85-1140 WHITE - GTY CLERK '�°� PINK - FINANCE �- G I TY OF SA I NT �A �1 L COUIICII ��JJ CANARV - DEPARTMENT �-" BLUE - MAVOR i` , G' � File NO.�fj -�� '` " Cou il es l 'o Presente By � � p� � Referred To � � Committee: Date � ���� ~o J Out of Commi tee By Date WHERF,AS, The Ma r, pursuant to Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter, cloes r�commend following transfers for the 1985 General Fund Budget: TRAI�SE'ER FROM: Gen�eral Gover t Account Employee Par ing: Offici Business 09948-233 Au o All (Elec ed Officials) 720 Current Amended Budget Changes Budget TRANSF'ER T0: Com�unity Servi ces - Parks & Rec 03170-Parks round Maint ance 03170-357 At etic or reation 44,000 +720 44,720 03170 All Ot r Spending 2,094,025 0 2,094,025 2,138,025 +720 2,138,745 NET CHANC� 0 130W, Ti�REF'ORE, IT RESOL , That the City Council adopts these changes to tY� 1985 Budg t. Financing is Available: Approval Recom�ded: ��• _����.,.1��_ Director of ce ,�1�� - Buclqet r or COU[VCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Drew Na s Masanz Clty COUriCll Nicosia In Favor � Sche�bel Sonnen - __ Against BY — TedesCo W�Ison ---� A�� � � ��� H Form A e y it At r Adopted by Council: Date c Certified a.s Cou ci cr BY sy Approv Mavor: D te � 3 ��$� Approved Mayor bmi 'on to Cou il � sy — PUBUSHED AU G 311985 \ DEPARTMENT U"`"N� 2905 John Con elly ' „ CONTAET � � `�j � r , PHONE DATE 1 Q/�� Q Qr ASSIGN NUMBER FOR R UTING ORDER Cli All Locations for Si nature : Department Dire tor Director of Management/Mayor Finance and Man gement Servi es Director � City Clerk Budget Director City Attorney WHAT WILL BE ACNIEV D BY TAKING CTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ $720 will be transferr from Emp oyee Rationale) • Parking to arks Gro d Maintenance. - ���'�I�/�� COST/BENEFIT BUDGE RY AND PERS NNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: No signific nt impact anticipated. `�U�- � � �Q�5 OFFIC' ��c T DEP� n- H` ����'���TO;? , n ,,r:����nrr �� F,,:,�;.,y:vE AN� �';ANqra�nYiLf�( _ S�;���,=1,�-� a.,��J FINANCING SOURCE AN BUDGET ACTI ITY NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- ture not re- Total Amount of ransaction; $720 quired if under $10,00Q) Funding Source: 9948-233 Employee Parking � \ Activity Number: 09948 � v� �C� �. ATTACHMENTS List a Number All Attachments : �; � ��'� � �O O� � Counc�l Reso ution � S Letter from ohn Conne ly �' � . DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW _�Yes No Counci Resolution Required? Resolution Required? Yes No Yes �Vo Insura ce Required Insurance Sufficient? Yes No Yes �Vo Insura ce Attached (SEE RE ER�E SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/84 I . , 1 ���.���� .:,,, . . �� � ''' � ITY OF SAINT PAUL 4+?p r�, S.•� .rF��.%.it �� ��,:�L,,��,; . CTTY CO NCIL INVESTIGATION AND RESEARCH CENTER '�f��,J M E M O R A N D U M T : tt Shands B dget Director's Office F OM: J hn W. Connelly �� D TE: J ly 9, 1985 5 BJECT: P rking Allotments. W uld you ple se prepare the necessary resolution, as soon as pos- s'ble, regard'ng our previous conversation to transfer $2�160 f om the Park'ng Fund, 1985 Ger.eral Government Account to ount N . 01370, Ex ense Code 357; also transfer $720 from the Parking F nd, 1985 Ge eral Government A�count to Account No. 03132, E pense Code 43. ank you. � C:nla � 70b CITY .HALL SAINT PAUL, MINNFSOTA 55102 612/298-4163 �46 ........� Z, - ==��a>,,.,r--��:��` IT''Y" OF ►`�AINT �E'.E�..t3L�1: ��✓�/��� �'I�'� ���`,�.Y 1 • • " � . ; � l f.:-��;:y,�;:��,��� 7�'3.+IC'E 0�.+� THIF: CITY COU�'CZL ' . �;'•' � �a���Ir.� �� l 1 �. . _:_,;, �_;::11��� � D d t ;���., �� ��� e : August l, 1985 ��:.�.=1�•,: . �''�:. -- . CUf� f� f7'�" � E REPO � T TO � 5ain� P ut Cit� Cou�ci � . �R {� � = C O I'j?(��� �� 0[� FINANCE, MANAGEMENT & PERSONNEL - � � � C1�A I R J S SCHEIBEL� ' � i 1. Appro al- of minut s frorn mee�ings held July 11 and 18, 1985.�j� 2. Resol tion amendi g the 1985 budget by adding $117,559 to the Financing Plan nd to the S ending Plan fo Housing an Bc�ilding Code Enforcement (Comm n i ty Serv i c s) GC./ �-�j'�� 3. f2esol tion abolis ing the salary range for Grade 16E in �he Clericai Barga ning Unit i the Salary Plan a d Rates of Compensation Resolution. (Pers nne i ) ti�-� 4. Resol tion changi g the grade for the itl,e of Telecom c�nicator in the. � Civi 1 Service Rul s. (Personnet ) C� --t1��� _ .. _ _ 5. Foi��` �c►-itt��fit�r�- +n�ii ng�"the 1985 budget and �ransferr i ng $72Q each from Gener 1 Governmen Accounts-Employee Parking to Corrm�nity S�ryic s/Parks and R creatian fo playground and recreation equipment. � =�� , 6. Resol tion approving 1985 Maintenance Labor Agreement between the City and Unite Slate and ile and Composition�Ro Qfe s, Damp and '�erproof Workers Assoc'ation Local 96. (Personnel ) C�.�y�� U 7. Resot tion approving 1985 Memorandum of Settlement between the ity and . the I on Workers ocal 512. (Personnel ? �—G^-ec� � . . . _ ����2��c �S. Resol tion approving 1985-1986 Maintenance Labor Agreement between ISD#62 , and t e Pipefiter Local Union No. 455. (Personnei ) � � 9. Resol tion reques ing the Administration keep its recommendations for the 1986 eneral Fund � dg,et proposals�r e�C.ees� salari s within a 4-1/2 . increase. ���� /� �",�_ � � 10. Trans er of $2,7Z ,389 from Generat Fund to Departme�t Budgets for 19$5 negot ated sa l ary ad j ustment. �/�'� '7��.�,`.��C J� 11 . Discu sion of cla ms for punitive and exemplary damages against potice offic rs: Robert unz, Jr. , President of the St. Paul Police Federatior►, and P ui McCloske , Assistant City Attorney, participating. C.I"tY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUI.,3�SI;�NESOTA 55IO2 '�si-�� _.__ __ _ —...-- --_._.__.._----___- .__..�.._._._..,.__._,..__,..�.._---�.____._._._...-._� _--------,�_........_..-...,�,,.�...-.....,., ' - . '� ��=,�y� �`�Ti^• � ' t � . ��, . CtTY OF SAINT PAUL =4� •� • :o '_ � OFFICE OF THE CtTY ATTORNEY �-: �;�` 'iiii�Iiiii A�= � EDWARD P. STARR, CITY ATTORNEY ,�``'�•�. �•��°F 647 City Hall, Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 GEORGE LATIMER � 612-29&5121 MAYOR � August 16 1985 Honorable William Wil on Counci]sn 7th Floor - City Hall Dear Coun ilma.n Wilso : This is ' response t your letter of August 13, 1985 requesting advice � in relati n to the fo proposed resolutions transferring funds from . the City ouncil's po tion of the budget to �the Department of Co�in�ty Services. The Counc 1 in adopt g the 1985 budget allocated $5,0�+8 to be used by each ' councilpe son for pa.r ing purposes. The resolutions� purpose is to trans- � fer $720, each, to be v.sed by the Department for parks and recreation � purposes . .. , The Ci�Ly harter, sec ioa 10.07.�+, provides that tra.nsfers from department� to depar ent may be ccomplished upon the reco�endation of the Mayor and the appro al of �the C ty Council. Council approval is in the form of a � resolutio and requir s four aff3.rmative votes. Although he Council ay designate a specific purpose in enacting or amending • �t3ie budge , the Mayor may transfer funds wi�thin. a departmental budget without -- • , prior app 'val of the Co�uncil. Therefore although the Council may designate . a specifi ..use in the budget amen8ment, the Mayor may exercise his discretion and trans er �the fun witbin the Departmental budge�t an.d wse i� for anather purpose. I am advi ed that all four resolutions have received the Mayor!s recommendat�on and there ore are pro erly before -the Council. The Council may approve �he trans�ers if the req site four affizmative votes are present. . . � , . Ve�y �rul yours, / �/ � , . SEG � ssistant C' ttorn y : � cc: Mayo ,• City Coun il, City Clerk, Budget Dixector, Community Services Director