any curzrnt city employee? YES NO 4. [s U�s person ( firm a Eacge[ed vendot? YES NO (E�plain ali yes answers on separate >heet and attach to areen shee4) uvnnrovcrxoslFK�csuE.oevox'n�R1Yl�wwna�,vmutum awnY1. As part of the Multifaceted Pi1ot Prevention Program estabLshed in 1998, fwids are available to assist the City in carrying out additional liquor compliance checks in 1999 and 2000. The University of Minnesota is interested in assisting the City in obtaming data on the effectiveness of compiiance checks. ADVANTAG6 R' APPROVED ' Sufticient funds will be available to pay the cost of recruitment and training for underage decoys so the City will be'able to conduct up to 600 checks at the appro�cimately SOO licensed liquor establishments in the city. DLSADVANTAGFSO�APPAOVED. — _ 'd �, None apparent. - _��'``_°-� � -; � -' , n .. � Rnn.r ,=.v�.�, v , 5.:..:✓ . F m ��ay, E a`"- S` «3 *�.� �� Pa ;' �ars. E .. i^t'n �'4�6 svi...:. e DLSADVANTAGES OF NOT APPROI� The number of compliance checks would be dimimshed and the LJniversity of Minnesota would not have the data a needs to determme the effecdveness of alcohol comptiance checks. iOTALAMOUNTOFTRAPISACIIOM � �6�500 COST/REVENpE6ODCETED(CIRCLEONE) YES NQ FUNDINGSOURCE U of M ncrrnrvrvumners GL - 320- 33353 - 6999 -$9 500 Fn,N.cw �o�Aro� �� GL - 001- 04100 - 6999 -$7 000 SEr"-,:� i9>� u���2 !� ��F M EFI��Ei�1IGLLif_iY U�iIVERSIIY OF iVII\TtiB50TA Tx�in CMcs Ccm;.u< Se�tember 21, 1998 Rebert Kessler TJioctor, City of St. PauI LLEP Pro, ani 350 St. Petar Si., Suite 300 5t Paul, i+�R�T 55102- I510 Deari4lr. F{essler: Lir•i cinn .�f kpiLrmiolo�y Sd:��nl nfPuLlic i1:eBk 1 012 624 Ci315 P. L2%i'-3 Siiife +00 I �00 So:eh Sccnr.d };rlN .L`iuu��apoli.c M:Y SSi54• 1l115 5/?-h34-JgtB Fa.t: G12-G2:-03I5 Tha University of Minnesota's Compl}'�nQ with the :vlinimum Drinldng Age {CA�IDA) STudy wouId like To formalize plans to study zhe efzectiveness of law enforem�nt z1c�Yio7 compIiam checks in Saint Paui. Avalable anecdotai evidznce sug�ests that compliance checks are an effeotive tool in limiting youth access to alcohol. This ietter provides detzils about che support C.1�IDA will oiier in exchan�e for your participation. A drafr of the compliance check data collection form that p:s[icipating agencies mast submii to the L'niversity of Minnesota is aIso included. ChID?, Commitment � VJith the understanding that the City of Saint Paul will conduct comnliance checks �t all liquor escablishments during the first six months of this project, follow-up wich escabiis3�ments that fail, and conduct another round of compliance checks at Fill establishmznts in the second year, CR�A agrees to provide the City $I6,500 each year for a two-year period Upon receipt of a}etter of intent from the city, the first yearly insta)lment of $16,500 wiil be disbursed ro the City of Saint PauL . ♦ Tn addiiion, CNIDA will provide pre-labeled data collection forms for atI licensed fiquor establislunents. ♦ CMDA will provide staff ro assist �vath training 0uyers and provide supgon to LI�P staff as requested. ♦ CNIDA wiII ulso provide LIEP with a report at the end of [he smdy period (Attgust 2fl02). Citp of Saint Pstql Commitment ♦ I3£P will provide CMDA with an electronic file containing all licensrzs in the City of Saint Paul, }ncluding any records documenting businesses tha[ hava participatod in trainin; and recaived the licensee fee discount (updaied annnally). ♦ LiEP will provide C_MI3A with information on whea and how licensees are notified of the compliance check pro�ram, on charges/adnunistrative ssncdons talcen and their outcomes. • LIEP wiil be responsibie for conducting compliance checks at aIi establishments in Year One with a repeai eheck for those failing. LIF;P wiIl recurn completed data collection forms for all compliance checks condueted during Yeaz Qne no later than the end of the projeet year (August 31, 1999). aq •qq° � SEF'-22-i5'�D �5�32 '' U C,° I�I EFIuEi•1IO�L7GY 1 612 E24 �315 P.03iG-1 q`�`� O o Jpon receipt of the data collect:en iorms from Year One compliance checks, C?��A will pro�'ide th� second instailment of �16,500 (after September 1, 1999}. In Year Two, LT�P�will agw�n conduct compliance checks at all establishments asld will pmr•ide data coilection forms to CMDA by the end of the project year (August 31, 2000). � LIEP wi71 be resgonsibie for tvring and paying buyers. 4 Finally, I IEP will provide a letter of L�tent to the C.M17A a�eeing to the terms listed above. This )etier shoald include verification of thc number of licensees m Saint Paul and a request for payment of �1b,500 per ye•r for a two-yeaz period Please contact Dr. Traei Toomey at 626-9070 if you need additional ir,formation. Thank you for your interest in the CNIDA project. Sincerely, 't�./Lot.Gc. � (��d�r�p� Traci L. Toomey, PhD Project birector Alexander C. Wagen�aar, PhD Principal Iuvestigator Enc: Data collection form draR ORIGINAL Presented By: RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Council File # Green Sheet # ; �_�I'`�� 50448 as Referred To: Committee: Date a z 3 a s 6 � s 9 10 ii 12 13 14 15 is n �s 19 zo zi zz 23 za zs 26 z7 zs 29 30 31 32 33 aa 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 az 43 aa as 46 WHEREAS, the Saint Paul City council approved on September 23, 1998, the creation of a Multifaceted Pilot Prevention Program to Reduce Youth Access to Alcohol, which requires the Office of License, Inspections and Environmentaf Protection and the Vice Unit of the Saint Pauf Police Department to conduct liquor compliance checks at each licensed liquor establishment consistent with the attached letter of committment 4rom the University's Project Director, Traci L. Toomey, PhD, and WHEREAS, the University of Minnesota has funds available to the City of Saint Paul to conduct compliance checks as part of the University's study [Complying with the Minimum Drinking Age (CMDA)j of the effectiveness of such tactics as a tool to limit youth access to alcohol, and WHEREAS, the funding provided in the amount of $16,500.00 would be used by the Police and LIEP to conduct checks, purchase product, and compensate underage decoys to be used in the above mentioned liquor compliance checks, and WHEREAS, the Mayor, pursuant to sec. 10.07.04 of the City Charter, recommends the following changes to the 1999 City Budget: FINANCING PLAN: Department of Executive Admnistration Division - License, Inspections, and Environmental Protection GL 320 33353 6999 Other Misc. Revenue N.O.C. All Other Activity Financing Department of Police Division - Vice GL 001 04100 6999 Other Misc. Revenue N.O.C. All Other Activity Financing SPENDING PLAN: Deparfment of Executive Administration Division - License, Inspections, and Environmental Protection GL 320 33353 0298 Investigations AIIOtherActivity Spending Department of Police Division - Vice GL 001 04100 0141 Overtime All Other Activity Spending Current Budget 0 1,775,908 1 775 908 0 1,385,302 1 385 302 11, 500 � 11,500 926,050 29,493,024 30 419 074 Change 9,500 0 9,500 7�0�� 0 7 QOQ 9, 500 � 9,500 7, 000 0 7 000 Amended Budget 9,500 1,775,908 1 785,408 7,000 1, 385, 302 1,392 302 21, 000 � 21 000 933,050 29,493,024 30,426,074 T •a� RESOLVED, that the City Council approves these changes to the 1999 budget. � ��� Yeas Nays Absent Benanav � � Blakey 6o5bom Coleman Harris � Lantry � ReiLer � � � Requested by Department of: License, Inspections and Environmental Protection By: Q/I_�- Requested by Department of: Saint Paul Police By: G�r�. i•.i.v� � Approval Recommended by FSO - Director: By: C�� 7v�, � Form Approved by City Att BY= �� a ���. Approv d bx Mayor o Sub i sion to Council: Adopted by Council: Date �� �-�T q T Adoption Certified by Council Secretary: � / .. � oR���Na� G� DkpqR'i'M1ffM'S/OFFlCFICOUNCLL DATEMITIATED ExecutiveAdministration-LIEP 08/17/99 GREEN SHEET NO. 50448 � Intial/Dete ' INllel/Dele COMACTPkRfiON&PNONE O2 OFPAR"IMEN'fO�tECfOR O CIIYCOUN(.'LL SheilaReed266-9111 � Q m+'a'�'�'°w+�' � aTt'� MIAI'BEtlNCOUNCLLAGETmABY(DATE7 � O4 F➢VAT'CLLLSFRNC6DIX � FPI.SIXNC60FF/ACCIG �� O MAVOR(ORASSLST � DFPARTh@N'! ACCOUNf TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) � ACpONREQUFSTm pproval ofa resoludon to accept funds from the University ofMinnesota forliquor compliance checks for 1999 and 2000 to be pedortned by the oGce and LIEP. nECOwu.mmwnoHS:,Wao.e �a� ax�jw (W PERSOI�AL SERVICE COMfRACTS MUST ANS�'V'ER 12iE FOLIAWING QUES1'IONS: rinm m�uuACVON 1. Has this perso�Jfum ever worked under a contract for [his depamnrnY? cmconaarr� YES NO CIW. SIXNCE COFA95S90N 2. Has Uus pereon/fum ever been a ciry employee? , YES NO 3. Does titis person/firtn possess a skill not nortnalty possceced by any curzrnt city employee? YES NO 4. [s U�s person ( firm a Eacge[ed vendot? YES NO (E�plain ali yes answers on separate >heet and attach to areen shee4) uvnnrovcrxoslFK�csuE.oevox'n�R1Yl�wwna�,vmutum awnY1. As part of the Multifaceted Pi1ot Prevention Program estabLshed in 1998, fwids are available to assist the City in carrying out additional liquor compliance checks in 1999 and 2000. The University of Minnesota is interested in assisting the City in obtaming data on the effectiveness of compiiance checks. ADVANTAG6 R' APPROVED ' Sufticient funds will be available to pay the cost of recruitment and training for underage decoys so the City will be'able to conduct up to 600 checks at the appro�cimately SOO licensed liquor establishments in the city. DLSADVANTAGFSO�APPAOVED. — _ 'd �, None apparent. - _��'``_°-� � -; � -' , n .. � Rnn.r ,=.v�.�, v , 5.:..:✓ . F m ��ay, E a`"- S` «3 *�.� �� Pa ;' �ars. E .. i^t'n �'4�6 svi...:. e DLSADVANTAGES OF NOT APPROI� The number of compliance checks would be dimimshed and the LJniversity of Minnesota would not have the data a needs to determme the effecdveness of alcohol comptiance checks. iOTALAMOUNTOFTRAPISACIIOM � �6�500 COST/REVENpE6ODCETED(CIRCLEONE) YES NQ FUNDINGSOURCE U of M ncrrnrvrvumners GL - 320- 33353 - 6999 -$9 500 Fn,N.cw �o�Aro� �� GL - 001- 04100 - 6999 -$7 000 SEr"-,:� i9>� u���2 !� ��F M EFI��Ei�1IGLLif_iY U�iIVERSIIY OF iVII\TtiB50TA Tx�in CMcs Ccm;.u< Se�tember 21, 1998 Rebert Kessler TJioctor, City of St. PauI LLEP Pro, ani 350 St. Petar Si., Suite 300 5t Paul, i+�R�T 55102- I510 Deari4lr. F{essler: Lir•i cinn .�f kpiLrmiolo�y Sd:��nl nfPuLlic i1:eBk 1 012 624 Ci315 P. L2%i'-3 Siiife +00 I �00 So:eh Sccnr.d };rlN .L`iuu��apoli.c M:Y SSi54• 1l115 5/?-h34-JgtB Fa.t: G12-G2:-03I5 Tha University of Minnesota's Compl}'�nQ with the :vlinimum Drinldng Age {CA�IDA) STudy wouId like To formalize plans to study zhe efzectiveness of law enforem�nt z1c�Yio7 compIiam checks in Saint Paui. Avalable anecdotai evidznce sug�ests that compliance checks are an effeotive tool in limiting youth access to alcohol. This ietter provides detzils about che support C.1�IDA will oiier in exchan�e for your participation. A drafr of the compliance check data collection form that p:s[icipating agencies mast submii to the L'niversity of Minnesota is aIso included. ChID?, Commitment � VJith the understanding that the City of Saint Paul will conduct comnliance checks �t all liquor escablishments during the first six months of this project, follow-up wich escabiis3�ments that fail, and conduct another round of compliance checks at Fill establishmznts in the second year, CR�A agrees to provide the City $I6,500 each year for a two-year period Upon receipt of a}etter of intent from the city, the first yearly insta)lment of $16,500 wiil be disbursed ro the City of Saint PauL . ♦ Tn addiiion, CNIDA will provide pre-labeled data collection forms for atI licensed fiquor establislunents. ♦ CMDA will provide staff ro assist �vath training 0uyers and provide supgon to LI�P staff as requested. ♦ CNIDA wiII ulso provide LIEP with a report at the end of [he smdy period (Attgust 2fl02). Citp of Saint Pstql Commitment ♦ I3£P will provide CMDA with an electronic file containing all licensrzs in the City of Saint Paul, }ncluding any records documenting businesses tha[ hava participatod in trainin; and recaived the licensee fee discount (updaied annnally). ♦ LiEP will provide C_MI3A with information on whea and how licensees are notified of the compliance check pro�ram, on charges/adnunistrative ssncdons talcen and their outcomes. • LIEP wiil be responsibie for conducting compliance checks at aIi establishments in Year One with a repeai eheck for those failing. LIF;P wiIl recurn completed data collection forms for all compliance checks condueted during Yeaz Qne no later than the end of the projeet year (August 31, 1999). aq •qq° � SEF'-22-i5'�D �5�32 '' U C,° I�I EFIuEi•1IO�L7GY 1 612 E24 �315 P.03iG-1 q`�`� O o Jpon receipt of the data collect:en iorms from Year One compliance checks, C?��A will pro�'ide th� second instailment of �16,500 (after September 1, 1999}. In Year Two, LT�P�will agw�n conduct compliance checks at all establishments asld will pmr•ide data coilection forms to CMDA by the end of the project year (August 31, 2000). � LIEP wi71 be resgonsibie for tvring and paying buyers. 4 Finally, I IEP will provide a letter of L�tent to the C.M17A a�eeing to the terms listed above. This )etier shoald include verification of thc number of licensees m Saint Paul and a request for payment of �1b,500 per ye•r for a two-yeaz period Please contact Dr. Traei Toomey at 626-9070 if you need additional ir,formation. Thank you for your interest in the CNIDA project. Sincerely, 't�./Lot.Gc. � (��d�r�p� Traci L. Toomey, PhD Project birector Alexander C. Wagen�aar, PhD Principal Iuvestigator Enc: Data collection form draR