PIN� - FINANCE � G TY OF - SA I NT PALT L Council ��,` ���—�
ouncil Resolution
Presented By � �"�
err d To ��`� � Committee: Date ������
Out o Committee By Date
WHEREAS, the St Paul Socialist Workers Campaign Committee
and its candidate, ggie McGraw, have requested an exemption
from the provisions f St. Paul Legislative Code Sec. 28 .03,
Subd. 4, which conta ns the disclosure requirements for campaign
reports of political committees and persons; and
WHEREAS the St te of Minnesota Ethical Practices Board
issued in 19�2 an or er exempting the Minnesota Socialist
Workers Campaign Co ittee from the campaign financing dis-
closure provisions o Minnesota Statutes Sec. 10A.20, Subd.
3(b) and (d) because such requirements would expose one or more
of its members to ec nomic ,reprisals , loss of employment or
threat of physical c ercion; and
WHEREAS, the ex mption issued in 1982 is continuing pursuant
to the provisions of Minnesota Statutes Sec. 10A.20, Subd. 10;
WHEREAS, St. Pa 1 Legislative Code Sec. 28.03, Subd. 4(8)
(a) and (b) ,�rovides that the City Council shall exempt any
political committee r political party or any of their members
or contributors or a y individual from the requirements of Sec.
28.03, Subd. 4 if di closure would expose any or all of them
to economic reprisal, loss of employment or threat of physical
coercion and further provides that a written order exempting
any association or a y of its members or contributors because
of a determination t at a disclosur� would expose any or all
of them to economic eprisals , loss of employment or threat of
physical coercion sh 11 constitute prima facie evidence for
exemption from the p ovisions of Sec. 28.03, Subd. 4, now,
therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That he St. Paul Socialist Workers Campaign
Committee is hereby xempted from the provisions of St. Paul
COU[VCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
In Favor
_ __ Against BY
Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date
Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY `���'� /�"' ��VU'.d"�e.l�G.- �- �v'��
blpproved by Mavor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
BLUE - MAVOR File NO. ��
� ouncil Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
Page 2.
Legislative Code Se . 28.03, S�abd. 4 and that all other pro-
visions of Chapter 8 must be adhered to in all respects by
the St. Paul Social st Workers Campaign Committee; and be it
FINALLY RESOLV D, That Maggie McCraw is hereby exempted
from the provisions of St. Paul Legislative Code Sec. 28 .03,
Subd. 4 and that al other provi:sions of Chapter 28 of the
S�. Paul Legislativ Code and of St. Paul Administrative Code
Chapter 24 must be dhered to in all respects by Ma.ggie McCraw.
COUNC[LME(V Requested by Department of:
Yeas ���`'`'' Nays
n��cos�a r/ [n Favor
Sonnen __ Against BY
A C7 2 7 � Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date
B .�a,u�.- •�-. �- ,30 -��
Certified P s e Council e re Y
_ �, �+CQ
tappro e iNavor: Date JCf — 3 1985 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
By _ By
PUBLISHED S P - 7 1985
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.y.._ CO iV! i!TEE R E P O � T
. TO = Satn? P�� I Ci;� Cou ��iI �
F P � �3� ' �O I'�l�7I i i i ? O�, LEGISLATION .
� � C�f A! P, ohn Drew
.Agenda :.. - . ,
Item #2 �� � Ordinanc establishing procedure for filling an unexpired
- � ' � . term if a vacancy should occur in the office of Mayor
� Item #3 Ordinance amending Section 410.10, Subdivision 1 , of the Saint
� • Paul Legislative Code pertaining to the issuance of temporary :
. � on-sale � er licenses (Council file 85-958) �
� •--�- LAID OVER �
Item #4 Ordinance amending Section �246.01 of the Legislative .Code .
pertainin to Parks and Liquor and allowing consumption of liquor
at the Ph len Park Clubhouse, subject to certain regulations.
(Council� ile No. 85-10.0) . .
� LAID OVER � � ' �
. Item #5 .
� � � . r
- ersons . � �
, �„
� . G1:i1L.t1:� �CI\fyl.11l..LJ DlJt1tCLI
• � . ��.5"-- //5a
,'' In the m.�tter of th� applica ion for` � ` NOTIC� OF FIIv�INGS,
_ disclosure e��rption subn�itt by ipp�,tCI,USION, A�ID
the 1982 Socialist hbr}cers P ty � .
Ca.�aign C�cruttc�s • ORDER
Pursuant to Minn. Stat. §10A. 0, subd. 10, noti.ce is hereby given that the Ethical
Practices Board has granted a �imited exesnption from disclosu�e as set forth in its
order adopted 1�9ay 7, 1982, e Board's notice and order wil� be publishe3 in the --
State Reqister on r�ay 31, 198 . A1iru-i. Stat. §1�A.20, subd. 'i0, provides that if the
Boarcl rec.eives a written obje tion from any party within 20 days after pub�ication of
• • -
its order in the Stzte ist , the Board shall hold a oontest�d case hearing.
Written objections shall be f led 4rith the Board, 41 State Office Building, St. Paul,
ti�1 55155. Writt�-� obj�tions m.�st be suk�i.tted not later than 12 0'clock noon on
Mc�nday, June 21 , 1982.
� The application of the 1 82 ru.nnesota Socialist Workers C�.*rQaign Con�nitte�,
Regist.ration Nun� 1-1348-06 0, a priuicipal carrgr.ig,z comnittee, an3 the 1982
r.innesota Social.ist Workers C -�aign Com-�ittee, Registratior. 24'�nber 2-033'l-0509, a
political pazt3► con.anittee, fo exerrtptions fr�n the ca��aic,�ri financir,g disclosure p_ro-
visio.ns of-t•1ir,n. Stat. §10A.2 , subd. 3(b) and (d} ca�e duly �efore the Ethic3l.
Practice� Board e:, t�Iay 7, 198 .
�`" �• After havir.g fi:liy consi ered the mat.�rial sul�tt�? by tlzese co�-�aaittees, the
Board makes tre follvw�ng: �
� F'II�IDIrdGS '
1. The pattern of ongoir.g h assment of n�mbers of the Socia3.ist Workers Party r�t�
i� the Board's e.Y�tion anted in 1978 continues inta t�� present. �-
. . ' -
r • a. On Feh�uary 27 and h 2, 1982, a party member aru� his fat�her were
� . sub j ectecl to inquirie from a federal agency in St., Paul, Minn.
b. Repeated threats and 'oler.ce toward, and varidalism and deface.�nt of
Socialist Workers Par offices in St. Paul and in Virgir.i.a, if�..
occurred fram 1978 to ch, 1982. In St. Paul on D�c�embe.r 26, 'l978,
June 7, 1979, and Apri 18, 198i , van3alism occurred at Party offices. ,
• Ban� threats were made by telephone on Decer;�er 2, Z98D, and April -
11, 1981 . In Virginia on May 16 and '17, 198C, and March 13 a�d "17, .
i982, vandalism occurr at Party offices, and in June, 1980, the hom� .
of a Socialist Workers Party candi�date for U. S. Representati��e was
defaced in Virginia.
c. Tlireats �aere made ag ' st the life of a Socialist h'o�rs Party candi-
' date for U. S, F�pres tative in Virginia, c•1ay 1 S to 3'! , 1980. In
Virgir�i.�-� S��cialist W�r er� Party �sr��t:�-s h�3ve k�en sc�b3��ct�7 to physicz.l
� violenc� (I-�gust 16, 7930) , harassment t-�� tiostile re��vw wvr,c�ers
. ��,�'_ �/��-
� (su�,�.r and fz.11, 1� 0�;'.�u1X'18, . 19, and 21 , 1980; October, 1981 to
the presentj , and eat of loss of e�loyr�lt (March 31 and April 20,
1982) . -
d. Fear of public discl sure of identification with the Socialist Workers
party continues �o fect m�ibFrs' freedan to associate with others and
to receive contribut t�o campaigns for Socialist Workers Party carr3idates.
2. No Socialist Warkers Par candidate has been elected t�o local, state, or
federal offi.ce in Minn ta. In 1978, the only Socialist h'orkers Party candi-
• date� for statewide off' e sought the offices of governor and lieut�enant
govesnor. They polled 6 287 wtes, .4� of the tatal wte cast for that office.
The Socialist h�rkers 19 8 Can�aign Committees raised a total of $4,455.79,
made carrpaign exp�ndi s of $2,912.67, and reported total cash balances of
$86.12 whe� the cca'�4nit s terminated, Septe.�r 5, 1978 and DeceinbEr 13, 1978. -
In 1980, three Socialist Workers Party candidates sought election in NLinnesota
and received 1.2% of the total votes cast for the offi.ces they sought.
The 1982 Mirmesota Soc' ist Workers Carc�aign Cor�anittees, Registrati.on Ntun�ss
1-1348-0600 and 2-0381-0509, have satisfied the standard of proof iir�osed by M.inn.
Stat. §10A.20, subds. 8 and 0.
.�'_. a�-� q
In �cordance with Minn Stat. §1QA.20, subds. 8 and 10, the 1982 Minnesvta
Socialist Workers Cazzpaign 'ttees, Registration Nu¢nbers 1-1348-0600 and 2-0281-0509
are hereby granted �: limited exe�tion fro�n the reporting require�*�nts of Minn. Stat.
§10A.20, subd. 3(b) and (d) egarding disclosure of th�e names, ar3dresses, and
�loyers vf oontributars. .
� In lieu of these disc e requirements. each corrcnittee shall identify and
report o�ntributions by assi ing a separate nuan�er to eacl� contribut�or, in c.'or-
relation with each oontribu , instead o� listing the name, address' and employer of
each oontributor. •
E�ccept as specially p ided in this ex�rQ�i�an, saicl c�or�uni.ttees shall in all
• respects co�rply with the pr isions cf Mu-,.*�. Stat. cri. 1 QA. .
r�y 29, 1982 � ��� .
Mary McC'Joy, .ecutive Director