85-1139 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE COUtICIl �/ CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT ��AUL /�5 BLUE - MAVOR File NO. v`� `//�� Co nc ' eso tion Presented By �Referred o �� N� � Committee: Date �^���g� Out of Co mittee By Date Wf�Ft�;A5, The Mayo , pursuant o Section 20.07.4 of the City Charter, does reco�men� t` fo�lowing ransfers for the 1985 G�neral �i �get: TRF�SFEFt FRCX�1: GPneral Gover t Acc�oEU►ts F�loyee Park' : Off ici Busiriess 09948-233 Aut All (B1ec O�ficials) 720 Current At��ed Budget Changes �dget TRAN�'ER TOs Comrrunity Servi - Parks I�ec 03170-Parks G ound Maint e 03170-357 A etie or l�ee eation 44,004 +720 44,720 03170 All Ot r Spend�ing 2,094,025 0 2,094,025 2,138,025 +720 2,138,74r NEr C,�3ANC� 0 tV�•1, Tf�TERF��, IT R�SOL , That � City Ca�ncil ac�c�pt� these chanc�es �o the 1985 Budye . Financing is vai].ai�le: Ap�roval Reco�nnr�dec3s � . [/ � G �..4.� J Director of F' ance �q �' Budget Di ec r COUNCILM N Yeas Nays � Requeste by Department of: Drew City ouncil Masanz In Favo[ Nicos+a Scheibe� _ ( __ Against BY � So�nen Tedesca W�ISOn AUG 2 2 1985 Form Appro by 'ty A ney Adopted by Council: Date — Certified � -se o cil reta BY < App by Mavor: Date AUt7 � � [�Q� Appr y Ma or for Submissio o C ncil BY — BY PUBUS ED f�U u � � 1985 i i DEPARTMENT (.�—�✓' �/ N� 29 . . r � Victor Tedesco - CONTACT 5 5 06 PHONE �,l,8 5 DATE re en e e ASSIGN NUMBER FOR ROUTING ORDE Cli All Locations for Si nature : Department Di ctor Director of Management/Mayor Finance and M agement Ser ices Director 3 City Clerk 1 r � City Attorney WHAT WILL BE ACHI VED BY TAKIN ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ $720 will be transf rred from IImglo�ee=Paxkirig Rationale) : " to Parks round Mai tenance . COST/BENEFIT, BUD ETARY AND P RSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: R��Eiiit� No signi icant imp cts anticipated . `�UL Q i985 MAYGR'S OrFICE FINANCING SOURCE ND BUDGET A TIVITY NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- ture not re- Total Amount o Transactio : S72o quired if under $10,000) Funding Source 09948-23 Emplpyee Parking Activity Numbe : 0��48 ATTACHMENTS List and Number 11 Attachments : RE�E��ED� Council R solution `���� � 1985 Letter fx m Sue Van elli pEp�CE OF RECT THE Dl ART(VIENT OF FlyAnr�R AND MANqG�N�ENT �E SEi2'✓r�.�S DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATtOf�NEY REVIEW x Yes No Cou cil Resolut on Required? Resolution Required? Yes No Yes x No Ins rance Requi ed? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No Yes X No Ins rance Attac ed: (SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/84 �=��0 7th Floor , , . , , . (��,5�//�� City Hall OFFICE�OF TNE CITY COUNCIL ��� John Connelly From: � e Vannelli �u6je�ct: Parki g Allocation to Rec Centers Date: June 21 , 1985 . In iscussion with Jear Baumgartner, I advised her that you would be transf rrirg the $720n00 parking a1lowance into her 0317� budget. The ac i vi ty number i s -9�3-�& and the account number - is 357. She as ed me to send her the list of rec centers and the amount to b expended by each as soon as possible and she will notify the of the process to be fol1owed. , If ou r.eed any further information, please call me. r ..,,,� - . . � . - �"�`;�;-� ., �`ITY' ' :--:��f �;;y1 _�,Z-�' ,►`��'AIi�T'I` PAUL,. ��,5 l/.��/ ��_Z,% !F� ��'y i � � ., .j•`�/ `,,� `l`-� � oF��rcr o�, 2•xr cxTY cou�cz�. . - i f �w�y�:4•� T�-! ♦ . -�� ti s�a��i..iJ.:':�I � �,;_ �:�.;,:;.�:. . t 4 D d t e g . :-�-=:'�, '�,�� : Au us t 1 19 8 5 �'• � �d.�,��� - �r�=-`�,. -,. . C� I� IT�" � E !� E P 0 � "["' TO = Sajn� aul �ity Courccit � F E� O = C O�'1t t7l �'�'�� p h FINANCE, MANAGEMENT & PERSONNEL • . � � � C�-{A t R JAMES SCHEIBEL� ' � � 1. App oval• of min tes from meetings held July lI and 18, 1985.�� 2. Res lution ame ing the 1985 budget by adding $117,559 to the Financing Pla and to th Spending Plan fo�- Nousing an� Building Code Enforcement (Co un i ty Ser i ces) �/G�(J��-�'�-'�c�- 3. Res lution abolishing the satary range for Grade 16E in the Clericai Ba gaining llni in the Salary Pian a Rates of Compensation Resolution. (P rsonnel ) 4. Re olution cha ging the grade for the itl,e of Telecom c�n�cator in the � Ci i 1 Servic� ules. (Personnet ) C' �--tl'�e�. . 5. F ��Re�sot��o s �mending the 1985 budget and transferring $72Q each From Ge eral Govern ent Accounts-Employee Parking to Corr�nunity ervic�s/Parks an Recreation for playground and recreation equipment. �� U'� � � 6. Re olutian app oving 1985 Maintenance Labor Agreement between the City and Un ted Slate a d Tile and Composition RoQf,e s, Qamp and 'aterproof Workers As ociation Lo al 96. (Personnel ) C��/ 7. Re olution app oving 1985 Memorandum of Settlement between the �ty and . th I ron Worke s Loca 1 512. (Rersonne 1 ) L'--�i`-E'�' � . . . . . �:c-�-���, . 8. Re olution ap roving 1985-i986 Maintenance Labor Agreement between ISD#62 an the Pipefi ers Local Union No. 455. (Personnel ) �'_"✓ � 9. Re olution re uesting the Adminisfiration keep its recommendations for the 19 6 General Funds ��et proposals for employees' salari s within a 4-1/2q. i ncrea e. _ ����2� /'".�._ 1 � l 10. Tr nsfer of $ ,724,389 from General Fund to Departme�it Budgets for 1985 ne ot i ated sa l ary ad j ustment. �/.�'�'��.����� U 11 . Di cussion of claims for punitive and exempTary damages against poiice of icers: Rob rt Kunz, Jr. , President of the St. Paul Police Federation, an Paul McCI skey, Assistant City Attorney, participating. CITY HALL 5EVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL,hill`NESOTA S520Z . ��� ._..__._ _ . _---..___._._...�.....__. .._--------------....�._.._�....�,_._ . -- -_._.. __. ---�------------� _ . _--�..�-�..�....,...- . - � ���//� �'`��>.; � ' ' CtTY OF SAINT PAU� �o �K7 =4'` IAA 1��• � 1 • • . �; �, � OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY =:� iiii�iii ii' +''. �� . ��� EDWARD P. STARR, CITY ATTORNEY ..; ��:,.. �„��F` 647 City Hall,Saint Paul,Mirtnesota 55102 GEORGE LATIMER - 612-29&5127 MAYOR � August 1 , 1985 Honorabl William W'lson Counci 7th Flo r � City Ha 1 Dear Co cilman Wil on: ; This is in response to your letter of August 13, 1985 requesting advice in rela ion to the our proposed resolu�tions transferring funds from . the Ci Council�s ortion of the budget -to �he Department of C�»n�ty Service . The Co cil in adop ing the 1985 budget allocated $5,0�8 to be used bs each " council erson for p king purposes. The resolutionst purpose is to trans- � fer $72 , each, to e used by the Department for parks and recreation �= PurPose _,._. , The Ci Charter, s ction 10.07.�F, provides that transfers from ✓department to dep tme�.t may b accomplished upon the recoBUaendation of �e Mayor and the app oval of tlie City Council. Coun.cil approval is in �he form of a � resolut on and req res four affirmative votes. Althoug the Counc'1 may designate a specific purpose in ena�ting or amending • °tha bu et, the Ma or may transfer funds wi�hin a departmental budget withou� � • . prior �a pr�val of he Council. Therefore although the Council may designate . a spec' ic._use in he budget amendment, the Mayor may exercise his discretion and tr sfer the f c7s witb.in the Departmental budget and use i�t for another pv.rpos . I am a ised that 11 four resolutions have received �he Mayorts recowmendation and th refore are roperl� before the Council. The Council may approve �he transf rs if the r qu.isite four affirmative votes are preseut. . ' � � - Ve�y � y yours, � �� ' , . SEG ' ssist t C' tt rney , ; cc: M yor, City C uncil, City Clerk, Budget Dixect�r, Community Serv�ces Director